5 Tips for Working from Home

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http://www.mworker.com/en/5-tips-for-working-from-home/ Mobile working means different things to different people. For some of us it means working in different places, objects, or even cities or countries on daily basis. For others, it means working from home most of the days. Work from home may sound luring for many, who haven’t experienced it, but the experienced ones know all the challenges of working from home. We have asked some of our colleagues, who work from home, for advice. These people have years of experience of mobile working and great project management skills. How to work from home successfully? Here are 5 tips for working from home that most of them seem to agree with. 1. Get up on time. If you thought that sleeping in was the beauty of work from home that may not be the case. According to our experienced experts, working from home is only manageable if you actually have your office hours and stick to them. Otherwise you end up with work piling up and working in the evenings or weekends more than you should. So, don’t throw that alarm clock away just yet. 2. Get ready for work just like you would if you were going to an office. Staying in your pajamas all day does not seem to boost your productivity. Quite the contrary, our experts agree that they are most productive if they actually prepare for work just the way they would if they were working in an office. So, dress like you would if you were going to work. 3. Have a dedicated work place at home and keep it organized. Dedicated place will help you focus your mind and be more determined to do actual work. Tidy place will help you stay focused and achieve more. Organize your table so it has nothing just the needed tools to do your job. That will help you stay more effective and have the evening for yourself. 4. Plan your day and keep to your schedule. Have a clear plan what you want to achieve in a day. It can be as simple as a list of tasks on paper that you will cross out as you complete it. Focus on most important tasks or quick tasks and complete them first. The rest of the day you will be able to dedicate for bigger projects and stay more focused. 5. Finish work and rest. Be careful not to overwork and continue working beyond limits. You should still take some time for personal life, rest and get energy for a new day. Plan the work hours and stick to them.

Transcript of 5 Tips for Working from Home

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5 tips for working from home

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Mobile working means different things to different people. For some of us it means working in different places, objects, or even cities or countries on daily basis. For others, it means working from home most of the days. Work from home may sound luring for many, who haven’t experienced it, but the experienced ones know all the challenges of working from home.

We have asked some of our colleagues, who work from home for advice. How to work from home successfully? Here are a few tips that most of them seem to agree with.

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1. Get up on time

• If you thought that sleeping in was the beauty of work from home that may not be the case. According to our experienced experts, working from home is only manageable if you actually have your office hours and stick to them. Otherwise you end up with work piling up and working in the evenings or weekends more than you should. So, don’t throw that alarm clock away just yet.

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2. Get ready for work just like you would if you were going to an office

• Staying in your pajamas all day does not seem to boost your productivity. Quite the contrary, our experts agree that they are most productive if they actually prepare for work just the way they would if they were working in an office. So, dress like you would if you were going to work

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3. Have a dedicated work place at home and keep it organized

• Dedicated place will help you focus your mind and be more determined to do actual work. Tidy place will help you stay focused and achieve more. Organize your table so it has nothing just the needed tools to do your job. That will help you stay more effective and have the evening for yourself.

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4. Plan your day and keep to your schedule

• Have a clear plan what you want to achieve in a day. It can be as simple as a list of tasks on paper that you will cross out as you complete it. Focus on most important tasks or quick tasks and complete them first. The rest of the day you will be able to dedicate for bigger projects and stay more focused.

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5. Finish work and rest

• Be careful not to overwork and continue working beyond limits. You should still take some time for personal life, rest and get energy for a new day. Plan the work hours and stick to them.

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