5 Structural Arrangement

8.5 Structural arrangement of foundation Based on structural arrangement of foundations, the various type of foundations are possible. The necessity of erecting towers on a variety of soils has made it possible and necessary for the designers to adopt new innovations and techniques. As a result, several types of tower foundations have been devised and successfully used. Some of the more common types of foundations are described below. P.C.C. types This type of foundation consists of a plain concrete footing pad with reinforced chimney. They is as shown in figure. In this type of foundation, the stub angle is taken inside and effectively anchored to the bottom pad by cleat angles and / or keying rods and the chimney with reinforcement and stub angle inside works as a composite member. The pad may be either pyramidal in shape as shown in Figure 8.1(a) or stepped as shown in Figure 8.1(b). Stepped footings will require less shuttering materials but need more attention during construction to avoid cold joints between the steps. The pyramidal footings on the other hand will require somewhat costlier formwork. In this pad and chimney type footing, where the chimney is comparatively slender, the lateral load acting at the top of the chimney will cause bending moment and, therefore the chimney should be checked for combined stress due to direct pull / thrust and bending. If the soil is very hard, conglomerate of soil, containing stones, rubbles, kankar which can be loosened with the help of pick-axe or if the soil is of composite nature i.e. combination of normal dry soil, hard murrum, fissured rock which will not get unified easily with the parent soil after back filling, pyramid chimney type foundations having 150m side clearance are not advisable and in



Transcript of 5 Structural Arrangement

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    8.5 Structural arrangement of foundation

    Based on structural arrangement of foundations, the various type of

    foundations are possible. The necessity of erecting towers on a variety of soils

    has made it possible and necessary for the designers to adopt new innovations

    and techniques. As a result, several types of tower foundations have been

    devised and successfully used. Some of the more common types of foundations

    are described below.

    P.C.C. types

    This type of foundation consists of a plain concrete footing pad with

    reinforced chimney. They is as shown in figure. In this type of foundation, the

    stub angle is taken inside and effectively anchored to the bottom pad by cleat

    angles and / or keying rods and the chimney with reinforcement and stub angle

    inside works as a composite member. The pad may be either pyramidal in shape

    as shown in Figure 8.1(a) or stepped as shown in Figure 8.1(b). Stepped footings

    will require less shuttering materials but need more attention during construction

    to avoid cold joints between the steps. The pyramidal footings on the other hand

    will require somewhat costlier formwork. In this pad and chimney type footing,

    where the chimney is comparatively slender, the lateral load acting at the top of

    the chimney will cause bending moment and, therefore the chimney should be

    checked for combined stress due to direct pull / thrust and bending.

    If the soil is very hard, conglomerate of soil, containing stones, rubbles,

    kankar which can be loosened with the help of pick-axe or if the soil is of

    composite nature i.e. combination of normal dry soil, hard murrum, fissured rock

    which will not get unified easily with the parent soil after back filling, pyramid

    chimney type foundations having 150m side clearance are not advisable and in

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    such cases undercut / stepped footings without side clearance should be


    Figure 8.1(a)

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    Figure 8.1(b)

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    R.C.C. spread type

    Typical types of R.C.C spread footings are shown in figure 8.2. It consists

    of a R.C.C base slab or mat and requires a square chimney.

    There are several types of R.C.C spread footings which can be designed

    for tower foundations. The three most common types of these are shown in figure

    8.2(a), (b) and (c). As shown in figures, this type of foundation can be either

    single step type or multiple step type and / or chamfered step type.

    The R.C.C spread type footing can be suitably designed for variety of soil

    conditions. R.C.C footings in some situations may be higher in cost although

    structurally these are the best.

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    Figure 8.2(a)

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    Figure 8.2(b)

    When loads on foundations are heavy and / or soil is poor, the pyramidtype foundations may not be feasible from techno-economical considerations and

    under such situations, R.C.C spread type footings are technically superior and

    also economical. R.C.C spread footing with bottom step/slab when cast in

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    contact with inner surface of excavated soil will offer higher uplift resistance as

    compared to the footing having 150mm side clearance as shown in figure 8.2(c)

    Figure 8.2 (c)

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    Block type

    This type of foundation is shown in fig 8.3 and fig 8.5(a). It consists of a

    chimney and block of concrete. This type of foundation is usually provided where

    soft rock and hard rock are strata are encountered at the tower location. In this

    type of foundation, concrete is poured in direct contact with the inner surfaces of

    the excavated rock so that concrete develops bond with rock. The bond between

    concrete and rock provides the uplift resistance in this type of footing. The

    thickness and size of the block is decided based on uplift capacity of foundation

    and bearing area required.

    It is advisable to have footing with a minimum depth of about 1.5m below

    ground level and check this foundation for the failure of bond between rock and

    concrete. The values of ultimate bond stress between the rock and the concrete

    to be considered for various types of rocks are given in Table 8.2 of Annexure for

    guidance. However, the actual bond stress between rock and concrete can be

    decided by tests.

    Block type foundations are being provided by some power utilities for soft

    and hard rock strata. However, under cut type of foundations for soft rock and

    rock anchor type of foundations for hard rock are sometimes preferred by some

    power utilities because of their soundness though these are more costly in

    comparison with Block type foundations.

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    Figure 8.3

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    Table: 8.2 Bond stress as per IS: 456-2000

    (1) Limit bond stress between concrete and reinforcement steeldeformed in tension of grade Fe415 (conforming to IS:1786-1985and 1139-1165)

    (a) With M15 Mix

    (b) With M 20 Mix

    Note: For bars in compression the above values shall be increasedby 25%

    16.0 kg/cm2

    19.5 kg/cm2

    (2) Limit bond stress between concrete and stubs in tension with

    (a) M15 Mix

    (b) M20 Mix

    For compression above values will be increased by 25%

    10.0 kg/cm2

    12.0 kg/cm2

    (3) Limit bond stress between rock and concrete

    (a) In Fissured rock

    (b) In Hard rock

    1.5 kg/cm2

    4.0 kg/cm2

    (4) Limit bond stress between hard rock and grout 2.0 kg/cm2

    Under cut type

    These types of foundations are shown in figures 8.4(a), (b), (c). These are

    constructed by making under-cut in soil / rock at foundation level. This type of

    foundation is very useful in normal dry cohesive soil, hard murrum, fissured / soft

    rock, soils mixed with clinker, where soil is not collapsible type i.e. it can

    understand by itself. A footing with an under-cut generally develops higher uplift

    resistance compared to that of an identical footing without under-cut. This is due

    to hte anchorage in un disturbed virgin soil. The size of under-cut shall not be

    less than 1.50mm. At the discretion of utility and based on the cohesiveness of

    the normal dry soil, the owner may permit undercut type of foundation for normal

    and cohesive soil.

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    Figure 8.4(a)

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    Figure 8.4(b)

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    Figure 8.4(c)

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    Grouted rock and Rock anchor type

    Typical Grouted rock and Rock anchor type footing is shown in figure

    8.5(b). This type of footing is suitable when the rock is very hard. It consists of

    two parts viz., Block of small depth followed by anchor bars embedded in the

    grouted anchor holes. The top part of the bar is embedded in the concrete of the

    shallow block. The depth of embedment, diameter and number of anchor bars

    will depend upon the uplift force on the footing. The diameter shall not be less

    than 12mm. The grouting hole shall normally be 20mm more than diameter of the


    The determination of whether a rock formation is suitable for installation of

    rock anchors is an engineering judgement based on rock quality. Since, the

    bearing capacity of rock is usually much greater, care must be exercised in

    designing for uplift. The rock surfaces may be roughened grooved or shaped to

    increase the uplift capacity.

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    Figure 8.5(a)

    The uplift resistance will be determined by considering the bond

    reinforcement bar and grout / concrete. However, an independent check for uplift

    resistance should be carried out by considering the bond between rock and

    concrete block which in turn will determine the minimum depth of concrete block

    to be provided in hard rock. Anchor strength can be substantially increased by

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    provision of mechanical anchorages, such as use of eye-bolt, fox bolt, or

    threaded rods as anchoring bars or use of keying rods in case or stub angle

    anchoring . The effective anchoring strength should preferably be determined by


    Figure 8.5(b)

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    Augur type / under-reamed pile type

    Typical types of foundation are shown in figure 8.6(a). The cast-in-siut

    reinforced concrete augured footins has been extensively used in some western

    countries like USA, Canada and many Asian countries. The primary benefits

    derived from this type of foundations are the saving in time and manpower.

    Usually a truck mounted power augur is utilized to drill a circular hole of required

    diameter, the lower portion of this may be belled, if required, to a larger diameter

    to increase the uplift resistance of the footing. Holes can be driven upto one

    meter in diameter and six meter deep. Since, the excavated hole has to stand for

    some time before reinforcing bars and cage can be placed in position and

    concrete poured. Usually, stiff clays and dense sands are capable of being drilled

    and standing up sufficiently long for concreting works and installation of stub

    angle or anchor bolts, whereas loose granular materials may give trouble during

    construction of these footings. Betonies slurry or similar material is used to

    stabilize the drilled hole. In soft soils, a steel casing can also be lowered into the

    hole as the excavation proceeds to hold the hole open.

    The friction along the surface of the shalt alone provides uplift resistance

    of augured footing without bell and hence its capacity to resist uplift is limited.

    Augured footing can be constructed according to the requirements, vertical or

    battered and with or without expanded base.

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    Figure 8.6(a)

    Under-reamed pile type

    The under-reamed piles are more or less similar to augured footings

    except that they have under reaming above bottom of shaft. These can be

    generally constructed with hand augur. The bore is drilled vertically or at a batter

    with the augur, having an arrangement of cutting flanges (edges) to be opened

    by the lever. This arrangement makes it possible to make under-reams at various

    levels of bores as shown in fig 8.6(b). The advantage of this foundation is faster


    The load carrying capacity of these footings, both for downward and uplift

    forces should be established by tests. The safe loads allowed on under-reamed

    piles of length 3.50m and under-reamed to 2.5 times shaft diameter in clayey,

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    black cotton and medium dense sandy soils may be taken from IS: 4091 for


    Figure 8.6(b)

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    Pile type

    A typical pile type is shown in Figure 8.7. This type of foundation is usually

    adopted when soil isvery weak and has very poor bearing capacity or foundation

    has to be located in filled-up soil or sea mud to a large depth or where tower

    location falls within river bed and creek bed which are likely to get scoured

    during floods. The pile foundations are designed based on the data of soil

    exploration at the tower location. The important parameter for the design of pile

    foundation the type of soil, angle of internal friction, cohesion and unit weight of

    soil at various depths along the shaft of pile, maximum discharge of the river,

    maximum velocity of water, high flood level, scour depth etc.

    Pile foundation usually costs more and may be adopted only after the

    detailed examination of the site condition and soil data. The downward vertical

    load on the foundation is carried by the dead weight of the concrete in piles and

    pile caps and frictional resistance between pile and soil surrounding the pile. For

    carrying heavy lateral loads, battered piles may be advantageously used. Piles

    are of different types such as driven pre-cast files, cast-in-situ concrete bored

    piles and cast-in-situ concrete driven piles, concrete driven piles whether pr-cast

    or cast-in-situ, require heavy machinery for their construction and as such may

    no be possible to use for transmission line foundations because of the

    remoteness of the sites and small volume of work. Mostly, cast-in-situ concrete

    bored piles are provided in transmission line projects since, they do not require

    heavy machinery for their construction.

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    Figure 8.7