5 Strange election campaign strategies

5 strange election campaign 5 strange election campaign strategies strategies


The basis of a good campaign strategy is, first, to recognize the reality of the campaign or broader context in which the campaign is being run. This basis for the campaign helps dictate what the campaign will look like, how it is organized, and the role of political consultants in each campaign. To know more visit www.facebook.com/centinello

Transcript of 5 Strange election campaign strategies

  • 5 strange election campaign strategies

  • Election campaigns are usually for crafting new strategies for winning the election. There have been many strategies we have seen in which some of them was a failure and some of them was successful. Here we point out 5 strange or insane strategies which were used and was successful.

  • Jon Gnarr Gets Elected With a Stephen Colbert-Style Campaign.

  • Ronald Reagan Steals Debate Notes from Jimmy Carter.

  • Francois Hollande Wins the Presidency With an Insanely Offensive Rap Song.

  • Boris Yeltsin Wins the Election With a Brazilian Soap Opera.

  • William Hale Thompson Stages a Political Comeback by Debating Rats.

  • Election campaigns can come up with these kinds of strategies and make the campaign a successful one. All you need is a successful campaign manager.

    Dan Centinello is a brilliant, experienced and skilled campaign manager. He has experience in this field for over a decade. Dan Centinello has turned out to be an expert on national & international political campaigns.
