5 Qualities of Great Entrepreneurs

5 Common Characteristics of Great Entrepreneurs

Transcript of 5 Qualities of Great Entrepreneurs

5 Common Characteristics

of Great Entrepreneurs

TENACITY The ability to deal with repeated failure.

“It’s fine to celebrate

success but it is more

important to heed the

lessons of failure.” - Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft

PASSION Fueled by a product or service; by the opportunity

to make life easier, better, cheaper.

“Sweat equity is the most

valuable equity there is.

Know your business better

than anyone else. Love what

you do or don’t do it.” - Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks


FEARLESS The ability to withstand uncertainty or failure; to

take risks and believe in your idea despite opposition; being confident in yourself and your


“If someone offers you

an amazing opportunity

and you’re not sure you

can do it, say yes – then

learn how to do it later.” Richard Branson, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines

VISION The ability to spot an opportunity and see

something that others do not see; identifying overlooked niches, imagining a solution, and

communicating that to stakeholders.

“Because the people who

are crazy enough to think

they can change the

world, are the ones that

do.” - Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple

REBELLIOUS The willingness to break the rules of conventional

wisdom or practice; ignoring the usual constraints; smart and aggressive.

“If everybody else is

doing it one way, you can

find your niche by going

in exactly the opposite

direction.” - Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart



Fearless Vision



“Entrepreneurship is the

pursuit of opportunity

without regard to resources

currently controlled.”

- Professor Howard Steven, Harvard