5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer



Summer is always the time of the year where money just seems to vanish straight out of your wallet. How does that happen? There is always another concert or bonfire to attend, so here are some ways to save money this summer so that you won’t have to scrap for change in order to hang this year. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer

Page 1: 5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer
Page 2: 5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer

Summer is always the time of the year where money just seems to vanish straight out of your wallet. How does that happen? There is always another concert or bonfire to attend, so here are some ways to save money this summer so that you won’t have to scrap for change in order to hang this year.

Page 3: 5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer

Ride Your Bike!

Bike riding is a great way to save money. Without having to pay for gas, all of that extra cash goes directly back into your banking account. Attach a cute basket and give your pup a ride to the park or take a quick trip to the grocery store. Plus, you also get a fun and easy way to stay healthy!

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Catch The Matinee

Skip the late night showings and watch them in the morning! The matinee is about three or so dollars less than the later showings. It doesn’t sound like much, but it really does add up! Oh and another secret of mine? Bring your own snacks!

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Skip The Fast Food

A lot of people say that fast food is much easier than cooking at home. It is faster, cheaper, and more convenient. At the time, a burger and fries is pretty cheap. But I had to figure out the hard way that fast food really does add up relatively quick.

Once, I decided to keep track for two weeks to see exactly how much money I had spent only on fast food. Guess how much I spent? A little more than $160. Yeah.

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Finding Coupons On GivingAssistant.org

Giving Assistant is really cool because it rewards those who are responsible shoppers with coupons but also allows you to give back to the charity of your own choosing! The website is set up so well so finding coupons and giving back to charity seamless.

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Make A Budget

This is a lot easier than what it sounds like. A budget seems to be putting you on a short leash. That is why many people don’t like the idea of having one.

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These are some of the best ways that I like to save money throughout the summer. So there should be plenty of money for all of those conventions and music festivals I want to go to this year! Happy savings Millennials! For complete article visit - 5 Of The Easiest Ways To Save Money This Summer

Article originally published At Missmillmag.com