5-MINUTE PALEOcftldu-5-minute-paleo.s3.amazonaws.com/5-minute-paleo.pdf · INTRODUCTION Little...


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Page 2: 5-MINUTE PALEOcftldu-5-minute-paleo.s3.amazonaws.com/5-minute-paleo.pdf · INTRODUCTION Little steps can make a big difference, so every week with our weekly newsletter, we send out

INTRODUCTIONLittle steps can make a big difference, so every week with our weekly newsletter, we send out a 5-minute Paleo featuring one little thing you can do right now to support a healthy lifestyle.

We have now been sending out a 5-minute Paleo capsule for a full year. To commemorate, we compiled all of our 5-minute Paleo capsules so far into this handy document. This way you’ll be able to catch up what you missed if you were not already receiving our weekly newsletter.

Enjoy these simple tips and tricks and be sure to stay subscribed to keep on receiving new tips in your inbox every week!

CONTENTSF.lux 4Write your shopping list 4Try a New Spice 5Take a Stretch Break 5Make a list 6Easy snack 6Lemon water 7Take a Deep Breath 7Set a goal 8Find a farm 8Set a Bedtime Alarm 9Boil some Eggs 9Foot massage 10Take a Beauty Break 10Journal It 11Check your Freezer 11Make some Tea 12Treat your Olive Oil Right 12Soak your Liver 13Save your Bacon Fat 13Taste Your Food 14Manage your Screen Time 14Check Your Lids 15Egg Meditation 15Hug Someone 16Stand Up 16Schedule a Break 17Turn Off the TV 17Protect your Eyes 18

Write it Down 18Halloween Plans 19Pause and Reflect 19Check your Tea 20Emergency Fish 20Belly Laugh 21Stocking Stuffers 21Peppermint Pick-Me-Up 22Skip the Heels 22Leftover Triage 23Beautiful Broth 23Tell a Story 24Squat it Out 24Bedtime Cool-Down 25Make Something 25Posture Support 26Pamper your Psoas 26Orange Glasses 27Hidden Motivation 27Replace Caffeine 28Think Forward 28The Role Model Test 29Positive Attention 29

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5-MINUTE PALEOCOPYRIGHTS & DISCLAIMERAll contents copyright © 2014 by Paleo Leap, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer: All material in this document is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed in this document is believed to be accurate, based on the best judgment available to the author, and readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries or health issues.

The author and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of the material in this document.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements contained in this document.

Food Handling: Please use great caution and sanitary practices when handling food products. Refer to your government’s or health department’s safe food handling guidelines. Wash your hands and surfaces thoroughly before and after handling any food product.

Cooking instructions and directions referred to in this document are offered as guidelines only. Use your best judgment and proper discretion when preparing or consuming any food. We do not advise eating any eggs, meat or seafood that has not been properly handled or cooked. Eating something undercooked or raw is to be done at your own discretion.

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Install f.lux on your computer, so late-night screen time doesn’t throw off your natural sleep cycle. It takes less than 5 minutes - what do you have to



Take 5 minutes and jot down your shopping list for this week. A full fridge makes healthy meal planning so much easier, and research shows*

that you’ll be 45.7% less tempted by cheap delivery food if you have fresh ingredients at your

fingertips. Stick your list in the car until grocery day, and you’ll have it right on hand when you

walk into the canned foods aisle thinking “what did I want from here again...?”


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Cook something with dukkah. Or fenugreek. Or any other spice you haven’t tried (here’s a list to get you started). Paleo should be delicious, not

boring: new spices can jazz up old favorite dishes, or give you exciting ideas for new ones.


Take a 5-minute stretch break - stand up, roll your shoulders around, and do a couple of air squats, or just take a lap around the office. Sitting all day is terrible for your body, but you can avoid most of the damage just by taking the time to stretch

every half hour or so throughout the day.

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List just 3 reasons why you’re committed to your own health. It’s easy to get caught up in external reasons like wanting to look good, but intrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from your

own inner commitment) is much more powerful in the long run. Put the list somewhere visible, so you can look back at it when you’re feeling

discouraged and need a reminder to stick with it.


Chop 2-3 carrots into bite-size sticks, and store them in a separate baggie in the fridge. The next time you’re feeling snacky, you’ll open the fridge

door and see a healthy, crunchy Paleo option ready and waiting.

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Make some lemon water. To do this, just chop a lemon in half and squeeze it into a jug of water.

Cut the squeezed halves of the lemon into smaller slices and throw them into the jug, then leave it in your fridge to chill. After a few hours, you’ll have

a delicious, refreshing drink that’s much healthier than commercial lemon drinks, even the diet kind.


Simply stop where you are, close your eyes, and pull a deep breath of air right down into your

stomach. Hold it for a few seconds, then blow it out through your mouth. Repeat for a few breaths. Deep breathing helps control stress, and it leaves your mind clear and ready to go without the need

for caffeine or other stimulants.

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Resolutions aren’t just for January 1st: page through this article for goal-setting tips and

strategies. Then pick something you’d like to improve in your life and stick a number on it! This

is great for staying motivated to stick with the diet, and gives you the sense that you’re accomplishing

something awesome for your health, not just treading water.


Go to the Local Harvest website and plug in your zip code to get a list of local farms, farmers’ markets, and CSAs. Pick the one that looks the most convenient, and spend a couple minutes clicking around on the website - you might be

surprised at how accessible and affordable local food really is.

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That’s exactly what it sounds like - instead of an alarm to wake you up, it’s an alarm to remind you to hit the sack. This prevents that sinking feeling when you realize it’s already 11:30 and you have to get up at 5 for work, and helps you get into a routine of winding down for a relaxing night of



Boil a few eggs and just leave them in your fridge. To avoid gray or chalky yolks, don’t boil the water and then throw in the eggs. Instead, put the eggs

in cold water, bring it to a boil, then turn the stove off and let the eggs sit for 15 minutes while you do something else. Enjoy your perfect golden yolks as

a healthy breakfast or snack on the run.

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Give yourself a foot massage. According to massage therapy tradition, nerve endings on the bottom of the foot are connected to every major organ in the body, so foot massage can have far-

reaching health benefits, but even if it doesn’t actually stimulate digestion or tonsil health, a foot

rub just plain feels good and it’s a perfect stress-buster after a long day.


This tip is borrowed from Geneen Roth: take a beauty break. Often we turn to food just to add

something enjoyable into the daily grind. Instead of trying to ignore your perfectly normal desire for pleasure, indulge it in a different way: give yourself

5 minutes to appreciate something you find beautiful, whether it’s the smell of your favorite

perfume, a picture of someone you love, or a song that you can’t get enough of listening to.

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Keep a food emotion journal: every time you get the urge to eat, just take a few seconds to jot

down how you feel at the time, both your physical sensations of hunger and your emotions. Are

you eating because your body is hungry, or are you trying to hide some kind of uncomfortable

feelings? Do this for just one day and you might be surprised at what you discover.


Quickly open your freezer and see if there’s anything in there you’d completely forgotten about. A big container of bones you meant to

make stock with? A couple pounds of meat you’d forgotten about? Try to find a way to use at least

one thing this week; re-discovering these little surprises is a great way to save on the grocery bill.

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Brew up a cup of tea, whether it’s iced or hot. Tea is a healthy replacement for soft drinks when

you’re hankering for something besides water, and there’s a flavor for everyone, from fruity herbal

blends to sharp green tea, spicy chai, and classic Earl Gray.


If you have one big bottle, separate out a few meals’ worth of oil to keep on your counter, and stick the big container in the fridge where it’s in

less danger of oxidizing. Pour out more into your small container as you need it. The olive oil may

thicken in the fridge; this is normal and nothing to worry about (although contrary to popular belief, it isn’t a foolproof test for determing whether the

oil is contaminated or not).

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Liver is one of the most amazing foods on the planet for your health, but the taste takes a little

getting used to. If you have a pound or two of liver in the freezer that you’ve been guilty of

avoiding because of the taste, here’s a tip for you: before you eat it, soak it in an acidic liquid (milk

is fine; you could also use water with a couple tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar). If you’re

going to have liver for dinner, just take it out in the morning and set it to soak. This makes the flavor a

little milder and easier to stomach.


Cooks the world over used to save their extra bacon fat to cook with for another meal, and

get twice the bacon flavor for their money. This is really the healthiest way to eat bacon - as a

condiment instead of as a main dish - and it nets you some free cooking fat in the process. So the next time you fry up a batch of bacon, save the

fat and use it later: it’s delicious on top of a baked sweet potato, or use it as cooking fat for any kind

of vegetables that need some extra jazz.

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We all spend so much time rushing around that it’s easy to eat everything on the run. Breakfast in the car, lunch at your desk, dinner in front of the computer. But when you make such a huge effort to eat well, you owe yourself the pleasure

of enjoying your food as well. So even if you think you don’t have time to savor a whole meal, give yourself 5 minutes at the start to just take a few bites slowly and mindfully, and really relish the experience. You might even love it so much that

you decide you can make time for the whole meal after all!


With a recent talk at the Ancestral Health Symposium arguing that Facebook can be just as bad for your health as a lousy diet, it’s time to re-evaluate how much time you spend on social media, and give yourself a hand if you

need to cut back. Losing track of time online is easy, but fortunately there are a lot of add-ons and programs to help you manage your late-

night Facebook sessions: here’s a handy guide from Lifehacker to some popular choices. If your online life is preventing you from getting enough sleep, having time to cook, or just spending time with real people in the real world, consider giving

yourself a time-out.

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In the spirit of using leftovers this week, there’s no time like the present to take control of your

Tupperware collection and make sure your kitchen is optimally set up to store and use every

bite of food you cook. If you have any piles of tupperware shoved randomly under the sink or into a cupboard, take them out and stack them

neatly - and make sure everything has a lid to go with it. They’ll be a lot easier to use when they’re

organized and ready to go.


Life is busy. Realistically speaking, half an hour of focused meditation just isn’t always in the

cards. But the next time you cook with eggs, try this simple technique to add a bit of zen to the day. Pick just one egg. Nestle it into the palm of your hand, and close your fingers gently around it. Close your eyes, and feel the weight of the egg in your palm. Remind yourself of how much you appreciate such a delicious, healthy, fresh food. And then open your eyes and enjoy your eggs!

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Sometimes, all it takes is one tiny act of kindness to turn your own - or someone else’s - day around.

It’s a little personal miracle every time someone else brings that into your life, but why not take

the initiative and make it happen yourself? Take a minute to hug someone going through a rough

spot, or to ask for a hug if you need one yourself. If it doesn’t work, what have you lost?


We all know that too much sitting is bad for us. Not everyone can change the fact that they

have to sit down for work or school, but you can significantly reduce the damage just by standing

up once in a while to get your blood flowing again. Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’re

sitting down: stand up right now, shake out your legs, and take a deep breath. Maybe even set a

timer on your computer reminding you to stand up every hour or so. It’s a little change, but if you turn

it into a habit, it makes a big difference.

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Are you finding that you “just don’t have time?” to relax and let go some of your stress for the day?

Get around the “don’t have time” issue by making time: literally write in a “break” in your daily

schedule, and treat it as another appointment, just like a meeting or an errand you have to run. Your “break” can be as long or short as you like, but during that time, you have to let yourself do

whatever you want, without feeling guilty about it.


This isn’t even a 5-minute Paleo; it’s more of a 30-second Paleo: just reach over and hit the

“off” button on the remote. In fact, it might not even take any time at all, if the TV isn’t running

yet - just don’t turn it on today (and no cheating with Hulu on your computer!). TV time is one of the major forces behind our modern sedentary

lifestyle, not to mention the constant flow of food advertisements that just reinforce cravings for

junk food. What you do instead is up to you: take a walk, read a book, or just enjoy a rare moment of

peace and quiet.

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Chances are, this email is only the latest in a long string of things you’ve read on a computer screen today. Computer screens are certainly convenient,

but they’re not so great on your eyes - long-term computer work can lead to eyestrain, headaches, and overall fatigue. Fortunately, there’s a simple answer: just look away once in a while! Every 30 minutes to 1 hour, try to spend a minute or two looking at something significantly farther away than your computer, like a building you can see out the window or a painting across the room.

Two quick tools to help you make this happen are ProtectYourVision (to use online) and WorkRave (if

you’d prefer a download).


Knowledge is power - the more you know about yourself, the better you’ll be able to take charge

of your own life. This week, give your knowledge a little boost by keeping a record of when and why

you felt tempted to eat something unhealthy. Just jot it down on a post-it or a scrap of paper: “I felt lonely so I wanted a brownie; 11am on Tuesday.” At the end of the week, you’ll have a personalized

record of exactly what might tempt you into eating junk, and you can come up with a custom-made plan to handle those temptations the next time

they crop up.

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What’s your plan for dealing with the approaching candy apocalypse? You do have a plan...right? If you don’t, now the time to get on it - before the

big night itself. Decide on something you can realistically live with (“I will stay home alone

and sob into my spinach while daydreaming of Skittles” doesn’t count!), and write it down, so you can go into the holiday feeling confident and ready to enjoy yourself. With a plan already set, you’ll be much more likely to make good decisions on the

31st, without spoiling your own (or anyone else’s) fun.


How did Halloween go for you? Did you get sidetracked one way or the other into eating

something you regretted the next day? If you did, no big deal: now’s the time to pick yourself up and learn from the experience so you don’t repeat the

mistake. Halloween is a great “practice run” for the upcoming holiday season: if you learn from this experience, you’ll head into the next round better prepared. So take 5 minutes to jot down

what worked, what didn’t, and what you might do better when you’re planning for Thanksgiving in a


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Tea is completely fine from a Paleo perspective - this isn’t a warning about the dangers of Earl

Gray. But if you check the ingredients list on your favorite box of tea bags, you might be surprised to find artificial sweeteners, strange “flavoring

agents,” and even soy products lurking inside! This is especially common with fruity herbal teas, but

it can sneak up on you anywhere. So the next time you pull out your mug, take a quick glance at the

label to make sure you aren’t accidentally drinking something that isn’t healthy.


Some days, you just don’t have the energy to play Paleo Chef: you need a way to put dinner on the table with absolutely minimal effort. These are the days when you’ll be most tempted to order pizza - so plan for them in advance. It only takes 5 minutes. Take the time now to find a quick and

tasty recipe that uses canned fish and a few other basic ingredients you know you’ll always have

ready. Tape it to the can, along with a bag of your favorite stress-busting tea and a quote that cheers

you up. If you don’t have a can of fish already in your pantry, tape the recipe to the fridge so you’ll

remember to pick one up on your next grocery trip. That way, you’ll always have an emergency

reserve for bad kitchen days, and you’ll never have to resort to ordering junk.

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What makes you giggle? Is it cat videos? Political cartoons? Stand-up comedy on YouTube?

Whatever it is, set aside just 5 minutes today to indulge in a guilt-free moment of enjoying

yourself. It’s a wonderful stressbuster, and helps keep everything in perspective during a time of year that can be incredibly hectic and

astonishingly joyful all at once.


Giving your friends and relatives “get-healthy” presents can quickly backfire: it’s the wrong time

and the wrong place, and the “gift” tends to be perceived as thinly-veiled pressure or criticism of

the recipient. So instead of giving people big-ticket Paleo presents, why not try for healthy stocking-

stuffers instead, where there’s less emotional weight attached. Replace candy with gourmet tea bags or sample jars of spices, swap novelty

toys for useful kitchen utensils, or throw in a few all-natural beauty products to painlessly replace

harsher cosmetics.

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For a little moment of healthy seasonal cheer this week, try a quick boost of peppermint oil aromatherapy. Rub a drop or two into a sore

muscle for all-natural cramp relief, or dab it on your wrists for a quick mood and energy boost and a dose of holiday spirit. Peppermint is also

excellent for digestion - a hot mug of peppermint tea can be just the trick for an upset stomach.


High heels might be fashionable, but they aren’t doing your feet any favors - forcing your heels up

throws your whole back out of alignment and contributes to pain and postural issues down the line. So instead of reaching for the heels the next time you dress up, why not go for a cute pair of

flats instead? You’ll enjoy a party more if your feet aren’t aching, and your back will thank you down

the line.

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If you haven’t done it already, there’s no time like the present for getting all your holiday leftovers organized, labeled, and packed up ready to use so they won’t go to waste. Take a look through

your fridge, and make sure you’ve stored anything you want to keep (put it in the freezer if you’re

not going to use it within a few days). Throw out whatever you just won’t eat, and if you’re stumped

for recipe ideas, take a look at some ways to use up those leftovers without getting repetitive.


With the winter snowstorm and the remarkably cold temperatures this week, it’s the perfect time to set a big pot of bone broth to simmer away on

the stove until you’re ready to drink it straight from your favorite mug or add it to a comforting

soup recipe. It doesn’t even take 5 minutes of work to make a basic broth: all you have to do is put

some bones in a pot and cover them with water! The recipe is right here, so dig out your stock pot

and get ready to enjoy a steaming hot winter treat.

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Our brains love stories. We’re innately driven to seek out connections, reasons, and chains of

cause and effect, and a well-told story hits all of those buttons and more. This has actually been

measured: telling or hearing a story engages many more areas of our brain than just rattling off a

list of facts (you can read more about this here, if you’re interested). So this week, keep your brain

happy by engaging it with a really good story. Whether it’s a short story someone else wrote, a bedtime story you tell to your kids, or just a silly

story you make up to yourself while you’re cooking dinner, take your brain out to play and enjoy it!


Can you do a full-fledged, heels-on-the-floor, glutes-to-the-ground squat? A surprising number of people have a lot of trouble with this position,

even though squatting is one of the most fundamental and natural human movements. So if you can do a full squat, take a minute or two today to just drop down and rest there, letting your body

take a break from the artificial biomechanics of sitting in a chair. And if you can’t do a full squat,

just take a minute or two every day to stretch out your legs and go down as far as you can; slowly

but surely, your body will re-learn how to make it happen.

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You wouldn’t work out without a cool-down afterward. So why do we all expect our bodies to go, go, go right up until bedtime, and then

abruptly switch from “on” to “off” at our convenience? For a good night of sleep, it’s much

better to spend some time winding down and getting ready for bed. One simple thing you can do is just a few minutes of stretches just before

you hit the sack. Turn the lights down, lie on the floor, and try a few gentle movements - you might

be surprised at what you learn about your body this way, and how much easier it is to fall asleep



Human beings have always been producers and consumers. But in the age of store-bought

clothing, store-bought tools, store-bought gifts, and pre-made food, we’ve lost touch with the

tangible satisfaction of handcrafting something beautiful, or useful - or both. So this week, get out your knitting needles, your hammer, or your craft supplies, and spend some time reconnecting with

the things you use.

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Admit it: did you guiltily straighten your back just reading the words “posture support”? Posture is important for helping us breathe normally and stay mentally sharp (among other things!), but it’s easy to forget about in a world packed with

things more interesting than your shoulder blades. So this week, aim to keep yourself mindful of the way you’re sitting or standing - maybe by setting

an alarm on your computer or phone to check your posture (here are some other tips for helping

maintain good posture throughout the day).


Your psoas (“so-uhz” - the P is silent) is a muscle that starts just around your belly button, curves in front of your pelvic bone, and then attatches to the top part of your leg. If you sit in a chair all day and don’t do any mobility work, your psoas is probably not very happy with you - and that’s

bad news, considering that psoas issues can cause all kinds of lingering pain and mobility issues

anywhere from your core to your knees (especially lower back pain). This week, take a few minutes to

give your psoas a little TLC: you might find relief from a problem you didn’t even know you had! Here are some tips for stretching the psoas, and here is a video showing a more massage-based


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Do you use the computer late at night? Or do you have to deal with fluorescent lighting? That can really wreak havoc on your circadian rhythms, leading to a restless night of sleep. One quick

solution: get a pair of orange-tinged glasses to wear before bed - you’ll look a little goofy, but it really helps. You might not even realize how bad

your sleep has always been until you try it!


Imagine this: it’s been a rough day and you’re almost ready to throw in the towel and order

takeout because you don’t have any more energy to cook. But as you grudgingly peer into the

freezer, you see a half-forgotten sticky note on your emergency pound of ground beef: “Chin up! You can do it!” It’s a note from you to you, much-

needed encouragement in a pinch. This week, take 5 minutes to write a little encouraging note and

stick it somewhere you’ll see when you’re having a rough day and need a boost; you’ll probably thank

yourself later!

Want More? Check out Your Guide to Paleo

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It’s very easy to turn to another cup of coffee when we’re feeling the need for a quick energy fix, but relying too much on caffeine can get unhealthy,

and sometimes the problem is easy to solve without recourse to stimulants. So next time you feel the urge to reach for that second (or third, or

fourth...) cup of joe, first try a quick set of jumping jacks or air squats, a cold glass of water, or just a 5-minute break to get up and walking. You might

not end up needing the coffee after all!


Are you having one of Those Days? Days when the world just sucks so much that you’re willing to take any scrap of pleasure you can get, even if

you know that eating a whole plate of brownies is not in line with your health goals? To help tide you through, try deliberately “thinking forward:” how will you feel about this decision in two hours? In a day? Is there something you can do that you’ll feel better about down the line? Just focusing on the

long-term instead of right now can help you make a better choice - and find a healthier way to deal with the problems that set off the craving in the

first place.

Want More? Check out Your Guide to Paleo

Page 29: 5-MINUTE PALEOcftldu-5-minute-paleo.s3.amazonaws.com/5-minute-paleo.pdf · INTRODUCTION Little steps can make a big difference, so every week with our weekly newsletter, we send out


Imagine you’ve been tapped as somebody’s role model - you’re the one who’s going to show them

how this whole Paleo thing actually works in practice. Now think back to the very last thing you

ate. Would that be something you’d be proud to share with your mentee? Are you setting a good

Paleo example? And if not, what could you change about your next meal to make it more inspiring?


As frustrating as eating Paleo can be when you’re surrounded by challenges, it’s important to stop

and reflect on the good parts, too: often, we don’t pause to appreciate it when things are going right!

So this week, take just 5 minutes to think about whatever’s fantastic in your Paleo life right now - whether it’s a delicious meal you just ate, your

latest triumph at the gym, or just the simple joy of living without pain and disease.

Want More? Check out Your Guide to Paleo