5 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring for Higher Education


Transcript of 5 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring for Higher Education

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1 5 5 C a d i l l a c P l a c e R e n o , N V 8 9 5 0 9 • U S : 8 7 7 . 3 0 0 . 1 9 5 0 • I n t e r n a t i o n a l : 7 7 5 . 2 0 0 . 0 5 5 0 • w w w. c v i r t u a l . c o m

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Part I: The Problem!

Does This Sound Familiar to You?!

Are you seeing more, less qualified applicants? !

Is it taking longer to fill the right position with the right person? Are you experiencing interview fatigue trying to fill all of your vacancies? !

If you are, then you're reading the right report. We’re going to uncover why this is the case and share with you what you can do to remedy it today. This report is compiled from over $2 Million in research. !

How Did We Get Here?!

The past 30 years have brought about many changes in the way we look for and hire in higher education. !

It was in 1994 when Robert McGovern was the first to host a job posting online. Short-ly after that, in 1995, the LA Times, the Bos-ton Globe, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, the San Jose Mercury and the Wash-ington Post ALL jumped on the bandwagon and created Career Path. !

In 2003, LinkedIn was launched, allowing for faculty departments and college and uni-versity HR departments managers a better way to filter out the flood of low quality re-sumes being pushed on them from job boards like The Chronicle of Higher Education and Higher Ed Jobs. !

Then in 2013, CVirtual introduced its virtual video interviews to the college campuses they work place both faculty and staff positions.!

!C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !


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!Times Have Changed!

Twenty years ago, a single ad would bring in five to seven resumes a week. However, today, a single ad can bring in as any as 200 new resumes a week!!

US Job Market Snap Shot!

Currently, there are 119 million employed workers that are seeking better employment. !

If you look at the graph below, you’ll notice that from 1994 to today, it shows you the unemployment and underemployment rates of young college graduates. !

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If we look at those who are unemployed, currently there are 12.8 million individuals currently unemployed and searching for work. !

If you look at the unemployment graph below from 1969 to 2011, you’ll notice that in the last couple of years, the unemployment rate has spiked significantly. !

What we're looking at here are those that have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks. In other words, there are more than 6 million individuals who have been unem-ployed for more than 6.5 months. !


When you add the 119 million people who are passively seeking better employment, with the 12.8 million who are currently unemployed and searching for employment, you come up with a total of 132 million people currently competing for employment.  !1

How many of these people are competing for the positions you have to offer?!


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# http://www.recareered.com/blog/2012/03/13/just-how-many-job-seekers-are-looking-for-work/1

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Competition Is Heating Up!

In many instances there may be several people competing for the same position, which has caused an increase in applications across the board. !

In fact, the Wharton School of Business, which is a division of the University of Penn-sylvania, conducted a report last year that stated 7.6 million people applied for 65,000 Starbucks jobs. A million people applied for 2,000 Proctor and Gamble jobs. And a whop-ping 2 million individuals applied for only 7,000 open-ings at Google.  !2

This is not uncommon for large stable companies, col-leges and universities. In fact, Unilever and Proctor & Gamble recently said that “up to 160 graduates chase every” single job opening that they post.  !3

The Crux of the Matter!

It brings us to the question; does competition really bring out the best? !

Meaning, does the cream rise to the top? Is it easy for you to find and identify top talent to hire? !

Or does it bring out the worst? !

Meaning, does it take longer than normal to find the right person because your ideal can-didates are getting lost in all the clutter of un-qualified applicants? !

According to Monster, “despite unemployment, many jobs” are still “hard to fill.”  “De4 -spite continuing high unemployment rates, 31% of employers” in the world are “having

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# http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/why-the-job-search-is-like-throwing-paper-airplanes-into-the-gal2 -axy/

# http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2352011/Up-160-graduates-chase-job-Leading-firms-increase-number-3


# http://career-advice.monster.com/job-search/company-industry-research/despite-unemployment-many-jobs-hard-4


# Ibid.!5

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difficulty filling key positions.”  The reason for this, simply is the “lack of suitable talent 5

available” in their job markets.  !6

Part II: The Challenges!

Technology: Blessing or Curse?!

Technology is it really a blessing or is it a curse? !

Now more than ever college placement service providers and recruiters can reach hundreds, if not thousands, of job seekers to find the few perfect candidates for you in what can seem like an overwhelming sea of job seekers. !

Or a these college placement providers and recruiters can have their post overlooked, swept under the rug and forgotten about because of every other competing job post that's out there.!

Take Craigslist alone. !

They have more than “2 million new job listings”  each and every month. They also re7 -ceive more than “50 billion page views a month.”  !8

Again, does this sound familiar? !

Are you seeing more, less qualified applicants? !

Is it taking longer to fill the right position with the right person? !

Are you experiencing interview fatigue while trying to fill all your vacancies? !

Can this be caused by the lack of and improper use of technology? !


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# Ibid.!6

# http://www.craigslist.org/about/factsheet7

# Ibid.8

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Are You, the Employer, Settling?!

Let's say that you're presented with eight qualified candidates. You choose to interview six of them. !

After six hours of interviews, no one stands out as the “go-to” logical choice. !

Interview fatigue begins to set in or it's already well on its way. !

What do you do? Do you settle for good enough? !

You see, the problem with good enough according to Jim Collins in his book Good to Great is that “the opposite of great is not bad but rather just good.”  !9

Are you accidentally building a good enough organization? !

The Outrageous Costs of a Bad Hire!

Check out the Outrageous Cost of a Bad Hire. !

Here is an example of how a bad hire could cost you up to “$840,000.”  !10

Those costs can include “hiring cost, total compensation, cost of maintaining the employee, disruptive cost, sever-ance and mistakes, failures and missed business opportu-nities.”  As you can see the list can go on. !11

While those costs are associated with a bad hire, how much is your good enough hire costing you?!

Let's look at turnover related costs. !

The majority of the “demand for new employees is to simply replace workers who have left the company.”  !12

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# http://www.inc.com/tom-searcy/the-problem-with-being-good-enough.html9

# http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/how-much-wrong-employee-can-cost.jpg10

# Ibid.11

# Ibid.12

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On average, a new employee will cost you “$57,968.”  !13

And, that’s per employee. If you have more than one good enough employee your costs (losses) are exponential!!!

According to Dr. Ira Wolfe, “finding qualified candidates is only the first step. Getting them to show up for interviews, accept your job offer and to stay put is another story.”  !14

If you're able to hire right the first time, you will have effectively eliminated 99.9% of all the problems that come with a bad hire. !

How to Use Technology Effectively to Find the Hidden Talent!

Let's go over the five commonly misused hiring technologies that companies are using today. !

1. Overusing the Same Job Boards!2. Not Using Facebook!3. Relying Too Much on LinkedIn!4. Ignoring Twitter!5. Not Leveraging Video Interviews!

Let's go over each of these individually.!

1. Using the Same Job Boards !

The problem with this, is you're going after the same hiring pool again and again and again. Competing colleges and universities are also go-ing after the same hiring pool again and again and again. !

What happens is after all of the top talent is sucked out of the market, what's left over are the un-qualified candidates that no one else wants to

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# Ibid.13

# http://www.perfectlaborstorm.com/2012/recruitment-2/how-many-job-applicants-does-it-take-to-find-one-quali14 -fied-candidate/

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hire. Despite this fact, you're all still going after that same person again and again and again.!

The Harvard Business Review had their take on why colleges and universities aren't fill-ing their open positions. !

! “This recession has gone on for so long that it has changed what hiring managers think !! they can find in the labor market. Early on in the recession when literally millions of !! people were being laid-off, it was easy to find someone fresh out of a job with the experi-!! ence and skills needed to step right into your vacancy.”  !15

However, that’s just not the case anymore. !

2. Not Using Facebook!

The problem here, is you're not using what is called the Facebook Stalk to find top talent. !

According to Tech Crunch, “one in six job seekers found their latest job on a social network site” and “despite LinkedIn's professional focus, it's Facebook that's leading the social networks to become a major way people find new jobs.”  !16

They went on to cite that “16% of those unemployed and looking, employed and look-ing or employed and open to a new job said ‘an online social network directly led to finding their current/most recent job.’”  !17

That's 16% or roughly 22.1 million Americans. Of those “22.1 million Americans, 78%”  of them attribute Facebook to helping them find their job.!18

3. Relying Too Much on LinkedIn!

The problem here, is that you're using LinkedIn as your go-to hiring silver bullet. !

You could’ve done this several years ago with no problem. Today, however, that’s just not the case.!

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# http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/03/why_employers_arent_filling_th.html 15

# http://techcrunch.com/2011/11/16/social-recruiting/16

# Ibid.17

# Ibid.18

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Fast Company was asked why they use Facebook instead of LinkedIn as their profes-sional social network. !

Their answer was very, very revealing. !

One reason was for the pure numbers. “Facebook has close to 850 million users” while LinkedIn is struggling to keep up with only “around 130 million.”  !19

4. Ignoring Twitter!

The problem here, is not knowing how to use Twitter. !

That pound sign, #NotKnowingHow-ToUseTwitter, is referred to as a hashtag. !

According to CBS Money Watch in their great article on How to Use Twitter to Find Amazing Employees, they said that “failure to properly time your tweets could relegate your message to oblivion since most users only review their Tweets for the last hour or so.”  !20

You also need to start using “strategic hashtags,” basically “a word with a pound sign in front of it to get the word out”  about your job opportunities. !21

In other words, make sure the timing of your tweets are relevant to the time that your job seekers are on Twitter and that you're being strategic with your hashtags because they are searchable.!

In case you think all of this is for naught, right now one of the number one books for colleges looking to fill key positions on Amazon.com is Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters, How to Tap into the Hidden Job Market Using Social Media.  !22

This is the new way to find top talent. If you’re not tapping into this talent pool, you’re already losing out on hundreds if not thousands of great candidates.!

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# http://www.fastcompany.com/1815993/fast-talk-meeteor-facebook-stalk-job-you-want19

# http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505143_162-40245242/how-to-use-twitter-to-find-amazingemployees/20

# Ibid.21

# http://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Marketing-Job-Hunters-3-0/dp/111801909122

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5. Not Leveraging Virtual Video Interviews!

Finally, the problem here is that you're wasting too much time interviewing. !

Yes, you did read that correctly. !

The problem is that you're wasting too much time interviewing. !

You're not using technology to its maximum potential in order to find the people you need to interview, because you're wasting your time interviewing those who would never be a good fit for your college or university in the first place. !

However, you wouldn’t have known that without an interview. !

Do you see the dilemma?!

What’s a Virtual Video Interview? !

Virtual Video Interviews aren’t just another coordinated interview with you, your staff and the interview candidate. They’re prerecorded questions you’ve chosen to ask the candidate(s) who will then record their answers for you at their leisure. You’re then able to review each one side by side at your leisure as well.!

Who’s Already Using Virtual Video Interviews!

So who’s already using virtual video interviews? Do you recognize any of these? !

Do any of these companies/universities look like they waste money or use platforms that wouldn’t be effective? !

How about you, are you using video interviews to find the best talent out there? !

George Washington University BYU

Universities of California Tulane University

UPS Walmart/Sam’s Club

Enterprise Car Rental Mayo Clinic

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#1 0

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Would you like to?!


In an interview Steve Jobs conducted with Business Week, he went on record saying that “hiring the best is your most important task.”  !23

The best way to find top talent fast, is to use virtual video interviews. !

Virtual video interviews... !

• Create a Faster Time to Hire !

• Reduce Travel Expenses!

• Produce a Sustainable Hiring Model !

• Expand Your Candidate Pool !

• Can Be Viewed Virtually from Anywhere!

• Reduce Interview Fatigue and!

• Are Easy to Use !The New York Post in a recent article stated that “63% of human resource managers” have already conducted “employment interviews via video.”  !24

And according to Staffing Talk, “video interviews will be the norm in the next three years.”  !25

Part III: The Solution!

Meet CVirtual Higher Education Placement Services!

CVirtual will find candidates that fit your hiring criteria and invite them to create a vir-tual video interview. !

Your sole responsibility is to watch each pre-recorded virtual video interview. From there, you decide which candidates you want to invite in for a face-to-face interview. !

This approach has proven to be more successful in finding top talent in the market place. One of the main reasons for this is because each professional has a lower barrier of en-

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#11

# http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/news/coladvice/book/bk981106.htm23

# http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/news/coladvice/book/bk981106.htm24

# http://staffingtalk.com/are-video-interviews-becoming-the-norm/25

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try. You’re not asking them to take time off work for an interview that may or may not result in them getting the position. This way, they know that when you invite them in, it’s because there is some serious consideration going into them as an ideal candidate for the position. !

CVirtual helps remove the scheduling conflicts that come from doing mass interviews and reduces travel and other associated costs for you and your job seekers.!

Best of all, everything they do is designed to be a custom branded experience for your job seeker. Every interview and page is branded with your logo.!

You have the unique opportunity to position your company in the job seekers mind as a truly great company. One that they'd want to work with for years to come. You’ll want to do this to eliminate your competition out of the equation as soon as possible.!

Virtual Video Interviews are Easy to Use!

It's easy as one, two, three. !

1. You Choose or Record Your Questions. !

2. CVirtual Will Send Out Your Virtual Video Interview Link to Find the Top Talent in the Market Place. !

3. You Review the Recorded Virtual Video Interviews as They Come in at Your Leisure. !

Recording Your Questions: You can record your own customized question or you can choose from a list of pre-recorded questions. !

Posting Your Interview Link: CVirtual will send out your interview link to their appli-cant pool, host your job link on strategic job boards and on social media sites. !

Reviewing Recorded Virtual Video Interviews: Your sole responsibility is to review each interview at your leisure. !

Can you see how much easier it will be to find the right person for the job? !

CVirtual has streamlined the process for you. !

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#1 2

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Once you find the right candidate for the right position, all you have to do is to invite them in for a live interview. !

Again, it's as easy as one, two, three. !

Can YOU Do This On Your Own?!

Now, this question has been brought up. !

And the answer is of course you can. !

But… !

With using services such as Skype and Google Hangouts, you still have to coordinate schedules. !

It also eliminates reviewing each virtual video interview at your leisure. !

And of course you better hope that technology is working properly that day. !

Don't forget, they cannot be recorded or shared and they're definitely not ADA or EEOC compliant either.!

What about YouTube? !

Sure, you can review those videos at your leisure, but their interview is also scripted. In other words, you only see what they want you to see. !

What is Hidden from You?!

What YouTube or other scripted types of interviews hide are all the nonverbal communication that the interviewee doesn’t want you to see.!

Did you know that 93% of all communication is nonverbal?  !26

Here’s the breakdown: !• 55% of it is physiological, meaning body language !

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#1 3

# Mehrabian, Albert (2009). ""Silent Messages" – A Wealth of Information About Nonverbal Communication (Body 26

Language)". Personality & Emotion Tests & Software: Psychological Books & Articles of Popular Interest. Los Angeles, CA: self-published. Retrieved April 6, 2010.

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• 38% is tonal and!• 7% are the actual words spoken. !

By using video interviewing platforms that allow unlimited re-takes it leaves you vulner-able with their perfectly crafted and carefully scripted interview.!

What you're missing by not having a raw unedited first response to your question is all the nonverbal communication that you want to see as an employer when making a hir-ing decision. Because if you don’t, all you’re left with is a polished video. And all a pol-ished video is, is just another untested resume.!

Your job is to find the best possible candidates and to hire them. And that means find-ing them fast, before your competition does and making sure that you’re not wasting time on those that might have sneaked in your doors because of a polished resume or video.!

Trying to figure out how to use this new technology only adds to your full plate of al-ready overwhelming tasks and duties as a manager and limits your time finding the top talent out there.!

CVirtual uses Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other traditional hiring technologies along with virtual video interviews to help you to find and hire the best.!

A Tale of Two University HR Managers!

Let's take a look at a day in the life of traditional HR manager Tom and super savvy Shaye. !

Both Tom and Shaye are in the exact same market place and are looking to fill the exact same position. !

They both have hiring decisions to make. !

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#1 4

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Traditional Tom is using his in-house recruiters to help find his new hire. While savvy Shaye is using CVirtual Higher Education Placement Services to help find her new hire. !

Both CVirtual and the in-house recruiters use all the latest techniques to find the right candidates for their clients. !

In the process of finding new candidates both receive resumes from 200 “qualified” candidates. !

The exact same candidates. !

However, after each party’s screening process they realize that 150 of the applicants just don’t meet their needs and they weed them out.!!Even though each has boiled it down to 50 candidates, it’s not practical to interview all 50. !!From there, both CVirtual and the in-house recruiters were able able to select and pre-screen 20 applicants that they felt would satisfy their needs. Both companies selected the exact same 20 applicants. !!So far there hasn’t been any real difference in the two companies or the processes they follow.!!In an extra attempt to help and not overwhelm Tom, his recruiters decide to narrow the candidate pool down even further and give him what they feel are the top 6 candidates that Tom would hire. !!However, by doing so, they missed the real winner. !!By trying to save Tom some time and not knowing the posi-tion as well as Tom, his recruiters screened out the truly best candidates. ! !By relying on resumes alone, you will always miss the real winner. !!Stated differently, have you ever seen a resume that says, “I have really bad communica-tion skills,” but in first 2 minutes of an interview it’s readily apparent that they do?!!C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !

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Relying on resume alone open the door for you to waste your time interviewing candi-dates that never ever should have step foot into your office in the first place.!

Let’s check in on Tom!

After six hours of interviews, Tom is ready to call it quits. He hasn’t been able to find what he’s looking for in any of the candidates he’s interviewed so far. !

On paper, each applicant looked like they could be “the one.” !

However, not only is Tom tired, but he’s also now behind on his normal workload. !

It's going to be another late night for Tom. !

Rather than call his recruiters in to find new candidates, he just decides to go with the one that is “good enough.”!

How did things fare for Shaye? !

Unlike Tom’s recruiters which narrowed the 20 best candidates down even more, CViru-tal sent out a virtual interview request to each of the 20 candidates. !

Each of the questions were preselected by Shaye for the position. !

CVirtual then sent Shaye over all 20 resumes along with their accompanying virtual video interviews. !

CVirtual gives you more choices. !

By having more choices at your disposal you’re going to find the one truly exceptional candidate that traditional re-cruiters just can’t. !

In this case, more really is better. !

The best part about it, is that in the time it took Tom to do 2 interviews, Shaye was able to review all 20 virtual video interviews. !

She was able to spot the 2 that Tom never saw. She invited them in for an interview and hired the best. !

She is the university hero. !

C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !#1 6

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Now, that's working smarter.!

3 Kinds of Recruiters!

You see there are three kinds of Recruiters out there and some are better than others. !

There are what are called in the recruiting industry Resume Houses. !

All they do is gather and collect resumes and send you what they think or hope might be a good fit for your college or university’s needs. !

That's good, but far from being the best option available to you. !

A second type of recruiter out there is what's called a Knowledgeable Partner.!

A Knowledgeable Partner understands your university’s needs and seeks to find a can-didate that can help fill those specific needs you have. !

While they're better than a Resume House, they're not the best op-tion out there because at the end of the day, all they're really sending you is just an untested resume.!

The best option available for colleges and universities looking to augment their faculty and staff is to use a Knowledgeable Partner Plus. !

CVirtual Higher Education Placement Services is a Knowledgeable Partner Plus. !

A Knowledgeable Partner Plus not only understands your university and seeks to un-derstand you and your specific hiring needs, but they also do more for you in the way of saving you time, energy and money by using their virtual video interviews!

What differentiates CVirtual from all the other recruiters out there is that every single re-sume that they send you will have attached to it a virtual video interview too.!

These virtual video interviews have the questions that you’ve preselected as important to you as the employer. !

This allows you to interview each candidate prior to inviting them in for a live interview saving you time, energy and money.!

!C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !

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How to Profit from CVirtual’s Virtual Video Interviewing Technology!!At the end of the day, the question needs to be asked, “Is CVirtual’s Video Interview Tech-nology right for you?”!!What would your hiring experience be like with custom branded virtual video inter-views for your college or university? !!Whether you currently manage your own hiring or contract it out, CVirtual can help you reduce the current time it takes hire the best candidates with its virtual video inter-views.!!CVirutal Challenge!!Let us help you hire the best. !!No matter what you’re doing right now, if you’re not using video interviews, you’re missing out. !!Here’s the CVirtual Challenge. Bring your best and see how it compares with our best.!!We’re so confident in our ability to either match or flat out crush your current results that if you’re not utterly impressed and 100% blown away by our results that we’ll gift you 3 months free of virtual video interviews for you to use as you see fit.!!For this work and to be fair you have to give us a fighting chance to show you what we can do, by filling out our Enrollment Application. This will help us understand what it is that you’re looking for and how best to serve your needs. !!You’re under no obligation to hire us or pay for our services if you don’t want to. How-ever, if we do find you what you’re looking for and you want to move forward, you can remit payment for our services rendered at that time.!!!!!!C Vi r t u a l - H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n P l a c e m e n t S e r v i c e s ! 5 E f f e c t i v e H i r i n g Te c h n i q u e s ! !

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Page 20: 5 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring for Higher Education

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