5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips


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Transcript of 5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips

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5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips

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Looking for an effective method to shed weight without starving yourself? Then

you should definitely try the natural way! Losing weight naturally is a much safer

solution to dropping those excess pounds, and it’s also a lot less expensive

compared to other weight loss techniques such as liposuction, stomach stapling,

and so on.

To get you started, go ahead and check out these best natural weight loss tips

we’ve compiled for you. Incorporate them into your daily routine and you’ll soon

see a huge difference in your physique!

The 5 Best Natural Weight Loss Tips

1. Eat More Slowly

Studies show that it takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to realize that

your stomach is full. So if you eat too quickly, you’ll be consuming more food than

you actually need to feel satisfied—and that will naturally increase your weight

over time. The key is to eat more slowly so you can better control your servings

and improve your metabolism. If you still don’t feel satisfied after your meal, just

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wait a while. Eventually your brain will tell you that you’re full and your appetite

for more food will disappear.

2. Use a Small, Blue Plate

According to color psychology, blue is the least appetizing color. One obvious

reason is because we use it to convey sadness and depression. Another is because

in the olden times, the colors blue, black and purple were often signs of possibly

poisonous food like berries. It is wired in our human consciousness to avoid these

colors in food (most especially blue), so use this fact to lose weight by eating off a

small, blue plate. Blue will psychologically make you eat less, while the small plate

size will encourage you take lesser servings as opposed to a large plate where you

always feel the need to fill the whole thing.

3. Eat Superfoods

Superfoods are natural foods that have health benefits. They’re not just healthy

to eat but also practical for weight loss because they help increase metabolism.

They also contain lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which do wonders

for your body. Superfoods are composed of the following:

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- Fruits: Apples, avocados, bananas, berries, grapefruit, melons, oranges, papaya,

pears, pomegranates

- Nuts: Almonds, brazils, pine nuts, walnuts

- Veggies: Asparagus, beans, broccoli, celery, chickpeas, cucumber, pepper, kale,

lentils, potatoes

- Protein: Cereal, brown rice, eggs, oatmeal, salmon, yogurt

- Others: Apple cider vinegar, dark chocolate, green tea, honey, olive oil, red wine,


Include them in your daily diet to get the full health benefits and keep your body

from gaining weight.

4. Have Protein Early in the Day

Adding some protein in your breakfast will make you feel fuller so you’ll eat less

throughout the day. Eggs, oatmeal, peanut or almond butter, yogurt, cheese and

salmon are some options you can incorporate into your first meal of the day.

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5. Take Safe & Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Lastly, take a natural weight loss supplement to help you achieve your ideal

weight faster. Choose dietary supplements with all-natural extracts such as

Garcinia Cambogia because it helps suppress your appetite, curbs emotional

snacking, enhances your mood, boosts your energy and blocks fat from being

formed. Because of its remarkable benefits, Garcinia Cambogia is considered as

one of the most effective supplements for losing weight so be sure to include it in

your daily diet.