4th Grade Indian Project

Billy Huston Billy Huston Mojave


Mojave Indians

Transcript of 4th Grade Indian Project

  • 1. Billy Huston Billy Huston Mojave
  • 2. Where they live The Mojave tribe lived in the desert region of California near the Colorado River. They had little rain so there were few plants and animals
  • 3. The Climate The climate was warm, hot, and dry. It was not likely to snow or rain.
  • 4. Housing The Mojave tribe lived in large straw houses. They put out clay pots to catch rain because there is little rain.
  • 5. Food The food was seeds, cactus fruits, mesquite beans, and fish from the Colorado River.
  • 6. Natural Resources The Mojave had some sources of water The Slaton sea and Colorado river. They also have lots of cactus fruits.
  • 7. Depending on tribe The men fished at the Colorado River. Woman picked seeds, mesquite beans, and cactus fruit.
  • 8. Work cited http://karenswhimsy.com/american-indian-tribes.shtm http://www.trocadero.com/stores/oldndnshop/items/10254 20/item1025420.html