42InchChristman AGUPoster scratch copy...$qrpdorxvxowud orziuhtxhqf\ +]...

$QRPDORXV XOWUDORZ IUHTXHQF\ +] HOHFWURPDJQHWLF VLJQDOV KDYH EHHQ UHSRUWHG SULRU WR 0 earthquakes, most notably prior to the 1989 Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake in California. Stanford University, in conjunction with the USGS and UC Berkeley, has maintained five ULFEM recording stations along the San Andreas Fault in order to test the hypothesis that ULFEM signals are related to earthquakes. Typical ULFEM station: three orthogonal magnetometers (N, S, W-E, vertical; 0.01 to 100 Hz) and two 100-m orthogonal electrodes; collocated with broadband seismic station to allow separation of telluric and ground-motion-induced EM signals. Data are recorded at 40 Hz. ULFEM Array Previous reports of possible ULFEM precursors, or their absence following exhaustive searches of available data, define a crude distance-magnitude relationship in which larger-closer earthquakes would be capable of producing detectable precursors. No earthquake exceeding this distance-magnitude relationship has yet occurred within 500 km of our network; therefore our study is as yet mostly an attempt to develop appropriate methodologies. Data Analysis Bleier et al. (2009) report anomalous electromagnetic signals, that they call pulsations, prior to the 10/31/2007 Alum Rock M 5.4 earthquake, with “strong” amplitudes, greatly exceeding the local background noise. Therefore, we examined 40 Hz EM data around the arrival time of the largest/closest earthquakes to our array, focusing on co-shaking signals and pulsations as have been described preceding the Alum Rock earthquake. Our analysis compares results from 4am-2am (corresponding to normal operating hours of the Bay Area Rapid Transit electric train) with those from the 2am-4am period when BART is not in service. Pulsations We defined a pulsation to be any spike in the data that exceeded 3 standard deviations. We distinguish between 3 different types of pulses: ELSRODU XQLSRODU DQG XQLSRODU )LJXUH shows a typical pulsation we observed. Figure 7 is a comparison of two channels recording the same pulse. We counted the number of pulsations in the week prior to the October 30, 2007 Alum Rock earthquake, located 41 km from our site. Four hours of data were examined each day (2 hours BART on, 2 hours BART off). Table 1 shows the average number of pulse types seen in two hours of data examined for a day. Figure 10 shows the average number of pulses per hour from the two hour window time segment that was studied for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake. We don’t see any trend of increasing number. Comparisons Figure 8 shows a two hour window of our EM data (in blue) from JRSC, at 41 km away from earthquake with the red lines indicating when pulsations were observed at a QuakeFinder site located only 2 km from the epicenter (Bleier et al. 2009). (Expanded plots of the same data shown in Figure 9) Planetary K-index Conclusions In the week prior to the Alum Rock M5.4 earthquake, our closest station (JRSC, 41 km from the epicenter) recorded pulsations of similar duration and polarity to those identified by Bleier et al. (2009) in records from a station 2 km from the epicenter (~9 km from the hypocenter). 7KH SXOVDWLRQV VHHP WR EH SDUW RI D QDWXUDO FRQWLQXXP RI VLJQDOV DQG DUH RWKHUZLVH QRW GLVWLQJXLVKDEOH from other signals of similar frequency in the time series. In addition, the amplitudes of our pulses are much less than that amplitude of the pulsations Bleier saw compared with his site background noise. 7KH SXOVHV ZH KDYH EHHQ H[DPLQLQJ LQ RXU GDWD GR QRW DSSHDU WR VKRZ DQ\ UHODWLRQVKLS WR WKH earthquake (e.g., more frequent or larger pulses, or a change in the type of pulse, nearer in time to the EQ) as has been reported by Bleier et al. (2009). 7KH GLIIHUHQFH LQ RXU ILQGLQJV IURP WKRVH RI %OHLHU HW DO PD\ UHVXOW IURP WKH IDFW WKDW RXU station was significantly further from the epicenter than theirs. Other factors may include that 1) we had significantly fewer pulse events to analyze, 2) we had studied a shorter window of time prior to the earthquake. BART off BART on unipolar + 19 17 XQLSRODU bipolar 17 7 Figure 11 shows the average planetary K-index examined for each day before the Alum Rock earthquake plotted against the total number of pulses seen within the 2-hour periods that were examined for that day. The BART-off results show a general positive trend between the number of pulses and K-index, suggesting the pulses may be externally sourced. However, more days of data should be analyzed to better characterize any possible correlation. Introduction Data Availability All data are available via our website (Neumann et al, 2008): http://ulfem-data.stanford.edu B Batt. ~100 m ~100 m N electrodes E x A E y A E common A H H H x y z electrLF ÀHOG signal conditioner power supply ÀJXre not drawnto scale cables to digital acquisition system MagQHWLF ÀHOG sensors buried cables 5-10 m ~100 m Electrodes magnetic sensors other site equipment telemetry signal xy E x B E y E common B xy magnetic coils Legend Isolated power supply Quanterra Digitizer Initial Work Figure 2: Maps of the ULFEM sites Figure 1: Schematic typical site (Karakelian et al., 2002) Figure 5: Two hours of EM data with dotted lines indicating 3 and 4 standard deviations from the mean of the two hour window of data being examined Figure 6: Typical unipolar + pulse exceeding 3 standard deviations Figure 7: Bipolar pulse seen on two channels Table 1: Average number of pulses/2hr window measured over the 7 days preceeding the earthquake Figure 8: 2 hour window of EM data from JRSC when BART was on. Red lines indicate times when Bleier et al. (2009) reported pulses Undergraduate Research Funding: IRIS, NSF Additional mentoring: Michael Hubenthal, Katie Foster Analysis consultation and data sharing: Tom Bleier, Clark Dunson of QuakeFinder Acknowledgments Figure 9: Figure 9 zoomed in to show Bleier pulses in relation to our data Figure 10: Average number of pulses seen in the window studied for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake Figure 11: Graph comparing the number of pulses versus the average planetary K-index for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake Figure 3: Distance-magnitude plot of studied earthquakes in relation to ULFEM sites, as well as earthquakes studied in other papers Bleier, T., Dunson, C., Maniscalco, M., Bryant, N., Bambery, R., and Freund, F., Investigation of ULF magnetic pulsations, air conductivity changes, DQG LQIUD UHG VLJQDWXUHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH 2FWREHU $OXP 5RFN 0 HDUWKTXDNH 1DW +D]DUGV (DUWK 6\VW 6FL Karakelian, D., Klemperer, S.L., Fraser-Smith, A.C., and Thompson, G.A., Ultra-Low Frequency electromagnetic measurements associated with the 1998 Mw 5.1 San Juan Bautista, California earthquake and implications for mechanisms of electromagnetic earthquake precursors. 2002, Tectonophys., v. 359. Neumann, D.A., McPherson, S.-L., Kappler, K., Klemperer, S., Glen, J., and McPhee, D. Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network: Status report and data availability via the Web. EOS Trans. 2008, AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S53B-1824. References Figure 3 shows the distance-magnitude relationship of certain earthquakes. We chose to examine JRSC EM data proceeding the Alum Rock earthquake, as anomalous signals were seen by QuakeFinder on one of their sites close to the epicenter (see black boxes on graph indicating the relationship of Alum Rock earthquake to the site recording it). Co-seismic Signals Fifteen earthquakes were selected because of their close proximaty to a site or because of their large magnitude. We compared the electromagnetic channel data with seismic data to see which EM channels registered the earthquake arriving at the site, with the hypothesis that in order to see any pre-seismic signals, we should at least see co-siesmic signals. Four earthquakes of the fifteen were seen to have visible co-seismic EM signals. We hope to use the delineation between where co-seismic EM signals are observed and not to establish a lower limit, below which we would not expect to see any pre-seismic EM signals. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 ï ï ï ï 0 1 2 x 10 4 JRSC BT1 Oct 29, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT Counts 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 ï ï 0 0.5 1 x 10 4 JRSC BT1 Oct 29, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT Counts 0.212 0.213 0.214 0.215 0.216 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.22 0.221 0.222 ï ï ï 0 0.5 1 1.5 x 10 4 JRSC BT1 Oct 27, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT 0.212 0.213 0.214 0.215 0.216 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.22 0.221 0.222 ï ï ï 0 0.5 1 1.5 x 10 4 JRSC BT2 Oct 27, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 ï ï ï 0 1 x 10 4 JRSC BT1 Oct 28, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT 0.046 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.05 0.051 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.055 ï ï 0 0.5 1 1.5 x 10 4 JRSC BT1 Oct 28, 2007 Time (hrs) since 21:00UT Counts Counts Counts Counts New Hardware Developments in the Stanford-USGS ULFEM Array Developed technique to calibrate magnetometers: Built Air-core Magnetic Coil 'HVLJQHG EXLOW ZDYHIRUP JHQHUDWRU SRZHUHG E\ DQ $UGXLQR 0LFURFRQWUROOHU ;5 ,& To establish and maintain the integrity of the intruments in our ULFEM array, a permanent calibration method is being designed and implemented. The calibration system is an air-core magnetic coil producing a magnetic field generated by an in-house built waveform generator. Figure 12: Progression of the design of the in-house built waveform generator. Implementation of the Arduino Microcontroller replaces hardware of previous desgins Coil Design Figure 13: Coil Design Feartures: 15-turn solenoid, slip-on design, grooved coil form for wire placement. Electric current driven through wire coil generates magnetic field parallel to the coil axis In-House Waveform Generator Automatic sweep through discrete frequencies (range 0.12 - 10 Hz) Manual, automatic and remote control Figure 14: Screen capture of the signal produced by the Arduino Microcontroller 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 ï 0 2 x 10 6 Seismic JRSC BHN, Oct 31 Time (hrs) since 02:00UT Counts 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 ï 0 2 x 10 4 JRSC Magnetic Channel 1, Oct 31 Time (hrs) since 02:00UT Counts 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 ï 0 2 x 10 4 JRSC Magnetic Channel 2, Oct 31 Time (hrs) since 02:00UT Counts Student Version of MATLAB Figure 4: Graphs showing arrival of the Alum Rock earthquake on one seismometer and two magnetometers at JRSC Characterizing Potential Earthquake Signals on the Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (ULFEM) Array Lilianna Christman 1, 3, 4 , David Connor 2, 3, 4 , Jonathan Glen 3 , Darcy Karakelian McPhee 3 , Simon L Klemperer 4 1 3K\VLFV 'HSDUWPHQW 7KH &ROOHJH RI :RRVWHU :RRVWHU 2KLR OFKULVWPDQ#ZRRVWHUHGX 2 Morehouse College 3 United States Geological Survey 4 Stanford University 1+%

Transcript of 42InchChristman AGUPoster scratch copy...$qrpdorxvxowud orziuhtxhqf\ +]...

$QRPDORXV�XOWUD�ORZ�IUHTXHQF\����������+]��HOHFWURPDJQHWLF�VLJQDOV�KDYH�EHHQ�UHSRUWHG�SULRU�WR�0�������earthquakes, most notably prior to the 1989 Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake in California. Stanford University, in conjunction with the USGS and UC Berkeley, has maintained five ULFEM recording stations along the San Andreas Fault in order to test the hypothesis that ULFEM signals are related to earthquakes.

Typical ULFEM station: three orthogonal magnetometers (N, S, W-E, vertical; 0.01 to 100 Hz) and two 100-m orthogonal electrodes; collocated with broadband seismic station to allow separation of telluric and ground-motion-induced EM signals. Data are recorded at 40 Hz.


Previous reports of possible ULFEM precursors, or their absence following exhaustive searches of available data, define a crude distance-magnitude relationship in which larger-closer earthquakes would be capable of producing detectable precursors. No earthquake exceeding this distance-magnitude relationship has yet occurred within 500 km of our network; therefore our study is as yet mostly an attempt to develop appropriate methodologies.

Data Analysis

Bleier et al. (2009) report anomalous electromagnetic signals, that they call pulsations, prior to the 10/31/2007 Alum Rock M 5.4 earthquake, with “strong” amplitudes, greatly exceeding the local background noise. Therefore, we examined 40 Hz EM data around the arrival time of the largest/closest earthquakes to our array, focusing on co-shaking signals and pulsations as have been described preceding the Alum Rock earthquake. Our analysis compares results from 4am-2am (corresponding to normal operating hours of the Bay Area Rapid Transit electric train) with those from the 2am-4am period when BART is not in service.


We defined a pulsation to be any spike in the data that exceeded 3 standard deviations. We distinguish between 3 different types of pulses: ELSRODU��XQLSRODU������DQG�XQLSRODU�������)LJXUH���shows a typical pulsation we observed. Figure 7 is a comparison of two channels recording the same pulse.

We counted the number of pulsations in the week prior to the October 30, 2007 Alum Rock earthquake, located 41 km from our site. Four hours of data were examined each day (2 hours BART on, 2 hours BART off). Table 1 shows the average number of pulse types seen in two hours of data examined for a day.

Figure 10 shows the average number of pulses per hour from the two hour window time segment that was studied for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake. We don’t see any trend of increasing number.

ComparisonsFigure 8 shows a two hour window of our EM data (in blue) from JRSC, at 41 km away from earthquake with the red lines indicating when pulsations were observed at a QuakeFinder site located only 2 km from the epicenter (Bleier et al. 2009). (Expanded plots of the same data shown in Figure 9)

Planetary K-index

Conclusions� In the week prior to the Alum Rock M5.4 earthquake, our closest station (JRSC, 41 km from the epicenter) recorded pulsations of similar duration and polarity to those identified by Bleier et al. (2009) in records from a station 2 km from the epicenter (~9 km from the hypocenter).���7KH�SXOVDWLRQV�VHHP�WR�EH�SDUW�RI�D�QDWXUDO�FRQWLQXXP�RI�VLJQDOV�DQG�DUH�RWKHUZLVH�QRW�GLVWLQJXLVKDEOH�from other signals of similar frequency in the time series. In addition, the amplitudes of our pulses are much less than that amplitude of the pulsations Bleier saw compared with his site background noise. ����7KH�SXOVHV�ZH�KDYH�EHHQ�H[DPLQLQJ�LQ�RXU�GDWD�GR�QRW�DSSHDU�WR�VKRZ�DQ\�UHODWLRQVKLS�WR�WKH�earthquake (e.g., more frequent or larger pulses, or a change in the type of pulse, nearer in time to the EQ) as has been reported by Bleier et al. (2009). ����7KH�GLIIHUHQFH�LQ�RXU�ILQGLQJV�IURP�WKRVH�RI�%OHLHU�HW�DO���������PD\�UHVXOW�IURP�WKH�IDFW�WKDW�RXU��station was significantly further from the epicenter than theirs. Other factors may include that 1) we had significantly fewer pulse events to analyze, 2) we had studied a shorter window of time prior to the earthquake.

BART off BART on

unipolar + 19 17

���XQLSRODU��� � ��� � � �

bipolar 17 7

Figure 11 shows the average planetary K-index examined for each day before the Alum Rock earthquake plotted against the total number of pulses seen within the 2-hour periods that were examined for that day. The BART-off results show a general positive trend between the number of pulses and K-index, suggesting the pulses may be externally sourced. However, more days of data should be analyzed to better characterize any possible correlation.


Data AvailabilityAll data are available via our website(Neumann et al, 2008):http://ulfem-data.stanford.edu



~100 m

~100 m


electrodes ExA









electrLF�ÀHOGsignal conditioner

power supply

ÀJXre not drawn to scale

cables to digitalacquisition system


buried cables

5-10 m

~100 m


magnetic sensors

other siteequipment






xymagnetic coils




Initial Work

Figure 2: Maps of the ULFEM sites

Figure 1: Schematic typical site (Karakelian et al., 2002)

Figure 5: Two hours of EM data with dotted lines indicating 3 and 4 standard deviations from the mean of the two hour window of data being examined

Figure 6: Typical unipolar + pulse exceeding 3 standard deviations

Figure 7: Bipolar pulse seen on two channels

Table 1: Average number of pulses/2hr window measured over the 7 days preceeding the earthquake

Figure 8: 2 hour window of EM data from JRSC when BART was on. Red lines indicate times when Bleier et al. (2009) reported pulses

Undergraduate Research Funding: IRIS, NSF

Additional mentoring: Michael Hubenthal, Katie Foster

Analysis consultation and data sharing: Tom Bleier, Clark Dunson of QuakeFinder


Figure 9: Figure 9 zoomed in to show Bleier pulses in relation to our data

Figure 10: Average number of pulses seen in the window studied for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake

Figure 11: Graph comparing the number of pulses versus the average planetary K-index for each day in the week before the Alum Rock earthquake

Figure 3: Distance-magnitude plot of studied earthquakes in relation to ULFEM sites, as well as earthquakes studied in other papers

Bleier, T., Dunson, C., Maniscalco, M., Bryant, N., Bambery, R., and Freund, F., Investigation of ULF magnetic pulsations, air conductivity changes, DQG�LQIUD�UHG�VLJQDWXUHV�DVVRFLDWHG�ZLWK�WKH����2FWREHU�$OXP�5RFN�0����HDUWKTXDNH���������1DW��+D]DUGV�(DUWK�6\VW��6FL���������������Karakelian, D., Klemperer, S.L., Fraser-Smith, A.C., and Thompson, G.A., Ultra-Low Frequency electromagnetic measurements associated with the 1998 Mw 5.1 San Juan Bautista, California earthquake and implications for mechanisms of electromagnetic earthquake precursors. 2002, Tectonophys., v. 359.Neumann, D.A., McPherson, S.-L., Kappler, K., Klemperer, S., Glen, J., and McPhee, D. Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network: Status report and data availability via the Web. EOS Trans. 2008, AGU, 88 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S53B-1824.


Figure 3 shows the distance-magnitude relationship of certain earthquakes. We chose to examine JRSC EM data proceeding the Alum Rock earthquake, as anomalous signals were seen by QuakeFinder on one of their sites close to the epicenter (see black boxes on graph indicating the relationship of Alum Rock earthquake to the site recording it).

Co-seismic SignalsFifteen earthquakes were selected because of their close proximaty to a site or because of their large magnitude. We compared the electromagnetic channel data with seismic data to see which EM channels registered the earthquake arriving at the site, with the hypothesis that in order to see any pre-seismic signals, we should at least see co-siesmic signals. Four earthquakes of the fifteen were seen to have visible co-seismic EM signals. We hope to use the delineation between where co-seismic EM signals are observed and not to establish a lower limit, below which we would not expect to see any pre-seismic EM signals.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2ï�








2 x 104 JRSC BT1 Oct 29, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT


0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55






x 104 JRSC BT1 Oct 29, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT




0.212 0.213 0.214 0.215 0.216 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.22 0.221 0.222��






1.5 x 104 JRSC BT1 Oct 27, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT



0.212 0.213 0.214 0.215 0.216 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.22 0.221 0.222��






1.5 x 104 JRSC BT2 Oct 27, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2








x 104 JRSC BT1 Oct 28, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT



0.046 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.05 0.051 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.055






1.5x 104 JRSC BT1 Oct 28, 2007

Time (hrs) since 21:00UT







New Hardware Developments in the Stanford-USGS ULFEM Array

Developed technique to calibrate magnetometers: � Built Air-core Magnetic Coil���'HVLJQHG��EXLOW�ZDYHIRUP�JHQHUDWRU�SRZHUHG�E\�DQ�$UGXLQR�0LFURFRQWUROOHU��;5�����,&

To establish and maintain the integrity of the intruments in our ULFEM array, a permanent calibration method is being designed and implemented. The calibration system is an air-core magnetic coil producing a magnetic field generated by an in-house built waveform generator.

Figure 12: Progression of the design of the in-house built waveform generator. Implementation of the Arduino Microcontroller replaces hardware of previous desgins

Coil Design

Figure 13: Coil Design Feartures: 15-turn solenoid, slip-on design, grooved coil form for wire placement. Electric current driven through wire coil generates magnetic field parallel to the coil axis

In-House Waveform Generator� Automatic sweep through discrete frequencies (range 0.12 - 10 Hz)� Manual, automatic and remote control Figure 14: Screen capture of the

signal produced by the Arduino Microcontroller

1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16ï�


2x 106 Seismic JRSC BHN, Oct 31

Time (hrs) since 02:00UT



1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16ï�


2 x 104 JRSC Magnetic Channel 1, Oct 31

Time (hrs) since 02:00UT



1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16ï�


2 x 104 JRSC Magnetic Channel 2, Oct 31

Time (hrs) since 02:00UT



Student Version of MATLAB

Figure 4: Graphs showing arrival of the Alum Rock earthquake on one seismometer and two magnetometers at JRSC

Characterizing Potential Earthquake Signals on the Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic (ULFEM) Array

Lilianna Christman1, 3, 4, David Connor2, 3, 4, Jonathan Glen3, Darcy Karakelian McPhee3, Simon L Klemperer413K\VLFV�'HSDUWPHQW��7KH�&ROOHJH�RI�:RRVWHU��:RRVWHU�2KLR��������OFKULVWPDQ��#ZRRVWHU�HGX���2Morehouse College 3United States Geological Survey 4Stanford University
