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    $B 315 13SIsrsii^SSSeiSito:MALL BOATNAVIGATION


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    COPTBIOHT, 1917,Bt the Macmillan company

    All rights reservedno part of this book may bereproduced in any form without permission in writingfrom the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishesto quote brief passages in connection with a reviewwritten for inclusion in magazine or newspaper.

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    TrifiUd in the United States of America byTHK PEBBI8 PBINTmO COMPANY, NEW TOBK

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    II Navigational Instruments, Books, Rec-ords, Etc 14

    III The Vessel's Position 44IV Dead Reckoning ....... 75PART II

    SEAMANSHIPV Soundings, Tides, Etc 97VI Light and Buoy System of the United

    States 110VII Weather 118VIII Rules op the Road 180


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    NAVIGATIONis that science which affords

    the knowledge necessary to conduct a ves-sel from one point to another on the earth

    and provides a means of determining the positionof the vessel at any time. There are three gen-eral branches to this science, viz :

    (1) PHoting.(2) Dead Reckoning.(S) Nautical Astronomy,PUotmg is determining the position of a vesselby observations on known visible charted objects,

    or by soundings of the depth of the sea.Dead Reckoning, or the method of sailings, isa means of deducing a vessel's position from thedirection and distance sailed from a previousknown position. This method involves the rulesof plane trigonometry.

    Nautical Astronomy treats of the determina-tion of a vessel's position by observation of celes-


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    Yd "SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONtial bodies the sun, stars, moon, and planets.It is based on spherical trigonometry and its use isprincipally confined to deep sea navigation. Onthis account it is not dealt with in this work.

    UNITS DEFINEDThe Statute Mile, which is 5,280 feet, is em-ployed in land measurements. It is used to some

    extent in navigating river and lake vessels, espe-cially on the Great Lakes, but by far the morecommonly used unit isThe Geographical or Nautical Mile, This unitof linear measurement, used by navigators, is gen-erally termed the nautical or sea mile. It is ap-proximately 6,080 feet. It has various values asdefined by the standards of different countries,but from the navigator's standpoint these variousstandards do not vary materially from the abovevalue. Jt is equal to a minute of arc of the equa-tor, "^For purposes of navigation the nauticalmile is assumed equal to a minute of latitude atall points of the earth. Hence, when a vesselchanges her position to the north or south by onenautical mile, it is assumed that the latitude haschanged 1'. Owing to the fact that the meridi-ans converge toward the poles, the difference inlongitude due to a change of position of one mileto the east or west varies with the latitude.

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    12 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONParallels af Latitude are small circles of the

    earth parallel to the equator.The Latitude of a place is the arc of the merid-ian intercepted between the equator and thatplace. It is reckoned north and south from theequator as an origin, up to 90 at the poles.The Longitude of a place is the arc of the equa-tor intercepted between the meridian of the placeand the prime meridian. Longitude is measuredEast and West through 180 from the meridianof Greenwich.The Difference of Latitude of two places is the

    portion of a meridian included between the twoparallels of latitude passing through the twoplaces. When two places are on the same side ofthe equator the difference of latitude is the nu-merical difference between the latitudes of theplaces ; when on opposite sides of the equator thedifference of latitude is the numerical sum of thetwo places. The difference of latitude is calledNorth or South to indicate in which direction avessel would sail to make the change.The Difference of Longitude of two places is thearc on the equator intercepted between the meridi-ans passing through the two places. When theplaces are in the same longitude (viz: East orWest), the difference of longitude is the numer-ical difference between the longitudes of the two

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    NAVIGATION 13places ; when in different longitudes, the differencein longitude is the numerical sum of the two longi-tudes, or 360 minus this sum. The difference oflongitude is marked East or West to denote inwhich direction a vessel would sail to make thechange.

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    THEfollowing instruments are indispensa-

    ble to the navigator when piloting: (a) di-viders or compasses, (b) parallel rulers,

    (c) log, chip or patent, (d) lead and line, (e)compass, liquid, dry, or gyroscopic, (f) azimuthcircle, (g) barometer, mercurial or aneroid, (h)thermometer. A sextant and protractor may alsobe included in the outfit, although the former isentirely unnecessary,(a) Dividers (or Compasses) consist of twopointed legs movable about a joint so that thepoints at the extremities of the legs may be set atany desired distance apart. Dividers is an in-strument used for measuring distances on a chart.One of the pointed extremities can be replaced bya pencil or pen for describing arcs or circles andin this case the instrument is called a compass,

    (b) Parallel Rulers consist of two woodenstraight edges, joined by two metal links, so con-


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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 15structed that in all positions of the links thestraight edges are always parallel to each other.It is used to draw lines parallel to each other, andespecially in chart work for transferring lines onthe chart to the compass rose, ,for laying offcourses by transferring them from the compassrose, and for plotting bearings of objects.

    (c) The Log is an instrument for measuringor estimating the speed of the vessel and the dis-tance run for any given period. It takes a va-riety of forms that may be classified under twoheads, the chip log (which measures the speed ofthe vessel at any instant) and the patent log(which is cumulative and measures the distancerun for any interval).The Chip Log, which is quite inexpensive andcan be made by the navigator, consists of threeparts, the log-chip, the log-lme, and the log-glass.Its principle is that, if a light object is thrownfrom the ship, it ceases to partake of the motionof the ship as soon as it strikes the water. Ifafter any known interval of time its distance fromthe ship is known (this being equivalent to thedistance the ship has travelled in the known in-terval of time) the approximate speed of the shipcan be computed.The log-chip is a thin wooden quadrant ofabout 5'' radius, the circular edge being weighted

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    i6 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONwith lead so that the chip will float upright, apexup. The log-line is knotted into a hole at theapex. The ends of a bight of line are knottedinto the other two corners of the chip. Into thisbight is seized a wooden peg which fits into a

    Fig. 1. Chip Log.

    ocket seized on the log-line. When the peg is inthe socket, all three lines to the corners of the chipare of equal length. This contrivance facilitateshauling in the chip after the speed is obtained.The log-line^ which is made of halyard stuff, isabout 150 fathoms long. One end is secured tothe chip and the other to a reel on which the lineis wound. The line is marked at about 15 fath-oms from the chip end by a piece of bunting.This part of the line is called stray line. Fromthis piece of bunting the line is marked at every47 feet 3 inches by a piece of fish line held betweenthe strands of the log-line, the line being markedby a knot in the fish line for every division (47feet 3 inches) from the bunting. Thus at 94 feet

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 176 inches from the bunting the piece of fish linehas two knots in it, etc. These main divisions,called knots, are further subdivided into five equalparts by pieces of white bunting , between thestrands to indicate two-tenths of a knot.The log-glass is a sand glass similar to an hour

    glass constructed to run for 28. seconds. A 14j-second glass is also used.

    Three men are needed to " heave the log." Oneheaves the chip-log and tends the log-line, oneholds the reel, and one tends the log-glass.To find the speed by the chip-log, hold the reelby its handles and unwind some of the stray line.Insert the toggle in its socket and heave the chipoverboard, allowing the line to run out freely.As the first piece of bunting, which marks the endof the stray line, passes over the rail invert thelog-glass. Just as the last particle of sand passesfrom the top to the bottom of the glass seize thelog-line, which has been running out freely. Thesubdivisional mark which is now at the rail indi-cates the speed of the vessel in knots and tenths.For instance, if the cord having three knots is atthe rail, the vessel is making three knots per hour.This can be demonstrated as follows :

    Principle of Construction, When the chip hitsthe water it ceases to partake of the motion ofthe ship and becomes stationary in the water.

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    1 8 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONBetween the first mark and the third the intervalof time is 28 seconds (the time it takes the sand torun from the top to the bottom of the glass). Inthis interval of time the vessel moves 3 times 4*7feet 3 inches (as shown by the log-line). Now infeet is the distance thatthe vessel would move in one hour at the same rate.^ 3X47.25X60X60 ^^Or = 3 knots per hour.28 X 6080The 28-second glass is used for low speeds. Forspeeds over 5 knots a 14-second glass is used andthe reading of the log-line is doubled.To haul in the line after a reading is obtained,give the line a sharp tug. This will release thetoggle and the chip will lay flat on the surfaceand can be hauled in hand over hand and reeledup.The whole apparatus should be overhauled fre-quently to check the log-line markings and the log-glass. The line must be frequently checked andremarked as it stretches or shrinks, and shouldbe marked when wet. The glass is checked bycomparing it with a watch, and the sand is driedif it becomes damp as indicated by requiring morethan 28 seconds to pass from the top to the bot-tom of the glass.

    Figure 1 shows the parts of the chip-log and

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 19the necessary dimensions for making one of theseinstruments.

    In lieu of the log glass furnished with commer-cial outfits time may be kept with the watch andfor convenience a 30-second interval may be sub-stituted for the 28-second interval indicated bythe log glass. In this case the knot marks on thelog line are placed 50 feet 8 inches apart.The principle of marking the log line can bechecked easily. Suppose the vessel is moving atthe rate of one knot (6080 feet per hour). Thenin 30 seconds it would move 50 feet 8 inches.This is the length between markings. If the lineis accurately marked and the log properly con-structed the speed indicated by the chip log willbe one knot.The Patent Log is a mechanical contrivance for

    measuring the actual distance that a vessel travelsthrough the water. It is sometimes called a taff-rail log because it is usually installed on the taff-rail. It takes a variety of forms, but all aremore or less subject to inaccuracies and all em-body the same principles.The patent log consists of three parts, (1) therotator, a conical shaped piece of brass fitted withvanes which is towed astern and caused to rotateas it passes through the water at a speed propor-tionate to the speed of the vessel; (2) a register,

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    20 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONlocated on the vessel's rail. This register is con-nected to the rotator by a line which communi-

    FiG. 2. NegTis Taffrail Log.cates the revolutions of the rotator to cyclometergear in the register. The whole is so calibrated

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 21that the miles and tenths run by the vessel are reg-istered bj appropriate dials on the register; (3)the line, which is specially made. Usually about400 feet of line is used to connect* the rotatorand the register. A high speed requires a longerline than a low speed. The parts of the NegusTaffrail Log are shown in Figure 2.

    Patent logs are not exact instruments andmany inaccuracies enter even when in good work-ing order. They must be carefully watched. Ifcorrect at one speed they may be inaccurate at afaster or slower speed; they register differentlyin a head and a following sea, and in smooth andrough weather. The error of the patent logshould be determined for varying conditions ofsea and at different speeds for every run betweentwo ports, if the speed is not affected by tide, anda record of errors under these varying conditionsshould be kept to correct future readings.The revolutions of the screw propeller affordthe most accurate measure of the speed of a vesseland the distance steamed. The revolutions of thepropeller (engine speed) can be obtained by asmall instrument called a tachometer. By run-ning over a measured mile (or other known dis-tance) at various engine speeds, the revolutionscorresponding to various speeds can be obtainedand tabulated thus :

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    22 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONRevolutions Speed in Knots


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    24 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONcountry and will be described later. The dry com-pass is used extensively in England. The gyro-scopic compass is used in the U. S. Navy ; its highcost precludes its use in any but the largest ships.The Wet Compass consists of a skeleton card7%" or less in diameter, made of tinned brass, rest-ing on a pivot in liquid, with provision for twopairs of magnets symmetrically placed. The mag-nets consist of four cylindrical bundles of steelwire that are magnetized as bundles between thepoles of an electromagnet. They are cased incylinders and secured to the underside of the com-pass card in a direction parallel to the North andSouth markings of the card.The card is curved, annular shape or flat, gradu-ated by quarter points, and a card circle is ad-justed to its outer edge graduated to half degrees,with readings at every point and every five de-grees, as seen in Figure 3.The card is secured on a concentric spheroidalair vessel which rests on liquid in the compassbowl. The air vessel is fitted with an agate bear-ing which rests on a pivot in the compass bowl,most of the weight of the card being supportedby the liquid and only a slight pressure being onthe pivot.The compass bowl of cast bronze has a glasscover so that the card can be seen. The cover is

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 25made tight by a rubber gasket. The liquid inthe bowl is 45% pure alcohol and 55% distilledwater. The inside of the bowl is painted whiteand a lubber's point is drawn in the bowl in the

    Pio. 3. Compass Points.fore and aft line of the ship. This is the refer-ence point when reading the compass.The under side of the bowl constitutes an ex-pansion chamber which allows for expansion witha change of temperature of the liquid in the bowl.

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    26 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONThe bowl is mounted by double gymbals on a com-position stand. This stand contains magnets tocompensate the compass. The bowl can be cov-ered by a spun brass hood which fits on the standand can be revolved for taking bearings.

    Boxing the Compass is the process of namingthe points in their order. The four points,

    Fig. 4. Azimuth Circle.North, East, South, and West, are called cardmalpoints. Midway between the cardinal points arethe intercardinal points, N.E., S.E., S.W., N.W.The names of all points are shown in Figure 3.

    (f) The Azimuth Circle consists of a com-position ring which fits over the edge of the com-pass bowl, Figure 4*. At one extremity of a diam-eter is a curved mirror hinged to move about ahoriiontal axis, and facing this, at the other ex-

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 27tremity of the diameter, is a cased prism which hasa narrow slit in the case facing the mirror. Thispart of the instrument is used to take azimuths ofthe sun for compass work.At the extremities of another diameter (at rightangles to the first) is a hinged vertical wire, and ahinged plate having a vertical slit. This is usedfor taking direct bearings of an object. Hingedon the same pivot as the vertical wire is a smokedglass reflector for azimuth work with the sun orstars.A level on the azimuth rim shows when the circleis horizontal. All observations must be takenwith a horizontal azimuth circle.

    (g) The Barometee is an instrument formeasuring the atmospheric pressure. Barometricobservations are necessary for weather predic-tions. Some form of barometer is necessary on allvessels. There are two forms, the Mercurial Ba-rometer, and the Aneroid Barometer. The mer-curial barometer is carried on large yachts.Smaller boats should be equipped with the aneroid.The Mercurial Barometer indicates atmosphericpressure by the height of a column of mercury.If a glass tube, closed at one end, is entirely filledwith mercury and then placed open end down overa cup of mercury (no mercury being allowed to es-cape from the tube during the operation) the mer-

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    28 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONcury in the tube will fall until its level is about 30inches above the level of the mercury in the cup.This column of mercury, in the tube, is sustainedby the pressure of air on the mercury in the cup,and will rise or fall with this pressure (which isatmospheric pressure).

    This is in effect a barometer. In practice thecup and tube are encased in a brass case, cutaway near the level of mercury in the tube ; alongthis opening is a scale for reading the height ofmercury in inches, a twrnier being fitted for ac-curate readings.The Vernier is an attachment used on many in-struments, such as barometers, sextants, protrac-tors, etc., to facilitate exact readings. It consistsof a metal scale, similar in construction to that ofthe scale to which it is fitted and arranged to movealong the main scale by a rack and pinion.The vernier scale has a total length equal to one

    of the whole divisions of the main scale, but thislength is divided into one more or one less partthan the number of subdivisions into which thewhole division of the main scale is divided.

    Suppose that a barometer scale is divided intotenths of an inch and that a length of nine suchdivisions be divided into ten parts for a vernier,Figure 5. Number the vernier divisions from atthe bottom to 10 at the top. If the bottom divi-

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    sion of the vernier is brought level with the top ofthe mercurial column the scale is read as follows:In Figure 5 the mercury standsabove the mark 29.6 on the mainscale. Find the division of the ver-nier that coincides with a divisionof the main scale. In the figurethis division is " 1." Therefore .01must be added and the exact read-ing is 29.61.The Aneroid Barometer is an in-strument by which the atmosphericpressure is measured bj the elastic-ity of a metal plate. It consists ofa cylindrical brass box, the metalbeing very thin. This box is in astate of partial vacuum. As theatmospheric pressure increases theenclosed air is compressed and theends of the box approach each other.Suitable levers communicate thismotion of the box ends to a pointerthat moves over a suitable scale.These levers magnify the motion ofthe box ends and the scale is cali-brated to indicate the air pressure.

    Barometer Comparisons. What-ever the form of barometer used, it * scale.



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    30 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONwill be subject to errors due to derangements orto inaccurate construction. Because of this it isnecessary to compare the barometer frequentlywith a standard of known error. At all principalports a standard mercurial barometer is availablefor comparison. From this comparison the ba-rometer error can be computed and applied to fu-ture readings. At the principal ports the readingof a standard barometer at specified times is pub-lished in the daily papers. By observing the ba-rometer on board at the same time the error ofthe vessel's instrument is obtained.

    (h) The Thermometer is an instrument formeasuring temperatures. Its principle is too wellknown to require discussion. It is an aid to themariner in predicting weather, judging the humid-ity of the atmosphere, and, through the tempera-ture of the sea water, finding proximity of cur-rents such as the Gulf Stream. Sea water used forobservations should be drawn from at least threefeet below the surface.The Psychrometer consists of two thermome-

    ters called the wet and dry hulhs. The dry-bulbthermometer gives the temperature of the air.The wet-bulb thermometer is exactly like the dry-bulb except that its mercurial bulb is surroundedwith cloth which is kept moist. It indicates thetemperature of evaporation. By reading both

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC, 31bulbs the humidity of the air is obtained and prob-ability of rain can be foretold.The Sextant ^ is one of the most valuable ofdeep sea navigational instruments, but is of little

    Fio. 6. Sextantuse when coasting. It is used to obtain the anglebetween two objects, terrestrial or celestial, bybringing into coincidence at the observer's eye therays of light from the two objects, one ray direct

    1 Although the sextant is of little use for motor boatsits description and method of adjustment is given here forgeneral information.

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    32 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONand the other ray by double reflection. Its gen-eral form is shown in Figure 6. The frame is ofbrass or other composition. The graduated arc(cc) is generally of silver, the graduations beingby degrees and minutes, the smallest subdivisionrepresenting generally 10'. By means of the ver-nier (d) the instrument can be read to smallerdivisions, usually 10'', 15", or 20". The magni-fying glass (g) facilitates reading the vernier.A wooden handle is fitted for holding the instru-ment. A brass index arm (o) carrying the ver-nier (d) is pivoted at the center of the arc (cc).It carries the index glass (a) which moves withthe pivot of the index arm (o) as an axis. Asecond glass (b), called the horizon glass, is fixedto the frame. It is half mirror and half trans-parent, the line of demarcation being parallel tothe plane of the instrument. Both glasses areperpendicular to the plane of the instrument andare provided with adjusting screws to permit ofadjustment.The index arm can be clamped in position on the

    arc (cc) by the clamp (e) and the tangent screw(f) can give the arm small movements after it isclamped. A telescope (i), supported in an ad-justable ring on the frame, is used to give greaterdistinction to the images. In lieu of this tele-scope the star telescope (k) or plain sighting tube

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC, 33(1) may be used. Colored shades (hh) are fittedbefore the index and horizon glasses to protect theeje from sun glare. The same result obtains byusing the colored cap (n) on the telestope.The vernier (d) is constructed on the same prin-ciple as that explained under the barometer.To Use the Sextant for measuring angles pro-*ceed as follows : Point the telescope at the lowerobject, if one is above the other, or at the lefthand object, if both are in nearly the same hori-zontal plane. Keep this object in direct viewthrough the transparent part of the horizon glass,and move the index arm until the reflection of thesecond object is seen in the silvered part of thehorizon glass. When the objects are nearly incoincidence, clamp the index arm and by the tan-gent screw bring the objects in exact coincidenceat the line of demarcation on the horizon glass.The angle between the objects is now shown on thearc. When measuring the height of an objectabove the horizon the nearest point of the horizon,directly below the object must be employed. Tofind this point swing the instrument about the lineof sight as a center, keeping the image of the ob-ject in the middle of the field. The object willappear to describe the arc of a circle, the lowestpoint of which marks the vertical. When bring-ing a celestial object doi^ to the horizon it is

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    34 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONusual to set the instrument to zero and point it atthe object. Then keeping the object in the fieldmove the index arm until the horizon appears inthe field.

    Adjustments of Sextant, The adjustmentsordinarily made by the navigator are to keep thehorizon and index glasses perpendicular to theplane of the instrument, and the line of sight par-allel to the plane of the instrument.

    Adjustment of the Index Mirror. Clamp thearm near the middle of the arc. Place the eyenear the index mirror and sight along the planeof the instrument. If the direct and reflected im-ages of the arc appear in one plane the index mir-ror is in adjustment, perpendicular to the planeof the instrument. If the reflected image of thearc appears to droop from the direct image theglass leans backward; if it seems to rise the glassleans forward. Adjust by screws back of themirror.

    Adjustment of the Horizon Mirror, Havingadjusted the index mirror, select a celestial ob-ject, preferably a star, to adjust the horizon mir-ror. Put in the telescope and direct it toward astar. Move the index arm until the reflected im-age passes the direct image. If one passes di-rectly over the other the mirror is in adjustment.If one passes to one side of the other, adjust the

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 35horizon mirror by its attached screws until theimages pass one over the other.

    Adjustment of the Line of Sight is more diffi-cult. Screw the star telescope, which has twoparallel wires in its eye piece, into the ring; turnthe eye piece until the wires are parallel to theplane of the instrument. Select two well definedobjects whose angle is greater than 90 (starspreferred). Bring these objects into coincidenceat one wire of the eye piece. Now move the in-strument until they are seen at the other wire. Ifstill in coincidence the line of sight is in adjust-ment. If not, correct by the adjusting screws ofthe ring.The Index Error of a sextant is an error in itsreading due to the fact that when both mirrorsare parallel the zero of the vernier does not co-incide with the zero of the arc. This error doesnot necessarily remain constant and it is goodpractice to determine it each time the instrumentis used.The Index Correction, which is the index error

    with its algebraic sign reversed, is the correctionthat must be applied to an observed angle to getthe true angle. It may be found by observationon (a) a star, (b) the sea horizon, (c) the sun.

    (a) Bring the direct and reflected images ofthe star into coincidence and read the sextant.

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    36 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONThis reading is the index correction, and is + ^^ according as the vernier zero is to the right orleft of the zero on the arc.

    (b) Proceed in a similar manner, substitutingthe sea horizon for the star.

    (c) Bring the upper limb of the direct imageof the sun tangent to the reflected lower limb.Read the instrument and mark the reading + or as in (a). Now bring the lower limb of thedirect image tangent to the reflected upper limb.Read the instrument and give the proper alge-braic sign according to the above rule. One halfthe algebraic sum of the two readmgs is the indexcorrection.Of these three methods the first is preferable as

    it is the most accurate. Always make contact bymoving the tangent screw in the same direction.The Koch Protractor is one of the most use-ful instruments known to piloting. It combinesall the facilities of a portable compass rose, theparallel rulers, the protractor, and the plotter.It is described at length in the next chapter.

    g. BOOKS AND ACCESSORIES(a) Charts. A full set of coast and harbop

    charts should be on hand for all waters that it isintended to visit, or that any emergency mightcause the owner to visit. Before sailing care must

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 37be taken to see that these charts are corrected todate. A weekly bulletin issued by the U. S. Hy-drographic Office, Washington, D. C, supplies allcorrections and can be had on request. An un-corrected chart is not infrequently the cause ofgrounding. Large scale harbor charts should beobtained for all harbors and inland waters thatmay be visited.The following various publications, issued bythe Hydrographic Office, dealing with special fea-tures of navigation, should be regularly consulted.They can be found at any branch HydrographicOffice in the large sea ports.Pilot Charts of the various oceans, which fur-nish information about drifting derelicts, ice andfloating obstructions, storm tracks, average windand weather, ocean currents, etc.

    Hydrographic Btdletin, weekly, which givesweekly changes of the above.DaUy Memorandum, which gives daily informa-

    tion of interest to mariners.Notices to Mariners, which are weekly bulletins

    of changes in aids to navigation (lights, buoys,etc), dangers to navigation (rocks, shoals, bars,etc.), and in general all facts that affect charts,sailing directions, etc. All charts and sailing di-rections should be kept corrected to date fromthese notices.

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    38 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATION(b) A Light and Buoy List of latest date

    must be carried. It consists of a list of lights andbuoys with their location (Latitude and Longi-tude), their descriptions and characteristics, andother information such as fog signal stations andsubmarine signal stations. It can be obtainedfrom the Hydrographic Office and must be keptcorrected to date in a similar manner to, and fromthe same source as, the charts.

    (c) Sailing Dikections of that part of theworld to be navigated should be carried. Theycome in bound volumes, each volume covering alarge tract of pilot waters. They give detailedinformation of harbors, coasts, currents, coursesfor entering harbors, cable, provision and coalingfacilities, in fact are indispensable fonts of navi-gational data. They are obtained from the samesource as the charts and are corrected from thesame publications. For American waters useU. S. Coast Pilots.

    (d) Bowditch's Useful Tables (latestdate) should be used. This book contains 48 dif-ferent tables, and these comprise all the tablesneeded for any coasting or piloting problem thatmay arise.

    (e) Tide Tables and the Nautical Ephemerisof the current year may be carried but are notnecessary while on pilot waters. The Nautical

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    INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, ETC. 39Ephemeris will be needed if any celestial observa-tions are made, and in this case a well rated chro-nometer will also be necessary. The time of highand low water for any port may be obtained fromthe local paper.

    ~ 3. RECORDS THAT SHOULD BE KEPT(a) The Log Book is a record of the vessel's

    cruise, and is a most necessary accessory. Itshould contain aU the data of the navigation bydead reckoning, and should afford a complete me-teorological record. In addition all occurrences ofnote should be recorded. It is the only availablelegal record in case of crime or accident on board.

    Hourly data. The following hourly datashould be entered in the log at the end of eachhour.

    1. Knots, to nearest tenths, made good during the hour.2. Patent log reading, if one is carried.3. The average engine revolutions for the hour.4. Courses steered during the hour. (The exact time of

    changing course, with the patent log reading at that timeshould be recorded. This data is used to work up the deadreckoning, which is discussed later.)

    6. The wind, its force and direction.6. The barometer, and its attached thermometer.7. The thermometer, both wet and dry bulb.8. The temperature of the sea water.9. State of weather.

    10. Clouds, form, quantity, and direction from whichmoving.

    11. State of sea.

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    40 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONThe information in 1, 2, 3, and 4 is used for

    navigation.The information in 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11 is usedto foretell the weather. (8) The temperature ofthe sea water will help detect the proximity of ice,or the presence of a cold or hot current, such asthe Gulf Stream.The Force of the Wmd (5) is recorded numer-

    ically from (a calm) to 12 (a hurricane). Ad-miral Beaufort devised a convenient scale which isgiven in part below:Force of Wind.

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    42 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATION6. Strato-Ctimulus (S.-Cu.) Large globular masses or

    rolls of dark cloud, frequently covering the whole sky,especially in winter. It differs in appearance from the nim-bus in this globular or rolled appearance, and does not bringrain.

    7. Nimhvs (N.) Rain clouds; a thick layer of darkclouds without shape and having ragged edges. Throughthe opening in these clouds an upper layer of Cirro-Stratusor Alto-Stratus may almost invariably be seen. Looseclouds visible floating at a low level under a Nimbus sheetare Fracto-Nimbus (Fr.-N.), called by sailors "scud"

    8. Cumulus (Cu.) Wool-pack clouds; thick clouds ofwhich the upper surface is dome-shaped and exhibits pro-tuberances, while the base is horizontal. The true Cumu-lus has clear superior and inferior limits. It is oftenbroken up by strong winds, and the detached portion iscalled Fracto-Cumulus (Fr.-Cu).

    9. Cumulo-Nimbus (Cu.-N.) The thunder-cloud orshower-cloud; heavy masses of clouds in the form of tur-rets, mountains, or anvils, generally having a fibrous sheetabove, and Nimbus beneath. From the base are generallyseen showers descending.

    10. Stratus (S.) A horizontal sheet of lifted fog;when broken up by wind it is called Fracto-Stratu*(Fr.-S.).

    The State of the Sea is recorded by the follow-ing symbols:B Broken or irregular sea. M Moderate sea or swell.C Chopping, short or cross R Rough sea,G Ground swell. S Smooth sea.H Heavy sea. T Tide rips.L Long rolling sea.

    (b) The Navigator's Note Book. Thenavigator should keep a note book in which toenter all the bearings and observations taken, and

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    CHAPTER niTHE vessel's position

    THEbearing of an object from a ves-

    sel is the direction in which the objectis seen from the vessel. It is the angle be-

    tween the meridian passing through the observerand the object. It is called true, magnetic, orcompass, depending upon the meridian of refer-ence chosen. This is explained later.A Line of Position is any line on which thevessel's position is known to be, that can be plotted

    on a chart.A Line of Bearing is any line of position ob-tained from a bearing.A Position Point is any point on either a lineof position or a line of bearing at which the ves-sel's position is known to be. A position point,generally called a " ^," can be obtained by theintersection of two lines of position, two lines ofbearings, or one of each.

    COMPASS ERRORVariation of the Compass. Since the earth's

    magnetic pole in each hemisphere differs in geo-

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 45graphical position from the geographical pK)le,the earth's magnetism will cause the compass nee-dle to point to a spot (the magnetic pole) that isdifferent from the geographical pole' (called thetrue pole). Hence the compass needle will pointat an angle to the true meridian. The geograph-ical pole lies true North of all points in the North-ern hemisphere. The angle that the great circlethrough the observer's position and the magneticpole makes with the true meridian (viz: the greatcircle through the geographical pole) is called thevariation.

    This variation differs for different points on theearth. The variation for any given locality isshown on the charts. A nautical chart alwayscontains the data from which the navigatorcan find the variation for any locality for anyyear.

    Deviation of the Compass. In addition tothe variation, the compass ordinarily has a stillfurther error in its reading. This arises fromthe effect produced on it by masses of magneticmetal in the vessel itself. Deviation, which isproduced by attraction of the compass needle bymagnetic iron within the vessel itself, varies fordifferent vessels, different headings of the samevessel, and undergoes change as a vessel proceedsfrom one geographical locality to anothen A

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    46 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONtable compiled to show the deviation on all head-ings is called a deviation table.The Compass Error is the algebraic sum ofthe variation and deviation. As stated before thevariation can be obtained from a chart. The de-viation is obtained from a deviation table which isconstructed by " swinging ship." This and theoperation of " compensating the compass " arebeyond the scope of the average amateur, but inall ports are mariners who make a specialty of thiswork. The simplest method of " swinging ship "for deviation, that by ranges, is described on page49.From what has gone before it is seen that thereare three methods by which bearings and coursesmay be expressed: (1) true, when referred to thegeographical, or true, meridian; (2) magnetic,when referred to the magnetic meridian; and (3),compass, when referred to the meridian in whichthe compass needle lies.To convert compass bearings or courses to mag-netic bearings or courses it is necessary to applythe deviation, corresponding to the vessel's head-ing, to the compass bearings or courses. Likewiseto convert magnetic hearings to true hearings thevariation for the locality must be applied to themagnetic bearings.The process of applying variation, deviation,

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 47and compass error under all circumstances is onewith which the navigator must become thoroughlyfamiliar; these various problems are constantlyarising; no bearing can be plotted, orr course ac-curately set, without involving this problem, andcareful study of this subject is recommended.When the effect of a compass error, whetherarising from variation or deviation, is to draw theNorth end of the compass needle to the right the

    Fio. 7. Compass Error. Fio. 8.error is named East or is marked + ? when its ef-fect is to draw the North end of the needle to theleft it is named West, or marked.

    Figures 7 and 8 represent, respectively, exam-ples of Easterly and Westerly errors. In bothfigures consider that the circles represent the ob-server's horizon, N. and S. being the true Northand South points in each case. If N.' and S.' rep-resent the corresponding points indicated by a

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    48 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONcompass whose needle is deflected by a compasserror, then in Fig. 7, the North end of the nee-dle being drawn to the right the error is Easterlyor plus, and in Fig. 8, the North end of the needlebeing drawn to the left the error is Westerly orminus.

    Considering Fig. 7, if we assume the Easterlyerror to be one point, it is apparent that, if a di-rection N. by W. is indicated by the compass, thetrue direction is N., or one point to the right.Similarly, if the compass direction is N. by E., thetrue direction is N.N.E., or still one point to theright. If we follow around the whole compasscard, the same relation will still hold in every case,the true direction being always one point to theright of the compass direction. Thus, if the com-pass direction is South, the true direction is S.by W. To understand this consider that youstand in the center of the compass card facing inthe direction of the compass reading.

    In Fig. 8, assuming the compass error to be onepoint Westerly, the converse of the above holdstrue. All true directions are one point to the leftof the corresponding compass directions. Thus,if the compass direction is N. by E., the true di-rection will be North.A few simple rules should be remembered whenworking compass problems:

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 491. When the true bearing is to the right of the

    compass bearing the error is East,2. When the true bearing is to the left the erroris West,

    8. When applying the compass error imagineyourself standing in the center of the compasscard, facing the direction involved in the problem.

    4. Deviation plus variation equals compasserror. This means the algebraic sum: thus, ifvariation is 5 E. (+ ), and deviation is 3 W.(), compass error is 2 E. (+ ).

    5. To convert from compass to magnetic direc-tion, if the magnetic direction is to the right, thedeviation is Easterly. Conversely, to convert acompass direction to a magnetic direction, if thedeviation is Easterly, apply it to the right of thecompass bearing, if Westerly to the left.

    6. To convert from magnetic to true directions,apply the variation to the right of the magneticdirection if the variation is Easterly, and to theleft if Westerly.

    Swinging Ship foe Deviation. Variation forany locality can be obtained from the chart of thatlocality. To find the compass error on any ves-sel heading it is necessary to know the deviation onthat heading. The simplest way of determiningthe deviation on the various compass headings of aTessel is to swing ship by the method of ranges.

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    50 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONA Range consists of two well defined and

    charted objects in line with each other. The di-rection of the line through these two objects canbe ascertained from the chart. Ranges whosemagnetic bearings are known have been formednaturally or have been laid out for the aid of navi-gation in nearly all localities.To obtain the deviation on various compassheadings of a vessel (a deviation table) proceedas follows: Having located a magnetic range,steam across this range on various compass head-ings (every compass point if time and circum-stances permit). Steady on the course forthree minutes before crossing the range. Observethe compass bearings (on each heading) of therange when the two objects are in line as observedfrom the vessel. The deviation for each headingis the difference between the compass bearing ofthe range on that heading and the known magneticbearing of the range. Rule. The deviation isEasterly when the magnetic hearing is to the rightof the compass bearing, and Westerly when themagnetic bearing is to the left of the compasshearing.An example will serve to clear up the above:Suppose the magnetic bearing of the rangeis N.E. (N.45E.). Steaming across the rangethe compass bearing on each point of compass

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 51heading ^ is taken as follows (columns 1 and8):

    Column 1CompassHeading

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    52 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONThe navigator should swing ship when practical

    before any long trip, or after laying in port anyvery long interval. It is not necessary to obtainthe deviation on every compass point. If a tableof deviations on every other point is constructedthe deviation on intermediate points can be inter-polated.

    THE VESSEL'S POSITIONFinding the Vessel's Position, when piloting,

    resolves itself into four general cases:1. To get the vessel's position when one object

    of known position is in sight.% To get the vessel's position when two objectsof known position are in sight.

    3. To get the vessel's position when more thantwo objects of known position are in sight.

    4. To get the vessel's position when no objectsof known position are in sight.

    Case 4 is a method of soundings and as such isdiscussed in Chapter 5 under that heading.

    (1) To Get the Vessel's Position WhenOne Object of Known Position Is in Sight.(a) By hearing and distance. Take a com-pass bearing of the object. Convert this bearing

    to magnetic or true bearing by applying deviationor compass error. Plot this line of bearing on thechart by means of parallel rulers, using the mag-

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 53netic or true compass rose, depending uponwhether the bearing has been converted to a mag-netic or true bearing. The vessel lies somewhereon this line. If the distance from the object canbe obtained, an arc of this length with the objectas a center will intersect the line of bearing at thevessel's position.The distance may be estimated, but this is ofdoubtful value. An estimated distance may be

    verified by a sounding, if the bottom is very irregu-lar so that a characteristic sounding may be ob-tained.The distance from an object may be found by

    the vertical angle method if the height of the ob-ject is known, and the angle the object subtelidsat the observer can be measured. The heights ofall lighthouses are given in the Light List. Meas-ure the angle subtended by the lighthouse bymeans of a sextant. Nowh

    d=:.567Owhere 4=

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    54 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONTable 3S of Bowditch's Tables (Edition of

    1913) can be used to solve problems of the abovekind. Enter the column corresponding to theheight of the object. Find the angle nearest tothat measured, and on the same line (in the firstcolumn) is found the distance of the object.

    (b) By Two Bearings of a Single Object andthe Course and Distance Run in the Interval, In

    Fig. 9. Position by two bearings and interval run.Figure 9, assume A is the object on which bearingsare taken. The vessel being at B, the bearingBA is taken and the patent log is read. The ves-sel then steers a course BC and at C the bearingCA is taken and the patent log is read. The dif-ference of patent log readings is the distance BC.(Note: If no patent log is carried the distanceBC can be computed by knowing the speed at

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 55which the vessel is sailing and the time it takes torun the distance BC.) From the course steeredand the bearings BA and CA the angles B and Ccan be computed and BAG = 180-(B + C).The problem is one of plane trigonometry, giventwo angles and one side of a plane triangle. Itcan be solved in three ways :

    (A) by plane trigonometry,(B) by Bowditch's Tables,(C) by graphic chart work,

    (A) This method is little used, the last twobeing far simpler. By plane trigonometry,

    sin CAB = X BCsin Asin BAC= XBCsin A

    Dropping the perpendicular AD from A to BC,the distance of the object when abeam is

    AD = AC sin C.(B) Tables 6A and 5B, Bowditch, are com-

    piled for an inspection solution of this problem.The arguments in these tables are the differencebetween the course and the first bearing, and thedifference between the course and the second bear-ing. The differences in Table 6A are in quarter

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION S7the factor method Draw upon the chart the linesCA and BA, Figure 10, passing through the ob-ject and having the direction of the two observedbearings ; set the dividers to the distance run, BC ;lay down the parallel rulers in a direction parallelto the course steered and move them toward oraway from the observed object until such a point

    Fm. 10. Graphic method, two bearings and run.is found that the distance between the lines ofbearings is equal to the distance between thepoints of the dividers. In the figure this occurswhen the rulers lie along the line BC, and there-fore B represents the vessel's position at the timeof first bearing, and C its position at the time ofsecond bearing. For any other positions B''C",B'C, the condition is not fulfilled.

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    58 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATION(D) Special Problems, There are many spe-

    cial applications of the above method of obtainingthe vessel's position, that are so simple as to be-come mere mental problems. Some of these aregiven here :Bow and Beam Bearings. If the first bearing isis taken broad off the bow (45 from ahead) and

    Fig. 11. Doubling Angle on the Bow.Note: In Figure 11, suppose the angle observed be-tween the course and the bearing at B is 9, and at C is 29.Then the angle BAG equals 9 and AC equals BC.the second bearing is taken on the beam (90 fromahead), then it is apparent from inspection thatthe distance at the time of the second bearingequals the distance run. Likewise, if the firstbearing is taken abeam (90 from ahead) and thesecond is taken on the quarter (135 from ahead).

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 59then the distance when abeam is equal to the dis-tance run. The distance from the object when onthe bow and quarter is 1.4 times the distance run.

    Doubling the Angle on the Bow, Take a bear-ing of an object when forward of the bow; readthe patent log. Take a second bearing of the ob-ject when its angular distance from ahead is twiceas great as it was at the time of the first bearing;read the patent log. The distance of the objectfrom the vessel at the time of the second bearing isequal to the distance run between bearings.The 261/2 Rule. If the first bearing is takenwhen the object is 26% from ahead, and the sec-ond bearing is taken when the object is 45 fromahead, then the distance at which the object wUl bepassed abeam is equal to the run between the twobearings.The Seven-tenths Rule. If bearings are takenof an object when two and four points on the bow,seven-tenths (0.7) of the run between bearings isthe distance at which the object will be passedabeam.The Seven-thirds Rule. If bearings are taken

    of an object when two points forward of the beam(67% from ahead), and when abeam, seven-thirds (%) of the run between bearings is approxi-mately the distance of the object when abeam.

    If bearings are taken of an object at 22% and

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    6o SMALL BOAT NAVIGATION26^ from ahead, then % of the distance run be-tween bearings is approximately the distance atwhich the object will be passed abeam.The method of obtaining the position by twobearings on the same object is very useful, for fre-quently it is necessary to locate one's positionwhen only one landmark is in sight. A good navi-gator never misses an opportunity to check hisposition by a bow and beam bearing on every wellcharted object passed.

    It must always be borne in mind that the resultsfrom this method will be incorrect unless the"course and distance made good over theground " are correctly estimated. Bad steering,

    cross currents, or leeway of the vessel will causeinaccuracy in the estimated course, and a currentwith or against the ship, or inaccuracy in the dis-tance logged will affect the estimated distance.A current with the vessel will give a position closerto the charted object than the actual position, anda current against the vessel will give a positionfarther away than the actual distance. If the lo-cal current is known, allowance can be made for itwhen working this problem.(2) To Get the Vessel's PosmoN WhenTwo Objects of Known Position Are in Sight.{Cross Bearings of Two Charted Objects.)

    Select two well charted objects whose respective

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 63triangle at their intersection, the center of thistriangle may be taken as the vessel's position.(b) Three Point Problem,^ This is the mostaccurate method of obtaining a fix. Three ob-jects on the chart are selected and the angles be-tween them are measured by a sextant. In lieu ofa sextant the bearings of three objects may betaken and the angles between them may be com-puted therefrom. The position is plotted by aThree Arm Protractor (a description of this in-strument is omitted because the Koch Plotter de-scribed later will perform all of its functions).To plot, given the angles, set the right and leftangles on the instrument and then move it over thechart until the three bevel edges of the arms passrespectively and simultaneously through the threeobjects. The center of the instrument will thenmark the fix, which may be marked by a pencilpoint through the center hole of the protractor.

    (4) Danger Angles. When coasting thenavigator will often desire to pass sunken rocksor dangerous shoals or sunken obstructions at aminimum distance. This is done by use of theDanger Angle, of which there are two kinds, hori-zontal and vertical. The former, which is prefer-iThis method is used extensively in marine surveying.

    It requires the use of a sextant and is of little value tomotor boats.

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 65the distance it is desired to pass the danger, de-scribe a circle (the small broken circle). ThroughA and B draw a circle tangent to the first circle

    Fm. is. Horizontal Danger Angle.(large broken circle). Measure the angle A6Bwith a protractor and set the sextant to this an-gle. Now as long as AB subtends an angle

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 67range. Draw the safe circle with S' as a center.With the object as a center draw a second circletangent to the outside of the first circle at E.Measure the distance AE on the chart. Withthe distance AE and the known height AB theangle AEB can be computed. Now as long as theangle subtended by AB is smaller than the angleAEB the vessel will pass safely outside of S'. Bysimilar argument, as long as the angle subtendedby AB is greater than AGB the vessel will passsafely inside the danger S.Danger Beaeings are useful when coasting towarn a navigator by one compass bearing whenthe course is leading into danger. Suppose a ves-sel is steering a course, as shown in Figure 15,along a dangerous coast with an outlying reef asshown, with only the landmark A as a guide.Draw through A a line AX that will clear the dan-ger all along. Note its direction by the compassrose. Take frequent bearings of A. As long asthe bearings YA and ZA are to the right of XAthe vessel is on the safe side of XA and clear ofdanger. If a bearing taken is to the left of XAthe vessel must steer off shore.

    Although the object in sight may be so nearlyahead as to be valueless for a definite fix^ thismethod may be employed to keep the vessel out ofdanger.

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    68 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONRanges. A range consists of two well charted

    objects in line that can be used as a navigational

    Fig. 15. Danger Bearing and Range.aid. Thus in the above problem, if another wellcharted object lies in the prolongation of AX as

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 69at B, Figure 15, the line XAB is called a range.It is unnecessary to take the bearings YA and ZAin this case, because as long as the rear object isseen to the left of A (called an "open range"),the vessel is safe. Ranges are used a great dealin river and harbor work.

    The course to be steered is marked by two ob-jects, which when kept in line indicate a safecourse to steer. Sometimes a danger will lie onone side of the range with good water on the other.This constitutes in effect a danger bearing.When taking cross bearings for anchoring it mayhappen that one of the bearings will be on a range,which can be plotted directly on the chart withoutobserving its direction. Anchoring on ranges inopen harbors is a very common practice.

    If in a strange locality, the navigator shouldobserve and compare the compass bearings of allranges with the bearings indicated on the chart inorder to make certain of their identity.Rounding an Object at a Given Distance.To steer an arc course around a light and keep itat a given distance without the use of " fixes,"provided there is no current, stand on the firstcourse until the light is at the desired distance.Immediately bring the light abeam and steer thisnew course until the light is one-half point abaftihe beam. Now change course until the light

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    70 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONbears one-half point forward of the beam and steerthis new course until the light bears one-half pointabaft the beam again and repeat. By thismethod the vessel travels on a polygon, the in-scribed circle of which has a radius of the desireddistance. The number of sides of the polygonmay be indefinitely increased, so that the lightmay be rounded by frequently changing the coursejust enough to keep the light abeam.The Koch Plotter. Reference has been fre-quently made to this instrument and it is de-scribed here instead of in Chapter 2 because itsuse is peculiarly applicable to the problems herepresented. It can perform all the functions ofthe compass rose, parallel rulers, three arm pro-tractor, etc. By using this instrument all theabove can be done away with. The writer has fre-quently used it and would not go to sea withoutone. It facilitates the solution of all pilotingproblems that involve bearings, angles, or courses.It is simple in construction as the following de-scription indicates.

    All materials except bolts and washers aretransparent. There are two celluloid plates, one7" square plate with two series of lines perpen-dicular to each other, the lines of each series beingabout %" apart, the other a 7%" circular disc,marked on its circumference in degrees. These

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 71are centered on a hollow bolt of brass and can beclamped together with any degree of friction de-sired. Three arms are placed so as to revolvearound the hollow bolt and can be ' clamped to-gether in any position desired. The following are

    16. Koch Plotter.a few of the problems that can be solved by thisingenious instrument. (It should be noted thatno parallel ruler, or other instrument, is used, andreference is not made to the compass rose on thechart.)

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    72 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATION(1) To set a given course from a given posi-

    tion. Revolve the zero mark of the disc to theEast or West of the True North and South lineof the square an amount equal to the compasserror. Set one arm to the desired compass course.Lay the plotter with its center at the given posi-tion. Revolve the plotter about this position asa center until a vertical line on the square coin-cides with a meridian, or a horizontal line with aparallel of latitude. The course now lays alongthe bevel edge of the set arm and can be drawn ifdesired.

    (2) To find the course between two positions.Set the disc for compass error as before. Centerthe disc on one position and revolve it as before.When a vertical or horizontal line of the square isin coincidence as before, swing one arm so its beveledge passes through the second object. Read offthe course where this bevel edge cuts the degreemarked disc.

    (3) To plot the position from two bearings.Set the disc for compass error as in (1). Set thetwo arms to the two compass bearings on the disc.Clamp the arms. Manipulate the plotter on thechart so that the bevel edges of these two armspass through the two observed objects and thevertical lines on the square are parallel to themeridians. With a pencil the desired position

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    THE VESSEL'S POSITION 73can be marked through the hollow central bolt.The third arm can now be swung to mark a newcourse or to get a desired compass course to anyobject.

    (4) To plot the position by three compasshearings or the angles between three objects. Inthis case the lines on the square plate are notbrought into parallelism with the meridians on thechart because the compass error is disregarded.Set the disc to zero on the reference line of thesquare card. Set the three arms to the compassbearings, by the degrees on the disc. When plot-ting by observed angles, set one

    arm at zero, thesecond arm by degrees on the disc at the left anglereading, and the third arm by degrees on the discto a reading equal to the sum of both angles.Having set the three arms by either of the

    above methods, manipulate the plotter on thechart until the bevel edges of the arms intersectthe three objects on the chart, the center armbeing on the center observed object. Mark theposition by inserting a pencil in the hollow centralbolt.

    (5) To get the compass error from the com-pass bearings on three objects. Proceed as in(4?). Set the arms to the compass bearings andget the position. With the disc set at zero on thereference line of the square the lines on the square

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    CORRECTINGthe Compass Course. Whennavigating by dead reckoning all courses

    are reduced to true courses. The methodof correcting the compass course to obtain thetrue course is given in Chapter III.The Compass error is the algebraic sum of thedeviation and variation. If the compass error isEast, apply it to the right of the compass courseto get the true course; if West, apply it to theleft of the compass course to get the true course.When applying this correction imagine that youstand in the center of the compass card. Somecompasses are marked from 0 to 360, while oth-ers are marked from 0 to 90 from the North andSouth to the East and West. Eight problemsfollow to illustrate compass correction. The firstsolution in each case is for a compass of the firsttype, the second solution (in parenthesis) for acompass marked in the second manner.Prob. 1. Compass Course 75* (NT^E), Compass error + 6*

    (50 E).Find true course Answer 80. (NSCE.)75

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    76 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONProb. 2. Compass Course 75 (N75E), Compass error 5 (5W).Find true course. Answer 70. (N70E.)Prob. 3. Compass Course 150 (S30E), Compass error+ 10 (10E).Find true course. Answer 160. (S20E.)Prob. 4. Compass Course 150 (S30E), Compass error 10 (10W).Find true course. Answer 140. (S40E.)Prob. 5. Compass Course 220 (S40W), Compass error+ 4 (4E).Find true course. Answer 224. (S44W.)Prob. 6. Compass Course 220 (S40W), Compass error 4 (4W).Find true course. Answer 216. (S36W.)Prob. 7. Compass Course 305 (N55W), Compass error+ 6 (6E).

    Find true course. Answer 311. (N49W.)Prob. 8. Compass Course 305 (N55W), Compass error 6 (6W).Find true course. Answer 299. (N61W.)The Sailings. When a vessel sails from one

    place to another on the earth's surface, the com-putations connected therewith involve five quanti-ties, viz. : the Course, the Distance, the Differenceof Latitude, the Departure, and the Difference ofLongitude, Solution of problems involving thesequantities is called Sailings, There are manykinds of Sailings employed by navigators, of whichthe following is a list.

    1. Plane Sailing.2, Traverse Sailing.S. Spherical Sailing.

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    DEAD RECKONING 774. Parallel Sailing.6. Middle Latitude Sailing.6. Mercator Sailing.7. Great Circle Sailing.8. Composite Sailing.The last three will not be considered as they are

    used in cases where the distance sailed is verylarge, and do not come within the scope of thiswork. Middle Latitude sailing is the one mostused in Dead Reckoning, An understanding ofthe first four, however, is necessary to an under-standing of Middle Latitude sailing, and they arehere discussed to lead up to Dead Reckoning. Al-though the problems of Dead Reckoning can besolved by trigonometry, in practice they are solvedby the use of Tables 1 and of Bowditch's UsefulTables.The curved line joining any two places on theearth's surface and cutting all meridians at the

    same angle is called the Rhumb Line, The con-stant angle which this line makes with the meridi-ans is called the Course; the length of the line be-tween any two places is called the Distance,Plane Saiung. For the moment, suppose the

    curvature of the earth is neglected. In Figure IT,T is the point of departure, T' the point of desti-nation, 'TF is the rhumb line. Draw Tn and T'n,

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    78 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONforming a right angle. Tn is the meridian andT'n is the parallel of latitude. nTT' is thecourse, being the angle the rhumb line makes withthe meridian. TT' is the distance (Dist.), being

    Fig. 17. Plane SaUing.

    the length of the rhumb line. Tn is the differenceof latitude (DL) and T^'n is the departure (Dep).Then from the right triangle, TT^n, we have thefollowing formulae:

    DepDistSin C

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    Cos C = DistDepTan C = DL

    By use of these equations all problems that arisein plane sailing can be solved, trigonometrically.A much simpler method of working the sailingsis by the use of Tables 1 and 2, Bowditch. Theseare commonly called the Traverse Tables. Thetables are simply solutions of right triangles.Referring to any page of Tables 1 or 2, at the top(or bottom) of the page is the course or angle, C.The three quantities found on any one line are thethree sides of the triangle, Distance, Latitude, andDeparture. By entering this table with any twoknown quantities, the other two can be found byinspection. A few examples will make this clear.Example 1. A ship sails SSW, 250 miles. Required the

    difference of latitude and departure.Enter table 1, at course SSW. It occurs on top of pageso take names of columns from top. Under the columnmarked Dist. look for 250. On the same line is the solu-tion under the columns marked Lat. and Dep.

    Diff. of Lat.= 231 miles = 231'= 3 51' S.Dep. 95.7 miles W.Example 2. A vessel sails 880 E, 190 miles. Find the

    difference of latitude and departure.All courses are figured from North as zero right around

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    8o SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONthe compass in a clockwise direction. Therefore S80 Eis the equivalent of NlOO E, or course 100. Enter Table 3at the course 100. This occurs at the bottom of the pageso take all column names from the bottom. Opposite DisL190 we findDep = 187.1, Lat= 33, thereforeDL= 33'S.Dep = 187.1 miles E.

    Example 3. A vessel has sailed 115 miles to the Northand 155 miles to the West. Required the Course and Dis-tance sailed (using table 1).In this case Lat = 115N and Dep = 155W. Enter table1 and find a course where 115 and 155 are found abreasteach other in the colunms marked Lat and Dep respectively.This occurs most nearly at 4% points; the angle is takenat the bottom because the proper names of the columnsoccur there. Since the Lat is N and the Dep is W theCourse = NW%W. The distance is found on the sameline as 115 and 155, and in this case is 193 miles.Example 4. A vessel sails 67 miles to the North and 52

    miles to the West. Required the Course and Distance,using table 2.In this case Lat= 67N and Dep = 52W.Enter table 2 and find the page where the known quan-tities occur on the same line. This occurs most nearly under32, and the distance is 79. Since the proper coliminnames occur at the top of the page, the result isCourse= N3^W = 328.

    Distance= 79 miles.TeaVERSE Saiung. So far we have considered

    the case where only one course and one distance isinvolved. If the vessel sails several differentcourses and distances, these can all be reduced toone equivalent course and distance by the methodof traverse sailmg. This is done by finding thedifference of latitude to the North or South and

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    DEAD RECKONING 8ithe departure to the East or West for each courseand distance and then taking the algebraic sum ofthese differences of latitude and departure to findthe equivalent course and distance.

    Suppose in Fig. 18 that the vessel has sailed thedistance AB on the course GAB and then sailed

    Fio. 18.Traverse Sailing.the distance BC on the course DBC. Its final pasition, by diagram, is the same as though it hadsailed the distance AC on the course OAC.

    Considering the first course and distance, HAequals the corresponding difference of latitude andHB the corresponding departure; considering thesecond course and distance DB equals the corre-sponding difference of latitude and DC the corre-

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    82 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONspending departure. Add the differences of lati-tude. HA + DB = AO.and add the departuresHB + DC = OC.but AO and OC are the difference of latitude anddeparture respectively for the course OAC anddistance AC.To sum up: Starting with an initial position,

    A, and given several courses and correspondingdistances, the final position C is arrived at by add-ing the several differences of latitude and severaldepartures and with these two sums proceeding asin plane sailing.A tabular form is used for the work as follows :Example. A vessel sails SSW, 12 miles; SW, 40 miles;ESE, 5 miles; E by N, 60 miles; SE by S, 12 miles. Find

    the course and distance made good.This is solved in a tabular form as follows: In column1 place the courses, in column 2 the distances, in columns3 and 4 the Lats, according as they are North or South,and in columns 5 and 6 the Deps, according as they areEast or West. Next take the difference between the sumsof columns 3 and 4, and the difference between the sumsof columns 5 and 6, in each case retaining the names ofthe larger quantity. With these differences as the equiv-alent Lats and Deps enter table 1 and get the equivalentCourse and Distance.Parallel Sailing. Thus far the spherical

    form of the earth has been ignored. It has only

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    84 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONference of longitude) ; CMM' is the plane of theequator ; CP is the earth's axis ; TOT^ is a plane

    Fig. 19. Parallel Sailing.

    through the parallel of latitude TT'. Now byconstruction

    TT' = Dep MM'= DLoIt can be shown trigonometrically that

    DLo = Dep sec L

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    DEAD RECKONING 8$This formula expresses the relation between de-

    parture in miles and difference of longitude in min-utes. Problems in interconversion of Dep andDLo may be worked by the above formula. Amuch simpler method is the use of Traverse Ta-bles. Since the Traverse Tables are based on theformula DL = Dist cos C, we may substitute thedeparture for the column marked Lat, and thedifference of longitude for that marked Dist, andthe Latitude for the courses marked at the topand bottom of the page. The tables can then beused to these conversions.Example. A vessel in Latitude 40 sails due East 167miles. Required the diflFerence of longitude.Enter table 2 at course marked 40". Under column

    marked Lat find 167. Pick out the number opposite 167in the column marked Dist TTiis is the required diflFer-ence of longitude in minutes, in this case, 218' or 3* 38'E.Example. A vessel in Latitude 20 30' sails due Westa distance of 140 miles. Required the diflFerence of longi-

    tude. In this case, since these tables are made only for evendegrees, the result must be picked out for Lats. (courses inTable) 20 and 21. In this case the diflFerences of longi-tude are

    DLo = 149.5 = 2 SO^'WMiddle Latitude Saiung. When a vessel

    sails on other than an East or West course on aparallel of latitude, its latitude is constantlychanging and the Parallel Sailing method of in-

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    86 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONterconverting departure and difference of longi-tude must be modified. In Figure 20, T is thepoint of departure; T' the point of destination;

    Fig. 20. Middle Latitude Sailing.P, the earth's pole; TT' the rhumb track; n'TT',the course; Tn and n'T^ the respective parallelsof latitude; MM^ the equator. By construction

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    DEAD RECKONING 89that presents to fix the position by bearings shouldbe grasped.To obtain the vessel's position by dead reckon-ing it is necessary to have some previous well de-termined position. When a vessel leaves port, itsposition is always accurately determined by ob-servations on the last well charted navigationalmark that is seen. This is called taking the de-parture.Taking the Departuee. This departure mustnot be confused with departure used in finding thedifference of longitude. Takmg the departureconsists of obtaining a good " fix," that is an ac-curately plotted position, from which future posi-tions by dead reckoning are computed. It is gen-erally done by bearings on a well charted object.There are two methods of using this departure.By the first method the vessel's position is plottedon the chart, by any of the methods described inChapter 3, and the latitude and longitude of thisposition, taken from the chart, are used as the de-parture for future reckoning. In the secondmethod, the bearing and distance are found of theobject used for departure. The latitude and lon-gitude of the object are taken as the point of de-parture for future reckoning, and the course anddistance from the object to the vessel (the reverseof its bearing) at this time are entered as the first

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    90 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONcourse and distance in the dead reckoning col-umns. The course from the object to the vessel isthe reverse of the bearing of the object from thevessel.To make this clear, suppose bearings are taken

    on a light and plotted on the chart, and that theposition thus obtained is Lat 41 16'N, Long 7060'W. This would be the point of departure ac-cording to the first method and dead reckoningpositions would be computed from this. If, how-ever, a light whose position were Lat 41 20'N,Long 70 SOW, bore North true, Dist 4 miles,then the position of the light can be taken as thepoint of departure, and the course South (reverseof bearing) true, and the Dist 4, are entered in thedead reckoning columns ahead of the first courseand distance run by the vessel. In either case theresult is the same.

    Current, The Set of a Current is the directiontoward which it is moving.The Drift of a Current is the speed per hourwith which it moves.When a vessel is sailing in a current, the set and

    drift of which can be determined with any ac-curacy, as in the Gulf Stream, allowance for thecurrent, when figuring dead reckoning, should bemade as follows:

    Enter the set of the current in the column of

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    DEAD RECKONING 91courses. Multiply the drift of the current by thenumber of hours run, and enter this opposite theset in the column of distances. The eflPect of thecurrent on a vessel is the same as though the ves-sel actually sailed the set and drift.

    Summary. To sum up the subject of deadreckoning, a problem is given herewith that illus-trates departure by the second method, traversesailing, compass error, and allowance for current.Example. Took departure at 8 a.m. on Cape Charles

    Lightship (Lat 37" 05'N, Long 75 43'W) bearing (p.s.cper standard compass) 271**, Dist 8 miles, ship's head Eaist(p.s.c.), var. 5", dev. 4 (this gives true bearing oflight ship 262*). Thence sailed until 10 p.m. on courses asfollows.Course (p.s.c.) 110, var. 5**, dev. 6, distance 6 miles " 84** " 5**n 790' ,, _5o|

    286**, " 6%The known current is estimated at aet 48 (true), drift .5knot per hour. Find Lat and Long at 10 p. m. by deadreckoning.

    Solution: The current for 14 hours at .5 knot per houris 7 miles, totaL (See next page for table).Lat left 37. 05' N Long left ....75^43' WDL 65.2' F 05.2'N D Lo 9.8'E


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    N E W(Bearing of Lightship) 82

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    DEAD RECKONING 93Graphic Soltttion op Dead Reckoning. A

    much quicker solution of a vessel's run by deadreckoning can be made graphically on the chart.From the point of departure draw the true courseon the chart. Measure from the point of de-parture the distance run on this course. Fromthis second point draw the second course on thechart and lay oflP from this second point the dis-tance run on the second course. By continuingthis process the vessel's position by dead reckon-ing at any instant can be obtained. This affordsan excellent check to the computations.

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    SOUNDINGSare taken for two general pur-

    poses : first, when in shallow water, to ascer-tain that there is sufficient depth of water

    for the immediate movement of the ship, and tocheck the depths as given on the chart ; second, toverify dead reckoning positions when on soundingsin a fog or when land is not in sight.The best aids to navigation, when running in afog, are the sounding machine and the hand lead,and the navigator should make every possible useof them. Even in clear weather the sounding ma-chine, or deep sea lead in lieu thereof, may be ofgreat aid to the navigator in verifying h posi-tion. This is especially true when making a land-fall. The lead and line, and the deep sea lead andline are described in Chapter 2.The Sounding Machine.^ This machine pos-

    1 Whereas, a Sounding Machine will only be found on alarge yacht navigated by a licensed Master, it is still con-sidered of sufficient importance to merit a short description.


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    98 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONsesses advantages over the deep sea lead, forwhich it is a substitute, in that soundings can beobtained at great depths and with accuracy andrapidity without stopping the ship. It consistsof a stand on which is mounted a reel which holdsthe sounding wire. Crank handles are fitted tothe reel for reeling in the wire after a soundinghas been taken, and a suitable brake controls thereel when the wire is running out to take a sound-ing. The lead is secured to the outer end of thewire. Its base is hollow to receive tallow for arm-ing. Attached to the sounding wire, just abovethe lead, is the depth registering instrument en-closed in a hollow cylindrical case. Various reg-istering devices are in use, but all depend uponthe increasing pressure of water at increasingdepth.The Lord Kelvin Machine employs, for its reg-istering device, a slender glass tube, sealed at oneend and open at the other. This is coated insidewith a chemical preparation which changes coloron contact with sea water. This tube is placed,closed end up, in the metal container. When tak-ing

    a sounding, as the lead sinks, taking the regis-tering device with it, the air contained in the glasstube is compressed with a force dependent uponthe depth. Salt water enters the open end as theair is compressed, and this makes a clearly de-

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    SOUNDINGS, TIDES, ETC, 99fined line of discoloration a distance from the openend dependent on the depth. A scale is providedupon which the depth can be measured by thismark of discoloration.

    Ground glass tubes may be substituted for thechemically prepared ones. When a ground glasstube is wet, it shows clear over the wetted surface.Such tubes can be used an indefinite number oftimes, if thoroughly dried each time.

    Mechanical depth recorders can be substitutedfor the glass tubes. In such a device water pres-sure acts upon a piston against the pressure of agraduated spring, and the depth is recorded on ascale by an index pointer that is moved by thepiston.When Making Land in a Fog the sounding ma-chine, or deep sea lead, must be kept going at halfhour intervals for some hours before it is expectedthat soundings can be obtained. Several sound-ings at irregular intervals are worse than uselessas they give no definite information and may leadto disaster. In using the sounding machine, becareful not to invert the tube when withdrawing itfrom the tube case, as that would cause water torun toward the closed end of the tube, causing adiscoloration and hence a false reading. The leadmust be freshly armed at each cast. Havingpicked up the bottom, the navigator can proceed

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    100 SMALL BOAT NAVIGATIONas described under ** Piloting by Soundings in aFog,"Keep a sharp lookout for any landmarks that

    may appear during a momentary lifting of thefog, and listen carefully for signals. If a fagsignal is heard, the landmark where it is situatedcan be determined by reference to the Light List,which gives the characteristics of all fog signals(viz: the number and duration of the blasts). Ifapproaching land and the soundings indicate adangerous proximity to land, if no signals havebeen heard that will further aid navigation, theonly safe course is to anchor or stand off shore.When running slowly in a fog (as the law re-quires) it must be borne in mind that the relativeeffect of current is increased. Sometimes, whenapproaching a bold bluff shore, a vessel may bewarned of its proximity by having its own fog sigjnals echoed back from the cliff. In some inlandwaters where cliffs are frequent, navigators de-pend upon this to a great extent.

    Piloting by Soundings in a Fog. Soundingstaken in a fog serve a much more important func-tion than merely to give the depth of water at anyone position. The vessel's position can often befound by a series of soundings. In thick weather,when approaching or running close to land, or ininland waters, soundings should be taken contimi-

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    soUNDINGS, TIDES, EtO: ibiously and at regular intervals, and the characterof bottom should be noted. By laying off thesoundings on tracing paper along a line that rep-resents the track of the ship and to d scale (dis-tances between soundings) corresponding to thescale of the chart and then moving the tracingpaper on the chart so that the courses plotted areparallel to corresponding directions on the chartuntil the observed soundings agree with the chartsoundings, the vessel's position can generally bewell determined. While some waters by the quickchanges in soundings along the bottom adaptthemselves more readily than others to thismethod, there are few places where the navigatorcannot at least keep out of danger by th