400 Words for Proficiency Exam (IYS Vocabulary)




Transcript of 400 Words for Proficiency Exam (IYS Vocabulary)

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(adj): Adjecve

(adv): Adverb

(conj): Conjuncon

(n): Noun

(prep): Preposion

((pron): Pronoun

(v): Verb

ex: Example sentence

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Abroad (adv): in or to another country [yurt dışında]ex: She lived abroad for many years.

Abord (adv): a means of transport [gemide, uçakta]ex: We were aboard for several hours.

Access Access (n): way or right approach or entry [erişim, giriş]ex: We gained access to the house trough an open window.

Account for: to give a reason; to explain [nedenini açıklamak]ex: I can account for the mistake.

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Accurate (adj): exactly right [kesin, doğru]ex: An accurate drawing.

Acquire (v): to get [kazanmak, elde etmek]eex: She acquired a knowledge of English.

Administraon (noun): management [yöneci]ex: She‘s in charge of administraon at the hospital.

AdmiAdmire (v): to look at with great pleasure and oen to express this pleasure [hayranlık duymak]ex: I’ve just been admiring your new car.

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Alarm (noun): sudden fear [alarm]ex: We did not share her alarm at the suggeson.

Analyse (v): to examine the nature of something especially by braeking up a whole into parts [analiz etmek]eex: The doctor analysed the blood sample.

Appeal (noun): the act of making a request (for help, a decision etc.) [başvuru]ex: The judge rejected his appeal.

AppApproximate (adj): very nearly correct or accurate [yaklaşık]ex: Can you give me an approximate price for the job?

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Arrange (v): to put in some sort of order [düzenlemek, sıralamak]ex: He arranged the flowers in a vase.

Aspect (noun): a part of something to be thought about [görünüş]ex: We must consider every aspect of the problem.

AssociAssociate (adj): having a lower posion or rank [ortak]ex: An associate professor.

Assume (v): to take or accept as true [üstlenmek]ex: I assume that you’d like me to decide.

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Aach (v): to fasten or join [ilişrmek]ex: I aached a label to my bag.

Aack (noun): an act or the acon of aacking [saldırı]ex: The brutal aack killed the old man.

AAware (adj): knowing, informed; conscious (of) [farkında]ex: Is he aware of the problem?

Accident (noun): an unexpected happening, oen harmful, causing injury [kaza]ex: There has been a road accident.

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According to: as said or told by [-e göre]ex: According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m.

Achieve (v): to gain or reach successfully [başarmak]eex: She has achieved her ambion.

Advance (adj): made etc. Before the necessary or agreed me [avans]ex: An advance payment.

Advantage (noun): a gain or benefit [avantaj]eex: There are several advantages in being self-employed.

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Advice (noun): suggesons to a person about what he should do[tavsiye, öneri]ex: Let me give you a piece of advice.

Affect (v): to act or have an effect on [etkilemek]eex: His kidnets have been affected by the disease.

Alike (adj): like one another; similar [birbirine benzer]ex: Twins are oen very alike.

Allow (v): not to forbid or prevent [izin vermek]eex: He allowed me to enter.

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Although (conj): in spite of the fact that [her ne kadar]ex: Although he hurried, the shop was closed when he got there.

Ancient (adj): relang to mes long ago [ank]ex: An ancient sweater

Annual Annual (adj): happening every year [yıllık]ex: An annual event.

Apparently (adv): it seems that, I hear that [görünen o ki]ex: Apparently he is not feeling well.

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Appearance (noun): what can be (of a person, thing etc.) [dış görünüş]ex: From his appearance he seemed very wealthy.

Approach (noun): the act of coming near [yaklaşım, yaklaşma]eex: The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.

Appropriate (adj): suitable, proper [münasip, uygun]ex: Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion.

AA tude (noun): a way of thinking or acng etc. [tutum]ex: What is your a tude to polics?

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Audience (noun): a group of people watching or listening to a performance etc.[izleyiciler]ex: The audience at the concert.

Avoid (v): to keep away from(a place, person or thing) [önlemek, sakınmak]eex: He drove carefully to avoid the holes in the road.

Base (n): the foundaon, support, or lowest part, or the surface on which something is standing. [temel]ex: The base of the triangle.

BeneBeneath (adv): below or underneath [alnda]ex: They watched the boat breaking up on the rocks beneath.

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Bite (v): to seize, grasp or tear some-thing with teeth or jaws [ısırmak]ex: The dog bit the child’s leg.

Blame (noun): the responsibility (for something bad) [suçlama, kınama]ex: He takes the blame for everything that goes wrong.

Blind (adj): not able to see [kör]ex: A blind woman.

Brilliant (adj): very bright [parlak, şık]ex: The bird’s brilliant feathers.

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Broaden (v): to make or become broad or broader [genişletmek]ex: The river slowed and broadened out slightly.

Budget (noun): any plan showing how money is to spent [bütçe]ex: My budget for the month.

BackgBackground (noun): the space behind the principal or most important figures or objects of a picture etc. [arka plan]ex: She always paints ships against a background of stormy skies.

Baggage (noun): luggage [bagaj]eex: She sent her baggage on in advance.

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Belong to (v): to be property of [ait olmak]ex: This book belongs to me.

Benefit (noun): something good to receive,an advantage [yarar] eex: The benefits of fresh air and exercise.

Beyond (prep): on the farther side of [ötesinde]ex: My house is just beyond those trees.

Block Block (noun): a flat-sided mass of wood or Stone etc. [blok]ex: The wooden blocks of house have damaged in the storm.

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Boss (noun): the master or manager[patron,usta]ex: The boss of the factory.

Bright (adj): shining with much light [parlak]ex: Bright sunshine.

Camp Camp (noun): a piece of ground with tents pitched on it [kamp].ex: This place will be our camp site.

Capability (adj): clever especially in praccal ways [yetenekli]ex: She will manage somehow.

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Careless (adj): not careful enough [dikkatsiz]ex: This work careless.

Categorize (v): to put things or people into a category [katogorize etmek]eex: Silk is categorized as a luxury import.

Cave (noun):a large natural hollow in rock or in the earth [mağara]ex: The children explored the caves.

Ceiling (noun): the inner roof of a room etc. [tavan]eex: Paint the ceiling before you paint the walls.

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Ceremony (noun): a sacred or formal act [seramoni]ex: A wedding ceremony.

Circumstance (noun): a condion (me,place...) connected with an event. [koşul]eex: I don’t see what else I could have done.

Civilizaon (noun): the act of civilizing or process or state of being civilized [medeniyet, uygarlık]ex: The ancient civilizaons of Egypt.

Claim Claim (noun): a statement that something is a fact [iddia]ex: Her claim that she was the millionaire’s daughter was disproved.

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Commercial (adj): connected with commerce [reklam]ex: Private cars are allowed to use this road but not commercial vehicles.

Comprehend (v): to understand [anlamak, idrak etmek]eex: I couldn’t comprehend what happened.

Conduct (noun): behaviour [davranış]ex: Her conduct at school was disgraceful.

Confuse (v): to put in disorder [kafasını karışrmak]eex: I confused the arrangements by arriving late.

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Congratulate on (v): to express pleasure and joy to (a person) at a happy event, success etc. [tebrik etmek]ex: They congratulated her on passing her driving test.

ConseConsent (noun): agreement, permission [rıza]ex: You have my consent to leave.

Consequence (noun): a result [sonuç]ex: This decision will have important consequences.

CoConversaon (noun): talk between people [muhabbet, sohbet]ex: To carry on a conversaon.

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Considerable (adj): great [önemli, ehemmiyetli]ex: A considerable number of people.

Constant (adj): never stopping [sabit, daimi]ex: A constant noise.

ConConstute (v): to form, to make up, to be [oluşturmak]ex: Nuclear waste constutes a serious danger.

Consume (v): to eat or drink [tüketmek]eex: He consumes a huge amount of food.

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Contribute (v): to give (money, help etc.) along with others [katkıda bulunmak]ex: Have you contributed any money to this charity?

Convenient (adj): suitable [uygun]eex: When would it be convenient for me to come?

Cooperate (v): to work together [işbirliği yapmak]ex: They have promised to cooperate in the planning of the exhibion.

CorpoCorporaon (noun): a body of people acng as one individual [şirket]ex: The brish broadcasng corporaon.

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Crash (adj): rapid and concentrated [kaza]ex: A crash course in computer technology.

Creature (noun): an animal or human being [yarak]ex: All God’s creatures.

Cruel Cruel (adj): pleased at causing pain, merciless [zalim]ex: She was cruel to her dog.

Curious (adj): strange, odd [acayip, tuhaf]ex: A curious habit.

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Current (adj): of or belonging to the present [şu an]ex: Current affairs.

Cycle (n): a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order [dönüşüm] eex: Teacher showed us how water cycle works.

Century (noun): a hundred years [yüz yıl]ex: The 19th century

Challenge (v): an invitaon to a contest [meydan okumak]eex: He accepted his brother’s challenge to a fight.

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Circle (noun): a figure bounded by online, every point on which is equally distant from the cente. [daire,halka]ex: It’s hard to draw a circle.

Climate (noun): the weather condions of a region [iklim]eex: Britain has a temperate climate.

Cloth (noun): woven material from which clothes and many other items are made [kumaş, bez]ex: Woollen cloth is oen more expensive than other cloths.

Collecon Collecon (noun): an act of collecng [koleksiyon]ex: This is my the oldest collecon.

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Compete (v): to try to beat others in a contrest [yarışmak, rekabet etmek]ex: We are compeng against them in the next round.

Completely (adv): totally, uerly [tamamen, büsbütün]ex: I am not completely sasfied.

Conclude Conclude (v): to come or bring to an end [sonuçlandırmak]ex: She concluded by thanking everyone.

Confirm (v): to establish or make quite certain [onaylamak, teyit etmek]eex: They confirmed their hotel booking by leer.

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Construcon (noun): consrucng or pu ng together [yapı, inşaat]ex: The bridge is sl under construcon.

Costly (adj): cosng much [pahalı]ex: A costly wedding dress.

CCreave (adj):having or showing the power and imaginaon to create [yaracı]ex: A creave dress-designer.

Darkness (noun): the state of being dark [karanlık]eex: When the darkness fall, there will be no light.

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Debatable (adj): doubul;able to be argued about [tarşılabilir]ex: A debatable point

Declare (v): to announce publicly or formally [deklare etmek, bildirmek]ex: War was declared this morning.

Deduce Deduce (v): to work out from facts one knows or guesses [çıkarım yapmak]ex: From the height of the sun I deduced that it was about ten o’clock.

DelDelay (noun): keeping back or slowing down [gecikme]ex: My works is subject to delays.

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Demonstrate (v): to show clearly [ispat etmek]ex: This demonstrates his ignorance of the situaon.

Derive from (v): to come or develop from [türetmek]eex: The word ‘derives’ is derived from an old french word.

Dimension (noun): a measurement in length, breath, or thickness. [boyut]ex: The drawing must be precise in dimensions

DisplDisplay (noun): act of showing or making clear [ekran göstermek]ex: A display of military strength.

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Disnct (adj): easily seen heard or noced [farklı]ex: There are disnct differences between the murders.

Distribute (v): to divide among several, to deal out [dağıtmak]eex: He distributed sweets to all the children in the class.

Disturb (v): to interrupt or take aenon away from [rahatsız etmek]ex: I’m sorry, am I disturbing you?

Dive (noun): an act of diving [dalış] eex: She did a beauful dive into the deep end of the pool.

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Domesc (adj): of or in the house or home [yerli] ex: A domesc servant

Dominate (v): to have command or influence over [baskın olmak]ex: The stronger man dominates the weaker.

DamaDamage (noun): injury or hurt, especially to a thing [zarar]ex: The storm caused a lot of damage.

Deeply (adv): very greatly [derin bir şekilde]ex: We are deeply grateful to you.

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Despite (prep): in spite of [rağmen]ex: He didn’t get the job despite all his qualificaon.

Destroy (v): to put an end to or make useless, to ruin [tahrip etmek, imha etmek]eex: Vandals destroyed the painng.

Determine (v): to fix or setle; to decide [kararlaşrmak]ex: He determined his course of acon.

Differ from (v): to be not like or alike [aynı fikirde olmamak, ters düşmek]eex: Our views differ from them.

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Direcon (noun): the place or point to which one moves, looks etc. [iskamet, yön]ex: I‘ve a good sense of direcon.

Discovery (noun): a voyage of discovery [keşfetmek]eex: She made several starng discoveries.

Disease (noun): illness [hastalık]ex: She’s suffering from kidney disease.

Distance (noun): the space between things, places etc...[mesafe, uzaklık]eex: Some of the children have to walk long distances to school.

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Divide (v): to separate into parts or groups [bölmek]ex: We are divided as to where to spend our holidays.

Doubul (adj): feeling;uncertain what to think,expect [kuşkulu]eex: She is doubul about the future of the school.

Earn (v): to gain (money, wages) by working [para kazanmak]ex: He earns £200 a week.

Effort (noun):hard work;energy [efor]eex: The effort of climbing the hill madethe old man very red.

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Electricity (noun): a form used to give heat, light, power [elektrik]ex: Don’t waste electricity.

Employ (v): to give work to [işe almak, çalışrmak]ex: He employs three typists.

EnEncourage (v): to give support, confidence or hope to [cesaretlendirmek]ex: I felt encouraged by his praise.

Enre (adj): whole [bütün, tüm]ex: I spent the enre day on the beach.

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Equality (noun): the state of being equal [eşitlik]ex: Women want equality of oppurtunity with men.

Equipment (noun): the clothes, machines, tools [ekipman]eex: The boy could not afford the equipment necessary for mountaineering.

Escape (v): to gain freedom [kaçmak]ex: He escaped from prison.

Especially (adv): parcularly [özellikle]eex: These insects are quite common, especially in hot countries.

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Esmate (v): to judge size, amount, value [tahmin etmek]ex: He esmated that the journey would take two hours.

Eventually (adv): finally [sonunda]ex: I thought he would never ask her to marry him, but he did eventually.

EExamine (v): to look at closely; to inspect closely [muayene etmek, incelemek, yoklamak]ex: They examined the animal tracks and decided that they were those of a fox.

EExercise (noun): training or use through acon or effort [egzersiz]ex: Take more exercise.

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Expert (adj): skilled through training or pracce [uzman]ex: I‘m expert at map-reading.

Extend (v): to make longer or larger [genişletmek, uzatmak]ex: He extended his vegatable garden.

ExtExtreme (adj): very great, especially much more than usual [aşırı, uç]ex: She is in extreme pain.

Ease (v): to free from pain, trouble or anxiety [kolaylaşrmak]ex: A hot bath eased his red limbs.

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Emerge (v): to comeout; to come into view [ortaya çıkarmak]ex: He was already thirty before his arsc talent emerged.

Employment (noun): the act of employing or state of being employed [iş veren]eex: She was in my employment.

Enable (v): to make able by giving means, power or authority [etkinleşrmek]ex: The money Iinherited enabled me go on a world cruise.

EneEnemy (noun): a person who hates or wishes to harm one [düşman]ex: He has no enemies in his job.

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Essence (noun): the most important par tor quality [öz]ex: Tolerance is theessence of friendship.

Establish (v): to setle firmly in a posion [kurmak]eex: She established herself as a jeweller.

Evidence (noun): proof [kanıt]ex: Have you enough evidence to arrest her?

EExclude (v): to prevent from sharing or taking part in something [dışlamak]ex: They excluded her from the meeng.

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Exhilarate (v): to make feel happy and lively [coşkulu]ex: He was exhilarated by the walk.

Export (noun): the act or business of exporng [ihracat]ex: The export of rubber.

Expose Expose (v): to uncover; to leave unprotected from [ortaya çıkarmak]ex: Don’t expose children to danger.

Factual (adj): of or containing facts [gerçek]ex: A factual account

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Feature (noun): a mark by which any-thing is known; a quality [özellik]ex: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painng.

Fellow (adj): belonging to thesame group, country [dost]ex: A fellow student.

Focus (noun): the at which rays of light meet aer passing through a lens. [odak]ex: He adjusted the focus of his macro lens to work close up.

Forecast (v): to tell about before it happens [tahmin]eex: She forecast good weather for the next three days.

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Freeze (v): to make into or become ice [dondurmak]ex: The river has frozen over.

Fund (noun): a sum of money for a special purpose [sermaye, fon]ex: Did you get the research fund?

FFactor (noun): something, a fact which has to be taken into account or which affects the course of events [etken, faktör]ex: There are various factors to be considered.

Fail (v): to be unsuccessful;not not to manage (to do something)[başarısız olmak]ex: They failed in their aempt.

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Familiar (adj): well-known [aşina, tanıdık]ex: The house was familiar to him.

Fearless (adj): without fear, brave [korkusuz]ex: A fearless soldier.

Fill Fill (v): to put something into unl there is no room for more; to make full [doldurmak]ex: The news filled him with joy.

Fix (v): to make firm or steady [düzeltmek, onarmak]eex: She fixed the post firmly in the ground.

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Fight (v): to act against with physical violence [kavga etmek]ex: The two boys are fighng over.

Freedom (noun): the state of not being under control and being able to do whatever one wishes [özgürlük]eex: The prisoner was given his freedom.

Garbage (adj): rubbish or waste [çöp]ex: There is a garbage chute at the end of the corridor.

GGather (v): to cause to come together in one place [toplamak, toplanmak]ex: A crowd of people gathered near the accident.

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Grip (v): to take a firm hold of [kavrama]ex: I gripped the sck.

Guard (noun): someone who or something which protects [bekçi]ex: guard in front of the fire.

Gun Gun (noun): any weapon which fires bullets or shells [silah]ex: I fired a gun at the burglar.

Gentle (adj): behaving, talking etc. in a mild, kindly, pleasant way [kibar, nazik]ex: The doctor was very gentle.

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Giant (noun): a huge person [dev]ex: Jack met a giant whenhe climbed the beanstalk.

Goal (noun): the point gained by doing this [amaç]ex: He scored six goals.

GGovern (v): to rule [hüküm sürmek]ex: The queen governed wisely and well.

Growth (noun): the act or process of growing, increasing, developing [büyüme]ex: The growth of trade unionism.

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Handle (v): to touch or hold with the hand [üstesinden gelmek]ex: Please wash your hands before handling food.

Harm (noun): damage, injury, distress [zarar]eex: I will make sure you come to no harm.

Hero (noun): a person admired for his or her brave deeds [kahraman]ex: The boy was regarded as ahero for saving his friend’s life.

HorHorror (noun): great fear or dislike [korku]ex: He has a horror of spiders.

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Humid (adj): damp [nemli]ex: A humid climate

Heat (noun): the amounts of hotness especially of things which very hot [ısıtmak, sıcaklık]eex: Test the heat of the water before you bath the baby.

Hide (v): to put in a place where it cannot be seen or easily found [saklamak, gizlemek]ex: I will hide the children’s presents

Hit Hit (v): to come into hard contact with [çarpmak, vurmak]ex: The ball hit him on the head.

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Huge (adj): very large [iri, kocaman] ex: A huge dog

Hunter (noun): a person who hunts [avcı]ex: This place is restricted area for hunters.

IgnoIgnore (v): to take no noce of; pay no aenon to [aldırmamak]ex: He ignored all my warnings.

Illustrate( v): to provide with pictures, diagrams [örneklendirmek]ex: This diagram will illustrate my point.

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İmmigraon (noun): the act of entering a country in order to setle there [göçmenlik]ex: You have to bring these documents to the Immıgraon Department.

Impact Impact (noun): one object etc. hing against another [darbe]ex: The bomb exploded on impact.

Imply(v): to suggest or hint without actually stang [ima etmek]ex: Are you implying that I am a liar?

Import Import (noun): something which is imported from abroad [ithalat]ex: Our imports are greater than our exports.

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Infecon (noun): the process of infecng or state of being infected [enfeksiyon]You should your hands aer handing raw meat to avoid infecon.

Inial (adj): of, or at, the beginning [ilk]TheThere were diffcules during the inial stages of building the house.

Injury (noun): damage [hasar]Badly designed chairs can cause injury to the spine.

Idenfy (v): to recognize as being a certain person [tanımlamak]WWould you be able to idenfy the man who robbed you?

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Illegal (adj): not allowed by the law [illegal]ex: It is illegal to park a car here.

Immediately (adv): at once [hemen, derhal]ex: He answered immediately.

InIncome (noun): money received by a person as wages [gelir, kazanç]ex: She can support her family on her income.

Increase (v): to cause to grow in size, number [artmak,arrmak]eex: The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.

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Influence (v): to have an effect on [etkilemek, etki alna almak]ex: The weather seems to influence on him.

Insect (noun): any of many kinds of small creatures with wings and a body divided into secons [böcek]eex: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.

Intelligent (adj): clever and quick at understanding [zeki]ex: That dog is so intelligent.

Interpret (v): to translate[izah etmek, çeviri yapmak]eex: He spoke to the audience in french and she interpreted.

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Invent (v): to be the first person to make or use [icat etmek]ex: Who invented the microscope?

Invesgate (v): to examine or inquire into carefully [araşrmak, soruşturmak]eex: The police are invesgateing the mystery.

Involve (v): to require, to bring as a result [kapsamak, içermek]ex: Her job involves a lot of travelling.

Issue Issue (noun): the act of issuing or process of being issued [mesele]ex: Stamp collectors like to buy new stamps on the day of issue.

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Jacket (noun): a short coat [ceket]ex: He wore brown trousers and blue jacket.

Journey (noun): a distance travelled [seyahat]ex: I’m going on a long journey.

Jealous Jealous (adj): feeling or showing envy [kıskanç]ex: She is jealous of her sister.

Jewelry (noun): necklaces, rings, brooches [takı]ex: A strange guy had tried to steal expensive diamond jewelry

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Joy (noun): great happiness [eğlence]ex: The children jumped for joy when they saw the new toys.

Labor (noun): hard work [emek]ex: People engaged in manual labour are oen badly paid.

Launch Launch (noun): act of launching [piyasaya sürmek]ex: We cruised round the bay in a motor launch.

Layer (noun): a thickness or covering [katman]eex: The ground was covered with a layer of snow.

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Liquid (adj): able to flow, not solid but not a gas [sıvı]ex: The ice cream has become liquid.

Locate (v): to set in a parcular place or posion [konumunu bulmak]ex: The kitchen is located in the basement.

LLoyalty (adj.): faithful [sadakat]ex: I don’t doubt from his loyalty.

Luggage (noun): the suitcases [bagaj]ex: He carried her luggage to train.

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Legend (noun): a myth or tradional story [efsane]ex: The legend of the Trojan War

Length (noun): period of me[uzunluk, boy]ex: What is the length of your car?

LiLively (adj.): acve, full of life, high spirits or movement [canlı, yaşam dolu]ex: The music is bright and lively.

Misfortune (noun): bad luck [şanssızlık]eex: I had the misfortune to break my leg.

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Modernize (v): to bring up to date [modern]ex: We should modernize the educaon system.

Murder (noun): killing a person on purpose and illegally [cinayet]eex: The police are treang his death as a case of murder; an inrease in the number of murders.

Magical (adj): produced by or as if by the art of magic [çok güzel, büyülü]ex: Magical power.

Maintain (v): to connue [[bakım yapmak, sürdürmek]ex: How long can you maintain this silence?

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Majorit (noun): the greater number [çoğunluk]ex: The majority of people.

Medicine (noun): a substance[p, ilaç]ex: A close of medicine.

MemoriMemorize (v): to learn so well that one can remember all of it without looking [ezberlemek]ex: She memorized the direcons.

Mix (v): to put or blend together to formone mass [karışrmak]eex: She mixed the buer and sugar together.

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Mystery (noun): Something that is diffucult or impossible to understand or explain [gizem, sır]ex: How she passed her exam is a mystery to me.

Nearby (adv): close to here or the place menoned [yakında]eex: He lives nearby.

Necessity (noun): something needed or essenal [zorunluluk]ex: Food is one of the necessies of life.

NeNest (noun): a structure or place in which birds hatch or give birth to and look aer their young [yuva]ex: The swallows are building a nest.

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Nave (adj): where one was born [yerli]ex: My nave land.

Neighbor (noun): a person who lives near oneself [mahalle]ex: My next door neighbor.

NNowadays (adv): at the present period of me [bugünlerde]ex: Food is very expensive nowadays.

Obedient (adj): submissive to another’s authority [itaatkar]ex: An obedient and well-behaved child.

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Object (noun): a thing that can be seen or felt [obje, nesne]ex: There were various objects on the table.

Observe (v): to noce [gözlemlemek]ex: I observed her late arrival.

OObtain (v): to get; to become the possessor of [elde etmek]ex: She obtained a large sum of money by buying and selling houses.

Occasionally (adv): now and then [bazen]ex: I occasionally go to the theatre.

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Opon (noun): choice [seçenek]ex: You have no opon but to obey him.

Origin (noun): the place or point from which anything first comes; the cause [köken, çıkış noktası]eex: The origin of the disagreement.

Overwhelming (adj): very great [karşı konulmaz,baskın]ex: An overwhelming victory.

Occupaon (noun): a person’s job or work [uğraş, meslek]eex: Due to his father’s occupaon, he grew up knowing about military maers.

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Occur (v): to take place [meydana gelmek]ex: The accident occurred yesterday morning.

Offer (v): to put forward for acceptance or refusal[[teklif vermek, önermek]ex: She offered the man a cup of tea.

Official (adj): of or concerning a posion of authority[memur, resmi]ex: Official powers.

Opinion Opinion (noun): what a person thinks or believes [kanaat, düşünce]ex: My opinion about educaon have changed.

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Ordinary (adj): usual normal [basit, olağan]ex: She was behaving in a perfectly ordinary manner.

Partnership (noun): the state of being or becoming partners [ilişki]eex: We should go on working together in partnership.

Perceive (v): to be or become aware of to undrstand; to realize [algılanmak]ex: She percieved that he was red

PPermit (v): to agree to another person’s acon; to allow or let [izin]ex: Smoking is not permied in the staons and trains.

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Plenty (adj): more than enough [bol]ex: That‘s plenty, thank you.

Policy (noun): a planned or agreed course of acon usually based on parcular principles [polika]eex: The government’s policies on educaon.

Pollute (v): to make dirty [kirletmek]ex: Chemicals are pollung the air.

Predictable (adj): able to be foretold [tahmin edilebilir]ex: Her anger was predictable.

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Preserve (noun): an acvity, kind of work etc. in which only certain people are allowed to take part. [korumak]ex: A magnificently preserved historical building

Prevent (v): to stop [önlemek]eex: He prevented me from going.

Prior (noun): exisng or coming before in me, order, or importance [önce]ex: He has a prior engagement this evening.

PProcess (noun): a method or way of manufacturing things. [işlem]ex: We are using a new process.

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Profitable (adj): giving profit [karlı]ex: A profitable experience.

Purchase (noun): anything that has been bought [san almak]ex: She carried her purchases home in a bag.

PuPure (adj): not mixed with anything especially dirty or less valuable [saf]ex: Pure gold.

Pair (noun): a set of two of the same thing which are used together [çi]eex: A pair of shoes.

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Parcularly (adv): more than usually [özellikle]ex: She was parcularly pleased to see her brother.

Path (noun): a way made across the ground by the passing of the people or animals [yol]eex: There is a path through the fields.

Peace (noun): freedom from war [barış]ex: A peace treaty.

Polite (adj): having or showing good manners; courteous [nazik, kibar]ex: A polite child.

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Popular (adj): liked by most people [popüler]ex: A popular holiday resort.

Populaon (noun): the people living in a parcular country, area [nüfus, halk]eex: The populaon of london is 8 million.

Potenal (adj): having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future [potansiyel]ex: That hole in the road is a potenal danger.

PPowerful (adj): having great strength, influence [güçlü, kuvvetli]ex: A powerful engine.

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Pretend (v): to make believe that something is true, in play[yapar gibi görünmek]ex: Pretend to be a lion.

Previous (adj): earlier in me or order [önceki]ex: On a previous occasion.

Primarily Primarily (adv): chiefly; in the first place [öncelikle]ex: I wrote the play primarily as a protest,and only secondarily as entertainment.

Proceed (v): to go on; to connue [ilerlemek, devam etmek]eex: They proceeded along the road.

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Properly (adv): correctly or rightly [uygun bir şekilde]ex: She can’t pronounce my name properly.

Property (noun): something that a person owns [mal, mülk]ex: These books are my property.

PProud (adj): feeling pleasure or sasfacon at one’s achivements, possessions, connecon [gurur] ex: He was proud to play football for the school.

Prove (v): to show to be true or correct [kanıtlamak,ispatlamak]eex: Can you prove your theory?

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Purchase (noun): anything that has been bought [san almak]ex: She carried her purchases home in a bag.

Qualify (v): to cause to be or to become able or suitable for [nitelemek]eex: She is too young to qualify for a place in the team.

Quanty (noun): the size, weight,number [miktar]ex: I buy these goods in quanty.

Reacon (noun): the act reacng [reaksiyon]eex: I get a bad reacon from penicilin.

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Relavely (adv): when compared to someone or something else [nispeten]ex: She seems relavely happy now.

Remarkable (adj): unusual; worth menoning; extraordinary [dikkat çekici]eex: Good job! That is a remarkable work.

Remote (adj): far away in me or place [uzak]ex: A remote village in new South Wales.

Renowned (adj): famous [ünlü]eex: She is renowned for her painngs; a renowned actress.

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Require (v): to need [gerekli olmak]ex: Is there anything else you require?

Reserve (v): to keep for the use of a parcular person or group of people, or for a parcular use [[ayırmak, ayırtmak]ex: These seats are reserved for the commiee members.

Reside (v): to live or have one’s home in a place [ikamet etmek]ex: She now resides abroad.

RResolve (v): determinaon to do what one has decided to do [kesin karar vermek]ex: I have resolved to stop smoking.

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Relavely (adv): when compared to someone or something else [nispeten]ex: She seems relavely happy now.

Remarkable (adj): unusual; worth menoning; extraordinary [dikkat çekici]eex: Good job! That is a remarkable work.

Remote (adj): far away in me or place [uzak]ex: A remote village in new South Wales.

Renowned (adj): famous [ünlü]eex: She is renowned for her painngs.

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Resource (noun): something that gives help, support etc. when needed; a supply; [kaynak] ex: We have used up all our resources.

Restrict (v): to keep within certain limits [kısıtlamak]eex: I try to restrict my self.

Retain (v): to connue to have, use [tutmak, muhafaza etmek]ex: These pieces cannot retain heat.

Reunite (v): to bring or come together aer being separated [birleşrmek]eex: The family was finally reunited with their parents.

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Rope (noun): thick cord, made by twisng together lengths of hemp [halat]ex: She ed it with a rope.

Rotate (v): to turn like a wheel [döndürmek]ex: She rotated the handle.

RanRange (v): to vary between certain limits [sıralanmak]ex: Weather condions here range between bad.

Rare (adj): not done, found, seen, uncommen [nadir]ex: A rare flower.

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Recognize (v): to see, hear and know or what that person [tanımak, farkında olmak]ex: I recognized him by his voice.

Reflect (v): to send back [yansıtmak, akse rmek]eex: The white sand reflected the sun’s heat.

Region (noun): a part of country [bölge]ex: Do you know this region well?

Relave (adj): a person connected with blooad or marriage [[hısım, akraba]ex: She used to be rich but now lives in relave poverty.

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Relax (v): to make or become less ght or tense or less worried [rahat]ex: The doctor gave him a drug to make him relax.

Religious (adj): of religion [dinsel, dini]ex: Religious educaon.

RRely on (v): to depend on or need [güvenmek, bel bağlamak]ex: The people on the island relied on the supplies that were brought from the mainland.

Remove (v): to take away [sökmek, kaldırmak]eex: Will someone please remove all this rubbish?

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Respect (noun): admiraon, good opinion [saygı]ex: She is held in great respect by everyone.

Response (noun): a reply or reacon [müdahele, cevap]eex: Our leers met with any response.

Rocky (adj): consisng or full of rock or rocks [kaya gibi sert]ex: A rocky coastline.

Role(noun): an actor’s part in a play, film, etc. [rol]eex: That was his first major role in a blockbuster hollywood movie.

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Sail (noun): a sheet of strong cloth spread to catch the wind [denize açılmak, yelkenli]ex: All the sails were unfurled.

Scar (noun): the mark that is le by a wound or sore [yara]eex: A scar on the arm where the dog bit him.

Secon (noun): a part or division [bölüm]ex: She divided the orange into secons.

Seek Seek (v): to try to find, get or achieve [aramak, araşrmak]ex: They came here to seek shelter from bing winter winds.

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Shape (noun): the external form or outline of anything [şekillendirmek, biçim vermek]ex: The house is built in the shape of a leer.

Shine (v): to give out light [parıldamak]eex: The light shine from window.

Shock (v): to give a shock [şok etmek]ex: Everyone was shocked by her death.

Shoot (v): to send or fire [ateş etmek]eex: The enemy were shoong at us.

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Significant (adj): important, considerable, marked [önemli]ex: There was a significant change in the paent’s condion.

Skilled (adj): having skill [yetenekli]ex: She is skilled at all types of dressmaking.

Smart Smart (adj): neat and well-dressed; fashionable [akıllı, zeki]ex: You are looking very smart today.

Soen (v): to make or become so or soer [yumuşamak]ex: The thick walls soered the noise of the explosion.

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Specific (adj): giving all the details clearly [belirli, özgül]ex: Specific instrucons.

Speedy (adj): done, carried out etc.quickly [hızlı]ex: He is wished a speedy recovery and a quick return to home.

SpSpread out (v): to extend or stretch out [yaymak, yayılmak]ex: The fields spread out in front of him.

Steal (v): to take especially secretly, without permission or legal right [hırsızlık yapmak]eex: He was expelled from the school because he had been stealing.

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Strategy (noun): the art of planning a campaign or large military operaon [strateji]ex: Military strategy

Strength (noun): the quality of being strong [güç, kuvvet]eex: She got her strength back slowly aer her illness.

Structure (noun): the way in which something is arrenged or organized [yapı]ex: The structure of a human body.

Stylish Stylish (adj): elegant, fashionable [şık, modaya uygun]ex: Stylish clothes.

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Successful (adj): having success [başarılı]ex: Were you successful in finding a new house?

Suddenly (adv): quickly and unexpectedly [aniden, birden bire]ex: She suddenly woke up.

SuSuffer (v): to undergo, endure or bear pain, misery [acı çekmek]ex: She suffered terrible pain from her injuries.

Surface (noun): the outside part [yüzey]eex: This road has a very uneven surface.

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Survive (v): to remain alive in spite of [hayaa kalmak]ex: He didn’t survive long aer accident.

Selecon (noun): the act or process of selecng or being selected[seçim]eex: A selecon commiee.

Shallow (adj): not deep [sığ]ex: Shallow water.

Shame (noun): fault, foolishness or failure [utanç]ex: She felt no shame at her behaviour.

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Shi (noun): a change of posion [vardiya]ex: A shi of emphasis.

Sightsee (noun): vising the chief buildings, places of interest an area [gezi]ex: A sightseeing tour.

Sink Sink (noun): a kind of basin with drain and a water supply connected to it [lavabo]ex: He washed the dishes in the sink.

Slide (v): to cause to move or pass along smoothly [kaydırma]ex: He slide the drawer open.

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Solve (v): to discover the answer to a problem [çözmek]ex: The mathemacs teacher gave the children some problems to solve.

Source (noun): the place, person, circumstance, thing from which anything begins or comes [kaynak]eex: They have discovered the source of teh trouble.

Starve (v): to die, or suffer greatly, from hunger [açlıktan ölmek]ex: They were accused of starving their prisoners.

Sufficient (adj): enough [yeterli]eex: We have not sufficient food to feed all these people.

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Surround (v): to be, or come all round [kuşatma]ex: Britain is surrounded by sea.

Target (noun): a marked board or other object aimed at in shoong pracce [hedef]eex: His shots hit the target every me.

Task (noun): a piece of especially hard work, a duty that must be done [görev]ex: Household tasks.

Terrible (adj): very bad [[berbat, korkunç]ex: That music is terrible.

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Terrifying (adj): cause to feel extreme fear [korkunç]ex: A terrifying murder happened at near the lake town.

Text (noun): in a book the wrien or printed words, as opposed to the illustraons, notes [men]eex: First the text was printed, then the drawings added.

Tie (v): to fasten with a string, rope [bağlamak]ex: He ed the horse to a tree.

Timeless (adj): not belonging to [zamansız]eex: Timeless works of art.

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Tool (noun): an insrument for doing work, especially by hand [alet, araç]ex: Adversing is a powerful tool.

Trainer (noun): a person who prepares people or animals for sport, a race [eğici]eex: He is the best racehorse trainer around the state.

Trip (noun): a journey or tour [seyahat]ex: She went on a trip to Paris.

Talent (noun): a special ability or cleverness, a skill [hüner, kabiliyet]eex: A talent for drawing.

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Teenager (noun): a person in his or her teens, usually aged between 13 and 19 years [ergen]ex: I didn’t accept the changes when i’m teenager.

Tent (noun): a portable shelter made of cloth [çadır]eex: We usually sleep in a tent.

Threaten (v): to make or be a threat to [tehdit]ex: A storm is threatening.

Thrill (noun): an excited feeling [heyecan]ex: A thrill of pleasure.

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Trade (noun): the buying ang seiling of goods [caret]ex: Japan does a lot of trade with britain.

Translator (noun): a person who translates [çevirmen]eex: He is the translator of Hardy’s poems into Icelandic.

Ugly (adj): unpleasant to look at [çirkin]ex: She is rather an ugly young woman.

UnUncover (v): to remove the cover from [meydana çıkarmak]ex: His criminal acvies were finally uncovered.

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Undertake (v): to accept [girişmek, yüklenmek]ex: She undertook the job willingly.

Unexpected (adj): not expected, sudden [beklenmedik]ex: His unexpected death.

UnknUnknown (adj): not known [bilinmeyen]ex: Her unknown helper.

Upward (adv): towards a higher place or level [yukarıya dönük]ex: The path led upwards.

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Urgent (adj): needing immediate aenon [ivedi, acil]ex: There is an urgent message for the doctor.

Variety (noun): the quality of being of many different kinds or of being varied [çeşitlilik]eex: There‘s a great deal of variety in this job.

Voyage (noun): a usually long journey [sefer, yolculuk]ex: The voyage to America used to take many weeks.

VValuable (adj): having high value [değerli, kıymetli]ex: A valuable painng.

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Warn (v): to tell in advance[uyarmak]ex: Black clouds warned us of the approaching storm.

Weigh (v): to find the heaviness of by placing it on a scale [tartmak]eex: You must have your luggage weighed at the airport.

Whatever (pron): used the quesons or exclamaons to express surprise [her çeşit]ex: Whatever will he say when he hears this?

WWorth (adj): equal in value to [değer, eder]ex: Each of these stamps is worth a cent.

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Wealth (noun): riches [zenginlik, servet]ex: He is a man of great wealth.

Wedding (noun): a marriage ceremony [düğün]ex: The wedding will be on Saturday.

WWeightless (adj): not affected by the earht’s gravity pull [ağırlıksız, hafif, önemsiz]ex: The astronauts became weightless on going into orbit round the earth.

WidespWidespread (adj): spread over a large area or among many people [yaygın, geniş çapta]ex: Widespread hunger and disease.

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Wisdom (noun): the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise [akıl, bilgelik]ex: Wisdom comes with experience.

Wrap (v): to roll or fold [sarmak, sargı]eex: He wrapped his handkerchief round his bleeding finger.

Youth (noun): the early part of life [gençlik]ex: Enjoy your youth!

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