400 500 trail of blood

Trail of Blood Studies Church History As It relates To Missionary Baptists

Transcript of 400 500 trail of blood

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Trail of BloodStudies

Church History As It relates To Missionary Baptists

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Week 9 and 10 Century 401 – 500Review of the History

Persecution Act 303 (http://www.homecomers.org/mirror/martyrs022.htm)Toleration Act 311Indulgences http://www.catholic.com/tracts/primer-on-indulgencesInfant Baptist Baptismal Regeneration

416 Under Roman Law “Infant Baptism” becomes compulsory


North AfricaChurch and State (Sword and Cross) The New Testament Church and its GovernmentLocal in nature and democratic (congregational) in governmentBible Example Assignments: Trail of Blood, Pages- 11, 12 and 13

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Trail of Blood

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History of the PersecutionsAt least since the fifth century, it has been customary to count ten major persecutions in the early church, a number that nicely parallels the ten plagues of Egypt. {12} These ten persecutions are: Persecution under Nero (c. 64-68). Traditional martyrdoms of Peter and Paul.Persecution under Domitian (r. 81-96).Persecution under Trajan (112-117). Christianity is outlawed but Christians are not sought out.Persecution under Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180). Martyrdom of Polycarp.Persecution under Septimus Severus (202-210). Martyrdom of Perpetua.Persecution under Decius (250-251). Christians are actively sought out by requiring public sacrifice. Could buy certificates (libelli) instead of sacrificing. Martyrdoms of bishops of Rome, Jerusalem and Antioch.Persecution under Valerian (257-59). Martyrdoms of Cyprian of Carthage and Sixtus II of Rome.Persecution under Maximinus the Thracian (235-38).The Fire of Rome. Illustration from Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Persecution under Aurelian (r. 270–275).Severe persecution under Diocletian and Galerius (303-324).

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The persecution under Decius was the first universal and organized persecution of Christians, and it would have lasting significance for the Christian church.

In January of 250, Decius issued an edict requiring all citizens to sacrifice to the emperor in the presence of a Roman official and obtain a certificate (libellus) proving they had done so. Forty-four of these libelli have survived. One surviving example reads:

Libellus, Egypt, 250 AD To those appointed to see the sacrifices: From Aurelia Charis of the Egyptian village of Theadelphia.

I have always continued to sacrifice and show reverence to the gods, and now, in your presence, I have poured a libation and sacrificed and eaten some of the sacrificial meat. I request you to certify this for me below.


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Police surveillance of Christianity was not because it was a new religion. Rome was tolerant of religious differences. The Church preached the coming End of the wicked World. Only Christians would be saved. To Romans, they exulted in disaster. The Church created the myth of incessant persecution, but when Christianity was persecuted, it was as a subversive organization. Christians did not see themselves as part of the Roman state and culture.

What is more subversive than this? And soon it did subvert the empire. Romans saw Christians as a fifth column, especially of the Persians who menaced the east.

They would foment disloyalty at the moment of extreme danger from external enemies. Decius knew that the loyalty of Christians was to the Church not to the Roman state and he determined to expose it by making all loyal citizens sacrifice to the emperor and the gods on a prescribed day each year.

But simply throwing incense on the altar was acceptable! Christians determined to be martyrs refused to do even this.

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An indulgence, according to the Roman Catholic Church, is a means of remission of the temporal punishment for sins which have already been forgiven but are due to the Christian in this life and/or in purgatory.

This punishment is most often in purgatory but can also be suffered in this life. An indulgence removes time needed to be spent in purgatory.

There are two kinds of indulgences: partial and plenary. A partial indulgence removes part of the punishment of sins. A plenary indulgence removes all of the punishment of sins.

Granting an indulgence of a certain number of days or years means that is how many days or years is removed from the time of punishment a person must undergo in purgatory

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in·dul·gence ( n-d l j ns) n. 1. a. The act or an instance of indulging; gratification: indulgence of every whim.b. The state of being indulgent.2. a. The act of indulging in something: indulgence in irresponsible behavior.b. Something indulged in: Sports cars are an expensive indulgence.3. Liberal or lenient treatment; tolerance: treated their grandchildren with fond indulgence.4. Self-indulgence: a life of wealth and indulgence.5. a. Something granted as a favor or privilege.b. Permission to extend the time of payment or performance.c. Patient attention: I beg your indulgence for just a few minutes.6. Roman Catholic Church The remission of temporal punishment still due for a sin that has been sacramentally absolved.tr.v. in·dul·genced, in·dul·genc·ing, in·dul·genc·es Roman Catholic Church To attach an indulgence to.

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311 – The Edict of Toleration by Galerius was issued in 311 by the Roman Tetrarchy of Galerius, Constantine and Licinius, officially ending the Diocletian persecution of Christianity.

313 – Roman Emperors Constantine I and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan that legalized Christianity across the whole Empire.

An edict of toleration is a declaration made by a government or ruler and states that members of a given religion will not be persecuted for engaging in their religious practices and traditions. The edict implies tacit acceptance of the religion rather than its endorsement by the ruling power.

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1. The gradual change from a democracy to a preacher-church government. 2. The change from salvation by grace to Baptismal Salvation. 3. The change from "believers' baptism" to "infant baptism.“ 4. The Hierarchy organized. Marriage of church and state. 5. Seat of empire changed to Constantinople. 6. Infant baptism established by law and made compulsory. 7. Christians begin to persecute Christians. 8. The sword and torch become {In Mans, thoughts} the power of God (?). 9. All semblance of "Religious liberty" dies and is buried and remains buried

for many centuries. 10. Loyal New Testament churches, by whatever name called, are hunted and

hounded to the utmost limit of the new Catholic temporal power. Remnants scattered over the world are finding uncertain hiding places in forests and mountains, valleys, dens and caves of the earth.

11. The "Dark Ages" begin A.D. 425.

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Historical TimelineA. 500 AD: Rome has Fallen to Barbarians

B. 700 AD:German Tribes setup kingdoms

1. They become Christians

C. 730-- 814AD:‐Charlemagne

1. Rules France, Germany, Italy2. Crowned Roman Emperor

The Dark Ages

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Trail of Blood Studies

– Admit where we are on this journey!

– Knowing the history helps

– Study the history and bible

– Build confidence

– Commit to serving Jesus

– Tell others

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2000 A.D.

1400 B.C..


Creation of world 2500

B.C.400 B.C..