4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...when tbey occur...

4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. T| I ' i in |p lo»flinK for siii'li mviworPR , uml mj iiKlit tln-Hfl Ml what is right nud what suppress my feelings and to listen to man Bins unless a spiri t of folly possess - and Mrs. Lencht , I returned to the ^ 00 ^[^' ag j "™^ b ° r ag °'}> er» . is 1 h p ft fT| P T1C 3 n lS136lll6l M ' "rim? sl>»P<' "»<l f|,rt,» vuto that chaos wrong, to whieh no prophet ever added the tlicto of reason. es him. " Men and nations wore—and quiet room in Mr. Socman 's home rf 0 ° imes Broadly speaking, prize-fl ^f I lib nlllUllu ! of passion f<> r innovation , most always a word in theory or practice ; these are th e skkmos. many are yet— ignorant of the oondi- , with the intention to do no more. jnR has a distinct tendency to prmeut ¦ - ¦ •- long )"¦¦ ' i ' >i-i iu> generalities , no equivocacy, or poet- Th« nhimt nf «.« ^i^nnx «r«« fh» tions they as members of the covenant Bnt no, it would not do. In the even- murder , because it influences men to ISAAr .W. «7^ ^r _ ioai ni^U, ; it is ali ^in . original and ^^L'^lZ™ had - to fulnll ; they know not thi; duties W^^ ^ ^ iZS i St^ffitt nl * *$&?£ ;T Tr^ « x- - , "~ Tnu N^v York papers are responsible concrete . Besides nil that , the main iaid down the tbeory liecordiug to the they have to perform as children of male representative to that charming in uy desiKn9d to prevent killi, lc Z' LEO Wl&b cv OVJ.. f r tJl () f„|], )W iuK statistics : Tim laws of the code, such as the ^ ar ' , Prophet Jeremiah in last evening ' s ad- tna liTing God ; they know not God , temple of art and went with Mr. oee- brief revie w of them will show. Acoorrl- Pmuishfr i ash I' RnrmiT . ** . statistician of the Police Department riage laws , the laws of war and peace, I dregs Tho . ' j maintained tho? know not His grace, His covenant man to the house of Rabbi Heller where ing to the rules , only the fist must be ' " ¦ "' , , ' . " ,.. competed to day his tables showing the charity laws , the lubor laws and i . ' . ' *' ' . . ' of grace and peace. Therefore God Mrs. Holler had arranged a reception "^A W ™° ^ u B a ^«P«m or Office: X. W . O. r. Fifth an.l \ .no St.. th(j P |lnnj bw <j f nmHhl tm|(lo by th( , otller8 m noi limcll hluted at ln I J* 0 ^* ^Jf ^ * Jj called Abraham and instructed him , I in honor of herjruest Rabbi Stolz , of ™ta ib^^ «^«j ^ _ -_ . ¦ 1 ' olicb Department . Tin; total number the prophetic books. But they glorify the Thorah material and a thousand years W}i Ail - Sh a ddi,- walk thoujiefore me Chicago. I met many friends there ana on8e8 that one man pan hurt auotliur Cincinnati , 0., .January 10, lsfla. I){ arrests js: Males . 77. JM females , royal dynasty and the sacrificial polity 0f history before them and the divine and ^ a th ou P orfeot . " as t,le substance * remained till-well , till I went- home, ' seri ously , wit h -thei fist, dspeoi ally if , , ls "T— ~~ , 7~ , u ,77, " r ~7T^ ~ n ¦ - ''' .' ¦'• ' ' <»¦ Of the persons arrested . -13 , 27!> as indispensable awl integral portions . ' - f , ' n]HnitttB h of the sublime lesson he should practice too tired to write down the impressions requir ed byjrinfr laws, lUl blows are . Emorrii »s Nncon ii-oiBB^ innii mutii -r at iiio ¦ ¦ * " * power in mem , to luaice ultimate ao- r , ,. , struck above the belt , avoiding p 0»i(nik'u ..t < inrirti .uii , ni,i„ , were born hi the United States , 20. 502 of Judaism , while Moses lays no stress gtraotions from that entire material did «»d promulgate in qrderj to become a I reoeived ^ dnrin g the day. tenderer parts of the body n m rnvm PPirr PFR YFaP SUM) in I,vlun ' 1 ' ^ "" in ^ """"J- 1 ' 4 " : ' <m either ' so tbat tho Mc8aiauic oom - -and this is chiefly their greatness- blessing to all the families of the earth. Nest morning committee meeting till Again, no man must be struck while IBBStKlfwO K mil , rm tlak W uu ^ [ni]v i;|) , n chinii ThB re wen , tllotjon on ^th S j das of tue honH0 din . . „. nnrfnrfr ,| ' .... _ Therefore God ruised'up Israel to a 2. pm. then dinner in the palatial prostrate or while trying to ri«e after »«»-A " ' J ,, - ,, „,,o,-s, ITS bankers and brok,rs , took its rise and draws its steady nutri- J.^ ^Zte al^^Snmi from the kingdom of priests and a holy nation , home of the distinguished j urist. Mr. a fall Where ring ru es prevail the Pmiaop in riirtra p. flnR Yea r - - - - SI 00 . L * > . . . ^ cn mclmate abstractions t rom the ° , r ,, t , tv « »v. .. ;„ i„,., „f „n, irind man who gets knocked down in a br:m- i mm 10 LUr0W. _ UMjr edl ^ ^J , . _ ., .,, ,,lirtf)!lduri) i M ciurKymt!„ , v* meat fro m the prophetical scriptures. variong 8llbdivi8ion8 0f the Thorah , as to make known unto them and by them Dreyfus, the son-in-law of onr kind , g per£eot ^ flafe Qg i^g M h * bates OP AUVKKT isiNfl. lawyurs , is , OHii laborers, t)S physicians , Nabiism is not historical Judaism. did j ei.emia]j in regard to the theory of t0 the hnman race the condition s and hosta , lasting to the last moment of our wnere he has been put. DompHneninr . v K.* , 1!..!i.ii. K«iMi>i>iiii«rieB »sM Js u " d( , rtllkt . rs lltld r, rabbis arrested. ^-^- TndniHm Thnoo niH™ n ^.... nH^. duties of God' s covenant with man. departure. Then no man need figh t unless he >^»^ J ^.. MI >.^» B Th( , fMnm nf tlMi Dotective Bureau THKRR ta ont iu Iudiana ^ turany Ji7 e £^^ f ~^ Therefore He , gave them , the Thonih He re at the depot the generosity of ^ts to^or ^ having Jju* h t „^on r .nS i \y, Al ' VI:UnSEMEN1 " 3 n, * <1 ' r.-cov«««l *2H. - , , 00n worth of Htoleu called Decatur. This town has a paper for the preachers of religion , so much which contains in a tangible form thesn our New Orleans peop e was not ex- ^uder rinR low a Confession of w °° pp _. _ property . culled the l>-morratir We-kh, Worhl , g0 t])at qnite fl nnmber * f thQm mia . conditions and duties , which man h austed yet. The floral gifts and the beaten and wiUingI1ess to admit the coirpuMBSTAiiY and memorial reioiuiionii ol This setims not to bo exactl y correct , which in size is about as large as the f . th . v ,,-^.., fn _ fho „-! ; „„! should know and do, in order "to live adieus were as numerous and kind as superiority of the opponent' always VS^£S£^"- #SfcS££l for among th« arrest made there are soles of your boots and in tone as lofty ma ^ 7om wh " cl i masL Snds by them " within the covenant of grace Juliet' s good night to Romeo. md^ ftjjtofe Now ^ in couutriBs onHerm charge oHi.00each . ^_ H(, Kussiiuis. Hungarians or Slavonians, as . that of a Zulu herdsman. Well , construoted them. and peace and advance therein to per - Homeward bound , extra oars , large lar p Bport a g baseban aud f 0otball lire I n answerin g any of the ilTertliemutt In thin lind y8 t five rabbis are iimong them who this paperlet of its own account made a ' . feotion , happiness and immortality, company, quite sick and exhausted all w j tb ns > pnbii0 opinion enforces rinc pnier . oarrfii . il rt8wlllconfer»f»Torn poi bothtbe .w n(] c\QT(rjmKll. Who are they? known to its readers, which appear to - ine inoran contains not only the which q^ promjBed to aU children of day, arrived safely and in time. no ao- rules on all occasions. Whoever vi Q. ^ Kn toh. .ai th« pabll |jh«r. ^iM^hM ihv , R , oontiuRellt ? bo as numerous as the buffaloes in the P"°oiplei dooferiue and precept, forever. oident 0004 ; ^^. farewell , New lata them will invariably have a iMb M., tartw., w.l.tM Min Wi»«Mtni « _ atftto of Indtanai the essence of Judaism ; it contains ito * THG B9SKSCE 0F ¦ TH0RAH. Orleans . yours>re a great people and ^^^^MiS^^l^^ J£%^% ^!^^ . T>r,.,. the Palestinian port . has come " MW ™,h P, v , TS^^^S^ 'S^ The prophet whose ultimate abstrac no doubt about it That is all I entered Zf ^^ J^^1^ ^^ ^^%S%J ? *& * «™t yain st9 ™,, 00 heavy for Tha „, rW ( graoioU8, wllat a miserable ^7a SSSTSi at hl^ tion I attempt to expound , , standing at that day in my _ note _ book. a fight usual yj ^jjj ^Jh* g^ •S^ rtri 0 "t^b r w nVSe^lSl£S! th f ° feebl ° ; Wld T f Jl' , T™ World thiB ta) - th° 1V° rW d0 S3 UOt Care ^ th e life of nations that embrace the end of the prophetical milleninm, /Jn ^ to ^ H. Levi Es ^ of dead man . and wh at the Jeath of Hian p lcera of congj fgatibnB w Mwud 10 J«r city, swept over it and washed aw ny to .do bnsinew. with them , " and then that sabiime essence. These lessons a9 l h»ve remarked before, saw well Qalveston Texa3 it. must be stated here implies for those left behind , few of us r^JfiS MJtt fl " ~nB.den.We number of _ house,. and goe3 on showing ^ the Jew8 doing ^ ^.^ ^ ft ¦ ^ n ot all commandments of the ^ V gStaaa.. ta k es offense at X ou^oIS? Unle8S " C ° meS l & ' S^&*1$^-& t%3Sff l STS ST ho S rSni- who i ved bnsineS8 'here sell poor stuff , shoddy of th , 00V6aanta reoolded in th9 Thor^b. were practicable in to days. 8orae of ^ , stat t8 in these ^^^^^ o athletic CQn . order.. uvof thc old Haint Omah . who lived olotningj bad and Qheap garmenta . qtc. Thorub , the institutions to make them We -at . thiB. end of the nineteenth cen- ,. RemilliBceiloeS .' concerning his ad- teats, boxing matches, or even prize- ^cunw .., « udiriK. and buriah .win bo '" w ^ nn ^T ILn 1^ andT n ' ^'^ called «« acconut by the />« % permanent in man ' s memory, and the *** know this ihuoh better even by dresB before the .. Uonaoil" U. A. H. :^, te A n .?^«l^S n *F^ i ^ publish.-'! iruo of «har«S!. when tbey occur la maker , not by modern means and ap- „,,mom,,: of Decatur for that piece of iaw3 to secure-for them nermanencv ; tha experience recorded in history. ¦ . pnrrflnfn j h, to the effant will, tend to create a feehng that when te ^X^tSM W.-«. . but by praye. Once upon a asinine ^^ that yonngBter „. *^ ^l£ZSSZgg E -^ -" commandment and ^^ 'STS S^XaJ S Sffiti SS^ 4^.%e5? Sra£V^l^n «{5a«gSrtfS T^tZ : 7 rlJlZ^!Jr£l P^-e^hat there were only two Je w. etfl bequeathed * poaterity the ^i , ordinances of ^he Thorah are conditions ^^^ ° £ the P rabbia ^ gg'S to be S^ Eg^ cp mji. - -.ied with an order of .ubicrlptioa ana and Onias was requested and did pray doing business in Decatur ; he meant tion . "Remember the Thorah of Moses , and duties of the covenant for all . . .. , 8nDD09ed and wrot6 them run wide open say ; I, Mr. " Mayor. Utop^oro,,0 ^. : __ for rain. The ram came, of course, but them and nobody el se. Whatever poor my Ber van t , which I commanded him times, and we ask. which are ? .In the S^g ^on 'L Levi , I take , - ' ' - ' ' R L ~ *SFSr $i32S Xg S&^f iS S !^ oS " ta 'S aSrSe Its recuS : ^ th0S6 tW ° ma y 911 ' the ^ ar ^ er " »t Horeb for all Israel ordinances ' and ^^ a \2 m tf £ "7Se "SS « - - B baok- and ^ th ^ 0 ^«»» r ^ d' ¦ "AI ABSUKD STORY; .b.- . r*i. .,ri > ic.t-iii,i<. forw *krrte - <i fnr oxumiii,.H U iiM duced an inundation, ne was request tainly no poorer and more worthless Btatntes. r * (Malaohi. ) Afl not all The commandments (of the Thorah ) send him in 1887 that very definition ¦¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ' - - ¦ - v ,f W-i» l ,«„.wt or .he p«biiah«r. ^_ ed to pray again , this time to sto p the than the jj emi)cratic WccUy World < in lawa of Mo8e9 ; were originall y:intended: were g iven only to purify man , *. r and jndaigm which ,he embodied - in hia A most ridioulbu S tale, started in the- NE WS ITEMS. rain but he refused ; and t ew which those Jews for some reason or ,„,„.. ^ Sy for ' all Israel of all ages another ^^t:^^t^ ' ¦ "fc ¦ tte - Bpeeoh-iiot '' in- -the Menorah, however columns ' of the St. Louis Chroniek , has «¦ ¦ ' ¦ ,, ' TTT,, . ° P f , aS B * iTlllTf i7 n J£?JZ ^ hel a ° Upt advertise ' and P flrha P s and generations, man y: of the laws ; of future world .{when all.wi have reach, ^ & Q t hia ma{n ^ . Q b9eQ going the . roun ds of the press. It We won ii be m uch obliged to thoae of our rui n , but not to stop it. It never rains ,-v _, , n f.v,i,r nermlp nevflr rfiarl if. -»r t. j v. * ». ti ed human perfection 1 all ¦ command- . ... „,, t . ¦ ¦ . v -^ t ^ ^ « ** „- * ' n„w,D . frlemis iii t hu cities «lve.a«iow lMhev ivouW t „„ ' nh fnr fIl o 7! f .,^ ' nnr if minnrf ' 7 ^ P Moses had become impracticable in eu n ° n 7^L mL- \. —^i v , " , " that leaflet. That is so, but I, f orgot reads: as follows : , .eud new..lu.rh8tboy aeaire ch ronloiod to the too much tor the land , put it ramea The moral of the story is. a donkey may the davs of that nronhet as manv more mentfl of the Thorah will . be abrogated. " . . .. .. ' " " A i qo -i h at rembrk T tnia Brazil . Ind. , Jan. 2./SdI \-a . . ¦ -iaisuaiiaWi-i*-*. "fist s^rs, ^ m x ^*» . »-T r«** « *• > ?? t*j ^£3is ' i8* s.s*s , ^ «^r s ^-^^^s**; sss? * :: , ho, " Brown Nation. ¦ . - . ¦ -«,pnrfl a in fho T-.linnrt -irirl th ri ohnrphes B . » , yon bave . or , will ever have must be in „£- . V v t - ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ti-r ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ j Offensive of Mr. Levi personall y or of neighborhood . It was reported to the ruiw«eir.iii au-Beror e a Monda y noon to M " d "f S S J^ S ? ' ¦ i,., i„**^b to xrx^r consonance ' and perfect harmony with Thqrah are . . . obligatory . conditi ons j .nd . ^- g - .^ only because I enter- police-to-d ay : that a child' of the Je^ ' ¦ . . . "Tattler: . 18M Franklin Bt. appear t6 be 011 a level with our ram- REMINISCENCES : FX0M NEW th ' .. Thorah of MoBeS mv servant duties of the coveuant : as . . long, ; when- " .^ . ¦ ; ^^f . ,,, , JL and the Irind Sied the other day aud its parehrs tore- ; ^^^^^g£^ o: - ki »g ^ ; b0t> ; - ^^ "'^ OKLEOS. S ich'Sniand Si ^H^ ¦ - . .. ^HeRiicny. Fa , : » » ¦—^-—- . . - ¦¦¦ —: ;. - „, VT ,,, » ^-n : t : .„„0 „.ij „i, -i„„„ t+ elevate and perfect man.. -Every oom, ,- ¦ •¦ , - ¦ - »¦ ,-, -, ¦ ¦ ., ¦ * ¦ ¦ °?'>i s . Iuey a»ve wicn tnem. - ih Rr i^tiieTliiei-Beiore M6naay hoon to i06E t,. v t™,Hii" , - ,. fv,n ™«f ¦ v..ht -wp™ iv aU ^ r 861 of ^ u tlme8 alld cl.aies. - It¦ 0 . - °*"^- .^ u " ; ^. - l -^. muu V' °-^ u , u "f. also because I am old and considerate thefts were , so numerous in Putnam ^- - '^^^W^WaS 'SffidSS oifBSE'- . . . Tm. troubles.ii. the past . ^ year , were . . r>. is evident , therefore , : . that the dbvenant Randment and ordinance of the Thorali , . and Mr. . Levi is neith er: If a gentle- County that ' they .were driven to th CUlcajro.-Bef oro Tiio.day noon to Ab.ri- limited to the industrial and commer- The "Judah Touro " Temple of New and tH esBence of tbe law . of Moses are I have- no doubt, .did that m its . . . \ - - - nl<iRBnt . B : danonhofes ' and ^onnty by- .a ban d of Putnam Connty - ¦: ¦ . . . - . ' J 1 . . . . . . = are well known and have heen sufflw- gran d porch of. soli d Tuscan pillars in , they have fulfilled their mission , -and ' ?" , . " . ' ¦£¦ \ - Y v i. ' soon ¦ ¦ . ¦ - . .- ^"my . ¦V ¦:¦ ¦ JEWISH CALErTDAE. ently. discussed. The cause of - thos e fednt and two residences on the. sides None " ev<* answered . these questions ae abr6gate(J ^ ; themsel V98, as is the ^ b^A ^ican-rabbinate , it behoves . ^ e ^^ j : 00 l. DQsed nf ' \- ¦ - . tit *** : cuses , besides the progress of inven. for th6 minister and the sexton: It ^^^ -^^^ K.^- :::r-:":::":: T^^;S^ Z^l^£T^J ^T^ ^ /r°nt °! tf ^ ^ r L f " i SScKf ^ StSLl? ^f-^- ^ **** * ^ o^.: S^SS ^oS societies to make ;th at Necessary, and : New Mooh .Ntiffla u.... . ..Tucday , Uuch « seems eviden t that the cause of the p .lhr»g and Hwlawuii , syrabphcal of ^"^ -f " v " ¦ , . " f , . , p ' Then it seems to me we can only Mr ; i . Tf .. . T . „„ ^ rArin there are certainly none exhibitiiie - "Sffi^Sffii iS^r oi,- T X S nd a JiXJ 'S "casing number of-peopfe that embrace Israel ' s hi gh feast. . It is a monument depart and the hills be . moyed. my ^- rl ing 8nch commandment; . to . . M , r - : Jbaac .M. WiBty y b .. f B0 ' me; . in . genioii8 ^.^ . . : Sir^W.^ :?.? *"::- .SlS5: SiK « w d™^ . > flnancial avocations. of the distinguished philanthropist f^ce shall not depart from thee and ^ ^^ esseuce a8: ^ ¦ . <rf . - ai6 _ BOXING CONTESTS BE who wants to get rid ' of SdSX ¦ ' .&$Z7lte&±±:!riS£$ ti !3® -^>rger ^¦& proportion to the Jndah Touro. who ere,ted this -build- ^^tiS" t^^d 1h ThaS conditions>nd duties of the covenant. SE ^ m ^eStEdT ^ SghW . " ' ^ ra.t oj Ta . mu*.., Thursday, July s| demand for their productions and en- i ag for the Portuguese congregation. ' "ni qverl. . saitn raie . iiora , . that, h am He th - oufeatioia ¦ aris es, what is eter- rnam.ii. J.au t : . . . . ¦ - , ¦ , - . ^ ;- ,. - ¦ ; - . ¦ ¦ - . ' «ew MOOU; Ao .... . ¦ ..;.. .... Monday, July £2 . ¦ ' ¦¦ * ' ¦ A.t i' l ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ mRTnvr 'f irt +, haa - '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . .. *¦¦ . ¦¦ ¦ . * ' , . j . . - ¦ ¦ FaatofAb .... .;.. . , ..... Thursday, jniy ao tcrpnsus liiore.uses ; and among them the The body never was very numerous,. , roy oa lnee - . nal in the- . Thorah as canon for the ^u^w^n^ ^^Urim, vM i,«n ¦ WHY I AM NOT A CHEISTIAN. i^«lfi^^: ~™^t3S^ ereed for wealth y ac and in. course of time came down in / - th K covtox . -V prafeerO Moses;hM^^ - r -^ m : ^^-^. .^¦ .^, f. >ihe d.y previou, to ai 8o observe- aa Kew »"» d . . in .^est . possible time. nunlb6r8 below the quoru m ;of a public The hills and the mountains do not canon and .points.Jto the Decalogue as < - not prepared toagree with the views A ^" "ffiw^S *** '** ' ^ - a . B Pci'nl jttion of the cities and nidus- body. Alongside of this congregation depart uor are they .moved. The ex- the eternal law Of t^ Ohio LlHeral- Soo iaty. - : - - .. . trial districts increased far abovei the another German, congregation grew up preSgion can be figarative only, s ym- ; Talinnd also admits that principle, only outgidQ of the n9Tlal provlnce of - this In the hall, of the Ohio Liberal Dk. LocisGrosssiann won t ten years . ge«eraljrrpwth- ot population, and no and increased in numbers to a large bolic, I think, of the transitory nature wer e revealed to Moses { . iVnop J 0-Vi3), a per ¦ % ^ of d6ference to the League a. year. or two ago some gentle- ago from the Hebrew Union College to 8lUKle n*"am considers himself a body with ' all requisite institutions. of natjou8; Bydtems , codes of laws, in- arid these appear- to be contained , ex- - * ito we mni l with hia reque8 j .. men mai n t;.iued bne . .may _ BTOPWy . be the congregation of Detroit. Mich., very rich man i^our days when there wiien I was in New Orleans in 1870 sti^tious and constitutions. If all these pr essed and implied ii, the Decalogue. Editor ,i &LEUtk , Bir, - Last heUrSrti " o^^W? " oS. -tar * hS and there he is yet with heart and are so many mwti-muiionaires. . .ihese pr thereabout , Rev. Mr. Jacobs was the depart or are moved . ohanged , replaced , It-is further maintained there that the Saturday Hhe Munici pal Reform family and no mortgage on it , pays his soul. - His friends , young and old, evils are deeply rooted cancers , incurable minister of the Portuguese and Rev. that grace of God and that covenant of prophets reduced the 613 command- League, through its representatives , taxes promptly and obeys, the ' law. A ; . latelv celebrated hia decennial anni- aB: yet - ' " , - . Mr. Leucht was the minister of the peace endures forever. The covenant ments to a small numher of fundamental l^* 0 ^^™n* a ^^ ve^ with vin, . a8 .t h e^, sa y g. D({_ Nathas ^^ m!lguificeut ^man congregation. f It was at that L eternal, as Moses had said at the Principfes. . 2Sa«S3^ t^S.^G&?^aaS£- 5fflK "SS&L iE-SK^S-fii \ a ^" " telling the Rabbi in words, songs and . , dp dj ca t ioll ot rnnnnmenf nnmber or members of very start < Levitions 28 :43-45 ; Dent , So , even so, I understand the words exhibitions, " slugging matohes , " as oeipt for ¦ his pew rent in the other, gifts , how well they love and admire {,„ „,„%iv . B 'i rn 110 H *^, , lf the German congregation had clubbed 30). it is the revelation of God' s of the prophet we now expound. Yon. lh^ ?all '^e™ ' in Cincinnati in- the That impromptu amendment set nie " to him. The moral pf the story is, sit ^" S^^KKt" : . ^^ Z ^Sil^^ **** *"* ^ ^ ** * »* : - ™* to " ****** * eternal in the f f^r ^£S^S^ : &i^& SethX ^ TJ^Sti S"^ still and do good work. OT iiapn T 6 foro ns f / m e , bookIet pnbli8hed . ™J^**£ 'T^Z l TT ^^ the ^tunan rabe;; « Btottd"« : laws of God, which are the eternal con- plainly tha^ if they- would work - with struck mli th?r e are e7 P le who ihink *"^~" in Hartford Con n The uoem is class! pressly in the first covenant recorded dition s and duties in the covenant ; him instead of against . him the. end so* and I asked myself, why am I no The . Hebrew Union College in Cin . . In fn __ ' fl -_; , _, a „„i anH fMn, ' New York the lnte Rev - Jimes K. in Holy Writ (Genesis 1 i2T , 28; 9- .1-17). here it is in the covenant itself : All they desired mightbe accomplished , in Christian ? which, in faot , signifies I cinnati conferred the title and degree ^Z^^a t^^ ^St ^^^ £SL^ TTl ^ *"* ^^ ** ¦ *»* ' ** ^ —n^ts ' OTdi ' <* S&t &SSSS!&^S ^r& ^^£$^%Z&!i of Doctor of Divin.ty ou the learned form / who throngbout the vvar wa8 "^^™ ^BSf™,¦ f. ^ Powers and caPaoitie8 ^ Perpetuate servances which: bring peace t0 mau. ^ Mes8„. Work and Parka wenf riv?d Vis: I am nS cifristi,.^Z- Professpr Dr. Morris Lazarns.of Berlin. the suruoou and comrade of the real became advisable the race, to subdue the earth, to gov- kind are the eternal conditions and away very much dissatisfied at the fail- oanse my parents were none. It ap- The author of the r»rlkerp»ychf >h gir , ' ' n „_ ., rMxAara TOn 1 i Qf S t0 nnlte ln one body tne Portuguese ern ali guhinuar beings, to become duties of man in the covenant , for this ur? °' th9lF nussion and a. little in- peared to me a truism that ninety per who presided over the Synod iii l^ipzig. ^Zg ^ ^ ^^ J^t'l l^X^Z^Z of T "S IS ^e , pure , perfect , immortal and hap- is ; the covenant of peace. All actions %& " *Z ™« ™*h°A 1D the ilg^^SS^SS^ ?S^ now presides over the regents of the [„, ^^ W(IS louf? the fnvorite of oar ^ ° ^ P" e «««» of al the py; and this is the covenant of peace and performances which disturb that It is just now considered the proper -ffi SSfti S™ o?^ oSl!£ £ college for the science of Judaism ui ]e He studied medicine in Cin proper ty ' whlcl3 1U0lurted the Jndah and happiness, as Shalom signifies peace are sinful violations of Gods thing to denounce prize-fighting, th at cause their parents aiid grand parents Berlin , richly deserves this recognition. ', ,„, ,./. wnnt fn ^ Prtno . „„ iah „„ , Touro temple, in which Rev . Mr. peace, perfecti on and happiness. God laws. Therefore the same prophet said. is. a contest with the flsts ^ to determine were. The portionlar beliefs of ei th er . But if this waa not the case his last ^X ZrZZ S he r tnS: St *™ ^^ ^ ^H I ^^^ »* ™°™»* 7 ™~ " N ° *°™ to »» «** > ' «* ^ Sli St as^CtTspS bXe 'ZTw eTaVeVSn " 3 book on th« Prophet Jeremiah would wen t to thtf f l0Qt ^ ^ Sixteenth met in the city ^l y three' c^abng. thU is the second oovenant recorded in God . '• which also says he is the wick - an amusemenf/on a par with dog ' and remaned [h^fke ever sTSy Z . suffice to entitle lnm to the distinction Conue cticut as a surgeon which post ™8 , viz . Leucht , Heller and Sessler ; Soriptures-to become a blessing to all ed. the Hatha , who by his actions and cook fights, as an unmitigated evil , pressions from home, as nnquestion - ' nf Tiwto ni n wA ¦ *" " •» «- . p B the latter wtts oalled there las t spring families of the earth. This says it was doings disttirbs the peace of ma^^ ¦ * » N - JTmS' SST h 1 ?^ f Th T e ^ DOt f ° r him8elf ° r hl8 famUy ° Dly that *«*««» . aU laW8 ' commandments, S^of ^ing 0 o^telity To 'fc M%Si^Tffi ,, S Siof * ret a S ™S Jl^,,, if /if r he WM ° alled ' bt it f ° r the blea9inB 01 ordinalloes ' servances which are built mosses , a shameful fhing thatV ght To and noK kss raHonaHy and tZl' j son of ^i50116 ^63 omoiating in the city all the human race. Israel was elected upon the princi ple of Chaed , ' grace , be wiped ont of existence by the iron ably treated than religion , beoanse Mayer. °* Urleau8 - . as a nation , to be . the visible represen- love, good will for God and man ; that nim ° « ' ™tfDie however ^A' t^ »lmoat 1 .^^ ° ne starts from the me- y /ears » ™k tkmpu.. tative of God' s covenant with man . to have the tendency to dispense loving- writer of ?MsTone onhem . who S S " T&K™ dolSnSSto 'S mfferiug Jt was a few minutes before 10 a. m. *eaoh , practice and promulgate among kindness, generous feeling, noble senti- lieve themselves to be neither brutal same. " Every one maintains his client 3 admir when we ascended the steps in front of a11 ' ^ indmdnals »nd nations the con - ments . goodness, fairness, upri ght- nor debased nor yet bloodthirsty, who is exclusively ri ght but there is in each a soul the temple. Dr . Leucht led me to the ditiona of the covenant and the oonse- ness, justice and troth are eternal laws matter dqsS " and 0 that^^t ¦ Me ?"^ e and ^ ^ deoid ^- wh , ioh JCtions. pulpit platform. Facing the audience qnent duties of them inaividnally and of God, ' conditions and duties of the " uesti^ I saw before me quite a large congrega- collectively, " For mine is the whole covenant , for this is a covenant or and that if the gen tlemen of the Re- If Buoh a court could be had there ae given tion in holiday attire , and among them eartV says the Lord, but you, Israel , grace. This is the essence of the form League would stop to consider woul d not he the thousand sects of losaism. quite a number of familiar faces , part- if 1™ obe* God' s voice and preserve Thorah according to the ultimate ab- Sey nS fa to ^to ^eWrffe ^ni°h fanna Adam8 describes n few < proph- ly from former days and partly from his covenan t " you shall be a kingdom straotion and generalization of the men , might be brought to see that hundred - ' . our re- last evening ' s audience. After a few of Prieats ( teachers), a holy nation (ap- prophet , whose words I have attempted prize-flghfing, to use the commonly sourcks of his c o.vcLOsroN.s. hets and minutes ' ob«ervation I was impressed Poin<»d to do his holy work) So we to expound. accepted term,is .perhaps not altogether Then I said to myself perhaps I am Judaism with the idea that these are on the ™ad in Exodus 19 :5 . 6. It is all one as Israelites , what? ^ Ever^athleti c snort be it ba snhan * 6 ^J * <5e , ° f ^ J 'Z ^Z ly upon whol e the same kind of people as I ad- c-enant , the revelation of God' s special Th6 ^^ hafl m ^^ ^ footba ^ ^^j nmp&f H^ ^£g% « *\ t^t lo £?& but also dressed last evening, and I began to f raoe for the Laman race of a " ages of tions and du ties of the covenant to ful- °J £ ' njr othe , r - . must nave publio contests with zeal , read , studied , thought , p. It is feel uneasy, because I knew well that I n hl8tory- The powers and cap acities to except to remember that God se- ilffi »nH »^ J !l, i8 t0 ^ t6 wrote-I am not going to impose mi .nt Bible was now as unpaired as I was yes- l-'e in peace and to reach perfection leoted tb6 P congrega t fon of Jeah urun to ofto p fople is " te Te ' e^ te Tacte 11^STm&»^ ^ this cen- terday to meet ,.„ intelli gent audience. ^^ a"d immortality are and be the bann8r . bearerof the8B truthS i the them. Pu blic contests , to Amoun t to of Chrirtiaal J t ditl «S Ihristiaii It was no small relief to me when the always were th ere in man ; the moun- iests in the tgm . of Rrace &nd anything demand the giving of prizes , enough advanced , as I thought , I look- itannica Cantor, with his round and full bari- tains departed and the hills moved, but u ¦ fl becoming the ^J a "^^™^^^ '**? ^ e(1 ronnd to flnd som e Christians with Renau. tone voice , «puUB d tho divine service, a the " > ™™ \ of »° d remai « ed 6he high position where God has placed from ¦ ¦ amateur^r >^ This clas °^ com 7J£Z% ^^ 7! ^T u-ch we well schooled choir responded , sap- «^e perpetually, as the prophet an- him The Israelite as a religious body posed of the exceptionally expert , large- Te not XZT kdies aiul g...,.lc ;ion out ported by u tin« organ hanrUed by a n °inced m the name of God. has plenty of institutions in the Thorah Jy- and naturally, of those who teach men . I am not going to discuss here vho say master musician. When I heard Kit- the ooNDmose or the covenant. to distinguish him from other bodies thfs^Wss am oalTed ^ nrize fl ^ ht ^ aUd D0W U8StioBS of faifcb " ni1 Mi *\ We nan singer 'm eoaipcsiti.m uml tho responses A aovennut is a contract of two or of the same kj n d. Besides these, ao- seems necessary, tbBrefore . ' thufTf ^ this SEKwT a ' riJlt " to hh S-f * *^ the n lti- by the Sabbiith-sclnuil pupils , I began more parties to fulfill certai n mutual cording to the last words of the last sport is to become and remain general opinions let them be ever so foolish iu iliwitim. to feel at lumio and guimid some self- obligations. The obligations and prophet , we have the right reserved , an 1 P°P ular "t is necessary ^ to tolerate your estimation. The Constitution of religii.n reliance. The ilivin. f si'rvii-e as a whole promises of (iod are continually ful- perhaps the duty , to m;ike nt every f! d the ' am ™3 iw ¦,™r iiBBr8 ' "J the United States prohibits noi.i' to ilhrnium is somewhat anti qua r.,! . not for me , filled , man. as a free-will , reasoning time and place such ChurL-ha and and sufficient to many thfflg ^en "S r^in? 01 ° f IdTt disSTcilr i.S isto ncal howi'ver , rn wliniu tin- Hel.rcsv has yet being, will fail some time or other to if Uhpnlim for ourselves— provided they why this should ho done dogmas, ns^ am merely ii t, '" '- -1 llf ious sys- all dm charms of u mother tongue, fulfill his contracted obligations, are in harmony with the Thorah—of u I . t sbcim a harsh thing to say. but the Ohio Liberal Society-i A Ki»' s [ ins , M.c Von say .S/ , > ,„¦ .„/ and I feel what Therefore the p'-uca and happiness of Moses—which keep us in union and htahlv oTv i Ce d npnnlTwn ^^^^ th ^ mus* "ot unduly assail his host, aii'l 3e»Har H y y. m say ; you say, H. ' ar , i) Israel , and the human raw is so often disturbed, peace with our fellow-men , and also murderous ; ' there is no odnutry ,n n "»« society bears the ™Pn^ ,, )^ , I'^ fore the I only hear. I took it all in ami 'full Still the sins of m:ui do not annul the such whioh distinguish us as a relig- earth ,Ital y and Spain possibl y excepted , woaW ° rK>?° dOTO to ejve yim n»y ntlon* onstruct perfectl y, ut home when rhu Thorah was divine covenant , as we know from ions body distinct from others ; we u ^l] 6 "mrders and attempts to murder Well , then , to continue onr ' siilM ^t- thereof read-the same Thorah which I read Moses ( Leviticus -»(j :24) and the proph - have done that at all times inside and .oowardhTseoret assassin a7" d ""? I went out iii search of some Clin-" ^ nt solid when I was six years old , tun same ets, especially Isaiali 40 and Essekiel 115 : outside of Palestine, and will always as iii our own. This is largely due to " the whi ^ uli Khteu d me 0 " 9( ^ ahi l ,, IU r. l . , '"U in of re- Viiimhrf )" -i<ii- . f /—the story of Joseph in (i , and all the other j irophets. The divine do it , and it will aways be righ t and fact that the majority of murderers in Imaginfl^n^disappointtMiit—I f""ll( i jrwovon Egypt—which seventy yours ago was covenan t is the i avelation of grace proper if done in the name of God and | , dn f8*1 ,, 8t - ll^e8 reoeVYe a wholly UO ue. Some before whom L said ffl . v {fairs of the first lesson I received in the Thornh H3P or D'omn m )) and includes the the Thorah. immunTtv is taJSnm^nb J^P T T1 ? is B"evanoes told me sincerely -Thwa 1 . in ex- from my sainted father. I f u l t deeply expiation and f or «i reness of iniquity. latures tlfai1 mZ crimfnal IS, ! bS Z T^J^LT"Z Hu " id "i he com- moved. When my learned colleague, transgression and sfci , either by repen- That is about what I said , in other of the judges and juries that admiuis- Martin Luther - so said St. Auun-'t'"81 r see in- Babbi Leucht , announced my name to tance or punishment The main cause words , perhaps. The service over , also a L eatar ' Iq I 6 IB p m h f P 0 ^?' for oe, so say all priests, preachers , a U tlieo- s. Un the congregation , I responded at once, of sin is ignorance , &o history teaches, the sumptuous luncheon in the hospit- ] our public opinion has noti wt?' T* lo8ioal ^»ters. '' ¦ It did not enliKlj ^ 0 C Moses, although4t*took- -me-quito-a-while to and the Talmud fcrmulate d it "No able home of our friends, the Beverend txe point where killing a^m an, except te ra^noonda J till-imag 7iie my d ' 3 ' I -a.

Transcript of 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...when tbey occur...

Page 1: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...when tbey occur la maker, not by modern means and ap- „,,mom,,: of Decatur for that piece iaw3

4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. T| I ' i in |p lo»flin K for siii ' li mviworPR , uml mj iiKlit tln-Hfl Ml what is right nud what suppress my feelings and to listen to man Bins unless a spiri t of folly possess- and Mrs. Lencht, I returned to the

^00^[ 'ag j "™

b°r ag°'}>er». is1 h p ft fT| P T1C 3 n lS136lll6l M '"rim? sl>»P< ' "»<l f|,rt ,» vuto that chaos wrong, to whieh no prophet ever added the tlicto of reason. es him. " Men and nations wore—and quiet room in Mr. Socman 's home

rf 0°imes Broadly speaking, prize- fl ^fI l i b n l l l U l l u ! of passion f<> r innovation , most always a word in theory or practice ; these are the skkmos. many are yet— ignorant of the oondi- , with the intention to do no more. j nR has a distinct tendency to prmeut¦ - ¦ • - long )"¦¦•' i '>i - i iu> generalities , no equivocacy, or poet- Th« nhimt nf «.« ^i^nnx «r«« fh» tions they as members of the covenant Bnt no, it would not do. In the even- murder, because it influences men toI SA Ar .W. «7 • ^r _ ioai ni ^U , ; it is ali ^in . original and ^^L' lZ™ ™

had - to fulnll ; they know not thi; duties W ^ ^ iZS i St^ffitt nl **$&?£

;T Tr^ «x-- , ™"~ Tnu N^v York papers are responsible concrete . Besides nil that , the main iaid down the tbeory liecordiug to the they have to perform as children of male representative to that charming

in uy desiKn9d to prevent killi,lc Z 'LEO Wl &b cv OVJ.. f„r tJl () f„|],)W iuK statistics : Tim laws of the code, such as the ^

ar' , Prophet Jeremiah in last evening 's ad- tna liTing God ; they know not God, temple of art and went with Mr. oee- brief review of them will show. Acoorrl-Pmuishfr i ash I ' R n r m i T . ** . statistician of the Police Department riage laws , the laws of war and peace, I dregs Tho . ' j maintained tho? know not His grace, His covenant man to the house of Rabbi Heller where ing to the rules, only the fist must be

' " ¦ "' , , '." ,.. competed to day his tables showing the charity laws, the lubor laws and i . ' . ' *' ' . . ' of grace and peace. Therefore God Mrs. Holler had arranged a reception "^A W ™°


a ^«P«m orOffice: X. W. O.r. Fifth an.l \ .no St.. th(j

P|lnnj bw <j f nmHhl tm|(lo by th(, otller8 m noi „ limcll „ hluted at ln I J*

0 *^Jf

* Jj called Abraham and instructed him , • • I in honor of herj ruest Rabbi Stolz , of ™ta ib^ «^«j^_ -_ . ¦

1'olicb Department . Tin; total number the prophetic books. But they glorify the Thorah material and a thousand years W}i Ail - Sha ddi,- walk thoujiefore me Chicago. I met many friends there ana on8e8 that one man pan hurt auotl iurCincinnati , 0., .January 10, lsfla. I){ arrests j s: Males. 77. JM females, royal dynasty and the sacrificial polity 0f history before them and the divine and ^a thou Porfeot ." as t,le substance* remained till-well, till I went- home,' seriously ,with -thei fist, dspeoi ally if , ,ls

"T—~~, 7~, u ,77,"r ~7T ~n ¦-'''.'¦'•''<»¦ Of the persons arrested . -13, 27!> as indispensable awl integral portions . ' -f , ' n]HnitttB „h of the sublime lesson he should practice too tired to write down the impressions requir ed byj rinfr laws, lUl blows are .Emorrii »s Nncon ii-oiBB ^ innii mutii -r at iiio ¦ ¦ * " * power in mem, to luaice ultimate ao- r , , . , struck above the belt, avoiding n«p0»i(nik 'u ..t < inr i r t i .u i i , ni,i„ , were born hi the United States, 20.502 of Judaism, while Moses lays no stress gtraotions from that entire material did «»d promulgate in qrderj to become a I reoeived^dnring the day. tenderer parts of the body

nmrnvm PPirr PFR YF aP SUM) in I,vlun'1' "" in

^ """"J- 1' 4":' <m either ' so tbat tho Mc8aiauic oom- -and this is chiefly their greatness- blessing to all the families of the earth. Nest morning committee meeting till Again, no man must be struck whileIBBStKlfwO K mil, rm tlak W uu ^ [ni]v i;|) ,

n chinii ThBre wen, tllotj on on ^th Sj das of tue honH0 d i n . . „.nnrfnrfr,|' .... _ Therefore God ruised'up Israel to a 2. p m . then dinner in the palatial prostrate or while trying to ri«e after™ »«»-A " ' J ,, -,, „,,o,-s, ITS bankers and brok,rs, took its rise and draws its steady nutri- J. ^Zte al^^Snmi

from the kingdom of priests and a holy nation , home of the distinguished jurist. Mr. a fall Where ring ru es prevail the

Pmiaop in riirtra p . flnR Yea r - - - - SI 00 . L * > . .• . • ^ cn mclmate abstractions t rom the ° , r ,, t , tv « »v. .. ;„ i„,., „f „n, irind man who gets knocked down in a br:m-imm 10 LUr0W. _ UMj r edl ^ ^J ,._ ., .,, ,,lirtf) !lduri) i M ciurKymt!„ , v* meat from the prophetical scriptures. variong 8llbdivi8ion8 0f the Thorah , as to make known unto them and by them Dreyfus, the son-in-law of onr kind ,g per£eot flafe

Qg i^g M h* ™

bates OP AU VKKT i siN fl. lawyurs , is,OHii laborers, t)S physicians, Nabiism is not historical Judaism. did jei.emia]j in regard to the theory of t0 the hnman race the conditions and hosta , lasting to the last moment of our wnere he has been put.DompHnenin r .v K.*, 1! . . ! i . i i . K «i M i > i >i i i i « r ie B »sM Js u"„d( ,rtllkt.rs lltld r, rabbis arrested. ^-^- TndniHm Thnoo niH ™ n t« ^....nH^. duties of God's covenant with man. departure. Then no man need figh t unless he>^» J

^..MI>. »B Th( , f M n m nf tlMi Dotective Bureau THKRR ta ont iu Iudiana

^turany Ji7e £^^ f~ Therefore He , gave them, the Thonih Here at the depot the generosity of ^ts to^or

having Jju* h

t„^onr.nSi\y, Al 'VI:UnSEMEN1 "3n,*<1' r.-cov«««l *2H.-, , 00n worth of Htoleu called Decatur. This town has a paper for the preachers of religion, so much which contains in a tangible form thesn our New Orleans peop e was not ex- ^uder rinR low a Confession of w°° pp _. _ property . culled the l> -morr ati r We-kh, Worhl , g0 t])at qnite fl nnmber *

f thQm mia. conditions and duties, which man hausted yet. The floral gifts and the beaten and wiUingI1ess to admit thecoirpuMBSTAiiY and memorial reioiuiionii ol This setims not to bo exactl y correct , which in size is about as large as the f . th .v,,-^.., fn_ f h o „-!„;„„! should know and do, in order "to live adieus were as numerous and kind as superiority of the opponent' alwaysVS £S£^"-#SfcS££l for among th« arrest made there are soles of your boots and in tone as lofty ma^7om wh

"cl i masL Snds by them" within the covenant of grace Juliet's good night to Romeo. md^ftjj tofe Now

^in couutriBs

onHerm charge oHi.00each. ^_ H(, Kussiiuis.Hungarians or Slavonians, as.that of a Zulu herdsman. Well , construoted them. and peace and advance therein to per - Homeward bound, extra oars, large

lar p Bport ag baseban aud f0otball lireIn answerin g any of the ilTertliemutt In thin lind y8t five rabbis are iimong them who this paperlet of its own account made a ' . feotion, happiness and immortality, company, quite sick and exhausted all wj tb ns> pnbii0 opinion enforces rinc

pnier .oarrfii .il rt8wlllconfer»f»Torn po i bothtbe .w n(] c\QT(rjm Kll. Who are they? known to its readers, which appear to - ine inoran contains not only the which q promjBed to aU children of day, arrived safely and in time.no ao- rules on all occasions. Whoever viQ.^

Kntoh. .ai th« pabll |jh«r. ^iM^hM ihv , R , oontiuRellt ? bo as numerous as the buffaloes in the P"°oiplei dooferiue and precept, forever. oident 0004 ; ^^. farewell, New lata them will invariably have a iMbM.,tar tw..,,w.l.tM MinWi»«Mtni «_ atftto of Indtanai the essence of Judaism ; it contains ito * THG B9SKSCE 0F

¦„ TH0RAH. Orleans. yours>re a great people and

^^^ MiS l^^J£%^%^! .T>r,.,. the Palestinian port .has come "MW ™,hP,v, TS^ ^S 'S The


whose ultimate

abstrac no doubt about it That is all I entered Zf ^^ J^^1^

^^^^%S%J ?*& *«™t

yain st9


00 heavy for Tha „,rW ( graoioU8, wllat a miserable ^7a SSSTSi at hl^

tion I attempt to expound, , standing at that day in my


_book. a fight usual

yj jjj ^Jh* g^•S rtri0"t^b



feebl° ;Wld

T f Jl', T™ World thiB ta)- th° 1V° rW d0S3 UOt Care ^

the life of nations that embrace the end of the prophetical milleninm, /Jn to H. Levi Es of dead man.and what the Jeath of Hian

plcera of congjfgatibnB w Mwud 10 J«r city, swept over it and washed aw ny to .do bnsinew. with them, " and then that sabiime essence. These lessons a9 l h»ve remarked before, saw well Qalveston Texa3 it. must be stated here implies for those left behind , few of usr^JfiS MJttfl " ~nB.den.We number of _ house,. and goe3 on showing the Jew8 doing


ft ¦


ot all commandments of the

V gStaaa.. takes offense at X ou^oIS?

Unle8S " C°meS

l& 'S &*1$ -&t%3Sffl STSSThoSrSni- who i ved

bnsineS8 'here sell poor stuff, shoddy of th, 00V6aanta reoolded in th9 Thor^b. were practicable in to

days. 8orae of , stat„t8 in these ^^^^^o athletic CQn.

order.. uvof thc old Haint Omah. who lived olotningj bad and Qheap garmenta. qtc. Thorub, the institutions to make them We -at . thiB. end of the nineteenth cen- ,.RemilliBceiloeS.' concerning his ad- teats, boxing matches, or even prize-^cunw .., « udiri K . and buriah .win bo '" w^

nn ^T ILn 1 andTn' '^ called «« acconut by

the />«% permanent in man's memory, and the *** know this ihuoh better even by dresB before the ..Uonaoil" U. A. H. : ,teAn.?^«l Sn *F^i

^publish.-'! iruo of «har«S!. when tbey occur la maker, not by modern means and ap- „,,mom,,: of Decatur for that piece of iaw3 to secure-for them nermanencv; tha experience recorded in history. „ ¦ „ . pnrrflnfn j h,™ to the effant will, tend to create a feehng that whente^X tSM W.-«.. but by praye. Once upon a asinine ^^

that yonngBter „. * ^l£ZSSZgg E— - -" commandment and

^'STSS^XaJ S SffitiSS 4^.%e5?

Sra£V^l^n«{5a«gSrtfS T tZ :7 rlJlZ^!Jr£l


there were only two Jew. etfl bequeathed *poaterity the ^i, ordinances of ^he Thorah are conditions ^^

°£ the


gg'Sto be S^Eg^

cp mji.--.ied with an order of .ubicrlptioa ana and Onias was requested and did pray doing business in Decatur ; he meant tion. "Remember the Thorah of Moses, and duties of the covenant for all . . .. , 8nDD09ed and wrot6 them run wide open say ; I, Mr. "Mayor.Utop^oro,,0 ^. :

__ for rain. The ram came, of course, but them and nobody else. Whatever poor my Bervant, which I commanded him times, and we ask. which are? .In the S g ^on 'L Levi, I take , -' ' - ' ' R L

~*SFSr$i32S Xg S& f iS S ! oS

"ta'SaSrSe Its recuS:

th0S6 tW



y911' the





" »t Horeb for all Israel ordinances ' and ^^a\2mtf

£"7Se "SS «--B baok-and ^

th^0^«»» r^d' ¦ "AI ABSUKD STORY;.b.- .r*i..,ri>ic.t -iii,i < . ™ forw*krrte -<i fnr oxumiii, .H U i iM duced an inundation, ne was request tainly no poorer and more worthless Btatntes. r* (Malaohi. ) Afl not all The commandments (of the Thorah ) send him in 1887 that very definition ¦¦ ¦ :' ¦' - - ¦-

v ,f W-i» l ,«„.wt or .he p«biiah«r. ^_

ed to pray again , this time to stop the than the j jemi) cratic WccUy World< in lawa of Mo8e9 ;were originally:intended: were given only to purify man, *.r and o£ jndaigm which ,he embodied - in hia A most ridioulbuS tale, started in the-NE WS ITEMS. rain but he refused ; and t ew which those Jews for some reason or •,„,„..

Sy for ' all Israel of all ages another ^t : ^t^ ' ¦"fc ¦ tte -

Bpeeoh-iiot'' in- -the Menorah, however columns' of the St. Louis Chroniek, has

«¦ ¦ ' ¦ ,, ' TTT,, . °P

f ,aS B

* iTlllTf i7nJ£?JZ hel a° Upt advertise' and PflrhaPs and generations, many: of the laws;of future world .{when all.wi have reach,

& Q t hia ma{n .Q b9eQ going the. rounds of the press. ItWe won ii be much obliged to thoae of our ruin , but not to stop it. It never rains ,-v _ , , nf.v,i,r nermlp nevflr rfiarl if. -»r t. j v. * • ».• ti • ed human perfection 1 all ¦ command- . . . . „,, t . ¦ ¦. v - ^ t ^ ^ « ** „- * 'n„w,D .frlemis iii thu cities «lve.a«iow lMhev ivouW t„„ ' „nh fnr fIl o 7!f., 'nnr if minnrf ' 7 P Moses had become impracticable in eu n°n

7^L mL- \.—^i v , ", "„ that leaflet. That is so, but I, forgot reads: as follows : ,.eud new..lu.rh8tboy aeaire chronloiod to the too much tor the land , put it ramea The moral of the story is. a donkey may the davs of that nronhet as manv more mentfl of the Thorah will. be abrogated. " .. .. .. ' "" A iqo-ihat rembrkT tnia Brazil. Ind., Jan. 2.—/SdI \-a

..¦ -iaisuaiiaWi-i*-*. "fist s rs,^m x *».»-Tr«** « *• >?? t*j^£3is'i8* s.s*s,^

«^rs - ^^s**; sss?*::, ho," Brown Nation. ¦. - . ¦ -«,pnrfl a in fho T-.linnrt -irirl th ri ohnrphes B . » , yon bave .or, will ever have must be in „£- .-£ Vv • t - ¦¦¦' ¦ti-r ¦ - ¦¦'¦ ¦ j Offensive of Mr. Levi personally or of neighborhood . It was reported to theruiw«eir.iiiau-Berorea Monday noon to M"d "f S S J S

? ' ¦ ^«i,., i„** b tok« xrx^r consonance' and perfect harmony with Thqrah are ...obligatory . conditions j .nd . ^-g - . only because I enter- police-to-day : that a child' of the Je '¦. . . "Tattler: . 18M Franklin Bt. appear t6 be 011 a level with our ram- REMINISCENCES : FX0M NEW th' ..Thorah of MoBeS mv servant duties of the coveuant: as. .long, ; when- ".^ .

¦; ^^f .,,,, JL and the Irind Sied the other day aud its parehrs tore-; ^^^^g£^o: -ki»g

^; b0t>

; - ^"'

OKLEOS. Sich'Sniand Si^H^¦-. .. ^HeRiicny. Fa , : » » ¦—^-—- . . - ¦ ¦ ¦ —: ;. - „,V T ,,, „» ^-n :t :.„„0 „.ij „i,-i„„„ t+ elevate and perfect man.. -Every oom, ,- ¦•¦ ,- ¦ - »¦ ,-, -, ¦ ¦ ., ¦

*¦ ¦ °?'>is. Iuey a»ve wicn tnem. - ihRr

i tiieTliiei-Beiore M6naay hoon to i06E t,.v t™,Hii",-,. fv,n ™«f ¦ v..ht -wp™ iv aU ^r861 of ^u tlme8 alld cl.aies. - It¦ 0.- °*"^- . u";^.-l- .

muuV' °- u,u"f. also because I am old and considerate thefts were , so numerous in Putnam^ - - ' ^^W^WaS'SffidSS oifBSE'-. . . Tm. troubles.ii . the past .

^year , were . . r> . is evident, therefore,:.that the dbvenant Randment and ordinance of the Thorali,. and Mr.. Levi is neither: If a gentle- County that ' they .were driven to th™

CUlcajro.-Bef oroTiio.day noon to Ab.ri- limited to the industrial and commer- The "Judah Touro" Temple of New and tH esBence of tbe law.of Moses are I have- no doubt, .did that m its . . . \ - - - nl<iRBnt.B : danonhofes ' and ^onnty by-.a band of Putnam Connty -

¦: ¦. . . - . ' J 1 . . . . . .= are well known and have heen sufflw- grand porch of. solid Tuscan pillars in , they have fulfilled their mission, -and ' ?", ." . ' ¦£¦• \ -Y v i.' soon ¦ ¦ . ¦ - . .- ^"my.¦V ¦:¦ ¦ JEWISH CALErTDAE. ently. discussed. The cause of - those fednt and two residences on the. sides None" ev<* answered . these questions a e abr6gate(J^ ;themselV98, as is the ^

b^A ican-rabbinate, it behoves . e ^^ j :00l.DQsed nf ' \-¦ -.tit *** : cuses, besides the progress of inven. for th6 minister and the sexton: It


K. -:::r-:":::"::T^^;S Z^l^£T J^T ^

/r°nt °! tf rLf "i SS cKf StSLl? f-^- ***** o .: S SS

^oS societies to make ;th at Necessary, and :New Mooh.Ntiffla u.... . ..Tucday , Uuch « seems evident that the cause of the p .lhr»g and Hwlawuii, syrabphcal of ^"^ -f " v "„

¦ , . "f , . ,p ' Then it seems to me we can only Mr ; i„. Tf .. . T .„„ rArin there are certainly none exhibitiiie

-"Sffi^Sffii iS^roi,- TXSndaJiXJ 'S "casing number of-peopfe that embrace Israel's high feast. . It is a monument depart and the hills be . moyed. my ^-rl ing 8nch commandment; .to ..M, r - : Jbaac .M. WiBty y b .. f B0'me; . in.genioii8 ^. . .

: Sir^W.^ :?.? *"::-.SlS5:SiK« wd™^ .> flnancial avocations. of the distinguished philanthropist f^ce shall not depart from thee and ^^ esseuce a8:^

¦.<rf .-ai6 _ BOXING CONTESTS BE who wants to get rid ' of SdSX¦'

.&$Z7lte&±±:!riS£$ti !3® -^>rger ^¦& proportion to the Jndah Touro. who ere,ted this -build- ^ tiS"t^^d 1h ThaS conditions>nd duties of


covenant. SE m

^eStEdT ^ SghW . " ' ^

ra.t oj Ta.mu*.., Thursday, July s| demand for their productions and en- iag for the Portuguese congregation.' "niqverl.. saitn raie. iiora,. that, ham He th - oufeatioia ¦ aris es, what is eter- rnam.ii.J.au t: . . . . ¦- , ¦ , - . ;- ,. - ¦ ;—-.

¦¦ •-. ' «ew MOOU; Ao.. . . .¦ ..;.. .... Monday, July £2 . ¦• ' ¦¦

* ' ¦ A.t i'l ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ mR Tnvr 'f ir t +,haa - '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . . . • * ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . * ' , . j . . - ¦ ¦FaatofAb.... .;.. ., .....Thursday, jniy ao tcrpnsus liiore.uses; and among them the The body never was very numerous,. ,roy oa lnee- . nal in the- .Thorah as canon for the ^u^w^n^ ^^Urim, vM i,«n

¦ WHY I AM NOT A CHEISTIAN.i^«lfi^^:~™^t3S^

ereed for

wealth y ac and in. course of time came down in / - thK covtox. -V prafeerOMoses;hM^^ -r -^ m :^^- . . ¦. , f.>ihe d.y previou, to ai 8o observe- aa Kew »"»d.. in *° . est . possible time. nunlb6r8 below the quorum ;of a public The hills and the mountains

do not canon and .points.Jto the Decalogue as <- not prepared toagree with the views A ""ffiw^S ***

'**'- • a.B Pci'nlj ttion of the cities and nidus- body. Alongside of this congregation depart uor are they .moved. The ex- the eternal law Of t^

Ohio LlHeral- Sooiaty. -: - - .. . trial districts increased far abovei the another German, congregation grew up preSgion can be figarative only, sym-; Talinnd also admits that principle, only outgidQ of the n9Tlal provlnce of - this In the hall, of the Ohio Liberal

Dk. LocisGrosssiann wont ten years . ge«eraljrrpwth- ot population, and no and increased in numbers to a large bolic, I think, of the transitory nature were revealed to Moses {.iVnopJ 0-Vi3), aper ¦

% of d6ference to the League a. year.or two ago some gentle-ago from the Hebrew Union College to 8lUKle n*"am considers himself a body with 'all requisite institutions. of natjou8; Bydtems, codes of laws, in- arid these appear- to be contained , ex- - *

ito we mni l with hia reque8j .. men main t;.iued bne ..may_ BTOPWy .bethe congregation of Detroit. Mich., very rich man i^our days when there wiien I was in New Orleans

in 1870 sti^tious and constitutions. If all these pressed and implied ii, the Decalogue. Editor ,i&LEUtk, Bir, - Last heUrSrti" o^ W?"oS.-tar*hS

and there he is yet with heart and are so many mwti-muiionaires. . .ihese pr thereabout, Rev. Mr. Jacobs was the depart or are moved.ohanged, replaced, It-is further maintained there that the Saturday Hhe Municipal Reform family and no mortgage on it , pays hissoul.- His friends, young and old, evils are deeply rooted cancers, incurable minister of the Portuguese and Rev. that grace of God and that covenant of prophets reduced the 613 command- League, through its representatives, taxes promptly and obeys, the'law. A ;

. latelv celebrated hia decennial anni- aB:yet- ' " , - . Mr. Leucht was the minister of the peace endures forever. The covenant ments to a small numher of fundamental l *0^^™n*

a^^ve^ with vin, .a8 .t


sayg. D({_ Nathas ^ m!lguificeut ^man congregation.

fIt was at that L eternal, as Moses had said at the Principfes. .2Sa«S3 t^S. G&?^aaS£- 5fflK "SS&L iE-SK^S-fii S£ \

a^" "

telling the Rabbi in words, songs and . , dpdj catioll ot „ rnnnnmenf nnmber or members of very start < Levitions 28 :43-45; Dent, So, even so, I understand the words exhibitions, "slugging matohes," as oeipt for ¦ his pew rent in the other,gifts , how well they love and admire {,„ „,„%iv.B 'i rn„110„H * ,™ ,lf the German congregation had clubbed 30). it is the revelation of God's of the prophet we now expound. Yon. lh^ ?all '^e™' in Cincinnati in- the That impromptu amendment set nie" tohim. The moral pf the story is, sit ^"

S^^KKt":. ^ Z Sil

*****"* ***»*:- ™* to"

****** * eternal in the f f^ r^£S^S^:&i & SethX

^TJ StiS"still and do good work. OT iiapn T6 foro ns f /m e, bookIet pnbli8hed . ™J^**£ 'T^Zl TT ^^ the

^tunan rabe;; « Btottd"«: laws of God, which are the eternal con- plainly tha^ if

they- would work - with struck mli th?re are ™e7Ple who ihink*" ~" in Hartford Conn The uoem is class! pressly in the first covenant recorded ditions and duties in the covenant ; him instead of against.him the. end so* and I asked myself, why am I no

The .Hebrew Union College in Cin .. In fn__ ' fl -_;, _, a„„i anH fMn, ' New York the lnte Rev- Jimes K. in Holy Writ (Genesis 1 i2T, 28; 9-.1-17). here it is in the covenant itself : All they desired mightbe accomplished, in Christian ? which, in faot, signifies Icinnati conferred the title and degree ^Z^^at^^ St

^^ £SL TTl *"* ^^ **¦ *»*' ** —n^ts' OTdi—' <* S&t&SSSS!&^S r& £$^%Z&!iof Doctor of Divin.ty ou the learned form/who throngbout the vvar wa8 " ^™ ^BSf™,¦ f.

Powers and caPaoitie8 Perpetuate servances which: bring peace t0 mau.

Mes8„. Work and Parka wenf riv?d™ Vis: I am nS cifristi,. Z-Professpr Dr. Morris Lazarns.of Berlin. the suruoou and comrade of the real became advisable the race, to subdue the earth, to gov- kind are the eternal conditions and away very much dissatisfied at the fail- oanse my parents were none. It ap-

The author of the r »rlkerp» y chf > hgir , '„ ' n„_ ., rMxAara TOn„1iQ„f S,» t0 nnlte ln one body tne Portuguese ern ali guhinuar beings, to become duties of man in the covenant, for this ur? °' th9lF nussion and a. little in- peared to me a truism that ninety perwho presided over the Synod iii l^ipzig. Zg

J ^t 'l l^X^Z^Z of T "SIS

^e, pure, perfect, immortal and hap- is ;the covenant of peace. All actions %&"*Z ™« ™*h°A 1D the ilg^^SS^SS ?S^now presides over the regents of the [„, ^^

W(IS louf? the fnvorite of oar


P" e«««»

of al the py; and this is the covenant of peace and performances which disturb that It is just now considered the proper -ffiSSfti S™ o?^oSl!£ £college for the science of Judaism ui ]e He studied medicine in Cin

proper ty' whlcl3 1U0lurted the Jndah and happiness, as Shalom signifies peace are sinful violations of Gods thing to denounce prize-fighting, that cause their parents aiid grandparentsBerlin,richly deserves this recognition. ',,„,,./.• wnnt fn ^Prtno .„ „„iah „„ , Touro temple, in which Rev. Mr. peace, perfection and happiness. God laws. Therefore the same prophet said. is. a contest with the flsts

^to determine were. The portionlar beliefs of eith er .

But if this waa not the case his last ^X ZrZZ S he r tnS: St *™

^ H I ^^^ »* ™°™»* 7™~ "N° *°™ to »» «**> '«* SliSt as^CtTspS bXe'ZTweTaVeVSn" 3book on th« Prophet Jeremiah would went to thtf f l0Qt Sixteenth met in the city

^ly three' c^abng. thU is the second oovenant recorded

in God.'• which also says he is the wick- an amusemenf/on a par with dog'and remaned [h^fke ever sTSy Z. suffice to entitle lnm to the distinction Conuecticut as a surgeon which post ™8, viz . Leucht, Heller and Sessler ; Soriptures-to become a blessing to all ed. the Hatha , who by his actions and cook fights, as an unmitigated evil, pressions from home, as nnquestion - '

nf Tiwto ni nwA "¦¦ *" "•» «- . pB the latter wtts oalled there last spring families of the earth. This says it was doings disttirbs the peace of ma^^


*» N- JTmS' SST h1? f



DOt f°r him8elf °r hl8 famUy °

Dly that *«*««». aU laW8' commandments, S of ^ing0 o^telity To'fc M%Si^Tffi

,,S Siof

* ret a S ™S Jl ,,, if /if r he WM °alled' btit f°r the blea9inB 01 ordinalloes' servances which are built mosses, a shameful fhing thatVght To and noKkss raHonaHy and tZl'

j son of i50116 ^63 omoiating in

the city all the

human race. Israel was

elected upon the

principle of Chaed,' grace, be wiped ont of existence by the iron ably treated than religion, beoanseMayer. °* Urleau8- . as a nation , to be .the visible represen- love, good will for God and man ; that nim° « '„ ™tfDie however ^A ' t^

»lmoat1 . °ne starts from the

me-y /ears » ™k tkmpu.. tative of God's covenant with man. to have the tendency to dispense loving- writer of ?MsTone onhem. who S S " T&K™ dolSnSSto'Smfferiug Jt was a few minutes before 10 a. m. *eaoh, practice and promulgate among kindness, generous feeling, noble senti- lieve themselves to be neither brutal same." Every one maintains his client3 admir when we ascended the steps in front of a11' indmdnals »nd nations the con - ments. goodness, fairness, upright- nor debased nor yet bloodthirsty, who is exclusively right but there is in each

a soul the temple. Dr. Leucht led me to the ditiona of the covenant and the oonse- ness, justice and troth are eternal laws matter dqsS "and0 that^^t ¦Me ?" e and


wh,iohJCtions. pulpit platform. Facing the audience qnent duties of them inaividnally and of God,'conditions and duties of the "uesti^

I saw before me quite a large congrega- collectively, "For mine is the whole covenant, for this is a covenant or and that if the gentlemen of the Re- If Buoh a court could be had thereae given tion in holiday attire , and among them eartV says the Lord, but you, Israel, grace. This is the essence of the form League would stop to consider would not he the thousand sects oflosaism. quite a number of familiar faces, part- if 1™ obe* God's voice and preserve Thorah according to the ultimate ab- Sey nS fa to to ^eWrffe ni°h fanna Adam8 describes n few

< proph- ly from former days and partly from his covenant " you shall be a kingdom straotion and generalization of the men, might be brought to see that hundred- '

. our re- last evening 's audience. After a few of Prieats ( teachers), a holy nation (ap- prophet , whose words I have attempted prize-flghfing, to use the commonly sourcks of his co.vcLOsroN.s.hets and minutes ' ob«ervation I was impressed Poin<»d to do his holy work) So we to expound. accepted term,is .perhaps not altogether Then I said to myself perhaps I amJudaism with the idea that these are on the ™ad in Exodus 19 :5. 6. It is all one as Israelites, what? ^Ever^athletic snort be it basnhan *

™6 J * <5e ,°f ^

J 'Z ^Zly upon whole the same kind of people as I ad- c-enant , the revelation of God's special Th6 ^^ hafl m ^^ footba ^ jnmp&f H^ £g%

« *\ t tlo £?&but also dressed last evening, and I began to fraoe for the Laman race of a" ages of tions and duties of the covenant to ful- °J£'njr othe,r-. must nave publio contests with zeal, read, studied, thought,p. It is feel uneasy, because I knew well that I n

hl8tory- The powers and capacities to except to remember that God se- ilffi »nH » J !l,i8 t0

^t6 wrote-I am not going to impose mi

.nt Bible was now as unpaired as I was yes- l-'e in peace and to reach perfection leoted tb6P

congregatfon of Jeahurun to ofto pfople is" te Te'e te Tacte 11 STm&»^this cen- terday to meet ,.„ intelli gent audience. ^

a"d immortality

are and be the bann8r.bearerof the8B truthSi the them. Public contests, to Amount to of Chrirtiaal J t dit l «S

Ihristiaii It was no small relief to me when the always were there in man ; the moun- iests in the tgm . of Rrace &nd anything demand the giving of prizes, enough advanced, as I thought , I look-itannica Cantor, with his round and full bari- tains departed and the hills moved, but u

¦ fl becoming the J a " ^™^^ ™'**?

e(1 ronnd to flnd some Christians with

Renau. tone voice, «puUB d tho divine service, a the ">™™\ of »°d remai«ed 6he high position where God has placed from ¦ ¦ amateur^r >^ This clas ° com 7J£Z% ^^ 7! ^Tu-ch we well schooled choir responded, sap- «^e perpetually, as the prophet an- him The Israelite as a religious body posed of the exceptionally expert , large- Te not XZT kdies aiul g...,.lc

;ion out ported by u tin« organ hanrUed by a n°inced m the name of God. has plenty of institutions in the Thorah Jy- and naturally, of those who teach men. I am not going to discuss herevho say master musician. When I heard Kit- the ooNDmose or the covenant. to distinguish him from other bodies thfs^Wss am oalTed nrize fl ht

aUd D0W *»U8StioBS of

faifcb "ni1


*\We nan singer 'm eoaipcsiti.m uml tho responses A aovennut is a contract of two or of the same kjnd. Besides these, ao- seems necessary, tbBrefore.

'thufTf this SEKwT a 'riJlt" to hh S-f * *

the n l t i - by the Sabbiith -sclnuil pupils , I began more parties to fulfill certai n mutual cording to the last words of the last sport is to become and remain general opinions let them be ever so foolish iuiliwitim . to feel at lumio and guimid some self- obligations. The obligations and prophet, we have the right reserved , an1 P°Pular "t is necessary

^to tolerate your estimation. The Constitut ion of

reli gii.n reliance. The i l iv in . f si'rv ii-e as a whole promises of (iod are continually ful- perhaps the duty , to m;ike nt every f !„d the'™ am ™3 iw ¦,™riiBBr8' "J the United States prohibits noi .i' to

i lhrn ium is somewhat anti qua r.,!. not for me, filled , man. as a free-will , reasoning time and place such ChurL -ha and and sufficient to many thfflg ^en "Sr^in?


°f IdTt disSTcilr i.Sistoncal howi 'ver , rn wliniu tin- Hel.rcsv has yet being, wi ll fail some time or other to if Uhpnl im for ourselves— provided they why this should ho done dogmas, ns^ am merely ii t,'"' --1 llf

ious sys- all dm charms of u mo th er tongue , fulfil l his contracted obligations, are in harmony with the Thorah—of uI.t sbcim a harsh thing to say. but the Ohio Liberal Society-i A Ki»'s[

ins , M.c Von say .S/ , > ,„¦.„/ and I feel what Therefore the p'-uca and happiness of Moses—which keep us in union and htahlv oTviCed npnnlTwn ^^^^ th

^ mus* "ot unduly assail h is hos t , aii'l

3e»Har Hy y.m say ; you say, H.' ar , i) Israel, and the human raw is so often disturbed, peace with our fellow-men , and also murderous ; 'there is no odnutry,n™n "»« society bears the ™Pn^


)^,I '^

fore the I only hear. I took it all in ami 'full Still the sins of m:ui do not annul the such whioh distinguish us as a relig- earth ,Italy and Spain possibly excepted , woaW°rK>?°dOTO to ejve yim n»y ntlon *onstruct perfectly, ut home when rhu Thorah was divine covenant , as we know from ions body distinct from others ; we u ^l] 6 "mrders and attempts to murder Well , then, to continue onr ' siilM ^t -thereof read-the same Thorah which I read Moses ( Leviticus -»(j :24) and the proph - have done that at all times inside and .oowardhTseoret assassin a« a7"d ""? I went out iii search of some Clin-"

^nt solid when I was six years old , tun same ets, especially Isaiali 40 and Essekiel 115: outside of Palestine, and will always as iii our own. This is largely due to" the whi ^


dme 0"9( ahi

l,,I U


in of re- Viiimhrf )" -i< ii - .f /—the story of Joseph in (i, and all the other j irophets. The divine do it , and it will aways be righ t and fact that the majority of murderers in Imaginfl^n^disappointtMiit—I f""ll(ij rwovon Egypt—which seventy yours ago was covenan t is the i avelation of grace proper if done in the name of God and | , dn f8*1,, 8t-ll^e8 reoeVYe a wholly UOue. Some before whom L said ffl .v{fairs of the first lesson I received in the Thornh H3P or D'omn m )) and includes the the Thorah. immunTtv is taJSnm^nb J^P T T1?is B"evanoes told me sincerely -Thwa1. in ex- from my sainted father. I f ult deeply expiation and for«i reness of iniquity. latures tlfai1 mZ crimfnal IS, ! bS Z T^J^LT"Z Hu"id"ihe com- moved. When my learned colleague, transgression and sfci , either by repen- That is about what I said, in other of the judges and juries that admiuis- Martin Luther - so said St. Auun-'t '" 81r see in- Babbi Leucht, announced my name to tance or punishment The main cause words, perhaps. The service over, also a Leatar' IqI6 IB pm

hf P0^?' foroe, so say all priests, preachers , a U tlieo-s. Un the congregation, I responded at once, of sin is ignorance, &o history teaches, the sumptuous luncheon in the hospit- ] our public opinion has noti wt?' T*

lo8ioal ^»ters. '' ¦ It did not enliKlj ^0

C Moses, although4t*took--me-quito-a-while to and the Talmud fcrmulated it "No able home of our friends, the Beverend txe point where killing a^man, except tera^noonda J

till-imag7iie my d'3'

I -a.

Page 2: 4 THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...when tbey occur la maker, not by modern means and ap- „,,mom,,: of Decatur for that piece iaw3


¦a^ aMawwaMaiaMMBMa^aMaMa»MiMiMMBMi^M^1M,>M^tw,MMI>MW,M|MMM|>j|>M|MMM MMBaa|Ma| WM^MMMM ^ ^ M '

u-JSSjin. -^Wch wohtd YOU od Christian superiority, my friend. * cm iu u imwi'Rivty. Ignatius considers the e„rruct. thing. After the decision had boon uuiiouuefld a*B Aum ¦ ',».rt.j^Kii»~ Doii«.^o«c? The Go

ld Mnu is man the world over , with tho , in tam,nW ,M i nf™»„» «-ith th, That 's the kind of fellow* our ortho- Justice Wilmot said that he would take ¦ ^W a4K*W7 .S&. 55£ ffiaXr^^t^SSnS? ^WdiWS 'a' *» ««* are pattin. u the back, appea l ;;

the m„n ^cot

| .. ^.

J^Aj .an^cirdSJhflt ,Big DosS? Small p rovince or individual had bettor that to the mult itude *' ' Thin stemmed » * . ti,, ' Vr m ' b^bV^bV B .H ¦ ^bV B^H B -* «** bV ' ^L^kr 0 fS*oWSUa *H„ce, ethnical

or geographical J"

r^UA^r^d^l?^ The reform


Ul tllB United wcot aT nS ! JS ePm III: Fl P F JC> 5 Qif F#VU<rh>J Tft«4> deuuloji its innate capacities. We have ™J° 'i


'c >„X h n£l»? ™ll tf atatesr onu very well off-M b. nnila iu- Hie complainants iu n replevin case ¦ m'¦ %^; JT ¦ ^M» M. ^mf

I rfpHS"'! »°nf » « century of freedom and organized ^--Pp^ m^^^^^^^^

" ^

^b*ib*1^U DflaUVtfWti rkJ:*, government behind- us. and are the ™ng?m tSI ^" 1 aXi " a( imp«tat mge rtidi nwt ii wteu- For some reason Mr. Moses lad becoine ¦ »'¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ . ^¦P Hal

^ - Y^BTAiT ^f^ l^fi1111, f0V

VS h ttTB^

r?,WU and eSortt them with in irm, hand ^rogation.; it is siiffieient , to know "But 1 demand » cha"S your ho„- HTrilt7 flTTflmniHril fl H fl" 1 T7 TIITrt rt I T H IBra in^tX NerVeS ?5±B nff 1'em'-0.r^^ that it

was originally marked out

on or." said Mr. Mows. '• It fiin tl.h g ||-U 111 I I IV U>I I H/l U ii ' l/l AT/ I IT P Vf lTTJ I^Sii?»;i i;7

to one of the mightiest nations on

-p4 t

e « W^HrSni tt^? SS" hroad' Un™ 0,ld b°8 """""fr PW8nefl which cannot bo refused ." U H Wf I I \ 11 Ul H ft - l/l 11 K I I I \ fl I H Ito the Gold Douar; aniaB .botttc , eioall earth. - A M those rncaal claims are sham «e«iiyteri ins, Jiptscopalinus, Bitptij Cs. :ta ouward maroh It 1ms not in tho Tustini Wilmnt WvnLr ,..„.;„ , 111 II 111 I i l 11 III! I ill VI H l\ I l i t iVHiiP I-dose-only S to io drpp.-aJiir and im.ghiation The same is the case ^"i ^ ^ ^ Sa K'deterJed'in \* development f a!cT to/m uest Z Zler^d u- 1- l,U i! U U WlUlUllU Ulalll ll U ViiUil \

Concentrated, tyT V l mo\lt7 • sust Cn .. ~

*-* s£s? H^r^^r Hw3l?ffl ^ - pii.'r.s.JK^ =] s s? s sss sws: sr Wp Will Pav Ynii fnr Ynnr Trniihl pJ WA/, ntr V™^^

Tta Uff w™ ..J * "« "HI TdJ I UU I UI I U U I HUUUI tf ,xmw^-ws ss«g ass:^ 3i2:S ESSHFt

nl ;¦wl8h to tea vhe


of the -»'«-dollar. Sample, enough to last ten are a sinner. •«. sure as jf «n" a sinner. ' wenlth,er' mi«htiar . and ^™> Mr

e n L New AP ap e r 8 86 a d v e r ti s i n g m e d iu m s d u r i ng

a^nte" ^^ i^s^ras^ra sra. S


!.S^ ^J^n5 F ™b* 5S£ ?r GreaL t ,NEW CUST0MER MAKI NG L™-™^ sai!»

SMW «"¦* *-* [h0se otL beJt mer

you w i l l cut out the f o l l o w i n g coupon , and•• Howto.Oet ft Free Sampter Z"& ±


£ 2a?tr£ 2 f.a" 1ST «ek«™ who attach the™**™ to every face became pale and rising from hu f l 1 1 l n wi th ^°

name and a d d r e s s , and br i no

totoSoleAgenU, mere formula Wrnad1 of Jou^w rk\U Having heard and read all that and ^ ^ u X ZZS. 1&t^tAZ ^ £ I t S JVJ ^^ Pu r c h a«i n8' m

o u r S t o r es , WE

/. O. Woodruff f r CO., and »™daj^. h°° *7oh«ra ' ."" is


^nl^H^fr fL"l«'

ad i^d by permanency of „rCT!li ti0U and ward the young lawyer N^J to W I L L PAY YOU FOR YOUR TROUBLE by g i v i n g VOU--

mwrB» .oi.l iVflV f«n .i,i/i ^"f " rr'lr »8,iDS !Dd r M1

'lem-,!r T fel^T' J have' *«"' a»d aM building with an not frigh tened at the Llh^a^itnTte 60me pa i r Of Sa t in SUSPENDERS

appointment and discomflture-ti ll I tude of mankind that com^ P "What's that you say?'' shouted the S°me P a i r of t h e C e l eb r a t e d "Crowndiscovered there are no Christians any- at all. or perhaps one now and then in than I am. I cannot consent to con- r " J* K iraHoo ' 'i tnM «™ t ; t „ ¦ 1 w •> .. r ,t ,r .^^,^^^Z oroTO

where in America or in Europe. I was an unguarded moment Nona will dare tradiotions, nor would I have the • * • • ¦ vm wild brint m.t of tM

,|U1 f Make " SUSPENDERS .not among tliat class of people in other to deny that tHe majori ty of men are Church govern the State and everybody The Singing Swans of the Glowing Now von will ™t nnt ¦' r°0ID' Wi th eve rv M A N ' S nVVR fn A T OP Til otcdparts of *the world. I found all kinds pure and.righteous, or else this would in it. I would not permit, much less East, the Kngle Orators of the mtmit- The^hew wSu Trim.. „«h .... „ " y , ° UVJiK LUA l UK ULSTER , aof Catholics and Protestants, subdi- be a miserable-world; Was not your force, others to pay taxes for my able West , the Silver-tongued Whang- 0f the doors and Mr MmZ, \k *n $ Handsome Japanese Si Ik Hems t i t chedvided into numerous sects, that . bear a mother a pure . woman, your father an proper ty, if I had any. Aside of all docdlers of the Rampageous Mississippi , of tho i>nnrt -mnm HANDKERCHT FT n r Hi 1 k cSfADr n n ^ 4 « ^*.very faint similarity, if any. 'to the upright and righteous man. Can you that. . Indies- nnrt gentlemen, I would and others of that ilk, whose flux of 1 warrant for assanlf n ..,i h,«arv

n««wwwuf , or BUK bCAKr , Or P a i r ofChristianity of. Jesns. Peter, John, or deny that there are more and are now be no Christian , and expose myself to words and constipation of ideas gain followed and the case ™Z ?n f r • sco tch Wool GLOVES , as you p l e a se .Paul, so faint; indeed, that Mr. Edi- and always were millions of such the danger of becoming a street preach- them cheap notoriety in our various henrim? vesterdfiv ' TnaHnL w;i..l Wi th e ve r v P u r c h a n f i i n M F f J ' S r r rPMT QUTMrson could .not phptograph it. . Each of. mothers and fathers ? If it is true that er. .a member of the soiled; Law and. public bodies and assemblages. ¦hOTld hdffit to h^ rnnnS Si:daJSiiS?iJ * t«

FURNISHINGthese sects, at whose door I knocked, yon aie smnerB, as you confess every OrderComniittee, a drummer in the be relegated to the rear. It is from length to nreserve the diinlitv nf 1"«

Vj UUDb DEPARTMENT , Of 50 Ce n t s or over ,informed me,."This sect is absolutely day, who repent and pray for mercy Salvation Army, or a member of the this class that the Jews by profession conrt Justice Poster thoiJht <ith r a Handsome . Heaw G o l r t - Pl n fo ^ Mnvr/T TVright. V-which is to-say all the others and go on and sin every- day again, or A. P. A, a begging friar or a Bishop are drawn , they fnriririi 'the recruits ^n J^ ^ S&M A

Sp adp D T M * NOVELTY

nl« absolutely Svrong, anyhow wrong else you conld make no such confession of Natal. I thank you , I can be no who exploit our secret orders and make anpeall"^ nne was liuposefl

mm tho SCARF PIN .in some points of creed or practice, every oth er .day, then yon are much Christian of any of these denomina- them.anti-JewiSh and aiiti-syiiagogicul, Justice Wilmot has ^-.inp,! «,,,«i,i«r W i t h e v e r v Purchase in M P M ' H h a t -Wiat couldldo? If I believe all of. worse than the ordinary sinners that tions. I. th an k you, - They are the spouters of cheap patriot- able notoriety bS^ SpdIdtufb! u


them, accord^ to their testimony. I confess, repmifc- and go and sin no ^^- _ ism.che bloviators of "my country first hriS Sfor 'io^ rH lftS thJ tiwS,? DEP/RTMENT , a Handsome I mp o r t e d E n g l i s hbelieve nothing; It is only a few more. If it is not true that you are watuq avti r-mirwifwrnd nnd

¦¦"*lipao afterwards" sort of ol WB S'SnTra ' StoS ' WALKING STICK .mouths ago when- a happy father came sinners and yet make snch confession NOTES AHD COMMENTS. Btnff. They are: the ones' who use toward e?eS^^iSi fSS hm'nnS «J, « u n v r,„„ .to ;the' Recorder of the city :of Munich every day, you make false statements - " ' , ¦ - - ¦' ¦, ' - . Judaism as a s .tepping-stoiio in politics K wTtnken ami ,

W i t h e v er y Purchase in BOYS ' CLOTHING ,to have his new. born son registered, every day/ Wore your God, , and this ' By Kickerfown Iq ohicaoo .Ibiubuh. . .and then asperse the rabbis and otliers considered by the suDreme court BOYS ' HAT and BOYS ' FURNISHINGAVhat is your religion? he was asked, certainly, does, not characterize the 'bet- Hark I hark I the dogs do bark, the who have made life- outside of the GOn^ao.re'1 «* supreme court.

.nniDm iT u j or, t i„ „ ¦"lam a Christian, "he replied', "That ter man or the better -woman' "wh ose^^^ rabbis have come to tovrh T At ' em fib?^ 0 P09S> ble for them, » * « 8 Ut fAK l MJfc,N 1 a Handsome SILK SCARF.is no . religion known , to. the laws of tot criterion - must ^ • # Prof BnniberK6r of the ,TowiBh Du r i ng t h i s "N ew Cu stome r Making Sale " we¦

-.s» |sp5 Wi"*~ -*. ,* . bb-SJ?,j fc%'!Sf«¦'^aaHJ&j Sss?- srts saistt.'isftj rj ssaa s it cul rr° in* *J! depanment o to and ;

elsewhere. Ghristiahity was a relig- contains a . large list.of/new.suis which Bdt.- sholl.eveh the silly little poodles, ^""tf nl . in-a limited fleld , but he tTp™,n n m

^gh^is-¦:" ™S one „ ! Y CUSTOMERS these UNUSUALLY LOW„ ion. but it is now no more. It is re- fe fathers knev/ not ; .such as

^to dance,' and.fl^^^^ Th^raWin

™^arWn ™ 3™ng, e c PRICES W i l l make fo-r US. V <

¦¦¦placed- by a^ nnmber of . different creeds to hear and see a theatrical performance, attuck? and I not unleash • S

. and churches, .which exclude .and fre- totaa. .opera or. concert.; to utter un: war ? Shall not eVen my. favorite bull- ¦S 'T.^. Ji! thT ^lA of: a £ieto for the^ mSnic fl?tT and ff-A * * *¦'* *-*^^* =- ^-^,r% rt O. A A A M ¦.quently denonn.ee. one another::AVhen I padiamentary language .; . to smoke a oufp have as much as a mouthful from wbo a.re hl,9 "f 8™*"' "' Wta mn -the ths^nti *nof ~&e pn^S Whr tniSSS ' ' 1

*>> . -r-, .- A' * " ¦ r f .-. . - . -

.vas in the .TyroI .I learned that those cigar or drink a,glass, of- wine :, to do the juicy calf of a- young and fender "¦»"' ¦ ¦T-di.T?d^S?i °?


1fell?,W- thatTreofclon they are nior^ Sy

¦«,- S Gil t THlS GoUDGn Ollf 9men when they/quarrel oall .each. other any work on the

^flrst day of the week, rabbi ?. Well, hot-this time ; though . I *">?' "ud .w^,

lle he *"u f t * /^"-^to S 4 V-»U L I I lid VgUpUH VUE ¦ ' ,; £ , ..^l toe;h^ naTnea,they can-think ; of. and .so on

Qnite , number ,

of new' db not -b^fc,to- . =h ayin^^ ] ~ — — ¦ ¦ / . ' - -; _^— [ " . -, . ;- ..

The last and , worst, • however, one sinsy ;of which neither the. fpspels and while..a little innocent sport with the of « long lino ^of followers. Nothing p f Bft rnberj ,er's arnbition from the v Amennti Tsmplit* l,m,„„ -, 0 ?throws.into the face;of his . .antagonist the Acts nor . .tte-EpisHes: have taken gsntlemeni of the cloth, lam not fortd

j! attol^e\°Ld. ' af t,^

e\,tln- ^ V. American Israelite, January io, 1895. ¦, [ , . ,- - .,

is, ' 'you-are a Proteatant.'' an dvthat nny^

notJce., :^

. ] ' / , fis'-ns bad as calling, an A. P, A. ;a people who make all those new Jaws to be . found in a pack; that ".bayd'th!

^ ™

'"irSnvbSv" ' irw Sr^ttooV ¦ He had hoped thi?s year to < Xante . > - \

Catholic ¦ " . - ¦ . • - . c tainly do not break them ; hence Tabbis as dogs bay the m^^ 4 t . . <DOCT RINE OF -DAMNATION. tb

^B . .thfl V11 ^ J ' J J +

'- l :doctrine of damnation . daily onfession pninjTT'hey. know. ^3 to. consider who an* what sorhe ?.

0'u.e .W>»««i '*>diy l>e ¦¦.immediately: -^g frescoing, etc as befng 1 < Address ¦. ... .... ;...... >• ¦

rmust confess..however, Iheard some well that those so-called sins are the of hie rabbinical criticasters are^ i^ t L ¦very Grange argnmen^in-

my search oufcomes. _ - , ,v,- .

after enlightenment , Qne vbry.excels deacons in raral homes,of aseptics who: ^udln borhpauy; Within the lost few £e cau H)10(!r' - ftl 1? u8niff ,and carp, but °0B„{ d thnhmpossible In nlnco of * Purchase . k

lent man told ine. pointing to the-Oga: deaden the flesh to animate their- sm^^ . 3 - - , • . . . T . ¦ I,- ' 'pel, all of ns believe >vhat is said here, jcaliber: of spirit. Those : good people trv a cron of irresnonsible fellows eyeutnall-T wl,uls «P l»s career as a "• '"."V^nd \? P^J," f ,-h £! t^iif fn ' . J^ ¦ ^a> ^w.. . - .*._ *. that Jesus himself said that he that be- know well that . escess in any enjoy, %& o3i£nor^ToSy eSlIri niis'v.ithrope. «ud .. pessimist who has ffij '&g?

¦0f thb2hoo?'£ dSm < JC aVl ¦*

¦- » A ;6TH AN D >lieves in hir and is: baptized will -;.be. meut is sinful. hence. excess , in fabri- WJ ffi&^oden^'ttam ftei te beeu Mt b^

1MI,y* star^

tl behind ?h learT. « This it ¦ •wfU hn^™ d

:' - Pit'N O P K-& 1 ¦ Q •« i W-1' Usaved, -but . ^ho believes iiot .will be cating^new kinds of sin is not less sin- % *™tZ%$^^ua ww $-

™*° ™% Nothing will take .the %^


6 W

0Uol "con e J I V.£2ZJUL ".\JSf¦ - RACE.. Y. .

damned. Tnis ,is-Christian: belief , ful, They -.certainly <*yould not bother youd the restraints of morality or place of sinceri ty, in one tvho aspires ^wlSb thl lildmata oHit o? the ¦< ¦ > ¦ -¦ ^^^^^T'/- v- ¦- ¦ ^^ v . - - - ' ¦- ¦ fc . 'cbnmion to- nil sects.-He could not.tell Eternat.Mercy every day with a con ^"enov^ Ler dubbed VheSves ed? t0.„be a.- Jeader. jii st as surely as no one. H- t tffi^ 1 * t - ' ¦• ¦¦¦•-'• ' ' ¦ ' - ; , ¦ - - - '¦ '. ^ Z,e?ac^

w^ tiSb^H^C

ie?sionrf ¦'!' ¦ And Brina It With You isigmncd. « to<& him a.long time - to r\There.our. informant intemipted- our publications designated as ''Jewish. '' sn?enn8- - * , . - - .- friends of the school will patronize the 5

~ '/ ^! ''Jb ,v

'Vi; I ,VU. , fc .' make me nnderstand ae . tenns .heaven eloqneuce just in the middle of a happy These alleged Jewish-journals, by inis-' . * :i" - new establishment and make it self-sus-' . &Wv^vyVvvi|i'»V»wvi,^^»»J

1'' and (.Telienno, lor . wmol|1. he nart no Htrain , and he lifted up his voice, and representation of their Character and Signer Leoncavallo, . composer of " I taining," It is even hoped that a snfli- • - i^ T- . . - - . .- : T™?.'v';*- . - ' - .scientifio equivalent ; he lost p«iencej said in tt i6ud voiCe ; '-Yes, sir, we are circulation, are enabled, to drag out-' a Pagliacci ,*' has jhst finished a ballet oieht profit will accrue to assist in M E N'S BOYS' v -and Juially he interpreted it that all a\\ 8inners, although the multitude in precarious :existence through advertis- which wiil:be produced at:t^^^ The _ . - •%¦ ¦¦¦ 'T'.-.i. ' !• -' 'unbelievers, infidels, l-urJcs . Jews, }ta iunbeence knows not the nature of ing patronage, and supply their pro Opera in' Vienna. It is based on various trades ' nowadays are (itite A ' ¦¦ i\ ' I Olll^A fliiAii<i*<iiitheathens, free thinkem, also not bap- the sins which they confess imd sue prietors the biire maintenance which Ooethe's "Keynard the Fox'' and is in averse to accepting. apprentices, au d i t VllltO IIUOrPnQTO Alll lA IIVPrPllSlTQtized children and such .otherhnrnan l0T mercy. They know not what they keeps thorn just above the sinking: three tableaux. It employs the ser- is with no little difficulty that boys are OUI Iu i U V u l U UQ l U V.U11U); V I U IU UH I U

trash, are "doomed to eternal torment du< They know, however, that they poin t. . It is largely fellows like these vices of a chorus who will sing behind given an opportunity to learn iv trade. ' " III ; - '¦£¦' .- ¦- ¦' . --¦"; ..;;- >- :' j'';n' ' :: :;'-> :;i '': " 'in that; hot place: ..where _batan and his are sinners." Then he told ns a long who take it'upon themselves ' to decry the scenes while tho terpsichorea'n busi- The association into which a boy is J III 1 IIIQTQrC QDn llOfil tSTCl• company hold their oarmvals. lhis ex-. register 0f, gins, of which I can repeat the rabbis • individuals totally without ness is going on. forced on entering the average shop is QHil' IIIOTQrO UlOlUl U 01111 TIudIIj I dt :

. planation aniazed me so terribly; that I but some, education,, and without the slightest It is strange how people will persist none of the best, and often very bad. UlIU UlOlUl Ol a» X.„ Z? , „ '""'*?' "*exclaimed } . > -If this is Christianity I ¦ tmbidbnt knowledge of anything appertaining to in attaiimting the Rriuike /'Wm to Trades schools in connection, with , the . - . ' , ^f f ^ 7f ^

mtf i ^U

'am no Christian ; i f this is religion,. I SO jew could be president. Jad(lism. It is a matter of surprise Goethe. He only deserves credit for a Training School will obviate these All our *7 50 Men's Suits, - .Overcoats,_ Ulsters arid C0 OR .Avant none ; and I was ready to say They drag along the old serpent of that reputable Jews living in commuhi- German rendition of the poem whose drawbacks. The object of the school, Overcoats and Ulsters t f > J rt 'e? teeters reduced to.. .... : ty £i,fjQ .something worse when my Universal- intoieriance and . persecution which ties where such sheets are published do origin is lost in antiquity, I have an as it now is, is to develope a taste for reduced to.... : (b X t / u All our *z 00 Rnw an^d1st friend1 eclaimed, . Nonsene

^that is tindi6d the pyres and sharpened the not, in self -protection , either suppress English translation of Reynard which , mechanics, and the method serves to ¦

^ Overcrtats TTiaf Bp? „ *a /m« A^not true,, we do not believe in it, and exeontioner's sword, as you can see them or distinctly avow disapproval of though the poetry is ratlier archaic, bring out the natural bent of the pupil. All onr *10 00 Men's Suits Reefers mH nwSi t« }mH (10another friend , Calyimst. added, ' 'N ot more distinctly in Europe than here, their character. It is not among the preserves the homely wit and humor of The establishment of this first trades Ovnrionta and Ulsters d> r, aa nce - to" ^y,UU .' -"¦all Christians go _to heaven ; only the where it hides itself better in the arti- Jews that the influence of these sheets the original to perfection. ¦ It cortainly school is to be hailed as a good emen reduced to. JS/.Uu All our #1 00 Boys' Suits,elected few are admitted_ there. s>P 1 floial garb of the law and the oonsti- is to be feared, for their circulation is is a production well adapted to ballet and the preaursor of numerous others.. "" ' " v Overcoats, Ulsters and' (h i ri{\whs again nonplused, Not all Christ- tution ; and even here well-informed too limited. Still, their generally low purposes. With a little financial aid and en- ... 4lo „» ...„„ . H„,.u Reefers reduced to. . Jd4:.UUlaus believe that, which the

^ Gospel men will tell you no Jew and. no Cath- tone outside of matters appertaining to » * » ¦ couragemont a few years from now Au ^F*u V° Men 8

TS , ' A „ ^.^ —r- ^maintains Jesus had said before his oij 0 wiH ever be elected President of Judaism strictly, oaunot fail to prove Cdqw ti,„ «-«n nrm rfof^i^ fh^ir 0 may see numbers of trades being Overcoats ana ulsters u»Q ^K All onr *7.00 arid $8.00 Boys'death. the United States, and no infidel , I harmful to such readers as they do f. W' *h

nenS™ ^

reduced to tpo.^U SaitSi Overcoats aid fit» K AAMy orthodox friend also was some- would add. if they can help it. not reach- But it is among- non-Jews that t^„ . „ £„r™f *,r „„„,„ a„qf c Ulsters reduced to CpO.UUwhat stuuned by these refutations, and even the husband of a Catholic; wife their influence is to be deprecated ; the ^P;^ _ rt „ j after a painfnl pause he admitted that or a Jewess, to say nothing, about the secular press.which. receives these pub- °thJ*J?&A}"lZ*% nZt^n^JML^

esteem in which

the Training School -Gvercoatfl and UlstersflM 1 QH All our $9. 00 and $10 00not all Christians -understood that term narrow-mindedness in social life. Here lioatiohs is to a large extent incapable '-^™™"™ ?

*" 1°"^! «75S° l ?n' is held is shown by the frequent colls reduced to - W-i x .vu BoyB. Snitgi Qvercoat8 ^^ f i n"damned" in that supernatural sense, is a daily, sin bordering on a crime. of discriminaitng to what extent they ?^?,°a

Jf„^ f°y.p Superintendent to ex- ... t ,a nn M„ . Q„)fa ' aud Waters reduced to «JpU»UU

But all of them believe alike that the In Nice, in the beginning of the represent Jews and Judaism. The "™i ,"tI?E.'« "f wLt* iS!mS« ?lain its methods to institutions which Ml ^**J °™ ^?? mSi,!; . tl ^^ A „ nnr », 9 a «,r n»Christian man is .a better man, the fourth century.they dethroned God as mere existence of these sheets is sup- ^l*6 °T f T P£r S, desire to take it for a model. Only last Overcoats and Ulsters^ 1 AA All our |12 00 and ?1C 00

Christian woman is a better woman, was old Saturn by his fictitious sons posed to be proof that they are counte- "*»»£ ¦l"Jl th°e S of the in week a committee from the Soldiers' redpoetl t0 ^IQ-UW ^T.nS^SlS

a §\7 50they are redeemed, they have the and the Titans, and dethroned he is nanced by the communities in which ^£aV«„ and in al^ thf differs Home School, of Normal, 111., visited ... . ^5 _ , and Ulsters rednced to <p/ .OV

Christian ohoraoter and animus, a sort yet in the mind of the multitude, re- they are published and respectable Jews. ¦™1itO^n'g 0? BOoietv it is nlavfnB the Training School and gave its sys- A11 ^•".'g?

\fKd> 1 P A A AU onr

of Holy Ghost, -which the others have placed by a number of his creatures to must be satisfied to be judged by such SrZk toM rfenn e If teni a thorough study. This school has ?SS£? to SI 5*00 50c X*™ Pants Oq^not, ni, you can observe every day. whom he has assigned all power, representatives. The weekly outpour- faa!~ ™™ Trt «;™' ' n


BnSf; ^b over 400 pupils, and the committee ex- reduced to .....y iU.\J\J reduced to #1*0May we not judge from here to here, dominion and glory. . I would add to iDg8 of illiterate and impudent shoe- ¦ ^^^^ i mf ^ S L

pressed itself as so well pleased with „ . Ml and presume that "damned" refers to this, and besides this, reason was makers are placed to the credit of the

¦,°s'?n!„SveIJ^""' " „f ™Ta o%£T Prof. Bamberger's system that many of Aa "" ™ ™e» i?! . „ ^. 7Kn r-„qq D . _

both states of existence. This time I was dethroned , in the realm of religion. Jewish press as a whole, and the Jews ££ "*AtT?nT ni] ^Ij f ^ j SS »>i» original methods will be adopted Overcoats and Ulsters j r, gQ

75c Knee Pants xgnot perplexed. Tasked the same qnes- This also is a perpetual sm. of the entire country must suffer the ¦ S^n^hf™Sf Rfftta n*"*1* The Professor, by the reduced to .... xj .ejv reduced to. **0^tion which Alexander von Humboldt That overbearing haughtiness, he odium. nT of^fnr^ of the S — ~ ».,,-. „^>..^. . .. „^..asked his friend Arago, "Is it truer 1 said .of which' the multitude are guilty. ,* „ ^J^

d 8


18. rfj fore the Evolution Club of this city. M E N' S M EN'S AN D BOYS'Is the Christian a better man than the makes necessary the antidote of con- , . Cii J or ia ™ thiL™h in rU- HiB 8n 8<!t

WM ^noatio^ and

he _,______ . A _T _, 11 ¦ n I P ¦ ¦¦non-Christian? Is this imaginary he- tinuons confession of sius to modify it This is m the nature of an open let- £y^


^ln°ub -eOti™n0

0ondiMon ' coniparecl the American and European . FASHIONABLE Uflj p PoTl O f lnH f 11111 oh niTOlief of superiority common to aU with some humanity, Borne conscious- ter to Mr. Uo N, Levi, of Galveston, hypn^ X Xl.kJXiivyi.i^xjxj ll dW| lidUo d U fU H OH JlMOlChristians? If so, no democratic man ness of weakness and wickedness. Tex as. ^ Having, his assurance that he It "can »^» ~™^^

^^^ • • * ¦ T3 A 1VT HP Git • * — ^

,,, ,w,, , , ,5


can dare be a Christian, and we aro in Ti. "n^i

on* tte

atotioM takes ^"/^ tef rtyto ' rt he hy^noTic conffin *"£ ffet he ,l p

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person can

be hypuotiied against his

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.sf oS! -wiiunB ^1 .Aw^* ,,. ^otI8 S0 MelI ^ion. Q9 ,n sisasSe $2 75of humanity ; nor could I do justice to violate every law written in that Bible, times that were,-but they never specify * * * ~ All onr^^^|JdMed to... «ft>6.50

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bim or you by pointing to the criminal for they abolished the Sabbath and ae- particulars. I'd just like to know from that ne has never executed a teetotaller. Consumer* have a hahh of determinin g by An onr *| 00 Men 's Fashion- <PO A A *1,i!w , i, i Breasted Scarletstatistics of our century, the sum total cepted arbitrarily the Sunday as a day Mr. Levi what period of time it is Th iB fihould be a solemn warning to all experiment whether an article of fond in pure , able Pants Retlnrwl to.. (hO.UU <, Wool Uiidenvear ............... 81,00of wlitcli grows every day by the ad- of rest, although there is not a word that he considers sn glorious as to serve T)rofeasj onai criminals to let liquor wholesome coiivecieDtanU economics!. Bor- atJlv " Some of our Famous 50c Neckwear•lition of the best of the better men. said in the Bible to sanction such a as a modal for the rabbis of the present &1

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(luced £ -""iu-- ^$2•So I advanced the following mild and violotion. although Jesus. Peter, John. day. I would also like to see a copy bwh)eHS. «« ,nttltt «,c ",eril- Wl11 8tnn<1 e,ery AU

Mv Vmt ' todniiod to. .. d>4.UU "ar

^™ 9°(at ShntB *1 00inoffensive argument ¦ James, Paul and the early Christians of of the creed that Mr. Levi considers - «»t. ¦ Mu muuiaum

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the fourth century iu the East and iuto as embody ing n rlef iuitiau of Judaism „ • . - ¦ ¦ „ „ „ . iu .. . Boys' Fast Black Stockings 19extuuibd in His travels. th gixth oentnry in the West , observed and which contain* all tho dogmas and Those dens of iniquity known as jus- All our $(>, $i and $8 Men s $1.75 Fanntleroy Blouses, elegantlyIn my travels here and abroad, and religiously the Sabbath of the JDebal- doctrines esscmtiul for ¦ihtuiuiriR salva- tice shop continue to be the centers of Awarded Highest HOHOM, Fashionable Pants Re- q> pr A A j embroidered. 98o

V my reading, I discovered that every ogne. As usually one sin begets un- tion iteecrn l Utf to his standpoint ,. I all sorts of rascality ami stupid bur- World's Fair, fl°ce(1 to (DU-UV , Boys' White Shirts 28clwople. nation , teibe class, howevw other, so this Sunday sin beptot the h ope Mr. Levi will let me know just lowinm on jniitiw. Ohey are almost woria s ra.r,

WTlTi ev ¦ ^. — ¦ t— .««nall or largo, imagines and pretends graver sins of Sunday laws, wlTieh by «-faat I mnn f h-lievn nnd do to be a Jew. without except.™, courts of oppression . 'DR.' QPP P A NHT TTfc > b« of the most- favored race, there- the influence of the ohnrchea ¦ are im- » * instead of ^Hti.r . That the who o zl~^i O r L V/IM L I NV^ I I KsZm Ifore h!is in its rnidetT better men and posed apon the ever-protesting p.-oplo. * syHtmu shonld b.; muted out ,s g.mera ly

^^M;^lLfct -~ZT, >0 "

l*ttor women than any other oominun- who, in the belief of being citizens of FntUur lKUiltin „ „ll „f B sadden still admitted, hut w. I. he corrupt court ¦ ^

mlflTPk ALL OUR 935 AND $40i f .v. The Bulgarian .Servian . Rouman- a - f ree comitry, presume to possess t!„„r imiea to disi.pprovK of the reform f'| '" ?

?< '"("s '' . ' E f"i uw- mllfll HW K C P QP Y MFI TRN nnr l M n N T f l R N n f nUPRrt l aT^ 8ILK-UHEDu.u . Montenegrin, or anv Smaller tribe the right of taking oaro of themselves, movement in Judaism , and some idiots but little l ope i f i °™-.

. '' ''

^ llalnRa ir 1 K t H o t l , IVltL t UPI 3I1Q IflUW I AU »r l lj U H n l fU A l O THROUJDHOOT,advances the some pretensions exactly of their morals, and disdain the fm the Jewish press refer to In m sis an i «K nnm ""« «''". 1' j ™«vh w i c

W Bn K WwiL. ¦ Ami T«iu.reii «l|U iii io a-ny aarneaix nm.i e to measure at *w. redaced to>»s the Magyars nnd the various Slavon- gunrdiamhip of vestry-ronms. One sin j mp„ r tial nnd disiuterestwl observer, ot brutes uiese .i ii-ulbh oi ine t uue W WX&W>virJ BlB3m»W ,."¦ groups. The German also is in- begets another , so the Sunday laws ]„ England , where Father Igimtius is ar€l ¦ ^, ^__-.-_, . — _ '• S?<> /I t f ^l"'"iiiparahly the best. So the Greek , make low-breakers, not only in your i„*r known. !i« in th o liniu liing-sroek Justice Wil t te . i "f the town of l^iilt e ^" CmWmXm yp ^r^Lu k J»t l io Italian, the French, the Soandina- newspaper offices, your railroads , „f n ll on iwcimnt tif bin rid ieukms hi gh- was lined *« »ii 'l ' ¦'«*» for assau t and ¦**»'»B-nauvH. -a. - viiin , the Dutchman claim the sums steamboats, street oars nix] other insti- churc h antics. That he is an alwurd battery ye-v-nl ar by. Justice 1' oste r. .--j. l VSUTV&lbiltf* H A^F . L^atsuperiority over all other races of tufcions of public conveyance, your tele- „lrt crank has never been denied, and The roui phi na nt 111 the case was Brila nFQlfll H A^W A^^ *Immuni t y 'And our beloved Anglo- graph and telephone offlws , but in t],(, onlv question eonceniing him is JusHph W. -M .-.-¦;*. or the law linn of ¦BfcSH1»|a I ^1H HdK ' 'A. H . a . a^a a^a A*^*> kW .^B .fiaxuii race—who dare gainsay it—is every church before which tlm carriages wn „ther he has suflleiently passed the Moses, Pam \" Kennedy, ami[ son of the »^*»tM

"*>** 1'* i^PA a^LVH r Pj^^ .^^^ a^* ¦ ^Ba^kpre-eiuinently the race, with the very stand, with freezing conchmeti to take ii„e of demarcation between oco-nir icity senior me .iil.er «i (ho firm. Tim olte/i se «^JlVllArBl»iW"B l^F^ak HII ¦ U ¦¦ JBk I ¦ ¦

best human material, according to its care of tho Sabbath-breaking horses ; nud insanity to just if y his ineanrra- c.oiwisted in .lusiieo Wilmot wmm days 1 Bffl IBfll HH| ¦ ^

'.'¦ V:'%j# H - WT &^K

' m. ' L^aP "pretension , although over there in Mex- at every Sunday funeral , in every hotel tion in an asy lun'i. To prove the truth ago descen .liiig roin his buiicli iirirl LrVVWIPI'la H :»'": ^'- ^ M . :- . " ¦" ^ ' - ' ^ . ^i«J and further down on the Continent and in most every well regulated house- 0f Christianity he wants the Jews to with his own muds throwing Air. fj V F f Bf »¦¦ MM m ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ BBH ' ^Ha9 ¦¦they wonirf not au^ it> ia thiB truth, hold, and few, if any, consider it a sin return to the mysticism , Kabbalism. Moses from the curt-room, m which MOST PERFECT MADE. ' "" ^^J. sham , fact or imagination ? It must to break Sunday laws. So the inuiti- and ff hettos of the Middle Ages. Tho the latter was trying a case. umteti

c rarie r ream of T art ar P owaer. WHOLHSALE-RBTAIIi ) f iL ^->J H^ ^ ^be sham and imagination with nine- tude learns to break the law, to dodge Jew£ wUh Moses de Leon as their States District Att -.rney Rosenthal A pun Grape Cream «J™^™*

»,llirf4 ft „.„- Hn . r..«.,.«.,r rt« ¦ KlH SUlfl HSIPDft n,


nm8n fTl7 eTJdent?y' it and to^oj^praoMcecl in hypo- proph efc. and tho ^,r oh their bible , Resented

^^ Jg^ ^T V^THBSTamSaiK CLOTHIERS. HATTERS Bfld FURN SHERS. i Ulll QlIU M W l^ ne same is the oaso with your imagin- orisy.BK^S^StfSlBHlJSBC iB is just about the

style that Father \ w

ilmot looked

alter ais own lncen.Ms. j . iww .niisunuft^. . . .