云起龙骧系列课程(4) - Live Services开发实战_黄继佳

云云云云云云云云 (4) 云云云云云云云— Live Services 云云云云 云云云 云云云云 云云 ( 云云 ) 云云云云 E-mail: [email protected]


云起龙骧系列课程(4) - Live Services开发实战_黄继佳

Transcript of 云起龙骧系列课程(4) - Live Services开发实战_黄继佳

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云起龙骧系列课程 (4) :微软云计算平台—Live Services 开发实战黄继佳技术经理微软 ( 中国 ) 有限公司E-mail: [email protected]

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• Level 300 的课程• Live Framework 应用• 实现基于 Live Framework 的 Live

Mesh 应用• Live Framework 的数据模式探析

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• 优势– 随处访问– 易于部署– 自动升级– 安全性

• 劣势– 网络要求– UI 的丰富性

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• 优势– 离线运行– 丰富的 UI

• 劣势– 部署– 升级– 平台要求

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• 优势– 访问的便捷性– 鉴权

• 劣势– CPU/ GPU 能力– 硬件的兼容性

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Live Framework 应用




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Live Framework 应用基础

• MeshApp.zip– Index.html– Manifest.xml– Logo.png

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Manifest xmlns="http://schemas.mesh.com/application/manifest/2008"> <Name>User Hello World</Name> <Description>Hello World</Description> <PublisherName>MeshUser</PublisherName> <DisplayVersion>1.0</DisplayVersion> <MultiInstance>true</MultiInstance> <PrivacyPolicyLink>http://example.com</PrivacyPolicyLink> <SupportLink>http://example.com</SupportLink> <VendorLink>http://example.com</VendorLink> <RequireDelegation>false</RequireDelegation></Manifest>

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从无到有构建一个 Live Mesh 应用

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基于 Silverlight 的 LiveFX 应用

• index.html• Manifest.xml• Logo.png• App.xap• Silverlight.js

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从无到有构建一个 Live Mesh 应用

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WC 1WC 1 WC 2WC 2 WC nWC n

Application Catalogue

WC 1Instance A

WC 1Instance A

WC 1Instance B

WC 1Instance B

WC 2Instance A

WC 2Instance A

User 1’s Mesh

WC 1Instance A

WC 1Instance A

WC 3Instance A

WC 3Instance A

WC 1Instance C

WC 1Instance C

User 2’s Mesh


WC 2Instance C

WC 2Instance C

WC 1Instance C

WC 1Instance C

WC 3Instance C

WC 3Instance C

User 3’s Mesh


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Nishant Gupta
I need help to get the offiial logos for all of these which look nice -1. .NET2. PHP3. Java4. Ruby5. Perl6. Flash7. Adobe Air8. Python9. cURL
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Devices NewsMeshObjects

Contacts Profiles . . . Mesh

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使用 Live Framework Resource Browser

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• 三种应用 和 Live Framework 应用• 构建基于 Live Mesh 的 Live Framework 应用

(VS2008 + Live FX Tools for VS2008 + LiveFX SDK )– HTML– Silverlight

• Live Framework 数据模式 (Resource Model)

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• Microsoft Connect– http://connect.microsoft.com

• Live Framework SDK– http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/


• WoW, The Web– http://blogs.msdn.com/jijia

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更多资源BB04 Live Services: A Lap around the Live Framework and Mesh Services :BB05 Live Services: Building Applications with the Live Framework. BB06 Live Services: Mesh Services Architecture and ConceptsBB19 Live Services: Live Framework Programming Model Architecture and InsightsBB20 Live Services: Making your Application More Social: 1217 BB30 Live Services: Building Mesh-Enabled Web Applications Using the Live Framework

  : 660BB31 Live Services: FeedSync and Mesh Synchronization Services : 634BB34 Live Services: Notifications, Awareness, and Communications.  : 543BB35 Live Services: The Future of the Device Mesh: 1203BB41 Live Services: What I Learned Building My First Mesh Application : 1597BB51 Live Services: Programming Live Services Using Non-Microsoft

Technologies : 651

Live Services @ PDC

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• MSDN 开发中心 http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-cn/developercenters• MSDN 图书中心


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