4. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of …€¦ · S44 Comprehensive Medical...

4. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2021 Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S40S52 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S004 The American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesincludes the ADAs current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional Practice Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee (https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21- SPPC), are responsible for updating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the evidence grading system for ADAs clinical practice recommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care Introduction (https://doi .org/10.2337/dc21-SINT). Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are invited to do so at professional.diabetes.org/SOC. PATIENT-CENTERED COLLABORATIVE CARE Recommendations 4.1 A patient-centered communication style that uses person-centered and strength-based language and active listening; elicits patient preferences and beliefs; and assesses literacy, numeracy, and potential barriers to care should be used to optimize patient health outcomes and health-related quality of life. B 4.2 People with diabetes can benet from a coordinated multidisciplinary team that may draw from diabetes care and education specialists, primary care providers, subspecialty providers, nurses, dietitians, exercise specialists, pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists, and mental health professionals. E A successful medical evaluation depends on benecial interactions between the patient and the care team. The Chronic Care Model (13) (see Section 1 Improving Care and Promoting Health in Populations,https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S001) is a patient-centered approach to care that requires a close working relationship between the patient and clinicians involved in treatment planning. People with diabetes should receive health care from a coordinated interdisciplinary team that may include diabetes care and education specialists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, dietitians, exercise specialists, pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists, and mental health professionals. Individuals with diabetes must assume an active role in their care. The patient, family or support people, physicians, and health care team should together formulate the management plan, which includes lifestyle Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa- tion. 4. Comprehensive medical evaluation and assessment of comorbidities: Standards of Med- ical Care in Diabetesd2021. Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S40S52 © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for prot, and the work is not altered. More infor- mation is available at https://www.diabetesjournals .org/content/license. American Diabetes Association S40 Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021 4. MEDICAL EVALUATION AND COMORBIDITIES

Transcript of 4. Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of …€¦ · S44 Comprehensive Medical...

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4. Comprehensive MedicalEvaluation and Assessment ofComorbidities: Standards ofMedical Care in Diabetesd2021Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S40–S52 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S004

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”includes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended toprovide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines,and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional PracticeCommittee, a multidisciplinary expert committee (https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-SPPC), are responsible for updating the Standards of Care annually, or morefrequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA standards, statements,and reports, as well as the evidence grading system for ADA’s clinical practicerecommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care Introduction (https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-SINT). Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Careare invited to do so at professional.diabetes.org/SOC.



4.1 A patient-centered communication style that uses person-centered andstrength-based language and active listening; elicits patient preferences andbeliefs; and assesses literacy, numeracy, and potential barriers to careshould be used to optimize patient health outcomes and health-relatedquality of life. B

4.2 People with diabetes can benefit from a coordinated multidisciplinary teamthat may draw from diabetes care and education specialists, primary careproviders, subspecialty providers, nurses, dietitians, exercise specialists,pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists, and mental health professionals. E

A successful medical evaluation depends on beneficial interactions between thepatient and the care team. The Chronic Care Model (1–3) (see Section 1 “ImprovingCare and Promoting Health in Populations,” https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S001) is apatient-centered approach to care that requires a closeworking relationship betweenthepatient and clinicians involved in treatment planning. Peoplewith diabetes shouldreceive health care from a coordinated interdisciplinary team that may includediabetes care and education specialists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physicianassistants, nurses, dietitians, exercise specialists, pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists,and mental health professionals. Individuals with diabetes must assume an activerole in their care. The patient, family or support people, physicians, and health careteam should together formulate the management plan, which includes lifestyle

Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associa-tion. 4. Comprehensive medical evaluation andassessment of comorbidities: Standards of Med-ical Care in Diabetesd2021. Diabetes Care2021;44(Suppl. 1):S40–S52

© 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.Readersmayuse this article as longas thework isproperly cited, the use is educational and not forprofit, and the work is not altered. More infor-mation is availableathttps://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/license.

American Diabetes Association

S40 Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021





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management (see Section 5 “FacilitatingBehavior Change and Well-being to Im-proveHealthOutcomes,”https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S005).Thegoals of treatment fordiabetes are

to prevent or delay complications andoptimize quality of life (Fig. 4.1). Treat-ment goals and plans should be createdwith patients based on their individualpreferences, values, and goals. This in-dividualized management plan shouldtake into account the patient’s age, cog-nitiveabilities, school/work schedule andconditions, health beliefs, support sys-tems, eating patterns, physical activity,social situation, financial concerns, culturalfactors, literacy and numeracy (mathemat-ical literacy), diabetes history (duration,complications, current use of medica-tions), comorbidities, health priorities,other medical conditions, preferences forcare, and life expectancy. Various strate-gies and techniques should be used tosupport patients’ self-management ef-forts, including providing education onproblem-solving skills for all aspects ofdiabetes management.

Provider communicationwith patientsand families should acknowledge thatmultiple factors impact glycemic man-agement but also emphasize that collab-oratively developed treatment plansand a healthy lifestyle can significantlyimprove disease outcomes and well-being (4–7). Thus, the goal of provider-patient communication is to establish acollaborative relationship and to assessand address self-management barrierswithout blaming patients for “noncom-pliance” or “nonadherence” when theoutcomes of self-management are notoptimal (8). The familiar terms “noncom-pliance” and “nonadherence” denote apassive, obedient role for a person withdiabetes in “following doctor’s orders”that is at oddswith the active role peoplewith diabetes take in directing the day-to-day decision-making, planning, mon-itoring, evaluation, and problem-solvinginvolved in diabetes self-management.Using a nonjudgmental approach thatnormalizes periodic lapses in self-man-agement may help minimize patients’resistance to reporting problems with

self-management. Empathizing and us-ing active listening techniques, such asopen-ended questions, reflective state-ments, andsummarizingwhat thepatientsaid, can help facilitate communication.Patients’ perceptions about their ownability, or self-efficacy, to self-managediabetes are one important psychosocialfactor related to improved diabetes self-management and treatmentoutcomes indiabetes (9–13) and should be a target ofongoing assessment, patient education,and treatment planning.

Language has a strong impact on per-ceptions and behavior. The use of em-powering language in diabetes care andeducation can help to inform and moti-vate people, yet language that shamesand judges may undermine this effort.The American Diabetes Association (ADA)and the Association of Diabetes Care &Education Specialists (formerly calledAmerican Association of Diabetes Edu-cators) joint consensus report, “The Useof Language in Diabetes Care and Edu-cation,” provides the authors’ expertopinion regarding the use of language by

Figure 4.1—Decision cycle for patient-centered glycemic management in type 2 diabetes. Reprinted from Davies et al. (101).

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health care professionals when speakingorwriting about diabetes for peoplewithdiabetes or for professional audiences(14). Although further research is neededto address the impact of language ondiabetes outcomes, the report includesfive key consensus recommendations forlanguage use:

c Use language that is neutral, nonjudg-mental, and based on facts, actions, orphysiology/biology.

c Use language free from stigma.c Use language that is strength based,

respectful, and inclusive and thatimparts hope.

c Use language that fosters collabora-tion between patients and providers.

c Use language that is person centered(e.g., “person with diabetes” is pre-ferred over “diabetic”).



4.3 A complete medical evaluationshould be performed at the initialvisit to:

c Confirm thediagnosis and classifydiabetes. A

c Evaluate for diabetes complica-tions and potential comorbidconditions. A

c Review previous treatment andrisk factor control in patients withestablished diabetes. A

c Begin patient engagement in theformulation of a care manage-ment plan. A

c Develop a plan for continuingcare. A

4.4 A follow-up visit should includemost components of the initialcomprehensive medical evalua-tion (see Table 4.1). A

4.5 Ongoing management should beguided by the assessment ofoverallhealthstatus,diabetescom-plications, cardiovascular risk (seeTHE RISK CALCULATOR, Section 10 “Car-diovascular Disease and Risk Man-agement,” https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S010),hypoglycemia risk,andshared decision-making to settherapeutic goals. B

The comprehensive medical evaluation in-cludes the initial and follow-up evaluations,assessment of complications, psychosocial

assessment, management of comorbidconditions, and engagement of the pa-tient throughout the process. While acomprehensive list is provided in Table4.1, in clinical practice the provider mayneed to prioritize the components of themedical evaluation given the availableresources and time. The goal is to providethe health care team information so it canoptimally support a patient. In addition tothemedicalhistory,physical examination,and laboratory tests, providers shouldassess diabetes self-management be-haviors, nutrition, social determinantsof health, and psychosocial health (seeSection 5 “Facilitating Behavior Changeand Well-being to Improve Health Out-comes,”https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S005)and give guidance on routine immuniza-tions. The assessment of sleep patternandduration should be considered; ameta-analysis found that poor sleep quality,short sleep, and long sleep were associ-ated with higher A1C in people withtype 2 diabetes (15). Interval follow-upvisits should occur at least every 3–6 months individualized to the patient,and then at least annually.

Lifestyle management and psychoso-cial care are the cornerstones of diabetesmanagement. Patients should be re-ferred for diabetes self-management ed-ucation and support, medical nutritiontherapy, and assessment of psychosocial/emotional health concerns if indicated.Patients should receive recommended pre-ventive care services (e.g., immunizations,cancer screening, etc.); smoking cessationcounseling; and ophthalmological, dental,and podiatric referrals.

The assessment of risk of acute andchronic diabetes complications and treat-ment planning are key components ofinitial and follow-upvisits (Table4.2). Therisk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-ease and heart failure (see Section 10“Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Man-agement,” https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S010), chronic kidney disease staging (seeSection 11 “Microvascular Complicationsand Foot Care,” https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S011), presence of retinopathy, andrisk of treatment-associated hypoglyce-mia (Table 4.3) should be used to in-dividualize targets for glycemia (seeSection 6 “Glycemic Targets,” https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S006), blood pres-sure, and lipids and to select specificglucose-lowering medication (see Sec-tion 9 “Pharmacologic Approaches to

Glycemic Treatment,”https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S009), antihypertensionmed-ication, and statin treatment intensity.

Additional referrals should be arrangedas necessary (Table 4.4). Clinicians shouldensure that individuals with diabetes areappropriately screened for complicationsand comorbidities. Discussing and imple-menting an approach to glycemic controlwith the patient is a part, not the sole goal,of the patient encounter.



4.6 Provide routinely recommendedvaccinationsforchildrenandadultswith diabetes as indicated by age(see Table 4.5 for highly recom-mended vaccinations for adultswith diabetes). A

The importance of routine vaccinationsfor people living with diabetes has beenelevated by the coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Preventingavoidable infections not only directlypreventsmorbidity but also reduces hos-pitalizations, which may additionally re-duce risk of acquiring infections such asCOVID-19. Children and adults with di-abetes should receive vaccinations accord-ing to age-appropriate recommendations(16,17). The Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) provides vaccinationschedules specifically for children, adoles-cents, andadultswith diabetes (seehttps://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/). The CDC AdvisoryCommittee on Immunization Practices(ACIP) makes recommendations based onits own review and rating of the evidence,provided in Table 4.5 for selected vaccina-tions. TheACIPevidencereviewhasevolvedover time with the adoption of Gradingof Recommendations Assessment, De-velopment and Evaluation (GRADE) in2010 and then the Evidence to Decisionor Evidence to Recommendation (EtR)frameworks in 2018 (18). Here we dis-cuss the particular importance of specificvaccines.

InfluenzaInfluenza is a common, preventable in-fectious disease associated with highmortality and morbidity in vulnerablepopulations, includingyouth,olderadults,and people with chronic diseases. Influ-enza vaccination in people with diabeteshas been found to significantly reduce

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influenza and diabetes-related hospitaladmissions (19).Given thebenefits of theannual influenza vaccination, it is recom-mended for all individuals $6 monthsof age who do not have a contraindica-tion. Influenza vaccination is criticallyimportant in the next year as the severeacute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza viruses willboth be active in the U.S. during the2020–2021 season (20). The live atten-uated influenza vaccine (LAIV), which isdelivered by nasal spray, is an option forpatients beginning at age 2 years throughage 49 years, for those who are notpregnant, but patients with chronic

conditions such as diabetes are cautionedagainst taking the LAIV and are insteadrecommended to receive the inactive orrecombinant influenza vaccination. For in-dividuals $65 years of age, there may beadditional benefit from the high-dose quad-rivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (20).

Pneumococcal PneumoniaLike influenza, pneumococcal pneumo-nia is a common, preventable disease.Peoplewith diabetes are at increased riskfor the bacteremic form of pneumococ-cal infection and have been reported tohave a high risk of nosocomial bacter-emia,with amortality rate as high as 50%

(21). There are twovaccination types, the23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharidevaccine (PPSV23) and the 13-valent pneu-mococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), withdistinct schedules for children and adults.

All children are recommended to re-ceive a four-dose series of PCV13 by 15months of age. For children with diabe-tes who have incomplete series by ages2–5 years, the CDC recommends acatch-up schedule to ensure that thesechildren have four doses. Children withdiabetes between 6–18 years of ageare also advised to receive one doseof PPSV23, preferably after receipt ofPCV13.

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For adults with diabetes, one dose ofPPSV23 is recommended between theages of 19–64 years and another doseat $65 years of age. The PCV13 is nolonger routinely recommended for pa-tients over 65 years of age because ofthe declining rates of pneumonia due tothese strains (22). Older patients shouldhave a shared decision-making discus-sion with their provider to determineindividualized risks and benefits. PCV13is recommended for patients with immu-nocompromising conditions such as as-plenia, advanced kidney disease, cochlearimplants, or cerebrospinal fluid leaks (23).Some older patients residing in assistedliving facilitiesmay also consider PCV13. Ifthe PCV13 is to be administered, it shouldbe given prior to the next dose of PPSV23.

Hepatitis BCompared with the general population,people with type 1 or type 2 diabeteshave higher rates of hepatitis B. Thismay be due to contact with infected

blood or through improper equipmentuse (glucose monitoring devices or in-fected needles). Because of the higherlikelihood of transmission, hepatitis Bvaccine is recommended for adults withdiabetes aged,60 years. For adults aged$60 years, hepatitis B vaccine may beadministered at the discretion of thetreating clinician based on the patient’slikelihood of acquiring hepatitis B infection.

COVID-19During the coming year, it is expectedthat vaccines for COVID-19 will becomeavailable and that people with diabe-tes should be a priority population. TheCOVID-19 vaccine will likely become aroutine part of the annual preventiveschedule for people with diabetes.


Besides assessing diabetes-related compli-cations, clinicians and their patients needto be aware of common comorbidities

that affect people with diabetes andmaycomplicate management (24–28). Dia-betes comorbidities are conditions thataffect people with diabetes more oftenthan age-matched people without dia-betes. This section discusses many of thecommon comorbidities observed in pa-tientswith diabetes but is not necessarilyinclusive of all the conditions that havebeen reported.

Autoimmune Diseases


4.7 Patients with type 1 diabetesshould be screened for autoim-mune thyroid disease soon afterdiagnosis and periodically there-after. B

4.8 Adult patients with type 1 diabe-tes should be screened for celiacdisease in the presence of gas-trointestinal symptoms, signs, orlaboratory manifestations sugges-tive of celiac disease. B

People with type 1 diabetes are at in-creased risk for other autoimmunediseases, with thyroid disease, celiacdisease, and pernicious anemia (vitaminB12 deficiency) being among the mostcommon (29). Other associated condi-tions include autoimmune hepatitis, pri-mary adrenal insufficiency (Addisondisease), dermatomyositis, andmyasthe-nia gravis (30–33). Type 1 diabetes mayalso occur with other autoimmune dis-eases in the context of specific geneticdisorders or polyglandular autoimmunesyndromes (34). Given the high preva-lence, nonspecific symptoms, and insid-ious onset of primary hypothyroidism,routine screening for thyroid dysfunc-tion is recommended for all patientswithtype 1 diabetes. Screening for celiac dis-ease should be considered in adult pa-tients with suggestive symptoms (e.g.,diarrhea, malabsorption, abdominal pain)or signs (e.g., osteoporosis, vitamin de-ficiencies, iron deficiency anemia) (35,36).Measurement of vitamin B12 levels shouldbe considered for patients with type 1diabetes and peripheral neuropathy orunexplained anemia.

CancerDiabetes is associatedwith increased riskof cancers of the liver, pancreas, endo-metrium, colon/rectum, breast, and blad-der (37). The association may result from

Table 4.2—Assessment and treatment plan*Assessing risk of diabetes complications

c ASCVD and heart failure historyc ASCVD risk factors and 10-year ASCVD risk assessmentc Staging of chronic kidney disease (see Table 11.1)c Hypoglycemia risk (see Table 4.3)

Goal settingc Set A1C/blood glucose targetc If hypertension is present, establish blood pressure targetc Diabetes self-management goals

Therapeutic treatment plansc Lifestyle managementc Pharmacologic therapy: glucose loweringc Pharmacologic therapy: cardiovascular disease risk factors and renalc Use of glucose monitoring and insulin delivery devicesc Referral to diabetes education and medical specialists (as needed)

ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. *Assessment and treatment planning are essentialcomponents of initial and all follow-up visits.

Table 4.3—Assessment of hypoglycemia riskFactors that increase risk of treatment-associated hypoglycemia

c Use of insulin or insulin secretagogues (i.e., sulfonylureas, meglitinides)c Impaired kidney or hepatic functionc Longer duration of diabetesc Frailty and older agec Cognitive impairmentc Impaired counterregulatory response, hypoglycemia unawarenessc Physical or intellectual disability that may impair behavioral response to hypoglycemiac Alcohol usec Polypharmacy (especially ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, nonselectiveb-blockers)

Inaddition to individual risk factors, consideruseof comprehensive riskpredictionmodels (102).

See references 103–107.

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shared risk factors between type 2 di-abetes and cancer (older age, obesity,and physical inactivity) but may also bedue to diabetes-related factors (38), suchas underlying disease physiology or di-abetes treatments, although evidencefor these links is scarce. Patients with di-abetes should be encouraged to undergorecommended age- and sex-appropriatecancer screenings and to reduce theirmodifiable cancer risk factors (obesity,physical inactivity, and smoking). Newonset of atypical diabetes (lean bodyhabitus, negative family history) in amiddle-aged or older patient may pre-cede the diagnosis of pancreatic adeno-carcinoma (39). However, in the absenceof other symptoms (e.g., weight loss,abdominal pain), routine screening of allsuchpatients is not currently recommended.

Cognitive Impairment/Dementia


4.9 In the presence of cognitive im-pairment, diabetes treatmentregimens should be simplifiedas much as possible and tailoredto minimize the risk of hypogly-cemia. B

Diabetes is associatedwith a significantlyincreased risk and rate of cognitive de-cline and an increased risk of dementia(40,41). A recent meta-analysis of pro-spective observational studies in peoplewith diabetes showed 73% increased riskof all types of dementia, 56% increasedrisk of Alzheimer dementia, and 127%increased risk of vascular dementia com-pared with individuals without diabetes(42). The reverse is also true: peoplewithAlzheimer dementia are more likely todevelop diabetes than people withoutAlzheimer dementia. In a 15-year pro-spective study of community-dwellingpeople.60 years of age, the presence ofdiabetes at baseline significantly increasedthe age- and sex-adjusted incidence of

all-cause dementia, Alzheimer dementia,and vascular dementia compared withrates in those with normal glucose tol-erance (43). See Section 12 “OlderAdults” (https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S012)for a more detailed discussion regardingscreening for cognitive impairment.

HyperglycemiaIn those with type 2 diabetes, the degreeand duration of hyperglycemia are re-lated to dementia. More rapid cognitivedecline is associated with both increasedA1C and longer duration of diabetes (42).TheAction to Control Cardiovascular Riskin Diabetes (ACCORD) study found thateach 1% higher A1C level was associatedwith lower cognitive function in individ-uals with type 2 diabetes (44). However,the ACCORD study found no difference incognitive outcomes in participants ran-domlyassigned to intensiveandstandardglycemic control, supporting the recom-mendation that intensive glucose controlshould not be advised for the improve-ment of cognitive function in individualswith type 2 diabetes (45).

HypoglycemiaIn type2diabetes, severehypoglycemia isassociated with reduced cognitive func-tion, and those with poor cognitive func-tionhavemore severehypoglycemia. In along-term study of older patients withtype 2 diabetes, individuals with one ormore recorded episodes of severe hypo-glycemia had a stepwise increase in riskof dementia (46). Likewise, the ACCORDtrial found that as cognitive functiondecreased, the risk of severe hypoglyce-mia increased (47). Tailoring glycemictherapy may help to prevent hypoglyce-mia in individuals with cognitive dys-function. See Section 12 “Older Adults”(https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S012) formore detailed discussion of hypoglyce-mia in older patients with type 1 andtype 2 diabetes.

NutritionIn one study, adherence to the Mediter-ranean diet correlated with improvedcognitive function (48). However, a re-cent Cochrane review found insufficientevidence to recommend any specific di-etary change for the prevention or treat-ment of cognitive dysfunction (49).

StatinsA systematic review has reported thatdata do not support an adverse effect ofstatins on cognition (50). The U.S. Foodand Drug Administration postmarketingsurveillance databases have also revealeda low reporting rate for cognitive-relatedadverse events, including cognitive dys-function or dementia, with statin ther-apy, similar to rates seen with othercommonly prescribed cardiovascularmed-ications (50). Therefore, fear of cognitivedecline should not be a barrier to statinuse in individuals with diabetes and ahigh risk for cardiovascular disease.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


4.10 Patients with type 2 diabetes orprediabetes and elevated liverenzymes (ALT) or fatty liver onultrasound should be evaluatedfor presence of nonalcoholic stea-tohepatitis and liver fibrosis. C

Diabetes is associated with the develop-ment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,including its more severe manifestationsof nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, liver fibro-sis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma(51). Elevations of hepatic transaminaseconcentrations are associatedwith higherBMI,waistcircumference,andtriglyceridelevels and lower HDL cholesterol levels.Noninvasive tests, such as elastographyor fibrosis biomarkers, may be used toassess risk of fibrosis, but referral to aliver specialist and liver biopsy maybe required for definitive diagnosis(52). Interventions that improve meta-bolic abnormalities in patients with di-abetes (weight loss, glycemic control,and treatmentwith specific drugs for hy-perglycemia or dyslipidemia) are alsobeneficial for fatty liver disease (53,54).Pioglitazone, vitamin E treatment, andliraglutide treatment of biopsy-provennonalcoholic steatohepatitis have eachbeen shown to improve liver histol-ogy, but effects on longer-term clinical

Table 4.4—Referrals for initial care managementc Eye care professional for annual dilated eye exam

c Family planning for women of reproductive age

c Registered dietitian nutritionist for medical nutrition therapy

c Diabetes self-management education and support

c Dentist for comprehensive dental and periodontal examination

c Mental health professional, if indicated

c Audiology, if indicated

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Table 4.5—Highly recommended immunizations for adult patients with diabetes (Advisory Committee on ImmunizationPractices, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Vaccination Age-group recommendations FrequencyGRADE evidence

type* Reference

Hepatitis B ,60 years of age; $60 yearsof age discuss with doctor

Two- or three-doseseries

2 Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC). Useof hepatitis B vaccinationfor adults with diabetesmellitus: recommendationsof the Advisory Committeeon Immunization Practices(ACIP). MMWR 2011;60:1709–1711

Human papilloma virus(HPV)

#26 years of age; 27–45 yearsof age may also bevaccinated against HPV aftera discussion with their healthcare provider

Three doses over6 months

2 for females,3 for males

Meites E, Szilagyi PG, ChessonHW, Unger ER, Romero JR,Markowitz LE. Humanpapillomavirus vaccinationfor adults: updatedrecommendations of theAdvisory Committee onImmunization Practices.MMWR 2019;68:698–702

Influenza All patients; advised not toreceive live attenuatedinfluenza vaccine

Annual – Demicheli V, Jefferson T, DiPietrantonj C, Ferroni E,Thorning S, Thomas RE,Rivetti A. Vaccines forpreventing influenza in theelderly. Cochrane DatabaseSyst Rev 2018;2:CD004876

Pneumonia (PPSV23[Pneumovax])

19–64 years of age, vaccinatewith Pneumovax

One dose 2 CDC.Updated recommendationsfor prevention of invasivepneumococcal diseaseamong adults using the23-valent pneumococcalpolysaccaride vaccine(PPSV23). MMWR2010;59:1102–1106

$65 years of age, obtainsecond dose of Pneumovax,at least 5 years from priorPneumovax vaccine

One dose; if PCV13 has beengiven, then give PPSV23$1year after PCV13 and $5years after any PPSV23 atage ,65 years

2 Falkenhorst G, Remschmidt C,Harder T, Hummers-PradierE, Wichmann O, Bogdan C.Effectiveness of the23-valent pneumococcalpolysaccharide vaccine(PPV23) againstpneumococcal disease inthe elderly: systematicreview and meta-analysis.PLoS ONE 2017;12:e0169368


19–64 years of age, norecommendation


$65 years of age, without animmunocompromising condition(e.g., chronic renal failure),cochlear implant, or cerebrospinalfluid leak, have shared decision-making discussion with doctor

One dose 3 Matanock A, Lee G, Gierke R,Kobayashi M, Leidner A,Pilishvili T. Use of 13-valentpneumococcal conjugatevaccine and 23-valentpneumococcal polysac-charide vaccine amongadults aged $65 years:updated recommendationsof the Advisory Committeeon Immunization Practices.MMWR 2019;68:1069–1075

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outcomes are not known (55–57).Treatment with other glucagon-likepeptide 1 receptor agonists and withsodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhib-itors has shown promise in preliminarystudies, although benefits may be me-diated, at least in part, by weight loss(57–59).

Hepatitis C InfectionInfection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) isassociated with a higher prevalence oftype 2 diabetes, which is present in upto one-third of individuals with chronicHCV infection. HCV may impair glucosemetabolism by several mechanisms, in-cluding directly via viral proteins andindirectly by altering proinflammatorycytokine levels (60). The use of newerdirect-acting antiviral drugs produces asustained virological response (cure)in nearly all cases and has been re-ported to improve glucose metabo-lism in individuals with diabetes (61).A meta-analysis of mostly observa-tional studies found a mean reductionin A1C levels of 0.45% (95% CI 20.60to 20.30) and reduced requirementfor glucose-lowering medication usefollowing successful eradication ofHCV infection (62).

PancreatitisDiabetes is linked to diseases of theexocrine pancreas such as pancreatitis,

which may disrupt the global architectureor physiology of the pancreas, oftenresulting in both exocrine and endocrinedysfunction. Up to half of patients withdiabetes may have some degree of im-paired exocrine pancreas function (63).People with diabetes are at an approx-imately twofold higher risk of developingacute pancreatitis (64).

Conversely, prediabetes and/or diabe-tes has been found to develop in ap-proximately one-third of patients afteran episode of acute pancreatitis (65);thus, the relationship is likely bidirec-tional. Postpancreatitis diabetes may in-clude either new-onset disease or previouslyunrecognized diabetes (66). Studies ofpatients treated with incretin-based ther-apies for diabetes have also reported thatpancreatitis may occur more frequentlywith these medications, but results havebeen mixed and causality has not beenestablished (67–69).

Islet autotransplantation should beconsidered for patients requiring totalpancreatectomy for medically refractorychronic pancreatitis to prevent postsur-gical diabetes. Approximately one-thirdof patients undergoing total pancreatec-tomy with islet autotransplantation areinsulin free 1 year postoperatively, andobservational studies fromdifferent cen-ters have demonstrated islet graft func-tion up to a decade after the surgery insome patients (70–74). Both patient and

disease factors should be carefully con-sidered when deciding the indicationsand timing of this surgery. Surgeriesshould be performed in skilled facilitiesthat have demonstrated expertise in isletautotransplantation.

FracturesAge-specific hip fracture risk is signifi-cantly increased in both people withtype 1 diabetes (relative risk 6.3) andthose with type 2 diabetes (relative risk1.7) in both sexes (75). Type 1 diabetesis associated with osteoporosis, but intype 2 diabetes, an increased risk of hipfracture is seen despite higher bonemineral density (BMD) (76). In three largeobservational studies of older adults,femoral neckBMDT-score and theWorldHealthOrganizationFractureRiskAssess-ment Tool (FRAX) score were associatedwithhip andnonspine fractures. Fracturerisk was higher in participants with di-abetes compared with those withoutdiabetes for a given T-score and age orfor a given FRAX score (77). Providersshould assess fracture history and riskfactors in older patients with diabetesand recommendmeasurement of BMD ifappropriate for the patient’s age and sex.Fractureprevention strategies for peoplewith diabetes are the same as for thegeneral population and may include vi-tamin D supplementation. For patientswith type 2 diabetes with fracture risk

Table 4.5—Continued

Vaccination Age-group recommendations FrequencyGRADE evidence

type* Reference

Tetanus, diphtheria,pertussis (TDAP)

All adults; pregnant womenshould have an extra dose

Booster every 10 years 2 foreffectiveness,3 for safety

Havers FP, Moro PL, Hunter P,Hariri S, Bernstein H. Use oftetanus toxoid, reduceddiphtheria toxoid, andacellular pertussis vaccines:updated recommendationsof the Advisory Committeeon ImmunizationPracticesdUnited States,2019. MMWR 2020;69:77–83

Zoster $50 years of age Two-dose Shingrix, even ifpreviously vaccinated

1 Dooling KL, Guo A, Patel M,et al. Recommendations ofthe Advisory Committee onImmunization Practices foruse of herpes zostervaccines. MMWR2018;67:103–108

GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; PCV13, 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PPSV23,23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. *Evidence type: 1 5 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), or overwhelming evidence fromobservational studies; 25 RCTs with important limitations, or exceptionally strong evidence from observational studies; 35 observational studies, orRCTswithnotable limitations; and45 clinical experienceandobservations, observational studieswith important limitations,orRCTswith severalmajorlimitations. For a comprehensive list, refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/.

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factors, thiazolidinediones (78) and sodium–

glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (79)should be used with caution.

Sensory ImpairmentHearing impairment, both in high-frequencyand low- to midfrequency ranges, ismore common in people with diabetesthan in those without, with strongerassociations found in studies of youngerpeople (80). Proposed pathophysiologicmechanisms include the combined con-tributions of hyperglycemia and oxida-tive stress to cochlear microangiopathyand auditory neuropathy (81). In a Na-tional Health and Nutrition ExaminationSurvey (NHANES) analysis, hearing im-pairment was about twice as prevalentin people with diabetes compared withthosewithout, after adjusting for age andother risk factors for hearing impairment(82). Low HDL cholesterol, coronary heartdisease, peripheral neuropathy, and gen-eral poor health have been reported asrisk factors for hearing impairment forpeople with diabetes, but an associationof hearing loss with blood glucose levelshas not been consistently observed (83).In the Diabetes Control andComplicationsTrial/ Epidemiology of Diabetes Interven-tions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC)cohort, time-weighted mean A1C wasassociated with increased risk of hear-ing impairment when tested after long-term (.20 years) follow-up (84). Impair-ment in smell, but not taste, has alsobeen reported in individuals with di-abetes (85).

Low Testosterone in Men


4.11 In men with diabetes who havesymptoms or signs of hypogo-nadism, such as decreased sex-ual desire (libido) or activity, orerectile dysfunction, considerscreening with a morning se-rum testosterone level. B

Mean levels of testosterone are lower inmen with diabetes compared with age-matched men without diabetes, butobesity is a major confounder (86,87).Testosterone replacement in men withsymptomatic hypogonadism may havebenefits including improved sexualfunction, well-being, muscle mass andstrength, and bone density (88). In menwith diabetes who have symptoms or

signs of low testosterone (hypogonad-ism), a morning total testosterone levelshould be measured using an accurateand reliable assay (89). In men whohave total testosterone levels close tothe lower limit, it is reasonable to de-termine free testosterone concentra-tions either directly from equilibriumdialysis assays or by calculations thatuse total testosterone, sex hormonebinding globulin, and albumin concen-trations (89). Please see the EndocrineSociety Clinical Practice Guideline fordetailed recommendations (89). Furthertests (such as luteinizing hormone andfollicle-stimulating hormone levels) maybe needed to determine if the patienthas hypogonadism. Testosterone replace-ment in older men with hypogonadismhas been associated with increasedcoronary artery plaque volume, with noconclusive evidence that testosteronesupplementation is associated with in-creased cardiovascular risk in hypogona-dal men (89).

Obstructive Sleep ApneaAge-adjusted rates of obstructive sleepapnea, a risk factor for cardiovasculardisease, are significantly higher (4- to10-fold) with obesity, especially withcentral obesity (90). The prevalence ofobstructive sleep apnea in the popula-tion with type 2 diabetes may be as highas 23%, and the prevalence of any sleep-disordered breathing may be as high as58% (91,92). In obese participants en-rolled in the Action for Health in Diabetes(Look AHEAD) trial, it exceeded 80% (93).Patients with symptoms suggestive ofobstructive sleep apnea (e.g., excessivedaytime sleepiness, snoring, witnessedapnea) should be considered for screen-ing (94). Sleep apnea treatment (lifestylemodification, continuous positive airwaypressure, oral appliances, and surgery)significantly improves quality of life andblood pressure control. The evidencefor a treatment effect on glycemic con-trol is mixed (95).

Periodontal DiseasePeriodontal disease is more severe, andmay be more prevalent, in patients withdiabetes than in those without and hasbeen associated with higher A1C levels(96–98). Longitudinal studies suggestthat people with periodontal diseasehave higher rates of incident diabetes.

Current evidence suggests that peri-odontal disease adversely affects diabe-tes outcomes, although evidence fortreatmentbenefits remains controversial(28,99). In a randomized clinical trial, in-tensive periodontal treatment was associ-ated with better glycemic control (A1C8.3% vs. 7.8% in control subjects and theintensive-treatment group, respectively)and reduction in inflammatory markersafter 12 months of follow-up (100).

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S52 Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021