3s compiled compositions term 3 & 4

REPORT CARD DAY By: Ang Zi Lin “Hey, Jane, how do you think you will do this time round?” asked Peter. It was a gorgeous Monday morning right after the Mid-year test. Jane was just worried she would not do as well as Peter who was the top student of the whole level last year. Since Peter was so proud of himself, he started to tell jokes about Jane getting low marks. Jane tried not to hear anything or treat it as he was talking to the wall and carried on doing her work quietly. “Good morning class, today I will be giving back your report cards!” exclaimed Mr Tan, their form teacher, as he stepped into the classroom. Mr Tan walked to Jane’s table and congratulated Jane who scored ninety-nine marks for every subject while Peter who was sitting next to her was super wrathful that he got lower marks than Jane. He was extremely furious and was banging his table. A lesson learnt is to never belittle others. They might win in the end and you might end up being the loser. Jane promised her family members that she would continue to work hard to realise her potential. She was extremely pleased with herself for winning Peter this time but she would not let her guard down and would try even harder next semester, this would be her promise to all her family members.


Read and enjoy the model compositions written by our classmates. =) Lear to use more good phrases.

Transcript of 3s compiled compositions term 3 & 4

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By: Ang Zi Lin

“Hey, Jane, how do you think you will do this time round?” asked Peter. It was a

gorgeous Monday morning right after the Mid-year test.

Jane was just worried she would not do as well as Peter who was the top

student of the whole level last year. Since Peter was so proud of himself, he started to

tell jokes about Jane getting low marks. Jane tried not to hear anything or treat it as he

was talking to the wall and carried on doing her work quietly.

“Good morning class, today I will be giving back your report cards!” exclaimed

Mr Tan, their form teacher, as he stepped into the classroom. Mr Tan walked to Jane’s

table and congratulated Jane who scored ninety-nine marks for every subject while

Peter who was sitting next to her was super wrathful that he got lower marks than Jane.

He was extremely furious and was banging his table.

A lesson learnt is to never belittle others. They might win in the end and you

might end up being the loser. Jane promised her family members that she would

continue to work hard to realise her potential. She was extremely pleased with herself

for winning Peter this time but she would not let her guard down and would try even

harder next semester, this would be her promise to all her family members.

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By: Dai Xinruo

“Hey, Xinruo, how do you think you will do this time

round?” Ezann asked me. “It will be bad!” I cried out

sadly. I knew I did not check my work thoroughly.

It was a Monday afternoon and our teacher told us

that she would be giving back our report books. In the

classroom, all the pupils fell silent. Some of them were

very nervous and some were even biting their finger nails!

I just hoped that my results would not be too bad after


After some time, my teacher walked into my

classroom carrying a big box of report cards. She started

giving out our report books. “Dai Xinruo,” my teacher

called my name at once. My heartbeat quickened as I

stood up, and walked towards my teacher nervously. I

peered into my report book immediately. “What is

happening?” I exclaimed in surprise. I got a perfect score

for every subject! I walked back to my seat happily. Soon,

Ezann was called to get back her report book too. I was

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unhappy to see that her eyes were filled with tears and I

knew that she did not do as well as expected. “Poor

Ezann!” I thought as I went forward to comfort her.

When I got home and showed my parents my report

book, they were both pleased. They gave me a bear hug

and praised me for my diligence. I promised them that I

would continue to work hard the next semester to realise

my full potential.

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By: Brenden Khoo

“Hey, Brenden, how do you think you will fare for your exams this time

round?” Peter asked. Before I had a chance to reply him, Madam Tan walked into

the classroom.

“Okay class, today I will be returning the report books back to you,” Madam

Tan said. Everyone was in a state of anxiety and some pupils were tapping their

desks nervously, some even chewing their fingernails.

“Brenden, come and collect your report book,” Madam Tan announced.

When I received my report book, I did not dare to open and look at it immediately.

At last, I opened up the report book slowly and peeked through the pages. I was so

surprised to see that I had passed all my subjects with flying colours. I was so

elated. I leapt up in joy.

When I reached home, I immediately showed it to my parents. They were

proud of me. They beamed with pride and gave me a big bear hug. They praised

me for my diligence.

I feel that constant revision before exams are very important in order to have

good results. The hard work we put in would eventually pay off.

Peter, my good friend, also did well in his studies as he would always

conscientiously revise his work together with me. I promised myself that I would

work ever harder to realize my full potential next semester.

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By: Leon Lau

“Hey, Shuwen, do you think you will do well this time?”

Peter asked me. It was a bright, sunny Wednesday afternoon

and it was our Report Book Day and everyone was in a state

of anxiety.

When Mr Tan, our form teacher came in, we greeted

him before he gave out our Report Books. When I received

my report book, I was on cloud nine! I scored an A grade for

Mathematics! I was elated and was beaming with pride.

While I saw Peter’s Report Book, panic started to engulf

Peter. He got the F grade for Math! I tried my best to

comfort him but he was sobbing profusely. I told Peter that

as good friends, I would definitely go through thick and thin

with him and would help him improve in his Mathematics.

When I got home, I told my parents about my results.

They were impressed! I could not wait for them to cook my

favourite dish to reward me for my hard work.

My parents were proud of my diligence. I promised

them that I would work harder next semester to realise my

full potential.

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By: Ng Shi Lin

“Hey, Jonah!” Jaham exclaimed with a wide grin on his face. “How do you think you will do

this time? It is Report Book Day.” asked Jaham. I could hear my classmates tapping on the table and

I could see some of them were nervously biting their fingernails.

A few moments later, Mr Gerald came into the classroom grinning from ear to ear. I was

staring at my teacher and was secretly hoping that I would be the top pupil in school. Mr Gerald

looked at me then and passed me my report book back with a very bright smile. I flipped through

my report book and noticed that I was the top pupil in school. I jumped up in joy and was beaming

with pride at seeing my excellent results.

In my excitement, I failed to notice that Jaham was sitting quietly next to me. He was

unhappy with his marks. Mathematics was the only subject that he had passed with flying colours. I

tried to comfort him and encouraged him to work harder the next time.

I went back home and showed my report book to my parents. My mother gave me a great

bear hug and my father praised me for my diligence.

I promised myself that I would work even harder the next semester to continue to realize

my full potential. Oh! What a fruitful day it was!

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An Accident

Written by: Truman Chia

"Chirp! Chirp!" It was a late morning at East Coast park. Josh and

I were at East Coast park. My friend Josh suddenly suggested

having a bicycle race and the last person to reach the finishing

line would have to do forty-eight push-ups. I agreed to the

challenge readily.

"Clap! Clap!" Soon, halfway through the race, the sky was

overcast and we could hear the sound of the thunder. In the

distance, there were streaks of lightning as well. However, we

refused to stop as each of us was determined to be the winner.

So, we continued to pedal furiously. Suddenly, in his panic, Josh

tripped over a rock, he could not brake in time and he went flying

off into the air.

Without hesitation, I quickly ran to him and helped him out. I

asked in a worried tone "Josh, are u alright?" Thankfully, he was

not that seriously injured. He only had some cuts and bruises on

his hands and legs. After that, we decided to continue with our

race as Josh was not seriously injured and I was the first to cross

the finishing line. So, Josh had to grudgingly do forty eight push-


The next day, Josh and I went to repair Josh's bicycle. Josh

needed to pay one hundred dollars for the repair. Although Josh

escaped safe and sound, his bicycle was damaged. We learnt a

lesson not to cycle on rainy days again, so that we would never

put our lives at risk.

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Written by: Brenden Khoo

An Accident

After a mind- numbing day of staying at home memorizing multiplication tables, I decided

to call up my best friend, Tony. I wanted to go to the park to cycle. We were chatting excitedly

about some interesting topics and enjoying the cool breeze blowing against our cheeks on our

way there.

When we reached the park, it was quite crowded. Tony suggested that we had a bicycle

race. “The last person to reach the finishing line will have to give a treat,” Tony challenged me. I

accepted the challenge excitedly.

“3, 2, 1!” Tony yelled out.

I sped off down the path by pedalling furiously. I took the lead and Tony was chasing

closely and furiously behind me.

Suddenly, the sky was overcast and the wind howled, rain drops pattered on the ground

and there were streaks of lightning flashing across the dark sky. Thunder roared in the distance.

However, I ignored the heavy downpour and I continued to pedal as fast as I could. The only

thought on my mind was to win the race.

In my hurry, I failed to notice that a piece of rock was right in front of me. I tripped over

the rock and lost my balance. I fell off the bicycle.

“ Ouch!” I moaned in pain as I laid on the ground clutching my leg.

“Are you okay?” Tony asked, his tone laden with anxiety. He looked concerned and his

heart beat quickened. From my moans and groans, it was clear that I was in great pain. Tony

quickly took out a piece of tissue paper. He cleaned my wound gently.

Tony immediately carried me to the nearby shelter. He called my parents to pick me up

due to my injury.

“Thank you, Tony !” my grateful parents thanked him profusely when they arrived. My

parents praised Tony for being so kind-hearted. Tony beamed; his grin was as wide as a river.

I learnt my lesson well. I should not cycle on rainy days and I should count myself lucky

that it was not a serious injury this time round. I should count my lucky blessings. I would never

so reckless in future.

I was extremely grateful to Tony too. He cared more about our friendship than winning

the race. He stayed behind to help me out when he saw that I was in great pain. Tony is a good

friend indeed!

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A Challenge

Written by: Faith Oh

It was a beautiful morning. The sun rays shone brilliantly on the placid blue sky. My friend, Kelvin,

and I were at the beach for a bicycle race. “The last person to reach the finishing line will have to

give a treat!’’ I issued a challenge to him.

“Hope the weather’s fine!’’ Kelvin yelled back. Uncle Tommy, the instructor blew the horn and…….

BEEP! The race had started. I rode as fast as my legs could carry me. We were riding our bicycles

on the sand!

Suddenly, the sky was overcast with clouds and the sky was getting darker…and

darker…and…BOOM! The sound of the thunder could be heard in the distance. Raindrops pattered

on our shoulders. It was raining cats and dogs! Kelvin was so horrified of the lightning and thunder

that he failed to pedal steadily and……CRASH! He lost control of his bicycle and went flying into the

air. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and he was crying out in pain. I was so horrified and

quickly yelled out for Uncle Tommy’s assistance.

He quickly examined Kelvin. Luckily, Uncle Tommy said that Kelvin was alright, he only had some

minor cuts on his hands and legs.

We learnt our lesson well, never to ride our bicycles in the heavy rain. Uncle Tommy praised me

for helping and saving Kelvin. I was so elated at hearing the praise. Although we did not win the

bicycle race, but we were glad that we were both safe and sound. Winning does not matter. It is

the process of taking part in the race that matters.

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Written by: Neo Weiyi

Title: An Accident

It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. I had a light lunch as my friend,

James, and I were going to West Cost Park for a bicycle race. We

decided to have the starting line at the pond. “The last person to finish

will give a treat!” I yelled out to James as I sped off.

Clap! Clap! After a while, it was raining heavily, but we still continued

to pedal furiously. Suddenly, James ’s bicycle tripped over a stone.

James and his bicycle fell into the drain. I stopped cycling immediately

so that I could help him up. The floor was so slippery that I was

worried that I might fall too, so I had to walk carefully.

I pulled James and his bicycle out of the drain. He was fortunately

not seriously injured. The drain was not that deep. However, I was still

very worried about his injuries. So, I took him home and helped him

clean his wounds.

His mother, Mrs Lim, was worried when she saw that James was

injured. I told Mrs Lim what had happened. Mrs Lim asked me to stay

and have tea with James as a reward. I agreed happily. Mrs Lim also

made us promise her never to be so reckless and cycle in the heavy rain

again. We hung our heads low in shame and promised never to be so

reckless in future.

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A Burglary

Written by: Leon Lau

It was a cold Sunday night. My parents went to bed early but I stayed up for a

little while longer to revise for my Mathematics to prepare for the test the next


Before I headed to bed, I heard a strange noise. Being curious, I went to the

living room and looked out through the window. I saw a person behaving

suspiciously outside our house. I turned on the torchlight. Upon taking a closer

look, I thought he must be a burglar as he was wearing a mask and a pair of

gloves. He was also trying to break into my house by picking the lock.

I alerted my parents quietly and told them about the incident. We crept

silently and hid in a corner. We witnessed the burglar trying to ransack our living

room. To our horror, soon, he started to come towards our direction! Luckily, my

father quickly reached for his phone and immediately contacted the police before

the burglar could spot us. But in my excitement, I accidentally knocked over a

glass vase and the burglar was shocked to see that we were awake! He tried to

flee from the scene but my father and I managed to prevent him from leaving the

house! Within a few minutes, we heard the wailing sirens of the police car. The

neighbourhood police officers arrived and arrested the burglar.

The policemen thanked us for being alert by acting quickly to capture the

culprit. However, they cautioned us that it was dangerous to prevent the burglar

from escaping. My parents heaved a sigh of relief as we were safe and no

valuables were missing.

We headed back to sleep peacefully and ensured that our windows and doors

were securely locked this time. We would never be so careless again. What an

unforgettable experience!

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A Burglary

Written By: Ang Zi Lin

“Bang, bang, bang!” It was a windy Monday night and everyone was fast asleep

in bed when suddenly a loud crash woke me up. I opened my eyes as quick as lightning

to see what had happened. I was alarmed.

My pet dog was barking loudly trying to wake the whole family up. I got up on

my feet at lightning speed and I was out of the room in no time with all of my family

members gathering around me. We saw an intruder loitering suspiciously outside our

neighbour’s house. He was trying to pick her lock. Without hesitation, we decided to

call the police immediately. We knew that he must be a burglar.

We called up our neighbour too. We told our neighbour to pretend sleeping and

act as if nothing had happened. We had already informed the police. My neighbor and

her family members were shocked, their faces were as pale as a sheet of paper and

they agreed. They did not want to get into any power struggle with the burglar.

Just as the burglar was about to escape, we heard loud wails of the police siren,

piercing the silence of the night. The police arrived in the nick of time. They quickly

gave chase and in no time, the burglar was caught and they brought him to the police


The policemen praised me for being civic-minded. I beamed from ear to

ear. That day was the day I would never forget. As for the burglar, he had learnt a

valuable lesson, “Crime does not pay”.

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A Burglary

Written by: Alicia Lee

“It is going to be a long and boring night,”I told myself .I went to take my

phone and start texting my best friend, Mary.

Soon, I became restless. I opened the window to get some fresh air.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a person wearing a black mask trying

to pick the lock of a flat in front of me. He was using a tool to pick the lock of a


I find it suspicious, so I tried to go nearer to take a closer look .I even took

out my binoculars. “It must definitely be a burglary that’s taking place.” I thought

to myself. I quickly called the police. I was waiting for the police to arrive. Not

long after, I finally heard the loud wailing of the police siren piercing the silence of

the night.

The burglar tried to escape. The police gave chase and the burglar tried to

run away but to no avail. He was arrested and promptly nabbed.

The police men praised me for being civic-minded .I beamed from ear to

ear. That day was the day that I would never forget. As for the burglar, he learnt a

valuable lesson, “Crime does not pay”.

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An Incident

Written by: Marsya

It was a cold and breezy morning. Reilly was

revising for her test tomorrow. “Thump, Thump,

Thump!” she suddenly heard a sound outside her

room. “What sound is that?” she wondered.

The sound was so unbearable that she decided to

look out of her window. She saw two boys, who are

her neighbours, playing soccer along the corridor.

Cheerful voices of the boys filled the air. Peals of

laughter rang out. Therefore, she suggested for the

boys to play somewhere else. Her growing irritation

was obvious. Her words were charged with

exasperation. “Hey, go and play somewhere else!”

she yelled angrily at the boys. “Oh, we are so sorry,

we didn’t mean to make so much noise, they

apologised profusely and hung their heads in shame.

Off, they went to play at a nearby field.

It was all calm and peaceful again.

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The next day, she got her results back and she

passed her test with flying colours. She was so

grateful to the boys for listening to her suggestion so

she could concentrate on her revision in the end.

On her way back home, she met them along the

corridor. “Hey boys, thanks for your considerate act.

I manage to pass my test with flying colours.”

“Don’t mention it, we are all neighbours,” they


And off they went to their favourite hangout to play

soccer again .The boys learnt a lesson well, never to

play soccer along the corridor, always be considerate

to your neighbours.

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Written by: Leon Lau Wei Liang

An Incident

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I am

going to study hard for the test tomorrow!” I thought to myself.

“Bang!” I heard a loud thumping sound. My parents had gone to a

restaurant for lunch on a Tuesday afternoon and I was all alone at home.

Being curious, I went forward to investigate.

“Thump!” Something hit hard against the window. When I opened the

window, I saw two kids playing with a ball along the corridor. I closed the

window immediately. I did not spoil their fun so I did not ask them to stop. I

tried hard to focus on my test but these two kids were making too much

noise. They were shouting and cheering. They had a whale of a time. One of

them shouted “Hey! Pass me the ball!” while the other yelled “OK! But I

can’t kick that high!” I thought to myself, “These boys are making too much

noise! I’m so stressed!”

I opened the window again and I screamed at them in frustration!! “Hey

boys! I am studying for my test. Can you please play at the void deck?”

They apologized to me and I could see from their faces that they looked

ashamed and apologetic. They left quietly and I was on cloud nine, as it was

finally calm and peaceful again.

A few days later, I got back my test paper. I was delighted to see my good

grades. Thankfully, the two boys heeded my advice and played at the void

deck. They were being good neighbours. Every time I see them, we would

exchange smiles.

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An Incident

Written by: Ang Zi lin

“Bang!” It was a beautiful Sunday morning and my parents had

gone out for a wedding dinner. I was at home alone revising for a

Science test tomorrow when suddenly I heard a loud crash outside my


I went to the window and opened it as quick as lightning to see

what was going on. To my surprise, I saw Ben and Peter playing football

outside my window, kicking the ball along the corridor. I was furious

but I did not know what to do so I decided to carry on with my

homework. Minutes later, I heard more noisy sounds. Without hesitation,

I decided to tell them to stop kicking. I could not held back my anger

any longer. “Ben, Peter!” I shouted, “I am trying to revise for a science

test that I am having tomorrow. Please, can you play at the void deck

instead?” I folded my arms and spoke to them furiously. After saying

that, they turned around and walked quietly to the void deck. They

looked apologetic. I was speechless but delightful inside my heart.

Weeks later, I received back my science test paper. As I flipped

open the pages, I was shocked. I managed to score high marks for the

test, I was very grateful for the two boys for agreeing to play quietly at

the void deck.

We should always be considerate to our neighbours and have a

heart of gratitude in helping others. Good neighbours are hard to come
