3p Compare and Contrast

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Transcript of 3p Compare and Contrast

  • 8/11/2019 3p Compare and Contrast


    Compare and Contrast

    This strategy takes students beyond a simple list of similarities and differences. It requires

    students to find similarities and differences and then to:

    Categorize them

    Assess their significance

    Look for patterns among them

    Interpret, ealuate, and dra! conclusions

    "tudents select their o!n factors to consider. As a result, class#!ide sharing results in many

    factors being considered and discussed.


    # $equires students to categorize and assess the significance of similarities and differences

    # $equires students to interpret, ealuate, and dra! conclusions

    # %ery engaging

    Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer&ou can use the Compare'Contrast (rganizer to compare and contrast t!o eents, people,

    perspecties, policies, or ideas from your study. The organizer can be used in different !ays,

    some of !hich are identified belo!:

    # Compare and contrast the effects of t!o eents or t!o policies.

    # Compare and contrast the qualities of t!o famous people.

    # Compare and contrast t!o big ideas like democracy and totalitarianism.

    This organizer should help you get your thoughts together before you !rite or present about the

    compare'contrast topic.

    Questions to be asked during open Compare & Contrast

    ). *o! are they similar+. *o! are they different+

    -. hat similarities and differences seem significant+

    /. hat categories or pattern0s1 do you see in the significant similarities and


    2. hat interpretation or conclusion is suggested by the significant similarities and


    The procedures:

    1. Identify the topic and the t!o 3items4 to be compared and contrasted.

    2. 5rainstorm eerything you kno! about each of the t!o items being compared6one at a

    time. rite do!n everythingyou kno!. Look for additional information in your resource

    materials 0te7tbook, notebook, other1. &ou can do this !ork on your o!n but you !ill getmany more ideas if you do it !ith other students. If you are doing it !ith another student,

    you could also split the task and then share your ideas. *ae one#person brainstorm

    eerything s'he kno!s about one item and the other person brainstorm eerything s'he kno!s

    about the other item. Then compare notes and add other ideas.

    3. "ort the features you came up !ith in "tep 8 into t!o categories: the things that are the same

    for each of the t!o items and the things about each item that are different.

    4. Identify a conclusion you hae come to about the relationship bet!een the t!o items. In the

    3Conclusion4 portion of the graphic organizer, ans!er the follo!ing three questions. &our

    ans!ers !ill describe the relationshipbet!een the t!o items.

    a. 39o similarities or differences e7ist bet!een the t!o items+4

    b. 3hat !ere the important areas of similarity and difference+4

  • 8/11/2019 3p Compare and Contrast


    c. 3as one of the items you compared and contrasted better, more

    important, more effectie, or equal to the other item6666and !hy+4

    Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer

    Compare and


    How alike ?



    How diferent ?????




    With regard to.

