37 Tools That Will Make You A Better Writer



Looking for resources to help you write better? Check out this solid list of 37 places to go for help, inspiration and more!

Transcript of 37 Tools That Will Make You A Better Writer

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o Wri$ng  skills  lie  at  the  heart  of  web  marke$ng.  Being  a  good  writer  is  essen$al  for  crea$ng  your  own  website  content,  and  excellent  wri$ng  abili$es  will  help  you  think  more  cri$cally  and  come  up  with  new  content  more  consistently  in  the  long-­‐term.  Here  is  a  list  of  37  tools  that  will  improve  your  content  wri$ng  abili$es.    

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e Basics: Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

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#1 Quick  and  Dirty  Tips  brings  you  Grammar  Girl,  a  place  where  all  kinds  of  gramma$cal  ques$ons  are  answered  for  anyone  and  everyone’s  benefit.  

Grammar Girl

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#2 “This  course  covers  approximately  the  same  ground  as  our  English  department’s  ENG  1320  Grammar  course.”  College-­‐level  grammar  educa$on  for  the  low  cost  of  free.  

University of Ottawa’s Hyper Grammar

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#3 I  know  that  wiki  pages  are  not  considered  “official  authori$es”  on  many  subjects,  but  this  ar$cle  has  been  edited  by  almost  110  different  experienced  website  contributors.  If  you  need  a  good  place  to  start,  this  is  it.  

WikiHow’s English Punctuation How-To

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#4 Excellent  ar$cles  on  sentence  structure  and  common  errors.  

Online Writing Assistant by Paradigm

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#5 26  free  wri$ng  $ps  from  an  interna$onally-­‐acclaimed  professional  writer  with  decades  of  experience.  

Writing Tips from Writer’s Block

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#6 Notes  and  examples  of  modern  gramma$cal  forms  and  features,  compiled  over  many  years  by  Jack  Lynch,  Associate  Professor  of  English  at  Rutgers  University.  

e Guide to Grammar and Style

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#7 A  complete  style  guide  for  technical  wri$ng.  

Technical Writing

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#8 Journalist’s  Style  Guides  are  excellent  resources  for  finer  points  and  odd  ques$ons  when  it  comes  to  wri$ng.  Style  guides  are  the  newsman’s  bible.  

e Economist Style Guide

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#9 Don’t  let  the  name  fool  you,  this  massive  list  of  other  resources  has  been  republished  all  over  the  place  because  it’s  just  plain  useful.  

Dumb Little Man’s 40+ Grammar and

Punctuation Tips

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Practical Guides to Better Writing Skills

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#10 Compiled  from  a  number  of  famous  wri$ng  guides,  this  primer  gives  writers  an  excellent  resource  for  improving  their  skills.  

A Guide to Writing Well

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#11 Engaging  tutorials  that  teach  you  the  basics  of  how  to  write  excellent  copy.  I’ve  referred  to  this  one  o]en.  

Copyblogger’s Copywriting 101

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#12  A  two-­‐part  list  of  101  excellent  resources  for  improving  your  copywri$ng  skills.  

FutureNow’s Ultimate Copywriting Cheat Sheets

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#13 Passive  voice  is  usually  frowned  upon,  but  for  writers  needing  a  place  to  inject  keywords,  passive  voice  can  be  an  excellent  tool.  

Passive Voice for Web Headings

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#14 Tips  on  how  to  write  headlines  that  will  demand  a^en$on.  

How to Write Magnetic Headlines

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#15 Another  excellent  Copyblogger  resource  on  landing  pages  and  how  to  make  them  work  for  you.  

How to Write Landing Pages

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#16 Michel  For$n  is  an  expert  when  it  comes  to  wri$ng  copy,  and  here  is  his  list  of  what  not  to  do  when  wri$ng  your  own.  

e Seven Deadly Sins of Website Copy

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#17 A  concise  list  of  $ps  from  great  writers  throughout  history.  

10 Writing Tips from the Masters

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#18 Tips  on  wri$ng  persuasive  anchor  texts  to  drive  conversions  from  content.  

How to Write Persuasive Links

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Cool Tools

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#19 Tips  on  wri$ng  persuasive  anchor  texts  to  drive  conversions  from  content.  


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#20 A  word  map  that  connects  words  with  other  related  words  and  subjects.  

Visuwords Graphical Dictionary

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#21 Diagrams  and  images  that  visually  define  curious  words  for  writers  asking  themselves  “what  the  heck  is  this  thing?”  

Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary

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#22 Feature-­‐rich  dic$onary  boas$ng  one  of  the  largest  English  word  databases  on  the  web.  

OneLook Dictionary

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#23 The  same  dic$onary,  but  backwards.  Ever  had  an  idea  that  you  needed  condensed  in  one  word?  Can  you  think  of  everything  about  a  word  but  the  word  itself?  This  dic$onary  lets  you  describe  a  concept  or  ask  a  ques$on  and  see  a  list  of  associated  words  in  response.  

OneLook Reverse Dictionary

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#24 Convenient  dic$onary  program  with  the  ability  to  work  completely  offline.  Great  for  digital  writers  that  o]en  find  themselves  on  the  go  without  an  internet  connec$on  to  rely  on.  

WordWeb Pro

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#25 Online  verb  reference  that  gives  you  proper  conjuga$on  for  English  verbs.  Features  downloadable  program  as  well.  

Verbix Conjugation Reference

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#26 Free,  instant  grammar  checking  for  any  documents.  


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#27 Take  all  your  notes  in  different  places,  keep  them  in  one  place  for  later.  Sync  across  computers,  across  devices,  and  across  mediums.  


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#28 Online  freelancing  resource  specifically  for  writers  and  marketers.  Whether  you  write  copy,  fic$on,  code,  or  finance  reports,  if  you  can  write  it,  you  can  get  paid  to  do  it  here.  


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#29  I’ve  featured  this  before,  and  I’ll  feature  it  again.  This  excellent  li^le  word  processing  program  helps  you  focus  on  your  wri$ng  by  blocking  out  all  other  distrac$ons.  


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Writer’s Blogs Worth Following

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#30 I’ve  already  referenced  this  site  a  few  $mes  because  they  produce  amazing  $ps  for  writers.  Stay  up  to  date  by  subscribing  to  their  blog.  


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#31 Helpful  $ps  for  bloggers  looking  to  increase  their  revenue  streams  and  $ps  for  copywriters.  


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#32 Helpful  $ps  for  bloggers  looking  to  increase  their  revenue  streams  and  $ps  for  copywriters.  

Write to Done

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#33 Exactly  what  it  says  on  the  $n.  Great  $ps  posted  daily  on  a  wide  variety  of  wri$ng  topics.  

Daily Writing Tips

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#34 Exactly  what  it  says  on  the  $n.  Great  $ps  posted  daily  on  a  wide  variety  of  wri$ng  topics.  

Daily Writing Tips

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#35 Wri$ng  $ps  delivered  from  25  years  of  copywri$ng  experience.  

Writer Underground

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#36 For  when  you  want  to  take  a  break  from  content  wri$ng  and  ad  copy,  Six  Sentences  offers  budding  fic$on  writers  a  challenge:  produce  a  short  story  in  six  sentences  or  less.  Submissions  are  posted  daily.  

Six Sentences

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#37 Jurgen  Wolff  is  a  professional  writer  credited  for  classic  TV  shows  including  “The  Love  Boat”  and  “Family  Ties.”  He  gives  wri$ng  workshops  and  has  published  a  handful  of  books  on  wri$ng  scripts  and  copywri$ng,  and  posts  $ps  on  how  to  succeed  with  your  wri$ng.  

Time to Write

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Of  course,  we  are  writers  ourselves.  We  use  all  of  this  stuff  and  even  more  for  our  products.  There  are  plenty  of  helpful  $ps  here,  but  if  a]er  all  this  you’re  s$ll  in  need  of  some  help,  check  out  our  blog  and  let  us  know  what  we  can  do  for  you.  

Or Just Ask Us!