3.0 AgeLOC OPP 281213 (English)

download 3.0 AgeLOC OPP 281213 (English)

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Ageloc is the way to keep young and fresh

Transcript of 3.0 AgeLOC OPP 281213 (English)

PowerPoint Presentation

Revolutionary Anti-Aging Technology

The next wealth boom is not in property, not in financial industry, big adventure lies in biogenetic sector . Bill GatesGoogle Partner Apple in Anti-Aging Market

Global Anti-Aging MEGA TREND

Favorable Worldwide Media Coverage

First Anti-Aging Company To be Featured by Discovery Channel

Dr. Joesph ChongNSE Chief Scientific OfficerDr. WeindruchLifeGen Co-founderDr. Tomas A. ProllaLifeGen Co-founder

Biogenetic Sector is the craze now in the Gene Market GlaxoSmithKline spent US720m to take over Sirtris for just one anti-aging technologyInnovative Technology:Targetting the Source of Aging

Inside OutVital BodyOutside InYouthful AppearanceageLOC Galvanic Face SpaageLOC Transformation SetageLOC Body Spa Set

ageLOC R2ageLOC TR90



Listed in Physicians Desk ReferenceFirst Supplement in the World to Reset Youth Gene

Put everything back to the Right Place

First & Only Gene Resetting Weight Management programTargets 3 main Body Shape Youth Gene ClustersHealthy Metabolism YGCsAppetite Control YGCsLean Muscle YGCs

Body Weight: 72KG to 61KGBody Fats:23.2 to 15Waist:95cm to 81cmViceral Fat:8.5 to 5Body Age: 37 to 26

R2 Global Product Pre-LaunchCreate MANY million dollars income earners

US100 M

TR90 Global Product Pre-LaunchCreate MANY million dollars income earnersLTO Goal2015Next Global Product Pre-LaunchWill create MANY More Million Dollars Income EarnersFIRST$1 BILLION

Born-Aged-Sick-Die vs Born-Aged-Die

4 years