3 - Wspace - Cad

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Workspace learning

Transcript of 3 - Wspace - Cad

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Lecture 3

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Things to Cover Robots

    Teach pendent GP Tracks Creating Track and Path

    The CAD System Conveyor belt

    Collision detection Introduction to VBA

    Use of macro create box, delete and move Attaching macro with GP Introduction to Forms Moving of Conveyor belt

  • Dr J.Iqbal


  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Lines, Splines, and Arcs OVERVIEW There are three commands for creating lines:

    Between Two Points, Vertical, and Horizontal.

    There are three commands for creating arcs: Three Points, Start-Center-End, and Two Points Diagonal.

    Splines are created in a similar way to lines and arcs, except that the splines are continuous curves with no discontinuities.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    EXAMPLE Open a new project by selecting the New Project Icon.

    Set the Project View to the CAD page.

    Set Rendering to Wireframe, and view to Top View .

    Select Create \ Line \ Vertical.

    Left click your mouse somewhere in the Main View Port and then drag your mouse and left click again.

    Select the Line Between Two Points Icon. Left click your mouse somewhere in the Main View Port. Drag your mouse and left click again.

    Press the I key and enter in 15 for both x and y.

    Note: The I key allows you to enter in absolute

    coordinates for the next point.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Right Click and select Close Line.

    Result: A line is drawn from the end of the last segment to the beginning of the first.

    In the Command Line section type the line: CreateArc Arc1,30,0,0,0,30,0,-30,0,0

    Result: An arc is created using the Three Point command passing through the points (30,0,0),(0,30,0),(-30,0,0) in the world coordinate system.

    EXERCISE Create a continuous closed curve using the

    Spline command.

    Draw the letter G.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Snapping, ActiveSnap and the Connect Lines OVERVIEW

    Snapping is the ability to select a feature of a CAD object using the mouse.

    ActiveSnap allows the user to automatically snap to a pre-selected feature of a CAD object when that feature is within a predefined tolerance or aperture.

    The Connect Lines command allows you to join individual lines together so that they can be used as one object.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Snapping, ActiveSnap and the Connect Lines Open a new project. Set the project view to the CAD page. Set rendering to Wireframe and the view to Top View. Draw an arc. Select Options \ Object Snapping \ ActiveSnap


    Note: The ActiveSnap dialogue box allows you to select what type of CAD features ActiveSnap will snap to. You can also set the size of the aperture used by ActiveSnap. This determines how close to a CAD feature you have to be for it to be selected.

    Check the box next to End Point and press OK.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Select Options \ Object Snapping \ ActiveSnap Result: ActiveSnap is now activated. Select the Line Between Two Points Icon. Drag the mouse over one of the ends of the arc that was

    drawn earlier, when a small box appears left click with your mouse.

    Drag the mouse to the other end of the arc and when the box appears again left click

    Right click with your mouse and select End Line. Result: A line has been drawn from one end point of the arc

    to the other. They are still two individual lines though. This can be seen by opening the Layers \ 0 folder on the CAD page of the Project View.

    Snapping, ActiveSnap and the Connect Lines

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Turn ActiveSnap off by selecting the ActiveSnap Icon

    Select both lines by using a single left click on each in the Main View port. As the objects are selected they will turn black or white depending on your background color.

    Select the Modify \ Connect Lines command.

    Result: The two lines have now been connected together. To demonstrate this select and un-select the line and you can see that it is treated as one object now. You can also see that there is only one objected listed in the Layer 0 folder of the Project View.

    Snapping, ActiveSnap and the Connect Lines

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Shapes and Offset OVERVIEW

    The Shape Command allows the user to create Rectangles, Circles, Ellipses, and Polygons.

    The Offset Command allows objects such as shapes, lines, arcs to be created and offset at a specified distance and direction

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Shapes EXAMPLE Open a new project. Set the rendering to

    Wireframe and the view to Top View. Select Create \ Shape \ Rectangle and then hit the

    I key. Enter in values for x, y, and z, as well as height and

    width. Right click in the Main View Port and select Shape

    \ Circle. Left click somewhere in the Main View Port and

    then hit the I key. Enter in a value for the radius.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Geometric Primitives OVERVIEW

    There are five types of Geometric Primitives that can be made with Workspace: Boxes, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres.

    Geometric primitives are the building blocks from which more complicated objects are


  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Geometric Primitives


    Open a new project and set rendering to Shaded.

    Select Options \ Options \ View Options and make sure none of the four check boxes on the lower left side are checked, and then press OK.

    Select Create \ Solid \ Box.

    Select the Create Cone Icon.

    Using your mouse select the location of your cone by left clicking in the Main View Port.

    Select the I key and enter in values for Major Radius, Minor Radius, Top Radius, and Length.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Into the Command Line Section, type:

    Sphere Sphere1,30

    Result: A Sphere named Sphere1 has been created with a radius of 30. To check this you can open the CAD page of the project view and select Types and then select the folder labeled Solids.

    Geometric Primitives Cont...

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Selection modes

    There are four different selection modes available in Workspace: Body, Face, Edge, and Vertice.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Selection EXAMPLE Using the project from the previous exercise, set the Project

    View to the CAD page and open folder 0 located under the layers branch.

    Draw two objects (box and cone)

    Hold the mouse over one of the objects in the Main View Port and single click with your left mouse button.

    Result: The object is now selected.

    Hold down the Control key and select another object from the Project View.

    Result: Both objects are now selected.

    Holding the mouse in the Main View Port, right click and select Clear Selection.

    Result: All the objects have been deselected. OR

    Select Edit \ Clear Selection.

    Result: The objects have all been deselected.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Select Edit \ Selection Mode

    Note: Body is checked. You have been selecting the entire object, or body, but it is possible to select features of objects as well.

    Set Selection mode to Face.

    Point your mouse at the top face of a cylinder and single click with the left mouse button.

    Result: The top face is selected.

    EXERCISE Use the Edge and Vertex Selection modes.

    Set the Selection mode to Body, select Edit \ Select \ Select All, right click and select Delete.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Move, Rotate, and Align Faces

    While the Position page of the Properties dialogue box referred to an objects position and orientation relative to the World Co-ordinate System, the Move and Rotate commands deal with the change in an objects position and orientation relatively or absolutely.

    There are three different move commands available in Workspace: Move, Translate and Drag.

    There are two different methods of rotate: Rotate Relative, and Rotate Absolute. Rotate Relative is used to change an objects orientation with values

    measured relative to its current orientation. Rotate Absolute is used to change an objects orientation with values

    measured relative to the World Co-ordinate system. These are the same values you will find on the Properties \ Position page.

    Align Faces positions an object by aligning the center of one of its faces with the center of the face of another object.

  • Dr J.Iqbal


    Open a new project.

    Create a cylinder and select it.

    Select Modify \ Move \ Move and follow the instructions on the Status Bar.

    Deselect the cylinder.

    Create a box and select it.

    Open the ActiveSnap dialogue box and check Endpoint.

    Set ActiveSnap to ON.

    Right click and select Move.

    Snap to one of the corners of the box as the first point of displacement.

    Press the I Key , set the values for final x, y, and z position as 0, and press OK.

    Deselect the box and turn off ActiveSnap.

    Create a sphere and select it.

    Select Modify \ Move \ Drag.

    Hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse across the Main View Port, then release the mouse button.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Select the box, keeping the sphere selected as well.

    Modify \ Move \ Translate and enter in values for x, y, and z displacement in the Relative field, then press OK.

    Note: An absolute translation can not be performed on more than one selected object.

    Deselect both objects.

    Open the ActiveSnap dialogue box and check the Arc Center box, leaving the Endpoint box checked as well.

    Turn ActiveSnap on.

    Select the box and select Modify \ Move \ Move.

    Snap to a corner of the box as the base point of the move, and snap to the center of the top face of the cylinder as the destination point of the move.

    Result: The corner of the box you snapped to is now located at the center of the top face of the cylinder.

    Clear the selection and select only the Box.

    Turn off ActiveSnap.

    Select Modify \ Rotate.

    In the Relative field change the Y value to 45 and hit Apply.

    Result: The object rotates 45 degrees about Y centered at the objects default Co-ordinate frame.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Change the Y value to -45 and press OK. Right click and select Properties Select the Frames page and add a new Co-ordinate frame. Add 50 to the Z value and press Apply. Hit Close. Select Modify \ Rotate. From the drop down combo box under Spin Point select the new Co-

    ordinate frame defined in step 28. In the Relative field change the Y value to 45 and hit Apply.

    Note: The box now rotates about its new Co-ordinate frame. In the Absolute field set all the values to 0 and hit OK. Note: Unlike Rotate Relative the values for X, Y, and Z are not initially 0.

    These are the values of the object relative to the World Co-ordinate system. Change the view to Top View. Select Edit \ Select \ Select All. Select Modify \ Rotate. Scroll the value of Z in the Relative field up and hit OK. Result: All of the objects rotate. Note: They all rotate about the active co-ordinate frame specified in the

    Spin Point drop down combo box.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Right click and select Clear Selection.

    Select Modify \ Align Faces.

    Select one of the faces of the box and then select the top face of the cylinder.

    EXERCISE Familiarize yourself with the features of the Rotate and

    Translate dialogs.

    Open a new project and create a table similar to the one created in the earlier exercise, except this time move the objects into position using the move commands and the align faces command.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Using the Move and Rotate Command

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Using the Align Face Command

  • Dr J.Iqbal


    OVERVIEW There are four copy commands available in Workspace: Copy,

    Copy and Move, Copy and Translate, and Copy and Drag.

  • Dr J.Iqbal



    Open a new project and create a box.

    Select the box, and select Modify \ Copy \ Copy.

    Result: A copy of the original box has been created.

    Note: It might appear as if there is only one box, but that is because the two boxes are located in the same position. You can see that there are two objects by looking in the Layer 0 folder.

    Right click and select Move and move one of the boxes.

    Result: Now both boxes are visible.

    Select both boxes and select Modify \ Copy \ Copy and Translate then enter values in the Relative field for x, y, and z displacement and hit OK.

    Result: There are now four boxes.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    The Boolean Functions

    OVERVIEW Boolean functions are one way to create complex objects out of

    simpler objects.

    There are three Boolean functions: Union, Subtraction, and Intersection.

    Union joins two objects together into one object.

    Subtraction subtracts one object (the tool) from another object (the blank).

    Intersection creates an object out of the volume that two other objects occupy jointly.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    The Boolean Functions

    EXAMPLE Open a new project. Create a box 30-mm per side centered at the world origin. Create a cylinder with a length of 50, a radius of 10 located at

    15,0,0 Select both objects and use the copy and move command. Select all four objects and use the copy and move command

    again. Result: There are four sets of intersecting boxes and cylinders. Right click and select Clear Selection. Select Modify \ Boolean \ Subtraction When the status bar prompts you to select the Blank, select the

    first box by a left click in the Main View Port. When the Status bar prompts you to select the Tool, select the

    first cylinder.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Result: The first box now has a piece missing where the cylinder was. Repeat above steps but select the second cylinder as the blank and the

    second box as the tool. Result: The second cylinder now has a piece missing where the box was. Select the Intersection Icon and select the third cylinder and box. Result: There is now an object that is the same size and shape as the intersection

    of the third box and cylinder. Select the Union Icon and then select the final box and cylinder. Result: The two objects have been joined together and are now one object. You

    can see this by selecting the objects and looking in the Layer 0 folder of the Project view.

    EXERCISE Create a surface and use the Boolean subtraction to punch a hole in it.

    The Boolean Functions

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Things to Cover Robots

    Teach pendent GP Tracks Create GP

    The CAD System Conveyor belt

    Collision detection Introduction to VBA

    Use of macro create box, delete and move Attaching macro with GP Introduction to Forms Moving of Conveyor belt

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell 1. From the Workspace 5 directory, under the robot

    directory, load a Fanuc M6i robot.

    2. Create a box using the I command, enter a. -1000 for x, b. 700 for y, c. 469 for z, d. 260 for length, e. 233 for depth and f. 50 for height. g. Using the object properties, change the color to red and

    rename the object Workpiece.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell 3. Create a box using the I command, enter

    a. 153 for x, b. 696 for y, c. 132 for z, d. 125 for length, e. 400 for depth and f. 265 for height. g. using the object properties, change the color to orange

    and rename the object ConvLeg1.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell

    4. Create a box using the I command, enter -1181 for x, 696 for y,132 for z, 125 for

    length, 400 for depth and 265 for height. Using the object properties, change the color to orange and rename the object ConvLeg2.

    5. Create a box using the I command, enter -514 for x, 696 for y, 350 for z, 1700 for length, 500 for depth and 160 for height. Using the object properties, change the color to orange and rename the object ConvShell.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell 6. Create a box using the I command, enter -512 for

    x, 696 for y, 400 for z, 1800 for length, 400 for depth and 100 for height. Using the object properties, change the color to dark gray and rename the object ConvBelt.

    7. Create a cylinder using the I command, enter 380 for x, 696 for y, 400 for z, 400 for length, and 50 for radius. Using the object properties, change the color to dark gray and rename the object ConvEnd1. While in the object properties, change the Yaw orientation to 90.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell 8. Create a cylinder using the I command,

    enter -1413 for x, 696 for y, 400 for z, 400 for length, and 50 for radius. Using the object properties, change the color to dark gray and rename the object ConvEnd2. While in the object properties, change the Yaw orientation to 90.

  • Dr J.Iqbal

    Creating the conveyor cell