



Transcript of 3-Trendscan-Presentation-opcional


01.WorldWide trends

1. tier-Up through experience

2. online Knowledge As a driver

3. Masstige is redefining Quality

4. Preying on narcissists

5. Personalization is King

6. influential Figures

7. Aroma experience

8. omnichannel is the new order

9. Affordable luxury

10. Picture Perfect Face

11. less Makeup


Global Trend 01

Tier-Up Through ExperienceCertain companies are creating engaging experiences to entice consumers, this puts them apart from other brands. Customers give special value to personalized experiences that feel inclusive and egalitarian. This is why, nowadays, mid-tier retailers are creating personal in-store experiences that are pleasant for customers.

Example 1

Bring the Exclusive Into The Affordable

Example 3

Burberry Digital Store

Example 2

Brave New World of Banking

Example 4

A Workshop, Not a Store

Global Trend 02

Online Knowledge as a DriverSince information is now very accesible throught the Internet, people can gather as much knowledge as they want to. This leads them to a better sense of purchasing what’s best for them and their wallet. People use blogs, brand websites and social media to do so and smart phones make information even more accessible. Because of this search of knowledge through the web, online content becomes more relevant than ever.

Example 1

Online Video Examples

Example 3

Youtube Recommendations

Example 2

Easy Research in a List

Example 4

Review World

Global Trend 03

Masstige is Redefining QualityMass market beauty brands are making many efforts to compete with prestige brands. They are obviously accessible, less pricey, and less intimidating, and that helps. People used to relate quality products directly to a prestige brand, but things are changing. Masstige brands are taking advantage of everything they can, like social media, tutorials, personalization, beauty concierges, to prove that good doesn’t have to mean expensive.

Example 1

Right For Your Budget

Example 3

Quality Online Efforts

Example 2

Best Drugstore Mascara

Example 4

Concierge Experience

Global Trend 04

Preying on NarcissistsThe ‘selfie’ has become a worldwide tendency. Narcissism has been intensified by social media, so people spend more in makeup and are prone to buy more expensive things because they believe everyone is aware of that. The commercial and retail world preys on the weakness of narcissists to look their best; they succumb to advertisers attempts to exploit their needs to be as glamorous as possible.

Example 1

A Perfect Photo

Example 3

In-store Mirror

Example 2

At-home Selfie

Example 4

Chanel Le Rouge Photo Booth

Global Trend 05

Personalization Is a KingThe mobile internet in particular is the fastest growing channel of retailing. Sales of smartphones and computer tablets have surged globally, and their heavier footprint is having a major impact on the way people shop. Allowing customers to choose what they consume, from whom, and how they interact with and consume it. These digital experiences are training smart customers to expect everything, from every company to be customized in a similar manner.

Example 1

Product Selector

Example 3

Personalized Notifications

Example 2

Sephora Pantone Color IQ

Example 4

Personalized Rewards

Global Trend 06

Influential Figures

Women seek for role models to influence their actions. But many women do not feel identified with advertising. These women see ads showing women who are not like them, do not act like them, do not think or feel like them. One example is Charlize Theron in Dior, whose look is too far from those of mexican woman. Therefore they start looking for other influential figures, in terms of beauty and values. Modern women give equal importante to inner and external beauty, and seek for figures that represent a reachable aspirational figure.

Example 1

Kardashians Kollection

Example 3

Brands Through Celebrities

Example 2

Angelica Rivera

Example 4

The Pope Is on Instagram

Global Trend 07

Aroma ExperienceBrands have already fine-tuned everything from their store color palettes to employee dress codes, scent—the sole remaining sense that can directly influence how a customer regards a brand—is becoming an increasingly important. Smell is the only human sense that goes directly to the limbic system in our subconscious, causing an immediate emotional reaction. Brands are taking advantage of this in order to build an emotional connection with the customers.

Example 1

Store Scent

Example 3

Scenting Runways

Example 2

Apple Scent

Example 4

Collaboration With Built-In Luxury

Global Trend 08

Omnichannel Is The New OrderIn ‘showrooming’ consumers walk into a store to look at merchandise and ultimately make their purchases online at a lower price. ‘Reverse showrooming’ is when consumers get into the internet to search for products, then complete their purchase in store. When thinking about a strategy, brands should consider how they need an integral approach. Customers expect a seamless and consistent shopping experience even when they cross channels.

Example 1

Omnichannel Retail

Example 3

Social Media As a Driver

Example 2

In-Store Mode

Example 4

Experience and Technology Unified

Global Trend 09

Affordable Luxury

Luxury brands have been exploring a shift from high exclusivity to high accessibility. Consumers are enticed by the prestige value of luxury brands, and often identify with affordable luxury as a ‘status’ stepping stone in their upward social mobility. And rather than undermine the higher end of luxury, the middle price tier has potential to act as a bridge between mass-market brands and high-end luxury brands.

Example 1

My First BMW

Example 3

Accessible Fashion

Example 2

Tiering-up Kia

Example 4

Affordable Premium Tech

Global Trend 10

Picture Perfect FaceThe rise of images as the key communication tool has increased the importance of picture-perfect skin and picture-ready clothing. Consumers’ continuous preoccupation with beauty has brought more skincare tailored offerings, with a rise in specific solution-based products that consumers can relate to, like: hyperpigmentation, evening skin tone, and anti-ageing, among others.

Example 1

Camera Beauty Mode

Example 3

Social Media Filters

Example 2

Photo-Ready Makeup

Example 4

The Downfall of Retouching

Global Trend 11

Less Makeup

People’s perceptions of what men and women find attractive are off. And even though many women decide to wear makeup to make themselves “more” attractive, they may be overdoing it. Women are putting on makeup for a perceived standard of beauty that may not actually exist.

Example 1

True Self Campaign

Example 3

Real Beauty

Example 2


Example 4

Colbie Tries


1. Mass Customization

2. experiential sampling

3. Pampering experience

4. loyalty rewards

5. educational & Knowledgeable

6. Accessibility

7. digital everywhere

8. Modern Grassroots

9. Mexican Pride

10. embracing Mexico


Local Trend 01

Mass Customization

Mass customization is changing the relationship between production and consumption. Smart brands are providing an interactive dialogue between brand and consumer. It has evolved from selling one-size-fits all to fully personalized products and solutions to customer’s wants and needs. Consumers are becoming producers too, co-designing their own customized experience or product for their individual needs, thanks to the help of digital tools.

Example 1

Customize Your Tech

Example 3

Personalized Car

Example 2

Your Name On the Product

Example 4

Tailor-made Spa Products

Local Trend 02

PamperingExperienceAside from recruiting new customers, brands need to focus on maintaining the support of their loyal customers. In today’s uncertain economy, people are still unwilling to relinquish beauty services that make them look and feel good. People seek to be pampered and feel well. Satisfied customers are the best PR. Happy clients will gladly talk about a company, sharing stories that illustrate how their product or service is great.

Example 1

Petit Comité

Example 3

A Nice Day

Example 2

Music Is My Mood

Example 4

Sweet Ride Among the Sky

Local Trend 03

Loyalty Rewards

Consumers appreciate when brands offer rewards for their loyalty and preference. Sometimes people are more excited by the prospect of a reward than the reward itself. This anticipation can contribute to addictive behavior. Through innovation, generosity, and overall effectiveness, these brands are driving customer loyalty through the roof by offering fantastic ways to reward and say thank you to their customers.

Example 1

Kilometers Auction Nike Mexico

Example 3

Club Premier Aeromexico + Soriana

Example 2

Unexpected Reward

Example 4

Points Card

Local Trend 04

Experiential SamplingSampling allows consumers to experience the benefits of a product . With prestige brands the experience of sampling products has to be unique, because customers need to feel pampered and understood. By testing samples customers can ensure that a product is right for them. Nowadays brands are offering a full experience around these samples and becoming top-of-mind brands due to these efforts.

Example 1

Scent Sampling Sensorium

Example 3

Nespresso Community Hub

Example 2

So Many Samples

Example 4

Color Bar

Local Trend 05

Educational & KnowledgeableThanks to technology, we now have quick and easy access to copious amounts of information, which allows us to have knowledge on a multitude of topics. Having a guru or expert to show you and guide you through a particular learning experience is an enriching experience and intesely gratifying. Face to face learning allows consumers to have a personalized experience, amplifying the value that a consumer gives to a product by being able to assess it by understanding it.

Example 1

Teachable Spa

Example 3

Vlog Stars

Example 2

One-to-one Training

Example 4

Changes For The Better

Local Trend 06


Accessibility is defined as how easy it is (or seems to be) for customers to interact with and purchase the brand. Certainly distribution channels and ‘location’ are important to brand accessibility, but so are hours of operation, wait times, product availability and process simplicity. A brand must be at the right place at the right time. With a modern hectic life, customers also want tecnology to make things easier for them. This efforts make brands more attractive and approachable.

Example 1

Starbucks Mobile App

Example 3

CineApp +

Example 2

Inclusion and Equality

Example 4

Where You Are

Local Trend 07

Digital Everywhere

The digital media has evolved in a way in which consumers have the opportunity to discover and give their point of view thanks to the data. Brands need to engage this behavior to attract attention. This evolutionary effect has changed the way consumers experience shopping and how brands give value to the consumer. The digital world is so connected to society that now the brands need to be a part of people’s lifestyle.

Example 1

Brand Journalism

Example 3

Disconnect From Your Phone

Example 2

Virtual Supermarket

Example 4

Life on Demand

Local Trend 08

Modern GrassrootsMexico has always had a love for the artisanal, from clothes, jewerly, furniture and food. But recently — and supported by tendencies like DIY, design and technology, plus a big sense of community — the word artisanal is gaining a modern meaning. People are daring to make their own things. Local breweries and foodtrucks are also a modern novelty in main Mexican cities, fueled by these trends starting bottom-up and being established thanks to the help of millennial and hipster communities.

Example 1

The Rise of the Food Trucks

Example 3

The Return of the Barbershop

Example 2

Mercado Roma

Example 4

Only-local Restaurant

Global Trend 09

Mexican Pride

Mexican pride is all about expressing traditional values that make the people with Mexican origins feel unique and authentic. Mexicans appreciate their cultural roots, traditions and ancestors, and they love to express this feeling through many ways. This trend is reflected in the emerging proposals in fashion design and beauty, where brands have used mexican beautiful women to represent their brands.

Example 1

Pai Pai Lipsticks

Example 3

Kurú Nail Polishes

Example 2

Mexican Divas

Example 4

Maria Patrona

Local Trend 10

Embrace MexicoMexico has a rich history, and is solidly based around family, religion, people and tradition. Mexican culture is appreciated all over the world, because of its folklore. Our country has been embraced by diverse personalities as inspiration for their creations, revealing the cultural richness of Mexico through art, fashion design, and beauty.

Example 1

Jean Paul Gaultier

Example 3

La Lonja Mercantil

Example 2

Ere Perez Makeup

Example 4


03.ConClUsions And oPPortUnities

the Future

Common Points Between Global and local trends


General implications


the future—Mexico and the global market inhabit different states of mind, but have some points in common.

As the region enjoys increased disposable incomes, people seek for products and services to spend, specially in personal care products and in those brands that provide special and different experiences.

the common points between global and local trends are:

1. Customization and Personalization2. Accessibility3. reliable knowledge4. omnichannel

1. integral experience

2. enriching extra

3. Quality & rewards


1. don’t focus on profiles

2. demanding times

3. Always adapt

General implications—

Antiguo Camino a la Huasteca 360Colonia Mirador de la HuastecaSanta Catarina, N.L. 66354, México

Tel: +52 (81) 8262 [email protected]