3 Tips To Hiring Top Freelancers Who Produce Great Results

Christopher Browning My Top Three Tips On How to Find High Level Freelancers Who Produce Great Results

Transcript of 3 Tips To Hiring Top Freelancers Who Produce Great Results

Christopher Browning

My Top Three Tips On How toFind High Level Freelancers

Who Produce Great Results

Not only that but how do youfind really good freelancerswho produce great results...


We all know we want to be able to hire

people who work on our stuff first right?

The people who get up first thing in the

morning and they spend their best creative

hours working on your stuff.

What we don't want is to find somebody

who just crams our product in at the last

moment they come in and give average ‘so

so’ results.

Here’s my formula that works super well

on finding the right people. The first thing

you need to know is the reason why you’re

in business.

I know it’s a big topic, but here’s the magic

that comes behind that. There’s an ethos

or a reason why you’re in business and

why you're doing what you're doing.

Maybe you’re about having cutting edge

technology and pushing the forefront forward of

doing the best services? So you want to put that

down: “I’m looking for somebody who's looking

to use new technology and is very excited about

where we're going.”

And so when they reply back to you, they're

hopefully going to talk about the new

technologies that they're using. Whether it be in

video, software editing or Photoshopping.

They're going to reply back to that. So find

somebody who matches exactly or as close as

you can your main mission and message.

You want to findfreelancers whobelieve in whatyou believe, andyour big vision.

if you connect with a person who is all about

what you're for, they get excited about working

with you!

If I don't see the answer, I simply say nope. It

doesn't matter how great you are. You didn't

answer ‘this’ question. Now it may seem kind of

sneaky or nonsensical, but for me I need

somebody who's going to be looking at the

details and reads everything all the way through.

Sometimes I'll even say depending on my

screening process, if you think you're good, all I

simply want you to do is answer this one quick

question. Why? Well a lot of people will send you

their resumes and everything else and it's all B.S!

Because they haven't really listened to what you

personally want.

Reward YourOutsourcersI often give gift certificates to my freelancers,

and ask questions about what's going on inside

their life. What are they doing.

What are the things they’re excited about? If it’s

their birthday, they’re a little surprised when I

send them a gift certificate.

When you're writing your job description, put in

a question that’s completely unrelated to the

subject. Sometimes I write “do you like coffee or

tea?” I want to make sure they answer that

question inside their reply.

Find somebodywho has their

own process inplace.

You don't want to be hiring somebody and have to train them. In your job

application, ask “what is the process you go through to get your results?”

And you want to see they have an exact process they go through to get the

result. If they can’t describe a process to you in three to five steps, it

means they don't know exactly how to work for them themselves.

And you're going to end up chasing around after them because you don't

know what stage their at.

Somebody who can give you a process they go through if there's any

problems, you can always go back and say where you in that process flow.

You can see if the process flow works for you and your business. All they

need from me is an input value to run through their process and they give

me the result at the very end. Perfect!

If someone's got their own process, it allows them to ask intelligent

questions because they're going to be asking questions about the input

they need so they can follow through on their own process flow.

Those are my top tips onhow to find a high level

working freelancer.

For more rapid and smart growthtips, head over to my website


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