3 Stages To Rapid Business Growth

Business Consulting


MindStorm Strategic Consulting developed a 3 step process for rapid business growth. This blueprint can be followed by companies in all industries to grow the business using marketing and sales as a vehicle to create dramatic increases in revenue and most importantly- drive profits!

Transcript of 3 Stages To Rapid Business Growth

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Business Consulting

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MindStorm offers the ultimate business solution for companies who are looking for growth by combining expert business consulting with powerful sales training

The program has three vital phases:

Business Foundation

Marketing Machine

Sales Mastery

These three phases are designed to produce the highest possible performance for your business

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Business FoundationThis first phase of the program focuses on the business itself creating a foundation. In order to handle future growth it is important to evaluate the business in the smaller stages. During Business Foundation we:

Do a SWOT Analysis of the current business model to identify any Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats.

Refine, improve, and revamp the day to day operations to be more efficient and effective in creating an environment for future growth.

Make sure that the organization is structured

and scalable.

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Once a proper foundation has been created, only then do we build on it in the next phase of marketing. Many companies make the mistake of trying to bring in more business before having the right structure in place. This only creates growing pains for the company and a bad experience for your customers. After establishing that all the correct procedures are in place we determine how to create the ultimate marketing machine.

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4 Stages of Marketing Machine

1Evaluate all current marketing channels:It is important to determine what is working well and what is not. We will issue recommendations on new marketing channels to test prior to replacing non-performing campaigns

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4 Stages of Marketing Machine

2Determine the cost of acquiring a new client:This must be done for each marketing channel. Once we know the acquisition costs we will set campaigns to “buy new customers” for each channel. As long as the cost per acquisition is less than the revenue a client brings in, we will then scale up the marketing for that channel. The most profitable channels are scaled up first.

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4 Stages of Marketing Machine

3 Create numerous profitable channels: The fastest way to create never ending lead flow is to have as many positive channels with each channel paying for itself by on-boarding new customers.

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4 Stages of Marketing Machine

4Marketing Automation: Some leads are ready to buy today while others still need some time to develop. Our marketing automation system nurtures leads over time keeping in touch with the prospect through email delivering quality content, important news, and different incentives to buy. As prospects take certain actions such as reading your emails, downloading reports, or even visiting your website- the software triggers alerts so the sales team immediately contacts the hottest leads.

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Sales MasteryAt this point you have created a continual massive flow of leads who are very interested in your opportunity. Now that you’ve maximized your lead flow, it is vital that your sales team knows how to turn these leads into new clients, and most importantly, revenue! That is where Sales Mastery comes in. During Sales Mastery we teach your sales team how to:

Convert “leads to new clients” at a higher ratio: As an example, let’s say it takes your company 10 new leads before you get 1 new client. Your sales team could potentially obtain 2-3 new customers from the same 10 leads with our sales training program. At this point we can utilize the increased leads from the marketing machine. For every 1000 leads you might have previously gained only 100 customers but with a higher conversion rate, that number can be 200-300 new customers!

Increase upsell opportunities: A client can easily increase the amount of money they spend on their purchase with just a recommendation to take more of the product, a better model, or bigger package. We teach your sales team how to effectively increase customer spend by upselling. If your current average sale is $1,000; after our training that number could be $1,200 or $1,300. This small increase will have a major effect on your bottom line. We will demonstrate this at the end of this presentation.

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Sales Mastery continued…

Increasing cross sell opportunities: A client can easily increase the amount of money they spend on their purchase with a recommendation to purchase a product or service that will compliment the initial sale. We teach your sales team how to effectively increase customer spend by mastering Cross Selling.

Clients purchase more often: There are many ways to increase the frequency of customer purchases. Our strategies are based on human psychology and when employed, your customers will want to purchase your products or services more often.

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Sales Mastery continued…

Increase referrals: Most often we find that companies rarely have a system in place for generating referrals. This is unfortunate because this could be an easy source of revenue and growth for your firm. We will teach your sales people how to get referrals at different stages of the relationship.

Create Strategic Alliances: A great strategy is to have strategic partners feed you qualified prospects that are able and ready to make a purchase. We will help you build these relationships to increase revenue while reducing your marketing costs.

Let’s take a look at what kind of impact our techniques and strategies can have on your business. The next slide shows small changes in many areas which result in large increase to the bottom line.

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Example: Pre-ConsultationHypothetically, prior to engaging MindStorm’s Business Consulting Program, let’s say that your marketing team generates 1000 new leads per year. Your current sales team is converting 1 out of 10 leads into new clients. Some purchases are for $500, others are for $2,000 but the average transaction is $1,000. After doing all the calculations we find out that these clients make an average of 2 purchases per year.

• Now that we know the numbers, let’s discuss revenue for ABC Company:• 1000 Leads X .10 (10% Conversion Ratio) = 100 New Clients• $1,000 (Avg transaction size)• 2 Transactions per year (average)• 100 X $1,000 X 2 = $200,000 Annual Revenue

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Example: Post-ConsultationAfter the MindStorm’s Business Consulting, your company is able to increase monthly leads to 1,100 per year while keeping the costs the same, just by investing in better marketing channels, creating better offers and automating the follow up. With Sales Mastery, the sales team now closes 1.1 out of the 10 leads that come in and with upselling & cross selling techniques we increased the average transaction size to $1,100. We’re going to reflect just 10% increases in each field just to keep the numbers conservative. The frequency of customer purchases per year increased from an average of 2 purchases per year to 2.2. Now let’s do the math…

• 1100 leads • (11% conversion ratio) • 1100 leads X .11 (11% conversion ratio) = 121 New Clients• $1,100 Average Transaction• 2.2 Transactions per year (average)• 121 Clients X $1,100 per transaction X 2.2 transactions per year = $292,820! (46% revenue increase)

This doesn’t even include the additional clients from referrals or strategic partnerships!

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In Summary, we combine the most effective strategies for increasing revenues and boosting profits for your business. The process is easier to implement than you may imagine and the time commitment is not burdensome.

We make small changes over the course of a few months. Just to ensure that everything is going and growing as planned we have weekly coaching calls via telephone or Skype while using desktop sharing technology. Your team will enjoy the exercise and increased income while your company’s bottom line skyrockets.

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Contact Us

MindStorm Strategic Consulting17 State Street, Suite 4000New York, NY 10004, USA

(Tel) 212.739.0474 (Toll Free) 800.822.GROW (4769)(Fax) 888.572.4320