3 Key Components of Effective Quit Smoking

Hypnosis Pharmaceutical approaches Mindset 3 Key Components of Effective Quit Smoking


If you've made up your mind to quit, then obviously you do not want a cigarette and you will never look back. Quit smoking is the biggest lifestyle change you can ever make. The three components of effective quit smoking are popularly used to stop that habit which is killing you – smoking.

Transcript of 3 Key Components of Effective Quit Smoking

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Pharmaceutical approaches


3 Key Components of Effective Quit Smoking

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If you are trying to quit smoking, you should first understand what is in a cigarette, its risks, Why it is so hard to quit smoking and the components of addiction.

What is in a cigarette

•Cigarettes contain more than 600 ingredients which produce more than 4,000 chemicals when burned. More than 50 of these chemicals cause cancer, and many are poisonous. •These products have warning labels and the public is warned about the effects of poisons in these products. Although there is no such warning for the toxins in tobacco smoke, they are so dangerous and harmful to your health. Therefore you don’t need to give in to your cigarette addiction for the rest of your life. A lot of people quit smoking every year, and you can be one of them. Although it may seem to be hard, you can do it!

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•There are well established health risks with diseases such as lung cancer, other malignancies, and cardiovascular diseases linked to smoking and causing early deaths in smokers. It has numerous effects on health, that most smokers are aware of. •The are stiff relationship between smoking and various diseases including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and other chronic lung diseases. It increases the risks of cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. •The tobacco affects the surrounding people such as the children. It is discovered that nonsmokers can develop heart diseases, low birth weight babies during births, respiratory infections among others. Non smokers who have high blood pressure have greater risks of developing heart diseases when they are exposed to second hand smoke.

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The components of addiction

Social factor – The Smokers are persuaded to smoke socially as they tend to imitate others even when they are young. After it is repeated for long, it becomes a habit which is simply a bad habit that is difficult to break.

The effects of addiction – it contains nicotine which has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and antidepressants. This forces the smoker to take more and more doses to maintain this relaxing condition, hence the addiction continues to increase.

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Why it is so hard to quit smoking

•There are several factors that contribute to inabilities to stop smoking. But nicotine has both physical and psychological addictions. The psychological addictions may be one of the most challenging to deal with.

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Nicotine addiction does not mean that you are unable to quit smoking. But it is true that you can eliminate nicotine from your body after seven to ten days or even within three days. If you are a smoker who is trying to quit, it is essential know about effective quit smoking. There are many components used to control cravings and overcome your psychological addiction. But 3 major components include mindset, pharmaceutical and Hypnosis. With this; quit smoking is everlasting and less difficult to handle.

3 Key Components of Effective Quit Smoking

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Mindset is one of the most successful components of quit

smoking. But how to achieve the right mindset to quit smoking is the

main concern. You must reshape your attitudes into the right

mindset. It is commonly said that if you want to change your life,

change your mindset. Mindset change encourages a more complete transformation.

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Mindset component includes three steps


Preparation for the decision Doing it

Enjoying life without cigarettes

If you’ve tried several times but failed, because you were not in the right mindset, you must be ready for this than anything else in life. Without the right mindset, you cannot be successful. You must believe in your success by saying:

I am determined I am focused

I am courageous I am victorious

I am unstoppable

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PREPARATION FOR THE DECISION Your mindset is one of the most important factors in your attempt. You can't stop if you are not prepared. There are a few considerations to present during your preparation for the decision.

•write on your notebook the reasons you want to quit smoking and develop a smoking hatred. This will help you in firmly establishing your mindset to avoid backsliding. The common reasons include:

•Smoking is Expensive •I am facing a painful date •It is a bad habit •It is a risky habit to others •I am coughing too much

•There are several reasons you can write down. If you are tempted to smoke again just remember that you’ve set your mind to quit and remind yourself of the reasons. •Set your goals and write them down. Prepare a good cigarette quit plans. •Find a substitute, like drinking a lot of water, doing physical activities or chewing gum. •Preparing doesn’t mean you expect it to just take care of itself. It takes a commitment that requires full attention

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DOING IT After preparing for your quit day with a written plan and a set of goals. You are ready to do whatever it takes to stop smoking. Don’t let nicotine enter into your body again. Read educational books It is important to learn and understand what to expect from nicotine withdrawal. Support Get support by Joining other smoke quitters. It is important to have more support from quit smoking experts from quit smoking Brisbane to become a permanent non smoker. ENJOYING LIFE WITHOUT SMOKING You will not regret for your permanent success and the efforts to beat nicotine will make you a hero because there is no precious gift you can ever experience than quit smoking.

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Pharmaceutical approaches

Drug therapies are usually used alongside counseling to help smokers achieve their goals of becoming non-smokers. They can be provided by health authorities or may be included within medical insurance. The pharmaceutical approaches include two main drugs, only available on prescription, including Varenicline and Zyban. Although you might think that pharmaceutical approaches offer a miracle cure, it is essential to realize that there are risks associated with using drugs. Before you set your heart on a drug based cure, make sure you talk to your doctor to help you decide if it is the right path for you. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) has been around for a couple of decades now and is often used in conjunction with Zyban, to increase the chances of success of both. NRT is available in gum, patches, lozenges, nasal sprays and inhalers and is usually as expensive as smoking itself. As a treatment, it is thought to double your chances of success compared to quitting cold turkey but there are many observers willing to argue against the effectiveness of NRT.

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Hypnosis is an acknowledged method for helping people quit smoking. It is one of the most popular forms of quitting smoking. It is used as a means of curing different ailments that are based on psychological issues and it is well known that there are psychological components that can contribute to a smoking habit. Its intensity varies from one person to another. You can be trained on how to do self hypnosis to quit smoking. If you’ve unsuccessfully tried to quit from smoking , you can contact quit smoking Brisbane to experience the power of hypnosis with a certified personal coach.

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Your body will regain quickly. All chances of getting diseases such as heart attack will reduce and there will be no more regular coughing, shortness of breath, stuffy nose and tiredness.

Good news

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To Conclude

If you do not know what cigarette smoking is, it is not fun. You wont quit if you don't want to quit. It will cause cancer, and you will die soon before your natural time. Be the first to face the challenge and be the change in your life before it is going to be too late for you. The three components of effective quit smoking are well established methods to help you to stop smoking.

•It takes both discipline and patience to successfully conquer the mental cigarette craving. •Every time you want to join your friends who are smoking. •The social factor of smoking is a strong component of addiction, but it is purely mental.

The changes of long term success are very good although there are costs of quit smoking. However, the costs of continuing smoking are higher because there are chances of death.

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