3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python...

3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming


3-3 Data types (2)  Basic data types in Python: –integer numbers –floating-point numbers –booleans –strings … integers … floats False True booleans ‘’‘$’‘Hi’‘apple’ … strings values

Transcript of 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python...

Page 1: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


© 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow

Accelerated Programming 2

Part I: Python Programming

Page 2: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Data types (1)

Programs input, store, manipulate, and output values or data.

Values are classified according to their types and the operations that can be performed on them. E.g.:– It makes sense to subtract numbers but not booleans

or strings.

– It makes sense to concatenate strings but not subtract them.

Page 3: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Data types (2)

Basic data types in Python:– integer numbers

– floating-point numbers

– booleans

– strings.

21 1003 …integers

1.5 3.1416 9.9 …floats

False Truebooleans

‘’ ‘$’ ‘Hi’ ‘apple’ …strings


Page 4: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Data types (3)

Composite data types in Python:– tuples (§6)

– lists (§7)

– dictionaries (§9).

Page 5: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Integer numbers

The integer numbers are positive and negative whole numbers:…, –3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3, …

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Integer operators

Integer operators:- y negation of y

x + y sum of x and y

x - y difference of x and y

x * y product of x and y

x // y quotient when x is divided by y

x % y remainder when x is divided by y

x ** y x raised to the power of y

Page 7: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: integer arithmetic

This function uses integer remainders: def gcd (m, n): # Return the greatest common divisor of m and n. p = m q = n r = p % q # remainder on dividing p by q while r != 0: # i.e., p is not a multiple of q p = q q = r r = p % q return q

Page 8: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Floating-point numbers

The floating-point numbers are positive and negative real numbers.

Floating-point numbers are represented approximately in a computer (unlike integers, booleans, etc.).

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Floating-point operators

Floating-point operators:

- y negation of y

x + y sum of x and y

x - y difference of x and y

x * y product of x and y

x / y division of x by y

x ** y x raised to the power of y

Page 10: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: floating-point arithmetic (1)

This function uses floating-point arithmetic: def square_root (x): # Return the square root of the positive number x. r = 1.0 while abs(x/r**2 – 1) > 0.0001: r = 0.5 * (r + x/r) return r

This function assumes that its argument is positive.

– What will happen if its argument is negative?

Page 11: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: floating-point arithmetic (2)

Tracing the function call square_root(2.0):

Enter the function:

Test “abs(…) > 0.0001”:

Execute “r = 1.0”:


r2.0 1.0

yields True 2.0 1.0

Execute “r = 0.5*(r+x/r)”: 2.0 1.5

Test “abs(…) > 0.0001”: yields True 2.0 1.5

Execute “r = 0.5*(r+x/r)”: 2.0 1.4167

Test “abs(…) > 0.0001”: yields True 2.0 1.4167

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Example: floating-point arithmetic (3)

Tracing the function call (continued):

Execute “r = 0.5*(r+x/r)”:

rx2.0 1.4167

Test “abs(…) > 0.0001”:

Execute “return r”:

yields False 2.0 1.4142

2.0 1.4142returns 1.4142

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Floating-point approximation

Floating-point numbers are represented in the form:± m x 2±e

where the mantissa m is a binary fraction (½ ≤ m < 1)

and the exponent e is a small binary integer.

Most real numbers (including all irrational numbers) can only be approximated in a computer.

It follows that floating-point computations are only approximate – beware!

Page 14: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: floating-point approximation

Consider the expression:1.0 + 0.2 – 1.0

On my computer, this expression yields 1.19999999999999996!

The problem is that the number 0.2, although it can be written exactly as a decimal fraction, cannot be represented exactly as a binary fraction.

Page 15: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Boolean values and operators

The boolean values are False and True.

Boolean operators:not y negation of y (i.e., True iff y is False)

x and y conjunction of x and y (i.e., True iff both x and y are True)

x or y disjunction of x and y (i.e., True iff either x or y is True)

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Comparison operators

Comparison operators:x == y True iff x is equal to y

x != y True iff x is unequal to y

x < y True iff x is less than y

x <= y True iff x is less than or equal to y

x > y True iff x is greater than y

x >= y True iff x is greater than or equal to y

Comparison chaining:x < y < z True iff x is less than y and y is less than z


Page 17: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: booleans

Using boolean and comparison operations: def in_range (n, p, q): # Return True iff n is in the range p … q. return (p <= n and n <= q)

Alternatively, using comparison chaining:def in_range (n, p, q): # Return True iff n is in the range p … q. return (p <= n <= q)

Function call:d = input('Enter integer in range 0-9: ')if not in_range(d, 0, 9): print 'Invalid integer'

Page 18: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


String values

A string is a sequence of characters.

The length of a string is the number of characters in it.

The empty string has length 0 (i.e., it consists of no characters at all).

The string values are character sequences of any length.

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String operators

String operators:

s + t concatenation of strings s and t

n * s concatenation of n copies of s

s * n ditto

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String comparison operators

String comparison operators:s == t True iff s is equal to t

s != t True iff s is unequal to t

s < t True iff s is lexicographically less than t

s <= t True iff s is lexicographically less than or equal to t

s > t True iff s is lexicographically greater than t

s >= t True iff s is lexicographically greater than or equal to t

Comparison chaining: as before.

Page 21: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: string operations

Program:place = 'Paris'season = 'spring'title = place + ' in ' + 2*'the ' + seasonprint title

Output:Paris in the the spring

Page 22: 3 Basics © 2010 David A Watt, University of Glasgow Accelerated Programming 2 Part I: Python Programming.


Example: string comparisons (1)

Program:word1 = raw_input('Enter a word: ')word2 = raw_input('Enter another word: ')if word1 > word2: # Swap word1 and word2 … word1, word2 = word2, word1print 'Words in lexicographic order:'print word1print word2

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Example: string comparisons (2)

Program’s output and input:Enter a word: mouseEnter another word: elephantWords in lexicographic order:elephantmouse