제3회 오픈 로보틱스 세미나 (제12세션) : 로봇 암 모델링과 MoveIt! 사용법

로봇 모델링과 MoveIt ! 사용법 The 3 rd Open Robotics Seminar 표윤석 WWW.OROCA.ORG Section 12. 2015/05/24

Transcript of 제3회 오픈 로보틱스 세미나 (제12세션) : 로봇 암 모델링과 MoveIt! 사용법

  1. 1. MoveIt! The 3rd Open Robotics Seminar WWW.OROCA.ORG Section 12. 2015/05/24
  2. 2. ?
  3. 3. http://www.hottoys.com.hk/
  4. 4. http://www.hottoys.com.hk/
  5. 5. ~ !
  6. 6. (unimate), 1961 ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unimate
  7. 7. (SCARA) http://www.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp/
  8. 8. (SCARA) http://www.ait.kyushu-u.ac.jp/
  9. 9. http://www.robotis.com/ 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis 3rd axis 2nd axis 1st axis (revolute joint) (link)
  10. 10. http://www.theroboticschallenge.org/http://www.robotis.com/ DRC !! 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis 3rd axis 2nd axis 1st axis (revolute joint) (link)
  11. 11. CHIMP (TARTAN RESCUE) Aero DRC (TEAM AERO) HRP2+ (TEAM AIST-NEDO) DRC-Hubo (TEAM DRC-HUBO AT UNLV) Cog-Burn (TEAM GRIT) Johnny 05 (TEAM HECTOR) Atlas (TEAM HKU) HRP-2 (Team HRP2-Tokyo) Running Man (Team IHMC Robotics) Xing Tian (Team Intelligent Pioneer) DRC-HUBO (Team KAIST) Helios (Atlas) (Team MIT) Hydra (Team NEDO-Hydra) JAXON (Team NEDO-JSK) Momaro (Team NimbRo Rescue) RoboSimian (Team RoboSimian) THORMANG (Team ROBOTIS) THORMANG (Team SNU) THOR-RD (Team THOR) Hercules (Team TRAC Labs) LEO (Team TROOPER) ESCHER (Team VALOR) Florian (Team ViGIR) WALK-MAN (Team WALK-MAN) WARNER (Team WPI-CMU) http://www.theroboticschallenge.org/teams
  12. 12. Yaskawa SmartPal V
  13. 13. ? !
  14. 14. ? ! ! ! (^^)/
  15. 15. , !
  16. 16. x y z 3 ! (x,y,z) (work space): (x, y, z) (, , )
  17. 17. www.neo-tex.com x y z 3 ! (x,y,z) http://www.robotis.com/ ? . ^^;; (1, 2, 6) (work space): (x, y, z) (, , ) 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis 3rd axis 2nd axis 1st axis (joint space): (123...)
  18. 18. http://www.tbotech.com/sodacansafe.htm x y z (x, y, z) (, , ) roll() pithch() yaw() 6 / = 6
  19. 19. http://www.tbotech.com/sodacansafe.htm x y z (x, y, z) (, , ) roll() pithch() yaw() 6th axis 5th axis 4th axis 3rd axis 2nd axis 1st axis http://www.robotis.com 6 / = 6 6 , = 6
  20. 20. !
  21. 21. . !
  22. 22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dblCGZzeUqs
  23. 23. http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Patterns/RobotModelling
  24. 24. URDF(Universal Robot Description Format) RViz SRDF(Semantic Robot Description Format) MoveIt! SDF(Simulation Description Format) Gazebo http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Patterns/RobotModelling URDF
  25. 25. $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ catkin_create_pkg testbot_description urdf $ cd testbot_description $ mkdir urdf $ cd urdf $ gedit testbot.urdf 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
  26. 26. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
  27. 27. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
  28. 28. $ check_urdf testbot.urdf robot name is: test_robot ---------- Successfully Parsed XML --------------- root Link: base has 1 child(ren) child(1): link1 child(1): link2 child(1): link3 child(1): link4 $ urdf_to_graphiz testbot.urdf Created file test_robot.gv Created file test_robot.pdf
  29. 29. $ roslaunch testbot_description testbot.launch $ rosrun rviz rviz
  30. 30. (Jorge Santos, CC BY 3.0) $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_arm.git
  31. 31. $ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_description test.launch $ rosrun rviz rivz
  32. 32. http://moveit.ros.org/documentation/concepts/
  33. 33. $ roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
  34. 34. $ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_moveit_config turtlebot_arm_moveit.launch
  35. 35. $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-dynamixel* $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-arbotix* $ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_bringup arm.launch --screen $ roslaunch turtlebot_arm_moveit_config turtlebot_arm_moveit.launch sim:=false screen
  36. 36.
  37. 37. Thank you for your attention. Yoonseok Pyo [email protected] www.robotpilot.net WWW.OROCA.ORG