2nd MRDC Newsletter

1 !ឿងនិ&ន និង’ស*ព,,៖ .រ0ំងពិពណ៌4 MRDC Stories & Landscapes: An Exhibition at the MRDC By Vanny Chhay, translation Bunthy Chey 4មជ7មណ8លធន;ឯក>រ?តAមណ8លគិរC នឹងEន!ៀបចំ.រ0ំងពិពណ៌Iើក ដំបូងរបស់ ខOPន4កQRងSលTប់UងមុខWះ។ .រ0ំងពិពណ៌ Wះគឺប[\ញអំពី!ឿង‘ង ឫក៏cវតAទីកfOងមួយចំនួនដូចi ទឹកjះ អូរ ភQរមណីយដlន,, 4កQRង?តAមណ8លគិរC។ .រនិ&ន!ឿង&ំងWះគឺmnើoើងi*>ពQង pើយមណ8លធនធនqន!ៀបចំបកri*>stរ និង*>អង់uOស។ រហូតមកដល់ SលWះមណ8លធន;នqនcមូលចងwងសExសន៍ {ស់‘ឹ&|{រ}មួយចំនួន4កQRង ភូមិ និងqនបកri>ច់!ឿង~ល&ក់ ទងនឹងទីកfOងចំនួនបួន4កQRង?តAមណ8លគិរC។ ទីកfOង&ំងះរួមEន៖ ភQំអណងQហ៍~លEនទី0ំង4ភូមិពូឆប ឃុំក់ំ ុកអូំង អូqយ ~លEនទី0ំង4ឃុំអំពូម ុកS ភQំចយ ~លEនទី0ំង4ភូមិពូង ឃុំនមរម} ុកអូំង ទឹកjះកល‘ះ ~លEនទី0ំង4ភូមិពូំ ស[ត់រម, wុងនមរម} 4ើកកមtវធី0ំងពិពណ៌ មណ8លធន;ន នឹងEនអើញEស់!ឿងនិ&នE™ក់ ~លEនថnីEត់ល កQRងចំមEស់>ច់!ឿង&ំងអស់មកmnើ.រនិ&ន យល់4.រល័យរបស់ខOPន។ ចំ¢កឯំងរូប*ព និងអត£បទ/>ច់!ឿង&ំងមូលមណ8លធន;ននឹងក់ MRDCNEWSLETTER On the left: Mr. Mareng Theng from Putang village is listening to his story which the MRDC staff just recorded. On the right: His story is translated and displayed at the MRDC. May 2011


This issue is about: - Stories & Landscapes: An Exhibition at the MRDC - Volunteers at the MRDC - Movie Screenings at the MRDC and in the villages - News! Health Collection

Transcript of 2nd MRDC Newsletter

Page 1: 2nd MRDC Newsletter


!ឿងនិ&ន  និង'(ស*ព,,៖.រ0ំងពិពណ៌4 MRDC

Stories & Landscapes:An Exhibition at the MRDCBy Vanny Chhay, translation Bunthy Chey

4មជ(7មណ8លធន;ឯក>រ?(តAមណ8លគិរC នឹងEន!ៀបចំ.រ0ំងពិពណ៌Iើក ដំបូងរបស់ ខOPន4កQRងS(លTប់UងមុខW(ះ។ .រ0ំងពិពណ៌ W(ះគឺប[\(ញអំពី!ឿង`(ង ឫក៏c(វតAិ ទីកfO(ងមួយចំនួនដូចi ទឹកj((ះ អូរ ភQ ំរមណីយដlន,,



pើយមណ8លធនធនqន!ៀបចំបកr((i*>st(រ និង*>អង់uO(ស។ រហូតមកដល់

S(លW(ះមណ8លធន;នqនc(មូលចងw(ងសEx(សន៍z{ស់`(ឹ&|({រ(}មួយចំនួន4កQRង ភូមិ

និងqនបកr((i>ច់!ឿង~(ល&ក ់




ឃំុ�ក់� ំ�(ុកអូ�ំង

អូq�(យ ~(លEនទី0ំង4ឃំុ�((អំពូម �(ុកS(�(�

ភQំ�((ច�((យ ~(លEនទី0ំង4ភូមិពូ��(ង ឃំុ�(នម�រម(} �(ុកអូ�ំងទឹកj((ះក(�ល`(ះ ~(លEនទី0ំង4ភូមិពូ�(ំ ស[�(ត់រម, w(ុង�(នម�រម(}zz 4��(�ើកកមtវ�ធី0ំងពិពណ៌ មណ8លធន;ន

នឹងEនអ��ើញE�(ស់!ឿងនិ&នE�(ក ់~(លEនថnីEត់ល� កQRងចំ�មE�(ស់>ច់!ឿង&ំងអស់មកmnើ.រនិ&នz�យ��(ល់4.រ� ល័យរបស់ខOPន។




On the left: Mr. Mareng Theng from Putang village is listening to his story which the MRDC staff just recorded.

On the right: His story is translated and displayed at the MRDC.




Page 2: 2nd MRDC Newsletter


មជ(7មណ8លធន;នឯក>រ?(តAមណ8លគិរC  mnើ.រ¥¦(តសំUន់�Iើ.រc(មូលឯក>រ,,~(លz&ក់ទង�នឹងវប(§ធម៌  c(¨(ណីរបស់ជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច  និងបª\(,,4កQRង?(តមណ8លគិរC។  មិន«(បុ៉�­(ះមណ8លធន;នEនផAល់ជូនបន¯ប់សំ�ប់°ក  អQក~(លចង់!ៀបចំ.រc(ជុំពិ*ក(±  �ើកសិ.²(>³  ឫវគ´បណ�µះប¶·(ល (̧¹(ងៗ  និង»(ើ¼((ស់អ៊¾នmើ¢(ត�យមិនគិត�O(។  កQRង�ះ~(រមណ8លធន;នqនmnើ.រ¿(ើស!Cសzបុគ´លិកសt�(័ចិតA  ©ើម(§ីមកជួយបំS(ញ.រ[រz4ច��(ះÀÁ(ង��(�(ង់ពី��(ចន̄  ដល់  សុw(  និង��(ÂរÃ។  Äiឱ.សមួយសÆ((ប់ឲ(}ពួកu(ទទួលqនបទពិÈធន៍~(ល&ក់ទង�នឹង.រ[រប¶­(ល័យ  �n(ងយល់បf£(មz

ពីទំWៀមទE�(ប់របស់ជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច  និងទីកfO(ង~(លពួកu(កំពុង«(រស់4។  មិន«(បុ៉�­(ះពួកu(Éច�n(ងយល់បf£(មពី.រz»(ើ¼((ស់កុំព(}Êទ័រ  អីុនmើ¢(ត អីុË(ល  

និងc(ព័នÌÍ(ប់Í(ង�ៀវÎរបស់មណ8លធន;ន។  បុគ´លិកសt័Í(ចិតA&ំងEនចំនួនដប់,ក់  pើយពួកu(�(ÏវqនÐ(ងÑ(កiបីw(ុម (̧¹(ងៗÒ�(។  w(ុមទីមួយ  EនសEជិកចំនួន¼((ំ,ក់  ~(លពួកu(Eនតួ,ទីជួយÓើលខុស�(Ïវ និងÍ(ប់Í(ង .រ� ល័យ4ច��(ះÀÁ(ង១២Ö�(�(ង់  ដល់ÀÁ(ង២រ�ៀល  និង��(ÂរÃ។  w(ុមទីពីរ  iw(ុមសÆ((ប់ជួយ!ៀបចំ.រ0ំងពិពណ៌  

~(លEនសEជិកបី,ក់  និងពីរ,ក់'ៀត  សំ�ប់ជួយ!ៀបចំ.រប×Øំាងs(¹(*ពយនAឯក>រ។  UងÚ((មW(ះiចំ¶ប់Éរមtណ៍របស់  

បុគ´លិកសt័Í(ចិតAរបស់មណ8លធន;នចំនួនបី,ក់៖zz ,ងខÛRំÜÝ(ះ  រCន  EÁ(រCនីត។  ប,�(ប់ពី,ងខÛRំqនzmnើiអQកសt័Í(ចិតA  4មណ8លធន;នឯក>រ  ?(តAមណ8លគិរC  អស់រយៈS(លបីs(  ,ងខÛRំEនzÉរមtណ៍ßសប(�យចិតA  pើយÄqនផAល់zzzចំà(ះដឹងដល់  ,ងខÛRំឲ(}  á(ះ»(ើ¼((ស់  

បុគ´លិកសt័Í(ចិតAរបស់ MRDC

Volunteersat the MRDCBy Oen Chang and Vanny Chhay, translation Bunthy Chey







1ប[\(ញកQRងរយៈ១�២s( ©ើម(§ីឲ(}>;រណៈជនzÉចEនS(â(³Í(ប់ã((ន់មក ចូលរួមទស(¹,។


ដូáQ(ះសូមអ��ើញ>;រណៈជន&ំងអស់មកចូលរួមទស(¹,�យរCក�យ។ សូមអរគុណ!

Coming up in May, the MRDC will show an exhibition about Bunong story telling, which recount the histories of rivers, mountains and waterfalls in Mondul Kiri province. The stories are told and recorded in Bunong language and MRDC staff translated them into Khmer and English. Up to now, MRDC has already collected four histories of different places. All of them are told by different people and for some locations, the MRDC has collected different stories.

The stories talk about:

- Well of Love Mountain located in Pou Chab village, Dak Dam commune, O Raing district.

- O Ply River, at Sre Ampoum commune, Pich Chreada district

- Trach Tray Mountain, Purang village, Sen Monorom commune, Oreang distirct

- Kbal Preah Waterfall, Putrom village, Romonea commune, Sen Monorom district.

On the opening day of the exhibition, the MRDC will invite one of the best storytellers to tell his or her story at the MRDC office. The posters of the stories are displayed at the MRDC for the next two months and visitors can visit at anytime. Anyway, MRDC will inform you about the definite date of the exhibition in advance.

Please come to see and enjoy with the exhibition on that day. Thank you!

Recording a story in Dak Dam and putting up the posters at the MRDC

Page 3: 2nd MRDC Newsletter








1អីុនmើ¢(តzនិង�n(ងរកពត៌Eន,,&ំងកQRង  និងä((c('(ស។  pើយខÛRំគិតßមណ8លធន;នzឯក>រEន>រៈសំUន់zU�(ំង¶ស់  

ពីå((ះខÛRំiជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច  qនយល់ដឹងពីតæO(ជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច  និងEន�ៀវÎ  

iç(ើនកQRងប¶­(ល័យ។  ,ងខÛRំEនចំ¶ប់Éរមtណ៍ចង់mnើiអQកសt័Í(ចិតAz4ទីW(ះបនA'ៀត។

 ,ងខÛRំÜÝ(ះ  ឡRង  �(ីនួន  ,ងខÛRំiអQកសt័Í(ចិតA  4មណ8លធន;នឯក>រ?(តAមណ8លគិរC  អស់រយៈzS(ល៣s(មកpើយ។  ,ងខÛRំqនទទួលបទពិÈធន៍  និងចំà(ះដឹងពីមជ(7មណ8លធន;នឯក>រ  pើយqនê((វë((វឯក>រ (̧¹(ងៗ  ~(ល&ក់ទង�វប(§ធម៌ c(¨(ណីជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច។  ,ងខÛRំសប(�យចិតA~(លqនmnើ.រ4ទីW(ះនិងចង់mnើបនA'ៀត។

 ,ងខÛRំÜÝ(ះ  Éង  {ន់រC។  ខÛRំqនmnើ.រសt័Í(ចិតAz4មណ8លធន;នឯក>រអស់រយៈS(ល៤s(pើយ។  ,ងខÛRំសប(�យចិតA  å((ះកfO(ងW(ះqនផAល់zc(íជន៍ដល់,ងខÛRំ  ឲ(},ងខÛRំqនដឹងពីពត៌Eនថtីៗz0មរយៈ អីុនmើ¢(ត  និងmnើîយខÛRំá(ះz»(ើ¼((ស់ អីុនmើ¢(ត Ö(ម'ៀត។  មិន«(បុ៉�­(ះzខÛRំទទួលqនចំà(ះដឹងងពី.រÉន  �ៀវÎz~(ល&ក់ទង�នឹងវប(§ធម៌ c(¨(ណីជនiតិ©ើមz*គតិច។  ,ងខÛRំEន.រលំqកបនAិចបនAPច  គឺ4â(ន~(លខÛRំc({ំ.រ4មណ8ល  

pើយEនមនុស(¹ç(ើនចូលមក»(ើ¼((ស់កុំព(}Êទ័រ  បុ៉fA(កុំព(}Êទ័រEន«(ពីរï(ឿង  pើយខÛRំ¼((ប់zពួកគzេîយដូរâ(នÒ�(»(ើ¼((ស់  u(មិន`(ម>¦(ប់ខÛRំ។  ñះiz Á(ងW(ះកAីខÛRំ4«(ចង់បនAmnើ.រសt័Í(ចិតA4ទីW(ះ។

MRDC’s commission is to collect resources related to the cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples as well as the issues related to Mondul Kiri province. MRDC provides a room for anybody who wants to organize meetings, seminars and training courses; it also provides two desktop computers with internet connection to use free of charge. Furthermore, MRDC has recruited 10 volunteers for helping its staffs in managing and controlling the office on Monday to Friday at lunchtime and on Saturdays. It is a good opportunity for the volunteers to get work experience related to library tasks and the MRDC resource managing system or to gain knowledge related to the customs and lifestyles of indigenous people. They can learn more about the way to use the internet, email and computer. Those volunteers are divided into 3 different groups. The first group has 5 members and they are working on Monday to Friday from 12am to 2pm and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. There are 3 persons in the second group and the other 2 in the third group, which support the MRDC staff with the exhibition and movie screening activities. Here are the opinions and ideas from 3 volunteers of MRDC:

My name is Rin Marinith. I feel happy after I have been working at MRDC for 3 months because I can improve my knowledge related to the use of the internet. I can access information related to the country or overseas. MRDC is a very important place for me because I am an indigenous girl and I can know the value of the indigenous people and there are a lot of books in the library here. I still want to continue working as a volunteer here.

My name is Long Sreynuon and I have been working as a volunteer at MRDC for 3 months. I get more experience and knowledge on searching for documents related to indigenous people. I am happy to work here and I want to continue working here.

My name is Ang Chanry. I have been working as a volunteer at MRDC for 4 months. I am happy to work here because it has provided me benefit regarding on searching for hot news by using the internet as well as I can learn more about the use of computer. Otherwise I get more ideas related to indigenous people by reading books here. I have some difficulties during my working time because there are only two computers here and sometimes there are many visitors at the centre. I have told them to shift but they didn’t listen to me. I still want to continue working here.

On the left: Rin Marinith, one of the volunteers.

On the right: Chevean, one of the exibition volunteers, is reading a book in the library.

Page 4: 2nd MRDC Newsletter


!រប$%&ំ(&)&*ពយន.៖0  MRDC  និង03មភូមិMovie Screeningsat the MRDC and in the villagesBy Bunthy Chey

មណ8លធន;នEនកមtវ�ធី�ក់បª�(ំងzs(¹(*ពយនAឯក>រ ~(ល&ក់ទង�នឹង

បª\(,,4កQRង?(តAមណ8លគិរC ក៏ដូចizជនiតិ©ើម*គតិច4កQRងc('(សកមòRi។

.របª�(ំងW(ះ នឹងmnើoើង4!ៀង�ល់��(`(ហស(§តAó សq¦(ហ៍ទីមួយ ¤(s(នីមួយៗ។ កុន&ំងW(ះគឺziôQ(កមួយចូលរួមចំ¢(កកQRង.រអភិរក(¹ និង Iើកកមòស់វប(§ធម៌ c(¨(ណី ជំWឿរបស់ជនiតិ©ើម*គ

ក៏ដូចiធន;ន,,4កQRង?(តAមណ8លគិរCzឲ(}>;រណៈជន qនដឹង និង>õ(ល់.ន់«(ç(ើន។

រហូតមកដល់S(លW(ះមណ8លធន;នqន!ៀបចំ�ក ់

បª�(ំងs(¹(*ពយនAឯក>រចំនួនបួនIើក (̧¹(ងៗÒ�(zរួចមកpើយ ~(លs(¹(*ពយនAនីមួយៗEន អត£ន័យ

និង��(ំងរូប*ពល� (̧¹(ងៗពីÒ�(។.របª�(ំង!ៀង �ល់zIើកEនអQកមកចូលរួមទស(¹, Á(ងç(ើន


>³បឋមសិក(± អនុវ�ទ(÷ល័យzវ�ទ(÷ល័យ


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The MRDC organizes movie screenings every first Thursday of each month. The movies are related to Modul Kiri province as well as indigenous groups in Cambodia. It is a part to promote and preserve tradition, culture and beliefs of indigenous people and the resources of Modul Kiri. Up to date, MRDC hold five film screenings and many fans participated in each screening. Most of them are students from Hun Sen high school, Hun Sen Senmonorom primary school and staff from active institutions across Mondul Kiri. MRDC is pleased to prepare movie screening on business days at the MRDC for anybody who is interested in. MRDC welcomes every one who wants to show his or her movie here and we really appreciate your donations of all the resources related to the above topic.Besides the monthly movie screenings in Sen Monorom, the MRDC organises as well outreach movie screenings in the villages. So far, there was one screening at Keo Ropov village (Koh Nhiek district) and one in Pu Chri Jang village (Pichreada district). The communities enjoyed these events very much and were very happy to see some documentaries about Mondulkiri.

Movie screening in Keo Ropov village, Koh Nhiek district, March 2011.MRDC







The monthly movie screening in front of the MRDC.

Page 5: 2nd MRDC Newsletter









News! Health Collection

មណ8លធន;ន'ើប«(ប"úើតoើងនូវបណ�µំថtីគឺបណ�µំសុខ*ព ~(ល¥¦(តសំUន ់Iើ�បª\(zសុខ*ព pើយមណ8លក៏សូម>ø(គមន៍zចំùះអQកê((យë((វ ឫអQកជំ,ញUងសុខ*ពz~(លEនបំណងចង់�n(ងយល់បf£(មiមួយនឹងបណ�µំសុខ*ពរបស់មណ8ល~(ល'ើប«(ប"úើតoើងW(ះ។ ប¶·(ឯក>រ~(ល&ក់ទង�នឹងសុខ*ព &ំងW(ះគឺទទួលqនពី.របរ�{�(គដ៏សប(§Rរសពី BMA

Information Fund និង TALC. មណ8លធន;នzសូមÖO(ងអំណគុណ Á(ងë((ល#((ចំùះ.រចូលរួមÒំដល់ប¶­(ល័យរបស់$ ើងខÛRំ។ បចØRប(§នQzមណ8លធន;នqនc(មូល ធន;នឯក>រzqនចំនួន៣៩៤ ~(លកQRង�ះ២៨អំពីសុខ*ព។

The MRDC has created a new collection called Health Collection. Up to date, the MRDC has collected 394 books and 28 among them belong to the Health Collection. These books are specifically about health issues. Anybody who is a health professional or wants to do research on health issues, is warmly welcomed to consult our Health Collection. These books have kindly been donated by the BMA (British Medical Association) Information Fund and TALC (Teaching-aids At Low-Costs). The MRDC highly appreciates this contribution to our library, thank you very much!

The new Health Collection books.

Above: the Health Collection books

Below: Students reading the Bunong stories.

Page 6: 2nd MRDC Newsletter


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អុីË(៉ល[email protected]

I(ខ ទូរស័ព¯011 483 430

Éស័យ�û(នភូមិចំ.រ«( ស[�(ត់>*(នEនជ័យ, w(ុង�(នម�រម(}, ?(តAមណ8លគិរC

Opening HoursMonday - Friday: 9am - 5pmSaturday: 9am - 4pmClosed on Sundays and Public Holidays

FacilitiesStudy places, two public computers with access to the database and internet, one meeting room for meetings, trainings, workshops etc.

Email [email protected]

Phone Number011 483 430

Street AddressChamka Tae village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province

ពត៌Eនទូ� z General Information©ើម(§ី&ក់ទងលម�ិតz and contact details







1©Department of Tourism, Mondulkiri