2nd International PPE Conference Transformation: Knowledge ... · 2nd International PPE Conference...

2nd International PPE Conference Transformation: Knowledge, Power, Wealth Conference Programme

Transcript of 2nd International PPE Conference Transformation: Knowledge ... · 2nd International PPE Conference...

2nd International PPE Conference

Transformation: Knowledge, Power, Wealth

Conference Programme


Welcome Letter from the Team p.3-4About the Conference p.6

Conference Theme p.7Keynote Speakers p.8

Student Paper Sessions p.12Panel Discussions p.16

Contact Information p.18Conference Schedule p.19

Dear Conference Attendee

We are very excited to welcome you to the 2nd International PPE Conference. As a team we have thoroughly enjoyed spending the last year preparing for this event. The process started with selecting a theme as that would provide the context for discussing and debating relevant topics. Choosing a theme can be a lengthy process and we spent quite some time looking at various current issues. During our brainstorming process, we worked with a theme suggested to us by one of the participants of last year's conference. Knowlegde, Power and Wealth are all topics concerning the pervasive and significant societal characteristics that can be observed today – whether from a political, economic or philosophical point of view. Of particular interest and importance is the transformational nature of these to each other. This transformative aspect is ultimately representative of interdisciplinary learning.

A unique aspect of our conference is the student paper presentations. We seek to provide young researchers with a platform to share their work and discuss their projects with peers, receive feedback for work in progress, and build a wider community of interdisciplinary students across Germany, Europe and beyond.

Welcome Letter from the Team

Welcome Letter from the Team

Our keynote speakers Dr. Ioana Negru (SOAS), Prof. Dr. Matthew Watson (University of Warwick), Dr. Ismael Al-Amoudi (Cardiff Business School) and Dr.

Rasmus Johnsen (Copenhagen Business School) were carefully selected to give us all the necessary input to further our research and develop new questions. We are

honoured to welcome our speakers this year, who are each perfectly placed to address this topic, and offer a wealth of relevant information to take us further and

deeper into our understanding of these themes.

To add a third dimension to our weekend we will also be hosting two valuable panel discussions; one on Performativity and one on Russia and the EU. We look forward to having

Prof. Jens Harbecke (Witten/Herdecke University), Mr. Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen (Copenhagen Business School), Prof. Oleg Ananyin (Higher School of Economics Moscow), Mr.

Robert Bideleux (Swansea University) share their expertise and discuss these topics with us.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Witten and look forward to spending the next couple of days with you.

The International PPE Conference TeamBatya Blankers, Lea Diederichsen, Anselm Houswitschka,

Madleina Spatz, Katharina Luckner, Julian Kath, Olivia Davis

Anselm HouswitschkaContent

MadleinaSpatzMarketing and Website




BatyaBlankersProject Coordinator and Fundraising

JulianKathParticipant Support

PPE Conference Team 2017

About the International PPE Conference

The International PPE Conference is a student-led, interdisciplinary academic conference bringing together BA, MA and PhD students and scholars who are

conducting empirical and normative research. A key aspect of the conference are the workshops where students present papers they are working on, providing a

platform for open discussion and peer feedback. Non-presenters are also warmly invited to attend the conference. All participants will have the rare opportunity to

discuss their work with invited experts and likeminded fellow students.

Conference ThemeTransformation: Knowledge, Power, Wealth

‚Money makes the world go round.‘ ‚Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change.‘ ‚Covenants without the sword are but words.‘ ‚Man has almost constant occasion for the help of

his brethren…‘ We seem to know a lot about the prime movers of social change. Yet, our societies, for all

their progress and evolution, are recognised to be in a somewhat sorry state. When we consider the social, economic and political imbalances and disharmony

pervading our individual and collective experience, we are forced to question what is driving these disparities and sufferings.

For instance, well-coordinated data analysis shows us that economic inequality among the richer nations is a remarkably strong determinant of human relations in the way of mental wellbeing, social cohesion and environmental degradation. Often it is corporations – protected by state actors – that are to a large extent responsible for the underlying objectionable social and ecological conditions.

How do we navigate our way out of the existing power traps and economic divisions? For one, we have to address economic thought and the way it interprets and reproduces economic structures and processes. Are there alternatives which could enable us to get a fuller picture of human economic activity?

The answers we find on the theoretical level will in turn determine how and based on what reasons we shift the existing political, economic, legal and academic institutions. With a special focus on the transformative linkages between power, knowledge and wealth, both in terms of theory and practice, the conference participants will address these questions in search for new solutions to our most pressing economic and ecological challenges.

Conference Theme

Keynote Speakers

Ismael Al-Amoudi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Organisational Studies at Cardiff Business School.

His research focuses on how social norms are established or contested, with particular attention paid to the practices of corporations. Ismael has also been active with the Occupy movement,

which sought to limit the contemporary excesses of capitalism.

Friday 21st April | 17:00 | Audimax

Dr. Ismael Al-Amoudi

“When corporate violence becomes unpunishable in the world's largest democracy”

Ioana Negru is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies with a research focus on Economic Methodology, Institutional Economics, Austrian Economics and Heterodox Economics.

As a member of the Post-Keynesian Economics Study Group, a Committee Member of the Association for Heterodox Economics and a contributor to the Reteaching Economics movement she promotes pluralism in economics.

Keynote Speakers

Saturday 22nd April | 11:15 | Audimax

Dr. Ioana Negru

“On fragmentation, integration and pluralism in economics”

Keynote Speakers

Rasmus Johnsen is an Associate Professor within the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School.

His work investigates the present day pathologies related to work-lives e.g. stress, depression and boredom. His recent work explores how new markets within social media, cultural design

and wellness industries have evolved due to the experience of boredom.

His research extends further to the domain of philosophy and its relevance to medical disciplines.

Saturday 22nd April | 17:30 | Audimax

Dr. Rasmus Johnsen

“Fed up with nothing – waiting time, work and value in our age”

Matthew Watson studies that most ubiquitous of modern economic institutions, ‘the market’. He has research interests in the way in which the market concept has evolved in economic theory over the last three hundred years and the way in which market ideology shapes contemporary political reality through appeal to the supposed economic superiority of market institutions. The language of ‘the market’ operates across these very different realms, but it means different things in each.

He is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Warwick and a UK Economic and Social Research Council Professorial Fellow.

Keynote Speakers

Sunday 23rd April | 11:15 | Audimax

Prof. Dr. Matthew Watson

“Foundational Stories and Persistent Myths of Liberal Economic Theory”

Student Paper Sessions

On Saturday and Sunday we offer three paper sessions that combine paper presentations with group work to facilitate discussion between up to 30 people.

The paper presentation will be followed by Q&A. With the input, participants get

together in groups, discuss what they‘ve heard, gather their findings and adress still open questions

Structure of the Paper Sessions:

Two Presenters:

Presenter 1: 15 min + Q&A 15 minPresenter 2: 15 min + Q&A 15 minGroup Discussion: up to 30 min

Three Presenters:

Presenter 1: 15 min + Q&A 10 min Presenter 2: 15 min + Q&A 10 minPresenter 3: 15 min + Q&A 10 minGroup Discussion: 15 min

Student Paper SessionsSaturday 22nd of April | 13:45 - 15:15

SESSION 1A: Actors in power and corruption

„The Paradox of Megaprojects and its contradictions: an Analysis of the Impact of mining Multinationals in Moatize District“

Carlos Mairoce, Witten/Herdecke University

„Rentier States: How oil wealth transforms power structures in the Middle East and North Africa“

Tara Murphy, Swansea University

SESSION 1B: Neoliberalism and the state

„What are the global economic and governance implications of the economic resurgence of East Asia and India?“

Bethan Nankivell, Swansea University

„Why a Fully Neutral State Is Impossible“Nikolas Mattheis,

University of Bayreuth

Student Paper SessionsSunday 23rd of April | 9:30 - 11:00

SESSION 2A: Collective Action

„Determining Factors of International Students' Mobility to the OECD Countries“

Anna Boriskova, Mannheim University

„Collective Action without Coordination among Homo economicus with Extremely Limited Knowledge“

Hsiao-Pu Cheng, Universität Hamburg

SESSION 2B: Information Economics

„Information economics Transformative and Readily Available Knowledge“

Paulius Volikas, Copenhagen Business School

„The Transformative Power of Blockchain Technology“

Johannes Rude Jensen, Copenhagen Business School

Student Paper SessionsSunday 23rd of April | 13:30 - 15:00

SESSION 3A: Economic Theory - Knowledge and Power“The Evolution of Interregional Knowledge Networks in the US Industry: 1836-2010”

Milad Abbasiharofteh Academy for Spatial Research and Planning

Leibniz Forum for Spatial Sciences

„Knowledge-Power and Wealth in the Modern Democratic Society Reflections about the actuality of the Chomsky-Foucault debate“

Jan Eggers, Copenhagen Business School

„Microphysics of economic power – a postmodern contribution to the traditional problems of political economy“

Nicolas Dvoskin, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones

Laborales - CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Moreno

SESSION 3B: Russia

„Does the resurgence of a semi-authoritarian power structure within Russia provide a triumphal showcase for the claimed economic advantages of authoritarianism?“

Jack McWilliams, Swansea University

„Is it true to say that marketization 'succeeded', but democratisation has 'failed', in Russia? If so, why is the case?“

Benjamin Woodroof, Swansea University

Panel DiscussionsSaturday 22nd of April | 9:30 - 11:00

Panel discussion I: Performativity

What is performativity and how can it help explain business and political cycles? This question addresses the reflexive connection between ideas and institutions, i.e. the zeitgeist and real

variables like GDP and election results. For instance, if investors believe the economic outlook is dire, investment shrinks and so does growth - and vice versa. As for politics, if people believe

democracy is a talking shop and obstructs rather than helps voters, democratic institutions may come under pressure from paternalistic, autocratic parties. On the other hand, if there is a

widespread consensus that stable solutions can only come about in a necessarily 'messy' process of democratic negotiations, the electorate is more likely reject extreme political parties and retain a

division of powers.

Participants: Thomas Presskorn-Thygesen is a PhD fellow at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School. Primary research areas include the concept of normativity in

social science, the scientific status of economics, modern French and German sociology. His current research project charts the complex set of relations between normativity, language and leadership within modern firms. The theoretical frame for this investigation is modern French and German social theory (e.g. Boltanski,

Bourdieu, Foucault, Honneth). Jens Harbecke is a professor for theoretical philosophy and philosophy of the social sciences at the

Department of Management and Economics at Witten/Herdecke. His research focuses on constitutive explanations in economics and the neurosciences and questions about

causality in the metaphysics of mind.Moderator: Maria Middelboe Andersen (group coordinator, Department of

Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School)

Panel DiscussionsSaturday 22nd of April | 15:45 - 17:15

Panel discussion II: Russia and the EU

To what extent (if any) can EU-Russia relations be mended in the current international climate?

Participants: Oleg Ananyin is a professor of economics at the Higher School of Economics Moscow. His research interests include economic methodology, the history of economic thought, Soviet economic thought and Institutional Economics. He is also the academic supervisor of HSE's Philosophy, Politics and Economics programme.

Robert Bideleux is a reader in Political and Cultural Studies at Swansea University. Rob has long specialised in studies of Communism, democratisation and macro-political change. Recently he has been working mainly on post-Communist democratization, cultural and identity politics, conceptions of Europe, xenophobia, genocide and migration. He currently coordinates an MA programme in Global Politics and Intercultural Studies and has developed a new PPE BA degree programme.

Moderator: Lea Diederichsen (PhD candidate, Department of Management and Economics, Witten/Herdecke University)

Important Contact Information

Important Contact Information

Participant Support – Julian Kath+49 157 87 84 19 [email protected]

Presenter Contact – Olivia Davis+49 157 32 72 20 [email protected]

General – Batya Blankers+49 176 41 96 56 [email protected]

[email protected]

Website: https://www.ppe-conference.org/home/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Internationalppeconference/

Witten/Herdecke UniversityAlfred-Herrhausen-Str 50, 58488 Witten+49 2302 9260https://goo.gl/maps/vtZeSZerPru

Conference Schedule

09:00 Breakfast 09:00 Breakfast

09:30 Panel Discussion I: Performativity

09:30 Paper Session 2A: Collective Action Paper Session 2B: Information


11:00 Coffee and Tea 11:00 Coffee and Tea

11:15 Keynote Speech Dr. Ioana Negru

11:15 Keynote Speech Prof. Dr. Matthew Watson

12:45 Lunch 12:45 Lunch

13:45 Paper Session 1A: Actors in Power and Corruption

Paper Session 1B: Neoliberalism and the State

13:30 Paper Session 3A: Economic Theory - Knowledge and Power

Paper Session 3B: Russia

16:00 Registration 15:15 Coffee and Tea 15:00 Speakers Corner

16:30 Welcome - Opening Ceremony 15:45 Panel Discussion II: Russia and the EU 15:30 Closing Session

17:00 Keynote Speech Dr. Ismael Al-Amoudi

17:15 Break 16:00 Cake, Coffee and Tea

18:30 Dinner 17:30 Keynote Speech Dr. Rasmus Johnsen

20:00 Drinks at raum[...] 19:00 Conference Dinner followed by Party at Unikat

Friday, 21st of April

Saturday, 22nd of April Sunday, 23rd of April