2n204 Zhirong


Transcript of 2n204 Zhirong

Page 4: 2n204 Zhirong

Effects & causes of Effects & causes of environmental pollutionenvironmental pollution

Environment pollution

Air pollution Soil pollution Water pollution

• It can also lead to global warming, green house effect, and etc, it is mainly cause by humans .the earth ozone layer is getting thinner & if this carry on, it will be the end of the world……..

Page 6: 2n204 Zhirong

If you want to throw anything, think If you want to throw anything, think again, your actions may harm the again, your actions may harm the


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WaWant to see the bright world? act nt to see the bright world? act now!now!

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referencesreferences• http://www.artima.com.tr/images/aboutus_3.jpg• http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_pages/0143-0511-1802-0003.html• http://www.geology.ucdavis.edu/research/neat_pics.jpg• http://www.sungaijuru.com/news/data/upimages/

P8310250.jpghttp://images. Google .com .sg /imgres?

imgurl=http://lh3.google.com/_1vjcKxI5t3s/Rlr-51IhZXI/AAAAAAAAAGc/jfXQ3TgoaB8/s800/n315342_31401737_1188.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picasa web. google. com/l h/ photo /ijVcIoeEF_ MaOR vcWp PJAA&h=453&w=604&sz=30&hl=en& start=4&um=1&tbnid=0R3IvkGKH-9G1M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpollution%2Beffects%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

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If everybody plays a part, If everybody plays a part, anything is possibleanything is possible

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• Pollution can also cause human health to be harm, sulphur oxide will produced and contaminate water and animals will be affected. humans can’t live without water, animals ,etc