2House of Flameballah Wedo: spells and ebbos part 2.pdf

House of Flameballah Wedo SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2011 spells and ebbos part 2 Spell with Oshun For a woman Your make up powder and cinnamon powder. That’s all you need ladies. Get your powder make up and add some cinnamon powder to it. Put your make up normally in a mirror speaking to Oshun telling her that everyone who looks at you will fall for your sweet smelling scent. Go our and enjoy yourself with that one. To open your roads with Elegua A coconut Aguardiente Cigar Corojo Get the coconut and put corojo over it. Place the coconut next to Elegua and spray aguadiente over Elegua and the coconut. Blow cigar smoke over the coconut alongside with Elegua. Grab a maraca and speak to Elegua and ask him to open your roads that are good for you. Ask for prosperity and good health. Grab the coconut and pass it all over your body. Then take coconut to a bushy area by a tree and leave it there with 3 pennies. Join this site with Google Friend Connect Members (13) Already a member? Sign in FOLLOWERS 2011 (120) August (39) June (19) April (15) March (11) February (36) pomba Gira eshu spells part 5 apells and ebbis part 4 spells and ebbos part 3 BLOG ARCHIVE Share Report Abuse Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In House of Flameballah Wedo: spells and ebbos part 2 http://houseofflameballahwedo.blogspot.com/2011/02/spells-an... 1 of 3 12/25/11 8:27 AM

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House of Flameballah Wedo


spells and ebbos part 2

Spell with OshunFor a woman

Your make up powder and cinnamon powder. That’s all you need ladies. Getyour powder make up and add some cinnamon powder to it. Put your make upnormally in a mirror speaking to Oshun telling her that everyone who looks atyou will fall for your sweet smelling scent. Go our and enjoy yourself with thatone.

To open your roads with Elegua

A coconutAguardienteCigarCorojo

Get the coconut and put corojo over it. Place the coconut next to Elegua andspray aguadiente over Elegua and the coconut. Blow cigar smoke over thecoconut alongside with Elegua. Grab a maraca and speak to Elegua and askhim to open your roads that are good for you. Ask for prosperity and goodhealth. Grab the coconut and pass it all over your body. Then take coconut to abushy area by a tree and leave it there with 3 pennies.

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Another road opener with Elegua

3 jio jio (small baby chicks)CandyRoasted cornSmoked fishSmoke possumCorojoAguardiente

Sacrifice the 3 chicks to Elegua. Get 3 brown paper bags and fill them with theroasted corn, smoked fish, smoked possum, corojo and the candies. Place thebody of the 3 chicks in each bag. Close the bag up and place it next to Elegua.Spray him with aguardiente and cigar. Let it sit for a couple of hours with acandle burning next to him. Go to a 4 corner intersection nearest to your house.Throw one papar bag on each corner leaving one corner open so Elegua canbring you what you are needing for.

A prosperity bath for Elegua

7 herbs of EleguaHoly waterAguardiente

Get the herbs of Elegua and place them in a bucket. Add the holy water and theaguardiente to the mixture. Sweep your house from the back to the front,collecting all and any energy that is not positive. After you collected it, placeElegua on top of it and light him a white candle. Then mop your house with themixture from the front of your door to the back. As you mop your house, youspeak to Elegua to open your roads.

A powder for Ochosi for something honest that you want.

2 pigeonsVencedor stickAnisetteCornmealRoasted cornPurple grapes

Make a sacrifice to Ochosi with the 2 pigeons. Spray him with the anisette andcigar. After he has consumed the pigeons, you take the heads, the heart andthe feathers from the wings and you toasted them either in an oven or a grill.After those items are well toasted, place them in a mortar and add thecornmeal, 7 grains of roasted corn, smoked fish and possum and the seeds of 7purple grapes. Grater some of the vencedor stick and with the shavings add thatas well to the mortar. Proceed to smash and blend all of these ingredientstogether. Once they are well blended together, place the powder in a brownpaper bag and place it to Ochosi. Speak to him and tell him that this powder isfor a specific desire, whether to ward off your dwelling of evil, bring justice toyou from a wrong doer or to help you hunt for something. With that powder youtake a pinch of it and blow it outside of your house for what you petitioned for.

Adimu for Ochosi

spells and ebbos part 2

spells and ebbos part 1

spells and ebbos


Nana Buruku





obba nani oba











Orisha Oko









papa legba

papa legba

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House of Flameballah Wedo

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Posted by House of Flameballah Wedo at 11:33 AM

YamCorojoHoneyAnisetteStar anisette

Peel the entire yam and cut it into pieces. Put a pot of water to boil. Once thewater is boiling, place the yam inside and boil until it is tender. Once it is, takeoff stove and drain. Start to mash the yam as if it was mashed potatoes. Add thecorojo, honey and some anisette liquor to it. Mix all together and make 7 balls ofit. Grab Ochosi or if you don’t have a bow and arrow and place the balls on topof the arrow of Ochosi. Throw additional honey on top of the balls and the arrowand place 7 star anisette on top of it. Light a blue candle and speak to Ochosi.

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House of Flameballah Wedo: spells and ebbos part 2 http://houseofflameballahwedo.blogspot.com/2011/02/spells-an...

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