2do Seminario Theoretical Background

Quantum Frequency Conversion Oscar Adrián Jiménez Gordillo 28/01/2015 1


nonlinear optics

Transcript of 2do Seminario Theoretical Background

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Quantum Frequency Conversion

Oscar Adrián Jiménez Gordillo


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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• In order to describe precisely what and optical nonlinearity means let us first consider how the dipole moment per unit volume, or polarization P, of a material depends on the strength of an applied optical field E(t).

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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• Nonlinear Polarization– When an external electric field E is applied to a

dielectric medium a polarization P is induced.

– Where ε0 is the permittivity of free space and the are tensors of rank n + 1 which are called the n-th order susceptibilities.



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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• We now write E as an expansion of plane waves with angular frequencies ωn.

• Defining and extending the range of the indices to with the convention of we have

...3,2,1 n




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• When we insert (3) in (1), the first two polarization terms read:

• When electric fields and/or higher-order susceptibilities become large, the nonlinear terms Pi

(NL) = Pi(2) + Pi

(3) + ... come into play. Then, nonlinear optical effects can be observed.

• In this work, we will particularly investigate second-order nonlinear effects.

Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics



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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• Working out the sum in (5) for the simple case of two frequencies ω1 and ω2 produces terms proportional to:– second harmonic generation of ω1 (SHG)

– second harmonic generation of ω2 (SHG)

– sum frequency generation (SFG)

– difference frequency generation (DFG)

– optical rectification (OR)

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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics• In the previous slide we can see that there are 4 non zero

frequency components in the nonlinear polarization. • However, typically no more than one of these frequency

components will be present with any appreciable intensity in the radiation generated by the nonlinear optical interaction.

• The reason for this behavior is that the nonlinear polarization can efficiently produce an output signal only if a certain phase-matching condition is satisfied, and usually this condition cannot be satisfied for more than one frequency component of the nonlinear polarization.

• Operationally, one often chooses which frequency component will be radiated by properly selecting the polarization of the input radiation and the orientation of the nonlinear crystal.

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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• For simplicity, we now assume that the χijk are frequency independent.

• Instead of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility (χ(2)

ijk), it is common to use the nonlinear coefficient d ≡ dijk given by the relation dijk = χ(2)

ijk / 2.• Using the Kleinman’s symmetry


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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• And also using this table for contracting the d tensor we can write it in a 3x6 matrix with 10 independent elements.

• Now, the three components of the second-order nonlinear polarization in (5) are then obtained by the multiplication of a 3x6 matrix with a 6-component column vector.

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Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

• For instance, when we write the polarization in the same way as the electric field in (3)

the frequency component of the nonlinear polarization at ω3 = ω1 + ω2 is given by



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Coupled Mode Equations

• Starting with the inhomogeneous wave equation for a nonlinear, lossless, isotropic and nonmagnetic dieletric.

• For simplicity, we make an ansatz of three scalar electric fields Em (m = 1, 2, 3)



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Coupled Mode Equations

• The fields in Eq. (10) are oscillating at angular frequencies ω1, ω2 and ω3 = ω1 + ω2 and propagate along the z axis.

• Refractive indices of the medium:• Dispersion relation: • The intensity is given by: (11)

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Coupled Mode Equations

• Inserting (10) in (9) we obtain the coupled mode equations:

• Which govern the evolution of the amplitudes Am(z) along the propagation direction.




Are the coupling constants.

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Coupled Mode Equations

• The parameter is the wave vector mismatch.

• For our needs it is sufficient to assume that the km are collinear and thus Δk’ is always a scalar.

• The coupled differential equations (12), (13) and (14) are central to all second-order nonlinear interactions. Depending on the actual value of Δk’(k1, k2, k3) the processes that can take place are either SHG, SFG, DFG, or OR.

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• The wave vector mismatch Δk’ is a crucial parameter for the efficiency of nonlinear processes, as the following example for SFG shows.

• For this example we assume that two frequencies ω1 and ω2 are incident in a nonlinear medium and interact to create a third frequency ω3 = ω1 + ω2 via SFG.

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Sum Frequency Generation

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• The amplitude of the sum-frequency (ω3) field at the exit plane of the nonlinear medium is given in this case by integrating Eq. (14) from z = 0 to z = L, yielding

• The intensity of the ω3 wave is given by the magnitude of the time-averaged Poynting vector, which for our definition of field amplitude is given by



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• We thus obtain

• The squared modulus that appears in this equation can be expressed as



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• Finally, our expression for I3 can be written in terms of the intensities of the incident fields by using Eq. (16) to express |Ai|2 in terms of the intensities, yielding the result

• Note that the effect of wave vector mismatch is included entirely in the factor sinc2(ΔkL/2). This factor, which is known as the phase mismatch factor, is plotted in the next slide.



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• The sinc2 function is characteristic for second-order nonlinear interactions. It attains its global maximum when the argument vanishes. Therefore, Δk’ = 0 is required to maximize the generated intensity I3(L). This equation is known as the phasematching condition.

• Since the linear momentum for photons is given by p = ħk, Δk’ = 0 represents the conservation of momentum in the photon picture.

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• Also energy conservation must be fullfilled in nonlinear optical processes which is expressed by the relation ω3 = ω1 + ω2.

• In practice it is not trivial to satisfy this to conditions because of material dispersion. With the vacuum wavelength the phasematching condition reads



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• Note that n3, n2, and n1 usually also depend on the temperature of the nonlinear material.

• Inspection of (20) and (21) reveals that, in general, conservation of energy and momentum are not satisfied simultaneously and no efficient frequency conversion takes place. Inserting (20) in (21) yields
