2.Chinese Civilization


Transcript of 2.Chinese Civilization

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One of the oldest civilizations in the world.  The China race is the combination of 5 large people that are

called Zhonghua Minzu. They are the !an "red#$ the Manchus "yellow#$ the Mongols "blue#$ the Muslims% &nown at the timeas the '!ui' "white# i.e Muslim Tur&ic peoples in (estern

China$ and the Tibetans "blac&#. )arly period% the Chinese race was &nown as !ua*ia race i.e a

group "or confederation of tribes# of ancient people livingalong the +ellow ,iver who formed the nucleus of what laterbecame the !an ethnic group in China of the !an dynasty

"--/-01 2C)# and% later on% the Tang dynasty "34601#. 7n other words% the 8arge ethnic groups that ma&e up

Chinese were / !an% !ui% Manchu% Mongol and Zang "Tibet#.

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 The 9ational concept in Chinese civilizationis Zhong :uo "Tiong&o&# meaning Middle &ingdom;Country

 The concept of Zhong !ua "Tionghua# isa combination of the terms Zhong :uoand !ua <ia. 7t refers to the colonialterritories under the Chinese dynasty called!an "!an race# which practice theZhong +en culture.

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=Country= refers to the spirit of =integration=among the whole unit of a nation which is acombination of :uo "the nation# and >ia "?amily#.

Concept Zhong "faithful# wasfundamental in nationhood.

Concept <iao "devotion# is emphasized in familysystem.

 This family system leads to nationhood and inChinese culture nationhood spirit is given morepriority than country spirit.

 This dynastic nationhoodsystem however collapse with the ,evolution of6 and it was replaced with a ,epublic.

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9orthern Chinese civilization growth centreis in @ungai !uang !e "@g Auning# i.e +ellow,iver @outhern Chinese civilization growthcentre is in Chang >iang.

)arliest civilization artifacts are found in$o The Culture of +angshao society in

@han*i provinceo The Culture of 8ongshan which is centred

at @handong provinceo 2ronze civilization which is located in >iang*i province.

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@ungai &uning;!uang ho

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China society system is based on a system ofpedigree and emphasizes value and ethics The family system is patriarchy and men

fol& lineage "patrilineal#which emphasize the father heir.

7n Chinese political values% the &ing hasabsolute power

@ociety hierarchy are made up of the noble andthe downtrodden.

 The system @B9:AB9: stresses tiers Aing withnoblemen% ; father with child ;husband with wife.

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(u Chang consist of ?ive principles which areemphasised in chinese society and they include$

,en "humanity# +i "eDuity ; Eustice#8i "code of ethics ; politeness#Zhi "wisdom#

<in "trust ; belief# Careful cultivation of the wuchang is necessary

both for the healthy functioning of society and forthe healthy functioning of the individual.

Zhong ?a system stress pedigree heritage ofancestors in relationships among humans

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Bncient Chinese society is an agricultural society. Their culture is based

on Confucianism that thic&en until itbecomes inFuential in all aspect of their

life% ethic% culture% political% society and countrysystem.

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@po&en language of Chinesepeople varied based on race.

7n the period of !an Gynasty spo&enlanguage and writing were

standardized and &nown as !anyu"language# and !anzi "writing# respectively.

Mandarin was term that was used

by foreign authority to Chinese language. 9ow Chinese language spelling use Hin +ing system based on ,oman spelling.

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Chinese writing system is formedbased on the combination of

primary elementnamely meaning% sound and form.

Blthough there are manydialect speech% China only havea single writing system.

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 The Concept of Tian

7n the period of Zhou Gynasty% thisconcept refers to I maEor ideologies

. Tian as the source of all creatures in theworld

-. Tian as the greatest divine that is aboveeverything

. Tian as decider of the ?ate of a dynasty

I. Tian as decider of human!appiness and misery

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 The Concept of Gao

 This concept refers to Gaode >ingwhich refers to I things

.,oad "the way#

-.9atural concept.:reat principle which is absolute% the

origin of everything;creature "wanwu#

I.Gao is primordial from whichall creatures originated and will be returnbac& to at the end of their life.

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Bccording to +iEing boo& "the 2oo&s ofChanges# TaiEi concept refers to the

essence of substance which is absolute

 +in +ang theory is continuouscontradiction and conFict between

two aspects namely positive andnegative with 5 strands "wu*ing# namelymetal% wood% water% Jre and land.

Zhongyong Hrinciple Moderation is virtue

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Confuciusnism?ounded by Confucius "55I16# include philosophicalaspect% education and political

science which include in 8un +u boo& "Bnalects# The doctrine of Confucianism was ren"humanity#% 8i "morality#% *iao "Jlial piety#%

 Eunzi "pious;magnanimous#. - Chinese 2uddhism

widely spread in China in the Jrst century7t was modify to suit Chinese nature

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Gaoism?ounded by - great thin&ers namely 8aozi

and Zhuangzi%Givided into - branches namelydao philosophical thought "daoEia# andreligious school "daoEiao#

Moism The founder is Mo Zi ?ounder "I164M# The important concepts are

 Eian=ai "global love#

?eigong "condemning Jght#?eiming "not depending on destiny#@hang*ian "intellectuals#

  Moism is contrary to Confucianism in

this last concept.

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I ?a school of Thought "legalism#?ounder was !an ?eizi aChinese philosopher in Kin Gynasty?a "law#

@hi "authority#@hu "principle#

 This school of thought insist on socio

political thought and the power ofgovernment over the people.

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5 7slam7slam entered China through land and seaas early as 1th  century.Brab and Hersian Muslim traders who doc&ed

at southern China have built mosDue in:uangzhou and Kuanzhou.

 Traders who came by land;sil& routethrough Hersia and Bfghanistan formeda Chinese Muslim society in <ian.

 The golden era of 7slam in China occurred in thetime of +uan Gynasty "-134m#Bt this time there were many prominent MuslimJgures who contributed greatly in the Jeld ofastronomy% calendar% medicine% science andtechnology.7n the time of Ming dynasty there was aChinese Muslim sailor% Zheng !e% whosucceeded in going round the world includingMalay land.

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 There are three theories put forward by researchers. Bccording to historical records of the Tang dynasty% 7slam was

brought by the missionaries% led by @aad bin Bbi (aDas during thereign of )mperor +ung(ei in the 1th Century. The number ofmissionaries is a total of 5. Hroof of acceptance and establishmentof a government in China is the oldest mosDue in China% !uai@heng

MosDue% in Ch=angan.-. 9e*t there is the view that it was brought by Bbu !amza bin

!amzah at the time of Thai @ung "3-1355M#. !e% along with almost000 people% migrated to China and settled in @an :an ?oo.

. 7n addition% the local historian of China% 7brahim T.+.M. holds theopinion that 7slam was brought by @aad bin 8ubayd. @aad emigrated

to Bbyssinia in the time of Muhammad% from Bbyssinia he sailed toChina and eventually arrived in Canton in southern China in30M. !e built a mosDue &nown as Awang Tah @e MosDue.

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 There are three stages in the development of 7slam in China% the beginningstage% the middle and progressive stage and the dar& stage. 7slam beganto be accepted in the Tang dynasty in "34601M# bc its ethics is close tothe old teachings of Confucianism that have been deeply ingrained in thesoul of the society. 7n addition to the community% the government alsoreceived and provide opportunity for 7slamic preachers to preach. 9e*t% atthe time of @ang dynasty "630-16M#% Muslims began to be entrusted

with several positions. Bmong them are the Girector of Horts and@hipping. Trading activities in the ports grew rapidly. 2esides the fact thatthere is moral good in 7slam and good relationship btw Muslims and the pplthere was no preEudice against 7slam L Muslims.

 The golden age of 7slam in China occurred in the era of the Ming dynasty

"343II#. Guring the reign of )mperor Cu +aung Cang% Muslims werenot allowed to come and reside in China. This prohibition caused theMuslims to ta&e action by marrying the !an Chinese women as a way toget citizenship of China. The eect of this form of marriage is theproduction of a new culture by the integration of 7slamic culture with theculture of the !an Chinese.

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Muslims were assimilated into the Chinese society through. 7ntegration in terms of food L clothes

-. @etting name names that start with the letter =M= li&eMohammed% Mustafa will put the word =Ma=.

. The names of the Muslims also started with !a for !asan%

!u for !ussein and @ai for @aid.

I. Muslims are also involved in the political% administrative%arts and culture. ?or e*ample% a Muslim militarycommander named Muhammad Cheng !o or !o Ma wassent to establish diplomatic relations with countries in

@outheast Bsia% 7ndia and Brabia.5. 7n addition% a ruler of China @u Ming Tsai implemented

alcohol prohibition.

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:enerally spea&ing Chinese politicalsystem and government isbase on feudalistic dynasty.Chinese political thought is much inFuence

by Confucius philosophy. B dynasty will hold on to dierent

philosophical teachings at a time$Confucianism "stresses on moralgovernment#Moism "based on welfare#?a "based on legislation#Gaoism "based on nature Nwiwei #