26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE 1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email ... · 02.06.2019 · Святе...

June 02, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1 VOL. 56 / NO. 18 FATHERS OF THE FIRST COUNCIL TONE 6 JUNE 02, 2019 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email: [email protected] • www.stjoschurch.com Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • Email: [email protected] • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected] Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday Friday 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 1:00 p.m.) Sundays 9:30 a.m.12:00 p.m. Regular Schedule of Divine Liturgies Sunday: 8:30, 10:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 12:00 noon (English) Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.) Confessions - During Liturgies To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings - make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead. Sunday of the Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council-Nicaea 325 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him all things came to be, and without him nothing came to be…And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us, and we saw his glory…” (Jn 1; 1, 314) “Who do you say that I am? You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Mt 16; 15, 17) “For in him all were created all things in heaven and on earth, everything visible and invisible…all things were created through him and for him. Before anything was created, he existed, and he holds all things in unity.” (Col 1; 16-17) In 325, the Roman Emperor St. Constantine the Great ordered the Church’s bishop to convey in Nicaea with the purpose of defining the divinity of Christ and establish the official definition of the Trinity; Father-Son-Holy Spirit, under One Godhead, in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons. Throughout the Empire there were arguments and debates over the question “Who is Christ?” Is He more divine than human, or more human than divine? Was He created/made or begotten? Being the Son of God, is He co-equal, co-eternal with God the Father, or less and lower in status than the Father? Is the Father the One and only true God, or are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the One true God? “True God of True God”, “One Being, Three Persons”, a tri-unity called Trinity? Once the Council went under way, Constantine demanded that the 300 bishops make a decision of voting on who Christ really is and create a creed, a doctrine that all of Christianity would follow and obey, a doctrine called ‘The Nicene Creed’, upheld by the Church and enforced by the Emperor. The bishops voted to make the full deity of Christ the accepted position for the Church. The Council of Nicaea voted to make the Trinity the official doctrine of the Church. There are many Christians who depend on personal/private interpretation of Scripture as the basis of their faith who say that the Church’s dogmas are man-made, and not all are to be accepted and observed. The Council of Nicaea did not ‘invent’ the doctrines of the Trinity and divinity of Christ, but recognized what the Bible taught, and systematized the doctrines. Неділя Cвятих Отців (Ів. 17, 1-13) "А вічне життя у тому, щоб вони спізнали тебе, єдиного істинного Бога, і тобою посланого Ісуса Христа" (Ів. 17, 3). Такі слова молитви чули, дорогі у Христі, сьогодні у Святому Євангелії в неділю святих Отців. Цими словами ми заявляємо, що Ісус Христос — правдивий Бог. Цими словами ми за прикладом Ісуса Христа молимося, просимо для нашої Церкви в Україні та на поселенязх святих, мужніх, ревних священиків. 325 р. зібралися на Перший Вселенський Собор у Нікеї 318 єпископів, отців святої Католицької Церкви й урочисто там проголосили, що Христос-Спаситель — був Богочоловіком. Вони уклали на тому Соборі частину "Символу віри" (Credo), який щоденно відмовляємо і визнаємо віру: "І в єдиного Господа Ісуса Христа, Сина Божого." Арія єретика, відступника на цьому Соборі прокляли й виключили зі святої Церкви, а св. о. Миколай, Архиєпископ Мир Лікійський, якого так любить наш український народ за його опіку над ним, і який був на тому ж Соборі, фізично покарав Арія. А Господь Бог покарав грішного Арія остаточно: ще при житті його нутро сточили черви, й він у муках сконав. "Страшно впасти у руки Бога живого" — говорить Святе Письмо. А сьогодні у Неділю святих Отців Нікейського Собору благаємо нашого Ісуса Христа, правдивого Бога, гідних священиків для нашого народу, які ревно будуть служити святій Церкві Ісуса, виконуючи Його заповіді та зберігаючи Його науку: "Ідіть і навчайте всі народи, хрестячи їх в ім’я Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа." "І це я з вами до кінця світу!" "Я переміг світ! — Хто витримає до кінця, буде спасенний!" Тому радій, мамо, батьку, коли у твоїй родині Бог кличе до священства чи у монастир твою дитину!

Transcript of 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE 1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email ... · 02.06.2019 · Святе...

Page 1: 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE 1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email ... · 02.06.2019 · Святе Письмо. А сьогодні у Неділю святих Отців Нікейського

June 02, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1



Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email: [email protected] • www.stjoschurch.com

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • Email: [email protected] • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: [email protected]

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.) Sundays 9:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.

Regular Schedule of Divine Liturgies Sunday: 8:30, 10:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 12:00 noon (English)

Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English) Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.) Confessions - During Liturgies

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first. For Weddings - make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Sunday of the Fathers of

the 1st Ecumenical Council-Nicaea 325

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God. Through him all things came

to be, and without him nothing came to be…And the Word

became flesh and dwelled among us, and we saw his

glory…” (Jn 1; 1, 314) “Who do you say that I am? You are the

Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Mt 16; 15, 17) “For in him

all were created all things in heaven and on earth, everything

visible and invisible…all things were created through him

and for him. Before anything was created, he existed, and he

holds all things in unity.” (Col 1; 16-17)

In 325, the Roman Emperor St. Constantine the Great

ordered the Church’s bishop to convey in Nicaea with the

purpose of defining the divinity of Christ and establish the

official definition of the Trinity; Father-Son-Holy Spirit, under

One Godhead, in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons.

Throughout the Empire there were arguments and debates over

the question “Who is Christ?” Is He more divine than human,

or more human than divine? Was He created/made or

begotten? Being the Son of God, is He co-equal, co-eternal

with God the Father, or less and lower in status than the

Father? Is the Father the One and only true God, or are the

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the One true God? “True God of

True God”, “One Being, Three Persons”, a tri-unity called


Once the Council went under way, Constantine demanded

that the 300 bishops make a decision of voting on who Christ

really is and create a creed, a doctrine that all of Christianity

would follow and obey, a doctrine called ‘The Nicene Creed’,

upheld by the Church and enforced by the Emperor. The

bishops voted to make the full deity of Christ the accepted

position for the Church. The Council of Nicaea voted to make

the Trinity the official doctrine of the Church. There are many

Christians who depend on personal/private interpretation of

Scripture as the basis of their faith who say that the Church’s

dogmas are man-made, and not all are to be accepted and

observed. The Council of Nicaea did not ‘invent’ the doctrines

of the Trinity and divinity of Christ, but recognized what the

Bible taught, and systematized the doctrines.

Неділя Cвятих Отців (Ів. 17, 1-13)

"А вічне життя у тому, щоб вони спізнали тебе,

єдиного істинного Бога, і тобою посланого Ісуса

Христа" (Ів. 17, 3).

Такі слова молитви чули, дорогі у Христі, сьогодні

у Святому Євангелії в неділю святих Отців. Цими словами

ми заявляємо, що Ісус Христос — правдивий Бог.

Цими словами ми за прикладом Ісуса Христа

молимося, просимо для нашої Церкви в Україні та на

поселенязх святих, мужніх, ревних священиків.

325 р. зібралися на Перший Вселенський Собор у Нікеї

318 єпископів, отців святої Католицької Церкви й

урочисто там проголосили, що Христос-Спаситель — був


Вони уклали на тому Соборі частину "Символу

віри" (Credo), який щоденно відмовляємо і визнаємо

віру: "І в єдиного Господа Ісуса Христа, Сина Божого."

Арія — єретика, відступника на цьому Соборі

прокляли й виключили зі святої Церкви, а св. о. Миколай,

Архиєпископ Мир Лікійський, якого так любить наш

український народ за його опіку над ним, і який був на

тому ж Соборі, фізично покарав Арія.

А Господь Бог покарав грішного Арія остаточно: ще

при житті його нутро сточили черви, й він у муках сконав.

"Страшно впасти у руки Бога живого" — говорить

Святе Письмо.

А сьогодні у Неділю святих Отців Нікейського Собору

благаємо нашого Ісуса Христа, правдивого Бога, гідних

священиків для нашого народу, які ревно будуть служити

святій Церкві Ісуса, виконуючи Його заповіді та

зберігаючи Його науку: "Ідіть і навчайте всі народи,

хрестячи їх в ім’я Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа." "І це

я з вами до кінця світу!" "Я переміг світ! — Хто витримає

до кінця, буде спасенний!"

Тому радій, мамо, батьку, коли у твоїй родині Бог

кличе до священства чи у монастир твою дитину!

Page 2: 26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE 1740 • Cell: 586-565-2600 Email ... · 02.06.2019 · Святе Письмо. А сьогодні у Неділю святих Отців Нікейського

June 02, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2

LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK Fathers of the First Council Sunday, June 02, 2019 Acts. 20: 16-18, 28-36; Jn. 17: 1-13 (Pr.Bk. pg. 224, 350)(Mol. st. 218, 343)

8:30 #965 Private Intention — B. Bork 10:00 — For The Parish — Ridna Schkola Graduates 12:00 #920 ++ Johanes & Regina Bebko — Sowirka Family

Monday, June 03, 2019 (Mrt. Lucillian) Acts. 21: 8-14; Jn. 14: 27-15:7

7:00 #435 Health & God's Blessings for Fr. Bogdan Rybchuk Prayer Families: I. Kurta / D. Zurkiwskyj

Tuesday, June 04, 2019 (Bish. Metrophanes) Acts. 21: 26-32; Jn. 16: 2-13

7:00 #454 ++ Michael & Irene Iwanyckyj — M.K. Iwanyckyj Prayer Families: S. Kushnir / S/ Zavinsky

Wednesday, June 05, 2019 (BMrt. Dorotheus) Acts. 23: 1-11; Jn. 16: 15-23

7:00 #649 ++ Maksym, Mychajlo. Bohdan, Wolodymyr

& Mychajlo — O. Ohar

Prayer Families: J. Kusznir / D. Zavinsky

Thursday, June 06, 2019 (Ven. Bessarion) Acts. 25: 13-19; Jn. 16: 23-33

7:00 #2594 + Anna Dudar — M. Dulpra Prayer Families: W. Kusznir / J. Zaryckyj

First Friday, June 07, 2019 Confessions

(PMrt. Theodotus)

Acts. 27: 1-44; Jn. 17: 18-26

7:00 #948 + Florence Pakizer — H. Rubacha **Moleben / Moleben/

*5:00-7:00pm Silent Adoration of the Holy Eucharist

*7:00pm Liturgy / Mother’s Prayers / Healing Service Prayer Families: L. Kytasty / M. Zarycky

First Saturday, June 08, 2019 Confessions (Relics of Theodore)

Acts. 28: 1-31; Jn. 21: 15-25

*8:30am — Rosary 9:00 #978 + Jaroslawa Kossak — Kossak Family — 1 Year (06/09/2018) Memorial Mass w/panakhyda 4:00pm #441 + Kathleen Schatz — Family Prayer Families: O. Lawrin / M. Zarewych

Sunday, June 09, 2019 Acts. 2: 1-11; Jn. 7: 37-52, 8:12 (Pr.Bk. pg. 225, 355)(Mol. st. 219, 347)

8:30 #965 Health & God's Blessings for

Christine & Ihor Diachenko — Family 10:00 — For The Parish 12:00 #920 + Peter Bryk — M. & V. Jovanovic

Altar Cleaning — Maria Tytusa and Maria Weliczko


Avery Holowchak daughter of David Holowchak and Stephanie Kwapisz was baptized in our church on Saturday, May 25, 2019.

Adeline Holowchak daughter of Andrew Holowchak and Andrea Masser was baptized in our church on Saturday, May 25, 2019.

God Bless Them and Mnohaya Lita!

+ May They Rest in Peace +

Maria Turyansky passed away on May 16, 2019 at the

age of 90 and was buried from St. Josaphat on

May 22, 2019.

Mykola Mychalczak passed away on May 18, 2019 at

the age of 98 and was buried from St. John the Baptist

Church on May 24, 2019 at St. John the Baptist Cemetery

in Syracuse, New York.

Please Remember Them In Your Prayers


We will have a Moleben service to the Sacred Heart in June on

Fridays after the 8:30am liturgy.


Matymemo Moleben/ do Serc] Xrystovoho kowno\

p']tnyci v ;ervni pisl] liturhi\ rano.


Starting on Father's Day - June 16th, for nine (9) consecutive

days for Living and Deceased Fathers (after 8:30am liturgy).

There are special envelopes to list the names.

Dev’]tnyc] za wyvyx ta pokijnyx bat/kiv po;ynatymemo

16-ho ;ervn]. Imena wyvyx ta pokijnyx bat/kiv budut/

vid;ytani v ;asi Molebn] pisl] Sl. Bowo\ 8:30 rano.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit O Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,

Who are everywhere present and fill all things. Treasury of Blessings and Bestower of Life, come, and dwell within us; cleanse us of all

that defied us, and, O Good One, save our souls.

Molytva do sv. Duxa Car[ nebesnyj, uti'ytel[, Du'e istyny,

qo vs[dy =sy i vse napovna=', skarbe dibr i wytt]

podatel[ pryjdy i vselys] v nas, i o;ysty nas vid us]ko\

skverny, i snasy, Blahyj, du'i na'i.

Sunday Summer Liturgy Schedule

June 16th thru Sept 1st 9:00am (Ukr.) & 11:00am (Eng.)

Rozklad Liturhij v Nedil[ Pid;as Lita

16-ho ;ervn] — 1-ho veresn] 9:00rano(Ukr.) & 11:00rano (Anh.)

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June 02, 2019 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

Jesus Christ is true God and true man. As a true man

He was born of a human mother (Lk. 2; 7), that He grew and

became strong, filled with wisdom (Lk 2; 40), and that He

suffered, and died. And He is God that the at the Baptism of

Jesus and at the Transfiguration, the heavenly Father declared;

“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’ (Mk 1;

11), “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; listen

to Him.” (Mt 17; 5) Jesus’ miracles and forgiving sins are proof

of His divinity. Can a mere man, or magician raise someone

from the dead, and die an also rise from the dead if were He

not the author of life? And the chief human testimony of faith

in Christ’s divinity comes from Thomas, who after seeing and

touching the risen Christ declared; “My Lord and my God.”

If Jesus Christ were just a mere man who left us a nice

philosophy, then He and everything he taught and did would

have been forgotten within a week of his crucifixion. Our sins

would not be forgiven and life would have ended here in

this world. By Him, our sins are forgive and we are saved;

“I am the resurrection. If anyone believes in me, even though

he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me

will never die.” (Jn 11; 25-26) “I am the Way, the Truth and

the Life.” (Jn 14; 6) “I am the light of the world; anyone who

follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have

the light of life.” (Jn 8; 12) “Whoever sees the Son and believes

in him shall have eternal life, and I shall raise him up on

the last day.” (Jn 6; 40)

Caregiver & Companion An English speaking woman (with 10+ years of experience) is looking to assist any elderly Parishioners that need help. Available afternoons — assist with shopping, drive to doctor's appointments, help in the house, etc. For more info, call JoAnne at 586-756-4967.

Detached Condo for Sale — Move In Ready (South of 21 Mile, west of Card Road in Macomb, MI)

Completely updated 3 bedroom, 3 bath with large sunroom

& finished basement with bedroom & full bath.

$80 Association fee for lawn care & snow removal.

Open house this Sunday - 1 to 4pm

or call for private showing. 248-227-4023

WeatherGard Windows is Looking for Employees We are looking for people to join our team at our company.

General labor (no experience needed)

We offer 40 hours plus overtime, 401K plan, health insurance

and excellent pay. Mon-Fri 7:00am-3:45pm

Call Toby at 248-867-1953 to apply.

St. Josaphat Church Donation

$200.00 Ukrainian National Women's League Br. #76

Thank you for your generous donation.

Meetings / Sxodyny

Marijs/ka Dr. Im. Zarvanyc/ko\ - Bowo\ Materi

povidomla= qo> 5-oho kvitn] v hod. 3>00p.p. - Sxodyny

O.L.P.H. Sodality –Tues. June 11th – Rosary at 1:00pm followed by a meeting.

St. Josaphat Knights of Columbus #8441 will hold their

meeting on Monday, June 17th - 7:30pm.

Calender of Events

June 8th …… Mt. Olivet Cemetery - 10:00a.m. (Sat) - Panakhyda & grave blessings

June 9th …….. Pentecost Sunday - 2:00pm Resurrection Cem. - Panakhyda & grave blessings

June 15th …... General Panakhyda - after 9:00am liturgy

June 16th …... Summer Liturgy Schedule Begins (9am & 11am)

Aug 3rd/4th…. Sunflower Festival at St. Josaphat

Oct 20th …….. IC School Benefit Banquet— at St. Josaphat Hall

at 4:00p.m.— Guest speaker: Dr. Roman Hryciw

Please Note: Organizations that plan picnics / events requesting a priest

for Divine Liturgy, please contact the church office at

least three weeks in advance.

Orhanizaci\, ]ki planu[t/ maty Sv. Liturhi\ pid;as lita,

prosymo povidomyty cerkovne b[ro try tywni napered.


96-ий Відділ Союзу Українок Америки

влаштовуватиме продаж печива

після кожної Служби Божої 1-го і 2-го червня.

Частина приходу призначена на проєкт СУА

“Духового Відродження України”

з фінансовою підтримкою Греко-Католицьких

і Православних семінаріїв.

UNWLA Branch 96 will hold a bake sale after every

Mass on June 1 & 2, 2019 with a portion of the

proceeds to support the “Spiritual Growth of Ukraine Fund”

by providing financial assistance to both the

Ukrainian Greek Catholic & Ukrainian Orthodox seminaries.

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

John Butry, Anna Dudun, Olga Soroka, William Nagridge,

Katerina Weliczko, Luba Szajenko, Volodymyr Shesiuk,

Bohdan Pryjma, Swenyslawa Prybula, Joan Baranyk,

Nataliya Khomitskyy, Stephan Celuch, Olha Statkevych

Olena Tetiuk, Adam Cusick, Oksana Kravets Mnoha] Lita!

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

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