SYNERGY – e-RECRUITMENT SYSTEM By Ankur Kapila Reg No: 41502621004 Of SRM Engineering College A PROJECT REPORT Submitted to the FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION June 2005

Transcript of 2617



Ankur Kapila

Reg No: 41502621004


SRM Engineering College


Submitted to the


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree



June 2005


WIPRO has always recognized the need for a highly secured e-recruitment system,

which can decrease the amount of time taken for recruiting as well as reduce the hectic work of

the recruiters.

It is enabled through the intranet and Internet and can be accessed from anywhere in

the world, anytime and hence its focus is on “anytime, anyplace Recruitment”. It is used as the

interface between all classes of users through the e-recruitment process namely the recruiters,

panelists, students etc.

With the growth in the Software industry, the demand for fresh talent has been ever

increasing. Mass recruitment of freshers is now happening more that ever before. In the case of

recruiting a lot of freshers for the organizational needs, the present System is very tedious and has

a long process which consumes a lot of cycle time and energy of the Recruitment Team.

Therefore my objective would be to enhance the capabilities of ‘Synergy’ by addition

of a new module ‘Wipro University’ which would specifically be designed to meet the needs of

recruitment of freshers. The new module would be developed with the inputs from the

recruitment team, synergy team, and taking the existing system a base.

The System would be developed as per the J2EE architecture, using the model-view-

controller (MVC) design pattern. The different modules in the system will be developed using this

architecture. The applications will consist of Data Access Objects, Servlets, JSPs (Java Server

Pages), JavaScript, Java Beans and EJB (Enterprise Java Beans).Front-end screens will be

developed using Java Server Pages and the backend data will be stored using Oracle 8i.


I thank Prof. R. Venkatramani, Principal, SRM Engineering College, who gave me

this wonderful opportunity to exhibit my excellence, even though he was not directly involved in

the project but his presence was felt throughout.

I thank Prof. S. Sagayaraj, Head of Department of Computer Application, SRM

Engineering College, provided a moral support for doing my project with valuable suggestions

and guidance. Apart from the project phase, my period of being a student under him was an


I thank my internal guide Asst. Prof. M. Shantha, Department of Computer

Application, SRM Engineering College, for her effort, valuable guidance, suggestions, and

constant encouragement throughout my project work.

I am indebted to my external guide Mrs. Sapna Nagaraj, Senior Project Manager,

Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, sharing her knowledge, experience, and taking personal

interest which creating excellent environment that perfectly exposed me to the world of Software


I am grateful to Mr. Girish C Nair, Project Manager and Mr. Sandesh Prabhu,

Test leader, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, who were always there to clear all the doubts for

their valuable suggestions, cooperation and patience while doing my project work.

I wish to express my indebtedness to my beloved family members, especially my

father, mother, brother and all my friends for their unfailing moral support, without which I could

never be studying this MCA course.


Title Page No






1.1 About the Organization 1

1.2 Organizational Structure 2

1.3 Recruitment in Wipro 4

1.4 E-Recruitment System – ‘Synergy’ 4


2.1 Problem Definition 6

2.2 Existing System 6

2.2.1 Limitations of Existing System 7

2.3 Proposed System 8

2.3.1 Objectives of the Proposed System 8 My Perspective 8 Wipro’s Perspective 8

2.4 Requirement Analysis 9

2.4.1 Overview 9

2.4.2 Source of Requirements 9

2.4.3 Stake Holders 9

2.4.4 Process and functionalities identified 9 Job Creation 10 Test Creation 10

Title Page No Resume Posting 11 Assign Test Id’s 11 Test Confirmation 12 Resume Processing 12 SAP Transfer 12

2.4.5 Functional Requirements 13

2.4.6 Non-functional Requirements 13 Usability 13 Compatibility 14 Performance 14 Scalability 14 Security 14

2.5 Scope of Work 14

2.5.1 Wipro University Module 14

2.6 Feasibility Analysis 15

2.6.1 Operational Feasibility 15

2.6.2 Technical Feasibility 15

2.6.3 Economical Feasibility 15


3.1 Introduction 16

3.1.1 Purpose 16

3.1.2 Scope 16

3.2 General Description 16

3.2.1 User Perspective 16

3.2.2 Developer Perspective 17

3.3 Specific Requirements 18

3.3.1 Behavioral Requirements 18

3.3.2 Software Requirements 18 User 18 Developer 18 Server 18

3.3.3 Hardware Requirements 19 User 19 Developer 19 Server 19

3.4 System Attributes 19

3.4.1 Security 19

3.4.2 Maintainability 20

3.4.3 Portability 20

3.4.4 Reliability 20

3.4.5 Re-Usability 20

3.4.6 Efficiency 20


4.1 iPlanet Application Server 21

4.1.1 iPlanet Application Server Product Family 21

4.1.2 iPlanet Process Manager 21

4.1.3 iPlanet Application Builder 22

4.1.4 Key Features of Application Model 22

4.2 J2EE Concepts 22

4.3 Servlets 24

4.3.1 Types of Servlets 24

4.4 Java Server Pages 25

4.5 Enterprise Java Beans 26

4.5.1 Role in iPlanet Application Server Applications 26

4.5.2 EJB Interface Logic 26

4.5.3 Session Bean and Entity Bean 26

4.6 Data Access Components 27

4.6.1 Business Data Object 28

4.6.2 Data Access Objects 28

4.6.3 Data Source 28


5.1 Introduction 29

5.2 Basic Design Approach 29

5.3 Design Concepts 30

5.3.1 Modularity 30

5.3.2 Functional Independence 30

5.3.3 Cohesion and Coupling 31

5.4 User Interface Design 31

5.5 Database Design 32

5.5.1 Normalization 32

5.6 Input / Output Design 33

5.6.1 Input Design 33

5.6.2 Output Design 34


6.1 Introduction 35

6.2 Database Design 35

6.2.1 Table Descriptions 36

6.2.2 Database Diagram 38

6.3 Data Flow Diagrams 39


7.1 Coding 43

7.2 Testing 44

7.2.1 Unit Testing 45

7.2.2 Integration Testing 45

7.2.3 Validation Testing 46

Title Page No

7.2.4 Acceptance Testing 46

7.3 Implementation 46

7.4 Integration Issues 47


8.1 Conclusion 48

8.2 Foreseeable Enhancements 49




Table No. Description Page No

2.1 Stake Holders of the Wipro University 9

2.2 Wipro University Job Creation 10

2.3 Wipro University Test Creation 10

2.4 Wipro University Resume Posting 11

2.5 Wipro University Assign Test 11

2.6 Wipro University Test Confirmation 12

2.7 Wipro University Process Resumes 12

2.8 Wipro University SAP Transfer 13

4.1 iPlanet Application Server Components 22


Figure Description Page No

Fig 3.1 Block diagram of E-Recruitment System 17

Fig 4.1 Multi-Tiered Architecture 23

Fig 4.2 Data flow in a Multi-tier Model 24

Fig 4.3 Servlets Response-Request call 25

Fig 4.4 Model View Controller Design Pattern 26

Fig 4.5 Class Diagram for DAO pattern relationships 28

Fig 6.1 Database Diagram 38

Fig 6.2 DFD - User Login 39

Fig 6.3 DFD - Job Creation 39

Fig 6.4 DFD - Test Creation 40

Fig 6.5 DFD - Resume Posting 40

Fig 6.6 DFD - Assign Test 41

Fig 6.7 DFD - Test Confirmation 41

Fig 6.8 DFD - Resume Processing 42

Fig 6.9 DFD - SAP Transfer by Recruiter 42

Fig A 1.1 Job Create Screen 50

Fig A 1.2 Test Create Screen 51

Fig A 1.3 Assign Test Query Screen 52

Fig A 1.4 Assign Test Screen 53

Fig A 1.5 Query Screen – Process Candidates 54

Fig A 1.6 Process Candidates Screen (in part) 55

Fig A 1.7 Process Candidates Screen (contd.) 55

Fig A 1.8 SAP Transfer Screen 56

Fig A 1.9 Resume Posting Screen 57

Fig A 2.0 Candidate Desktop 58


Abbreviation Description

API Application Program Interface

B2B Business to Business

BPO Business Process Outsourcing

DAO Data Access Object

DFD Data Flow Diagram

DRM Divisional Resource Manager

EJB Enterprise Java Beans

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

HR Human Resource

iAB iPlanet Application Builder

iAS iPlanet Application Server

IE Internet Explorer

J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition

JDBC Java Database Connectivity

JDK Java Development Kit

JSP Java Server Pages

MVC Model-View-Controller

NYSE New York Stock Exchange

OODBMS Object Oriented Database Management System

PAS People Allocation System

PCMM People Capability Maturity Model

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

SAP System Application Products in Data Processing

SEI Software Engineering Institute

SMS Short Messaging Service

URL Uniform Resource Locator

WAP Wireless Application Protocol




Wipro Ltd. being a world leader in providing IT services is focused to provide robust

software professionals. The unique selection processes brings out the best in the industry based

on its quality and expertise. Wipro translates every person into reliable and resourceful future

world leaders that catapult them way ahead of competition. Wipro has implemented value added

services to the world in different forms.

Wipro Ltd. is the first PCMM Level 5 and SEI CMM Level 5 certified IT Services

Company globally. Wipro provides comprehensive IT solutions and services, including systems

integration, Information Systems outsourcing, package implementation, software application

development and maintenance, and research and development services to corporations globally.

Wipro’s business units are Wipro Technologies, Wipro InfoTech, Wipro Consumer and Lighting,

Wipro Spectramind (now Wipro BPO).

Wipro Technologies is the global technology services division of Wipro Ltd.

(NYSE:WIT). Wipro Technologies offer a full portfolio of services across industries, delivering

measurable business benefits to the customers with six-sigma consistency. Wipro is the world's

first software services company to attain SEI Level 5 certification for software quality. Wipro has

business offices in North America, West Europe and Japan and development centers in India,

USA and UK.

Wipro Technologies today has come a long way from the time when it started off

by selling software products in the Indian market. Today its customer base is global, its employee

force is spread across the world, its equity and standing in the software services market is not a

small matter.

Wipro Technologies offers services in distinct areas which are as follows:-

• The IT Services aims at empowering the enterprise. From getting e-businesses up and

going to managing technology infrastructure, the company is focused on helping

businesses do their business better.

• The Product Design Services help companies bring defect-free products into market, in

time and within budget.

• The Service Provider Solutions address the specialized needs of the market by

providing a complete business and technology offering.

WIPRO “Applying Thought” - We promise our customers with utmost respect to

Human Values, we promise to serve our customer with Integrity through Innovation, Value

for money, solutions by Applying Thought day after day.


The organization structure of Wipro Technologies can be conceptually viewed as six


• Communicating values to customers through Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing combined communicate Wipro’s valued added proposition to

customers, manage existing customer relationships, create new ones and coordinate the

value flow from the delivery teams to the customers.

• Executing and Delivering Values through Vertical Domains

Vertical domains represent the market segment – focused business units, which actually

execute the value proposition by delivering software services and solutions to a wide range

of customers in diverse markets. The vertical domains constitute horsepower of the

organization such as retails, corporate Wipro, Finance and Banking, Insurance, Govt.

Solutions, Wireless Services and Carrier Network Services.

• Working with verticals to facilitate E-Enabling solutions

Horizontals like “E-enabling Solutions” are organized around “Practices” which focus on

developing expertise in specific identified areas like Mobile Commerce. These “Practices”

work closely with the vertical business units in delivering value to the customers.

• Enterprise-Wide supporting Services

Central Support functions constitute horizontal functions, which provide services to the

rest of the organization. Their nature could be vastly different while the quality is the

nodal group for directing all quality initiatives and ensuring adherence to quality standards,

the Operations Support group provides physical infrastructure facilities like telephones,

transport, etc.

• Enterprise-Wide initiatives and innovation

A dynamic organization like Wipro Technologies needs to keep reinventing itself and

infuse the necessary competitive capabilities. At any given point of time, the organization

has few initiatives running which are enterprise-wide in impact and represent a strong

building block for the organization of the future such as Knowledge Management and

Innovation Initiatives.

• Physical Location Points of value creation-Development centers

Development Centers represent the physical locations where the actual delivery of

software services happens. Each city-center will have its own dedicated infrastructure. The

number of development centers for WT is expected to expand to more cities with the

objective of tapping and grooming talent locally all over India.


The planning for every division / location is on the basis of an overall manpower

plan construed at the beginning of every financial year by the respective business heads. This

manpower plan is specific to each business unit within the division and is apportioned

accordingly, based on the manpower need for each month of the financial year for both

experienced recruits and new employees.

The People Allocation System (PAS) and the Pool / Plan recruitment (Plan) should

be the focal point for day to day planning of recruitment activities for each division / location,

which is construed, based on skill forecast/profile forecast and is the micro version of the overall

manpower plan.

Every Divisional Resource Manager (DRM) has to communicate and validate the

regional plan for each of the regions namely Delhi and Mumbai at the beginning of every month

within the parameters of the overall regional recruitment plan in the format enclosed.

Every Divisional Resource Manager (DRM) should plan all recruitment against the

source plan and grade plan arrived at for each of the defined sources.


The e-recruitment system ‘Synergy’ handles the whole of the recruitment process for

Wipro Technologies, Wipro Infotech, and Wipro BPO. By making the process E-enabled there is

no flow of documents from one location to another and this also saves the overall cycle time for

the whole process. This project also removes any type of location dependency in the overall

recruitment process.

WIPRO maintains a fully integrated end-to-end web enabled system, which integrates

with third party systems namely PAS (requirement information), SAP (offer data), TEDWEB

(employee referral); Source Desktops (jobs view), Finance (auto vendor payment) and Job Sites

(post resumes).

It is enabled through the intranet and Internet and can be accessed from anywhere in

the world, anytime and hence its focus is on “Anytime, Anyplace Recruitment”. It is used as

the interface between all classes of users through the e-recruitment process namely the recruiters,

panelists, college student etc.

The Recruitment Systems project has different modules, each module serving

different functional and technical aspects of the recruitment process to achieve end-to-end

automation of recruitment process of the organization.




The e-Recruitment System is specifically developed to cater to the recruitment

requirements of Wipro Ltd. The application handles the whole flow of employee hiring in Wipro

Technologies, Wipro Infotech and Wipro BPO. The system was developed with an aim to reduce

the manual processes involved in recruitment to bare minimum, by and large making the process

e-enabled reducing the flow of documents from one location to another and reducing overall

cycle time.

As with any live project the requirements are never static, they keep on changing during its lifetime. Any successful project not only caters the current requirements, but should be flexible enough to accommodate the changing requirements otherwise it would become obsolete. It should be scalable both vertically and horizontally, by vertically scalability we mean that it should be able to incorporate totally new requirements and functionality which were not there during its development, by horizontal scalability we mean that it should be able incorporate changes in the existing processes being handled by it.

‘Synergy’ is an excellent system which handles almost all aspects of recruitment process and is constantly evolving to meet the changing requirements. This can be amply demonstrated by the existence of this project.


The e-recruitment system ‘Synergy’ handles the whole of the recruitment process for

Wipro Technologies, Wipro Infotech, and Wipro BPO. Its a fully integrated end-to-end web

enabled system, which integrates with third party systems namely PAS (requirement information),

SAP (offer data), TEDWEB (employee referral), Source Desktops (jobs view), Finance (auto

vendor payment) and Job Sites (post resumes).

It is enabled through the intranet and Internet and can be accessed from anywhere in

the world, anytime and hence its focus is on “Anytime, Anyplace Recruitment”. It is used as

the interface between all classes of users through the E-recruitment process namely the recruiters,

panelists, College Students, etc.

The Recruitment Systems project has different modules, each module serving

different functional and technical aspects of the recruitment process to achieve end-to-end

automation of recruitment process of the organization.

2.2.1 Limitations of Existing System

With the growth in the Software industry, the demand for fresh talent has been ever

increasing. Mass recruitment of freshers is now happening more that ever before. In the case of

recruiting a lot of Fresher for the Organizational needs, the present System is very tedious and has

a long process which consumes a lot of Cycle Time and energy for the Recruitment Team. This is

primarily because the recruitment system and process followed was for the recruitment of

individual candidates, involving various procedures and processes which are either not required or

not appropriate for mass hiring’s. For example, a candidate can have up to five technical and two

HR interviews in synergy, while for a fresher only one technical and one HR interview is


Challenges for fresher recruitment:

• Large amount of people to be recruited.

• Different process to be followed.

• Creation of tests.

• Date and time based resume posting.

• Auto population of details.

• Criteria based searching, of resumes.

• Automated confirmation.


Recruitment is a major activity in Wipro Technologies, Wipro InfoTech and Wipro

Spectramind. All the Recruitment activities happen through Synergy – an internal web-enabled

Recruitment System developed by Information Systems Team of Wipro Technologies.

In the case of recruiting a lot of Fresher for the Organizational needs, the present System is very

tedious and has a very long process which will consume a lot of time and energy of the

Recruitment Team. Hence, the need is for the Wipro University recruitment feature.

2.3.1 Objective of the Proposed System My Perspective

Here, my main Objective is to enhance the existing Recruitment System of Wipro

Ltd. by adding of a module namely - Wipro University. With the addition of new features I aim at

the following:

• Enable Wipro to recruit the best available talent in the Industry

• Reduce the Cycle time of Hiring

• Cater to the need of Mass Hiring of Freshers Wipro’s Perspective

From Wipro’s perspective, this dissertation work will provide value added features

which can be used by all the companies of Wipro Limited for Recruitment Purposes. So

enhancing the e-Recruitment system would improve the quality of the worldwide Recruitment

Activities happening in Wipro Limited.


2.4.1 Overview

Currently recruitment process for freshers system is only partly automated. Recruiters

manually plan for Tests, ask Candidates to attend the Test. The resumes of selected candidates are

updated in synergy manually from there on the automated process takes on which takes care of

scheduling of interviews and selection process till the selected candidates get offered and finally

join the company.

2.4.2 Source of Requirement

The requirement would be gathered with constant input from the

Manager – Strategic Resourcing and his Team Members.

2.4.3 Stake Holders

No. Stakeholder Role of the Stakeholder

1 Recruitment Team

- Resource Managers,

- Recruiters,

- Support Personnel

Responsible for the overall recruitment


2 Candidates Candidates are responsible for Posting

Resumes and Taking Tests

Table 2.1 Stake Holders of the Wipro University

2.4.4 Processes and Functionalities Identified

Based on the inputs from the Recruitment Team, the following process has been

identified for Wipro University as summarized below. Job Creation

The creation of Wipro University jobs would be done by the recruiter as per requirements.

No. Action Taken System Response 1 Recruiter logs in and uses a Job

Create feature

Job should be created only for the

Permissible Division, Sub-Division,

Location and Experience Band.

2 Recruiter fills in the Job Details or

had chosen Auto fill option and

clicks on Submit

Job would get created and Job Code would

be displayed. Job Code should be available

in the Career Site till the date of closure.

Table 2.2 Wipro University Job Creation Test Creation

Test’s need to be created for Wipro University jobs, before the job becomes available

and the resumes can be posted against it. Any number of test’s can be created for a job.

No. Action Taken System Response

1 System Admin logs in and uses the

Create Test Id feature where-in

he/she fills in all the Test Details

and clicks on Submit.

Test Id should get generated.

Table 2.3 Wipro University Test Creation Resume Posting

Candidates should be able to view the jobs for which tests have been created and post

resumes against those jobs.

No. Action Taken System Response

1 Search and View Jobs All the jobs based on the search criteria should be displayed

2 Apply against job by posting of resumes.

Reference number identifying the candidate and resume to be generated. Also unique user id, and password generated to be sent to the mail id of candidate

Table 2.4 Wipro University Resume Posting Assigning Test-Id’s

The recruiter should be able to view and assign test id to resumes posted against his

permissible jobs. An option to search the resumes based on specific criteria’s as per his

requirements should also be provided. Mails would be sent to the candidate informing them the

test schedule and venue details.

Step Action Taken System Response

1 Recruiter logs in and uses assign

Test Id feature

Recruiter should get all the permissible Jobs

and the Resumes assigned to those Jobs

2 Resumes to be tagged to the Test


Mails would be sent to the Candidates

Table 2.5 Wipro University Assign Test Test Confirmation

The candidate needs to confirm his appearance for the test, by logging in with his

user id and password mailed to him earlier. There should also be an option to capture the

candidate comments.

Step Action Taken System Response

1 Candidate logs in and confirms /

rejects the test.

Capture the candidate comments and

update the candidate response.

Table 2.6 Wipro University Test Confirmation Resume Processing

Once the candidate has taken the test, the details of the test will be updated by the

recruiter. The candidate will be processed based on the selection criteria; a screen is to be

provided where the assessment details and status of candidate can be updated.

Step Action Taken System Response

1 Processing of test assigned


Assessment details and status to be sent to

the Candidates for selection

Table 2.7 Wipro University Process Resumes SAP Transfer

Once the candidates have been offered, the recruiter can transfer the candidate details

to SAP using the SAP transfer feature.

Step Action Taken System Response

1 Recruiter logs in and uses the SAP

Transfer feature

All the offered Candidates would be


2 Recruiter fills in SAP Transfer

details and clicks on Submit.

Data would be sent to SAP and an

Applicant Id would get generated.

Table 2.8 Wipro University SAP Transfer

2.4.5 Functional Requirements

• The Mails in the System would be based on the mail formats provided by User

• The following templates are designed by me for implementation:

o Jobs - Creation and Modification Template

o Test Id - Creation and Modification template

o Assign Test Id – Query and Report Screen template

o Process Candidates – Query Screen template

o Process Candidates – Report Screen template

o Resume Posting – Jobs Query and Resume Details Template

• Appropriate Screens for all the processes identified above.

2.4.6 Non-functional Requirements Usability

The users of the system are Recruitment Team, Candidates and Support Personnel.

• Should be User friendly, application to be used without any training.

• The user interface should be easy to start, work upon and to exit.

• Users should be able to come out of the System by clicking Logout link.

• At any point of time the User should be able to go to the Home Page Compatibility

The design of the application should integrate seamlessly into the existing system,

providing the enhanced functionality without undue side affects. Performance

The performance of the application should be fast. Whenever more records are to be

displayed the System should display only a set of records on the first request and should display

the subsequent sets on the subsequent requests Scalability

This should be easily scalable to a bigger module which will take care of other related

activities, if any coming in the future. Security

Each User should be validated against the User Id and password. The system should

ensure that only authorized people are allowed to enter into this system for their corresponding



2.5.1 Wipro University Module

This module is geared towards the recruitment of freshers into Wipro Ltd. providing

the following features:-

• Creation of Jobs as per Requirements.

• Creating/modifying Test for jobs.

• Posting of Resumes by Candidates.

• Assigning Candidates to a Test.

• Confirmation of Test by Candidate

• Assessing the Candidates based on the Performance in the Test

• Offering the suitable Candidates after Technical and HR Interviews


It is important to evaluate the feasibility of a project in the initial phases of the project

so that scarcity of resources does not slow down development at a later stage. The main aim of

the feasibility analysis is to determine whether the project at hand is worth it both monetarily as

well as in terms of the effort.

The analysis comprised of the study of the following:-

• Operational Feasibility

• Technical Feasibility

• Economical Feasibility

2.6.1 Operational Feasibility

Since the developed system is user-friendly it is easy to operate and the programmer

finds it very easy to use. The operation is very easy and feasible. Hence the system is operationally


2.6.2 Technical Feasibility

Since the system to be developed is an enhancement to the existing system, the

required software and hardware is already available. Hence the system is technically feasible.

2.6.3 Economic Feasibility

Since the system to be developed is an enhancement to the existing system, all the

required software and hardware is already available, therefore no expense is required for the

purchase of software and hardware. Hence the project is feasible with enormous gains in various





3.1.1 Purpose

The Software Requirement Specification document is for the purpose of reference to

ensure that the requirements for the development and successful completion of the project are

met. It is an agreement between the customer and the developer that the specifications have been

clearly understood, the analysis been done properly and the design heading in the right direction.

3.1.2 Scope

Unless otherwise change is requested for, this document describes the

functionality, performance, constraints, interface and reliability for the entire life cycle of the



3.2.1 User Perspective

The synergy provides easy interface and user can easily interact with system. Users are

provided with separate desktops, specially customized to their role, the desktop provides easy to

use dropdown menus that can be used access to various features quickly and easily. Help links are

provided throughout, which can be clicked to view the help file for the current screen in case the

user has some doubt.

3.2.2 Developer Perspective

The system provides a challenge for the developer because working on enhancements

of an existing system needs lot of patience and understanding of the existing system and

procedures. Exceptional programming skills in the relevant languages and understanding of the

various technical issues related is also required.

Fig 3.1 Block diagram of E- Recruitment System.

• Man Power

Indenting • Requirement


• Job Posting • Resume

Updation • Query/Search

Module • Interview

Scheduling Module

• Security • Planning And

Indenting Module

• Maintenance Module

• Offer Generation Module

• Campus • Reports

• Offer Generation

• Employee Profiles

• Joining • Invoicing

PAS/PLAN Requirements

Recruitment System



• Campus

Resumes with Test Results


3.3.1 Behavioral Requirements

• The system should be able to provide means for efficient searching.

• The system should provide appropriate error, warning, and alert messages.

• The user interface should be standard and intuitive throughout.

• The system should enable reliability and correctness of data at any point of time.

• The system should incorporate all the validations and verifications.

3.3.2 Software Requirements User

OS : Windows 9x/NT/XP/2000, Solaris, Linux.

Browsers : Netscape 4.6 / IE 5.0 or Compatible Developer

OS : Windows NT/2000

Language : HTML, Java script, Java, EJB, Servlets

Compiler and Linker : JDK 1.2.2

Database : Oracle 8i

Application/Web Server : iAB / iAS 6.0/ iPlanet 4.1 Web Server

Browsers : Netscape 4.6 / IE 5.0 or compatible Server

OS : Solaris 2.8

Language : HTML, Java script, Java, EJB, Servlets

Compiler and Linker : JDK 1.2.2

Database : Oracle 8i

Application/Web Server : iAB / iAS 6.0/iPlanet 4.1 Web Server

3.3.3 Hardware Requirements User

System : IBM Compatible PC's

Processor : Pentium and above

RAM : 32 MB onwards

HDD : 2 GB Developer

System : IBM Compatible PC's

Processor : PIII 600 MHz. or better

RAM : 256 Mb onwards

HDD : 10 GB Server

System : IBM Compatible PC's

Processor : PIII 600 MHz. or better

RAM : 256 Mb onwards

HDD : 10 GB


3.4.1 Security

Security has to be enforced at all levels. It’s done by passwords, user rights checked at

all levels and encryption, and having a good security policy. Only hashed passwords are stored,

with only administrator being able to reset the passwords. Before a user is allowed to perform any

operation his rights are checked to make sure he is authorized to perform the operation. Security

policy is enforced by checking for weak passwords, forcing change of password after predefined

number of days, and not allowing past 5 passwords to be used again.

3.4.2 Maintainability

Provide logging of errors for locating and fixing an error. The modules are to be

clearly documented and possess the least degree of coupling so that they can be independently


3.4.3 Portability

The effort required to transfer a program from one hardware/software system environment to another. Synergy is developed using java technologies which are platform independent and since its online system the only client side requirement is a browser compatible with IE5.0 or Netscape 4.7.

3.4.4 Reliability

Reliability is the extent to which a program can be expected to perform its intended function under extreme circumstances with required precision. Synergy is fault tolerant and uses transactions to that guarantee data consistency to great extent.

3.4.5 Re-Usability

Code pertaining to the general functionalities can be reused since they are generic.

It helps in preventing the wastage of time spent in re-writing same code and functionality

which has already been developed and in use. In current scenario it would be java beans, EJB,

java script validations etc. that can be easily re-used.

3.4.6 Efficiency

The system should be highly efficient in providing the intended functionalities

through efficient code that puts minimum load on the system. The less the load system puts

on the server the better will be the performance of the server and greater amount of clients

the server can support.




iPlanet Application Server software provides a most robust e-commerce platform for

delivering innovative and leading edge application services to a broad range of servers, clients, and


Built on a proven heritage of world-class scalability, reliability, and performance, the

iPlanet Application Server delivers on the requirements for global e-commerce success by

ensuring rapid time-to-market, and the ability to leverage information systems and business

processes across the extended enterprise.

4.1.1 iPlanet Application Server Product Family

In addition to the core application server, the iPlanet application Server Product line

includes a comprehensive set of products and tools to help quickly and efficiently create business

critical applications. These include:

4.1.2 iPlanet Process Manager

A comprehensive web-based designing, deploying, managing, and participating in

automated business processes such as claims management, customer self service, and order

fulfillment. An intuitive development environment and advanced scalability and reliability features

allow an enterprise to easily extend information on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,

mainframes, and custom applications to employees, partners and suppliers.

4.1.3 iPlanet Application Builder

An Internet application development tool designed to simplify the creation of multi-

tiered enterprise-class applications that run on iPlanet Application Server. By targeting the

distributed multi-tier application model of iPlanet Application Server, iPlanet Application Builder

enables developers to rapidly build sophisticated, business-critical web applications for the


4.1.4 Key Features of the Application Model

The iPlanet Application Server application model divides an application into multi

layers: Presentation, business logic, and data access. Presentation layer is further separated to

distinguish page layout and presentation logic. Data access refers to both databases and other data


Functionality in Application Application Components

Presentation Layout Servlets

Page Layout Java Server Pages

Business Logic Enterprise Java Beans

Database Access EJB using JDBC; query files

Access to other data sources Connectors, Mailing System

Table 4.1 iPlanet Application Server Components


The J2EE platform is an open environment for developing and deploying multi tiered

services where thin–client applications invoke business logic that executes on an application

server such as the iPlanet Application Server. It comprises of a set of services, application

programming interfaces, and protocols.

Presentation Application Logic




Data Access

Fig 4.1 Multi-Tiered Architecture

In the graphic above, the Servlets receives the request, validates input, calls the

session bean and calls the JSP engine. The JSP engine formats the HTML and responds to the

client. The session bean validates the request, executes the process, and enforces transactions. The

entity beans manages the data.

In the multi-tiered model, the first tier is the client and is usually a web browser or

stand-alone java based application. This invokes the business logic on one or more middle tiers





Entity Bean

running on a dedicated hardware, which in turn access data from the Enterprise Information

Service on the third tier.

In the middle tier, business logic is implemented using Enterprise JavaBeans

components (EJB components), while the presentation logic is implemented using Java Server

Pages and Servlets. The presentation layer of the model allows easy access to the middle tier

business functions via JSP pages and Servlets, where JSP technology allows developers to present

dynamically created web pages.

Fig 4.2 Data flow in a Multi-tier Model





Web Server

EJB Container


Java Applications

J2EE Platform

Java Servlets




J2EE Platform

Client- Side Presentation

Server- Side Presentation

Server- Side Business Logic

Enterprise Information Systems

Servlets run on an application server or Web server rather than in a Web browser. In

iPlanet Application Server, Servlets make up the presentation logic of an application by acting as a

central dispatcher for the application by processing form input, invoking business logic

components by accessing EJB, and formatting page output using JSP pages

4.3.1 Types of Servlets

• Generic Servlets extend javax.servlet.GenericServlet. Generic Servlets are protocol

independent, meaning that they contain no inherent support for HTTP or any other

transport protocol.

• HTTP Servlets extend javax.servlet.HttpServlet. These Servlets have built-in support

for the HTTP protocol and are much more useful in an iPlanet Application Server


For generic Servlets, you simply override the service() method to provide routines

for handling requests. HTTP Servlets provide a service method that automatically routes the

request to another method in the Servlets based on which HTTP transfer method is used, so for

HTTP Servlets you would override doPost() to process POST requests, doGet() to process

GET requests, and so on.


Java Server Pages (JSP) are HTML pages with embedded Java based code, which

enables complex server side processing and allows conditional output and communicate with

other objects in your application.

JSP pages are compiled into Servlets, either when installed or the first time they are

called. This makes JSP pages available to the application environment as standard objects and

enables them to be called from a client using a URL.

Fig 4.3 Servlets Response-Request call

JSP pages run inside a Java process on the server. This process, called a JSP engine, is

responsible for interpreting JSP-specific tags and performing the actions they specify in order to

generate dynamic content. This content, along with any template data surrounding it, is assembled

into a page for output and returned to the caller.

The response object contains a reference to the calling client, and this is where a JSP

engine presents the page that it creates. If you call a JSP engine from a Servlets using the

forward() method from the RequestDispatcher interface, forward() provides the response

object as a parameter to the JSP.


4.5.1 Role in iPlanet Application Server Applications

EJB components do the vast majority of business logic and data processing in an

iPlanet Application Server. When a user invokes an iPlanet Application Server application Servlets

from a browser, the Servlets, in turn, invokes one or more EJB components to do the bulk of the

application’s business logic and data processing. For example, the Servlets may load a JSP page to

the user’s browser to request a user name and password, and the Servlets also passes the user’s

input to a session bean to validate the input.

Fig 4.4 Model View Controller Design Pattern

4.5.2 EJB Interface Logic

Once a valid user name and password combination is accepted, the Servlets might

instantiate one or more entity bean and session beans to execute the application’s business logic,

and then terminate. The beans themselves might instantiate other entity or session beans to do

further business logic and data processing.

4.5.3 Session Beans and Entity Beans

There are two kinds of EJB components: entity beans and session beans. Each of

these bean types is used differently in a server application. An EJB component can be an object

that represents a stateless service, an object that represents a session with a particular client (and

which automatically maintains state across multiple client-invoked methods), or can be a

persistent entity object possibly shared among multiple clients.

The contract system uses only session beans. Session EJB components typically have the

following characteristics:

• They execute in relation to a single client.

• Support for transaction management according to property settings.

• Optionally, they update shared data in an underlying database.

• They are relatively short-lived.

• They will not survive a server crash.

JSP User Servlets EJB Business Logic DB


When business components-entity beans, session beans, and even presentation

components like Servlets and helper objects for Java Server Pages (JSP) pages --need to access a

data source, they can use the appropriate API to achieve connectivity and manipulate the data


But by including the connectivity and data access code within these components

introduces a tight coupling between the components and the data source implementation. Such

code dependencies in components make it difficult to migrate the application from one type of

data source to another. When the data source changes the components need to be modified in

order to make them work with the new data source. We use a Data Access Object (DAO) to

abstract and encapsulate all access to the data source. The DAO manages the connection with the

data source to obtain and store data.

The business component that relies on the DAO uses the simpler interface exposed

by the DAO for its clients. The DAO completely hides the data source implementation details

from its clients. Because the interface exposed by the DAO to clients does not change when the

underlying data source implementation changes, this pattern allows the DAO to adapt to different

storage schemes without affecting its clients or business components.

Fig 4.5 Class Diagram for DAO pattern relationships

4.6.1 Business Objects

The Business Object represents the data client. It is the object that requires access to

the data source to obtain and store data. A Business Object may be implemented as a session

bean, entity bean, or some other Java object, in addition to a Servlets or helper bean that accesses

the data source.

4.6.2 Data Access Objects

Data Access Object is the primary object of this pattern. The Data Access Object

abstracts the underlying data access implementation for the Business Object to enable transparent

access to the data source. The Business Object also delegates data load and store operations to the

Data Access Object.

4.6.3 Data Source

This represents the source of the data. A data source could be a database such as an

RDBMS, OODBMS, XML repository, flat file system, and so forth. A data source can also be

another system (legacy/mainframe), service (B2B service or credit card bureau), or any other kind

of data repository.




System design is a solution, how to approach to the creation of a system. This

important phase provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for implementing

the system recommended in the feasibility study. The design step produces a data design, user

interface design, modular design and input/output design. From a project management point of

view, software design is done in two steps – preliminary design and detailed design. Preliminary

design is concerned with the transformation of into data and software architecture. Detailed

design focuses on refinements to the architectural representation that leads to detailed data

structure and algorithmic representations of software.


During the software design, abstraction allows us to organize and channel our process

by postponing structural considerations until the functional characteristics, data streams, and data

stores have been established. Data abstraction involves specifying legal operations objects,

representation and manipulation details are suppressed. Design is the bridge between customer

requirements and implementation that satisfies the customer’s requirements.

• Verification that the software satisfies the customer’s needs.

• Verification that the design satisfies the requirements definition.


5.3.1 Modularity

The concept of modularity in computer software has been espoused for almost five

decades. Software architecture embodies modularity, that is, software is divided into separately

named and addressable components, often called modules that are integrated to satisfy problem

requirements. “Modularity is the single attribute of software that allows a program to be

intellectually manageable”. Meyer defines five criteria that enable us to evaluate a design method

with respect to its ability an effective modular system.

• Modular decomposability: - If a design method provides a systematic mechanism for

decomposing the problem into sub-problems, it will reduce the complexity of overall

problem, thereby achieving an effective modular solution. For example job posting

module is divided in to 6 different sub modules.

• Modular composability: - If a design method enables existing design components to be

assembled into new system, it will yield a modular solution that does not reinvent the


• Modular understandability: - If a module can be understood as a stand alone unit, it

will be easier to build and easier to change.

• Modular continuity: - If a small changes in the system requirements result in changes to

individual modules, rather than system wide changes, the impact of change-induced side

effects will be minimized.

5.3.2 Functional Independence

The concept of functional independence is the direct outgrowth of modular design

and the concepts of abstraction and information hiding. Functional independence is achieved by

developing self sufficient modules with an aversion to excessive interaction with other modules.

Since the functional independence may be compartmentalized the interface are simplified. Error

propagation may be reduced, independent modules are easier to test and maintain because

secondary effects caused are limited. Functional independence helps in making modules reusable.

5.3.3 Cohesion and Coupling

Cohesion is a natural extension of the information hiding concept described a

cohesive module performs a single task within the software procedure, requiring little interaction

with the procedure being performed in the other parts of a program. It is important to strive for

high cohesion and recognize low cohesion so that software design can be modified to achieve

greater function independence. A module that performs a set of tasks that relate to each other

loosely, if at all, is termed coincidentally cohesive.

Coupling is a measure of interconnection among modules in a program structure.

Like cohesion, coupling may be represented on a spectrum. Coupling depends on the interface

complexity between modules, the point at which entry or reference is made to a module, and what

data pass across the interface.


Four different models come into play when a user interface is to be designed. The

software engineer creates a design model, a human engineer establishes a user model, and the

end-user develops a mental image that is often creating system image. Unfortunately, each of

these models may differ significantly. The role of interface designer is to reconcile these

differences and derive a consistent representation of the interface.

Users of Synergy are given below:-

• Recruitment Team / Employees

• Partners / Staffing agencies

• Candidates

For each user there is different interface. A design model of the entire system

incorporates data, architectural, interface, and procedural representations of the software. The

user interface design process encompasses four distinct framework activities

• User, task and environment analysis and modeling

• Interface design

• Interface construction


Oracle 8i is chosen for developing the database. For the optimum design of the

database to have better response time and data integrity, avoid data redundancy, and for security

of the database are some of the reasons behind the choice of Oracle.

5.5.1 Normalization:

• First Normal Form (1NF) - It states that the domain of an attribute must include only

atomic value and that of any attribute in a tuple must be a single value from the domain of

the attribute. Hence 1NF disallows having a set of values or a combination of both as an

attribute value for a single tuple .In other words 1NF disallows relations within relations

or relations as attribute of tuples. The only attribute values permitted by 1NF are single

atomic values. All the tables in the database satisfy the first normal form.

• Second Normal Form (2NF) - The test for 2NF involves testing for functional

dependencies whose left hand side attribute are part of the primary key. If the primary key

contains a single attribute the test need not be applied at all. A relation schema R is in

2NF if every non prime attribute A in R is functionally dependent on the primary key of

R. All the tables with two attributes in the primary key field satisfy second normal form.

For example in the jobs master table job code is the primary key.

• Third Normal Form (3NF) - A functional dependency X->Y in a relation schema R is a

transitive dependency if there is neither a set of attributes Z that is neither a candidate key

nor a subset of any key of R and both X -> Z and Z -> Y hold true.


5.6.1 Input Design

Input Design is the process of converting the user originated inputs to a computer

based format. Input design is a part of overall system design that needs careful attention and it

includes specifying the means by which actions are to be taken. Since the inputs have to be

planned in such a manner so as to get the relevant information, extreme care is taken to obtain

the pertinent information. If the data fed into the system is incorrect, then the processing as well

as the outputs will magnify these errors .The arrangement of messages and comments in online

conversations, as well as the placement of data, headings, and titles on display screens or source

documents, is also part of the input design. Online systems include a dialogue or conversation

between the user and the system.

• Controlling the Amount of Input - The major reasons for controlling the amount of

input are, first as the cost of labor is high, the cost of preparing the data and entering the

data is also high. Second, the input phase of computing can be a slow process that can

take many times longer than the time needed by computers to carry out their tasks.

• Avoiding Bottlenecks - A processing delay results from data preparation or data entry

operations is called a bottleneck. Avoiding bottleneck should always be one objective of

the analyst in designing input.

• Avoiding Errors - The third objective deals with errors .In one sense, the rate at which

errors occur depends on the quantity of data, since the smaller the amount of data to

input. The fewer the opportunities for errors. The manner in which the data is entered

also affects the occurrence of errors. Another aspect of avoiding error is the need to

detect the error when they do occur. These are done using input validation techniques.

• Keeping the process simple - Simplicity works and it is accepted by the users. In

contrast it takes work to get users to accept complex or confusing input designs, and there

is no guarantee of success in installing a complex system.

In my module all the above discussed points are given due importance while designing the input.

It avoids delay and provides the user with necessary support to enter the data in an easy manner.

5.6.2 Output Design

Output design refers to the results and information that are generated by the system.

It is on the basis of the outputs generated that the usefulness of the application is evaluated. The

significant points that have to be considered for the output design are as follows:

• Determine what information to present.

• Decide the medium of output.

• Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable format.

• Decide how to distribute the output to intended recipients.

The arrangement of information on a display, or a printed document is termed as a

layout. Layout forms, sheets that describe the location characteristics and the format of the

column headings and pagination. Output design phase of system is concerned with the

convergence of information to the end user in user-friendly manner.

The output design should be efficient, intelligible so that the system relationship with

the end user is improved considerably and thereby, enhancing the decision-making process. The

contents of the output are then defined in a detailed manner during the physical design of





Detailed design deals with the various modules in detail explaining them with

appropriate description and specifying the tables referenced and updated. This will helps the

programmers to implement the internal logic for the module in the given specification. The

design specification addresses different aspects of the design model and is completed as the

designer refines the representation of software. The design specification contains a requirement


In this section, I will describe the design of the modules with respect to the

Functional, Non-functional and Data Requirements as discovered in the Requirement Analysis.

The System would be developed as per the J2EE Architecture. The different modules

in the system will be developed using this Architecture. The applications will consist of Data

Access Objects, Servlets, JSPs (Java Server Pages), JavaScript, Java Beans and EJB (Enterprise

Java Beans).

Front-end screens will be developed using Java Server Pages. The Data will be stored

in the Backend using Oracle 8i.


The following tables have been designed as per requirement. The table presented here

are for illustrative purposes only.

6.2.1 Table Descriptions


This table would be used to capture the employee details, such as name, email, location,

etc. which would be uniquely identifiable using the employee id.


This is used to capture all the details of the candidate resumes being posted, such as

candidate name, date of birth, including the jobs against which the resumes are being

posted. All the resumes in the table would be uniquely identified by the resume number.


This table would capture the states of the resumes as they change during the processing of

candidate, or resume modification by the candidate. The sole purpose of this is tracking,

reporting, and auditing.


This table would be used to hold the resumes of candidates who were found suitable but,

could not be offered because of filling of requirements or any other reason.


The resumes that have been found unfit would be moved from resume_table would be

stored here for configurable amount of time.


All the details of the jobs created, and their statuses would be captured in this table. Each

job is uniquely identifiable by its job code.


This table would be used to capture the details of the users who can access to the system

and what are they allowed to do. Each record in this table would be uniquely identified by

the user id.


This would be used to capture the details including candidate id and password required

for providing access to the candidate desktop.


This table would be used to capture the candidate assessment details, such as marks

scored in the test, technical interview and hr interview etc. Each record in this table would

be uniquely identifiable by Candidate’s Resume number.


This table would be used to capture all the details pertaining to test’s, such as location,

date, time etc. All the records would be uniquely identified by test id.


This table would be used to store all the codes used throughout, such as status, location

codes, etc. All codes will be uniquely identified by Code Id.


This table would be used to store all the configurable values, which would be used

throughout for various purposes, such as number of days the resumes should be kept, etc.

All values would be uniquely identified by Value Id.


This table would be used to store the content of various mails that need to be sent. All the

mails would be uniquely identified by Mail Id.


All the details of mails that are to be sent will be captured in this table.

All the mails sent will be uniquely referenced by Mail Number.

Apart from the tables specified above, a set of history tables were designed for some

of the above given tables to capture the change history of the records in the table, for auditing

and reporting purposes. Whenever a record is modified in the table for which history table exists,

an entry is made into the corresponding history table for that particular record.

6.2.2 Database Diagram

Fig 6.1 Database Diagram


Fig 6.2 DFD - User Login

Validated Job Details

User Id & Rights


Job Details Job Details

Employee DetailsRECRUITER








User Id, Rights

User Id, Password & Rights

User Id & Password USER





Fig 6.3 DFD - Job Creation

Fig 6.4 DFD - Test Creation

Test Details Validated Test Details

User Id & Rights


Test Details Job Details

Employee DetailsSystem Admin









Fig 6.5 DFD - Resume Posting

Fig 6.6 DFD - Assign Test

Updated Details

User Id & Rights

Mail Data Updated


Mail Text


Resume Details Job Details

Resume Details Recruiter











Mail Data

Candidate Id &


Resume Details

Validated Resume Details

Mail Text


Resume Details Job Details

Resume Details Candidate

Resume Posting









Fig 6.7 DFD - Test Confirmation

Updated Details

Updated Details

Mail Content

Candidate Id Confirmation Details


Resume Details Candidate








Mail Data



Fig 6.8 DFD - Resume Processing

Updated Details

User Id & Rights

Mail Data Candidate Details

Mail Text

CodesResume Number

Resume DetailsRecruiter











Job Details

Updated Details

User Id & Rights

Mail Data

Assessment Details

Mail Text



Resume DetailsRecruiter













Fig 6.9 DFD - SAP Transfer by Recruiter




Coding converts the design model into executable domain. Coding is not just

translation of design in to code but also translation of design into efficient, easily understandable

and elegant code. A server side programming along with client side scripting language is used to

establish the various data and control flows.

The following make Synergy modular and easy to extend or improved:-

• Naming Conventions - Naming conventions were followed to increase the readability

and understandability of the code. The following conventions were followed to name the

programs, methods, variables etc.

o General - The name chosen should be appropriate and meaningful, so as to make

it easy for the developer to identify the purpose of the program, variable or


o Programs - Each program name should start with the first letter in uppercase of

the subsystem they belong to. Example for posting the job details the sub system

was named as Jobposting.java.

o Variable Names - The first letter of the variable name is always lowercase. For

example: in a server side program, which validates the password got from the

client, the password from the client is retrieved from the request and stored in a

variable named spassword, s standing for server. Multi-word identifiers are

internally capitalized for clarity.

o Methods - The first letter of a method is always lower case. The remaining are the

same as for variables.

• Comments - Comments play a very important role in making the code readable and

understandable. Comments should be used wherever necessary, though overuse of

comments should be avoided. It can provide a clear guide for the last phase of software

development called maintenance.

Hence precise comments are provided in the following places:-

1. When a variable is used first.

2. When a method is declared.

3. In the beginning of each program.

4. Wherever complex logic is involved.

• Statement Construction And Indentation - Proper construction of statements and

indentation are necessary to overcome ambiguity. Two blank lines with proper comments

separate the different functional blocks.

The following are some of the indentation rules followed:-

1. Using parentheses to clarify expressions.

2. Using spacing for readability of symbols.

3. Avoiding heavy nesting of loops and conditions.


Testing of software extends throughout the coding phase and it represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. A series of test cases are created with an intention of testing the software. Based on the way the software reacts to these tests, one can decide whether the product that has been built is robust or not. Test cases play a vital role in directing test engineers towards their goal. Testing activity is performed by employees within the project team excluding the developers.

The tester has to checks for all possible inputs and outputs and find out any errors

and report it to the Test Leader. The Test Leader asks the developer to fix the errors reported by

the tester. The errors are reported to the Test Leader are with respect to the test cases given to

the tester. The tester has to prepare error log comments table for each test case where the error is


7.2.1 Unit Testing

Each of the modules developed were tested independently. The following were

considered during the unit test:-

• The module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows in and out of the

unit under test.

• The local data structure is examined to ensure that data stored temporarily maintains

integrity throughout the unit’s lifetime.

• Boundary conditions are tested.

• All independent paths through the control structure are exercised to ensure that all

statements in the module have been executed at least once.

• All Error handling paths are tested.

7.2.3 Integration Testing

Integration testing was done to verify the coexistence of all the modules and the

forms involved. Bottom-Up integration testing strategy was used for this purpose. After unit

testing of each of the modules, they are integrated from the bottom by combining each of the

units into clusters.

Within a module, the sub modules were loosely coupled. Hence integrating within

a sub system was not a problem. So integration testing was focused on those modules, which

were tightly coupled. After a full-fledged integration of all the modules to the homepage, the

site was tested for interface errors, connection errors etc., and was corrected to work


7.2.4 Validation Testing

It is said that validation is successful when the software functions in a manner that

can be reasonably expected by the customer. This type of testing is very important, because it is

the only way to check whether the requirements given by the user have been completely fulfilled.

Each and every sub module was tested whether it provided the required functionality. Each input

field was tested with the validation rules specified for them.

7.2.5 Acceptance Testing

This testing was performed to check whether the developed site met all its requirements. It is a kind of validation. Hence the site was launched for a minimal set of employees and the interfacing errors found were corrected. Reasonable expectations defined in the SRS and any new changes expected were achieved.


The following are the primary issues that are encountered:-

• A separate Test Server is needed for testing, because addition and modification of Servlets

and EJB require a build, which requires server restarts.

• A separate dummy database is needed for testing purpose because in data in live database

cannot be risked.

• Browser incompatibility was a major problem for achieving constant look and feel and

functionality, across browsers.


The integration of newly developed system into an existing system poses a lot of

challenges, especially in cases of large system having a lot of complexity, because it’s possible that functionality which works fine in separate systems may not work, or worse if the integration process breaks the existing functionality in some unknown way. The integration of different units in to the system involves lots of testing on the tester’s part. The integration of a system of reasonably large size easily leads to problem areas. Finding problem areas and solving it, is a challenge.




The success or failure of any project is ultimately decided by the users of the system,

no matter how good or efficient a system is, if it fails to meet the expectation of the users it is a

failure. Thus the goal of any system apart from other requirements is to meet or exceed the user’s


Great care has been taken to satisfy the expectation of different users by providing a

user-friendly system so that it enables the end users to get things done easily and efficiently, the

system is configurable to great extent to allow for the customisation and fine tuning by System

administrators, the system was developed with extensibility in mind so that future requirements

can be easily incorporated by software developers. The selection of software is the building block

for the development of the system. The choice of J2EE design patterns were chosen after

carefully studying the system.

The project deals with the various recruitment activities of Wipro Technologies. The

objective of the project is determined in the manner in which the recruitment activities are

effortlessly carried out with increased efficiency and throughput. In this system best efforts have

been made to overcome the difficulties faced by the existing system. Data retrieval is made faster

and flexible search options have also been provided.

Working on this live project has been a learning experience. There was a lot of

positive feedback when the final testing of the project was over. This software is designed to

provide fast, reliable and secure access to the end-users. There are several features that can be

added and the application can be improved. Every effort has been taken to develop a well

approved system.


The e-Recruitment System surely has further scope for development based on the

forthcoming requirements and the deployment of logical analysis in the development thereafter.

Given below are few of the enhancements that can be incorporated:-

• Access to Synergy via Mobile Devices (e.g. by WAP).

• Candidates can get status updates and alerts via SMS, or post resume against a new job

code via SMS.

• The test taken by candidate can be made online and integrated into ‘Synergy’. The test

scores of the candidate can then be automatically uploaded and eligible candidates can be

automatically scheduled for interview.

• A module can be developed that will allow resume search and upload from multiple

databases from different vendors.

• Context sensitive / Balloon help can be included throughout ‘Synergy’ giving tips and

examples to make it easier for novice users to use the system.

• An Error Reporting module that will take over in case of any error, and would provide

with valuable details regarding the cause of error, what was being done when error

occurred, and if possible suggest a solution.

• Advanced user query for job search, and facility to auto post resumes against jobs based

on user criteria, while informing the same to the candidate.



Fig A 1.1 Job Create Screen

Fig A 1.2 Test Create Screen

Fig A 1.3 Assign Test Query Screen

Fig A 1.4 Assign Test Screen

Fig A 1.5 Query Screen – Process Candidates

Fig A 1.6 Process Candidate Screen (in part)

Fig A 1.7 Process Candidate Screen (contd.)

Fig A 1.8 SAP Transfer Screen

Fig A 1.9 Resume Posting Screen

Fig A 2.0 Candidate Desktop



1. Bruce Eckel, “Thinking in Java”, 3rd edition. 2. Dan Malks, “Professional JSP”, Wrox Publications, Wrox Press, 2000. 3. Marty Hall, “Core Servlets and Java Server Pages”, Prentice Hall, 2000. 4. O'Reilly, “Java-Script”, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc, 2000-2003 5. Paul Perrone, Venkata S.R. "Krishna" R. Chaganti, Tom Schwenk,”J2EE Developer's

Handbook”, Sams, 2003

6. Roger S.Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner Approach”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 1999.


1. http://isd.wipro.com 2. http://java.sun.com

3. http://knet.wipro.com 4. http://www.codeguru.com

5. http://www.javaworld.com 6. http://www.sourceforge.net