26 Trillion App Recomendations using 100 Lines of Spark Code - Ayman Farahat

26 Trillion App Recommendation using100 Lines of Spark Code Ayman Farahat

Transcript of 26 Trillion App Recomendations using 100 Lines of Spark Code - Ayman Farahat

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26 Trillion App Recommendation using100 Lines of Spark Code

Ayman Farahat

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●Spark Implementation

○ Collabrative Filtering

○ Data Frames

○ BLAS-3

●Results and lessons learnt.


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●App discovery is a challenging problem due to the exponential

growth in number of apps

●Over 1.5 million apps available through both market places (i.e.

Itunes and Google Play store)

●Develop app recommendation engine using various user

behavior signals

○Explicit Signal (App rating)

○Implicit Signal (frequency/duration of app usage)


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●Data available through Flurry SDK is rich in both coverage

and depth

●Collected session length for Apps used on IOS platform in

period between Sept 1-15 2015 .

●Restricted analysis to Apps used by 100 or more users

○~496 million Users

○~53,793 Apps

Flurry Data and Summary

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●User Count : 496,508,312

●App Count : 153,773

●App 100+ : 53,793

●Train time : 52 minutes

●Predict time : 8 minutes

Data Summary

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●Utilize a collaborative filtering based App recommendation

●Run collaborative filtering that works at scale to generate:

○Low dimension user features

○Low dimension App features

○Compute user x App rating for all possible

combinations (26.7 Trillion)

●Used spark framework to efficiently train and recommend.

Our Approach

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●Projects the users and Apps (in our case) into a lower

dimensional space

Collaborative Filtering Model

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●Used out of sample prediction accuracy on 20+ Apps Users

●The MSE was minimum with number of factors fixed at 60

Model Fitting and Parameter Optimization

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●Join operation can greatly benefit from caching.

●Filter out Apps that have less than 100 userscleandata = allapps.join(cleanapps)

●Do a replicated join in Spark #only keep the apps that had 100 or more usercleanapps = myapps.filter(lambda x :x[1] > MAXAPPS).map(lambda x: int(x[0]))#persist the apps dataapps = sc.broadcast(set(cleanapps.collect()))# filter by the data set: I have simulated a replicated join cleandata = allapps.filter(lambda x: x[1] in apps.value)

Data Frames

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●In spark you can use a dataframe directly Record = Row("userId", "iuserId", "appId", "value")MAXAPPS = 100#transform allapps to a df allappsdf = allapps.map(lambda x: Record(*x)).toDF()

# register the DF and issue SQL queriessqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(allappdf, "table1")#here I am grouing by the AppIDdf2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT appId as appId2, avg(value), count(*) from table1 group by appId")topappsdf = df2.filter(df2.c2 >MAXAPPS)

#DF joincleandata = allappsdf.join(topappsdf, allapps.appId == topappdf.appId2)

Data Frames

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●The number of possible user x App combinations is very large

Default prediction : PredictAll○predictions = model.predictAll(testdata).map(lambda r: ((r[0], r[1]), r[2]))

○Prediction is simply matrix multiplication of user “i” and App “j”

●Never completes and most of time spent on reshuffle.

●The users are not partioned so can be on all Nodes.

●The Apps are not partioned so can be on all Nodes.

●Reshuffle is extremely slow.


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●The key is that the Number of Apps << Number of users

●Exploit the low number of Apps to optimize the prediction time


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●The App features being smaller in size can be stored in

primary memory (BLAS 3)

●We broadcast the Apps to all executors, which reduces the

overall reshuffling of data

●use BLAS-3 matrix multiplication available within numpy which

is highly optimized


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Basic linear algbera system for solving problems of the form

D = a A * b B + c C

Highly optimized for matrix multiplication.


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import numpy

from numpy import *

myModel=MatrixFactorizationModel.load(sc, "BingBong”)

m1 = myModel.productFeatures()

m2 = m1.map(lambda (product,feature) : feature).collect()

m3 = matrix(m2).transpose()

pf = sc.broadcast(m3)

uf = myModel.userFeatures().coalesce(100)

#get predictions on all user

f1 = uf.map(lambda (userID, features): (userID, squeeze(asarray(matrix(array(features)) * pf.value))))


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Evaluation :Predicted Score

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Predicted Score : Positive

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Predicted Score : Negative

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Evaluation of Recommendation● Identify users with high(low) scores

● Design of experiment :

● High score x Recommendation

● High score x Placebo

● Low score x Recommendation

● High score x Placebo

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Future Work● Spark econometrics library (std. error, robust std. errors.. )

● Online experiments to measure value of recommendation .

● Experiments with various implicit ratings :

● number of sessions

● days used

● Log of days used

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