253 - soltakss.comBloodstone Fort 29 Impaling Place 29 The Tower of Lead 31 The Statue Garden 32...


Transcript of 253 - soltakss.comBloodstone Fort 29 Impaling Place 29 The Tower of Lead 31 The Statue Garden 32...

Page 1: 253 - soltakss.comBloodstone Fort 29 Impaling Place 29 The Tower of Lead 31 The Statue Garden 32 Neverdead 32 The Sleeping City 33 The Quiet Place 33 The Pits 33 The Necropolis 33
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Prologue 4

Rumors 4

Other Supplements 5

Dorastor Q&A 5

Places 7

The Borderlands 7

Riskland 7

Densdam 8

Dorasta Shrine 8

Dorasta’s Cleft 9

Dorastaland 9

The Kennel 9

Hazard Steads 10

Frog Steads 10

Firewater 10

Hazard Fort 12

Thunder Mountain 12

The Bad Rocks 14

Bilini 15

The Hold 15

Ribbon Sands 15

Skanthiland 15

Benksland 15

Boldground 15

Oxhead 15

Kendhall Fort 17

Skalsland 17

The Northern Wilds 17

Copper Forest 17

Strange Wood 17

Kentylland 18

The Wolf Wilds 18

Old Wolf Fort 19

Doom Stones 19

Dorastor 21

Hellwood 21

Blood Grove 23

Copse of Pain 25

The Seven Hills 26

Poisonthorn Woods 28

Bloodstone Fort 29

Impaling Place 29

The Tower of Lead 31

The Statue Garden 32

Neverdead 32

The Sleeping City 33

The Quiet Place 33

The Pits 33

The Necropolis 33

The Zoo 33

The Fields 35

The Granary 35

The Market 35

The River 35

The Choirs 35

The Arena 35

Golden Palace 36

Demon Plateau 38

Demonwall 38

Micro Broo Geyser 38

Thanatar’s Torch 38

Cave of Madness 39

Fort Wrath 39

Illlands 40

Ghostdirt Plain 40

Devil's Nose 40

Ash Flat 42

The Temple of Heads 43

Wild Place 44

Rotground 45

Walktapus Moot 45

Foulvale 45

Bugswarm Swamp 46

Dokat 47

Slimestone 47

Good Place 49

Gloomhome 50

Monster Bones 50

Nangtali's Plateau 50

Nangtali's Bane 50

Wazhoo’s Wrath 51

Other Areas 51

Arkat's Black Pool 51

Arkat’s Last Tower 52

Castle Kartolin 54

Dorastor Inn 55

Emperor’s Road 56

Kartolin Pass 56

Old Elf Trail 56

Walktapus Gardens 58

Worm Hills 58

Rivers 60

Blackwash River 60

Clearwater Stream 60

Erinflarth River 60

Frog River 61

Hardscrabble Beck 61

Hellwast River 61

Muddy Creek 62

Oilstream 62

Skalsplitter 62

Slimestream 62

Sludgestream River 63

Sweetwater River 63

Mountains 63

Hostarn Mountain 63

Bolini Range 64

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Ebkeron Range 64

Tobros Mountains 64

Caralass Mountain 64

Wolfdaug Mountain 64

Grey Dome 64

The Watch Hills 64

Shadowfall Mountain 64

Old Crag Mountain 66

Chaos Nests 66

Surrounding Areas 68

Aggar 68

Salantor Hills 68

Diamond Hills 68

Forantin River 68

Talada 68

Sylila 68

Dara-Ni 68

Rist 68

Palace of Flowers 68

Lakrene 69

Endeel 69

Lostside 69

Relain 69

Urnandle 69

Voranel 69

Anadiki 69

Vesgaringland 69

Nungaringland 69

Talastar 69

Vasdalingland 69

Lingstingland 69

Tenlingland 70

Bilingland 70

Arkailingland 70

Ulredingland 70

Karia 70

Sacred Mountains 72

Trade In Dorastor 74

Temples 75

Well-Known Temples 75

Lesser-Known Temples 76

Secret or Lost Temples 76

Personalities 77

Personalities of Dorastor 77

Aranara 77

The Son of Thed 79

The Secrets 80

The Great Gorp 82

Heidi 83

The Golden Eagle 85

The Dragonewt of Storm 85

Ralzakark 87

Tin Feather (Lost Storm) 89

Teacher 91

The Man of Light 92

The Chaos Dragon 93

The Great Queen 94

The Sultan of Vanch 96

The Doomed Man 98

The Head 98

The Body 99

Ralzakark Deathbringer 100

Slamark, Envoy of Ralzakark 102

The Mistress of Light, Guardian of the

Fires of Heaven 103

Seven Hills Fiend 105

Crystal Skull 106

The Chaos Pack 107

Horned Huntsman 107

The Chaos Hounds 108

The Giant King of Neverdead 110

Wallay 111

Ghoul King 113

Sessanka 115

Drassalha 116

Other Personalities 119

Gangs 119

Personalities of the Borderlands 120

Ketil Eriksbane 120

Hakon the Swimmer 121

Bolthor Brighteyes 122

Renekot the Stone 123

Nyrope 124

Hahlgrim Ironsword 125

Oddi the Keen 126

Lanstan Longspear 127

Halim - The False Wind 128

Lady Darna 129

The Ram Raider 132

Barstan Ram-Friend 132

Tin Ram 133

Bestiary 133

Fauna 134

Arachnaur 134

Brollachans 136

Dinosaurs 136

Feylings 136

Fiends 138

Ghouls 138

Giants, Lesser 140

Giants, True 141

Harpies 142

Jacklings 142

Micro Broos 143

Naiads 144

Spiderlings 144

Spirit Warriors 146

Stonemen 147

Succubi 149

Wazhooks 150

Telmori 152

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Beastling 152

Transform Spells 152

Wind Riders 154

Voughs 154

Other Creatures 156

Broobats 156

Cave Trolls 156

Chaos Snakes 156

Chaos Spirits 156

Crawling Hand 156

Glargs 156

Gorp 156

Giant Spiders 156

Grayskins 157

Mentality Spirits 157

Passion Spirits 157

Slime Deer 157

Even More Creatures 157

Flora 159

Basket Tree 159

Blood Warriors 159

Cage Trees 159

Carnivorous Grass 160

Dorastoran Death Weed 160

Draining Bushes 160

Impaling Tree 161

Pain Trees 161

Sleeping Grass 161

Slime Weed 161

Spike Trees 162

Strangler Vines 162

Organisations 162

The Broo Legion 163

The Other Broo Legion 165

Shadowmages 167

Mythos 167

Philosophy 167

Description 168

Becoming a Shadowmage 168

Benefits and Powers 168

Disadvantages of being a

Shadowmage 169

General Statement 169

The Golden Eagles 169

The Sisters 171

Young Wolf Society 173

Mad Dog Templars 173

The Troupe of the New Light 174

Storm Dragon Society 175

Small Gangs 175

Cults 175

Cacodemon 176

Nature of the Cult 176

Lay Membership 176

Initiate Membership 177

God-Talker Membership 177

Rune Lord Membership 177

Rune Priest Membership 177

Rune Magic 177

Associate Cults 177

Notes 177

Cacodemon Temples in Dorastor 178

Temple Organization 178

Dagorma 180

Mythos and History 180

Nature of the Cult 180

Lay Membership 180

Initiate Membership 180

Rune Magic 180

Associate Cults 180

Dorasta 181

Mythos and History 181

Before Time 181

Since Time 181

Nature of the Cult 181

Lay Membership 182

Initiate Membership 182

Wild Daughters 182

Wild Women 182

Rune Magic 182

Sub Cults 183

Spirits of Retribution 183

Associate Cults 183

Notes 183

Dorasta’s Chaotic Nature 183

Husband Protectors 183

Dorasta 183

Neverdead 183

Riskland 184

The Curse 184

Relationships with Earth

Goddesses 184

The Golden Eagle 185

Nature of the Cult 185

Lay Members 185

Initiate Membership 185

Eagle Lords 185

Rune Magic 185

Associate Cults 185

The Great Gorp 186

Nature of the Cult 186

Lay Members 186

Initiate Membership 186

Rune Priests 186

Runemagic 186

Associate Cults 186

Humakt 187

Mythos and History 187

Nature of the Cult 187

Lay Members 187

Initiate Membership 187

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- 256 -

God-Talkers 188

Rune Lords 188

Runemagic 188

Sub Cults 188

Associate Cults 188

The Fiery Slime 188

Nature of the Cult 188

Lay Members 189

Initiate Membership 189

Rune Priests 189

Runemagic 189

Salamanders 189

Subcults 189

Associate Cults 189

Primal Chaos 191

Nature of the Cult 191

Lay Members 191

Initiate Membership 191

Rune Priests 191

Runemagic 191

Chaos Features 191

Chaos Feature Table 192

Chaos Table 1 192

Chaos Table 2 192

Chaos Table 3 192

Chaos Table 4 193

Chaos Table 5 193

Chaos Table 6 193

Chaos Table 7 194

Chaos Table 8 194

Vivamort 195

Mythos and History 195

Lay Members 196

Initiate Membership 196

Providers 196

Devotees 196

God-Talkers 197

Rune Priests 197

Sword Biter 197

Vampires 197

Cult Special Spells 199

SubCults 200

Mazoo 200

Spirit of Reprisal 201

Associate Cults 201

Mallia, Mother of Disease 201

Illumination 201

What is Illumination? 201

Becoming Illuminated 201

Sacred Time 202

Nysaloran Riddles 202

Sacred Plays, Songs and Dances 202

Personal Contact 202

Mystical Acts 202

Sevening 202

Occlusion 203

Challenging the All 203

Naturals 203

Other Ways 203

Illumination Abilities 203

Common Illumination Abilities 203

Ability to Learn Nysaloran Riddles


Ability to Sense Illumination 204

Immune to Cult Spirits of Reprisal


Immune to Sense/Detect

Chaos/Law 204

Secret Knowledge 204

Special Illumination Abilities 204

Combine Runes 204

Conquer Nature 204

Escape HeroQuest Consequence


Hide Passion 204

Hide Rune 204

Ignore Cult Restriction 204

Immune to Sense/Detect 204

Learn Special Magic 205

Mystical Defense 205

Schools of Illumination 205

First Age Schools 205

Order of Rashoran 205

Order of Ketreseus 205

First Temple of Rebirth 205

Mobs and Rabble 205

Eat Nows 205

Every Man a Sun 205

Lords of True Destiny 205

Make me a Duke 205

Want Mores 205

Not me alone, but you 206

Second Age Schools 206

Golden Dragon Society 206

Sunface 206

Wise Women of the Sun 206

White Sun Lords 206

Order of Illumination 206

Eighth School 206

Ganbarrin Mystery School 206

Margins 206

Heirs of Jesenurus 206

Teruvians 207

Umbarism 207

Old Good Shadow 207

Third Age Schools 207

One Sun 207

See Anews 207

Sisterhood of New Consciousness


Zolathi 207

Order of Kerestus 207

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Order of Day 207

Cult of Black Arkat 209

Dark Side 209

Lunars – Light or Dark? 209

Effects 211

Natural Weather 211

Ragnaglar's Breath 211

The Great Slump 214

The Rippling Hills 214

The Screaming Earth 214

Treasures 214

Treasure Format 214

Description 214

Cults 214

History 214

Procedure 214

Powers 214

Value 214

Blood Dagger 215

Description 215

Cults 215

History 215

Procedure 215

Powers 215

Value 215

Golden Eagle Wheel 215

Description 215

Cults 215

History 215

Procedure 215

Powers 215

Value 215

Golden Mirrors 216

Description 216

Cults 216

History 216

Procedure 216

Powers 216

Value 216

Gorp Stones 216

Description 216

Cults 216

History 216

Procedure 216

Powers 216

Value 216

Hero Stone 217

Description 217

Cults 217

History 217

Procedure 217

Powers 217

Value 217

Krarsht’s Egg 217

Description 217

Cults 217

History 217

Procedure 217

Powers 217

Value 217

Larnste’s Blood 218

Description 218

Cults 218

History 218

Procedure 218

Powers 218

Value 218

Meteor Bow 218

Description 218

Cults 218

History 218

Procedure 218

Powers 218

Value 218

Minlister’s Ring 219

Description 219

Cults 219

History 219

Procedure 219

Powers 219

Value 219

Powered Weapon 219

Description 219

Cults 219

History 219

Procedure 219

Powers 219

Value 219

Ralzakark’s Crown 220

Description 220

Cults 220

History 220

Procedure 220

Powers 220

Value 220

Sever Blade 220

Description 220

Cults 220

History 220

Procedure 220

Powers 220

Value 220

Tin Feather 221

Description 221

Cults 221

History 221

Procedure 221

Powers 221

Value 221

Tin Mirrors 221

Description 221

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Cults 221

History 221

Procedure 221

Powers 221

Value 221

Wakboth's Teeth 222

Description 222

Cults 222

History 222

Procedure 222

Powers 222

Value 222

Miscellaneous 223

The God Contest 223

Dorastor's Spirit Plane 223

Ash Flat 223

Cave of Madness 223

Dokat 224

Dorastor's Cleft 224

Foul Vale 224

Ghost Dirt Plain 224

Good Place 224

Hellwood 224

Mad Sultan's Camp 224

Nangtali's Plateau 224

Neverdead 225

Poisonthorn Woods 225

Rotground 225

Slimestone 225

Spider Woods 225

Wild Place 225

Miscellaneous Notes 225

Spirit Places 225

Encounter Tables 226

Campaigns 232

Staying Alive 232

In-Game 232

Ransom 232

Run Away! 232

Healing and Resurrection 232

Magic Items 234

Out-of-Game 234

Dead and Back Again 234

Surprise Ally 234

Relaxed Rules Interpretation 234

Games Master Mistakes 234

Types of Campaign 234

Diplomats 234

Hirelings 234

Mission Impossible 234

Zealots 235

Wandering Adventurers 235

Exploration 235

Riskland Settlers 236

Stead Management 236

Campaign Ideas 237

Low Level Campaigns 237

Medium Level Campaigns 237

High Level Campaigns 239

Campaign Plots 239

Chaos is Nasty 239

Find the Lost … 239

Bring Back My … 240

Politics 240

Guards 240

Ducks, Ducks and More Ducks 241

Dragon Pass 241

Games Masters 242

New/Amended Rules 242

Levels of Success 242

Failure Chance 242

Fumble Chance 242

Combat Resolution Chart 243

Dodge Resolution Chart 244

Tactics 244

In Combat 244

Multiple Attacks 244

Mob Attacks 244

Anti-Parry 245

Special Attacks 245

Chaos Features 245

Natural Defense 246

Demoralize 246

Multispell 246

Magic Point Stores 247

Allied Spirits 247

What is this “Dead” you speak of?


Healing is not just the Heal spell


Out of Combat 248

The Great Game 248

What an Opportunity I have for

You 249

I am the Chosen One 249

Playing the Rulers 249

Epilogue 250

Many Thanks 250

Future Plans 250

Jonstown Compendium 251

What is the Jonstown Compendium?


What can I find in the Jonstown

Compendium? 251

Where can I find the Jonstown

Compendium? 251

Jonstown Compendium Supplements


Contents 253