247 Worship Team Handbook

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  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook


    worship teamh a n d b o o k


  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook


    'As/ong os / sho// ive f sholl e o ruleengroved on my tongue o bring proise

    like ruif or on offeringond my lips os osocilficiolgift. willmoke skillfulmusicwithlyreond horp to serye God's glory,And thefruitof my lipswill roise n proise f Hisuleof /ghteousness. o/hmorning ondevening shollenter nto the covenont ofGod: ond ot the end of both sholl ecite

    His ommondments, ond so ong os theycontinue o exist, hese willbe the frontierond my ourne/s end.

    Therefore will blessHis ome in oil I do,before I move hond or fool, whenever goout or come in,when sitdown ond whenI rise,even when ying on my couch, wiltchont His rolse.

    My lipssho// rorseHim os sitot the toblewhich is set or oll, ond before I lift myheod to portoke of ony nourishmenl romderblous ruits f the eorth.

    When eor ond terrorcome, ond there sonlyonguishond drs/ress willstill /ess ndfhonkHimfor Hiswondrous eedt ondmeditote upon His ower, ond leon uponHrsmercles oll doy long. For know hot nHis ond lslusflce

    or oll thot ive,ond ollHisworksore true, So when roublecornet or solvofion, proiseHim ust hesorne,

    (ColumnX 'Monuolof Discipline' eod

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    Do you reolise hot you hove been chosen or ospecific purpose? ou moy feel hol yourpurposeis o be o memoer of th,sWorship eom os osinger, r musicion, r sound ude, or worshipleoder, oll of which ore noble pursuits.

    However,God hos mode it cleor n His word(lsoioh 3) thot we hove been chosen or Hispurpose, Whotwe choose o do os o member onihisWorship eom s but on expresslon f our ruepurpose.

    Our rue purpose s hol we exisi o give God gloryl

    We do this by concentroting ll of ourottention nGod: Hisperson, His eeds, His romises, is ruth,Hispurity,His oveliness, ls Groce, His xcellence,Bybeing utierly onsumed by God we will indthol our chorocter willchonge to be more Christ-like We ^/illhen find ourselves o be the mostpotent Christ ikemodel for ife ronsformotion,

    Music s not the purpose of our Worship eom,lovingGod ond loving eoch other s,

    You will indos you get to know he people on thisWorship eom, thot t ruly eeks God in oll hings.hove been inspired nd leornt how o be moreinlimotewithGod from he exomple of thesepeople. Worship eom 2417 motivotesme to be obetter Christmodel to o soved ond unsovedcommuntly,

    Ps DerekMcClureB.Ed. .Mus Honours)

    DerekMcclure wos ne Worship osTor or HopeCenlrol rom 200'] 2003,. ,

    WotshipTeom 2417 Hondbook

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    A word from Poslor oe

    Thiss ontcsiic tuff,


  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook



    whlch s he greotest ommondmenl n heLow?"Jesus eplied: 'Lovethe Lord ourGod with llyourheort nd withollyour oul nd with llyourmind,'Thisis he rst nd greotest ommondment, nd hesecond s ike t: Loveyourneighbor s yourself,'AllheLowond he prophets ong on these wocommondments," .4otthew2,3 - A

    A few yeors ogo I wos gronted o vision f worship,both from God's perspective nd my own,

    lmogine o londscope with oll ing ills ndmognificent rees withno opporent boundories,Will.irhisoeoutiful ondscope were groups ofpeople n slngle ows, ll iningup behind woodendoor fromes, woitingos if o 'ente/ into heronoscope,

    I reolized hot God wos pointing ut thot helondscope s worship nd we os Christions onoften imes mistoke t os o mon mode event ho t

    we need to use o'entea

    into t, The dea thot weexisi n o worship ifestyle ith our Creotor meonswe do not need to creote on event 10 meet withHim,

    "...worshipisnot ust singing. or s t o fhree-songworm-up or the sermon. ife-giving orship oesn'tonly hoppen when we gothet for Sundoy e,rylces, oris t on evenf: t's ur ifeslyle." ed Hoggord

    We ore constontly n relotionship ilhHim.Sundoy'worsh,p'tnere'ore beco'nes on exoression f ourlifestyle ithHim.

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    Our vision or Worship eom 2417 os grown rom

    lhe desire o live n constonl elotionship iih Godwhere we seek o give Himollglory, ovingHimwitholl our heort ond soul ond mind, And toexpress God's elotionship ithus, hrough ourrelotionships itheoch other, ooking ui not forour own nterests, ut the interesls f others,(Philippions)

    Hence our vision or Worship eom 2417;

    'Our vision for Worship Teom 2417 s fo be q

    God focused worship communw tholendqvours to see God glorified in oll of lite.'

    We believe hot Worship eom 2417 xists o giveGod glory n o// hot we do. Bydeveloping ightrelotionships s outlined n God's wofd,webecome good soil n order o beor much fruit orihe glory f God, (John 5:B)

    "fhe bockground to ony preporolion shou/d ol coursebe our efforts b cultivote o lifeslyleof thonklulness ndprolse, so hot our gothering or corporole worshipbecornes on extension f ond a genuine ovetflowingof o doilywolkwllhGod. GrohomKendrick

    To do ihis we focus on three mporiontrelotionshipshot def ne whot Jesus wos olkingobout in Motthew22, and whot our vision s bosedon. Our relotionship ithour HolyCreotor,relotionships itheoch other hot s ourCommunily, ond the relotionship hot wedevelop with our Croff .

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    relotionship ith God s he only hingwe foke oheoven wifhus.'

    Our WorshipTeom exists o be fuliy God focusedin oii thot we do, regordless f whether we oreploying, inging,roning, oing he dishes, urfocus s 10 be continuolly n God.

    "Bymediloting upon God's chorocfer. by proising,ctdoringond worshipping Hisquolifies n detoiL byollowing he eyes of our spirif o goze into His.we wi

    begin to discover our own behwior ollering o reflecfwhol we ho\/e seen, Grohom Kendrick

    li is mportont o reolise hot our relolionship ithGod doesn't begin ond end on o Sundoymorning, ut insteod s o lifestyle f worship.

    'So /'vegof fo tellyou hof f youdo notworshipGodseven doys o week, you do not worshipHim on onedoy o week. here s no such hing n hewen osSundoyworship, nless l lsoccomponied by Mondoy

    worship nd Tuesdoy orship nd so on. A,W,Tozer

    Our ocus on God isn't ust eserved or he timeswhen we gother ogether, t s nsleod ocontinuous ifestyle here we ote bringing ll ofour oltention ond intentionso give God glory. t isnol enough o be o greoi musicion, r to sing ntune, or to operote mochinery well,God desiresour heort, our veryexistence, Whotwe do doesn'tdetermine who we orej t s who we ore thotdetermines whol we do,

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    "Therefore,os God's hosen eople, oly nd deorlyloved, lolhe ourselves ith ompossion, indness,

    humility,entleness nd potience, eorwith ochoiher nd orgive hotever rievonces ou moy hoveogoinst ne onother, orgive s he Lord orgove ou ,Andoveroll hese irtues ul on ove,which indsthem oll ogether n pedect unitv."Colossionsrl2-14

    Worship eom 2417 eeks o build elotionships ho thonour God, We exrst o be Christ o ollpeople,

    understonding hol those ooking n rom outsidemeosure Christ n us rom how we treol eochother, By ovingeoch other ond forgiving ochorher we mognify God's 'noge in other people'seyes ond heoris,

    Our obililyo liveo worship ifestylemprovesdromoticollywhen we surround urselves ithocommunity of likeminded people whom we loveond irust.Relotionships re of ihe core of who weore. t s he fruit by which olhers on identify s,( Jo h n 5 :B)

    A God focused community s ot the heort ofWorship eom 2417.

    "Withoutlhe Lordos our primory ocus,we c,ecomerifuolisticond socioL but wilh Him ot the centre ofctltention,we ore oble to minister ife to those orcundus. Ted Hoggord

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    whotever ou do, whelher n word or deed, do itoll n he nome of the Lord esus, ivinghonks o Godthe Fother hrough im," olossions tl7

    Croft swhotever we put our hond to, notnecessorily usic, inging r sound, Sjnging,ployingmusic, dromo, operoting ound ormultimedio, s he /eos/ of whol Worship eom2417 s obout, Whotwe do exists o serve ndexoltGod first nd foremost nd second, o buildond encoJroge eoch other,

    Peopie nol performoncel Whotwe do isoninvestment nto moking someone else be better,sound better,

    ''lnthe end. worship on never be o performonce.somefhing hofyouTe retending rpullingon. f'sgotlo be on ovetllow of you heorl. Worship s oboLttgelting close ond personol wifh God. drowing closeto God."l\,4ott edmon

    The pursuit f excellence or he gloryof God willolwoys irect ottenlion owoy rom us ond onto ourCreotor. he mprovement f our croft muslolwoysbe within he contexi of our relotionshipwithGod.

    "God isn'twonfing echnlclons n worship. He'swonfing/esponders. hose who wi respond o Hls resence.ChrisBowoter

    la Warship eom 2417 Hondbook

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    ll is importonf lo nole fhol lhere con only beone order of lhese hree relofionshlps...

    lfyou socrificeCreolor or Community you willstrive o pleose he crowd, Youwillconstontly ewonied by whot others eople thinkof you ondyou willbecome self obsorbed, You willultimo.felyleod people to o weokness f relying n theooorovol of others,

    lfyou socrificeCreolor or Ctoft, you willbefocused on performonce. You will eod people tobelieve hot God is only nterested n whot we dorolher hon for who we ofe,

    lfyou socrificeCommunily or Crotl, you willstortto thinkof yourself s being belter hon olhers, Youwill eod people intobelieving hot others resuperior r inferior other hon God's view hot weore oll equo ond oll ore worthy.

    However, fyou ploce these elotionships n theirconect order, Creotor, Communifv,Croft,vou willolwoys irect ottention rom yourself nd onloGod, You willnoturolly e b,uilding irongrelotionships ithpeople; yourcroftwillbecomeon invesimenl nto glorifying od, ond buildingthe worshio ommunifu."Ourmofivesond inlenlions eed lo be scrulinized oswe consider whoton honour nd privilegef is oodministrote orship f others eorls owords God, Aswe embroce fhiscolling, t quicklybecomes evidentthot f we ever reol worship s o hobby or somethingroufine.God will eploce us." Ted Hoggord

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    Role os o Leoder

    We musi be modeling Christ nd be owore ho tthe congregolion ore being eod by us, uslos heApostlePoul oid "Beimiiotors f me even os IimiloteCnrist," s soon os you slep on thol siogeon o Sundoy morning, ou ore n effecl modelingwhot t s o be o God focused worshipper, ouore o worship eoder,

    Jrsl os he Worship eoder hos Drepored or heservice hrough iudyof God's word proyerondsong choice, he resl of the teom must olso be

    prepored, Whot s God soying o us ndividuolly?Whot s He soying o the church os o whole? Findout whot he Worship eoder's ision s or heSundoy nd toke l on boord hrough tudy,proyerond prolse,

    It s mportont o understond hot he greotestimpoct we hove os leoders on the worship eomiswhen we ore not ployingor on the roster, owwe conduct ourselves, ow we porticipote n thegenerol unning f o Sundoy ervice s of greoter

    influencewe do on stoge, fyou see he worshipteom proyingon your off'week, go ond proYwiththem, When he church s singing ongs of proise,sing n omongst others, nd leod, Once you orepori of the worship eom, your eodership ndinfluence s not negotioble, ou ore olwoysworshipper, nd o leoder,

    "Aso leoder, you con only oke fhe people onlYwhereyou h(Ne olreody been. Your obilify o 'leod worship'will be proportionote o the reolily of your own worship/ife,"ChrisBowoler

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    Role os o Croflsperson

    Eoch member of Worship eom 2417 olunteerspo'liculorservice n order o glo"fyGod ond toserve he others,

    It moy be singing, worship eoding, ployingoninstrument, romo, sound, or multimedio,Eoch ofthese services s on equol port of o whole whichmokes up Worship eam 2417

    The chollenge s o provide o foundotion or hevision hoi God hos or he Sundoywithout

    distrocting eople owoy rom t,"Altroctingoltenfion to oursel/es ond q/,/oy rom Christls os ollensve os o besl rnon f iiing with hisbesffriend's ride os she comes up the oisle,"Borry iesch

    Bykeeping our relotionshipsn he right order,Creotor irst,Community econd, we find hot ourcrofi promotes ifechonge ond not o di slroction.

    We strive o promole Christ irst hrough heodministrotion f our croft, ond to moke othersoround us o priorily y submitfing ur needs ond.raranaldc tr1 coo thairc rna+

    The ultimote reword of o worship eam memberis not o compliment on o job well done. or howwell oll the ospecfs performed, but how invisiblefhey were in ollowing God fo be the only focus. .

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    New Members

    HowdoIget lnvolved?

    First f oll ntroduce ourself o our Worship ireclorKothyTripodi r contoct her on 8289 8008, ondcome olong o so'ne proclises.

    Proctices re on Wednesdoy ights rom 7,30 o9,30 opproximolely.

    There s generolly 4 month woiiingperiod beforeo new member is ploced on the roster, ust o

    estoblish elotionships nd to get fomillorwith hemembers of Hope Centrol.


    Proctices r e on every Wednesdoy ight unlessotherwise toied) ot St, Columbo. slorting f 7,30shorp nd finishings close o 9,30 os possible.

    Theproctices torlwitho devotion by either heworship eoder or someone on the worship eomspecified by Kothy, ollowed by proyer,

    Worship eom 2417 olwoys proys before rveploy', We ocknowledge hot proyer oesn'tcommission he greot work, t s he greot work,Much ime in proyer ond mediiotionwillolwoysprove o be jusl os effective, f not more effective,thon ony omount of proctise s t s he HolySpirifsconstitution f our m nistry hot we seek, Afterweproy, we run hrough he songs hot hove been

    chosen by the worship eodet,

    Proctices re not the environment or musicionsond singers o leorn heir croft, t s he soleresponsibiliiyf everyworship eom member obe good stewords f theircroft ond seekimprovemenl outside of proctice imes. Theproctices ore structured o moximize he time forthe worship eom to focus on whol God seeks oochieve or ne Sr:rdoy serv,ce.

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    A nole lo Worship eodets

    God hos o porticulor ision or eoch Sundoy, Godwonts o meet wilhhispeople os o fomilyond il iscruciol hot you, he Worship eoder, reprepored n order o bring hem intoonoworeness f hispurpose,

    It s mportont o note hot your osk os o worshipleoder s o leod he musicions irst, builderbuildshis oundotion nitiolly ith he house nmind; n he some woy o worship eoder needs 10build he visionnlo he mus,cions o hey consupport heir ministry.

    The ole of the Worship eoder s o:lnspire with vision,Ieoch from God's word, ond toLood with song,

    Proy efore choosing ony songs. Seek God'svision or ne Sunooyj et o desrre ot the peop'e

    thot God intends o meet wifh, Spend ime inworship eeking is oce ond strengihening ourreiotionship ithhim,Tell he worship eom whotlhe vision s or he Sundoy, nspire hecongregoiion on the doy thot God hos o purposefor hem,

    Findscripture hot confirms God's heort or heSundoy ervice, olk o Joe obout hissermontopic ond get o heort or whot he's heoring romGod, Tell he worship eom whot he scripture s

    ond use t for meditotion ond devotion, Tell hecongregotion n Sundoy; eoch them from God'sword,

    Choose yoursongs n ightof the vision ndscnpTUre,

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    When you ore leoding, use vocol cues more honhond signols, f the congregotion eeds o look

    up ot lhe Worship eoder, hey ore toking heirfocus off of whot heyre singing nd onlo you,Yourobililyo sing with he singers s secondory olhe octuol eoding of lhe congregotion.

    Despite he importonce of using ocol cues,hond signols r e still ery essentiol. ere s ocolleciion of some hot ore used n our eom,

    Go o chorus

    Go to bridge


    &PloyquiellyorFree worship

    No music(l\,4oy e followed bypointing o o musicionto keep ploying)

    Tog ost ine

    I(Finger iggles)

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    Song Ownership ond Copyright Policy


    of determininghe nomes credited o

    owning he song s simple ond withoneexception, t iso question f contexi ond subtexl.

    Ihe context s he first hing hot s credited, Thiscould be onyihing rom o chord progression o odrumbeot, t octs os on inspirotion o lhe songwriting rocess egordless f ilssimplicity r f i iseven recorded or published n ony woy. Theconlexf constifules song ownership

    Forexomplej Bill nd Budwrote he songProise

    God", Thesong writing rocess egon with Billstrumming simple progression nd Bud singingover t, Now hol progression oesn't even exist npoper but thot progression os he contexi so Billis he first redited songwriter,

    Subtext s whot follows he contexi, Subtext doesnot constitute ong ownership r credit os osongwriier s it ssimplyon orrongement f whotolreody exists, he only subtexf which consiitutessong ownership s Lytlcs or Melody. This s heone exception, Chords or drumbeots r ony nputwhich s odded ofter he lyrics nd melody hovebeen estoblished re subtexl nd not contexlregordless f whether hey qre recorded orpublished n ony woy,

    Now Bud's yrics rd meloov or he song "Proise

    God" ore whai we consider ubtext, ut yrics ndmelody ore the on y subtexl hot constitute ong

    ownership o Bud s credited with he song os wellos Bill,ProiseGod' is now o populor song ol youthevenls hot hos been publishedwithchords hotore completely different o the ones hoi Billployed when he ond Budwro'le he song butwhoever honged the chords sn't iven omention becouse he new chords ore subtext holisn't vrics r melodv,

    20 Worship eom 2417Hondbook

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    A listof sourced materialor this handbook.

    Best,R. Towards Excellence uilding Strong MorshrpTeam

    BlountK. What esus Taught bout Prabe nd \YorshtpHarrison ouse 0OO

    Bowat rC- TheBellever'sGulde To \Vorshrp ingswayPub. 986

    Castle,R. \Yorshrp andHandbook 9OOO

    Haggdrd . The ife GlvlngChurch egal ooks 998

    Halord J. \lorshlpHs A4alesty egal ooks OO0

    Kavanaugh . \X/orshrp- \X/ayOf LifeChosen Books2001

    Kendrick . V/orshrp ingsway ub. 1984

    Kroeuter .Developrng n EffectMe Worshtp \4inlstry

    Emerdld ooks 993liesch B. TheNew Worshlp BakerBooks2OO'1

    NolandR.TheHeartOf The rtlst Zondervan ub shingHouse 999

    Redman . The Unquenchable orshlpperKnEwayPub2OO1

    Tozer A.W. Tozer On Worshtp nd Entertalnment

    Christianub. 997

    UrbanaWorship eamMembers, x/orshrp eamHandbook ntewasity ress 998

    Warren R. ThePurpose DrMenChurch ondewanPublishlngouse 995

    Al scripture uotatlons re aken rom he NlV.

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    The tables below set out ihe most common notes used n music and their espective ime values i.e. engthof time held). For each note value here s an equiialent est, which indicates period of silence

    WHOLE NOTE(Semlbrevo)


    WHOLENOTEREST(S6mlbrove ost)


    (Crotchel est)

    EIGHTHNOTEREST(Ouaver est)


    (Semibreve est)

    4 COUNTS

    2 COUNTS

    1 COUNT

    % COUNT

    % cour.ir

    d d

    a a a o



    IJ ounnrsnNorE cRorcHET)



    4 + 2 ' F 1 = T C o u n t s






    ,ffilf a dot is placed after a note t increases he value of that note by a lralt' eg

    IDottod HALF NOTE d. (2 I 1) = 3 counts

    IDorred QUARTER OTE d' ( t lz\ = 172 counts

    Dolted WHOLE NOTE o' (a + 2) = 6 counts

    A TIE s a curved ine oining wo or more noles of lhe same pitch. Wl.)erehe second note(s) s notplayed,

    Lut its lime value s arlded o that of tl.le irstnote Here are two examples:

    2 + ' l = 3 c o u n l s

    ln both of these examples nly he first note s picked


    At the beglnning f each plece of music, fter he treble clef, s the time signature

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    The ime signaturendicates he number f lleatsper bar tlle op number) nd he ype of nots eceivirrg nebeai (ihe bottomnumber). or example:

    4 - tnl. indicates beals per bar.

    4 - tniu ndicates hat each beat s wprth a quarter ole (crotchet)

    Thus n t lime here must be the equivalent ( 4 quarter ote beats per bar, eg

    i is the most common ime signature nd ssometimes eprssanted y this symbol alledcommon ime.Most rock/pop ongs are n 4 time

    groups f two thus:




    Other common xamples f simple imeare and ?

    indicates quarter otebeats er bar, e.g.

    I is an example f what s called IMPLEIME.

    Simple ime ccurs hen he beat alls n UNDOTTEDOTES quarter otes, alfnotes, ighth otes tc)

    "nJ"tfiru uurv uat s olvtSlBLE YTwo. n I timo he basic eat s a quarter otq which anbo split nt o


    ffilc c a t t

    ' 1 2 3

    I indicates quarter ote beats per bar' eg.

    3 time ndicates dotted uarter ote eats er bar,which an be divided nto2 groups l eighth otes ssuch:


    J.3 4 5

    $n J-Tl J-It3 4 5 6

    1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 t i l

    3 is an example l COMPOUNDIME ecause he beat s a DOTTED OTE.

    I anO are examples f STMPLEIME ecause he beat s an UNDOTTEDOTE'

    2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

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    5. IilqYg A.IID ffIqY SIGnIILTUR]T8

    When music s talkedof as being n a particular ey, t means hat the rnelody s based upon notesoi the

    ;"j;; ";;; 1orminorscatel withihe same nu*u ".g- n the key of c, c major cate notes(i.e. , D, E, F, G.

    A. and B) willoccur mucn more iequentty han noles hat clo not belong o the C scale i.e. harpenednd

    flattenecl otes).

    In he key of G, G scaie notes wi be most common i.e.he notes G, A, B, C, D, E anclFfl willoccur requently).

    il';rii|;"il';;;inut rI o""ro ratherhan F natural. lowever, rather han adrj a sharp io eveiv F noia'

    an easiermethod s used whereby sharp ign s placed n the F line the op one) ot-the talf at h ieginningo | e a c h | i n e | h is i s r e { e r r e d t o a S l h e KE Y S I G N ATU R E : l h u s t h e ke y S l g n a t u r e o l u m a , or | S r i } .

    Writtenbelow are the key signalures orallmaior cales so far discussed'


    No Sharps F$or Flats



    Bb MAJOR


    MAJOR A bt

    F I c d c $ D d $c$c l iD dA tFIc i lG $D dA l lE


    EbAt,Dl, rbabobeb Eb bobcbcbE b A b

    Itcan be seen, hen, hateach keysignature s a shorthand epresentation l the scale, howingnly he sharps

    liiiots wnicfroccui in that scale. Where an additional harp or flat occurs, t ls not includedas part ol th e

    kev sionature, ui s wriilen n the nusic, eg. n he key of G, f a D$ note occurs, he sl]arpsign n/ill es/ritten

    #il;iJt before he D note, NoT at the beginning f the line as part of the l(ey signature

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    E. "ILIIIJLTNT$' ' IffiY8

    lf you compare he A minorpure' scale with he C major scale you willnotlce hat hey contain lle same

    noies except tarting n a dilferent ote).Because f this, hese wo scales re efened o as beingrelalives";

    A minor s lhe relatlveminorof C major and vice versa


    Theharmonic nd melodic inor cale arialionsre also elatives f the same major cale. g A hamonicminor nd A meloclic inor re elatives l C major.

    For verymajor cale and verymajor hord)here s a elative inor calewhichs based pon he 6th NOTEof th6 maior cale, his s outlined n the able elow:

    Both he malor nd he relative inor hare he same ey signature, s illustratedn th examplos elow.
















    D$ M|NOR













    The sharpened th note hatoccurs n the relative inor ey s never ncluded s partof tlre key signature.Because achmajor nd elative inor hare he same (ey ignature, ou willneed o knowhow o dlstinguishbetween he wo keys.Forexample,f given piece with he key signature f Ffl thus:

    it could ndicate ither he key of G malor, r ts relalive minor. he most accurate ay of determininghekev s lo lool(hrough he melody or the sharpened th note of the E minor cale Dfl . Tlrepresence fthisnote willndicate he minor ey. t he 7th note s present, ut not sharpened, hen he (ey s more ikelyto be lhe relative aior i.e.D natural oteswould uggest he l

  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook


  • 8/13/2019 247 Worship Team Handbook
