24-Hour Testosterone Transformation Fix

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How to fix your testosterone levels in 24hrs

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    24 Hour Testosterone

    Transformation Plan

    By Sports Nutritionists Anthony Alayon and Mike Westerdal

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    Legal Stuff

    2014 & Beyond, Critical Bench, Inc.All Rights Reserved. International Copyright


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    The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

    This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

    Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physicians approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.

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    Introduction Why We Decided

    To Write This BookWith so much misinformation going around the internet, popular magazines and infomercials telling blatant lies about testosterone, we finally came to the conclusion that something had to be done.

    The information online is not only a lie, but it is robbing you from the energy, vitality, confidence, muscles, strength and respect you deserve as a man. We knew we had to use our experience to help change this awful trend. Combined, we have been in the fitness industry for over 35 years and have seen just about everything you can think of. We have seen dangerous steroid usage, progesterone creams, gels, patches, injections and even insane diets- all these promising a boost in testosterone levels.

    We realized that not too many people know that there is a safer and more effective way to do this- all simply by making a shift in the foods we eat.

    This book is dedicated to those who are looking to find a safe alternative to boosting T-Levels. Here, you are going to discover our 24 hour testosterone transformation plan that will enable you to elevate your energy, confidence and vitality. You will also learn about Andropause and what to do once your body begins to experience this sudden change in life.

    You will also learn of some foods that you MUST AVOID at all costs, as they actually lower your testosterone and increase estrogen levels, which is the exact opposite of what we want to accomplish.

    We will also explain how to determine optimal testosterone levels and what ranges are considered to be normal, given your age.

    We hope you enjoy this book. Lets begin!

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    What Is Testosterone?Testosterone is first and foremost a male sex hormone, although womens bodies also produce it in smaller quantities. In addition to being a hormone, testosterone is similar to an anabolic steroid. Your testes produce most of the testosterone in your body, but your adrenal glands are also responsible for generating smaller amounts. Because of the steroid-like characteristics of testosterone, your body began developing differently from a womans body when you hit puberty.

    Testosterone helps to shape your primary and secondary sexual characteristics, such as giving you a deeper voice, facial and body hair and the development of your sex organs. Below are some points to describe a males testosterone levels at different stages of life.

    As a pre-teen boy, you had the lowest level of testosterone.

    As you reach your teen years, your T-levels begin to rise slowly. Normal production levels for a mature man are typically up to 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter. Per day, you should produce 5 to 10 milligrams.

    At about the age of 40, your T-levels will start to slowly going back down, causing the beginning of hair loss and a decrease in sex drive. You should expect a one percent drop in your T-levels per year, after the age of 40. The only reason for this is hypogonadism, a condition that negatively affects your bodys ability to generate testosterone.

    Now that weve discussed what testosterone is, lets go in to how to check your levels.

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    How To Test Your Testosterone Levels

    There are 2 main ways to check your testosterone levels and we are detailing each below.

    Blood Work

    If your doctor believes you should have your testosterone levels tested, hell order one or more blood tests, including a total testosterone level or a free testosterone level. The lab where you had your blood drawn will send a printed report back to your doctor. Another test your doctor may order is a checking of your adrenal hormones so he can determine whether those levels are normal. Different testing labs rely on different hormone references ranges, so dont expect to find an industry standard for normal testosterone levels.

    Saliva Testing

    An alternative method to blood tests is to test your saliva. This is believed to be a more accurate method, simply because it measures only the amount of free testosteronethat testosterone that is not bound to SHBG or the sex hormone binding globulin. Unbound testosterone is immediately available for use in your body.

    Look at your body and compare it to a womans body. Yours should have more lean body tissue and a smaller amount of beneficial fat that is well distributed. Where a woman has natural curves composed by a slightly higher percentage of body fat, the testosterone your body makes means wont allow the existence of the same curves. Testosterone is also responsible for: your healthy immune system, bone formation, energy and libidoI in other words- your sex drive.

    You need the testosterone that your body produces so you can build lean, healthy muscle and have good overall health. Having the correct T-levels in your body helps

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    you to maintain not only good health, but your musculature and all of your male sex characteristics.

    You have a substance in your body called aromatase; it works to increase the level of estrogen (female sex hormone) in your body. The estrogen tells your brain to decrease your T-level. It also increases your SHBG level. The higher SHBG binds to the decreased level of testosterone in your bodyand the cycle continues. Your sex drive drops even lower and your sex characteristics that mark you as a man become less evident. Your immune system becomes weaker.

    Now, you see why its so important to have the most optimal level of testosterone in your body. The right diet and testosterone-boosting supplements can help your body to drive down its production of aromatase. Ask your doctor about the possibility of taking natural supplements such as Avena Sativa, Nettle and Pygeum. These may help your body to block the negative effects of SHBG. Ask your physician about taking zinc and chrysin, because these may help your body to inhibit aromatase production.

    These supplements should be considered nothing more than what they are- adjuvant substances. Dont rely on them entirely, when beneficial health practices can benefit your overall health and your testosterone levels. If you need additional help, these supplements can provide that.

    Now it is time to explain what the cousin of Menopause is and how it affects your body as you begin to age.

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    Andropause: The Cousin Of Menopause

    Andropause is, in some ways, the equivalent of female menopause. Where a menopausal womans reproductive system shuts down, yours just slows down. When you pass your 30th birthday, you begin experiencing a decline in your testosterone levels of about 2 percent per year. You wont feel this right away. Once that drop off has reached a certain level, then youll start feeling your andropausal symptoms.

    Andropause is different for every man. Youll begin noticing the effects either later or earlier than your neighbor, brother or coworker. The emotional and/or cognitive effects (symptoms) are:

    Mood swings A general loss in wellbeing Irritability Loss of cognitive skills and/or memory.

    These are only some of the effects of Andropause that you may begin to notice. Some of these can be attributed to a lower T-level, especially the buildup of fat around your abdominal area and pectorals. Reduced strength and lean muscle mass can also be connected to lower testosterone.

    Physically, you may experience some or all of these effects:

    Less muscle mass and strength Less endurance and drive More body fat, over your pectoral muscles and around your middle Less bone mass Lower sex drive You may have trouble achieving and keeping erections.

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    If youre worried that youre suffering from low testosterone (Low T), your doctor can run some tests to rule this out or confirm a diagnosis. Its natural, as you get older, for your testosterone levels to go down, but if they fall below approximately 300 nanograms per deciliter that is too low. It is caused by some kind of problem either in your testes or in your brain.

    If your pituitary gland or hypothalamus has developed some kind of communication problem, and your body doesnt produce enough testosterone because your brain is, for some reason, saying it is producing too much. If the problem has developed inside your testicles, this is called primary hypogonadism. Fortunately, you dont have to suffer. Your doctor can prescribe one of several treatments to bring your testosterone back to normal levels. First, however, he may suggest that you try changing your diet and eating several different foods that are actually testosterone-friendly.

    A medical expert will also suggest that you make some changes in your life that could benefit your testosterone levels and increase your overall wellbeing. Some of these include reducing your stress levels, getting enough sleep, exercising more and drinking less. You can still drink, but youll need to keep it in moderation. You should also avoid illicit drugs, which are unhealthy for every system of your body, including your reproductive system. Your doctor will also recommend that, if youre overweight, you start a healthy diet and exercise regimen so you can lose excess body fat from all over your body, but especially from around your middle.

    The fat around your middle affects your bodys aromatase levels. This affects your level of estrogen and SHBG levels. When you begin working out, you should include strength training worklifting weights. As you do so, your body begins to boost its T-levels on its own.

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    One thing about working out and getting sleep is that too much of one and not enough of the other will have a bad effect on your testosterone levels. Believing that, if you over train, youll increase your testosterone levels, which is a clear mistake. Getting too little sleep depresses your T-level as well. Your body is actually repairing itself while you sleep, so find a healthy sleeping schedule and stick to it.

    So now that we have discussed what Andropause is and how it affects your body, it is time to review the pros and cons of testosterone boosting supplements.

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    Reviews Of Testosterone Boosting Alternatives

    Pros and Cons

    Illegal Steroids

    Pros: Other than the fact that you may gain muscle very fast in a short amount of time, there are no other pros to this, due to the fact that they are illegal and can cause severe health side effects.

    Cons: Steroids you bought on the street are dangerous. If you take them without your doctors supervision, you run the risk of developing one of several health issues. You wont realize that youre becoming dependent upon your illegal steroids. When you cant get them from your usual source, you get them from a different source. To hide the fact that youre using an illegal substance, you administer them to yourself.

    While the bottle or vial may say that the substance is a pure anabolic steroid, theres no way you can actually verify this for yourself. When you inject that steroid into your body, you could actually be injecting a deadly poison or something thats contaminated with a pathogen. Heres just a short list of the side effects of steroid abuse:

    Blood-borne diseases such as HIV and AIDS Fluid retention Thinning hair or hair loss Mood swings Infections Testicular atrophy

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    Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

    Pros: When carried out under appropriate medical supervision, after receiving a definitive diagnosis of low testosterone, HRT can reverse a low testosterone level and its effects on your overall health. Before your doctor decides to prescribe HRT, hell rule out other illnesses as the cause of your health problems, such as diabetes, other prescriptions youre taking or high blood pressure.

    However it is administered (via trans-dermal skin patches, gels, creams, injection, orally or as a tablet that adheres to your gums), HRT will address the following symptoms:

    Decreased sex drive Lowered bone density Decreased muscle mass Irritability Decreased strength.

    While you are on HRT, your doctor will monitor you closely for potential adverse reactions or side effects.

    Cons: While testosterone replacement therapy can help men whose testosterone levels are too low, the long-term effects of this therapy arent yet known. Doctors who administer this therapy do so with the aim of reducing several health risks, such as heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Until results are fully researched, researchers wont know if the benefits outweigh the risks.


    Pros: Hormone creams such as progesterone can help your body to oppose the effects of too much estrogen in your system. If your body has been producing too much SHBG, a hormone cream can help to reverse the effects on your testosterone level. Another beneficial effect of hormone creams is the fact that they influence your bodys levels of insulin. More clinical research is needed, however. To date,

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    transdermal application of progesterone did not have any significant effects on insulin levels or function.

    Cons: You should use prescribed hormone creams with caution as they can act like a sedative, causing sleepiness or grogginess. Side effects from the use of synthetic progesterone (progestin or progesterone acetate) have been noted.


    Pros: These fall into the transdermal application method. Like progesterone creams, an androgen gel can reverse the symptoms of low testosterone. The effects are the same as with HRT as they increase muscle mass, sex drive, bone density, strength and they help to improve moods.

    Cons: While a testosterone gel can help increase your bodys natural levels of testosterone, you should look out for side effects that can affect several areas of your health. These include:

    Interaction with blood thinners Interaction with injectable insulin Interaction with oxyphenbutazone Interaction with corticosteroidsif you take these for a medical condition, this

    could potentially be dangerous.


    Pros: These are the transdermal patches that have the testosterone hormone embedded in the adhesive side of the patch. Once the patch is applied to your skin, the hormone slowly enters your system through your skins pores, helping to reverse your low testosterone symptoms.

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    Cons: Before you start using testosterone patches to supplement the T-levels in your body, you need to know how it could affect health conditions or medications you are taking.

    The patch could interact badly with any nonprescription or prescription medication, dietary supplement or herbal preparation you may be taking. If you suffer from any allergies to medications, food or other substances, your doctor needs to take this into account.

    If you suffer from an enlarged prostate, liver disease, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease or if you have high blood calcium levels, you and your doctor need to discuss all of these in connection with the patch.

    Any heart or pulmonary condition puts you at risk of side effects from the patch. These include angina, heart disease, heart failure, coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, swelling, sleep apnea or lung disease.

    If your partner is pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breast-feeding, your doctor should know this.

    This list of medications below may interact negatively with the patch:

    AnticoagulantsInsulinOral hypoglycemic preparationsCarbamazepinePrednisoneOxyphenbutazoneMacrolide immunosuppressants Propranolol.


    Pros: These are very similar to illegal steroids in the sense that there are no pros to

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    this testosterone boosting alternative. Because you have to go off-cycle, any muscle and strength gains you have while taking the pro-hormones, you will lose.

    Cons: For these to work, you have to include cycle support and post-cycle therapy. They are toxic to your liver. When you go in for blood tests after using pro-hormones, your lipid panel will be messed up. They raise your LDL levels, blood pressure, and can cause dizziness and headaches. These are not a good idea in any way.

    Testosterone Supplements

    Pros: When used under strict medical supervision, testosterone supplements can help to reverse hypogonadism. The treatment with these supplements is called testosterone replacement therapy. The health supplements are administered as the above-mentioned forms (gels, patches, creams).

    Now that we have mentioned some pros about testosterone boosting alternatives, it is time to discuss some cons.

    Cons: These wont be administered for testosterone levels that go down as a result of the aging process. Instead, your doctor will discuss your T-levels and any possible causes of a decrease. These causes could include depression, medications and their side effects, drinking too much alcohol and thyroid problems.

    Some testosterone supplements are too strong and may shut down your bodys natural ability to produce testosterone after using it for long periods of time. This occurs because your body will not know how much it needs to produce naturally on its own given the external substance it has

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    been relying on. Also, your estrogen levels will increase making it harder for you to make muscle gains.

    If you do want a natural supplement look for one that supports your natural production and NOT one that replaces it. A great example of a testosterone booster that is all-natural and does NOT shut down your natural testosterone production would be T-Drive.

    Some of the side effects of using the WRONG testosterone supplement that affects your ability to naturally produce testosterone includes:

    Your body makes too many blood cells, increasing your risk of heart disease Sleep apnea Enlarged breasts Skin reactions or acne Benign prostatic hyperplasia, a non-cancerous growth of your prostate Testicle atrophy or shrinkage Lowered sperm production

    So now that we have discussed the pros and cons of testosterone boosting alternatives, it is time to discuss some foods that must be avoided like the plague, when attempting to elevate testosterone levels.

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    Limit Estrogen Increasing FoodsEstrogen is the female sex hormone, which plays a role in the development of female sex characteristics. You also have a small amount of estrogen in your body. If you think this is weird, relax. You need to have that small amount in your body so itll function correctly. If you didnt have it, youd be at risk of developing osteoporosis or thinning bones.

    What you need to guard against, though, is too much estrogen in your system. If your level of estrogen goes too high, your health will be affected. Too much estrogen can cause you to gain fat easier and decrease your sex drive as a man.

    Below are some foods that can increase your levels of estrogen and you should try to limit eating them all the time:

    Soybean products such as soy milk and tofu

    Licorice Clover Papaya Parsley Dates

    Pomegranates Wheat Oats Hops Yams Barley Potatoes

    Foods with soy in them tend to increase your estrogen level. This includes soy milk, tofuanything with soy in it. After eating the foods on the above list, your estrogen level may increase and your testosterone levels will stay the same or possibly go down. Not good.

    Now that we have discussed some foods to avoid when trying to boost testosterone levels, lets take a look at some foods that boost T-levels!

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    Foods That Increase Your Testosterone

    You should concentrate on buying certain foods that will naturally increase your testosterone levels. These come from every level of the food pyramid (including saturated fats), except for sweets and any sugar-based products. If your doctor has told you that your T-level is too low, try to reverse this through a testosterone-healthy diet before you turn to other forms of treatment.

    Focusing on foods that are specifically testosterone-healthy is the best first step you could try.

    Besides, by doing so, youre benefiting your health in other areas such as weight loss, and boosting muscle mass.

    Beans Try consuming more of these: kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, lima beans, baked beans and pinto beans. All are high in fiber, zinc and protein, which makes them perfect for boosting your testosterone levels, without having to rely on medical treatments. In fact, its important for you to have an adequate intake of zinc so that the testosterone your body produces wont be changed into estrogen.

    A study performed on male rats says that zinc could also help your body convert estrogen into testosterone. Remember, you only need small amounts of estrogen for your health. In fact, zinc may help you increase sperm production. If youre planning on starting a family, this is an important consideration.

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    Foods High in Vitamin A - Foods that have high levels of vitamin A help your body to produce more testosterone. A study published by the Clinical Endocrinology Journal showed that boys suffering delayed puberty showed increased testosterone levels after being given foods high in vitamin A, as well as supplements. A six-month study, conducted by the Kaplan Medical Center in Israel showed that cantaloupe, squash, carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes, which are all high in vitamin A, helped teen boys subjects to catch up to other boys their age.

    Vitamin D Rich Foods Milk, salmon and mushrooms are all high in vitamin D. In another study, the Medical University Graz in Austria gave these foods to study subjects. The study, published in Clinical Endocrinology in August, 2010, showed that the subjects, who had high blood levels of vitamin D, also had correspondingly high levels of testosterone.

    Berries Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries should be part of your diet. All of them have antioxidants, which are important, especially for older men. In this particular population, berries are especially important. Older men are more likely to have accumulated damage to endothelial tissues and mitochondria from the free radicals they have been exposed to.

    The free radicals may be connected to sexual dysfunction and low testosterone levels. The antioxidants help older men just as much as they help younger men by fighting oxidative damage.

    If youre a younger man, its important to start eating berries earl, so you can avoid free radical damage. Youll keep your testosterone levels high by doing so. Buy several packages of berries and, every chance you get, eat them simple or in combination with other foods. Add them into your smoothies, wash them and take several varieties to work for snacks and lunch and see your body benefit.

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    Cruciferous Vegetables Your mom was right. These veggies are great for you, even if she didnt know precisely why. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies have a chemical called 3, 3-diindolylmethane or DIM. They also contain indole-3-carbinol or I3C, selenium and sulforaphane. Whats so special about these compounds? They are anti-estrogen compounds. The selenium helps to boost your bodys production of testosterone. Eat up! Before you load up your plate, add a lean steak to your veggies. Enjoy a healthy meal because, not only will your T-levels benefit, your weight and cholesterol levels will, too.

    Olives and Avocados Both of these foods are high in monounsaturated fatty acids or MUFAs. They help boost your level of testosterone. Dont forget about nuts, like almonds, pecans and cashews. High-oleic versions of safflower and sunflower oil are testosterone-friendly as well. Add avocados to your salads or slice them, remove the pit and enjoy them as a mid-afternoon snack. Buy a bottle of extra-virgin olive oil and use it to make salad dressing and in your cooking. As you do, take care not to overheat the olive oil too much. Use this heart-healthy oil to cook lean beef, fish and poultry as well.

    Poultry Chicken and turkey are low in fat and loaded with protein. High protein content in your meat positively affects your ability to add muscle mass. It also impacts your levels of testosterone. Too much fat depresses your production of testosterone. Roasted and grilled turkey is the best. Avoid fried meats.

    Meats and Saturated Fats Foods that are high in saturated fats such as lean ground beef and steak can help boost testosterone levels. There has been a big myth that you should avoid saturated fats, but this is needed for hormonal production. Also, cholesterol is a precursor for testosterone production so make sure to consume this in your daily diet. Consume the list of meats below to ensure your testosterone levels are optimal.

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    Quick Tip While SnackingWhen you choose meals and snacks, avoid those high glycemic carbohydrates. These cause your energy to crash and they can have a bad effect on your testosterone levels. Instead, focus on healthy MUFAs and PUFAs and high-protein foods. Youll build muscle, boost your good cholesterol, reduce your bad cholesterol and increase your bodys production of testosterone.

    Choose veggies and snacks so you can keep some control over your overall health and have a positive effect on your level of testosterone.

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    An Overview Of The Super Foods You Can Eat To

    Boost Your Testosterone Levels

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    Fruits#1 WatermelonFruits have many benefits for the male health. Because they are loaded with vitamins and minerals, these benefits may also extend to reproductive and sexual health. Begin your fruit diet with watermelon, this tasty fruit is virtually fat-free.

    Slice off a wedge and sink your teeth in as you learn more about this powerhouse fruit. Beginning with the vitamins, youll benefit from the high quantities of vitamins A and C, both of which strengthen your immune system and promote healthy cellular growth. Youll also get some of the B vitamins, such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, foliate and pantothenic acid. You wont find vitamin B12 here.

    The minerals are also well-represented, including calcium, iron and magnesium. Dont forget about phosphorus or potassium. Theres a small amount of zinc in that slice of watermelon. Copper, manganese and selenium are also in this fruit.

    #2 BananasBananas are both delicious and jam-packed with all kinds of nutritious benefits for you guys. Whether you slice them on top of your morning cereal, munch on one for a mid-morning pick-me-up or add them to your smoothies, youre giving yourself lots of great health benefits.

    Begin with the benefits you get from vitamins. Youll get vitamins A and C, which give your body the ability to repair cells and fight cancer. Youll get a small amount of vitamins E and K as well. Moving to the B vitamins, youll take in thiamin, riboflavin

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    and niacin. Take a look at the amounts of vitamin B6 and foliate that youll be getting41% and 11% respectively, which really boosts your bodys ability to maintain and build your DNA and resist illness. Youll also be getting pantothenic acid in that banana.

    The minerals in a banana include potassium, which protects your heart; fructooligsaccharide, a pre-biotic that ferments in your digestive system. This enhances your bodys ability to absorb more calcium. Eat more bananas because they are great for your overall health.

    #3 RaspberriesStart popping those sweet fruits in your mouth, because the benefits to your overall health and your reproductive health are huge for such a tiny fruit. A 1-cup serving has only 63 calories. You wont have to worry about cholesterol, saturated fat or sodium.

    Instead, youll get this little powerhouse fruits vitamin goodness. Vitamins A and C are well-represented in raspberries. Youll also get vitamins E and K. Youll get nearly every B vitamin, including pantothenic acid. About the only B vitamin you wont take in is vitamin B12. That 1-cup serving gives you calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Youll also get potassium, zinc, copper and manganese, so add them to your morning cereal or pour a serving into a container and take them to work so you can snack on them. Dont forget about the Omega-3 fatty acids in raspberries. This gives you a definite anti-inflammatory effect.

    #4 BlueberriesHeres another superfood. This little powerhouse fruit has benefits you may not have thought of. They contain antioxidants such as quercetin and anthocyanins. These help reduce inflammation and may even help to manage or prevent arthritis. If you dont want to worry about age-related memory loss, the anthocyanins can help with this. Load up on your blueberries, either in your smoothies, for a snack or on your morning cereal.

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    Did you know that vitamin C is another antioxidant? This helps in joint flexibility and good collagen health. This little berry may also help reduce your risk of developing cataracts or macular degeneration in your later years. Vitamins E and K are also present in your serving of blueberries, along with just about every B vitamin. The only vitamin not in this little fruit is B12. When you eat blueberries, you also get calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese, so eat up!

    #5 BlackberriesHeres another little, but powerful superfood. When you pop blackberries in your mouth, youre getting much more than just that sweet taste. Youre getting the benefits of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, not to mention polyphenols. A serving equals one cup, which gives you 62 calories, 8 grams of fiber, only 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of protein, and 15 grams of carbohydrates and just 1 milligram of sodium.

    Youll take in vitamins A, C, E and K, all of which offer their benefits. Blackberries are loaded with the B vitamins, which help with mood regulation, boost your immune system and help to maintain your DNA. This tiny superfood is packed with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium. Youll get a whopping 47% of your daily value in manganese. The other benefits include antioxidants such as anthocyanins and polyphenols, which help you to avoid cancer and heart disease. This fruit even helps you to improve your eyesight, so put them in your grocery cart every shopping trip.

    #6 CranberriesLets get past the idea that you can only get cranberries during the holidays, and then only in jellied form. Cranberries are so much more than that. This little fruit qualifies as a superfood that you canand shouldeat year-round. Youll get fiber, which promotes good colorectal health. Youll get minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which help protect your overall health, boost your immune system and help you fight the oxidative damage of free radicals. When it comes to ranking cranberries against other fruits and vegetables,

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    they rank second, ahead of cherries, raspberries, apples, red grapes, broccoli, spinach and strawberries.

    Look at the vitamins. Youll benefit from vitamins A, C, E and K. The B vitamins present in a serving of cranberries includes all except for vitamin B12. All of these vitamins help protect your immune system, boost your mood and help you fight chronic illnesses such as cancer.

    Cranberries are loaded with minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese.

    #7 GooseberriesYes, the name is odd, but this little fruit definitely qualifies as a superfood. Your health will benefit from the fiber, high level of manganese and vitamins A and C.

    Youll get a little more than 6 grams of fiber, which helps promote good colorectal health, regulates bowel movements and can help prevent colon cancer and hemorrhoids. When you eat sufficient fiber, you help reduce your risk of stroke, heart attacks, obesity and high blood pressure.

    Eating one cup of fresh gooseberries gives you just over 0.2 milligrams of manganese, which is about 9% of your daily needed value. Manganese helps your body to absorb calcium, regulate blood sugar and additionally helps with energy metabolism.

    Chow down on the gooseberries because you get 14% of your daily requirement of vitamin A, in the form of carotenoids. This form of the vitamin helps you avoid diabetes, heart disease and brain conditions like Alzheimers disease. Youll also take in about 46% of your daily requirement of vitamin C, an antioxidant that prevents DNA and cellular tissue damage.

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    #8 StrawberriesLook at the shape of a strawberry. Its shaped like the heart a child would draw, which should tell you that it is great for your heart health. This little fruit is so full of nutritious goodness that it belongs in the superfood category.Beginning with the vitamins, you get a load of vitamin C149% of your daily value. Thats more vitamin C than youd get from one orange. The remaining vitamins (E, K and the B vitamins) are also present in a serving of strawberries. Look for calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium. These are all present in small percentages. You get 29% of your days value of manganese in a serving of strawberries, so eat up! Dont forget about the polyphenols youll find in your strawberries. Whether they go in your smoothies, lunch or on top of your cereal, enjoy the sweet goodness of this power-packed fruit.

    #9 SalmonberriesSalmonberries, also called akpiks, look like raspberries, except they are yellow-orange, not a deep pink-red. This is a type of seasonal fruit and the last of the superfood fruits, which give you the benefits of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

    Beginning with the minerals, youll get about 110 milligrams of potassium, helping to lower your blood pressure. Other minerals are presentiron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese, but not to the degree that potassium is. The vitamins youll benefit from include vitamins A, C, E, K and some of the B vitamins. Vitamins C and E give you antioxidant benefits, as well as strengthening bone and joint health. Youll also be able to avoid macular degeneration in your later years, just by eating salmonberries now.

    You get more than just vitamins and minerals in salmonberries. Youll also get about 38 grams a day of fiber, which aids colorectal health and lowers your cholesterol. Grab a package of salmonberries and make them a regular part of your diet.

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    Meats#1 BeefHankering for a steak? Go for it, because beef contains the recommended daily milligrams 11 that you should take in for good sexual functioning. Beef has gotten a bad rap thats unjustified, when it comes to its reputation as loaded with fat. Did you know that about half the fat in beef is actually monounsaturated? Its full of oleic acid, the same fat found in olive oil. Yes, beef has cholesterol, which helps to increase your level of testosterone. Order that steak medium-rare with your favorite vegetables and a salad. Beef is also full of the B vitamins and iron you need.

    #2 ChickenYou dont need to remove the skin from your whole broiler chickens any more, the skin seals in moisture during cooking so wait to remove it until youre ready to serve. Guys, chicken is one of the best meats you can eat. Its nutrients, which include the B vitamins and vitamins A, E and K, along with choline and betaine, will work to boost your sexual health. Youll benefit from all the B vitamins, except B6 and niacin. The higher percentages of protein and zinc, along with the low amounts of fat, are especially good for your health. So, along with a salad and some other veggies, pile some baked or grilled chicken onto your plate! Eat up and enjoy, knowing youre helping your health.

    #3 CrabCrab is loaded with all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for good overall health, as well as for your reproductive health. Look for a small amount of vitamin A, as well as slightly higher amounts of vitamin C. You wont find the same levels for vitamins D, E or K. In the B vitamins, your health will benefit from thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate and pantothenic acid. Crab is particularly high in vitamin B12, which

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    aids in boosting your immune system. Crab is also an excellent source of protein and zinc, which, along with the lower fat content, really benefits your reproductive health and testosterone levels.

    #4 DuckThis is great for mens health. Its high in vitamin C and loaded with niacin. When it comes to fat, it is low in mono- and polyunsaturated fats, and saturated fat levels are low as well. If youre looking for meats with Omega-3 fatty acids, duck has this as well as Omega-6 fatty acids. Look for selenium, calcium, iron and a small amount of naturally occurring sodium in your serving. If youre looking to keep your intake of protein up, duck is naturally loaded with this amino acid at 96% of daily value, youll really benefit from a serving of duck.

    #5 GooseGoose, which falls into the poultry category, is another great super health food for you. Youll get 40% of your daily value from one serving, along with vitamins A, E and a small amount of vitamin K. Look for good percentages of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate and pantothenic acid. Goose is loaded with vitamin B12, giving you 122% of your daily value from one serving.

    When it comes to zinc, goose is a good choice for boosting your testosterone youll get 13% of your daily value here. You do need to watch the saturated fat in goose. Look for some great levels of Omega-3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in one serving of this poultry. Because goose is poultry, its considered a white meat. If you prefer eating white meat, then this is the one for you.

    #6 Lean Ground BeefLean ground beef, 90% lean/10% fat, including hamburger and ground sirloin. On a 2,000-calorie diet, beef contains no vitamin A, C or D and only minimal amounts of vitamins E and K. It is high in choline. It contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium and fluoride, as well

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    as trace amounts of copper and manganese. Saturated fat increases testosterone levels; lean ground beef provides a small amount of saturated fat and in combination with zinc, testosterone levels will increase.

    #7 LambLamb is one of the best meats you could eat. Think of a lamb gyro this falls in the Mediterranean diet category. Half of the fat is unsaturated, with most of that fat being monounsaturated fat. That means that the other half of the fat in a 4 oz. serving contains about 10 grams of saturated fat, which is about 2/3 of your daily allowance if you eat 2,000 calories a day. As far as the zinc goes, one serving gives you about 45% of your daily requirement. The zinc in lamb absorbs more easily than from other food sources. Its also high in iron, again, more easily absorbed from lamb. Its a great testosterone-boosting food. Youll also get many of your B vitamins, including over 100% of your daily requirement of B12.

    #8 MeatballsMeatballs, usually made from a ground meat such as beef, also contain other ingredients. These include seasonings, onion and bread crumbs, which will add a small number of calories to the calorie count. When they are made with ground beef, you will get some zinc, along with about 6% of your daily intake of fat. Look to the protein one meatball gives you about 3.5 grams, so if you eat several, youll increase your protein intake accordingly. One meatball gives you about 66% of your daily value. It also has 31% of your daily requirement of calcium.

    Eat those meatballs because you get about 14 calories of protein per serving. One meatball gives you about 9 calories from carbohydrates, which helps to fuel your body.

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    #9 MuttonMutton (adult sheep) is a great superfood for men. Its high in zinc, providing your entire daily intake in just one serving or 11% of your daily value. Mutton contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as well as about 7% of saturated fat in one serving. Youll benefit from Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids as well. One serving of mutton gives you about 19% of your daily requirement of protein, so load up your plate.

    Youll find mainly B vitamins in mutton, with vitamin B12 giving you the highest daily value at 21%. Look for iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and naturally occurring sodium in your mutton. Its also high in selenium.

    #10 PartridgeTake a close look at partridge. This game meat contains no saturated fat, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. This is ideal for the man wanting to keep his fat intake down. Youll also be able to get a little more than 2.5% of your daily value in vitamin B3. When it comes to the minerals, the highest represented in one serving is sodium. While partridge is very low in fat, it contains far more protein, helping you to repair your body. One serving gives you just over 25% of your daily value.

    #11 PheasantPheasant is the ideal food for you to eat. With its health benefits and combination of nutrients, youre eating a healthy meat dish. Its low in total fats, but contains about 9% of the daily value of saturated fat. Pheasant contains some monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as high levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Take a good look at the minerals: pheasant is full of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium. It also has calcium and manganese, all valuable for your bodys needs.

    When it comes to the vitamins in pheasant, this poultry is loaded with vitamins A, C, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. It is also high in vitamins B6 and B12 and folate. Youll also get a good amount of pantothenic acid from one serving of pheasant. Take a look at the amount of protein in one servingabout 82%. With the levels of fat, zinc and protein, this is one of the ideal testosterone-boosting foods for you to choose.

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    #12 PorkLove pork chops? Go ahead and indulge, because chops have health benefits your body needs. The type of pork you choose is important though. Leaner cuts, coming from the loin, are healthier. Youd be surprised to find out that, when it comes to comparing pork and chicken, they are very similar. A single serving of pork contains about 137 calories and 65 milligrams of cholesterol. Chicken has about 140 calories and 72 milligrams of cholesterol.

    Youll get about 43% of your recommended daily intake of protein when you eat one 3-ounce serving of pork chop. Look at the B vitamins in pork. Except for folate, this meat has all the B vitamins your body needs. Lets talk about zinc. Eating that pork chop, youll take in about 17% of your recommended daily intake of this mineral, which really benefits your testosterone levels.

    #13 QuailYou may not get the chance very often, but when you can, eat some quail. For your health, this poultry gives you lots of B vitamins, such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and B12. Quail is also rich in vitamin C. Youll also get a good serving of copper, which your body needs, along with iron. Other minerals youll benefit from: Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium, which helps increase your bodys levels of testosterone.

    One serving of quail gives you about 94% of your daily requirement of protein. It gives you about 9% of your daily requirement of saturated fat, so be careful about overindulging here. Its low in the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats as well. When it comes to Omega-3 fatty acids, youll get a good amount here. Omega-6 fatty acids are also high in a single serving.

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    #14 RabbitRabbit, which tastes like chicken, is probably one of the ideal meats a man can eat. Its similar to poultry in its nutritional benefits and has even more protein than chicken or beef.

    When it comes to the vitamins in a single serving of rabbit, youre going to benefit from vitamins E and K. This tender meat is rich in the B vitamins, with B12 giving you a whopping 324% of your daily requirements. B12 helps your body to keep your nervous system healthy and make more blood cells. Youll get thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate as well.

    One serving of rabbit gives you calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium, all of which benefit your body. Zinc, in combination with the high levels of protein (197% daily value) and fats will help youincrease your bodys stores of testosterone. Be careful of the saturated fat, however. Rabbit does contain both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Youll also get the benefits of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

    #15 TurkeyTurkey shouldnt be just for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This lean poultry is ideal for men looking to control their fat intake. One 3.5-ounce serving has only 4 grams of fat and 161 calories and is loaded with about 30 grams of protein, making the ratio of protein to fat excellent if youre watching your fat intake.

    Bake it with the skin on, to keep the inner meat moist and tasty. Before serving, take the skin off and enjoy a perfectly balanced meal. If you increase your serving size to 5 ounces, youll get nearly half your daily recommended allowance of folic acid. Turkey is naturally high in vitamins B, B1 and B6. Its also full of iron, potassium and zinc, all of which are excellent for boosting your testosterone levels, your immunity

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    and keeping your thyroid metabolism functioning correctly. One thing: turkey is high in tryptophan, which is an amino acid. This makes your brain produce more serotonin, which will help you sleep better.

    #16 VealVeal, the meat from young male cattle, makes a great superfood for men. While a single serving gives you about 18% of your daily value of saturated fat, its also high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. That same serving gives you about 97% of your daily necessary requirement of protein. Take a look at the minerals this meat contains. It is high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It gives you about 52% of your daily needed requirement of zinc, which, along with the high protein, benefit your testosterone levels. The percentages of copper, manganese and selenium are also good for your health.

    Youll definitely benefit from the vitamins in veal; its high in vitamins A and C and also B vitamins, especially riboflavin, which will help your body complete the required repairs. That one serving of veal gives you 1,131% of your daily value of vitamin B12. Load your plate and eat up!

    #17 VenisonVenison is healthy and gives you some definite male health benefits, but not quite like those of veal or turkey. One serving gives you about 49% of your daily needed value of protein. Take a look at the amount of saturated fat in this meat: 19%. It does have small amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and when it comes to the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, youll definitely see some health benefits there.

    Youll be taking in vitamins E and K

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    with a single serving of venison. Your B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate and B12, are all present and accounted for here, meaning youll get immune system benefits and cellular repair. Youll get your minerals when you eat a serving of venison, but youll need to supplement with veggies as well. Iron is present in a healthy amount, as are magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Youll get a good amount of zinc, copper and selenium as well, so fork up a couple servings and enjoy.

    #18 Wild BoarWild game (wild boar) is just about the ideal superfood meat for guys. Lets look at all the benefits of this meat. Beginning with the protein, youre going to get nearly 200% of your daily requirements of protein. Wild boar is high in saturated fat at 22% of your daily value in just one serving. However, you will benefit from the anti-inflammatory benefits of the Omega-3 fatty acids.

    Check out the minerals in wild boar. Youll get some of each, including calcium, which is the lowest at 5%. Youll get iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium. When it comes to zinc, this in combination with the high protein will benefit your levels of testosterone. Wild boar abounds in the B vitamins, helping your overall health. Youll also get Vitamins E and K as well when consuming this lean source of protein.

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    Vegetables#1 HorseradishHorseradish is one of the cruciferous vegetablesthink of your broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Its benefits for your health will zoom straight to your nose just as soon as you get a taste. It increases your facial circulation and helps to clear your sinuses. If your nose was congested, that will end fast. Itll also help you when you have the flu, a cold or some type of lung congestion.

    Horseradish is rich in glucosinolates, which contain glucose, fight tumors and fight the growth of new tumors. It also fights free radicals, which increase your risk of developing cancer.

    One tablespoon of ready-to-eat horseradish has only 7 calories and even less total fat, about 0.1 grams. Its ideal as a condiment since it has no cholesterol or saturated fat. But it does have about 47 milligrams of sodium, about 2% of the daily recommended amount. Youll get about 3.7 milligrams of vitamin C in 1 tablespoon of prepared horseradish, along with 8.5 mg of folate. This vegetable gives you almost 37 milligrams of potassium and 8.4 milligrams of calcium.

    #2 Land CressLand cress is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it one of the best cruciferous vegetables for you to eat. Its also very low in fat. Per 100 grams of land cress, youll get calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. You get a huge amount of potassium here, along with a small amount of zinc. Copper, manganese and selenium are also present but in smaller amounts.

    If youre looking for vitamin C, youll benefit from its presence in this veggie. The B

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    vitamins are also here, but youre going to get the most from niacin. If you want to benefit from vitamin A, youll get that as well because land cress is packed with it. As with other cruciferous vegetables, land cress is high in vitamin K. Load up on land cress in your salads because this veggie gives you a definite health benefit.

    #3 Ethiopian MustardEven though this vegetable is called mustard, it falls into the cruciferous vegetable group. Its a cousin to kale. You would do well to start eating more of this food because it has so many health benefits for you.

    Ethiopian mustard is high in both vitamins C and K, giving you some excellent antioxidant benefits. You undergo a lot of stress in your life, so the nutrients will help to reduce the risk of what is called oxidative cell stress. If you can decrease this, you can decrease your chances of developing prostate cancer. Ethiopian mustard is also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which provide strong anti-inflammatory perks for you. Look for high levels of beta carotene and calcium as well. Cutting a few leaves off and sprinkling them on your salad gives you a great taste as well as some a very healthy meal.

    Because this is a cruciferous vegetable, it plays an important part in reducing your chances of developing cardiovascular problems.

    #4 KaleKale beats out spinach for the guy who wants to gain even more benefits to his overall health. Lets talk about its ability to help you lower your cholesterol naturally, as well as protect you from cancer.

    When you eat one cup of kale, youre getting about 9% of your daily recommended value of calcium. Youll get 134% of your vitamin C and 206% of your vitamin A. When it comes to vitamin K, though, youre going

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    to benefit from 684% of your daily recommended value of vitamin K. All three of these vitamins are a great source of antioxidant value and phytonutrients. Look at the Omega-3 fatty acid content: at 121 milligrams, youre going to get a strong anti-inflammatory boost here.

    Lower your risk of high cholesterol when you eat cooked kale. It helps to bind bile acids, which contribute to the development of cholesterol in your bloodstream.

    #5 Collard greensJust like kale, collard greens pack a strong nutritional punch per one-cup serving. Men will benefit from this cruciferous vegetable because of the levels of vitamins A, C and K, which you already know are excellent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Taken individually, vitamin A gives you 308% of your daily recommended value; vitamin C, 58% and vitamin K a whopping 1,045%! Youll also benefit from the B vitamins, which are strongly present in collard greens.

    Look at the minerals present in that one cup serving: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. The calcium and manganese are the highest at 27% and 41% respectively. How about the Omega-3 fatty acids, which give you such an amazing anti-inflammatory supplement? Youll get about 177 milligrams here. So, load up your plate with either raw or cooked collard greens that youll only benefit from.

    #6 Chinese BroccoliIf youre watching your weight, Chinese broccoli is the ideal veggie to add to your dinner plate. This cruciferous vegetable has only 19 calories in a 1-cup serving. Its a great vegetable men should include in their diet, because it is so high in vitamin A, with 29% of your daily recommended value, 41% of your daily vitamin C value and a huge 91% of your daily recommended vitamin K value. Youll also benefit from the 22% of your daily recommended value from folate. The B vitamins, which aid in cellular repair, are very high in Chinese broccoli.

    If youre trying to increase your daily intake of calcium, Chinese broccoli is an excellent choice. Youll get 88 milligrams from that 1-cup serving. Your heart will

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    benefit from the level of potassium, at 230 milligrams as well. Add this veggie to your list because youll be eating it regularly.

    #7 CabbageCabbage, whether cooked or raw, packs a powerhouse of nutrition for your needs. One cup of chopped cabbage has only 22 calories. Take a look at the vitamins and minerals present in this superfood.

    Vitamin C: Youll get 54% of your daily value here, which benefits your skin, bones, mucus membranes as well as your immune system. Youll be better able to resist chronic diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Next, look at the daily value you get from the 85% daily value in vitamin K. If you cut yourself, vitamin K helps your blood clot more efficiently. Youll also be able to avoid bone fractures, osteoporosis, stroke and heart disease. But be aware, if you have to take a blood-thinning medicine, too much cabbage may blunt the effects of the medication. The B vitamins help your body repair its cells as well.

    Cabbage is rich in flavonoids, which help you fight cancer. The kaempferol in cabbage lowers your risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease, making this one of the best foods you could put on your plate.

    #8 Brussels SproutsCome on, you can eat them! When theyve been steamed and drizzled with olive oil and fresh garlic, they make a succulent side dish. Heres just why youll benefit from adding them to your diet. You get 22% of your daily value of vitamin C, which is so important to your immune system, teeth, gums and skin. Youll reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease as well. Youll also benefit from folate, a B vitamin. This helps the formation and maintenance of DNA and reduces your homocysteine levels, which will reduce your risk of heart disease.

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    Brussels sprouts are loaded with special antioxidants called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, which help you lower your risk of developing cancer. Another anti-inflammatory in brussels sprouts is Omega-3 fatty acids. The 66 milligrams of potassium help to regulate the electrical rhythms of your heart.

    #9 KohlrabiKohlrabi is a turnip-like vegetable that gives you many benefits from just a 1-cup serving. Whether you eat it cooked or raw, youll benefit from isothiocyanates, a specific phytochemical that helps to protect you against some specific forms of cancer. Specifically, this phytochemical substance works to convert estrogen in your body. It may also block the hormones associated with prostate and breast cancers.

    Looking at the nutrients, youll get about 5.5 grams of protein in a cooked 1/2 cup serving. Kohlrabi has 1 gram of fiber, 17 milligrams of sodium and 44 grams of vitamin C. The high Vitamin C levels are helpful when fighting illnesses, while the veggies antioxidant properties will be an important ally in your fight with cancer. The most significant B vitamin in kohlrabi is vitamin B6, which helps with cellular repair.

    #10 BroccoflowerThis cruciferous vegetable is a combination of cauliflower and broccoli. Whats good is that it has a sweeter taste than either of those vegetables. If youre not fond of the bitter taste of either vegetable, this could be the one for you to start eating. This vegetable is high in folate fiber and vitamin C. The folic acid in broccoflower helps to maintain the red blood cells in your body, important for your oxygen flow. Its also low in all the things it should be low in, such as fat, sodium and cholesterol.

    Broccoflower came about as the result of a wild cross between broccoli and cauliflower. The seeds for this cross are purposefully grown in Europe, adding a new nutritional tool for you to use as you work to stay healthy. The sweeter, milder taste of this vegetable can make it easier for you to achieve your goal.

    #11 Broccoli RomanescoThis broccoli looks very different from the little florets youre probably used to seeing and eating. Broccoli Romanesco is actually an edible flower, loaded with all the

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    healthy nutrients you need to maintain your health. Its nutrients are similar to those of broccoli, but it has more mineral salts and beta carotene. It doesnt have as much fiber as regular broccoli has.

    Romanesco contains vitamin A and all of the B vitamins except for B12. You cant beat this veggie when it comes to its capabilities of rebuilding your bodys cells. Look no further for your vitamins C and K, because youll find just what you need here.

    Dont forget about the minerals, including manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, tryptophan and potassium. Youll also benefit from protein and anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids.

    Heres just a short list of the benefits of Romanesco: infection fighter, protects you from free radicals, lowers the risk of some cancers, improves body healing and supports red cell health.

    #12 CauliflowerThis superfood veggie is loaded with nutrients your body needs for optimal health. If youre not too fond of the taste, try a healthy saut using chicken broth and turmeric. Heres the nutrients youll get from cauliflower: Calcium, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper and some zinc. In combination with its low-fat content, your male health will benefit.

    Look for a high amount of vitamin C. Youll get about 3/4 of your days needed requirements in a 1-cup serving of cauliflower. Its also very high in vitamin K, which helps your blood-clotting abilities. Its also high in all B vitamins except for B12 and youll also benefit from the pantothenic acid. The Omega-3 fatty acids, which provide anti-inflammatory benefits, are also present in cauliflower, so add a good serving to your plate at dinnertime.

    #13 Bok ChoyThis superfood is also known as Chinese cabbage or pak choi. Bad nutrients, such as fat or sodium, dont exist in this veggie. This means youre going to get all the good stuff: folate, vitamins A, C and K instead. Like broccoli, collard greens, kale, mustard

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    and turnip greens, it falls in the dark leafy greens category.

    1-cup serving gives you only 10 calories; it has only 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of total carbohydrates, coming from sugars and dietary fiber. Its high in vitamins A and C. Look at the amounts of vitamin A (1,877 micrograms of beta carotene) and vitamin K (31.9 micrograms). By eating a vegetable-heavy diet, you will decrease your risk of heart disease, strokes, some cancers and diabetes. Youll appreciate the mild flavor of this vegetable, which can be either eaten raw, in soups or stir-fried foods.

    #14 KomatsunaThis superfood is similar to spinach in its appearance. Its also known as Japanese mustard spinach and many consider it the leafy version of the wild turnip. Its ideal n salads and stir-fried meals. Youll find that it complements foods like miso, tuna, sardines, tofu, mushrooms, garlic, almonds, quinoa, soy sauce and rice.

    Komatsuna is high in vitamins A and C, has more iron than spinach, and is great for the production of hemoglobin-rich red blood cells. Its full of calcium, which benefits your bones and dental health. You can very well switch between komatsuna and spinach so you get the healthy benefits of both. Its also high in the B, E and K vitamins, potassium, iron and molybdenum. Look for high levels of folic acid in this superfood as well. Clearly, this veggie has many more benefits than drawbacks for you.

    #15 MizunaThis veggie is called a power food. Known as Japanese Mustard and California Peppergrass, it will give your food a mildly tangy flavor thats not quite as sharp as arugula.

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    Heres a listing of the nutrients and some of the benefits youll enjoy: Mizuna is loaded with vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system. This veggie is also full of vitamin A. It also contains high levels of iron, which boosts your bodys red blood cells and folate, which helps your body to fight heart disease. It is also an important factor aiding your brain with serotonin release, which will affect your mood. Powerful antioxidants called glucosinates are found in mizuna. These can reduce your risk of developing cancer. Use this green vegetable in mesclun salads or grill shrimp, then put the shrimp on top of the mizuna.

    #16 TurnipTurnips also appear on your list of superfoods, so give them a try. A 1-cup serving of turnips has only 34 calories, making it the ideal food for you to add to your plate, along with a serving of salmon, lean steak or baked chicken and a salad. While its lower in protein, turnip is loaded with vitamin C and folate. Youll also find small amounts of vitamins B and K in a single serving.

    Heres where your turnips begin to shine. One serving of this veggie is loaded with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Youll also benefit from the Omega-3 fatty acids found in turnips.

    Raw turnip wont cause any harm to you, but it tastes better after its been cooked. If you cut into and eat a young turnip, its taste is pleasant, but as it gets older, it becomes bitterer.

    #17 RutabagaThis veggie looks like the turnip, only its yellow. It is considered to be a combination of both a turnip and a cabbage and it is packed with beneficial nutrients for your male health.

    First, its full of vitamin C, which helps boost your bodys immune system. Vitamin

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    C may also be linked to a drop in colorectal cancer. Just 1 cup of rutabaga gives you about 39% of your daily intake of this vitamin. Youll also benefit from the levels of folate in your rutabagayou get about 6% of your days requirement here. Next, look at the amount of zinc youll receive from that same 1-cup servingabout 4% of your daily needed requirement.

    You know how fiber benefits your health. Well, that 1 cup of rutabaga has roughly 3.5 grams of dietary fiber.

    #18 Mustard SeedsJust one tablespoon of mustard seeds gives you several nutrients, all of which you need in your daily diet. When its used as a spice, youll get not only the taste, but all the vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal functioning.

    Youll find the glucosinolates and fatty acids your body needs. These help prevent the development of certain cancers. Several B-complex vitamins are found in mustard seeds, including thiamin, folates, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. They are packed with benefits as they ensure the good functioning of your nervous system, they regulate your bodys metabolism and last but not least, they assist with enzyme synthesis.

    When it comes to vitamins, these tiny little seeds are powerhouses. Youll find beta carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin as well as the antioxidant vitamins A, C and K. Dont forget about vitamin E, which aids in cellular health, skin and mucus membranes. The minerals youll find in mustard seeds include calcium, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc, which are quite beneficial to your male health.

    #19 TatsoiTatsoi has a short list of interesting names, including rosette bok choy, spinach

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    mustard and spoon mustard. This superfood gives you several nutrient benefits, including from phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. Phytonutrients boost your long-term health by preventing chronic diseases from developing.

    Youll take advantage from a healthy infusion of vitamins A, C and beta-carotene. The minerals that help your overall health include calcium and folate. This little vegetable also adds fiber to your diet, which benefits your colorectal health.

    The calcium in tatsoi helps to strengthen both your dental and skeletal health. The folate will help prevent heart disease and, because it releases serotonin, it acts like a mild, natural antidepressant.

    #20 ArugulaArugula looks like regular lettuce, but its actually a dark-green leafy vegetable that is used in salads alongside lettuce and other vegetables. Its low in calories, which is great if youre trying to control your weight.

    Its full of vitamins A, K and folate, as well as some vitamin C. These vitamins aid cellular reproduction and eye health. The vitamin C helps to boost your bodys immunity and helps to repair and rebuild cellular tissues. The folate in arugula helps to protect your cellular health. Youll get strong benefits from the calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Along with the vitamins, these minerals will assist your immune system, cardiovascular health and nervous system. Arugula contains antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals, the main factors contributing the aging process. Glucosinolates are also present in your arugula. These help to suppress some forms of cancer.

    #21 Field pepperweedField pepperweed is actually considered to be an invasive weed in the United States,

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    while in Europe its an annual plant that has an edible part to it. When young, the leaves can be eaten as salad greens or added to salads. Cooks use the seeds and fruits as a spice, which has a taste similar to mustard and black pepper.

    Because it can grow in most kinds of soil, it has been designated a weed. It falls in the family Brassicaceae Laepidum.

    The leaves, which are edible, do have several nutrients, which will benefit male health. These nutrients include vitamins A and C, which aid in cellular reproduction and good eye health. When you eat the leaves, you also boost your immune system. The protein helps in supporting cellular health.

    #22 MacaMaca, a root vegetable grown high in the Peruvian Andes, is probably one of the best superfoods for guys to eat. Maca is high in protein, one of the substances needed for good sexual and reproductive health.

    This vegetable is also high in vitamins C and D, and in the B vitamins; youll benefit from its levels of riboflavin, niacin and B6, all of which are necessary for the good functioning of your immune system. In the minerals, youll see that maca root is high in calcium, iron, potassium, copper and manganese. Medical researchers consider it to be excellent for increasing levels of testosteronein fact, this root balances the hormones of both men and women.

    Because maca is an adaptogen, it helps your body adapt to the level of stress you experience in your life. It is known that inability to cope with stress can affect your libido, so fighting this will help you have a better sexual life.

    #23 Garden CressThis superfood is excellent when added to your salads. It contains about 3% of your daily value of protein. This, along with some of the minerals and vitamins in garden cress, makes this vegetable a great addition to your diet. Garden cress is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. Youll also get some vitamin E as well. It is loaded with most of the B vitamins, except for B12. All of these

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    are important for boosting your mood, as well as producing and maintaining your bodys DNA.

    When you add garden cress to your diet, youll increase your intake of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Because of the protein found in garden cress, this is ideal for your testosterone level, especially since you wont have any saturated fats to deal with. Youll also benefit from the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in garden cress. Load up your next salad and enjoy this superfood.

    #24 WatercressThis superfood is actually an herb packed full of nutrients, great for your overall health. Its used as an addition to salads and soups and, because its so low in calories, so you dont need to worry about gaining unwanted weight. Watercress is a great choice if youre trying to reduce your cholesterol levels, so go ahead and add it to your foods.

    Take a look at the vitamins found in watercress: youll take in almost one-quarter of your daily needed values of vitamins A and C with just one serving. Youll also get some valuable vitamin E, as well as over 100% of the daily values of vitamin K. InB vitamins, youll benefit by adding about 2% of your daily needed values of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folate.

    Watercress is loaded with the minerals your body needs, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium as well as small amounts of natural sodium, copper and manganese. Just one cup of watercress gives you all these advantages, so make sure to load it into your salad.

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    #25 Radish DaikonThis food is considered to be a superfood because of all its health benefits. Radish daikon is a white root vegetable also known as Chinese radish and white radish. It looks more like a white carrot and has a mild taste. Because of its low calories, daikon is an excellent choice for those working to lose weight. If youre trying to increase your fiber intake, daikon is good for this as well. 4 ounces contain 2 grams of dietary fiber which will help stabilize blood sugar, while also ensuring the overall health of your digestive system and preventing you from feeling full after eating.

    Radish daikon is high in potassium, which aids in the transmission of signals through your nerves. It is also high in vitamin C and phytonutrients that help your body to fight cancer.

    If you suffer from migraines, daikon can be a good protective supplement. It can also help ward off a headache if you take it as soon as you feel symptoms. Because its a diuretic, it helps flush your kidneys, improving kidney function.

    #26 WasabiWasabiyes, the hot, spicy condiment you add to foods like sushi. This is actually a root vegetable that gives you several strong health benefits. Take a look: Wasabi contains protein and zinc. It doesnt have saturated fat, making it the ideal superfood to improve your overall reproductive and testosterone health.

    Youll benefit from the high percentage of vitamin C, which gives you nearly all your daily needed value just from one cup of sliced wasabi. Except for vitamin B12, youll get all of your B vitamins that so necessary for a high energy level.

    When you add wasabi to your diet, you benefit from a load of minerals, which include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, naturally occurring sodium, zinc, copper and manganese.

    Because wasabi belongs to the broccoli and cabbage families, youll get enough isothiocyanates, helping to detoxify cancer-causing substances that enter your body. It can also help prevent cardiovascular disease by preventing the formation of blood clots.

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    #27 AsparagusConsider asparagus- another member of the superfood family. This vegetable, which grows quickly, has protein, a very low amount of saturated fat and it also has some zinc, all of which benefit your overall reproductive health. A 1-cup serving of asparagus will be quite beneficial to your testosterone health, so consider adding it to your diet.

    Asparagus is high in folic acid, vitamins A, C and B6. Its quick and easy to cook, so you shouldnt have any excuse there. Or you can also eat asparagus raw, giving you all of its health benefits.

    That 1-cup serving of asparagus will load you up with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Its also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, so youll benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties. Asparagus is high in dietary fiber, so load up your plate!

    #28 SpinachPopeye knew what he was doing when he ate spinach. This leafy superfood is loaded with all the minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients your body needs to stay healthy and fight inflammatory diseases and cancer. So, follow along with the cartoon sailor and load up your plate with spinach. You can have it either raw or cooked. A spinach salad is delicious when you add tomatoes, red onions and your favorite salad toppings.

    A 1-cup serving of spinach nets you vitamins A, C and E. Youll benefit from the high level of vitamin K in this superfood. Youll find nearly all the B vitamins, except for B12 and pantothenic acid. Spinach also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese. Because it has some protein, youll get about 2% of your daily requirement. This, along with a low amount of fat, means that spinach is a great source for your reproductive and testosterone health.

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    Miscellaneous Superfood Items

    #1 Cocoa PowderWhen you include this superfood in your diet in small quantities, youll get some great health benefits. Unlike other foods, cocoa powder has choline, which helps to support the nerve communications inside your brain. Who knew?

    Because you normally take in only small amounts of cocoa powder, the benefits youll get from fats, proteins and carbohydrates will be modest. Take a look at the vitamin content. Youll get small amounts of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and vitamin K, which helps your blood clot properly when you get cut. Youll also get some small amounts of nearly all the B vitamins. The only one not present and accounted for is B12. You also get small amounts of all the minerals, including zinc, important for good testosterone health. Just use cocoa powder in moderation!

    #2 ChocolateOooh, chocolate! Its hard for almost anyone to resist the lure of a good, sweet chunk of chocolate candy. While this superfood has some strong health benefits for men, it still cant be called a health foodnot with the high fat and sugar content its got. Still, chocolate has a specific antioxidant that helps protect the cells of your heart against damage from heart disease. These antioxidants, called flavonols, are more present in dark chocolate. Not only do they protect against heart disease but they also improve your blood pressure.

    In moderation, chocolate (dark, remember) can reduce your risks from stroke, heart attack and diabetes. Dont go wild and go through that whole bag of dark chocolates now! Doing so can boomerang on you and bring those health risks right

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    back. Instead, limit yourself to 3 ounces of dark chocolate daily. Youll get most of the B vitamins and all the minerals you need, as long as you limit your intake.

    #3 CaffeineThat cuppa Joe, it has health benefits that go beyond its ability to wake you up in the morning. When you drink coffee in moderation, you lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Because of its relationship to chocolate, youll need to balance the beverage and the sweet so you dont overindulge.

    And just like cocoa and chocolate, caffeine is rich in those disease-fighting antioxidants. If youre thinking of ramping up your vitamin and mineral intake with a few cups of coffee, that wont cut it for you. About the only vitamins youll find in an 8-ounce cup of coffee are five of your B vitamins. When it comes to the minerals in coffee, its much the same. Instead, lets focus on some of the other health benefits.

    By drinking four cups of coffee daily, you can lower your risk of oral cancer. Your bodys ability to metabolize caffeine is different from that of a child or a woman. Try to take in less than 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. Men who have been diagnosed with ADHD may benefit from drinking moderate amounts of coffee. Youll focus better.

    #4 QuinoaThis seed used to be called the gold of the Incas. Well, given the nutritional content of quinoa, thats not far wrong. Its truly a superfood for men. Lets see why! Even though quinoa is a grain, its the most complete protein-rich food you can eat. It has all nine of the essential amino acids your body needs for good health.

    Ironone serving (1 cup) contains 15% of your daily value. Thats great for your red blood cells and for the formation of

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    hemoglobin. Even when cooked, quinoa takes a while to chew. Thats because its chock-full of fiber. That 1-cup serving contains about 21% of your daily value. Youll get about 30% of your daily value of magnesium, which helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It also regulates body temperature, aids energy production, helps transmit nerve impulses and helps to form healthy teeth and bones. The level of riboflavin aids muscle and brain cells. Most of all, quinoa is loaded with manganese. That 1-cup serving has about 58% of your daily value. Load up!

    #5 MushroomsDid you know that mushrooms have a benefit beyond adding taste to your pizza every weekend? The benefits of this tiny vegetable far outweigh its size, making it one of the superfoods you should be tracking down and eating. Take a lookmushrooms are loaded with minerals and your B and D vitamins. They also have several of the same nutrients youll find in beans, brains and meat. So, whats not to like about the mushroom now?

    That little mushroom is full of the B vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, niacin and riboflavin. Its also loaded with ergothioneine, selenium, copper and potassium. Youll find beta-glucans, which help stimulate your bodys immunity against allergies. Selenium is an important antioxidant that works to protect your body from free radical damage. Additionally, research has indicated there might be a link between eating mushrooms and decreasing the likelihood of tumor growth in animals. Further testing is planned.

    #6 MagnesiumMagnesium isnt a food, but its a vital mineral thats found in your food. Its so important to the function of your body that its involved in a minimum of 300 enzymatic reactions that take place in your body. It affects your immune function and

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    helps with the transmission of signals along your nerves to and from your brain.

    Not getting enough magnesium can lead to painful muscle spasms. It can also be linked to high blood pressure, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, migraines, anxiety disorders and even osteoporosis. Thankfully, this condition is rare and more caused from the overuse of diuretic medications or chronic alcohol abuse. Look for magnesium in cocoa, legumes (beans), nuts, whole-grain cereals and dark green veggies. Mineral water and hard water may also contain magnesium. Clearly, magnesium is pretty important for male health, so load your grocery cart up with all of these foods. Then eat them!

    #7 OnionsYes, onions give you bad breath, but just take your toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste to work with you. Onions have the kind of health benefits that the time you spend brushing your teeth after lunch is well worth it. Seriously

    All the nutrients in onions will work together to benefit your physical health. Look at this: That onion you just sprinkled onto your burger has vitamin C. A phytochemical in that onion is called a flavonoid. The flavonoid teams up with the C in your onion to benefit your body. Together, they strengthen your cardiovascular system, decrease inflammation and improve the strength of your blood vessels. Another flavonoid, called quercetin, might help to slow the growth of tumors and keep you from developing colon cancer. Who knew? Order your food with onions! Additionally, a mineral called chromium makes it easier for your bodys cells to work with insulin, which helps with blood sugar control.

    One cup of chopped onions is loaded with vitamin C and vitamin B6. Youll also get some vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid. Youll get calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc (great for testosterone health!), copper, manganese and a small amount of selenium as well.

    #8 EggsWow, looking at the nutrients in one serving of eggs (4 large eggs) shows that you get the benefit of so many minerals and vitamins. Lets talk about that, and then well

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    talk about the unjustified bad reputation of the egg. One serving of eggs benefits male reproductive health like almost nothing else. This is truly a superfood.

    Except for vitamin C, you get all the vitamins in one serving of eggs: A, D, E, K and every B vitamin. Youre helping your bodys ability to fight free radicals, germs and environmental damage. Again, that one serving of eggs gives you calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. This is probably one of the best foods for a man. The protein in a serving of eggs tops 60%.

    Cholesterol and eggs have gotten wrapped up into a messy package. Eggs provide a healthy source of fat for your body. The type of fat in an egg helps you better absorb some of the nutrients, such as vitamin A. Scramble your eggs only occasionally. When the yolk is exposed to high heat, the healthy fat and protein are damaged.

    #9 OlivesOlives, whether green or black, give you so many health benefits. One servingor28 gramsis low in calories and fats. You know about the connection between olives, olive oil and monounsaturated fats. Olives are packed with unsaturated fats, polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamin E.

    The black olive is just a ripened green olive. Youre going to get the same anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits from either type. When you eat a serving, youre helping your body fight the free radicals that cause cellular damage and cancer. But did you know that you can also fight asthma, arthritis and other types of inflammatory disorders when you munch on a serving of olives? The only people that should be wary of eating olives are those with high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, kidney problems or any condition affected by high sodium intake.

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    #10 Olive OilOlive oil, or the oil to cook with and use in your salads, is the healthiest fat you could ever choose. Look at the Mediterranean diet. People in that area live long lives and theyre healthier than people in many other parts of the world. Olive oil is very high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It also has saturated fats, but those are at a much lower level than the MUFA and PUFA. Omega-3 fatty acids, well known for their anti-inflammatory properties, are also high in this food.

    Look at the percentages of vitamins E and K. One cup of olive oil contains over 150% of vitamin E in the form of alpha tocopherol. Vitamin K is even higherover 160 percent. So use that olive oil with no fear for your health. Your heart and body will only thank you.

    #11 Green TeaThis isnt technically a superfood, but this healthful beverage definitely fits into the superfood category for men. Its almost the most perfect beverage you could drink for your health and heres why: because green tea is barely processed before packaging, it is loaded with catechins, or antioxidants that help your body fight cellular damage. Those catechins lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Diabetics can benefit with a more-stable blood glucose level.

    Speaking of heart health benefits, green tea can help prevent several heart conditions and improve blood flow throughout your body. This also translates into good benefits for your braindrinking green tea may help block the formation of harmful plaques that have been linked to Alzheimers disease. An amino acid in green tea may help calm you.

    Some of the nutrients in green tea include manganese, chromium, zinc and selenium, vitamins A, C, D, E, H, K, B and B5. Heat water to about 170 degrees F and add it to a bag of green tea. Steep and enjoy!

    #12 Cottage CheeseYes, this humble dairy product is loaded with the nutrients your body needs to function and function well. Do more than plop a spoonful next to your salad or pair

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    it with pears or other fruits, mix it into some of your foods or even incorporate it into lasagna, along with mozzarella cheese. Be careful of the kind of cottage cheese you choose, however: regular cottage cheese has lots of saturated fat and salt while low fat and no-salt-added varieties are available.

    Lets talk about the vitamin content. Because cottage cheese is animal-based, youre going to get all your B vitamins, including B12. Look to get about 38% of your daily value of B12 in 1 cup of cottage cheese. Even better, B12 works to take an amino acid called homocysteine from your bloodstream. If that amino acid stays in your system, youre at higher risk of heart disease. Youll also eat all the essential amino acids your body needs when you scarf down that serving of cottage cheese. Youll also get phosphorus and calcium which, when combined, help to build healthy bones.

    #13 Wheat GermNow, guys, this is probably the closest food to perfect for boosting your T levels! Wheat germ is actually the embryo inside the wheat kernel. When wheat is processed into refined flour, the wheat germ is removedwhich