238293380 sap-transportation-management-and-sap-event-management

1 SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event Management

Transcript of 238293380 sap-transportation-management-and-sap-event-management

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SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event Management

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SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event ManagementBusiness PurposeSolution Overview

SAP Event Management DetailsSolution DetailsSolution Configuration

Application Interface

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Event Management – Business Purpose

Order Taking VisibilityStatus tracking of the order processingBased on single consignment order (shipment request)Life cycle – from order entry to start of executionAssigned roles – shipper/ordering party, transportation dispatcher

Order Execution VisibilityStatus tracking of order / shipment executionBased on single shipmentLife cycle – start of execution to proof of deliveryAssigned roles – shipper/ordering party, transportation dispatcher, consignee

Resource VisibilityStatus tracking of a single resource (e.g. container, truck, trailer, railcar)Assigned role – Transportation dispatcher

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Solution Overview – Business Purpose

SAP Event Management (SAP EM) monitors:The execution of the planned transportation activities (PTA)Offers communication channels to customers, partners and employees

SAP EM can control:The visibility process through rule based processesThe business process through integration with the SAP TM system

In case of delays or deviations from plans, SAP EM can:Alert staff members, partners or initiate other activities

Update SAP TM automatically

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Transfer Order



Shipper/Ordering Party

Transportation DispatcherShipper/Ordering Party


Loc A Loc Z

Create Planning Confirm AssignShipment


Loc A Loc B Loc C Loc Z

Departure Arrival/Departure



Event Handler for Shipment Request Event Handler for Shipment

Transportation DispatcherrShipper/ordering Party


Order ExecutionOrder Taking

Solution Overview – Order Taking and Execution Visibility Process

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Order ExecutionOrder Taking

Create Planning Confirm AssignShipment

Departure Arrival/Departure



Event Handler for Shipment Request

Event Handler for Shipment

Solution Overview – Order Taking and Execution Visibility Process

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ShipmentEvent Handler



Query And Display



CreateExec. Loading













Import Arrival

Business objectcreates eventhandler

Received eventsupdate businessobject data

Business objectssend events

User activatesbusiness object

User queriesretrieve trackingdata

Events triggernotfications

Overdue eventsraise alerts

Solution Overview – Transportation and Event Management Process Flow

Shipment status be “Executed” to work with EM

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Solution Overview – Executed Transportation Activities

Executed Transportation Activities have a from and a to date-time and status.

Executed Transportation Activities can be created/changed in SAP TM and from SAP EM

SAP EM only reports Events and they have an associated time, but no status

In the integration between SAP EM and SAP TM the Executed Transportation Activity is created or updated and a status is updated.

Example 1: SAP EM Event “Departure” creates an ETA “Transportation” only with a start date-time the status “In Execution”Example2: SAP EM Event “Arrival at destination” updated the ETA “Transportation” with the end date-time and the status “Executed”.






Arrival atDestination

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Solution Overview – Standard Tracking and Tracing Scenarios

Transportation Execution Visibility (Tour)On-time Status of a standard tour (e.g. vessel voyage)Life cycle: from tour execution start to tour execution endTour resource level updatesAssigned roles: Customer(shipper/orderingparty/consignee), Transportion Dispatcher, Transportationservice planner

Tendering VisibilityTendering process between LSP and TSP / freightforwardersLife cycle: tendering offer to tendering answer or time-outAssigned roles: Transportation Dispatcher

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Solution Overview – Providing the Right Information to the Right People

... to CNO

SAP Event Management provides visibility throughout the supply chain. This screen shows a view where the sales executive or the customer can see exactly the status of a make-to-order process, including production and distribution steps, at any given time. A role-based approach with a thorough filter and authorization concept makes it possible to view one business process, spreading different applications, from various points of view.

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Solution Overview – Web Access

Selection Profile

User Role & Tracking Scenario

Display OverviewList Profile

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Web Access – Detail View

Display Detail Profile

Display Event Profile

All Web Interface fields are fully

customizeable !

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Issue Purchase OrderIssue Purchase Order

Production StartProduction Start

Production FinishProduction Finish



Goods ReceiptGoods Receipt





Buyer: Online SAP R/3 Transaction

Warehouse Forklift Operator:

RF Device

Carrier:Onboard Device

Carrier: Manual Event


Voice Recognition


Offline PDA

Customer: SendsAcknowledgement


Solution Overview – Reporting

There are many ways to communicate the actual events. Possible communication scenarios include updating with an online transaction, EDI/XML connection, Onboard Devices, manual entry, offline PDA’s, voice recognition, login with a web interface, or updating using an RF Device.

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Received AlertOverview

Reactions on Alerts

Single AlertDetail View

Solution Overview – Example of Alert Inbox in SAP TM

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The Alert Framework is provided as part of the SAP Web Application Server. The application must define its own alert categories and implement the triggering of the alert instances to realize Alert Management.

Alerts can also be triggered by external alert providers. They are all sent to the alert inboxes of the alert recipients, but can additionally be sent by other channels, such as by Internet mail, SMS, or to external alert systems. You must configure and schedule the processing of the alerts to meet your requirements.

Event Message Short Message



If Event Code = ‘Delay’

then inform partner

Personalized alert-delivery

Support for: E-mailShort Message ServicesPagerWAP & WAP Push

Subscription on alert-categories

Escalation:to superior or system administrator in case of missing confirmation

Follow Up Activities:URL based direct navigation into application. For example, to favor to repair the mistake or for error analysis

Alert forwarding:“This Info is important for my colleague as well”

Solution Overview – Alerting Business Partners

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Solution Overview – New Developments in SAP EM 7.0

New Web UI EnhancementsMultiple event sendingReport all expected eventsSend + display measurements & attachmentsDocument flow – graph + table presentationChange logo & branding

Usability ImprovementsScreen flow & interactionSpeaking Browser window titles

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SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event ManagementBusiness PurposeSolution Overview

SAP Event Management DetailsSolution DetailsSolution Configuration

Application Interface

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Solution Details –Types of Events

SAP Supply Chain Event Management is capable of processing several different types of events. Within a given process, you have events that you expect to have happen and you have actual events that happen. You want to compare the actual event against what you expected.

The first type of event is an event that you expect to happen within a particular time frame and it happens as expected. That is a regular event.

A second type of event is an event that you expect to happen within a particular time frame and it happens outside the expected time frame. This is an overdue event. An overdue event can cause a subsequent event to be rescheduled, or it could just be recorded as an overdue event.

A third type of event that could occur is one that is unexpected. This could be, for example, where you have a truck that breaks down or a malfunction in a piece of equipment – something that could potentially have an affect on subsequent events and something needs to be rescheduled or another action needs to be taken because of this unexpected event. An unexpected event could trigger an alert or other type of notification.

The fourth type of event is an unreported event. In this case, you expect an event to occur within a particular time frame, but it for whatever reason, it is not reported. It is possible that something still needs to happen following this event so you could set a time limit that sends a message or causes something to happen when the event is unreported in a certain time period.

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Solution Details –Event Handler and an Event Handler Type

Event Handler

Event Handler Type


Expected Events Profile

Expected Events

Status Attribute Profile

Status Attributes

Tracking ID’s


The Event Handler Type describes what kind of application objects are represented by an Event Handler.

In the Event Handler Type, you describe the ruleset, the status profile, the expected events profile and the authorization profile.

The Event Handler Type controls which expected events are generated and the status attributes, tracking ID’s and any other parameters that correspond to those expected events.

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Solution Details –Event Message Reporting

Carrier reports Unloading( Execution of PTA)

Event MessageTracking ID CS = ‘PTA’Tracking ID = ‘30000438’Event Code = ‘UNLOADING’Event Date = ’03.10.2008’Event Time = ’13:14’Event Timezone = ‘CET’

Event Handler

Tracking IDsHSH 000005330PTA 10000218PTA 20000232PTA 30000438…

EH Type ‘ODT10_HSH’

Expected Events- LOADING 01.10. 10:31 CET- DEPARTURE 01.10. 11:04 CET- ARRIVAL DEST 03.10. 12:17 CET- UNLOADING…

Event MessagePosting

Event Handler Identification

03.10. 13:14 CET


The Tracking ID of an Event Message determines, to which Event Handler the Messageis reported. Event Handlers can carry multiple Tracking IDs. The Event Code describes the type of Event that is reported

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Solution Details –Structure of Event Messages in SAP EM

The event message carries a tracking ID and event codes. This enables SAP EM to find the appropriate event handler and the expected event to check against its content.

An event message is posted through a remote-enabled function module, possible through BAPI, IDOC and XI or Direct Call of the function module.

Event/StatusTracking IDLocationsPartnersEstimated TimeDelivery Status

Load TransferSubseq. Status

Meas. ResultText

All event messages must be sent through the remote function module/SAPTRX/BAPI_EH_ADDEVENTMSG_02 (from SAP EM 4.0 on). The BAPI is basedon this function module. The IDOC and XI also calls an RFC to SAP Event Management with this function module.

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Solution Details –Architectural Landscape

SAP EM SAP Business Warehouse

SAP Business SuiteSAP Business Suite3rd Party Application3rd Party Application

Internet, Applications


Mobile Device

Technical Devices(RFID, Scanners)


Mobile Device






Event Handler








SAP Business Suite

This architectural landscape slide is repeated here to indicate which parts of the landscape come into play for creating events. It is at this where the legacy or other SAP system determines wheter or not an event Handler is created, and so is then created in the Event Manager. Then within the Event Manager it is determined what will be the expected events and the timing of those events.

At this point, multiple devices might be used or required to update the Event Manager. It is also possible for the Application System to provide the update to the Event Handler

Now in the architectural landscape we look at what comes into play for retrieving events. This this point, multiple devices might be required to retrieve the status of an event handler. These devices might include a mobile device, a PDA or a web browser. It is also possible to retrieve messages directly from the EM or from the SAP system.

At this point in the arctitectural landscape we are now concerned with what comes of the EM for triggering follow up activities to another SAP or Legacy system

We are now looking at the system and data flow for monitoring and reporting. Analytical reporting occurs in the BW. Key Performance Indicators and Collaborative Performance Idicators are updated by activity in the event manager.

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SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event ManagementBusiness PurposeSolution Overview

SAP Event Management DetailsSolution DetailsSolution Configuration

Application Interface

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Depending on whether the rule condition evaluation returns a TRUE or FALSE, SAP EM calls the activities that have been defined for the respective condition.

The rule activity consists of one (single-task) or many (multi-task) activities that trigger the follow-up action (for example sending an email).

The rule activity itself might be an event handler method, a function module or a multi-task activity.

You can call several rule conditions within a rule by grouping several rule conditions in a set, which you call in the rule condition of the rule.

You can call a BAPI within a function module and trigger activities in a remote system.

Rule Set Structure

Single- or multitask Activities and Functions are:

Executed when an actual event is posted for an expected eventUsed for triggering activities like

inform business partnerstrigger follow-up activitiesupload data to SAP Business Information Warehouse

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Ruleset for Shipment Event Handler

Rule Condition

Multitask Activity

Branch Conditions

Single task:Alert Creation

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SAP EM Application Interface additions in TM

Define Event Manager relevance

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You specify which alert category the system uses and how the container elements for this alert category are filled from SAP Event Management, in order to use the Alert Framework for notification in certain situations (for example, delay, contamination).

You can specify different alert categories for different critical situations.You assign the alert category within a processing step of a rule in the rule set. You use the activity parameter ID, which you have specified in this IMG activity, as the key.

You can maintain a hyperlink, which you attach, for example, at the end of an e-mail.

You can use the template for Customizing and adapt it to your own requirements.

EM IMG: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Event Management Reactions to Event Messages Define Alert Framework Connection Define Alert Categories

Solution Configuration –Assigning an Alert Category in SAP EM

Internet MailSMS / PagerFax

Control Parameter e.g. e-mail address

Container Elements: Variables used in theAlert Category

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The alert container is a container for the exchange of (application-specific) variables, such as company code or material number, between the local systems (alert providers) and the central alert server. It is therefore the interface between the application that triggers the alert and the central Alert Framework.

Solution Configuration –Defining a Alert Container in SAP TM

Alert Category: SAP EM_ODT10_BLOCKGeneral Settings

Transaction: ALRTCATDEF

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The alert container is a container for the exchange of (application-specific) variables, such as company code or material number, between the local systems (alert providers) and the central alert server. It is therefore the interface between the application that triggers the alert and the central Alert Framework.

Solution Configuration –Defining a Alert Container in SAP TM

Container Definition: Variables transferred from SAP Event Management

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When you use application-specific variables in your container definition, you supply the values for these variables by writing them into the container as name-value pairs. These are then interpreted by the Alert Framework on the central system. The Alert Framework uses the alert container not only for the exchange of application-specific variables, but also for the exchange of internal information.

Solution Configuration –Defining a Alert Container in SAP TM

Short text and Long text: short text is sent via SMS and displayed in the alert-inboxLong text appears in the detailed view of the alert-inbox

Optional: Define subsequent activities as hyperlinks/URLs

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SAP Transportation Management & SAP Event ManagementBusiness PurposeSolution Overview

SAP Event Management DetailsSolution DetailsSolution Configuration

Application Interface

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Your business process first determines whether or not an Event Handler is created.

As you are processing documents in your application system, there is a check to see if an event handler should be created for that particular function.

Data is gathered in the Application System specific to that business process and configuration that you have defined to control the event process itself.

Then, the event handler is created in SAP Event Management.

Extracting Relevant Data From an SAP Appl. System

SAP Event Management

SAP Event Management

expected eventsinfo parameterscontrol parameterstracking / query IDsbusiness object key




SAP Application System

Event Handler

extract application


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Application Logs

Event Management

ApplicationObject Type

Business Object

Parameters Mapping

EH Type

Log File

Application System


AOTAO-IDMain tableMT KeyLog ID

Status table

The Application System and SAP EM log all activities that are done during processes. In the log you can check why e.g. Event Handlers are not created or which customizing setting is used.

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Logs all activities you do during the creation/changing of Event Handlers. When you save the business object, it saves everything into a log and you can view this log for example, when an Event Handler isn’t created as you expect it to be.

Logs exist in both SAP EM and AS.

Log can be switched off in AS under SAPTRX/ASC0AO General Data Check box Appl. Log. Deactiv.

Application Logs – /SAPTRX/ASAPLOG

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Configuration of Log Level

Log EH Posting: Writes an application log for an event handler when posting updates from an application system.

Log Msg. Proc: Writes an application log during event message processing.

Log Ext. Update: Writes an application log for external updates (for example, BAPIs) and manual changes in transaction /SAPTRX/EH_LIST.

You can choose the level of detail recorded in these logs.

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