2.2 Local Government Consultation Paper - Stop Puppy Farming · Mandatory standards for dog...

Ordinary Meeting of Council 26 September 2018 Page 1 2.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION PAPER - STOP PUPPY FARMING Ward: (All Wards) (Community Safety) Disclosure of Interest: Nil Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Community Wellbeing) KEY ISSUES The State Government has committed to introducing new laws to: stop puppy farming and the supply chains that support this industry; improve the health and welfare of dogs in Western Australia; and stop the overbreeding of dogs. The State Government released a public Consultation Paper in May 2018 and has now prepared a Local Government Consultation Paper and requested the West Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) to coordinate a sector response. A copy of the paper was previously distributed to all Councillors with a request to provide comments. It is proposed that the City of Swan support in principle the State Government’s position to address the breeding of animals in a manner that stops the overbreeding of dogs and improves the health and welfare of dogs in Western Australia. Note that further information is required to assess how this will be legislated and the role of local government in the process. It is recommended that the Council resolve to endorse the attached initial response submitted to WALGA. BACKGROUND WALGA contacted all local governments including the City of Swan to request feedback on a Local Government Consultation Paper to Stop Puppy Farming and provided the background information below. The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries released a Community Consultation Paper in May 2018 which has garnered a considerable response to date. WALGA, together with Local Government Professionals WA, recommended a separate consultation process with Local Governments in recognition of the different considerations the sector currently experiences as

Transcript of 2.2 Local Government Consultation Paper - Stop Puppy Farming · Mandatory standards for dog...

Page 1: 2.2 Local Government Consultation Paper - Stop Puppy Farming · Mandatory standards for dog breeding, housing, husbandry, transport and sale. As noted by WALGA, the City of Swan as

Ordinary Meeting of Council 26 September 2018

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Ward: (All Wards) (Community Safety)

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Community Wellbeing)


The State Government has committed to introducing new laws to:

stop puppy farming and the supply chains that support this industry;

improve the health and welfare of dogs in Western Australia; and

stop the overbreeding of dogs.

The State Government released a public Consultation Paper in May 2018 and has now prepared a Local Government Consultation Paper and requested the West Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) to coordinate a sector response.

A copy of the paper was previously distributed to all Councillors with a request to provide comments.

It is proposed that the City of Swan support in principle the State Government’s position to address the breeding of animals in a manner that stops the overbreeding of dogs and improves the health and welfare of dogs in Western Australia.

Note that further information is required to assess how this will be legislated and the role of local government in the process.

It is recommended that the Council resolve to endorse the attached initial response submitted to WALGA.


WALGA contacted all local governments including the City of Swan to request feedback on a Local Government Consultation Paper to Stop Puppy Farming and provided the background information below.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries released a Community Consultation Paper in May 2018 which has garnered a considerable response to date. WALGA, together with Local Government Professionals WA, recommended a separate consultation process with Local Governments in recognition of the different considerations the sector currently experiences as

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lead agencies in dog management, and is likely to encounter when implementing the Government’s intended Stop Puppy Farming proposals.

Feedback has been requested on the attached document and then WALGA will prepare a report for the August round of WALGA Zone meetings and consideration by State Council at its meeting of 5 September 2018.


City Officers have now reviewed and responded to all the questions outlined in the consultation paper. A copy of the final response has been included as an attachment to this report.

The State Government aims to implement the following key elements of the Stop Puppy Farming Policy:

Mandatory de-sexing of dogs unless an exemption is requested for breeding purposes or for reasons stated by a registered veterinarian;

A centralised registration system to ensure every dog and puppy can be identified at the point of sale or adoption, including in advertisements for sale;

The transition of pet shops into adoption centres that will only sell puppies and dogs from approved rescue organisations and animal shelters; and

Mandatory standards for dog breeding, housing, husbandry, transport and sale.

As noted by WALGA, the City of Swan as a Local Government Authority does have a long-standing involvement in animal management as well as a majority interest in the introduction of legislative measures to reduce overbreeding which results in unwanted and abandoned dogs. It is proposed that the City of Swan supports in principle the Government’s position to address the breeding of animals in a manner that stops the overbreeding of dogs and improves the health and welfare of dogs in Western Australia.

Other considerations noted within the paper which are supported in principle, are the central registry for dogs (and cats). The Community Safety Advocate team find that the movement of dogs across local government boundaries can inhibit access to information for historical matters and can enable the movement of dogs declared dangerous across areas without detection. A central registry would ensure that all local governments in WA have access to consistent information and could identify animals and their history more easily.


Internal consultation only has occurred to date. There has been external consultation by the State Government.

Councillor feedback on the consultation paper was requested to be provided by Monday, 30 July 2018.

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Stop Puppy Farming Local Government Consultation Paper - City of Swan initial response.


G2.1 Improve capability and capacity

G2.1.3 Use resources efficiently and effectively

S2.2 Build a strong sense of community health and safety


It is expected that feedback provided will guide legislative changes to the Dog Act 1976 and Cat Act 2011.


Nil at this stage however WALGA has advised of the below:

In a separate process, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries will soon develop a cost modelling project aimed at collecting current information about the cost to Local Governments to implement the Dog Act and the projected costs associated with implementation of the Stop Puppy Farming initiative.


Simple majority


That the Council resolve to:

1) Endorse the response submitted to WALGA. 2)

MOTION that the Council resolve to:

1) Defer this item to the next Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday 24th October, for a decision.

2) The reason being to allow for further consultation with the Australian Federation of Working Dogs and to comment.

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(Cr Henderson – Cr Jones)


1) Defer this item to the next Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday 24th October, for a decision.

2) The reason being to allow for further consultation with the Australian Federation of Working Dogs and to comment.

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STOP PUPPY FARMING Local Governm ent Consult at ion

June 2018

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Table of Contents Having your say _____________________________________________________ 4

Stop Puppy Farming _________________________________________________ 5

Mandatory De-sexing for Non-Breeding Dogs ____________________________ 11

Centralised Registration System ______________________________________ 20

Transitioning Pet Shops to Adoption Centres ____________________________ 48

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June 2018

Dep ar t m ent o f Local Governm ent , Sp or t and Cult ural Ind ust r ies

Gord on St ep henson House, 140 William St reet , Per t h WA 6000

GPO Box R1250, Per t h WA 6844

Telep hone: (08) 6551 8700 Fax: (08) 6552 1555

Freecall: 1800 620 511 (Count ry on ly)

Em ail: p up p yf arm ing@d lgsc.w a.gov.au Web sit e:

w w w .d lgsc.w a.gov.au /st op p up p yf arm ing

Translat ing and In t erp ret ing Service (TIS) – Telep hone: 13 14 50

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Having your say Th is p ap er is designed f o r local governm ent t o d iscuss t he recom m end ed act ions and p rop osed im p lem ent at ion p rocess o f t he st op p up p y f arm ing p rop osals.

The f eed b ack p rovid ed w ill assist in in f o rm ing t he governm ent on t he ro le o f local governm ent in sup p or t ing t he im p lem ent at ion o f t he st op p up p y f arm ing p rovisions and iden t if y t he resource req uirem ent s. The Dep ar t m ent is com m it t ed t o w orking w it h local governm ent t o st op p up p y f arm ing. We are w orking w it h WALGA and Local Governm ent Pro f essionals t o ensure t h is d iscussion p ap er ref lect s t he in f o rm at ion you need t o m ake a consid ered resp onse and t ell us w hat t hese in it iat ives m ean f o r t he b usiness o f local governm ent .

The review o f t he Cat and Dog Act is likely t o com m ence in t he next f inancial year , w h ich p resen t s an op p or t un it y f o r us t o st ar t t h inking ab out our ‘com p an ion an im als’ and how t hey should b e m anaged , and t he p rocess cost ed . Given t he St op Pup p y Farm ing in it iat ives w ill req uire an am end m ent t o t he Dog Act it ’s t im ely t o t urn our m ind s t o w hat t h is m ay look like.

As such , t he Dep ar t m ent is p ar t ner ing w it h WALGA and Local Governm ent Pro f essionals t o d evelop a cost m od elling p ro ject . The p urp ose o f t h is p ro ject w ill b e t o co llect cur ren t in f o rm at ion ab out t he cost s t o your council t o im p lem ent t he Dog Act and w hat you b elieve m ay b e t he cost s t o im p lem ent t he St op Pup p y Farm ing in it iat ives.

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Stop Puppy Farming 1.1 Introduction

The West ern Aust ralian Min ist er f o r Local Governm ent has com m it t ed t o in t rod ucing t he necessary legislat ive p rovisions t o st op p up p y f arm ing and im p rove t he healt h and w ellbeing o f all d ogs in West ern Aust ralia. Wh ile t here are alread y legislat ive p ow ers t o invest igat e and p rosecut e t hose w ho m ist reat t heir an im als, legislat ion relevan t t o p up p y f arm ing is need ed t o f acilit at e t he invest igat ion and p rosecut ion o f p up p y f arm ing in WA. The RSPCA d ef ines ‘p up p y f arm ing’ as in t ensively b reed ing d ogs und er inad eq uat e cond it ions t hat f ail t o m eet t he d ogs’ b ehavioural, social and /or p hysio logical need s.1 The issue w it h pup p y f arm ing is t hat d ogs b red in inad eq uat e cond it ions, o r used f o r b reed ing in inad eq uat e cond it ions, can suf f er f rom a range o f healt h and b ehavioural issues. The o t her issue is t hat p up p y f arm ing is r esult ing in t oo m any d ogs b eing b red t hat d o no t have hom es. Cur ren t ly, t he m anagem ent o f p up p y f arm s is t h rough a t w o-p ronged ap p roach . The Dog Act 1976 p rovid es f o r t he resp onsib le m anagem ent o f all d ogs in West ern Aust ralia. The Act is ad m in ist ered and en f o rced b y local governm ent s and p rovid es f o r t he con t ro l and regist rat ion o f d ogs, t he ow nersh ip and keep ing o f d ogs and t he ob ligat ion and r igh t s o f d og ow ners. The Dog Act req uires t hat all d ogs are regist ered and p laces cer t ain lim it s on t he num b er o f d ogs a p erson can have at any p rop er t y. Th is Act t heref o re im p act s on p up p y f arm ing b y lim it ing d og num b ers. The o t her legislat ion used t o m anage p up p y f arm s is t he Animal Welfare Act 2002 (An im al Welf are Act ) w h ich p rovid es f o r t he p ro t ect ion o f an im als f rom cruelt y. Th is p iece o f legislat ion covers t he t reat m ent o f t he an im als on a p up p y f arm .

1 RSPCA, What is a puppy farm? http://kb.rspca.org.au/What-is-a-puppy-farm_322.html

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There is cur ren t ly no legislat ion w h ich d eals sp ecif ically w it h t he overb reed ing o f d ogs in West ern Aust ralia o r encourages resp onsib le b reed ing. In May 2016, t he WA Lab or Governm ent released it s St op Pup p y Farm ing Po licy. The Policy out lines a num b er o f m easures t o st op t he overb reed ing o f d ogs, cover ing changes t o b o t h t he An im al Welf are Act (m and at ory st and ard s) and t o t he Dog Act (o t her in it iat ives).

These m easures includ e:

t he t ransit ion o f p et shop s in t o ad op t ion cen t res t hat w ill on ly sell p up p ies and d ogs f rom ap p roved rescue o rgan isat ions and an im al shelt ers;

m and at ory d e-sexing o f d ogs un less an exem p t ion is req uest ed f o r b reed ing p urp oses o r f o r reasons st at ed b y a regist ered vet er inar ian ;

a cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em t o ensure every d og and p up p y can b e id en t if ied at t he p o in t o f sale o r ad op t ion , includ ing in ad ver t isem ent s f o r sale; and

m and at o ry st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t ransp or t and sale.

Consult at ion w it h t he com m unit y on t he im p act and im p lem ent at ion o f t hese m easures is cur ren t ly b eing und er t aken . Com m unit y m em b ers can p rovid e t heir f eed b ack t h rough a var iet y o f m eans includ ing und er t aking an on line survey, sub m it t ing a w r it t en resp onse, o r at t end ing a com m unit y w orkshop .

Consult at ion w it h t he local governm ent sect o r is b eing und er t aken in a sep arat e p rocess. The Dep ar t m ent is w orking w it h WALGA t o consult w it h t he sect o r on how t hese m easures can b e im p lem ent ed and w hat t he im p act w ill b e on local governm ent s.

1.2 Local Government’s Role

Recent p ub licly availab le research ind icat es t hat b et w een 34% -42% o f househo ld s in West ern Aust ralia ow n a d og w h ich com p ares t o t he

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nat ional average o f 38% 23. Wit h t he num b er o f househo ld s in West ern Aust ralia est im at ed t o b e 938,000, t h is suggest s t here are in t he range o f 320-390,000 d ogs in t he St at e. A survey o f local governm ent s cond uct ed b y t he Dep ar t m ent o f Local Governm ent , Sp or t and Cult ural Ind ust r ies has ind icat ed t hat ap p roxim at ely 345,000 d ogs are regist ered w it h local governm ent s in West ern Aust ralia. Averaging t hese est im at es p rovid es a d og p op ulat ion o f around 350,000. The Governm ent has com m issioned research and consult ed on w ays t o p reven t p up p y f arm ing, and red uce t he num b er o f unw ant ed d ogs t hat are eit her eut han ised , sur rend ered o r ab and oned . The m ost p ragm at ic ap p roach t o ach ieve t he key ob ject ives is t o am end t o t he Dog Act .

Cur ren t ly, Local Governm ent s are resp onsib le f o r ad m in ist er ing and en f o rcing t he p rovisions o f t he Dog Act in t heir d ist r ict .

Am end m ent s t o t he Dog Act are b eing consid ered t hat w ould im p ose ad d it ional resp onsib ilit ies on local governm ent aut hor it ies, includ ing :

en f o rcing t he m and at ory d og d e-sexing req uirem ent (b y t aking act ion against ow ners w hen t h is com es t o t he local governm ent ’s at t en t ion);

p rocessing d og b reed er ap p licat ions; en f o rcing t he d og b reed er regist rat ion req uirem ent ; inp ut t ing in f o rm at ion in t o a cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em , as

op p osed t o t he local governm ent ’s ow n d og regist er .

It is p rop osed t hat t he St at e w ill d evelop a cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em t hat is used b y all local governm ent s. For local governm ent t h is m eans inst ead o f m ain t ain ing ind ivid ual d og regist rat ion d at ab ases, local governm ent w ill con t inue t o be resp onsib le f o r p rocessing o f d og regist rat ions and up load ing t he regist rat ions t o a cen t ralised syst em . We are w orking w it h t he local governm ent sect o r t o und er t ake econom ic m od elling t o an t icip at e w hat t hese cost s m ay look like. The cost s t hat w ill b e evaluat ed includ e: 2 Animal Medicines Australia, Pet Ownership in Australia 2016. Note that the sample size for this report is small and, therefore, the results may not be accurate. 3 Doggone it: pet ownership in Australia, Roy Morgan Research 2014.

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cost s associat ed w it h en f o rcing t he p rovisions (as it em ised ab ove);

cost s associat ed w it h t ransit ion ing local governm ent s t o a cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em ;

cost s invo lved w it h assist ing com m unit ies t o com p ly w it h t he new p rovisions, f or exam p le, assist ing rem ot e com m unit ies t o access vet er inary services t o d e-sex dogs b y t he m and at ory age;

cost s o f p rosecut ion and d ef end ing ap p eals t o p rosecut ion ; and scop ing t he cap acit y and cost s o f local governm ent s b eing t he

agency resp onsib le f o r en f o rcing t he req uirem ent t hat p et shop s on ly source d ogs f rom accred it ed rescues and shelt ers.

1.3 Other Enforcement Agencies Consid erat ion is being given t o w h ich aut hor it y o r agency should b e resp onsib le f o r en f o rcing o t her asp ect s o f t hese p rop osals, such as:

t he req uirem ent t hat p et shop s on ly source and sell d ogs f rom accred it ed rescue o rgan isat ions o r shelt ers;

t he req uirem ent t o p rovid e p ar t icular in f o rm at ion w hen ad ver t ising and /o r t ransf er r ing a d og.

The Governm ent ’s com m it m ent t o in t rod uce m and at ory st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t r ansp or t and sale (t he st and ard s) is b eing p rogressed b y t he Dep ar t m ent o f Pr im ary Ind ust r ies and Regional Develop m ent (DPIRD) t he agency resp onsib le f o r ad m in ist er ing t he Animal Welfare Act 2002. Am end m ent s t o t he An im al Welf are Act are cur ren t ly b ef o re Par liam ent . If t hese am end m ent s are ad op t ed , an im al st and ard s w ill b e ab le t o b e ad op t ed und er t he An im al Welf are Act , includ ing t he m and at o ry st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t ransp or t and sale.

DPIRD w ill und er t ake consult at ion on t he st and ard s once t hey have b een d raf t ed . Their en f o rcem ent w ill b e a m at t er t o b e d et erm ined at t hat st age. Cur ren t ly t he An im al Welf are Act is en f o rced b y insp ect o rs ap p o in t ed und er t he An im al Welf are Act . Local governm ent s t heref o re d o no t

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have t he p ow er t o en f o rce t he st and ard s un less t hey have em p loyees w ho are insp ect o rs ap p o in t ed und er t he An im al Welf are Act .

The local governm ent w ill b e ab le t o ref use o r cancel d og b reed er regist rat ions w here a b reach o f t he An im al Welf are Act o r t he st and ard s is f ound . At t h is st age, local governm ent s w ill no t b e resp onsib le f o r d et erm in ing if a b reed er is com p lian t w it h t he st and ard s w hen ap p roving d og b reed er regist rat ions, b ut w ill need t o ensure t he ow ner has m ad e a d eclarat ion t hat t hey are com p lian t w it h t he st and ard s.

1.4 Cost Recovery

The p rop osed in it iat ives are also ab out w orking t ow ard s im p roving services t o t he com m unit y. Wh ile ef f iciencies w ill b e realised , local governm ent s m ay incur cost s in und er t aking t hese ad d it ional resp onsib ilit ies. The Dep ar t m ent is w orking w it h WALGA and LG Pro f essionals t o d evelop a cost recovery m et hod o logy t o ensure ap p rop r iat e f ees can b e set f o r local governm ent s t o recover t hese cost s.

Cur ren t ly, local governm ent co llect d og regist rat ion f ees t hat con t r ib ut e t o local governm ent cost s. The St at e Governm ent is resp onsib le f o r set t ing d og regist rat ion f ees w h ich ap p ly t o all local governm ent jur isd ict ions – t hese have b een set af t er surveying local governm ent s as t o t heir cost s. It is p rop osed t hat local governm ent s could recover cost s t h rough t he f o llow ing f ees:

d og regist rat ion f ees; d og b reed er regist rat ion f ees; kennel est ab lishm ent f ees.

The am ount o f t hese f ees w ould b e b ased on recover ing cost s f o r local governm ent s.

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1. What mechanisms should local governments use to collect funds to cover the costs associated with enforcing the new provisions under the Dog Act? (multiple options can be selected):

By charging cost-recoverable dog registration and dog breeder registration fees to cover all costs

By charging dog registration and dog breeder registration fees at a level to recover these costs and increasing fines to recover enforcement costs

Other – please specify: __________________

2. Should fees used to cover the costs incurred by local governments to enforce the Dog Act be consistent across the State, or should local governments be able to set their own fees?

Fees should be consistent across the State Fees should be set by the individual local government and apply to their

district only Unsure Other – please specify: ________________

3. Is charging cost recovery likely to have any adverse impacts for your

community? No Yes Unsure If yes, please provide details: ________________

4. Are there benefits in your local government subsidising registration costs?

No Yes Unsure If yes, please provide details: Microchip Program

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Mandatory De-sexing for Non-Breeding Dogs 3.1 Introduction

Cur ren t ly, d ogs are no t req uired t o b e d e-sexed in West ern Aust ralia. Ow ners are encouraged t o d e-sex t heir d ogs, and ow ners o f d e-sexed d ogs p ay a low er dog regist rat ion f ee t han ow ners o f o t her d ogs. A recen t survey o f West ern Aust ralian local governm ent s, w it h 43 out o f 137 local governm ent s resp ond ing, f ound t hat 82% o f regist ered d ogs w ere d e-sexed . The ad d it ional consult at ion in t h is d ocum ent f ocuses on t he f o llow ing elem ent s o f im p lem ent at ion :

Age o f m and at o ry d e-sexing Age f o r regist rat ion and m icroch ip p ing Ad d it ional exem p t ions De-sexing vouchers En f o rcem ent

3.2 Objective

The objective of mandatory dog de-sexing is two-fold:

to prevent unwanted litters being bred to prevent puppy farmers from breeding dogs unless they are registered

breeders. The primary objective of mandatory dog de-sexing is to reduce the number of unwanted dogs being born that are then either euthanised, abandoned, or surrendered to dog rescues or shelters. Uncontrolled and unrestricted breeding of dogs can lead to dogs being overbred and contribute to the unwanted dog population. Mandatory de-sexing will help to ensure there is no unintended breeding of dogs. Dog owners will be required to de-sex their dog unless they register as a dog breeder.

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The objective is to stop indiscriminate breeding, and only allow people that are registered breeders to breed dogs, so they can be identified and traced.

3.3 Age of mandatory de-sexing

The Dog Act w ill b e am end ed t o req uire all d ogs t o b e d e-sexed b y t he t im e t hey reach a par t icular age. Th is age is yet t o b e d et erm ined .

Option 1: Mandatory dog de-sexing by three months of age

One op t ion is t o req uire all d ogs t o b e d e-sexed b y t h ree m ont hs o f age. Th is w ould b e consist en t w it h t he cur ren t req uirem ent f o r regist rat ion and m icroch ip p ing and w it h t he age f o r d e-sexing d angerous (rest r ict ed b reed ) d ogs. Dogs are generally unab le t o b reed b ef o re t he age o f t h ree m ont hs so t h is age elim inat es t he r isk o f unw ant ed p up p ies b eing b orn .

Exem p t ions issued b y vet er inar ians are p rop osed f o r d ogs t hat are t oo young t o b e d e-sexed . Dogs t o b e used f o r b reed ing w ould also b e exem p t .

Option 2: Mandatory dog de-sexing by six months of age

Anot her op t ion is t o req uire all d ogs t o b e de-sexed b y six m ont hs o f age.

Op in ions d if f er on t he b est age f o r d e-sexing w it h m any vet er inar ians p ref er r ing no t t o d e-sex a d og un t il it is close t o six m ont hs o ld .

Bot h m ale and f em ale d ogs are generally ab le t o b reed b y six m o nt hs, w it h t he f em ales o f sm aller b reed s b ecom ing sexually m at ure b y f our m ont hs. Larger b reed s m ay no t b e sexually m at ure f o r a year o r m ore.

Sout h Aust ralia and t he Aust ralian Cap it al Ter r it o ry have in t rod uced m and at o ry d og d e-sexing b y six m ont hs o ld .


1. Should mandatory dog de-sexing apply to all dogs, including existing dogs,

or just dogs born after a particular date?

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All existing dogs, with a phase in period for when existing dogs must

be de-sexed Only dogs born after a particular date


3.4 Age for registration, microchipping and de-sexing

Cur ren t ly d ogs are req uired t o b e regist ered and m icroch ip p ed b y t he t im e t hey are t h ree m ont hs o ld . The f o llow ing ad d resses p ossib le w ays t o d eal w it h regist rat ion and m icroch ip p ing if t he req uirem ent f o r d e-sexing is set at six m ont hs o r an age t hat is great er t han t h ree m ont hs. Option 1 – Registration, microchipping and de-sexing by six months

Und er t h is op t ion , t he Dog Act w ould b e am end ed so t hat regist rat ion , m icroch ip p ing and d e-sexing m ust b e com p let ed b y t he t im e a d og reaches six m ont hs o f age. The b enef it s includ e:

enab ling local governm ent s t o sigh t evid ence o f m icroch ip p ing and d e-sexing at t he t im e o f regist rat ion

ad m in ist rat ive ef f iciency f o r local governm ent s less con f usion f o r ow ners, w h ich w ould increase com p liance conven ience f o r d og ow ners in b eing ab le t o have t heir d og

m icroch ip p ed and d e-sexed in t he sam e vet er inar ian visit . The key d isad vant age is t he inab ilit y t o id en t if y dogs (eit her b y regist rat ion record s o r m icroch ip s) b ef o re six m ont hs. Th is m ay result in d ogs no t b eing ret urned t o ow ners and b eing sen t t o t he p ound and /o r a d og rescue o r shelt er . Th is w ould also result in a t h ree m ont h d elay in revenue co llect ion f o r local governm ent s.

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Option 2 – Limited registration at three months; full registration on de-sexing

Th is op t ion p rop oses t he f o llow ing: t he ret en t ion o f t he cur ren t p rovisions und er t he Dog Act

req uir ing d ogs t o b e regist ered and m icr och ip p ed b y t h ree m ont hs o f age, and

a shor t -t erm regist rat ion (t h ree m ont hs) f o r d og ow ners regist er ing a d og t hat has no t b een de-sexed .

Th is allow s d ogs t o b e id en t if ied f rom t h ree m ont hs o f age b ut p rovid es an ad d it ional ad m in ist rat ive b urd en on b o t h t he ow ner and t he local governm ent in having t o r egist er a d og t w ice. Fur t herm ore, local governm ent s w ould need t o f o llow up w hen p eop le d o no t re -regist er t heir d ogs at 6 m ont hs incur r ing f ur t her cost s t o local governm ent s. Option 3 – Registration at three months; onus on owner to advise when dog de-sexed

Und er t h is op t ion , t he ow ner w ould b e resp onsib le f o r no t if ying t he relevan t local governm ent once t heir d og w as d e-sexed . The ow ner w ould need t o p rovid e a cop y o f t he st er ilisat ion cer t if icat ion t o t he local governm ent – t h is could b e d one b y em ail o r at t ached t o an elect ron ic f o rm . The local governm ent w ould t hen up d at e t he regist rat ion d at ab ase. Th is w ould creat e an ad d it ional ad m in ist rat ive b urd en on local governm ent s. Ow ners o f d ogs t hat had t heir d og d e-sexed af t er regist er ing t heir d og w ould b e elig ib le f o r a ref und o f a p or t ion o f t heir d og’s regist rat ion f ee, t o account f o r t he f act t hat t he d og is now d e-sexed . Th is w ould creat e an ad d it ional ad m in ist rat ive b urd en on local governm ent s in having t o cond uct ref und s.


2. Please indicate your preference for the following:

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Option 1 – registration, microchipping and de-sexing by six months Option 2 – limited registration at three months; full registration on de-sexing

Option 3 – registration at three months; onus on owner to advise when dog de-sexed

Please provide reasons for your preference: _________________________

From 1 July 2018 South Australian veterinarian practices will be responsible for updating a centralised dog registration database when a dog is de-sexed. This would replace the need to issue a sterilisation certificate.

3. Would you support this approach? Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your response: Records can get lost and if vets updated the data when completing the action, this reduces the opportunity to lose records or the information to go missing.

3.5 Additional possible exemptions from de-sexing

Exem p t ions f rom m and at o ry d e-sexing w ill ap p ly f o r healt h and w elf are reasons as assessed b y a vet er inar ian , and if t he dog ow ner is a regist ered d og b reed er . Dog b reed ers w ill b e req uired t o regist er w it h t heir local governm ent . Dog b reed er regist rat ion is d iscussed in m ore d et ail in t he Cent ralised Regist rat ion Syst em sect ion o f t h is pap er .

Livestock working dogs

Livest ock w orking d ogs req uire p ar t icular t rait s, w it h d ogs t hat d em onst rat e t hese t rait s b eing b red t o ensure t hat f ut ure w orking d ogs also have t hese p ar t icular t r ait s. Livest ock w orking d ogs are generally on ly used f o r b reed ing once t he d og has a p roven ab ilit y as a w orking d og, usually b y t w o t o t h ree years o f age.

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If a p r im ary p rod ucer is req uired t o d e-sex t heir d og at an ear ly age, t hey w ill no t b e ab le t o assess w het her a d og has t he d esirab le t rait s and should b e used f o r b reed ing. Mand at ory d e-sexing could red uce t he w orking d og gene p oo l. On t he o t her hand , un in t end ed b reed ing could result in unw ant ed d ogs.


4. Should livestock working dogs be exempt as a class from mandatory dog

de-sexing? Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your preference: Sterilisation does not affect the ability of a working dog.

5. If working dogs are required to be de-sexed by a particular age, at what age should working dogs be required to be de-sexed? 6 months

6. How could this be enforced? Via registration process requirements.

Dogs held by persons registered with recognised breeding associations

Consid erat ion is b eing given t o exem p t ing m em b ers o f recogn ised d og b reed ing associat ions f rom having t o d e-sex t heir d ogs.

3.6 Transferring dogs

Dog b reed ers and d og ow ners w ill b e req uired t o d e -sex any d og t ransf er red t o ano t her p erson un less:

t he new ow ner is a regist ered b reeder

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t he new ow ner is a m em b er o f a recogn ised associat ion o r o rgan isat ion t hat is exem p t f r om t he m and at o ry d e -sexing req uirem ent

t he d og is exem p t b y a vet er inar ian f rom b eing d e -sexed on healt h ground s (un less t he exem p t ion is b ecause t he d og is t oo young t o b e d e-sexed )

t he d og is t oo young t o b e d e-sexed and is accom p an ied b y a p rep aid d e-sexing voucher .

Req uir ing d og ow ners and b reed ers t o d e-sex a d og b ef o re it is t ransf er red w ill ensure t here is com p liance w it h t he d e-sexing req uirem ent s. In cases w here a d og is t oo young t o b e d e-sexed , it is p rop osed t hat a b reed er o r ow ner t ransf er r ing a d og p rovid e t he new ow ner w it h a p re-p aid voucher t hat w ill at least p ar t ially cover t he cost o f d e-sexing. Th is aligns w it h t he req uirem ent s in t he Cat Act . The cost o f having a d og d e-sexed var ies great ly, d ep end ing on such f act o rs as t he age and w eigh t o f t he d og. The voucher could b e set at a p ar t icular am oun t w it h t he new ow ner p ay ing any ad d it ional am ount . One o f t he m at t ers t o b e consid ered is how t hese vouchers could b e used at vet er inar ian p ract ices o t her t han t he issuing one. Th is is im p or t an t f o r ow ners w ho source t heir d ogs f rom p laces f ar f rom t heir hom es.

3.7 Enforcement

It is necessary t o consid er how m and at o ry d og d e-sexing w ill op erat e alongsid e t he cur ren t req uirem ent s und er t he Dog Act ; and how local governm ent s can ef f icien t ly m on it o r com p liance. Cur ren t ly, local governm ent s are resp onsib le f o r m on it o r ing and en f o rcing com p liance w it h t he f o llow ing req uirem ent s und er t he Dog Act :

d ogs t o b e regist ered w it h t he local governm ent b y t he age o f t h ree m ont hs

d ogs t o b e m icroch ip p ed b y t he age of t h ree m ont hs.

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Local governm en t s check com p liance w it h t he m icroch ip p ing req uirem ent at t he p o in t o f regist rat ion . A local governm ent can ref use t o regist er a d og t hat is no t m icroch ip p ed and it is an o f f ence f o r a p erson t o keep a d og over t he age o f t h ree m ont hs if it is no t regist ered . Ef f ect ively, an ow ner m ust have t heir d og m icroch ip p ed b ef o re t hey can regist er a d og w it h t heir local governm ent . Ow ners o f cer t ain d angerous d ogs are cur ren t ly req uired t o d e -sex t heir d ogs. A d og ow ner is req uired t o p rovid e a d og st er ilisat ion cer t if icat e issued b y a vet er inar ian as evid ence t hat t he d og is d e-sexed . Alt ernat ively, a d og’s d e -sexed st at us can b e checked b y t he local governm ent b y view ing a st er ilisat ion t at t oo on t he d og’s ear , alt hough t h is m et hod o f m arking a d og is now rare. Local governm ent s w ould ap p ear t o b e t he r elevan t aut hor it y resp onsib le f o r m on it o r ing and en f o rcing t he com p liance o f m and at o ry d og d e-sexing, esp ecially at t he p o in t o f regist rat ion .

Local governm ent s w ould b e resp onsib le f o r : checking a d og’s d e-sexed st at us w hen p rocessing d og

regist rat ions; en f o rcing t he m and at ory d og d e-sexing req uirem ent against non -

com p lian t ow ners. Cur ren t ly, ow ners w ho regist er d e-sexed d ogs w it h t heir local governm ent p ay a low er regist rat ion f ee t han ow ners o f d ogs t hat are no t d e-sexed , creat ing an incen t ive f o r ow ners t o d e-sex t heir d og. It is p rop osed t o m ain t ain a low er regist rat ion f ee f o r d e -sexed d ogs t o f ur t her incen t ivise d e-sexing.

Econom ic m od elling w ill b e und er t aken t o assess t he cost s t hat local governm ent s w ill incur as a result o f en f o rcing t hese req uirem ent s.


7. Who do you believe is best placed to monitor compliance with de-sexing?

Local Governments

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Other – please specify: Veterinarians Please provide reasons for your preference: Whilst LGA;s will come across some of these dogs, treating veterinarians will treat non-de-sexed animals and can impact on this straight away.

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Centralised Registration System 4.1 Introduction

A key elem ent o f t he McGow an Governm ent ’s St op Pup p y Farm ing com m it m ent is t he in t rod uct ion o f an on line cen t ralised d og regist rat ion syst em in West ern Aust ralia. The cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill b e used t o id en t if y every d og o r p up p y b y record ing:

d og regist rat ions d og b reed er regist rat ions any change in ow nersh ip o f d ogs o r pup p ies.

The Dog Act w ill b e am end ed t o m ake it a req uirem ent t o regist er on t he syst em and up d at e p ar t icular in f o rm at ion on t he syst em w it h in seven d ays o f t he change occur r ing. The ad d it ional consult at ion in t h is d ocum ent f ocuses on t he f o llow ing elem ent s o f im p lem ent at ion :

General o Access t o t he syst em o Ad d it ional in f o rm at ion t o b e includ ed in t he syst em

Dog Regist rat ions o Dog regist rat ion in f o rm at ion t o b e includ ed in t he syst em o Up d at ing d og regist rat ion in f o rm at ion in t he syst em o Transit ion ing exist ing d og regist ers

Dog Breed er Regist rat ions o Ap p licat ion and ap p roval o f d og b reed er regist rat ions o Cond it ions o f d og b reed er regist rat ion o Exem p t ions

Transf er r ing a d og

4.2 Current situation

Local Governments

Cur ren t ly und er t he Dog Act , t he local governm ent is resp onsib le f o r keep ing a record o f d ogs regist ered in t heir d ist r ict . The d og regist er is

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sp ecif ic on ly t o t hat local governm ent d ist r ict (un less t w o o r m ore local governm ent s w o rk t oget her t o m ain t ain a jo in t syst em ). Th is can creat e d if f icult ies in id ent if ying lost d ogs f rom d if f eren t local governm ent d ist r ict s, p ar t icular ly if a d og’s m icroch ip in f o rm at ion has no t b een up d at ed w it h t he cur ren t ow ner ’s d et ails. The local governm ent is resp onsib le f o r p rocessing d og regist rat ion ap p licat ions and can ref use t o regist er a d og on sp ecif ic ground s, such as w hen a d og is not m icroch ip p ed . The local governm ent issues each d og regist ered in t heir d ist r ict w it h a regist rat ion num b er and a regist rat ion t ag. Dog breeders

Dog b reed ers in West ern Aust ralia are no t cur ren t ly req uired t o regist er as ‘d og b reed ers’. They are, like all dog ow ners, req uired t o regist er t heir d ogs w it h t heir local governm ent . They are also req uired t o ob t ain an exem p t ion o r kennel est ab lishm ent licence if t hey keep m ore d ogs on any one p rem ises t han is perm it t ed .

4.3 Objective

Cur ren t ly, t he d if f icult y in id en t if ying p up p y f arm s h ind ers t he en f o rcem ent and p rosecut ion o f relevan t legislat ion against p up p y f arm ers.

Centralised Registration System

The cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em is a t oo l w h ich w ill allow aut hor it ies t o id en t if y and m on it o r all d og b reed ers and d og ow ners f o r com p liance w it h legislat ive req uirem ent s. Members of the public will be educated about sourcing their new dog or puppy from breeders who are registered and who supply the dog’s microchip number and the seller’s dog owner number. The centralised registration system is the tool that will allow members of the public to verify if a dog breeder is registered, to allow them to source dogs and puppies from registered dog owners and dog breeders. Dog Breeder Registration

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Dog breeder registration will allow authorities to identify dog breeders so they can be monitored for compliance with legislative requirements. If a dog breeder is not breeding dogs in accordance with the Dog Act, any relevant Dog Local Law, the Animal Welfare Act or the mandatory standards for dog breeding, housing, husbandry, transport and sale, the local government will be able to cancel the dog breeder registration and require that their dogs be sterilised in accordance with the Dog Act to ensure they can no longer breed dogs. Breaches of the standards would be pursued under the Animal Welfare Act, with breeders’ subject to prosecution and fines under that Act. Only an animal welfare inspector can determine if a standard has been breached. Recording the breeder’s dog owner number on a dog’s microchip database will allow authorities to trace a dog back to its breeder if issues with puppies or dogs are identified, such as genetic health concerns.

4.4 Access to the System

View and update own information*

View and update all information

Limited dog breeder verification information**

Search for dogs on the system

Dog owners X

Dog breeders X

Local governments and State government authorities


Members of the public


Dog management facilities and recognised dog shelters and rescues


* Dog ow ners w ould b e ab le t o up d at e cer t ain in f o rm at ion (no t all in f o rm at ion) o f t heir regist rat ion such as a change o f ad d ress o r changes t o o t her con t act d et ails. Dog ow ners could also up d at e t he st at us o f t heir d og, includ ing up d at ing it s st at us t o ‘m issing’ o r ‘d eceased ’.

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* * As a m in im um , t he in f o rm at ion on t he d og ow ner t hat w ill b e show n t o a m em b er o f t he p ub lic w ill include:

t heir nam e; t heir p ost cod e; t heir un iq ue d og ow ner num b er ; and t heir d og b reed er regist rat ion st at us.


1. Are any other authorities or groups that should have access to the system?

Yes – please specify below. No Unsure

Please specify: Veterinarian, Animal Management Facilities 2. What type of access should they have?

View their own records Update their own records View all records Update all records Approve changes to records

3. What information on a dog owner should a member of the public be able to

view to ascertain if the dog owner is a registered dog breeder? (more than one option can be selected)

A dog owner’s name A dog owner’s postcode A dog owner’s number Whether the dog owner is a registered dog breeder Other – please specify: ___________________

4.5 Additional information

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The b read t h o f in f o rm at ion reco rd ed on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill af f ect how it can b e used , and b y w hom it can b e used . It is also likely t o af f ect t he cost . There is t he p o t en t ial t o record ad d it ional in f o rm at ion on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em , includ ing t he f o llow ing:

A regist er o f ap p roved kennel est ab lishm ent s in West ern Aust ralia (includ ing t he ab ilit y t o ap p ly f o r a kennel est ab lishm ent licence on t he syst em )

A regist er o f d og m anagem ent f acilit ies in West ern Aust ralia A regist er o f p et shop s t ransf er r ing and selling d ogs in West ern

Aust ralia A regist er o f d angerous d ogs (d eclared and rest r ict ed b reed ) In f o rm at ion on p ar t icular d og ow ners, such as d og ow ners t hat

are sub ject t o a cour t o rd er o r have b een convict ed o f o f f ences und er :

o t he Dog Act o a d og local law or by-law o t he An im al Welf are Act

In f o rm at ion on d ogs: o t hat have b een seized b y t he local governm ent at any t im e o t hat have b een invo lved in a d og at t ack o t hat have no t b een con t ro l led b y t heir ow ner in accord ance

w it h t he Dog Act o t hat have caused a nuisance o r are sub ject t o a nuisance

com p lain t o t hat are sub ject t o a d est ruct ion o rd er

In f o rm at ion t o in f o rm com p liance w it h t he st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t ransp o r t and sale.

The b enef it o f keep ing t h is in f o rm at ion is t hat t hese f acilit ies, b usinesses, d ogs and d og ow ners could b e m ore read ily id en t if ied and m on it o red b y relevan t aut hor it ies. The inclusion o f t h is ad d it ional in f o rm at ion could result in ad d it ional cost s, includ ing:

cost s associat ed w it h creat ing a syst em t hat includ ed and st o red t h is ad d it ional in f o rm at ion

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cost s t o p ar t icular st akeho ld ers w ho w ould b e resp onsib le f o r up load ing t h is in f o rm at ion

cost s t o local governm ent s in p rocessing t h is in f o rm at ion cost s t o relevan t en f o rcem ent aut hor it ies in m on it o r ing t h is

in f o rm at ion . Dog regist rat ion f ees, and d og b reed er regist rat ion f ees w ould ne ed t o accom m od at e t hese cost s. Cat Registration Cur ren t ly und er t he Cat Act 2011, local governm ent s are resp onsib le f o r :

p rocessing cat regist rat ion ap p licat ions; ap p roving cat b reed er ap p licat ions; and m ain t ain ing a regist er o f cat s in t heir d ist r ict .

As w it h d og regist ers, cat r egist ers are sp ecif ic on ly t o t hat local governm ent d ist r ict (un less t w o o r m ore local governm ent s w ork t oget her t o m ain t ain a jo in t syst em ).


4. Would it be beneficial for your local government if cat and cat breeder

registrations were also transitioned to the centralised registration system? Yes No Unsure

5. How would transitioning cat and cat breeder registrations to a centralised

registration system be beneficial to your local government? Administrative efficiency Consistency with centralised dog registrations No requirement to maintain own register Other – please specify: __________ It would not be beneficial – please specify: ______________

6. Would any of the following additional information be useful for your local

government? Approved kennel establishments

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Dog management facilities Pet shops that sell or transfer dogs Dangerous dogs Dog owner’s subject to Court orders or convicted of particular

offences Dogs that have been seized by the local government Dogs involved in a dog attack Dogs that have not been controlled by the owner Dogs that have caused a nuisance or are subject to a nuisance

complaint Dogs that are subject to a destruction order Other information – please specify: ___________________

Please indicate why you think it would be useful: This would enable transparency when dealing with dog owners rather than ‘problems’ being moved around council areas so to escape follow up actions.

7. What additional costs would including this information in the system create for your local government?

Processing the additional information Monitoring the additional information Other: ____________

8. Would it be easier for your local government to process and record kennel

establishment licences through the system? Yes No Unsure

Please give your reasons: Consistency for records keeping purposes

4.6 Dog registration information

The b read t h o f in f o rm at ion reco rd ed on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill af f ect how it can b e used , and b y w hom it can b e used . It is also likely t o af f ect t he cost .

General information

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Dog regist rat ion in f o rm at ion t hat w ill b e kep t on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill includ e:

Cur ren t in f o rm at ion req uirem ent s: t he in f o rm at ion a d og ow ner m ust cur ren t ly p rovid e t o regist er a d og in West ern Aust ralia is set out und er Form 4 o f Sched ule 1 o f t he Dog Regulations 2013. Th is includ es in f o rm at ion on t he f o llow ing:

o d og ow ner d et ails, includ ing t heir ad d ress and con t act d et ails

o whether the dog can be effectively confined to the premises o d og d et ails, includ ing age, b reed , m icroch ip d et ails, w het her

t he d og is a com m ercial secur it y d og o r a d angerous d og o t he num b er o f d ogs on t he p rem ises o in f o rm at ion on any p revious convict ions f o r o f f ences

against t he Dog Act , Cat Act o r An im al Welf are Act o a d eclarat ion t hat t he in f o rm at ion in t he ap p licat ion is t rue

and cor rect In ad d it ion , d og ow ners w ill b e req uired t o p rovid e:

o f ur t her in f o rm at ion on t heir d og’s st er ilisat ion st at us o t heir un iq ue d og ow ner num b er (if know n, o t herw ise t hey

w ill be issued w it h one) o t he d og ow ner num b er o f t he d og’s b reed er (if know n).

Th is is t he m in im um level o f d og regist rat ion in f o rm at ion t hat w ill b e st o red on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em .

Questions – All

9. Please indicate if you think any of the additional information should be

included on a dog’s registration: information on whether the dog is used as a livestock working dog information on whether the dog is used as an assistance dog

Please indicate why you think this information will be beneficial: Consistency & no duplication

4.7 Updating dog registration information

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The on line cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill have t he cap acit y t o allow a range o f users t o regist er and up d at e in f o rm at ion record ed on t he syst em in West ern Aust ralia. Ver if icat ion o f som e o f t he in f o rm at ion record ed on t he syst em w ill need t o b e und er t aken t o ensure t he in f o rm at ion is accurat e, such as t he st er ilisat ion st at us o f a d og. The f o llow ing users w ill b e ab le t o regist er a d og on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em :

d og ow ners local governm ent s on b ehalf o f d og ow ners (regist rat ions m ad e in

p erson o r hard cop y f o rm ) d og shelt ers and rescue o rgan isat ions d og m anagem ent f acilit ies.

The f o llow ing st akeho ld ers w ill b e ab le t o use t he syst em t o regist er as a d og b reed er on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em :

d og ow ners (w ho w ish t o b reed f rom t heir d og) local governm ent s on b ehalf o f d og b reed ers (regist rat ions m ad e

in p erson o r hard cop y f o rm ) d og shelt ers and rescue o rgan isat ions d og m anagem ent f acilit ies.

Local governm ent s w ill be resp onsib le f o r ap p roving d og and b reed er regist rat ions in t heir d ist r ict . The regist rat ion w ill no t b e com p let e un t il ap p roved b y t he local governm ent . In t he p rocess o f ap p roving d og regist rat ion ap p licat ions, local governm ent s can ver if y t he m icroch ip and d e-sexing d et ails t h rough, f o r exam p le, exam in ing t he d og’s st er ilisat ion cer t if icat e. Potential Role for Veterinarians

Anot her p ossib le op t ion is t hat vet er inar ians b e req uired t o up d at e t he syst em w it h a d og’s d e-sexed and m icroch ip in f o rm at ion . In Sout h Aust ralia and New Sout h Wales, vet er inar ians are ab le t o up d at e t heir cent ralised syst em w it h a d og’s m icroch ip d et ails. The ad vant age s o f t h is are:

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a vet er inar ian can ver if y t he d e-sexing and m icroch ip p ing o f t he d og w it hout a local governm ent having t o exam ine a st er ilisat ion cer t if icat e

t h is is likely t o b e a m ore accurat e and reliab le m et hod local governm ent s can q uickly p rocess d og regist rat ions as t hey

d o no t have t o con f irm t he m icroch ip and d e-sexing d et ails (un less no t alread y en t ered )

t he in f o rm at ion is ver if ied and en t ered in t he syst em at t he p o in t o f m icroch ip p ing and d e-sexing, m ean ing t here is no d elay in up d at ing t h is in f o rm at ion .

Th is w ill creat e a cost t o vet er inar ian p ract ices w ho w ill need t o exp end t im e and resources on und er t aking t h is f unct ion . Vet er inar ians w ill no t b e resp onsib le f o r ensur ing d og ow ners com p ly w it h t he m icroch ip p ing and d e-sexing req uirem ent s. They w ill also no t b e ob liged t o not if y a local governm ent o f a d og ow ner ’s non -com p liance w it h t he req uirem ent s. Und er t h is p rop osal, a vet er inar ian w ill b e ab le t o up d at e a regist ered d og’s d et ails. If t he d og is no t regist ered p r io r t o t he vet er inar ian und er t aking t he m icroch ip p ing and /o r d e-sexing, t he vet er inar ian w ill st ill b e ab le t o en t er t he d og’s m icroch ip d et ails and st er ilisat i on st at us in t o t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em . Ow ners w ill t hen b e resp onsib le f o r search ing t he syst em f o r t he m icroch ip d et ails o f t heir d og, and com p let ing t heir regist rat ion . Rep or t s could b e generat ed t o show d ogs t hat have b een en t ered in t he syst em b y vet er inar ians, b ut have no t b een regist ered b y t heir ow ner . Local governm ent s w ould t hen b e ab le t o id en t if y d og ow ners t hat have no t regist ered t heir d og in accord ance w it h t he Dog Act .


10. Do you think veterinarians should be able to update and input dog’s

microchip and sterilisation details into the system?

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Yes No Unsure

Please indicate why it would be useful: Consistency & no duplication

11. Should it be a mandatory requirement for veterinarians to input this information into the system, or optional for veterinarians to input this information?

Mandatory Optional Not applicable

Please provide reasons for your preference: Consistency & no duplication

12. Do you perceive any benefits in veterinarians undertaking this role? Consistency & no duplication

13. Please indicate what other information you think veterinarians should be

able to update or access on the system? Enter a dog registration on an owner’s behalf Search for the identity of a dog and its owner Enter vet specific information on any registered animal Report and enter details of animal incidents such as dog attacks Report dog deaths Other – please specify: _______________

4.8 Transition existing dog registers

In t rod ucing a cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em w ill m ean t he in f o rm at ion in t he exist ing local governm ent d og regist ers w ill need t o b e t ransf er red t o t he cen t ral regist er . Th is could b e p hased in over a num b er o f years. Local governm ent s cur ren t ly use at least f ive d if f eren t regist rat ion syst em s, ranging f rom a sop h ist icat ed p urp ose-b uilt d at ab ase t o a sp read sheet . A survey o f local governm ent s, w it h 53 local governm ent

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resp ond ent s, f ound t hat 68% used Synergy, 13% used Civica, 8% used Techno logyOne, 8% used Pat hw ay and 2% used an Excel sp read sheet . Annual dog registrations

It is p rop osed t hat annual d og regist rat ions w ill be t ransf er red t o t he cen t ralised syst em f rom t he local governm ent syst em s on renew al. Und er t he Dog Act , annual d og regist rat ions exp ire on 1 Novem b er o f every year . Once t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em is d evelop ed and launched , annual d og regist rat ions w ill be incorp orat ed in t o t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em b y req uir ing d og ow ners t o renew t heir annual d og regist rat ion t h rough t he cen t ralised syst em . Essen t ially, d og ow ners t hat have regist ered t heir d ogs annually w ill be cap t ured w hen t hey renew t heir d og regist rat ion . Three year dog registrations

Sim ilar t o annual d og regist rat ions, ow ners t hat have regist ered t heir d og f o r a p er iod o f t h ree years w ill b e t ransf er red t o t he cen t ralised syst em w hen t hey renew t heir dog’s regist rat ion . As f o r annual regist rat ions it w ill b e t he ow ner ’s resp onsib ilit y t o en t er t heir d at a i nt o t he new syst em at t he t im e o f re-regist rat ion . Th is m eans t hat i t w ill t ake t he cen t ralised syst em t h ree years t o incorp orat e t he t h ree-year p er iod d og regist rat ions. Lifetime dog registrations

Lif et im e d og regist rat ion m eans t he ow ner never has t o renew t heir d og’s regist rat ion . As such , t heir d og’s regist rat ion canno t b e record ed on t he cen t ralised d og regist rat ion syst em t h rough t he renew al o f t he regist rat ion .

There are t h ree op t ions t o cap t ure lif et im e d og regist rat ions on t he cen t ralised syst em :

Option 1: Software

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Dat a m igrat ion so f t w are could b e creat ed t o t ransf er t he in f o rm at ion in each local governm ent ’s regist er t o t he cen t ralised syst em . So f t w are creat ed t o t ransf er d og reg ist rat ion in f o rm at ion f rom local governm ent syst em s t o t he cen t ralised syst em w ould need t o b e sp ecif ic t o each t yp e o f so f t w are syst em t he local governm ent s cur ren t ly use. It is no t know n if local governm ent s using t he sam e regist rat ion syst em have it con f igured in t he sam e w ay. The exp ense o f creat ing d at a m igrat ion so f t w are f o r each syst em w ould b e sign if ican t , and ad eq uat e t im e w ould b e need ed t o d evelop t he d at a m igrat ion so f t w are f o r each t yp e o f regist er ed so f t w are used b y local governm ent s. Dog regist rat ion f ees w ould p o t en t ially have t o increase t o cover t he cost s o f f und ing t he d at a m igrat ion so f t w are o r a one-o f f regist rat ion charge ap p ly f o r r egist rat ions on t he new syst em . The d isad vant age w it h t h is op t ion is t hat t he cost is also b orne b y new d og ow ners, as op p osed t o just t he exist ing d og ow ners w hose d at a is b eing m igrat ed . Ow ners w it h lif e-t im e regist rat ion w ould b ear none o f t he cost s. Option 2: Manual entry

Anot her op t ion is t o m anually t ransf er t he lif et im e d og regist rat ions t o t he cen t ralised syst em . Th is w ould req uire local governm ent st af f t o en t er t he in f o rm at ion . It w ould also m ean t hat local governm ent resources w ould b e used on t ransf er r ing in f o rm at ion as op p osed t o und er t aking o t her local governm ent d ut ies. It w ould , how ever , m ean t hat local governm ent s w ould no longer have t o m anage a d ual syst em o f regist r at ions so t here w ould b e t im e and cost savings in t he m ed ium and longer t erm . Suf f icien t t im e w ould also need t o b e p rovid ed t o allow local governm ent s t o t r ansf er t he in f o rm at ion – t h is could b e t h ree years in line w it h t he t ransit ion o f t he t h ree-year regist rat ions. Option 3: Owner’s responsibility

Anot her op t ion is t o m ake it t he resp onsib ilit y o f exist ing ow ners t o re -regist er und er t he new cen t ralised syst em .

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Local governm ent s could id en t if y lif et im e regist rat ions on t heir syst em and send let t ers and in f o rm at ion t o ow ners w it h lif et im e d og regist rat ions inst ruct ing t hem t o re-regist er t heir d og on t he cen t ralised syst em . There w ould b e no charge f o r t h is p rocess. Up on re-regist er ing on line, ow ners w ould com p let e a sp ecif ic regist rat ion f o rm id en t if ying t hem as a d og ow ner w it h an exist ing lif et im e d og regist rat ion . Local governm ent s could con f irm t h is against t heir exist ing regist er and w aive t he regist rat ion f ee. If a p erson d oes no t have on line access, t he local governm ent could p rocess t he re-regist rat ion on t he ow ner ’s b ehalf . Cur ren t ly, ow ners w it h a lif et im e d og regist rat ion are no t req uired t o up d at e a local governm ent w hen t heir d og d ies. Local gover nm ent s are likely t o t heref o re have act ive regist r at ions f o r d ogs t hat have p assed aw ay. One ad van t age o f ow ners re-regist er ing t heir lif et im e d og regist rat ions is t hat t he regist er w ill no t b e up d at ed w it h d eceased d ogs. There is a r isk t hat ow ners w ill no t und er t ake t he re-regist rat ion and m ay no t re-regist er t heir d og.


14. Please indicate your preference for the following:

Option 1 – Develop and provide data migration software to transfer lifetime dog registrations to the centralised registration system.

Option 2 – Local governments manually enter lifetime dog registrations into the centralised registration system.

Option 3 – Owners re-register their lifetime dog registration on the centralised registration system. Please indicate reasons for your preference: ____________________

15. Are there other options for transferring existing dogs onto the centralised

system? No

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16. Which of the following would you support to cover the costs of migrating existing data?

an increase in the registration fee a one-off payment by dog owners other none

One option is that existing lifetime dog registrations are not transferred to the new system and local government registers would need to be retained for at least a 15-year period following the launch of the centralised system and authorities would have to refer to both the centralised system and individual local government dog registers.

17. Should lifetime dog registrations be transferred to the new system? Yes No Unsure

18. Please indicate your local government district and the software you

currently use for your dog register: a) Local government district: City of Swan b) Dog register software: Pathway (Moving to TechOne – One Council –

Est go live for this module is July 2020)

19. Please indicate if the software used for your local government dog register is the same as the software used for your local government’s cat register:

Yes No Unsure

20. Have you modified the software you currently use?

Yes No Unsure

21. Is your local government easily able to identify lifetime dog registrations in

your dog register? Yes No Unsure

22. How many lifetime dog registrations does your local government currently

have? Approximately 7,000

23. Does your local government have the capacity to extract data from your

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dog register software and provide the extracted data in an Excel spreadsheet?

Yes No Unsure

4.9 Application and approval – dog breeder registration

A d og b reed er w ill b e b road ly d ef ined und er t he Dog Act , and w ill includ e any ow ner w ho has a d og t hat is no t d e-sexed , excep t if t he d og is no t d e-sexed on healt h ground s. The req uirem ent t o regist er as a d og b reed er w ill com e in t o ef f ect once t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em is op erat ional.

While it is envisaged t hat a m ajo r it y o f b reed ers w ill be regist ered p r io r t o t heir d og having p up p ies, d og ow ners t hat are no t regist ered w ill need t o regist er as a b reed er w it h in seven d ays o f t he b ir t h o f p up p ies and / o r b ef o re t he p up p ies are t ransf er red t o ano t her p erson . Th is w ill ensure t he local governm ent has ad eq uat e t im e t o p rocess and ap p rove t he d og b reed er regist rat ion ap p licat ion b ef o re t he p up p ies are p o t en t ially t ransf er red t o ano t her ow ner . The in f o rm at ion sup p lied b y d og b reed ers at regist rat ion w ill im p act t he ab ilit y o f t he local governm ent s t o m ake an in f o rm ed d ecision on ap p roval o f d og b reed er regist rat ion . The in f o rm at ion cat b reed ers m ust p rovid e w hen ap p lying f o r ap p roval t o b reed cat s includ es:

t he b reed er ’s d et ails, includ ing ad d ress and con t act d et ails t he cat ’s d et ails, includ ing m icroch ip d et ails q uest ions in relat ion t o t he b reed ing o f t he cat , includ ing t he

num b er o f cat s b eing kep t on t he p rem ises, a d escr ip t ion o f t he f acilit ies, and w het her t hey are a m em b er o f one o f t he list ed o rgan isat ions

t he req uirem ent t o p rovid e d et ails o f any p revious convict ions against t he Cat Act , Dog Act o r An im al Welf are Act

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a d eclarat ion t hat t he in f o rm at ion p rovid ed is t rue and cor rect . It is p rop osed t hat sim ilar in f o rm at ion is p rovid ed w hen d og b reed ers ap p ly f o r d og b reed er regist rat ion . Inst ead o f p rovid ing in f o rm at ion on t he p rem ises and f acilit ies, it is p rop osed t hat d og b reed ers w ould need t o ind icat e and cer t if y t hat t hey w ere com p l ian t w it h any m in im um st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing and husb and ry (once t hey cam e in t o ef f ect ). Breed ers w ill be req uired t o renew t heir d og b reed er regist rat ions annually. Regist ered b reed ers w ill also b e req uired t o up d at e any change t o t heir in f o rm at ion w it h in seven d ays.


1. What information do you think a dog breeder should provide when applying

for breeder registration or renewal? The number of dogs being kept on the premises A description of the premises where the dogs are being kept A description of the facilities The breed of dogs Whether a person has been convicted of an offence under the Dog

Act, Cat Act, Animal Welfare Act or a dog or cat local law. Certification that they comply and will continue to comply with

animal breeding, housing and husbandry standards Other – please specify: __________________

2. What do you think local governments should take into account when

considering a dog breeder application or renewal? The number of dogs being kept on the premises The breed of dogs Convictions under the Dog Act, Cat Act, Animal Welfare Act, or a

dog or cat local law Other – please specify: __________________

The Dog Act allows a dog registration officer from the local government, with the consent of the owner or occupier, to enter and inspect premises to ascertain whether a dog will be effectively confined on the premises. It is a condition of dog registration that a dog must be effectively confined to the premises in which it is

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3. Should local governments have the power to enter and inspect premises of a dog breeder, or premises that are subject to a dog breeder application or renewal?

Yes No Unsure

4. In what situations should a local government be able to enter and inspect

premises of a dog breeder of that are subject to a dog breeder application or renewal?

Where the dog breeder owns more than a certain number of dogs, or owns a kennel establishment If yes, how many?

No Unsure

4.10 Conditions – dog breeder registration

Dog b reed ers regist ered w it h t he governm ent w ill b e req uired t o com p ly w it h p ar t icular cond it ions. Th is w ill includ e legislat ive req uirem ent s relat ing t o in f o rm at ion t hat m ust b e p rovid ed w hen t ransf er r ing a d og and t he req uirem ent t o up d at e a d og’s m icroch ip d at ab ase d et ails w it h t he b reed er ’s d og ow ner num b er . Dog b reed ers w ill also b e req uired t o com p ly w it h t he req uirem ent s und er t he Dog Act , Cat Act and An im al Welf are Act and t he m and at ory d og b reed ing st and ard s and guid elines w hen t hey are in t rod uced und er t he An im al Welf are Act . Regist ered d og b reed ers w ill also be req uired t o no t if y t he local governm ent if any d et ails o f t heir d og regist rat ion changes.

Dog numbers

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The num b er o f d ogs a d og b reed er can keep on t heir p rem ises w ill rem ain consist en t w it h t he cur ren t req uirem ent s und er t he Dog Act .

Cur ren t ly local governm ent s, t h rough t he ad op t ion o f local law s, can lim it t he num b er o f d ogs o rd inar ily kep t on p rem ises t hat are aged over t h ree m ont hs t o any num b er b et w een t w o and six. If a p erson w ould like t o keep m ore t han t he p erm it t ed num b er o f d ogs, t hey m ust ap p ly f o r a kennel licence f rom t heir local governm ent .

Und er t he Cat (Un if o rm Local Provisions) Regulat io ns, m em b ers o f cer t ain cat associat ions are allow ed t o have t h ree t im es t he num b er o f cat s allow ed on p rem ises. Th is p rovision w as in t rod uced f o r cat s as t here w ere no exist ing lim it s on cat num b ers b ef o re t he in t rod uct ion o f t he Cat Act . Dog b reed ers w ho are m em b ers o f cer t ain d og associat ions w ill no t b e ab le t o keep m ore d ogs t han t he lim it s set b y t heir local governm ent .

It is p ossib le t hat t he st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t ransp or t and sale w ill consid er set t ing lim it s on t he num b er o f b reed ing d ogs a p erson can ow n. Th is w ill b e consid ered d ur ing consult at ion on t he st and ard s.


5. Please specify any additional conditions with which dog breeders should

comply: Development Applications (Planning & Building Requirements), Health Requirements

6. On what grounds do you believe a local government could cancel a dog

breeder registration? The dog breeder is convicted of an offence under the Dog Act, Cat

Act, Animal Welfare Act, or a dog or cat local law The dog breeder is convicted of an offence under Australian

Consumer Law in relation to dogs they have sold or transferred

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Failing to provide their dog owner number on the microchips of the puppies that they breed

Failing to provide their dog owner number when advertising or transferring a dog

Keeping more than the approved number of dogs on the premises Other – please specify: ____________

4.11 Exemptions – dog breeder registration

Livestock working dogs

In Queensland , p r im ary p rod ucers t hat ow n and b reed livest ock w orking d ogs are exem p t f rom regist er ing as d og b reeders w here t hey sell o r t ransf er p up p ies t hey have b red t o o t her p r im ary p rod ucers. If a p r im ary p rod ucer sells o r t ransf ers a p up p y t hey have b red t o som eone w ho is no t a p r im ary p rod ucer , t hen t hey are req uired t o regist er as a d og b reed er , and sup p ly t heir d o g b reeder regist rat ion num b er .

Queensland legislat ion d ef ines a primary producer as m ean ing a p erson w ho is p r im ar ily engaged in t he occup at ion o f a –

(i) d airy f arm er ; o r (i i) w heat , m aize, o r cereal grow er ; o r (i ii) cane grow er ; o r (iv) f ru it grow er ; o r (v) grazier ; o r (vi) f arm er , w het her engaged in general o r m ixed f arm ing,

co t t on , p o t at o , o r veget ab le grow ing, o r p oult r y o r p ig raising; and

includ es a p erson engaged in p r im ary p rod uct ion .

A working dog is d ef ined as m ean ing a d og t hat is usually kep t o r p rop osed t o b e kep t on rural land b y an ow ner w ho is a p r im ary

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p rod ucer , o r a p erson engaged o r em p loyed b y a p r im ary p rod ucer ; and is used p r im ar ily f o r t he p urp ose of —

(i) d roving, p ro t ect ing, t end ing, o r w orking, st ock; o r (i i) b eing t rained in d roving, p ro t ect ing, t end ing, o r w orking, st ock.


7. Should primary producers in WA be exempt from registering as dog

breeders where they breed and transfer livestock working dogs to other primary producers?

Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your response: Consistency

8. Should primary producers in WA be exempt from registering as dog

breeders where they breed and transfer livestock working dogs to any person?

Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your response: Consistency

Dog breeders registered with recognised breeding associations

There are d og b reed ers in WA t hat are m em b ers o f non -Governm ent d og b reed ing o rgan isat ions and associat ions. Dogs West , as an exam p le, is a p ed igree b reed ing associat ion in West ern Aust ralia w hose m em b ers are req uired t o ab id e b y a Cod e o f Et h ics.

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Fo llow ing t he in t rod uct ion o f t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em , m em b ers o f Dogs West w ill b e req uired t o regist er as a d og b reed er w it h t he Governm ent .


9. Should particular dog breeders that are members of particular dog breeding associations be exempt from registering with the Government as dog breeders?

Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your response: ________________________

In South Australia, dog breeder registration has recently been introduced. Members of Dogs SA (the Dogs West equivalent) are not exempt from registering as dog breeders, but Dogs SA are responsible for inputting and maintaining their member’s details into the dog breeder register. The membership number issued by Dogs SA is also used as the Government dog breeder registration number.

10. Should recognised dog breeder associations in WA be responsible for inputting the details of their members into the Government’s dog breeder register on the centralised registration system?

Yes No Unsure

Please provide reasons for your response: ________________________

11. What do you perceive to be the benefits of recognised dog breeder

associations inputting their members details into the Government’s dog breeder register? (You may select more than one option)

Creates consistency between registers Avoids duplication for dog breeders who would otherwise need to

register with both associations Potentially lessens the administrative burden on local governments Ensures that dog breeders registered with dog breeder associations are

also registered with the Government and can be traced on the Government

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system Other – please specify: No Benefits

12. What obligations should there be on recognised dog breeder associations

that input their members details into the Government’s dog breeder register? (you may select more than one option)

Recognised dog breeder associations must update any change of their member’s details within seven days of being notified of the change

Recognised dog breeder associations must notify the relevant local government when a dog breeder is no longer a member of their association

Recognised dog breeder associations must notify the relevant local government if a member’s membership of their association is cancelled by the association

Recognised dog breeder associations must notify relevant enforcement agencies where they find evidence that one of their members is not complying with the requirements under the Dog Act, Animal Welfare Act or a relevant dog local law

Other – please specify: Not Supported

4.12 Transferring a dog

Dog breeders and dog microchip information

Und er t he new cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em , every ow ner t hat regist ers a d og w ill b e issued w it h a ‘dog ow ner num b er ’ t hat is un iq ue t o t he ow ner . Ef f ect ively, every d og ow ner w ill have an id en t if icat ion num b er . A d og b reed er w ill b e req uired t o record t heir d et ails and t heir un iq ue ‘d og ow ner num b er ’ alongsid e t he m icroch ip d et ails o f every p up p y b red f rom t heir d og/s. Th is w ill ensure t hat t he b r eed er ’s d et ails are p erm anent ly record ed f o r each d og. Microch ip im p lan t ers w ill b e req uired t o p rovid e t he f o llow ing in f o rm at ion t o t he m icroch ip com p any:

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In f o rm at ion on t he d og b reed er t hat ow ns and b red t he d og’s m ot her :

o Their ‘d og ow ner num b er ’ o Their nam e, ad d ress and con t act d et ails

If know n, in f o rm at ion on t he d og b reed er t hat ow ns t he d og’s f at hers:

o Their ‘d og ow ner num b er ’ o Their nam e, ad d ress and con t act d et ails

Microch ip d at ab ase com p an ies w ill b e req uired t o record and ret ain t h is in f o rm at ion alongsid e t he m icroch ip in f o rm at ion o f a d og.

Providing information when transferring a dog

Any p erson w ho sells, g ives aw ay, t ransf ers o r ad ver t ises a d og w ill b e req uired t o p rovid e t heir ‘d og ow ner num b er ’ and t he d og’s m icroch ip num b er . Bo t h num b ers m ust b e p rovid ed in any ad ver t isem ent t hat ad ver t ises d ogs o r p up p ies f o r sale. Th is w ill assist in t racking a d og, and id en t if ying w here a d og has com e f rom . Fur t herm ore, if t he p erson selling, g iving aw ay, t ransf er r ing o r ad ver t ising a d og claim s t o have b red t he d og, a consum er can ver if y if t hey are a regist ered b reed er on t he cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em b y search ing t he ‘d og ow ner num b er ’ p rovid ed b y t he b reeder .

Consum ers w ill b e ed ucat ed ab out on ly sourcing d ogs f r om d og ow ners t hat p rovid e t heir d og ow ner num b er and t he d og’s m icroch ip num b er . Th is w ill help m em b ers o f t he p ub lic source d ogs and p up p ies f rom regist ered d og b reed ers t hat can b e id en t if ied and held account ab le.

If a p erson has no t b red a d og and t ransf ers a d og, t hey m ust st i ll p rovid e t heir d og ow ner num b er and t he d og’s m icroch ip num b er , t o ensure aut hor it ies can id en t if y and t race w here a d og has b een sourced f rom .

To m on it o r com p liance w it h t h is req uirem ent , m em b ers o f t he p ub lic w ill b e encouraged t o rep or t non -com p lian t ad ver t isem ent s t o an en f o rcem ent agency.

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13. Are there other ways to monitor or ensure dog advertisements comply with

the requirement to provide both the dog owner number and dog’s microchip number? Please specify: Reactive response to reviews of advertisements

14. What agency could be responsible for prosecuting dog owners and breeders that do not comply with the transfer and advertisement requirements?

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Consumer Protection WA RSPCA Unsure Other – please specify: Local Government Authorities

15. What is your agency’s capacity (considering benefits, issues and costs) to

enforce these requirements? Full capacity Some capacity Limited capacity No capacity

Jurisdictional issues

Dog b reed ers and d og ow ners out sid e o f WA are no t sub ject t o t he req uirem ent t o have a d og ow ner num b er . If t hey sell, ad ver t ise o r t ransf er a d og t o a p erson in WA, t hey w ill no t b e ab le t o com p ly w it h t he req uirem ent t o p rovid e a d og ow ner num b er .

If t he t ransact ion occurs out sid e o f WA, t hen t he t ransact ion is no t sub ject t o WA law and t he req uirem ent t o p rovid e such det ails.

If t he t ransact ion occurs w it h in WA, t hen t h is w ill b e an issue.

For d og b reed ers and d og ow ners t hat resid e out sid e t he St at e and need a d og ow ner num b er t o ad ver t ise and t ransf er d ogs in WA, t hey w ill st ill need t o ap p ly f o r an ‘in t erst at e d og ow ner num b er ’. Such

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ap p licat ions w ill need t o b e m ad e t o a cen t ral agency, m ost likely t he Governm ent Dep ar t m ent resp onsib le f o r ad m in ist er ing t he Dog Act .

On line ad ver t isem ent s p ost ed o n line out sid e o f WA, b ut t hat are show n and ad ver t ised w it h in WA also p resen t a un iq ue issue w it h en f o rcing t he req uirem ent s. These issues are und er consid erat ion b y t he Dep ar t m ent .

4.13 Enforcement

Local governm ent s w ill b e req uired t o en f o rce t he req uirem ent t hat d og b reed ers, and ow ners o f d ogs t hat are no t d e-sexed un less t hey are exem p t , are regist ered .

En f o rcem ent w ill invo lve:

Processing d og b reed er ap p licat ions; Cancelling d og b reed er regist rat ions w here non -com p liance w it h

t he d og b reed er cond it ions is d iscovered ; Invest igat ing d og b reed ing b y unregist ered d og b reed ers; Prosecut ing o r f in ing an unregist ered d og b reed er .

The exp ect at ion is t hat local governm ent s w ill invest igat e non -com p liance w it h t he d og b reed er req uirem ent s up on com p lain t . Th is could includ e insp ect ing p rem ises t o d et erm ine com p liance w it h t he Dog Act , includ ing w het her a d og ow ner is b reed ing d ogs w it hout b eing regist ered , or keep ing m ore t h an t he num b er o f d ogs allow ed on t heir p rem ises. It is no t p rop osed t hat t h is w ill includ e invest igat ing com p liance w it h t he m and at o ry st and ard s f o r d og b reed ing, housing, husb and ry, t ransp or t and sale as t he st and ard s are no t b eing in t rod uced und er t he Dog Act .

Econom ic m od elling w ill b e und er t aken t o assess t he cost s t hat local governm ent s w ill incur as a result o f en f o rcing t hese req uirem ent s.


8. To ensure dog breeders are complying with the requirements under the Dog

Act, would your local government prefer to: investigate non-compliance upon complaint undertake a regular inspection regime

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(This will not include investigating compliance with the Mandatory Standards for Dog Breeding, Housing, Husbandry, Transport and Sale).

9. Are the current fines under the Dog Act sufficient to cover the cost of

investigating and enforcing non-compliance? Yes No Unsure

Enabling enforcement

The cen t ralised regist rat ion syst em is in t end ed t o m ake it easier f o r local governm ent aut hor it ies t o id en t if y d og ow ners and d og b reed ers across t he St at e.

The cen t ralised reg ist rat ion syst em could also assist in m on it o r ing and en f o rcing t he cur ren t and p rop osed req uirem ent s und er t he Dog Act .

The syst em could p o t en t ially b e designed t o generat e rep or t s t o id en t if y sp ecif ic in f o rm at ion f o r each local governm ent such as:

d og ow ners t hat have no t renew ed t heir d og regist r at i on , o r annual d og b reed er regist rat ion ;

dogs that are not de-sexed or that are exempt from de-sexing; the number of dogs kept on a single premises that exceeds the limit, or dog

owner’s that own more dogs than the limit on a single premises so they can be monitored for compliance.


1. Please indicate what reports would assist local governments in enforcing

the requirements under the Dog Act: Dog owners that have not renewed their dog registration Dog owners that have not renewed their annual dog breeder

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registration Dogs that are not de-sexed Premises where the number of dog exceeds the limit Number of dogs owned by a dog owner that exceeds the limit that

can be kept on a single premises

2. What other reports would assist local governments to monitor and enforce the existing and proposed provisions under the Dog Act? Dangerous Dogs, Court Orders for persons no to own dogs, Assistance Dogs

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Transitioning Pet Shops to Adoption Centres 5.1 Introduction

As d et ailed in t he St op Pup p y Farm ing Consult at ion Pap er , it is in t end ed t o am end t he Dog Act 1976 (t he Dog Act ) so t hat p et shop s w ill on ly be ab le t o source p up p ies and d ogs f o r sale f rom ‘p rop er ly accred it ed ’ rescue o rgan isat ions o r shelt ers. The areas o f im p lem ent at ion on w h ich f ur t her inp ut is sought are:

t he accred it at ion o f rescue o rgan isat ions o r shelt ers; t he assessm ent o f t he healt h and b ehaviour o f d ogs; t he p er iod t o t ransit ion p et shop s t o ad op t ion cen t res; t he ar rangem ent s t hat w ill need t o b e d evelop ed b et w een p et

shop s and rescue o rgan isat ions and shelt ers; and en f o rcem ent , includ ing w ho w ill b e resp onsib le and how

en f o rcem ent w ill be und er t aken .

5.2 Objective

The ob ject ive o f t r ansit ion ing p et shop s t o ad op t ion cen t res is t o help b reak t he sup p ly chain w it h p up p y f arm s and t o ad d ress t he hom eless d og p rob lem .

Pup p y f arm ing….is a cover t ind ust ry t hat relies on h id ing t he t rue circum st ances o f how p up p ies are raised f rom b uyers. Because o f t h is, p up p y f arm ers rely on p et shops, on line sales, new sp ap ers, and m arket s t o sell p up p ies.4

Purchasing a d og f r om a p et shop m eans t hat t he consum er is unab le t o t race, o r know w it h any cer t ain t y, f rom w here a d og w as sourced . Rest r ict ing p et shop s t o on ly sourcing d ogs f rom d og rescues and shelt ers w ill m ean t hat a p o t en t ial out let f o r p up p y f arm s is closed .

4 Page 3, Steering Committee Report - Puppy Farming in Western Australia: why this trade needs to end and recommendations to achieve this, November 2015, Appendix 1.

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Peop le looking t o p urchase o r acq uire a p up p y w ill eit her need t o p urchase a p up p y d irect ly f rom t he source (d irect ly f rom a d og b reed er ) o r p urchase o r ad op t an ab and oned o r sur rend ered d og f rom a p et shop , d og rescue o r shelt er . Consum ers w ill b e ed ucat ed ab out sourcing p up p ies on ly f rom d og b reed ers regist ered on t he cen t ralised d at ab ase and w ill b e encouraged t o visit t he d og b reed er and view t he cond it ions in w h ich t he p up p y w as b red and reared . Th is w ill ensure t hat consum ers are no t p urchasing d ogs f r om ‘p up p y f arm s’, o r at t he very least w ill assist in t racing d ogs t o ir resp onsib le b reed ers if issues w it h t he pup p y ar ise. Consum ers t hat p urchase an ab and oned o r sur rend ered d og f rom a p et shop w ill assist in red ucing t he num b er o f unw an t ed d ogs t hat are eit her eut han ised or kep t at rescue o r shelt er f acilit ies.

5.3 Accreditation of rescue organisations and shelters

Und er t he new p rop osals, p et shop s w ill on ly b e ab le t o source p up p ies and d ogs f o r sale f rom ‘p rop er ly accred it ed ’ rescue o rgan isat ions o r shelt ers. Dog rescue o rgan isat ions and shelt ers w ill b e accred it ed b y t he St at e Governm ent .


1. Should accredited rescue organisations and shelters be monitored? Yes No Unsure Depends on the following factors (please specify): _________

2. How should they be monitored?

Audits Inspections Annual reporting Unsure Not applicable – they should not be monitored Other: _________

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3. Do you believe your agency should have a role in accrediting rescue

organisations and shelters? Yes No Unsure Depends on the following factors (please specify): ___________

Please specify reasons for your response: This is a state-wide issue that needs to be addressed and monitored consistently irrespective of LGA bias, capability & capacity. This monitoring and accreditation needs to focus on Animal Welfare issues & requirements and have legislation to enforce to support it

4. If you answered yes, what would this role be?

5.4 Assessment of the health and behaviour of dogs

The o r ig ins o f d ogs in rescue o rgan isat ions and shelt ers is generally unknow n. To p rovid e con f id ence t o p o t en t ial new ow ners, it is in t end ed t hat every d og sup p lied t o a p et shop m ust p ass a healt h and b ehavioural assessm ent . Pet shop s w ill need t o ensure t hat each d og has a healt h and b ehavioural cer t if icat e.

5.5 Transition period

Pet shop s w ill b e grad ually t ransit ioned in t o ad op t ion cen t res t o allow t im e f o r p et shop s t o m ake ar rangem ent s w it h d og rescue o rgan isat ions and shelt ers.

Option 1 – Two year transition

Und er t h is op t ion , p et shop s w ill b e t ransit ioned w it h in t w o years o f t he legislat ion com ing in t o ef f ect .

In t he in t er im , p et shop s w ill b e ab le t o source p up p ies and d ogs as t hey cur ren t ly d o .

Option 2 – Five-year transition

Und er t h is op t ion , p et shop s w ill b e t ransit ioned w it h in f ive years.

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From date of amendment to the Dog Act

Where pet shops can source dogs:

0 to 2 years Pet shops can source dogs from a dog breeder registered as such on the centralised database.

2 to 5 years Pet shops selling dogs will be required to source dogs from accredited dog rescues and shelters, but can still also source dogs from registered breeders.

5 years onwards Pet shops can only source dogs from accredited dog rescues and shelters.

5.6 Arrangements between pet shops and rescue organisations and shelters

It is likely t hat p et shop s w ill need t o f o rm ar rangem ent s w it h accred it ed d og rescue o rgan isat ion and shelt ers t o ensure t he resp onsib le sup p ly o f d ogs.

Pet shop s and rescue o rgan isat ions have b een asked t o p rovid e f eed b ack on w hat t hose ar rangem ent s should cover , f o r exam p le, w here t he d og w ill b e housed .

5.7 Enforcement

It is est im at ed t hat t here are ap p roxim at ely 15 p et shop s in West ern Aust ralia t hat sell p up p ies and d ogs. Af t er t he t ransit ion p er iod , p et shop s w ill need t o b e m on it o red t o ensure t hey are on ly sourcing d ogs f rom accred it ed d og rescue o rgan isat ions and shelt ers.

Fur t herm ore, d ur ing t he t ransit ion p er iod p et shop s w ould need t o b e m on it o red t o ensure t hey are on ly so urcing d ogs f rom regist ered d og b reed ers (f o llow ing t he in t rod uct ion o f d og b reed er regist rat ion ).

Pet shop s could b e m on it o red in a num b er o f w ays:

Option 1 – Public monitoring

Pet shop s w ould b e req uired t o d isp lay a cer t if icat e con f irm ing t he source o f t he d og is f rom an accred it ed rescue o rgan isat ion o r shelt er .

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The p ub lic could rep or t p et shop s t o an en f o rcem ent agency t hat are not p rovid ing a cer t if icat e ver if ying t he d og’s source.

Option 2 – Inspections

An en f o rcem ent agency w ould b e resp onsib le f o r insp ect ing p et shop s t hat sell d ogs, w het her rand om ly o r p er iod ically, and req uire t he p et shop t o p rovid e in f o rm at ion up on req uest .

Option 3 – Audits

Pet shop s w ould b e req uired t o b e aud it ed b y a p ar t icular en f o rcem ent agency, w het her p er iod ically o r rand om ly.

Option 4 – Audited and inspected upon complaint

The en f o rcem ent agency w ould insp ect and aud it a p et shop on ly w here concerns w ere raised ab out t he p et shop s com p li ance w it h t he law s.

The t yp e o f en f o rcem ent und er t aken w ill assist in in f o rm ing w hat agency is b est p laced t o und er t ake en f o rcem ent . The cap acit y and resources o f t he agency w ould also need t o b e consid ered .


5. Should pet shops have to register with a relevant authority if they sell dogs?

Yes No Unsure

6. Should it be an offence to fail to register?

Yes No Unsure

7. What information and records should a pet shop maintain to ensure

compliance with the pet shop provisions can be monitored? Records of where dogs have been sourced from Details of new owners Details of health and behaviour checks Other – please specify: ________________

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8. What information and records should a rescue organisation and rescue

maintain to ensure pet shops can be monitored and information verified? Unsure

9. How should a pet shop be monitored for compliance?

Option 1 – Public monitoring Option 2 – Inspections Option 3 – Audits Option 4 – Audited and inspected upon complaint Other – please specify: _______________________________