21DJC Day 3 – What is Your Ideal Diet Like

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  • 7/27/2019 21DJC Day 3 What is Your Ideal Diet Like


    RSSPersonal Excellence Challenges RSS Feednext page 1Personal Excellence ChallengesJoin monthly personal development challenges where thousands of people around the world work together to achieve their goals and dreams. Search21DJC Day 3 What is Your Ideal Diet Like?This is Day 3 of the 21-Day Journaling Challenge (21DJC) for Nov 2011. View listof tasks: 21DJC Overview .Hi everyone Welcome to Day 3 of 21DJC!Yesterdays question was this: If you are to do something for free for the rest ofyour life, what would it be? . ( Read the responses here .) Some of you said youdwant to travel around the world and explore new places. Some of you said youd want to grow and learn forever. Some of you said youd want to pursue your passions,which may include writing, cooking, baking, blogging, developing games, motorcycling, write music, planting, fashion, recording music, coaching, caring for animals, and more. Some of you said youd want to help others be it to grow, to discover themselves, to be better people, or to live better lives.3 years ago, I asked myself this very question. If I am to do something for freefor the rest of my *life*, what would it be? The answer that came outis exactlywhat you see me doing today. Its to grow and help others to grow. Its to be spreading my message to the world, be it via writing, coaching, speaking, running courses, videos, or other mediums. (Essentially, what Im doing now.) Its to inspire others to become greater than who they are now, so they can in turn inspire other

    s around them to be the same.The reason why I asked myself the question is this We only have one life to live. We have the ability in us to do whatever we want, and to succeed in whatever we want. Instead of wasting our talents doing something that we dont even have thepassion to do forever, why not spend all that energy,starting from today, in something werereally, truly, 110% passionate about? Why not devote ourselves 110% into what we really want to do, rather thando something because we think we have to, and do a half-assed job in it? Why not do that, and make that your career instead?I mean, no matter how skilled or unskilled you are in it now, you only have, like, he rest of your life to develop your skills in it. Its only a matter of time before youre the best in that field, really. ( 10,000 hours is all that it takes)In doing so, it doesnt even feel like work. It doesnt even require any energy to d

    o it. Its virtually effortless. Imade that shift 3 years ago, and while there were a few months of down time to develop myself in a new field, today Im soaking inthe long-term rewards from the move. Its one of thebest decisions Ive ever made in my life,and I want you to experience the joy too.The following articles in the Passion & Career series will help you in this area:*. Passion or Money?*. How To Discover Your Ideal Career: Your Message and Your Medium*. Pursuing Your Passion With No Money*. How To Overcome Fear & Pursue Your Dreams*. Passion Paycheck*. A Guide To Pursue Your Passion WithSuccess: 14 Essential Steps (exclusivearticle in Personal Excellence Book , Volume 2)

    Lets now move on to the question for Day 3 of 21DJC!21DJC Day 3For Day 3 today, were going to explore a slightly different topic from Days 1 and2. In Day 1, we looked at what we would do if we have a million dollars . In Day 2, we delved into some of our deepest, life long passions things we would do for free for the rest of our life . For Day 3, were going to look at something lifestyle-related.The question for Day 3 is this:What is Your Ideal Diet Like?Would it consist of happy meals, deep fried food and junk food? Would it be prep

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    acked, micro-waved meals from the supermarkets? Would it be laden with fat? Would it be filled with meat? Would it be rich with vegetables and fruits? Would itbe specially prepared, home cooked meals made by you, for you? What would your ideal breakfast, lunch, dinner be like? How much, how often, and when would you eat every day? What would your cue to eat?Put on your reflection cap and let your thoughts flow. Below is an empty form which you can use to write your answers to the question. Treat it as your private21DJC journaling room, if you will. You will be seeing this form every day, for the 21 days of the challenge. Theres a button for you to keep track of your word count too, if youre interested.(Note you will not see the form below if youre viewing this in your email client.Visit the actual post online to see the form.)What is Your Ideal Diet Like?[include_HTML: http://personalexcellence.co/challenges/21djc/wordcount.php]Your Task Today:1. Reflect and answer todays question . Theres no word limit whether minimum or maximum. Writeas few or as many words as you want. Its all up to what you want toexpress!2. Share your answer . After you are done writing, copy and paste your answer inthe comments area and post it there.3. Check out other participants answers . Other participants will be sharing their answers too, so feel freeto read and reply to their answers . This is a groupcourse, so lets support each other in these 21 days.Look forward to reading your answers!

    This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 8th, 2011 at 11:13 pm and is filled under: 21-Day Journaling Challenge261 Responses to ??DJC Day 3 What is Your Ideal Diet Like?inspire11 Says:November 9th, 2011 at 1:32 amHmmm.Ideal diet? There are so manygreat foods out there to choose from. About twoyears ago I switched to a vegetarian and then to a vegan diet. Itwas hard in the beginning but well worth it. My skin glows, my hair feels amazing and my energy is at an all time high. So my ideal diet would be filled with lots of fresh fruit (especially tropical) and vegetables, veggie sushi, coconut ice cream, lentil burgers, vegan sheppards pie, vegetarian chili, black bean tofu and vegan enchiladas. All this talk of food is making me hungry.yummyLike: +5

    lotusbleu Says:November 9th, 2011 at 1:34 amWater. Fruits. Vegetables.Like: +1Laurel Says:November 9th, 2011 at 1:39 amhmm. My ideal diet would be to eat a lot of fresh, local, homecooked meals. Ilike to cook myself Indian style meals and bake my own bread. Since Im always tryingto garden and grow vegetables, that would contribute to much of my diet. I would also like to learn how to collect my own wild nuts and mushrooms and things like that. Although Im not a vegetarian, meat is not essential to my diet, but eggsand especially dairy products are. Nothing is better to drink than hot milk with honey, especially if they came from my own cow and bees!

    Like: +1Jimmy Says:November 9th, 2011 at 1:44 amThis is a good question. One that I think there is lots of scope to cover. We donot need to just confine ourselves to food right? Diet can mean the food for the mind, food for the soul, food for out relationships, etc. I will just focus onfood for the physical body, mind and soul.1) Foods for the Physical Body Lots offresh fruits and vegetables, balanced mealfor the rest, a bit of coke to boost morale and food that I like in moderation.I must admit that I need to cut down on coke and food I like which can be very

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    rich and unhealthy.2) Foods for the mind Daily reading ofinspiring and personal development books,videos that inspire, audio programs on personal development, creative planning and thinking for ideas.3) Foods for the soul Higher level awareness and our place in this world, aheartof giving, the peace of doing what pleases the soul.CheersLike: +22Ida Says:November 9th, 2011 at 1:46 amA balanced one, please.Being Malaysians, I have the tendency to crave for almost any food from all overthe world. I sometimes eat rice forbreakfast, bread for lunch and cereals for dinner. Or Ill have burgers for brunch, little snacks in the evening and possiblyrice or noodles for dinner. I eatwhatever I feel like eating then.Im not much of a sweet tooth so I dont crave for ice-creams, candies and chocolates as much. My food have to be seasoned with plenty of seasoning. The spicier itis, the better I like it. I amalso not one to eat in small quantities (nor do Ieat them in humongous proportion) . I have times when I eat like a pig and do not have a care in the world but mostly, I will try to make surethat I cut down onheavy fried food and salt.I dont hold back on what I eat. I eat both to live and live to eat.Like: +3Kate Says:

    November 9th, 2011 at 1:51 amI dont like to cook, at least not every day, three meals a day, and snacks whether for a family or just myself. I get fed up in the kitchen, tired of the preparation time, and I hate doing dishes. Id rather be writing, or making art, or evenplaying with the dogs.So, in my ideal world I would eat a diet of my choosing that was prepared by someone else. My ideal diet is chicken and fish, lots of salads, lots of fresh vegetables, lots and lots of tea.Breakfast: I usually skip it, but if someone made it for me, Id like a bowlof fruit salad, or a yogurt smoothie, with some toast and honey and a cup of tea.Lunch: The big meal of the day for me.I would choose roasted, or baked chicken,with three vegetables, no rice,no pasta, no potatoes. With a fruit based dessert.

    Supper: A large salad, either a caesar salad, or a Waldorf salad, or I would askmy cook to be creative with an artisan bread on the side.Special treats: free trade chocolate, the occasional gourmet pastry!Like: +2Iwona Says:November 9th, 2011 at 2:07 amSimple plan developed via trial and errorover many years, many forms of exercise(no time to continue any of those at present), many diets (Hollywood, vegan, raw foodist = loss of hair\lethargy etc etc) and countless self-hate moments:1. Eat everything I love (bread, pasta, chocoloate etc) as long as the amount ingested

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    lism (incurable).8. Last meal before 6 pm to burn the fuel as much as posible before retiring into a nightly state of immobility and stomach putrification that converts indigested late meal into fatty deposits9. Accept aging (I wish I had this body that I resented so much 20 years whenitexceeded the ideal by 0.5 kg), shift focus onto "inner" beauty, which I know isa bunch of crap as who would not want to be slim and young forever,but at leastrepeat the mantra to mask growing girth10. Retain old husband and appreciate him for putting up with my declining beauty11. NEVER, EVER weigh myself12. Celebrate staying constant size 8 thanks to the above diet (forget abouteverbeing 4)13. Focus on the repulsive state of fashion model legs that are stick insect like with a pronounced gap in between, create "feel-good" moment with my "normal" looking legs no gap.14. Prevent reading fashion model magazines at all costs, avoid waiting rooms ofall sorts15. Focus on forms of happiness other than luring men's attention e.g. goofing around with my kids who couldcare less about my fatty layer16. Procreated already twice so no need to lure male attentionThe bottom line, my dieting system is amix of mechanics of how I eat with how Ithink about the food and myself as a result of what I ingest rather than what Ieat.

    I will never give up the crusty, warm, freshly baked Eurpean bread with a layer(albeit thin) of butter as this brings me right back to my childhood memories ofthe country fresh baked bread straight from the oven, family meal at the tableunder the walnut tree in the country side and feeling happy.Happy beats sexy for me at any moment..End result of being happy = long life of culinary delight with no suffering of thevegan atrociously tasting food pretending products been there done that..Live but once and live good.Like: +4Fiat Says:November 9th, 2011 at 2:13 amI love burger, so my ideal diet will by a patty complete with bacon, a slice oftomatoes, some mustard and mayo, flanked by bun.

    But, aware of the consequences of taking those fantastic food daily will affectmy health, I limit the taking to be twice a month, less if I can.Upon munching those favorite diet, I try to enjoy it as much as I can, with happy feeling and gratitude. Its just a simple happy filled burger.And one more, Ive once taking burgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it always taste great.Like: 0Asni Says:November 9th, 2011 at 2:27 amI used to eat all the fried stuff, KFC chicken and the skin, chicken liver and hearts, rendang, lodeh (all the Malay/Indonesian food cooked with coconut milk),loads of coffee stirred with condensed milk, keropok, epok epok, potato crisps,ice cream, etc. Butsince being diagnosed with high cholesterol ten years ago, Ive

    become conscious of what goes into my mouth.Ive stayed away from most of the friedstuff or animal organs and all the unhealthy snacking. Nowadays, my meals would be along the following lines:BreakfastWholegrain oats, plain, no milk or sugarBlack coffee, no sugarMid-morningPlain crackersFruitWater

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    LunchSandwich (cheese or tuna or grilled chicken or egg)Salad (lettuce, tomato with olive oil)Green tea or fruit juiceDinnerBrown riceSteamed fish or chicken curry, etc.Stir fried vegetables or tofuFruitWaterLike: +1Christine Says:November 9th, 2011 at 2:52 amMy ideal diet would be food which is low-carb, low-fat and high-fibre. It doesntmatter whether I get this foodfrom outside or I cook myself; the mainpoint is the dishes selection on our plate. I take pleasure in eating a lot of vegetables (I love colors on my plate), fresh fruits and white meat; and drinking milk and plain water. I used to practice this blood (type) A diet rather strictly few years back. On top of that, I seldom touched junk food; do not drink alcohol and smoke.Sadly, since I moved to Malaysia (although I am still a fussy eater when it comes to the menu), I have become more like a carnivore here. I have been eating redmeat and processed food forthe past year and binging on junk-food more often than I ever did. I know its wrong but I find it challenging to get back on the righ

    t track now. One day, I want to return to my previous blood (type) A diet lifestyle which is heavy onvegetables, fruits and free of red meat.Also, since I have gastric problem, my eating method is always several small meals a day. It is proven that eating 5 smaller meals a day prevents me from painful gastric irritation, makes me feeling full all the time thus easier to maintainmy weight and gives me better digestion. I always feel healthier that way. My husband always asks me to eat bigger portions three times a day so I wont feel hungry so fast. But this just doesnt work for me. I have toeat smaller portion otherwise Id have upset stomach. My idea is I just stop eating when I am full. I dont make my stomach takes in food more than its capacity.Like: +1roand Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:06 am

    More fish , vegetables and fruits. followed by heaps of water. Less meat!!!Like: +2Prion Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:19 amA blend of veganized (Im a veg) ethnic foods. Maybe a combination of at least 50% raw, 50% cooked. Fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fungiex.Like: +1AH888 Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:21 amOf course, my responsible side says, I would have a personal chef to cook mefresh, organic, mostly vegatarian meals every day comparable to the most perfectly healthy and delicious food Iveever eaten in my life at this restaurant: http://www.greensrestaurant.com/

    But, my bohemian side says, Indian food, pizza, soda, chocolate shakes, and cheeseburgers!Like: +2cloudio Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:33 amI love food. One of the few things thatmake me proud to be Italian.I love cooking my own food like an alchemist, as much as trying new restaurants.Food is culture: every place I travel, I try local specialities.My ideal diet is against any -ism, simply be conscious. Know what you eat. No food is ethically good or evil, pure healthy or junk. Just find whats better for yo

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    u. Experiment. One day I can eatlike a pig, the next day fasting. I only need tolearn to chew slowly.Spaghetti, Argentinean cow, Sashimi, French fries, Tiramis. Wine is divine.Like: +2Jacquie Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:35 amI eat my ideal diet 90% of the time now and it entails lots of fruit and veggies, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, a large variety of grains, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, alongwith poultry, seafood, fish, beef/pork, eggs, 1% milk& milk products, tea and a lot of water daily.The other 10% is used on what I thinkof as my extras.fries, DQ Blizzard, fried chicken, potato chips, buttered popcorn, the odd vodka & 7, some processed foods.I dont deny myself any food, I just have the 10% in moderation.Like: +2Pat Fuller Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:47 amMy ideal diet is pretty much what I am currently eating each day. I eat mostly raw foods. Nuts and dried berries. Peanut butter and bananas on tortillas. Apples, grapes, smoothies with yogurt, blueberries, and broccoli. salad mix withbell peppers, kirby cucumbers, grape tomatoes. and beans. Almond milk. Whole grain cereal and bread. Occasionally a boiled egg or omelet. Once in a while, I do enjoya meal at a restaurant. Then I will eat fish or chicken and soup. I also eat a small piece of dark chocolate. My vice is coffee. I drink 4 or 5 cups a day. I also like green tea.I buy organic when I canfind it at a decent price. I try to li

    mit meat and milk as much as I can. Sometimes I cook a sweet potato in the microwave and I use tofu in soups and stir fries. Probably 90% raw and 10% cooked.Like: 0Kimberly Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:50 amMy ideal diet would be based on a variety of healthy foods, including fruits andvegetables, seafood, chicken, and lots of tea (which I already drink every day!).If I were to make my perfect meal, breakfast would have to be pancakes, fried eggs, bacon, orange slices, and tea. Lunch would be cream of broccoli soup (my favourite). I have always loved variety with dinner, but definitely something withshrimp, cooked vegetables or stir fry and rice would be amazing, and dessert would have to bebutterscotch ripple ice cream with chocolate syrup.

    Like: +1Ezza Says:November 9th, 2011 at 3:58 amMy ideal diet should consist of 80% Fruits and vegetables, 10% White meatand 10%whatever I choose to eat. I know for me I would feel better, prevent my healthissues and make me feel like I have more energy.Sometimes, I have to remind myself that Food is important for your mind, body andsoul especially when I eat emotionally which is a dragRight now, I eat when I am hungry andopt for fruit and vegetables, rather than looking for convenience of happymeals.Like: +1Ezza Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:02 am

    Jacquie I love your recipe for Ideal Diet especially I dont deny myself anyfood, I ust have the 10% in moderation. I wish I knew that 8 year ago But times change andso do people, I am more focused on eating better for my body type rather eat what other people tell me to eat basedon science or whatever. I feel great when Ieat right. Dont you?I think its obvious you do because you have a healthy, portioned and balance nutritional diet. All KUDOS to you hun. All the best xxLike: 0Anshuman Singh Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:08 am

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    My ideal diet is any food that makes mefeel more energetic after the meal and Idont feel laziness. That means its more of green vegetables, few hot chapatis with a little butter, and a nice seasonal vegetable dish.Like: 0Brandy Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:13 amId return to my vegetarian diet & eat amazingly delicious fresh food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I live at home with my parents and its extremely hard to not eat meat. I definitely dont eat as much as they do,I do choose carefully, but lately its been even harder. I would drink water infused with lime (because Im sucha fan of lime water) and I wouldnt drink cows milk. Id also stay away from frozentv dinners and all fast food. I would make my own french fries in the oven, cookmeals for myself and freeze the meals for the rest of the week. Ohwow, I wouldlove it! http://personalexcellence.co/challenges/wp-includes/images/smilies/idea.gifLike: 0Sara Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:15 amMy ideal diet would be, a scheudaled extremely healthy diet, that contains no carbs, no fat, lots of raw food, lots of fruits and vegis, and blenty of water.I would like to add a multivitamin too. I would like to exersice daily, get blentyof sleep. I also would like to have a relaxation weekly routine too. I also would like to add milk to my diet, coz I dont drink much. ThanksLike: 0

    aileen Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:26 amTraditional food from around the world:mexican, ethiopian, indian, japanese, peruvian mmmm!And PIZZA!I love food so much. I wish it didnt make me gain weight!Like: 0J Says:November 9th, 2011 at 4:36 amIt would be a paste, unchanging and laden with everything essential, that I could eat at all times of the day with no planning or preparation.Food brings me little pleasure.I suppose I miss out, but its also very easy for me to eat healthily, because Im n

    ot easily tempted. I am very close to my perfect practical diet now. (Ill save the paste for my dreams.)I eat zero processed food, close to 100% organic. Carbs under 200g/day. Ample protein and healthy fat. It works.Ill digress and say that I was a ovo-lacto vegetarian from 1999 until 2005. I dontbelieve its morally wrong to eat animals, but I dislike it very much. Today I only eat humanely raisedand slaughtered animals. Anyway, I wastired all the time,gained weight and developed high cholesterol on the vegetarian diet. Pasta and dairy are thelikely culprits. I was always hungry, and those helped me to feel full.next page 1