210123348 Interpolation Features and Options

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    Interpolation Features and Options


    The purpose of this workshop is to review and clarify some of the important interpolation features and optionsavailable in MineSight, including updates made since the last couple of years.

    Interpolation Features and New Developments

    1. Ellipsoidal Search Viewing in MineSight3-D and Debug Options.

    Procedure p624db.dat is used to output in MineSight3-D format an object representing the ellipsoidal search. The

    ellipse created is based on the lengths of the major, minor, and vertical axes used in the interpolations, as well as the

    orientation used (see figure 1).

    Figure 1. Ellipse in MineSight3-D

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    Figure 2. Detailed Kriging Debug Report

    This same procedure outputs a detailed report with detailed composite information (as used in interpolation). See figure


    ** DEBUG FOR ROW= 75 YMID= 5490.0 Max Dist (PAR4)= 240.0

    Kriging matrix:

    0580.0 2110.0 7060.0 7060.0 8110.0 3010.0 3740.0 0000.1

    2110.0 0580.0 4010.0 8110.0 5850.0 4850.0 0210.0 0000.1

    7060.0 4010.0 0580.0 3740.0 5010.0 8900.0 8630.0 0000.1

    7060.0 8110.0 3740.0 0580.0 8210.0 4010.0 7060.0 0000.1

    8110.0 5850.0 5010.0 8210.0 0580.0 8340.0 5310.0 0000.1

    3010.0 4850.0 8900.0 4010.0 8340.0 0580.0 3010.0 0000.1

    3740.0 021.0 8630.0 7060.0 5310.0 3010.0 0580.0 0000.1

    0000.1 0000.1 0000.1 0000.1 0000.1 0000.1 0000.1 0000.1









    Covariance between samples Covariance between block and samples

    Kriging Variance = 0.05082 # PTS = 7

    Lagrange Multiplier = -0.01091



    57 94 95.96 05.0242 04.6845 0.5342 0010.0 25 00+E24801.0 3

    57 73 41.17 02.3252 07.4345 0.5642 0080.0 401 00+E71401.0 2

    57 05 91.17 05.0242 04.6845 0.0242 0030.0 25 00+E96402.0 3

    57 84 91.17 05.0242 04.6845 0.0542 0030.0 25 10-E19359.0 3

    57 54 28.17 06.7152 03.1445 0.0842 0070.0 401 00+E60171.0 2

    57 92 16.47 07.8252 00.8245 0.0542 0070.0 401 00+E58071.0 2

    57 74 87.57 05.0242 04.6845 0.5642 0010.0 25 00+E24541.0 3

    Block (75, 75) Calculated = 0.0438 0.0508 69.5932 7.0000 2.0000

    Kriggin estimate, kriging variance, distance to the closest composite, # if composites, # of drill holes

    Local Error (Variance) = 0.000102

    Row: 75 5490.0 Comps: 1 64 #Calc 1

    End of BENCH 35 2435.0 #Blocks Calculated 1 100.0% Completed

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    2. Ellipsoidal Search Versus Variogram Ranges

    There are two places where you will be asked to define length of a major, minor and vertical axes. One is for the

    ellipsoidal search and applies only to the selection of the composites (see figure 3).

    Figure 3. Optional Search Panel

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    The second one is for the variogram ranges and it applies only to the calculation of the kriging weights (see figure 4).

    Figure 4. Variogram Parameters Panel

    Those ranges are likely the same. If not, try to use the same major versus minor versus vertical length relationship.

    3. Ellipsoidal Search Versus Primary Search Parameters

    The primary search parameters define a 3-D volume around a block (see figure 5 on next page). They are used to

    initially screen out the composites to be used for a given block. Four major search parameters have to be defined:

    X-search parameter (par1)

    Y-search parameter (par2)

    Z-search parameter (par3)

    Max 3-D search parameter (par4)

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    The search for the composites around the block includes the volume from the center of the block the distances in x,

    y, and z directions. If the max 3-D search distance (par4) is less than or equal to the smallest of par1-3, then the search

    volume has been reduced to a sphere (see figure 5).

    Figure 5. Major search parameters

    If par3 is smaller than the bench height, the search volume is reduced to a 2-D plane rectangular or circular search.

    The ellipsoidal search follows the primary search, however this is optional. If you want to have a true ellipsoid, then

    the search box around the block should be big enough to include the ellipsoid; otherwise the smaller box will truncate the

    ellipsoid. The safest way to apply this is to ensure par4 is equal to the length of the major axes of the ellipsoid. See

    figure 6.

    Figure 6. Ellipse inside a sphere

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    4. Effect of Weighting Factor

    The most common use of a special weight during estimation is to adjust the weights to take into account aberrant

    composite lengths or densities. If a composite is only defined for part of its length, then it should only contribute to the

    interpolation according to its length.

    In M624V1 the composite length weighting is done after the Kriging weights are computed as follows:

    Grade = [sum (grd x Kwt x wt)] / [sum (Kwt x wt)]

    grd = grade

    wt = weighting item

    Kwt = Kriging weights

    In the debug report, the program prints the kriging weights before using the weighting factor. Therefore you see the

    original weights.

    If you use weighting factors in IDW, the grades will be calculated as follows:

    grd1 x (wt1 /d1)2

    + grd2 x (wt2 /d2)2

    (wt1/d1)2+ (wt2/d2)2


    grd = grade

    d = distance

    wt = weighting item

    A new option was added to apply a weighting factor from a weight item after using the inverse distance:

    grd1 x wt1 /(d1)2+ grd2 x wt2 /(d2)2 wt1/(d1)2+ wt2/(d2)2

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    5. Search from Mid-Point of the Bench

    If the check for fixed length/ZMID composites switch is ON, this indicates the bench midpoint elevation will be used.

    This option will work if the composites are indeed stored at the bench midpoint elevation option (see figure 7).

    Figure 7. Composite Stored at Mid-bench.

    Note:Center of block to mid bench is correct distance. ZMID option is needed.

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    The reason for this is to take into account that in bench composites, although composites are stored at the toe or the mid

    bench, they represent the grade of the whole bench. Therefore, the distance to the block needs to be measured from the

    center of the composite interval to the center of the block (or from the toe of the composite to the toe of the block; see

    figure 8).

    Figure 8. Composite Stored at Toe.

    Note: Toe to toe is correct distance. No need for ZMID option.

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    If fixed length composites are used, use the center of the block for distance measurements (see figure 9).

    Figure 9. Composite Stored at Mid Bench.

    Note: Center of block to mid-bench is correct distance. ZMID option is needed.

    Without the mid-bench option, programs will calculate distance from toe of block. If the mid-bench option is used,

    programs will calculate the distance from the center of the block.

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    6. Closest Distance Checking After Versus Before Geologic Matching

    Figure 10. Panel for Geologic Matching

    Assume the following composites fall within the search parameters:

    #etisopmoC eulaVehtotecnatsiD


    1 05.0 05 1

    2 05.1 06 2

    3 50.0 07 2

    4 55.0 08 1

    5 05.5 09 1

    6 57.0 001 2

    If you want to use block rock type = 2, max # of composites allowed = 3, and max distance to the closest composite =

    55 , if you use the option above the block will not be interpolated.

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    7. Rotation Changes

    Primary search distances are with respect to model coordinates (see figure 11)

    Figure 11. Primary Search in a Model Rotated 45 degrees

    Options for angles in variograms and ellipses recently added to accommodate the model rotation updates include:

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    1. Variogram rotation angles can be defined with respect to Project Coordinates or Model Coordinates (see figure 12).

    Figure 12. Panel for Variogram Rotation Angles

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    2. Search rotation angles can also be defined with respect to Project Coordinates or Model Coordinates (see figure


    Figure 13. Panel for Search Model Rotation Option

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    8. Octant/Quadrant Searches

    An octant/quadrant search can now be defined with respect to project axes or anistropic axes (see figures 14, 15 and 16).

    Figure 14. Panel for Anisotropic Octant/Quadrant Options

    Figure 15. Quadrant Search in Project Axes

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    Figure 16. Quadrant Search in Anistropic Axes

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    9. Alternative Coordinate Items

    The composite coordinate items are used to determine the position of composites in space. The default coordinate items

    retrieved from the composite file are EAST, NORTH, ELEV. (3-D Block Models). You can now optionally use other

    composite items such as XBOT, YBOT, and ZBOT (see figure 17).

    Figure 17. Panel for Optional Coordinate Items

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    Interpolation Features and Options

    10. Outliers

    The maximum search distance can be changed for these composites greater or smaller than a specified cutoff. See

    figure 18.

    Figure 18. Panel for Outliers

    PAR31 = Outlier cutoff to change the search distance

    PAR32 = Max 3-D distance for outliers

    This means that composites greater than PAR31 will be included in the calculation only if the distance to the block is

    less than PAR32. If PAR32 is negative, then the outlier high grades are cut-down to PAR31.PAR33 = Low Grade cutoff to change the search distance

    PAR34 = Max 3-D distance for low grades

    This means that composites less than PAR33 will be included in the calculation only if the distance to the block is

    less than PAR34.

    All of the above logic was added to both the kriging and inverse distance programs.

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    11. Variograms in MineSight3-D

    In MineSightCompass, you can run procedure PVGCTR.DAT to create a 2-D contour map of variogram values. If

    you want to see those contours in MineSight3-D and use colors for different variogram values you can load them to a

    grided surface (file 13 item). You can then make a colored MineSight3-D model view of the variogram values.

    Procedure PVGCTR.DAT outputs an ASCII points file (x, y coordinates along with the variogram values). This file can

    be loaded to file 13 within the procedure (see figure 19). You need to have a file 13 item with the appropriate minimumand maximum variogram values. If you normalize the values before contouring, the maximum value of the item needs to be


    Figure 19. Panel for Variogram Contours

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    After you run the procedure, create a file 13 view in MineSight3-D. The best way to view the contours is on a -90

    degrees dip view with the viewer lights off (see Figure 20).

    Figure 20. Variogram Contours in MineSight 3-D

    12. Composite Data Distance Analysis

    Mintec now has a new program to perform composite data distance analysis to be used in, among other things, theinterpolation search strategy. Procedure P52201.DAT can be found under group composites/operation calculations.

    On the following pages is a sample report and a graph of bench elevation per average distance:

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    Sample Report

    Composite Data Distance Analysis by Bench

    Based on the Specified Search WindowMoving From Point to Point:

    Max. Search Distance: PAR4 = 100.0

    Max. No. of Data Points = 8

    Available Data Distance Analysis

    Bench No. of Item Nearest Average

    Toe Data Average Distance Distance

    2660.0 4 0.447 40.86 60.94

    2645.0 30 0.193 39.30 68.41

    2630.0 73 0.333 42.05 69.65 2615.0 81 0.554 41.31 67.97

    2600.0 58 0.698 46.52 72.88

    2585.0 49 0.610 47.90 75.74

    2570.0 48 0.585 50.92 76.89

    2555.0 44 0.755 50.77 76.00

    2540.0 45 0.798 50.47 75.71

    2525.0 48 0.700 50.86 75.22

    2510.0 50 0.753 51.82 75.00

    2495.0 50 0.760 52.18 74.62

    2480.0 47 0.799 52.00 74.43

    2465.0 38 0.831 52.76 76.31

    2450.0 33 0.803 53.54 77.17

    2435.0 26 0.848 52.36 75.31

    2420.0 25 0.733 49.53 76.35

    2405.0 28 0.799 47.39 74.77

    2390.0 28 0.811 45.27 73.40

    2375.0 26 0.825 44.55 72.80

    2360.0 12 0.723 52.97 74.64

    2345.0 8 0.731 51.79 74.60

    TOTAL 851 0.670 48.19 73.68

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    Figure 21. Bench Drillhole Spacing Analysis

    13. Multiple Indicator Kriging Program Using GSLIB Routines.

    Mintec now has a new Multiple Indicator Kriging program using the GSLIB routines. One advantage of this programover the standard M624IK is the user can specify the extrapolation type assumed at either end of the distribution. In

    M624IK, only the linear extrapolation is assumed. The program can be found in the MineSightCompass menu under

    group MIK.

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    Interpolation Features and Options