2.1 Localization of brain function - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-26 · 1. Explain one study investigating...

© tutor2u IB Psychology Course Companion (Edition 1) www.tutor2u.net/psychology Title: Biological Approach 2.1 Localization of Brain Function Key Question: How are different parts of the brain responsible for different behaviours? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW You will need to be able to do the following: 1. Explain one research study into localization of brain function. a. Study: Maguire et al (2000) – hypothalamus and spatial memory Introduction Localization of brain function refers to the theory that different parts of the brain are responsible for different aspects of human functioning, such as behaviours. This relates directly to the assumption of the biological approach that cognitions, emotions and behaviours are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine systems. Localization of brain function Psychologists investigating localization of brain function from the biological approach use brain-imaging techniques to investigate the correlation (relationship) between brain processes and structures and human behaviour. Before these were available, psychologists used post-mortem examination of the brains of people with certain problems, in order to try and find damage that correlated with the problem, such as lack of speech or amnesia. For example, Broca (1861) discovered one of the important areas in the brain that is responsible for speech, now called “Broca’s area”. He discovered this by performing an autopsy on a patient who had the nickname “Tan” because of his inability to say anything other than this sound. At the post-mortem examination, abnormalities were found in this region of the patient’s brain, suggesting that this was responsible for his aphasia. However, although post- mortem investigation is sometimes still used, it is now more usual to use MRI, fMRI or PET scans to research the correlation between a particular part of the brain and human behaviour.

Transcript of 2.1 Localization of brain function - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-26 · 1. Explain one study investigating...

Page 1: 2.1 Localization of brain function - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-26 · 1. Explain one study investigating localization of brain function. (Remember for this answer, you will need to say


Title:BiologicalApproach2.1LocalizationofBrainFunctionKeyQuestion:Howaredifferentpartsofthebrainresponsiblefordifferentbehaviours?WHATYOUNEEDTOKNOWYouwillneedtobeabletodothefollowing:1. Explainoneresearchstudyintolocalizationofbrainfunction.

a. Study:Maguireetal(2000)–hypothalamusandspatialmemoryIntroductionLocalizationofbrainfunctionreferstothetheorythatdifferentpartsofthebrainareresponsible for different aspects of human functioning, such as behaviours. Thisrelatesdirectlytotheassumptionofthebiologicalapproachthatcognitions,emotionsand behaviours are products of the anatomy andphysiology of ournervous andendocrine systems.LocalizationofbrainfunctionPsychologistsinvestigatinglocalizationofbrainfunctionfromthebiologicalapproachuse brain-imaging techniques to investigate the correlation (relationship) betweenbrain processes and structures and human behaviour. Before thesewere available,psychologists used post-mortem examination of the brains of people with certainproblems, inordertotryandfinddamagethatcorrelatedwiththeproblem,suchaslackofspeechoramnesia.Forexample,Broca(1861)discoveredoneoftheimportantareas in the brain that is responsible for speech, now called “Broca’s area”. Hediscovered thisbyperforminganautopsyonapatientwhohad thenickname“Tan”because of his inability to say anything other than this sound. At the post-mortemexamination,abnormalitieswerefoundinthisregionofthepatient’sbrain,suggestingthat this wasresponsible for hisaphasia. However,although post-mortem investigationis sometimes stillused, it is now moreusual to use MRI,fMRIor PET scans toresearch thecorrelation betweena particular part ofthe brain and humanbehaviour.

Page 2: 2.1 Localization of brain function - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-26 · 1. Explain one study investigating localization of brain function. (Remember for this answer, you will need to say


KeyStudy7:Maguireetal.(2000)Aim:Toexaminewhetherstructuralchangescouldbedetectedinthebrainofpeoplewithextensiveexperienceofspatialnavigation.Method:StructuralMRIscanswereobtainedfrom16right-handedmaleLondontaxidrivers who had been driving for more than 1.5 years. The MRI scans of 50 right-handedmaleswhodidnotdrivetaxiswereincludedforcomparison.Themeanagedidnotdifferbetweenthetwogroups.Results:1) Increased greymatterwas found in the brains of taxi drivers, comparedwithcontrols,intwobrainregions,therightandlefthippocampi.Themajorityoftheincreasedvolumewasfoundintherightposterior(rear)hippocampus.2)Changeswithnavigationexperience–acorrelationwasfoundbetweentheamountoftimespentasataxidriverwithvolumeintherightposteriorhippocampus.Conclusion: The results provide evidence for structural differences between thehippocampi of London taxi drivers andcontrol participants. Therefore, theenvironment (driving a taxi in London,atatimewhenaGPSwasnotused,anddrivershadtomemorisethelocationofall the streets) affected the brainstructure.This is evidence of localization offunction – as it suggests that spatialmemory is located in the posteriorhippocampus. It is also evidence ofbrain plasticity, as the hippocampusclearly changed in response to theenvironment(seeSection2b).EvaluationStrengths:Manyextraneousvariablesarecontrolled: themeanage, thehandednessandthegenderofthetwogroupswerethesame.However,theresultsonlyshowacorrelation:itispossiblethatpeoplewithlargerthannormalposteriorhippocampiareattractedtocareersthatusetheirspatialabilities, includingtaxidriving.Butthefactthat therewas apositive correlation between the number of years spent as a taxidriverand thevolume in the rightposteriorhippocampuswould tend tocounteractthis argument. The researchers were also careful to only choose brain scans fromhealthynon-taxidriversasacontrolgroup.Limitations: TheMRI scans of these non-taxi drivers were obtained from a Londonhospital,whichraisesethicalissuesregardinginformedconsentanduseofdata.

Page 3: 2.1 Localization of brain function - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-26 · 1. Explain one study investigating localization of brain function. (Remember for this answer, you will need to say


CriticalThinkingPointsWhataboutthesmallsamplesizeandthegenderoftheparticipants?Wouldthesameresultshavebeenfoundwithwomentaxidrivers?Sixteenpeoplearenotmanyfromwhichtodevelopatheoryregardingspatiallearningandtheposteriorhippocampus.PossibleExamQuestionsShortanswerquestion1. Explainonestudyinvestigatinglocalizationofbrainfunction.(Remember for this answer, youwill need to say exactly howMaguire et al’s studydemonstratedlocalizationofbrainfunction).

Essayquestions2. Discusshowpsychologistsinvestigatelocalizationofbrainfunction,usingrelevant
