21. health benefits of litchi by allah dad khan


Transcript of 21. health benefits of litchi by allah dad khan

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21. Health Benefits of Litchi By Allah Dad


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• Lychee which means “gift for loyal life” surely lives up to its name. The litchi benefits have been tried and proven in countries such as China and India and have also been well documented in ancient Chinese books. They contain many nutrients and vitamins that help to fight against various diseases as well as being a treatment for skin care, child growth and strengthening the body.

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Anti cancer properties

• Litchi has anti-cancer properties. This fruit has flavonoids in the pulp which helps to fight fatal and lethal diseases like cancer. It contains Flavones, quercitin and kaemferol which are powerful compounds in reducing the proliferation of cancer cells. Litchi fruit provides impressive anti breast cancer properties.

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Maintains healthy bones:

• Litchi is a wealthy source of phosphorus and magnesium which supports powerful bones and trace minerals like copper and manganese which strengthens brittle bones. Along with zinc, copper it boosts the effectiveness of Vitamin D which increases the assimilation of calcium which maintains the health of the bones.

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Helps fight stress

• :• Stress is usually a sensation

which is produced whenever we respond to specific occasions. It is the human body’s method of increasing to the problem as well as getting ready to fulfill a difficult scenario with concentration, power, endurance, as well as increased alertness.

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Prevents anemia:

• As soon as the quantity of red blood cells or even levels of hemoglobin are lower an individual is believed to have Anemia. Hemoglobin is usually a necessary protein (metalloprotein) within the red blood cells which contains iron as well as transports oxygen.

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Acts as an Aphrodisiac:

• Aphrodisiacs assist to increase or even stimulate sexual interest. Although there’s no definitive medical proof assisting aphrodisiac qualities, numerous cultural traditions assume that particular foods, just like fruits, can easily improve as well as excite your sexual hunger. Thankfully, fruits may also be good for your overall health and may even dually enhance your sex life along with your well-being.

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Cures Constipation:

• Typically, the colon soaks up extreme water through food throughout digestion. Whenever food moves too gradually, the colon soaks up too much water, leading to difficult, dry stool as well as bowel problems.

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High in copper and potassium:

• Lychee also includes an excellent quantity of minerals just like potassium as well as copper. Potassium is a crucial element of cell and the entire body fluids help manage heart rate as well as Blood pressure level; therefore provides safety from Heart stroke as well as Coronary Heart Diseases. Copper is needed in the manufacture of red blood cells

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Good for gastrointestinal health

• The digestive or even gastrointestinal intestinal system, which is also referred to as gut, is essential for a lot of causes. Difficulties with it might result not just in one of the numerous digestive system problems, but in addition to health problems in almost any system of the entire body, just like the central nervous system or even the defense mechanisms. The reasons just for this can become obvious as we discover the digestive system.

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Anti Inflammatory • Litchi is an excellent source of

Vitamin C, a vitamin that body does not produce naturally. Consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C helps the body to develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful pro inflammatory free radicals. It benefits those suffering from cold, fever and sore throats. Litchi also aids in digestion to get the utmost nutrition for the body. Vitamin C is good for our skin, bones and tissues and therefore is a very important vitamin for our body.

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Improve blood circulation

• Oligonol is a low molecular weight polyphenol found abundantly in litchi fruit. Oligonol has several anti-oxidant and anti-influenza virus actions. It also helps to improve blood circulation, reduces weight and protects the skin from harmful UVA rays. Oligonol decreases deep fat, raises sideline blood circulation, decreases post exercise exhaustion, raises stamina as well as reduces facial lines and brown spots.

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Strengthen Immunity

• Litchi is also a good source of B complex vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folates. These Vitamins help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats. It has a high level of Beta carotene which strengthens the immune system and improves the function of liver and other organs.

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Helps with Weight loss:

• Litchi is quite low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol and is rich in dietary fiber which is very significant for people who want to lose weigh

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Protection from Free Radicals

• Free radicals are also known to cause premature ageing and delay in cell repair. These are also taken care of by the anti-oxidants in out diets thereby reducing and controlling inflammation and degenerative diseases like Arthritis.

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The Blood Relation

• Lychee is a rich source of nutrients that are required for the production and circulation of blood. Hemoglobin in our blood transports oxygen throughout out body and is made of Iron. Iron is what gives the red color to our blood which is a clear indication about the high content of iron and its importance in the blood.

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Skin’s Best friend

• Our skin bears the brunt of ageing, pollution, exposure to harmful UV rays, stress and other lifestyle related disturbances.

• Though ageing is really a natural phenomenon but is expedited by rest of the factors mentioned earlier. The result is dull skin with fine lines that make you look much older than your age. The main cause of ageing is free radicals produced in our body, due to high oxidative stress

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Heart Disease & Blood Pressure

• In a research it was found that antioxidants rich foods lower blood pressure. Lychee contains high amount of antioxidant Vitamin C.

• A high fiber content also discourages fat formation and fat reserves in the body. Lychee contains high amount of dietary fiber which proves best nutrient that promote cardiovascular health.

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Aids Digestion & Bowel movements

• The process of digestion is pivotal in nutrition absorption in our body.

• Pectin with the dietary fiber of lychee is considered very beneficial for bowel movement and maintaining healthy digestive system. Both of these content make the stools bulky and soft so that they can pass through the anal passage easily. This function is further enhanced by the high water content of lychee as it is the combination of roughage and water which helps in preventing constipation.

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Weight loss & Fluid Balance

• Maintaining an ideal weight is important for our body. But more important are the ways and means by which we do so. Planning your healthy diet and exercises is a strict requirement without which your body can suffer and become deficient in many essential nutrients. Mindless exercises can lead to major water loss through incessant sweating. If this is not supplemented with right food then all you will end up with is a cramped up and dehydrated body.

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Fight colds and sore throat and boost up the immune system:

• The defense mechanism safeguards the body from perhaps dangerous ingredients simply by realizing as well as responding to antigens. Antigens are usually ingredients (generally healthy proteins) on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, or even bacteria. Nonliving ingredients just like harmful toxins, chemical substances, drugs, as well as unusual contaminants (say for example a splinter) may also be antigens. The defense mechanism acknowledges as well as damages ingredients which contain antigens.

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Maintain healthy bones:

• Bone is definitely the thick, semi rigid, permeable, calcified connective tissue developing the main area of the skeleton on most vertebrates. It includes a lustrous natural matrix as well as an inorganic, mineral component. It really is mortal. It will be the promoter of the entire body.

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Antiviral Capacity:

• The proanthocyanidins in lychee have been studied extensively, and they have also demonstrated antiviral capabilities. Litchitannin A2, a compound found in lychee, has been closely connected to preventing the spread or outbreak of viruses, included herpes simplex virus and coxsackie virus.

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