21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced...

Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see how He has changed our lives and follow Him as well. But, how do we ENGAGE the community and world around us in ways that truly matter and bring glory to His name? In this final week of the 21 Days of Prayer we will pray for God’s wisdom to help us answer that very question.

Transcript of 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced...

Page 1: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see


As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see how He has changed our lives and follow Him as well. But, how do we ENGAGE the community and world around us in ways that truly matter and bring glory to His name? In this final week of the 21 Days of Prayer we will pray for God’s wisdom to help us answer that

very question.

Page 2: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Sunday, Sept. 22 | Engaging Other Christians


John 17:20-26

REFLECT What impact should we, as Christians, have on the world around us? How have divisions among Christians lessened the impact that we could have in the world? How can we build true unity with other Christians?

PRAY Pray that we will connect with other Christians in a meaningful way. Pray that we can overcome divisions to show Christian unity to the world.

Page 3: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Monday, Sept. 23 | Engaging Others

READ Matthew 5:13-16 | Luke 10:25-37

REFLECT Who in your life needs to see the light of Jesus in you? In what ways can other people see the light of the kingdom of God in your life? In what areas of your life does that light need to be more visible? What other religions or systems of belief are common in our community and how can we, as Christians, share the love of God with them?

PRAY Pray that we will have an abundance of wisdom and love when encountering those of other systems of belief. Pray that God would help the light of His Son be visible in our lives.

Page 4: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Tuesday, Sept. 24 | Engaging Diversity


2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Galatians 3:26-29

REFLECT Why is it that we tend to gravitate towards people who are like us? What are some of the common differences that tend to separate us? Why is it so hard for us to be aware of or admit our own biases? What would need to happen for you to build relationships with more people who are different than you?

PRAY Ask God to expose any biases you might have towards racial differences, wealth disparity, gender, etc. Pray that we will see others through the loving eyes of Jesus and desire to love all people without hesitation.

Page 5: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Wednesday, Sept. 25 | Engaging Brokenness


Matthew 25:31-46

REFLECT What areas of brokenness and suffering do you see in your community? Think of 3 specific sins that are shaping our community. What can be done to begin the healing that needs to take place for these topics? What are some of the groups who are marginalized or forgotten in our area? What would it look like for us to engage those groups in healthy ways, without condescension or judgment?

PRAY Pray that we can wisely approach sin and brokenness in our community. Pray that God would continue to defeat the powers of greed, abuse, lust, and selfishness in our world.

Page 6: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Thursday, Sept. 26 | Live Different READ

Philippians 2:14-18


What has changed in your life because of Jesus? Why is it important for us to have an Inviting spirit in our community? What can you do today to Invest in another person in your life? What needs to change for you to Engage in what matters most in our world?

PRAY Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in your life, guiding your steps. Pray for how you can invite, invest, and engage with your neighbors, coworkers, and friends.

Page 7: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Friday, Sept. 27 | Global/Political Issues READ

Matthew 28:16-20


What are some issues impacting the world that are of interest to you? How does your faith shape your response to those issues? Who are some of the missionaries that you know or support? How can you support them in prayer right now?

PRAY Pray that we will have the faith and wisdom to respond to global concerns and political endeavors in a way that represents our ultimate goals as Christians and shows the love of Christ. Pray that the Holy Spirit would prepare the hearts of those receiving the gospel from our missionaries in Greece, Honduras, and locally.

Page 8: 21 Days - Week 3 - Digital Version · Week 3: ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY As people who have experienced mercy, forgiveness, and redemption from Jesus Christ, we long for the world to see

Saturday, Sept. 28 | Courage


1 Corinthians 16:13 | Joshua 1:6-9


Where in your life right now do you need courage from God? How can your faithful courage impact those around you? During the 21 Days of Prayer what have you heard from God?

PRAY As God has revealed himself to us during the last three weeks, pray that we have the courage to say yes to the opportunities God puts in our way.

Thank you for taking part in our 21 Days of Prayer. We sincerely hope that these times of prayer have been true blessings to you and that you have experienced relationship with God in a meaningful way. We would love to hear about your experience during this time. Take a moment to follow

the QR code below and share with us by filling out the form at the bottom of our 21 Days of Prayer webpage:
