21 Basic Defensive Tactics

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  • 8/4/2019 21 Basic Defensive Tactics



  • 8/4/2019 21 Basic Defensive Tactics


    Unit Goal 21.1: The s tud e nt will be able to s umm ar ize

    so me me tho ds of bas ic defe ns ive ta ctic s.

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    21.1.1 The s tud e nt will be

    able to de mons tra te thecomba t-rea dy s ta nc e pos ition .

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    A. Foo t pos itions:

    1. Approx ima tely two th ir ds of a sho u lder -width apar t, front to rear

    2. Approx ima tely one half of a sho u lder width apar t, s ide -to-s ide 3. Lea d leg/foo t po inting in dire ction of

    s uspe ct

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    B. Knees sho u ld be be nt withh ip lower to the gro und .

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    C. We igh t sho u ld be eq ually dis tr ibute d over bo th legs a nd sl igh tly forwar d on balls of fee t

    unti l move me nt is ma de.

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    D. T ur n bo dy a t h ips to blo ck

    vu lnerable area to s uspe ct (r ibs a nd gro in areas).

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    E. Lea d a nd rear ha nd in h igh/low pos ition sho u ld be use d for:

    1. Hol din g/grabb ing 2. Self defe nse 3. S tr ikes 4. Ha ndcu ff ing 5. Sear ch ing

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    21.1.2 The s tud e nt will be able

    to de mons tra te ha ndcu ff ingte chniques.

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    A. Ha ve the s ubje ct tu r n awa y

    from you a nd put the ir ha nd sbeh ind the ir ba ck; pal ms up.

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    B. Ha ve the s ubje ct sprea d the ir fee t approx ima tely

    sho u lder -width apar t. Yo u ma y ha ve the s ubje ct lea n sl igh tly forwar d .

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    C. Ha nd pos ition of the off icer

    is the sa me as the comba t-rea dy s ta nc e

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    D. Goo d wide , deep s ta nc esl igh tly be nt a t the kn ees

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    E. Wea k ha nd gr ip o n ha ndcu ffs

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    F. Gr ip the s ubje cts r igh t thum b w ith the s trong ha nd

    a nd appl y the ha ndcu ffs to thethum b s ide of the wr is t.

    No te: The ha ndcu ffs are c lose d us ing the ind ex f inger

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    G. Ro ta te the thum b c lock wiseunti l the pal m faces o ut

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    H. Sw itch ha ndcu ffs to the

    s trong ha nd to ma inta in cont rol

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    I. Gr ip the s ubje cts lef t thum bwith the wea k ha nd a nd appl y

    the ha ndcu ffs to the thum bs ide of the wr is t

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    J . Ro ta te the thum b count er -

    c lock wise unti l the pal m facesout

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    K. Ma inta in f u ll ha nd cont rol

    on bo th the ha ndcu ffs a nd cha in

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    L. Do uble -lock ha ndcu ffs

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    M. Ke yhole pos itions:

    1. Up 2. M inimiz e es capes 3. Case carr y

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    N. Ta ke dow n the s ubje ct withha ndcu ffs.

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    1. Af ter pla ce me nt of the f irs t ha ndcu ff , if the s uspe ct

    res is ts , the off icer ca n use a n imm e dia te ba ck-u p ta ke dow n te chnique.

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    2. W itho ut releas ing the ha ndcu ff cha in or ha nd of the f irs t gr ip , press ure is exer te d on the

    cont rolle d thum b b y push ing it up towar d thesho u lder a nd down towar d the gro und . At thesa m e time , the ha ndcu ffs are ra ise d onto the

    ba ck of the ha nd wh ile the off icer p u lls theha ndcu ffs towar d h imself. The off icer sho u ld

    s tep s tra igh t ba ck a nd drag the s uspe cts wr is t to the gro und .

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    3. O nc e the s uspe ct is o n thegro und, the off icer ca n use thepro ne s tab iliza tion te chniqueto pre ve nt f ur ther res is ta nc e.

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    4. The off icer w ill give lo ud, c lear a nd repe titive

    ins tr ucti ons to s top res is tinga nd ge t dow n on the gro und .

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    5. Af ter the s uspe ct iss uff icie nt ly cont rolle d, theoff icer ca n comple te theha ndcu ff ing pro ce du re.

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    21.1.3 The s tud e nt will beable to de mons tra te a kn ee -

    s tr ike -to-the -ab dome n te chnique.

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    A. P urpose: to s top the

    forwar d mome ntum of a n aggress ive offe nd er

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    B. Ab dome n : ph ys ical

    inc apa cita tion du e to the lossof brea th

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    C. Me dic al complica tions:

    1. Ab dome n poss ible contu s ions to themu s c le of the ab dome n

    2. Th igh poss ible contu s ions to thes urro undin g mu s c les

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    D. Knee s tr ike ab domin al

    mu s c les (solar plex us) te chnique

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    1. Off icer in h igh g uar d pos ition

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    2. S ta nd fa cin g s ubje ct withha nd s hel d h igh , elbowstuck e d in, pro te ctin g theoff icer s hea d a nd torso

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    3. Fee t are in bla de d s ta nc epro te ctin g vital areas of bo dy .

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    4. Off icer grabs the s ubje ct beh ind the ir ne ck (witho ut

    lockin g f ingers) a nd the n pushes dow n towar d e ither sho u lder

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    5. Off icer hol ds the s ubje cts

    hea d dow n on sho u lder toma inta in cont rol.

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    6 . Off icer del ivers kn ee s tr iketo the ab domin al mu s c les ; beprepare d to del iver mu ltiples tr ikes , a nd the n dise ngage.

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    21.1.4 The s tud e nt will be able

    to de mons tra te a knee s tr ike -to-the -th igh te chnique.

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    A. K nee s tr ike to the th igh

    (i.e. , to the comm on pero nealner ve):

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    1. Mo tor dy sf uncti on to theaffe cte d limb

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    2. Flex reflex respo nse

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    3. Me ntally s tunnin g (a

    dis tra ction te chnique)

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    B. Knee -s tr ike -to-the -th igh

    te chniques:

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    1. Off icer beg ins in es cor t or

    h igh g uar d

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    2. S ubje ct res is ts , off icer

    grasps the ir ar m

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    3. Off icer s tr ikes w ith kn ee

    towar ds to s ubje cts th igh , mu ltiple times , if ne cessar y

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    21.1.5 The s tud e nt will be

    able to de mons tra te a ra dials tr ike te chnique.

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    A. P urpose: to loose n a gr ip

    or hol d

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    B. Lo ca tion : la teral aspe ct of the ar m (ra dial ner ve mo tor

    po int); below the s ubje ctselbow

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    C. Effe cts: mo tor dy sf uncti on

    a nd cra mps

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    D. Ex cess ive use:

    1. Poss ible disr up tion of the ra diou lnar jo int

    2. Poss ible fra ctu re of ra diu s 3. Poss ible fra ctu re of elbow

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    E. Te chnique:

    1. Grasp s ubje cts wr is t (if poss ible) 2. The off icer uses free ha nd in ha mm er

    f is t a nd s tr ikes the ra dial ner ve mo tor po int

    3. The off icer sho u ld ma ke s ure to le t theeffe ct of the s tr ike s ink in a nd be prepare d to follow w ith mu ltiple s tr ikes , if ne cessar y

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    A. P urpose: to safel y es cor t apo te ntially unc oopera tives ubje ct with in the fa cility

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    B. Te chnique:

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    1. The off icer ta kes up apos ition to the s ide (lef t or

    r igh t) a nd sl igh tly to the rear of the s ubje ct

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    2. Whe n the pos ition isass um e d properl y, the

    off icer s sho u lder is pla ce d jus t ins ide the s ubje cts

    sho u lder

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    3. I t is impor ta nt to ma inta in minim al dis ta nc e be twee n the

    off icer a nd the s ubje ct

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    4. Close prox imity has se veral

    a dva ntages to the off icer:

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    a. I t minimiz es the s ubje ctsab ility to del iver a s trong

    count er -kick

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    b. The off icer is ideall y pos itione d to del iver a n

    effe ctive kn ee s tr ike w itho ut telegraph ing the te chnique.

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    c . The off icer s c lose prox imity also e nha nc es the off icer s

    ab ility to displa ce the s ubje ctsbala nc e for ta ke dow ns.

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    21.1.7 The s tud e nt will be ableto de mons tra te a s tra igh t-ar m-

    bar te chnique.

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    A. P urpose: me tho d of cont rolling a n unc oopera tive

    s ubje ct thro ugh the pr inciplesof pa il complia nc e a nd

    de ce nt ral iza tion .

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    B. Vu lnerable area of press urepo int: elbow a nd sho u lder of

    the res is tor.

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    C. Ta ctic al p urpose a nd effe ct :

    1. Allows cont rol of unc oopera tive s uspe ct 2. Ta ke down 3. Pro ne s tab iliza tion of s uspe ct 4. Se tup for a lower for m of cont rol 5. Pa in complia nc e cont rol

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    D. Nor mal use no me dic al

    complica tion

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    E. Te chnique

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    1. Off icer grasps the s ubje cts

    ar m (bas ic es cor t pos ition)

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    3. Off icer le vers the s uspe ctsar m over a nd dow n by

    exer ting for ce o n the elbowa nd wr is t

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    5. Le verage is appl ie d with theforear m jus t abo ve the elbowof the s ubje cts cont rolle d ar m

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    6 . Off icer s teps a nd p ivo ts

    with the o uts ide leg

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    7. Us ing the s ubje ctsmome ntum, the off icer sho u ld

    guid e the res is tor to thegro und, g iving c lear , loud a nd

    repe titive comm a nd s

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    8 . Pro ne s tab iliza tion te chnique is the n use d to f ix

    the res is tor in the pro nepos ition