· 2020. 12. 22. ·...

. ( •• ..... , ........ , .... _.., ....... ,., ...... ........ T"' < '" ''I' ,, W ·-' '• ,,. '\ ·-.•, •··. ,. "' . I-· .--, .. ,---,,---. ,_,. ·r• '•-' .••. ,.,_·; ::-7 :.' - , . ·' - ·,. , ' . , :,- '; ·- ' .. 'I , , " -.. , " -- . -, -, , r ·- ,._. -' . , ' . . . ' . . ,. ' ... l' . ' .. "• .. ' ' ., '·•'•. ,,,.- '·,.·,. ,·· .• _ .. . .. _- _ t,;· ,._,_• ,·.·· ,•' ·_,•;;:- .-:.- •. .,_ ''· ">L ;:_.:.:· -·:i ,.-_·. '• •·._ 'r. ·,·· ' .. . ' '' . . . • • 'l' ' . . ·, -, ·' .: '' ' •. .. ' '• •• ,\-,, ,,•"' ''' •• " •• ·,·.,:.·,·.. .' ;o ·"'• ,.,...l ' . ' .• ; • ' . 1 . ,_ ' ', ,I .-· . ' -' ; ' , , • , . , ., , . . ·• -- .. - . · ·; . - · · -'.'· I '! ·"' .• · ' : . . . ''- ' .. ' - ·- ' ,. i . '. :,, ,, •. - - ' i.• .', -- '' ·, . ' . ' ( ' -, ' i ' ... _ ., . •· Ao· ' ••• ' ' '-_ • ' ... ' f - _, ' '-·' '' ·'' ... . '--- ·' ' .... -·l,- ' ' ' " ' ' . --; ' " . " .. . ' " ., . ' . - ' ' _'!·- ·. . -;.,-_:_ . •. :. . ' ' . . .. ,• . . ' ' ·-.' - 1--' :;- ,._ : .... ,' -.-" ' ·, . •.,· ". \ ·.- ..... . ' " ... ' .... . -'*·· . ). ' . ' ' .'. •, . -, .... . -' ' . ' .. •.' :·•.,.'' . :" . " •• ' . . ' ' .f'\· ----- ' - . ·:· - ' ,. .VJ- OAJ.UUZOZO, NSW Y, 3. t93l .. •' :: !, ' :' • , ' ' .. , . \ . i . II , , I .. i ' < CtstJI AUIIalStritru· ll IWt ·. Al!leri«HoreJ«.n lri!(elor ''IIMI'Y • . Wtileve.oed Thhlg$· · I:" .Sav<:<t · Sod om, ... ... -- ......... --. _, .... ___ .. -- .......... -.., Yell's f .. il$.lw•twrds · · . · · · . (oaunue,s OJJ DoWP <irlle JIQ' -tfotJsfl, fqr a · - . . ......... . . OLDEST FORD·. DRIVER .. ptik . • · · _... Yutk, 1\ wdl wrlteta!ly$ there . .. . . -·· ' '.,.:., ..... ,. ! W•abJua-tou, March . .- Atileri• his visit t() Kana:.$ brollgbt are three in · t,lle M•r.¢b, -Co .J!l cal) AQd hnports . jptere!!tlng ·story, W Can ts. menUng; (IIJ t h their dQWQWit«.l trend as sbowp !H'$. SA)'!! Mr. ,Rogers the.W!lls. l'lte f!'il m•<le b.f the tbe pr:e.lhniP.ry tigures for invite«.l tQ a dinner P•ttt !lt 111 everv.tbtn.l:l'• t,he Won tll oppose iiJI{ Ute tlraHwo y11ara pf · . iaal.\ed. !)1 the I;)epart• the home or· ll· very we!laiti .oil even·t.btng- •. aud .the Wll,la nc• . .-' ci:e IJ t . t of Commerce magnate •. He all&llmed comphsh evel(Ythtug. . 'Sc:natQ'i.' J.ltarria, raak• coUJpared witb l. b tbe role of etl'tertainer, W<ltl \be Every t >wn bas a sprlnlclin,::- of : .. Dimocr.•tio ot t11e month of J a » u a r y, life of tbe party.·. A couple,... of e11ch kind 'mixed in .. wit It the I Seaia.h\ 1\pprop.-hatiotus Comll;lit• dropped $.2l:667 000 aod day!llitter the IQ;Jgn;lte received a Don't nld; . · , off $8,213',000 on the bi!J froiD Rogers for $}500. The Tbe I neverdl) , HThe .. )Jit lwo .Years. of. Presi· pllrison. ' magnate turned the bill over to tbing They art> .con lent tl> ,, let J. dent CooliCige.'• 'rbe ,decline .export trad.e ror liis who 'R&gers things drHt with dfort to bet• . 814,7-il wa$ appropriated, ll'ebru·arv compared with · t h c on the telephone and asl!'l!d him ter them or to improve conditions · anav•u·age.ol$1,64'9,4()7.27() T,be same motitb of was $122,• the charges wer.e'ror Tbcy don't wa·nt to be .bothered, - f1J),2<f9.8J9,000 of while {IU tho- eut-:rtp.ining at the dtnnt:r pnty·" Every now nnd then the few and iiu.tb,qrjztdQlla tor: '.tbe Con· snwc comparttJOn dechqed $106,· "But ,yoq were il d tbt· in Jhe town rise up al'ld try just cl9aed under JOI:lOOO loss of $229 559.• p.ut,v, Mr. s;ud tbe Jo 1o something to odd to tbe pro• J · ''lloov.C:r ef1u-la aboutt:wQ•tbirda Fur. m.orJthtS of. tl!e ••not paid 'entertainer;• t!ress of the town or to better · oul' total PP,blic •t lime end 1 ng the Whereupon came the cflnditiontl • ·( (mort tbau dOllllrs) drop tn was 134 IUU.· .answer: t h c Tht•y ore opposrcl by. tbc Ca n'ts moat of which w.a!l .left over ft<?.IU 000 and on rmporrs $1022,52 4 other fWests at tbe dinucr hat1 and the Wont•s \\rho hurnedi 11 tely tbe World War. n 000, a total Joss in export trade tbe1r wives with them· mine was t b .Jd . k tb t k L d · • · • f b ' ·· gc usy au wa e c as uar • The appropm.tiops of t h e for e1gbt. months o t e present oot invited." 0 The bill was pa'id · UooYer Conere&a, tb,e Senator fisc• I yeu of .$2,156,690,00_0. and it will be a .long time bofore cr. to-n f "' " 1 b If any r:ood comes to 11 " , 8lJJ, meant a tax of about $81 on 1 t"'e same r:auo uec tne. e that particular oil ma ... · •e lakrs · f d f " ts because of thil Wills ond I eyerr one of tbe 122,"735 046 per• continued or the er o Wall Rogers foz: a sucker. ,out in tbe U Su1tes, or the fiscal year, the dcchne to Am· . _ •pile of the \V(Jn'ts and Can'ts .abQIH $405 op everr family. Tbe erica_n trade would ap· Road Building The Lord. probably kuew. it average·familj income, the Sen• proxtma_te cb.rce billions, compar• would happon just this w a y. a tor .adds la <1lllJ $738 per 1 ear. ed w.itb 1930, a low year. · -k a.·.re hence he bao nrro naed it so t bn t SMt•<illldY Tirffl,Rtft<es If AaerkH JUs, says Hell)' ferd · Ills . Wetk ID tory · .. - Marc:b 30-A.laska PQrcbase, 18· "Wbo wanta this high tariff Meetinr of firat. bill? We certainly don't• ••• 1'189;Steam• You say. it is tbe contention of er Rora1 •reeked off tbose wbo backiug it tbat it Margate. 400 lost. 1850. will revive iodustr1 •nd cure un Two Federal pr,·jecls a 'few detertulned Willa can whip us proc:esa'of eoustructinn on tbc wbolc tumv of Can'ts and Rujdoso nud uuot,her in prosprtt Won'tn a.nd stir into action between berc and CapHan. 1'be most or 1 Don't tbree contracts will ruo well over Cares. balf a million dollars, mUch o1 ll'ortunn te indeed il'l the· tow a which will ,be put in circulation that 1119 l'v"o ooc dctermiot>d, en• ln Ltoc:uht county. . Wtll-for like tbc one rhcbteoutt man wbo could bue 93ved S rdom be cao save a town . . f ., - J. M. Crow, 19, ot lthtl 1 MI .... , tht oldtll Ford driver In Mllllulppl, traveretd tht hletorlo otcS Trao.,. In • oovend waaon tlght)'•tllitn y .. rt ago. s runtd toaay at II u tht art proudoat memory 11 •. ot honorable •or· In .Amtrf"n hJatoey he •o pic- Tlc:o aa a soldier durlnr turcsquel7 J, J1. Crow the ClYll War. Whon tbo noUlhcrn ot Ethel, lllu., 111 tlla ollftlt: Ford cauao Crow '\vaa compelled drlvilr Jn !llillui.PP1 ad oDt ot tho to trudge .fOO mllca on to tho ll1d--..> olde!t.Jn..the 'Unlted Stat81. homestead at Ethel where ho aotUed down to rear a tamlly. · Wbcn u a babe ot two reatt ht rodo wlth hla paranll In one of a. tntn ll() ooYcrod waron• out or Cobb counl)', acomta, Llnto JollatllllPPI. the old Natcbc• Tract followed by t.he bra'YCI llttla band wu aWl Jnteatad by tbo awa.nhbnckllnr ntmana ·whon bloody outracea I&Ye that era 111 place In tbla couoll')"a bhtorr .. HUat ouuaw '/Cll'l'l." One or hfJ '111'14 memorJu fa hear- filS', ... boy or 11%, the Dlh of Oen· eral ScoU'a YlctorJout aauult on tho holgbt. ot CllaJlllttPto wbleh ended the Uuk•i\ Wat 1A :un, and hla In tho Intervening yearn ho hu ocen the lumbcrlnr atllSccoacb nlve '#lilY to the ftcot automobile nnd tfio comfort· ablo motorbul, tho soaur cumbo and rough corduroy roadG ot lllo childhood to tho wldo, vavcd roada of todi\Y, and althou&h bo wu tone PllOt mltJdlo ere betoro t.ho modern automobllo bctllme commonvlace ht fa a11 cnthunlasUo & drher aa roun,satcra who can bout I••• tban ono-quartcr ot hla fCll'l'l. Flye ronal'tltJona or Crow'a tamli.Y' are frtl)uently aeon tosctltcr In btl :r.Jo4el A Ford, tho second ot 111 tYPe Crow hu owned and driven. ' Marcb 31-BotltOP 1 Port Bill pus• empl9J'Dltllt. 1 SIJ it wi11 ha1e td, 1774; ll'reqeb National the reverse. e1Iec:t. It a.-' ot lh• ct t&. l'f ll8'l' C:Oil'f'entiou surrou•ded bt a will etbltifr busibess and indus• A.Tl01U L »A H X. a ud w a kc it fro w itt I e t b or JC 1 of ..,e,s hl!=a!: .• ali:'c:l!a ·:!I!: eeoc•=·· d!!!'!!:-tiC:.s:J:•: e!!!t· !':!!' eC!:: !:!!' , ·""=·T'·· ... C21Z!,.,.,. __ i!lt!l!!!ll!ll!!!f!f!!-- indiifcrenc:lf'and make it known (at\ and ,ide u a live town. A.roor Dayl . · , · . Stallt of New llnlco. at the of l:!llloc:t• mob, 1'195; ll'iratci,P&tulatioa f>f tr 1 and unemployment., oa ·- "Arbqr huet not OD• ., for the planting or trbts but for teaching the tmportance of .. Gn•ernor Setigtnlln bu il'lsued tbe conservation and l""'"ervatiC'In Parit ·to tbe AIUea, 1814. Wbe" 1ou preYent 7our ctntomtra -- -·stsoUBCES of fir ll t frotn your goods, you L dbcoaaw ........ . taU road bt!gu11. 1826; Battle of arc absolutely throwing meu out a. ll'ite Forkl, Vargtnia, 1865; of work. I k•n o w $>met bing a. Uon .. OOTcnlmech._ caritln ............ *u•• Turk!sh transport A I i a 11, about employillent I say that Oth•r bo:lctJi, a&ccb, a11d"' wreeked ia Red· Sea, 160 lott, tar1'ff red"· tbe number of A m• bwntd ............... .. .. li. t'uatometalltabllltJ oJlatenat 1901. ericau jrrbs 1 '-IQtetview w i t b .bt &«lllt&Dcu .. t(tlkd April 2 .... 0. S. Mint ntablbhed Hear,. Fotd, May 20. If. a.nklelho•••·lf.OO,l'lttlllt•,. ••t .._.._ aad: l•ttlr-.. onJl •• , ......... .. 1792; death of Count., · . r. &at.•t•t• ll1fDtd oU:er 1.1aaa 1191; Empreu of OJatrlct MU$IC Meet a. a*"• 4&tssiaia ditd·d Addl!t Ababa, &.alt, .................... 1930.- · ·- t, C"h lulil dot lt<tm bacltl ...... ApriJ l-Wubiarton Irving. au• Tularo5a will t .P tCf.OiuJd& cl:$cbud other cW1 lbor, 1783; Capture of Music Meet of District No. 8 u. Petersbbtg and lticbmoud. 18- Tomorrow, Saturdar. April 4. and dee trot:.> v. 8. 6S•, Battle of near Tbe high of tbe dil'!trict Treucrtr · 12. Ac«lltaeen of ot!M!r baab a11d Paris, 181L wUI have entries, itHrumental a ad bll •• ot•u.bacae or dfttt• April +-WilHam a. lfutiaori Yoice. for which se•enteen first ao!d wl!h I.DdotMO:eal of tbl• bank died 18-fl; American troops on prlsea and eight second prizes are u. .1iriag litte in F'rauee for .firtt offered. Prof. CrokoYic)l, wbo hu u. OO•n•ee• Spring i11 on tbe way· and witb \ 1Jroclamation ,]esignatlng Fri• ltJJ,ttLOl it C0tllt'9 tbe tbOUI!'b t of m 0 f e .. A' II 17 1931 A b of tree life. I ft'!lJil'Ct full' sur· · N · ·••v. pr as r 0 r t b t th I I t II f beautiful town ow 11 the tune 1-. i N M. gcs t a c nc II)O c 11 t ren o · ully n li!W .t.XICO, . d ' 1 r.z.oo.n to bCJtin to plan to plant a tree or . the state an !cltttf.'n"' In Jroner.a Ul llbrub or n bt>d of fi·lWCI'!I to im" the purposes and cooperate wttb uur fureatry ser• fMn PfOVC and beautify the bome." A tbe accntnphobmcnts to Yiec io tbc prevcotton or forest city io merely a number be obtaJDed from the Brta. Sucb fires not only dl'lltrOJ wJ of beautiful homes. One c11re· of the day, tbe Governor aayo •n great domains of beauttful treea V1.1' Jenlv kept place can mar tbe part: which cannot bl:' n•placed wttbin beauty (Jf au entire block, •·On tbis day, and iu fact dur• a !ifetime, but carry wtth them must' inl':tol'lblf the present policies of.etodOmJ in SlOVernmeb\. 1 '-F'rom t1 e r bert tlpover's c:ampaigb apeecb at El· babethton, 't'enn .• O.:t 6, 1928. ing tbe entire 1 e a r. chiMreo the destruction of useful timber, ld be at11cbool and at water sbctlo, ruountaln ntreams, howe tbat trees arc tht.'tr friends; rob tbe soil or producttvJty, k•ll a that trees are oot only of r n r c great variety of unme and drive beaut.Y hut that they afford it from its natural b o me . It b,ospitality of cool nbetter trow allouhl be pointed nut that nucb the beat of tbe !IUtnWE'r sutt and ruin and loss it v At ways pNtect U9 frotn the icy Winds O( brougbt atJoctt lbtougb 111Uli!OOC 1 S winter; tbat trees are the &Mtural carelusness. bomc of song birdll end c sbcher time, 1918; Qtleeli Victoria. of charge of tnusie itt tbe .Carrizozo 'tQtAL ........... ............. · Pro1Ji6ition . Enforce11! OlD DOC BIRD gys for tbe wild life of fnrestc; that without trees the wur!d would be <.;leaned Uy U.s Swedelit died at Rome. 1930. High School, •ill bave a number LIAl!ILITtr:s .AptU Yale. founder of oftntries. and all of ut hope to Ia ••••••.•• Yate CoUtre- botn1645; Battle bear that our eta iss has .m.ade a t.t ...... .... .. .. .. of Maypu ai:ld eiDaacipatioa of g()Od showing wbea final reo 11. ttr.dhMeds:rc«w-att,. ...... .. · suUs btve been summed up. 19. Bt.en• for eon. ., tla_.,lld.,. etc ................ ... J,C:Alll ' . - . Reinember, the fir•t launJreJ year• ar• the wettut - one vast stretch of desolation, L 1 d . · 'tb r .. fi ld . Jd ut :au our tH•w !Ill• wt 00 recrea &on 1 " WI er proved vacuum mach mr. ju"t tlls• ness areas, no majt>'lUC forests tailed. ukes aJJ the nod duat such as now invite tired maokilld 1 "out of Then our &fhimpoo into tbeit itnpt'rial RiiCIH'l' for rut\ process eluu!l u.erm<:% and Ui o t h aod spiritual illSJ'ira tiou. proofs brtnJ(s out tht> eot_ors ..,_· \ . . .. aKalu 1 stands up the tlop a n d uTreu be planted n ma:kl!5)'oar l'Ufii Iooft ni'w igaid. living memorials to o u t heroic We ue tbe only red ma ttreu dead. tbe boys wbo thl' &U• ren(Wators in end of t h e prem:e satri6ce in tbtt d('fenai:! or fltatc; all our. work in kUaruHetd . . · ·T· · b 1 1 b ... ··• Pbone write or sevd .four ruga our ... rees a ou 1. . orit laud to- the Gite&'l by the Carriiozti Study Clttb, fortbt betlefit of tbe Carti!Zoio Chi b. . . . . ' O.M ••'t'.ttPSE tlUSSAN,PS of OURS.'; Plen: t)' M Jatigbtet aQ<\-fuu. . . .. 8,01583 . liJ,!GM1 lU,I8!.30 blgbwaysuamed ao1l dc!dtcU·f &: Rugs Co. t{o!lwell. ed to tbi11 ueted N Mtx. *!.·:·· : · :,; .: .. a ·it\; ''3i.d ;;zd·.-J.L .. s. - ... et!!!Miii ' . I r - .. BEsT lbby PtggJ' · Ho1fywood starlet In •etob: adell. !iia;iug, a ad daaclug. The ·of ca.titot,.ilt ·ana N'•tl•e.of Olit owar home totrnl · · t ,_, ' ' · ••Wnblrr Our Porttlan . ti•lng J) i c t u. r e • of · mb:ltle4 tac4t. eJinai:tet{;e:.f bf cos:t.ttm:uJ alid -... . . . I ' " -j - ' ... . ' . . ' . ·. I . . . - gK-t .. .. ·. .·· ....... ... . . ·- . . ' . .._ 11.4$ ttJi.OO . .. .·- . ;, ., .. '- . ' " ........ l .......... " ............... , •. ......... , .. . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ·'i'. :l'A'Itt. Jf.&•• · 1:3rattlliffi . ' Rellible · Drqs <And SUBdrtes- •, . . W&e;t to" purth11ee UlWG$ ltlndttld .gupplfee )'Ott waht . we 111 $e"lee, Qu•ntr· and Jo 'Yidut. · a wl\at you g«!t .. We: . e-auy all1inUilttaUtlargUtock t'!f 'fjlteb ae: . • Statlon•t'ft lltJtOket .upp1fea C•Qt)fe•· -"' . 1'()itet . . . -- - - , ., - '. l •• .- ' brut, Stare -fr·-··_r:y_·---··c;,·s· rl;-, 'W_.,·--- r_-f,r_'H First ·sank . OARl:UZOZO. N. M. ,--_--- dt_ ·; ·_·r 6t:f"r''i':a !.c·· 14 We ReCOli1rtiend tile but a nee - ' - - . . ••r..,. iitlt Nati'Mal S.nioe:"'·· (S:.AVE) ,, ' ! . i '

Transcript of · 2020. 12. 22. ·...

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,. VOl/UM~ .VJ- N~w•, OAJ.UUZOZO, NSW r4~XICO,. FRlD~ Y, APRl~ 3. t93l ~ ..

~===~·~=· ~. ~·c~.. •' :: !, ' :' • , ' ' .. , . \ . .~; ~ i ~!. . ~ II , , I ,· ,·~~:""~!~~~!!!·o:e~~· ==~~~ .. :~.~~~~·~=~~ i '

< CtstJI AUIIalStritru· ll IWt ·. Al!leri«HoreJ«.n lri!(elor ''IIMI'Y • . Wtileve.oed Thhlg$· · I:" .Sav<:<t · Sod om, ...,.1 ~-............ ... ... --......... --. _, .... ___ .. --.......... -..,

Yell's f .. il$.lw•twrds .P1ese~t · · . · · · . (oaunue,s OJJ DoWP <irlle JIQ' -tfotJsfl, ~hH~~il!t fqr a · - . . ......... . . OLDEST FORD·. DRIVER .. ptik PnUfV~S. . • · · _... Pp\ladi!lpbi~·Ne~ Yutk, or;~ 1\ wdl k~S>WA wrlteta!ly$ there . .. . .

-·· ' '.,.:.,.....,. ! W•abJua-tou, March . .- Atileri• his 1uin~al visit t() Kana:.$ brollgbt are three ktn~s ~f pcmph~ in · t,lle ~ W'allingt0~1 M•r.¢b, -Co .J!l ~ cal) export~ AQd hnports c;ootiPu~ . jptere!!tlng ·story, ~bout W world-t!J~ Can ts. tb~ ~on t~

menUng; (IIJ t h ~ ·llpptl1ps:i~tioniJ their dQWQWit«.l trend as sbowp !H'$. .H~ SA)'!! Mr. ,Rogers ~nd the.W!lls. l'lte ~11.11Js f!'il m•<le b.f the 'll~~CQogrj!st..l:ov~r· tbe pr:e.lhniP.ry tigures for w~s invite«.l tQ a dinner P•ttt !lt 111 everv.tbtn.l:l'• t,he Won tll oppose iiJI{ Ute tlraHwo y11ara pf Pre&i~ · . ar~ iaal.\ed. !)1 the I;)epart• the home or· ll· very we!laiti .oil even·t.btng-•. aud .the Wll,la nc•

. .-'

ci:e IJ t lloov'er~•, acl~Jui$tJ'a~iop, . t of Commerce magnate •. He nat~;~rall,y all&llmed comphsh evel(Ythtug. . 'Sc:natQ'i.' WWl•~ J.ltarria, raak• .E;~;ports, coUJpared witb l. b tbe role of etl'tertainer, W<ltl \be Every t >wn bas a sprlnlclin,::- of : -~ .. ill~ Dimocr.•tio 1mem~er ot t11e p~evious month of J a » u a r y, life of tbe party.·. A couple,... of e11ch kind 'mixed in .. wit It the I

Seaia.h\ 1\pprop.-hatiotus Comll;lit• dropped $.2l:667 000 aod impo~ta day!llitter the IQ;Jgn;lte received a Don't Car~s. le~, nld; . · , • f~ll off $8,213',000 on the ~QolltliJy bi!J froiD Rogers for $}500. The Tbe I D~m't C•..r~s neverdl) any~ , HThe .. )Jit lwo .Years. of. Presi· pllrison. ' magnate turned the bill over to tbing They art> .con lent tl> ,, let

J. dent CooliCige.'• a~Dl.ioiat~! 'rbe ,decline i~ .export trad.e ror liis tie~retary who c~lled 'R&gers things drHt with n~ dfort to bet• . $9,~98 814,7-il wa$ appropriated, ll'ebru·arv compared with · t h c on the telephone and asl!'l!d him ter them or to improve conditions

· anav•u·age.ol$1,64'9,4()7.27() T,be same motitb of ·~930. was $122,• wb.~t the charges wer.e'ror ·~For Tbcy don't wa·nt to be .bothered, -f1J),2<f9.8J9,000 of ~52.00.0, while tmpo~ts {IU tho- eut-:rtp.ining at the dtnnt:r pnty·" Every now nnd then the few and iiu.tb,qrjztdQlla tor: '.tbe Con· snwc comparttJOn dechqed $106,· "But ,yoq were il ~:uest d tbt· Wille~ in Jhe town rise up al'ld try gr~11• just cl9aed under Pre$id~ut JOI:lOOO • to~a.l loss of $229 559.• p.ut,v, Mr. Roge~s." s;ud tbe ~~c· Jo 1o something to odd to tbe pro•

J · ''lloov.C:r ef1u-la aboutt:wQ•tbirda Fur. etg~t m.orJthtS of. tl!e ret~ry, ••not a· paid 'entertainer;• t!ress of the town or to better · oul' total PP,blic d~bt •t t~is lime I.Ye~r end1ng Fe~r~arv, the Whereupon came the Mcxp~ctcd cflnditiontl •

·( ~,

(mort tbau ~ixtee.ttl>illloil dOllllrs) drop tn cxpor~s was ~1~ 134 IUU.· .answer: ~"I notic~;d ·~bat t h c Tht•y ore opposrcl by. tbc Ca n'ts moat of which w.a!l .left over ft<?.IU 000 and on rmporrs $1022,524• other fWests at tbe dinucr hat1 and the Wont•s \\rho hurnedi11 tely tbe World War. n 000, a total Joss in export trade tbe1r wives with them· mine was t b .Jd . k tb t k L d · • · • f b ' ·· gc usy au wa e c as uar •

The appropm.tiops of t h e for e1gbt. months o t e present oot invited." 0 The bill was pa'id · UooYer Conere&a, tb,e Senator fisc• I yeu of .$2,156,690,00_0. and it will be a .long time bofore cr. to-n 1.~ f "' " 1 b ~ If any r:ood comes to 11 " , 8lJJ, meant a tax of about $81 on 1 t"'e same r:auo uec tne. e that particular oil ma ... · •e lakrs

· f d f " ts because of thil Wills ond I eyerr one of tbe 122,"735 046 per• continued or the re~atn. er o Wall Rogers foz: a sucker. ,out in tbe U 1i't~d Su1tes, or the fiscal year, the dcchne to Am· . _ •pile of the \V(Jn'ts and Can'ts .abQIH $405 op everr family. Tbe erica_n f<?,r~,tgn trade would ap· Road Building The Lord. probably kuew. it average·familj income, the Sen• proxtma_te cb.rce billions, compar• would happon just this w a y. a tor .adds la <1lllJ $738 per 1ear. ed w.itb 1930, a low year. · -k a.·.re hence he bao nrro naed it so t bn t

~*:,&•WMG'M<:~'W*W'NWM, SMt•<illldY Tirffl,Rtft<es ftHI~r If AaerkH JUs, says Hell)' ferd · ·~.. Ills . Wetk ID ~Is tory · ~

11,.-:mzi':m'ft""'"oe<,r:Jt::>a;~ .. -Marc:b 30-A.laska PQrcbase, 18· "Wbo wanta this high tariff

~1; Meetinr of firat. cop~resa bill? We certainly don't• ••• ur.tderconatit~tion, 1'189;Steam• You say. it is tbe contention of er Rora1 Adel-ld~ •reeked off tbose wbo ar~ backiug it tbat it Margate. 400 lost. 1850. will revive iodustr1 •nd cure un

Two Federal pr,·jecls a 'few detertulned Willa can whip us proc:esa'of eoustructinn on tbc ~ wbolc tumv of Can'ts and Rujdoso nud uuot,her in prosprtt Won'tn a.nd stir into action between berc and CapHan. 1'be most sl~"t:"rd ~roup or 1 Don't tbree contracts will ruo well over Cares. balf a million dollars, mUch o1

ll'ortunn te indeed il'l the· tow a which will ,be put in circulation that 1119 l'v"o ooc dctermiot>d, en• ln Ltoc:uht county. . •

cr~etlc Wtll-for like tbc one rhcbteoutt man wbo could bue 93ved S rdom be cao save a town

. . ~ f ., - • •

J. M. Crow, 19, ot lthtl1 MI...., tht oldtll Ford driver In Mllllulppl, traveretd tht hletorlo otcS Nat~htl: Trao.,. In • oovend waaon tlght)'•tllitn y .. rt ago.

s runtd toaay at II u tht art proudoat memory 11 •. ot honorable •or· In .Amtrf"n hJatoey he •o pic- Tlc:o aa a Coutcdor~ato soldier durlnr turcsquel7 tnJIIlu~ J, J1. Crow the ClYll War. Whon tbo noUlhcrn

ot Ethel, lllu., 111 tlla ollftlt: Ford cauao collt~pscd, Crow '\vaa compelled drlvilr Jn !llillui.PP1 ad oDt ot tho to trudge .fOO mllca on too~ to tho ll1d--..> olde!t.Jn..the 'Unlted Stat81. homestead at Ethel where ho aotUed

down to rear a tamlly. · Wbcn u a babe ot two reatt ht rodo wlth hla paranll In one of a. tntn ~~ ll() ooYcrod waron• out or Cobb counl)', acomta, Llnto JollatllllPPI. the old Natcbc• Tract followed by t.he bra'YCI llttla band wu aWl Jnteatad by tbo awa.nhbnckllnr ntmana ·whon bloody outracea I&Ye that era 111 place In tbla couoll')"a bhtorr .. HUat ouuaw '/Cll'l'l."

One or hfJ '111'14 memorJu fa hear­filS', ... boy or 11%, the Dlh of Oen· eral ScoU'a YlctorJout aauult on tho holgbt. ot CllaJlllttPto wbleh ended the Uuk•i\ Wat 1A :un, and hla

In tho Intervening yearn ho hu ocen the lumbcrlnr atllSccoacb nlve '#lilY to the ftcot automobile nnd tfio comfort· ablo motorbul, tho soaur cumbo and rough corduroy roadG ot lllo childhood to tho wldo, vavcd roada of todi\Y, and althou&h bo wu tone PllOt mltJdlo ere betoro t.ho modern automobllo bctllme commonvlace ht fa a11 cnthunlasUo & drher aa roun,satcra who can bout I••• tban ono-quartcr ot hla fCll'l'l.

Flye ronal'tltJona or Crow'a tamli.Y' are frtl)uently aeon tosctltcr In btl :r.Jo4el A Ford, tho second ot 111 tYPe Crow hu owned and driven.

' Marcb 31-BotltOP1 Port Bill pus• empl9J'Dltllt. 1 SIJ it wi11 ha1e ,.~Wtn•Dl•ttlc\No.JL C4a~f<o,J-.

td, 1774; ll'reqeb National prec{s~Jy the reverse. e1Iec:t. It a.-' ot lh• QOlldl~lon ct t&. l'f ll8'l' C:Oil'f'entiou surrou•ded bt a will etbltifr busibess and indus• A.Tl01U L »A H X.

a ud w a k c it fro w itt I e t b or JC 1 of ..,e,s hl!=a!: .• ~:~, ali:'c:l!a ·:!I!: eeoc•=·· d!!!'!!:-tiC:.s:J:•: e!!!t· !':!!' eC!:: !:!!' , =:~u!:!!.•en=!S!--•!!!• ·""=·T'·· =· ,..,!:!!.!:!!'~'" ~· C!-~C!z • ...,.!!!C!!~-~""'"-'-"":t.!I'!! ... C21Z!,.,.,. __ i!lt!l!!!ll!ll!!!f!f!!-­

indiifcrenc:lf'and make it known (at\ and ,ide u a live town.

A.roor Dayl . · , · . Stallt of New llnlco. at the c~• of l:!llloc:t•

mob, 1'195; ll'iratci,P&tulatioa f>f tr1 and iocr~ase unemployment., oa :Mueht:~, 1~1. ·-"Arbqr D~y huet ~"Ide not OD•

., for the planting or trbts but for teaching the tmportance of

.. Gn•ernor Setigtnlln bu il'lsued tbe conservation and l""'"ervatiC'In Parit ·to tbe AIUea, 1814. Wbe" 1ou preYent 7our ctntomtra ---·stsoUBCES

A~rill-Gobstr~tion of fir ll t frotn pu~cba•ldg your goods, you L r.ou:a~d dbcoaaw ........ . taU road bt!gu11. 1826; Battle of arc absolutely throwing meu out a. Or~dratc. ll'ite Forkl, Vargtnia, 1865; of work. I k•n o w $>met bing a. Uon .. Ut&tn~ OOTcnlmech._

caritln cw~td ............ *u•• Turk!sh transport A I i a 11, about employillent ~Uid I say that '· Oth•r bo:lctJi, a&ccb, a11d"'

• wreeked ia Red· Sea, 160 lott, tar1'ff red"· tbe number of A m• co,~lll• bwntd ............... .. .. li. t'uatometalltabllltJ oJlatenat

1901. ericau jrrbs 1'-IQtetview w i t b .bt &«lllt&Dcu .. t(tlkd April 2 .... 0. S. Mint ntablbhed Hear,. Fotd, May 20. 1~30. If. a.nklelho•••·lf.OO,l'lttlllt•,. ••t .._.._ aad: l•ttlr-.. onJl •• , ......... ..

1792; death of Count., r•~au, · . r. &at.•t•t• ll1fDtd oU:er 1.1aaa

1191; 'J.'~e Empreu ~coditu of OJatrlct MU$IC Meet a. t!!!::~J'edew a*"• 4&tssiaia ditd·d Addl!t Ababa, &.alt, .................... ~.····· 1930.- · ·- t, C"h lulil dot lt<tm bacltl ......

ApriJ l-Wubiarton Irving. au• Tularo5a will ~Ht~ftil6 t .P ~· tCf.OiuJd& cl:$cbud other cW1 ~·. lbor, bor~:t1 1783; Capture of Music Meet of District No. 8 u. ~.:U~ii;~''iti~·;i~··u:·&

Petersbbtg and lticbmoud. 18- Tomorrow, Saturdar. April 4. l'~t;UOitlt and dee trot:.> v. 8. 6S•, Battle of Co~trbeYofe, near Tbe high t~cboola of tbe dil'!trict Treucrtr ·

12. Ac«lltaeen of ot!M!r baab a11d Paris, 181L wUI have entries, itHrumental a ad bll •• ot•u.bacae or dfttt•

April +-WilHam a. lfutiaori Yoice. for which se•enteen first ao!d wl!h I.DdotMO:eal of tbl• bank

died 18-fl; American troops on prlsea and eight second prizes are u. ~rU!etborwlted .1iriag litte in F'rauee for .firtt offered. Prof. CrokoYic)l, wbo hu u. OO•n•ee•

Spring i11 on tbe way· and witb \ 1Jroclamation ,]esignatlng Fri• ltJJ,ttLOl it C0tllt'9 tbe tbOUI!'b t of • m 0 f e .. A' II 17 1931 A b of tree life. I ft'!lJil'Ct full' sur·

· N · • ·••v. pr • • as r 0 r t b t th I I t II f beautiful town ow 11 the tune 1-. i N M. • gcs t a c nc II)O c 11 t ren o · ully n li!W .t.XICO, . d ' 1 r.z.oo.n to bCJtin to plan to plant a tree or . the state an !cltttf.'n"' In Jroner.a

• Ul llbrub or n bt>d of fi·lWCI'!I to im" Conc~rning the purposes and cooperate wttb uur fureatry ser• fMn PfOVC and beautify the bome." A tbe des~rable accntnphobmcnts to Yiec io tbc prevcotton or forest

b~autiful city io merely a number be obtaJDed from the observao~e Brta. Sucb fires not only dl'lltrOJ wJ of beautiful homes. One c11re· of the day, tbe Governor aayo •n great domains of beauttful treea


Jenlv kept place can mar tbe part: which cannot bl:' n•placed wttbin beauty (Jf au entire block, •·On tbis day, and iu fact dur• a !ifetime, but carry wtth them

~·we must' inl':tol'lblf ~pursul' the present policies of.etodOmJ in SlOVernmeb\.1'-F'rom t1 e r bert tlpover's c:ampaigb apeecb at El· babethton, 't'enn .• O.:t 6, 1928.

ing tbe entire 1 e a r. chiMreo the destruction of useful timber, ld be tau~tht at11cbool and at water sbctlo, ruountaln ntreams,

howe tbat trees arc tht.'tr friends; rob tbe soil or producttvJty, k•ll a that trees are oot only of r n r c great variety of unme and drive beaut.Y hut that they afford nt~tbt it from its natural b o me . It b,ospitality of cool nbetter trow allouhl be pointed nut that nucb the beat of tbe !IUtnWE'r sutt and ruin and loss it o~><~r' v At ways pNtect U9 frotn the icy Winds O( brougbt atJoctt lbtougb 111Uli!OOC1S

winter; tbat trees are the &Mtural carelusness. bomc of song birdll end c sbcher

time, 1918; Qtleeli Victoria. of charge of tnusie itt tbe .Carrizozo 'tQtAL........... ............. t~U.m.m

· Pro1Ji6ition . Enforce11! • OlD DOC BIRD gys

for tbe wild life of fnrestc; that without trees the wur!d would be ~uga <.;leaned Uy U.s Swedelit died at Rome. 1930. High School, •ill bave a number • LIAl!ILITtr:s

.AptU .s-~liha Yale. founder of oftntries. and all of ut hope to u.c.Dt&aJatoc~kP&~d Ia ••••••.•• • Yate CoUtre- botn1645; Battle bear that our eta iss has .m.ade a t.t eat~~ID•······ ...... .... .. .. ..

of Maypu ai:ld eiDaacipatioa of g()Od showing wbea tb~ final reo 11. ttr.dhMeds:rc«w-att,. ...... .. ChiltU~lfJ, · suUs btve been summed up. 19. Bt.en• for diTid•~>da, eon.

., tla_.,lld.,. etc ................ ...


' .

- .

Rein ember, the fir•t launJreJ year• ar• the


-one vast stretch of desolation, L 1

d . · 'tb .· r .. fi ld . Jd • ut on~:l'r; :au our tH•w !Ill•

wt 00 recrea &on 1" ~· WI er proved vacuum mach mr. ju"t tlls• ness areas, no majt>'lUC forests tailed. ukes aJJ the d~rt nod duat such as now invite tired maokilld 1"out of r~"•· Then our &fhimpoo into tbeit itnpt'rial RiiCIH'l' for rut\ process eluu!l u.erm<:% and Ui o t h aod spiritual illSJ'ira tiou. proofs tb~w. brtnJ(s out tht> eot_ors

~~.~·· ..,_· April~9 \ . . .. aKalu1 stands up the tlop a n d

uTreu sbo~td be planted n ma:kl!5)'oar l'Ufii Iooft ni'w igaid. living memorials to o u t heroic We ue tbe only red ma ttreu dead. tbe boys wbo p;~id thl' &U• ren(Wators in tbi~t end of t h e prem:e satri6ce in tbtt d('fenai:! or fltatc; all our. work in kUaruHetd • . . · ·T· · b 1 1 b ... ··• Pbone write or sevd .four ruga our c:~untt.t• ... rees a ou 1. . orit laud utUtr~•~e" to- the t~oswell

Gite&'l by the Carriiozti Study Clttb, fortbt betlefit of tbe Carti!Zoio Wor.naa~a Chi b. . . ~ . . '

O.M PJ&y-COm:ed~: ••'t'.ttPSE tlUSSAN,PS of OURS.'; Plen: t)' M Jatigbtet aQ<\-fuu. . . ..

8,01583 . liJ,!GM1 lU,I8!.30

blgbwaysuamed ao1l dc!dtcU·f Mattt~M &: Rugs Co. t{o!lwell. ed to tbi11 ueted ~ausD N Mtx. *!.·:·· : · ~ :,; .: :r::~ .. a ·it\; ''3i.d ;;zd·.-J.L .. :c:::t='>h;;.::.,b.*~:..=.s,, s. -... et!!!Miii

' .

I r -..

BEsT OFAU.~- lbby PtggJ' Farl~.t~ · Ho1fywood starlet In •etob: adell. !iia;iug, a ad ta~ daaclug. The •e~iatiot~ ·of ca.titot,.ilt ·ana Ari~aaa. N'•tl•e.of Olit owar home totrnl · · t


' '

· p~. Pq•••~~. ••Wnblrr Our Porttlan . ti•lng J) i c t u. r e • of · mb:ltle4 tac4t. eJinai:tet{;e:.f bf cos:t.ttm:uJ daa.e~ alid ~l!((lr.lg, -...

. . .

I ' " - j -

• ' ... . '

• . . ' . • ·. I

. J· . • . -~ tiw;.J~ ·~ gK-t .. t~ .. ·. .·· ~-,Jt-....... .,..~1 -~ ... . . ·- . . •

' . .._ ~~ ~ 11.4$ ttJi.OO t{~ .


.·- . ~~eett~. ;, ., .. '- If;,,.,_.,~,. . ' " =-~ ........ l .......... " ............... , •. -.·.-..----.~ ......... , .. .

' '

' • • '

' ' .

·'i'. ~ :l'A'Itt. Jf.&•• · ·MMiii~Q.W.

1:3rattlliffi • . '

Rellible · Drqs <And SUBdrtes-


. . W&e;t to" purth11ee UlWG$ e~r ltlndttld .gupplfee )'Ott waht . we mot~t 111 $e"lee, Qu•ntr· and Jo 'Yidut. · That.~ a wl\at you g«!t h~~ .. We: . e-auy all1inUilttaUtlargUtock t'!f "~ed• 'fjlteb ae: .

• Statlon•t'ft lltJtOket .upp1fea Ob~lc~ C•Qt)fe•· -"'

. 1'()itet MUcf~• itubbti'~·· . . . - - -

• - , • • ., - '. l •• ~- .- '

brut, Stare -fr·-··_r:y_·---··c;,·s· rl;-, 'W_.,·--- r_-f,r_'H

First ~National ·sank . OARl:UZOZO. N. M.

,--_--- dt_ ·; ,;~jo·'• ·_·r 6t:f"r''i':a ·-v·~ !.c·· ;-.'m-r:r-~~ '-..,.w~s-v·~''?t'lzl\-·e· 14

We ReCOli1rtiend tile but a nee - ' - - .

. ••r..,. iitlt Nati'Mal S.nioe:"'·· (S:.AVE)


' !

. i


Page 2: · 2020. 12. 22. · • • . ( •• • ..... ,........,...._..,.......,.,...... ........ ,.,.......,"''"""""""'.....,....-:"'~...,.,...,.,...,..,.,.......,.,.."""7

. ' '- '

' I 'harlt .. II. Uerty at.. New York, tormer pre.ld~mt ot filii American Obl!m·

h·ul IIO<'letJ, eumlrlln~e 11Cedlln1 plnca wllleh will be usc'd to tarQ' out lila dl11cover.r U111t wt•lto now•t•rlnt paper Jnl)' be m11,de trom •'ahaell" plqe, • new 110urro ot JIUip, Tho paper wna exhibited botor• thol At!wta (,~mbtr of llommercc>, With tile IUMiCitiOD lbat IOUlllem bUilnell Ule the dltCOYeQ' tO dovolop a now Jndu•trr. · '

A 1\'ICWK I'I'EAI tclla ot a woman \ThO klll"d llllrlllllt In tt>ar or bclna

eau&bt In a Jl(l by tho ~nsua burt':lu. It lt,.lDJI that at tho l!r.'O l'CJIIUI

tbla woman I"'Wordlfd heir nsre thrco 7"1lhl hwa I hnn It waL Tbla time 1110 •

-- lol,n!lt'fl lo ""'"'"' tho error, but IJO. c·um .. oh•owwd wiUJ tear thnt the dllf' <'rocuuwy would bo dlllt'D\'i'l"'ltl. AU· tlrlt>DIIIIIf llul VIall ot lho cen11111 talc• .,,. ro•l'flnlly, II Ia 1nld U1at lho mero ring ut llu• duor bell wa1 enough to llt'ntl hrr h11o hldlnlf.

A II hough 11111 woman had lu:-t!n nat• urnlluod In thl1 eoantry twrn17 Yl'lll'l •cu. nod llu.>rotoro wu an Amorlran .-lll•••n, al1o wrote In a noltt wflll'JJ wae round In her bomP, "'" nro told, thoae wonh · "f am •arrald t11o l'rl'lldcot will liP port mo."

one'• nrat commcmt, Ia, qt totitM, -----------The Miami Crowdad

• •1 Hugh Hutton. I A tllhor of tzuu,. Natural Ulalory.)

T UI!l rrowdld wu dllconffd bt. a band ot JTalton bunt1a1 lo the

t:n'r&lad.a tour yeara 11o, and wu ••tcf'ft to Miami wbue 111 entrJdlc llh&IDI WU Ulf!d to I«<.piD1 tho crator~ on the new nbdi,IIIOU. Ita abllltf to ellp roupotll Wll IOOQ dla• eof'l'ttld, ana In nMrl7 ne,., omce a crowdad ran bt toulld boldlna a coa. poa In one claw and dlppln1 I& with tht other. Tlle ettaturee do bOt bue

to be UN, u thtJ t'llllllot tranl tar, alnre 111•7 are wta.l17 left·baiU'Ied 111 one! ot their bind lt'fl alld cnuat co Ia ~I nita.

1'111 htad 0( tbt ffl!Wdld II a I'll• ~. \tUb PHn•t ktmel btalc •ntl Mnt. Tit llle bod1 are fa•tmtd tOOUI• jlldt ltp. Call, and nMk. Sptll a1111ond kl!hlelll form tile clawa. wbtle the bind tON art dov4'~ _

f~ lol:ttNNlltu H..,..,._ hftl«o' WNI.J a•nlt ..

60~·~~~~~~~~ Some Neiahborly


·-. rrt ... c .. t ....

Sttfpet 'Wtre tormerlt characttrltUc Ot t'tliOD cJU-. tw1J¥ bt«UH tllf)'• wtlll! btU«td to contttbute to tbf d~

, femnt ttftd ot prilon l!lll &110 to ·make It mort dltrlC11lt tor a prJiontr tet ~J(llpt. lo mott ptt.orl .. IIOWtTer, l'ti'IPtJ llaTt be«n dobe ant with fll> JJtt11 or reeerred Cor thlrd•Jtade prl•

,.._ __________ _,,• Ollfrt. !bat1n1 the pH.tooer'li balr 11 .,PIMitts 1 ,.. ~ .. ., uya ,,....., . P&rtl1 Cor lllflltai'J' R&IOill and alto

tical ,~ly, "Wt tit "''" wantt w . P.ttlt tot ldtfltlf1fJII ~ Jlltk a ltmtll tttcat.tM It Inti ltcltlf'·"

WtJlJ'tfalt.)-WHU hn~

S.Utl C.•fllft Tbl!tl 11 • arut dtal ot solid tom­

tort In tD&IdUI UP' )'OUr mlnd that Jl)l are better ott without the thlnp ro• can't hue.-Atchllon Olobt. cw.r JUte ....... ..,. Jlon tiwt halt the tow world pro­

d'ucUoQ ot rl~• 1.1 rtowa la tbt Drltlah ftl'l.Pin. whlcll Wo atppUet6Jpet teat ot th• world'• rubhr, M pet C1!Dt ot Jta tattle and G1 pel! c:tftt or fl.• AhHP­-Loodoa Anner&


"~ t.~vn 1.

. -· ~


. fafi's&lil · · .



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. ' :'

: · .. MOOSSEt~JNES: ... pAftTNSft: \VITI I. ·. . ... ~:. :~~T::~FOR,.FQJJMAI;;. DRESS

'.') -~ ~ '': ~ ,• :• • ~· -·:·X.·,_ ~. -~ ' ...... \ L·, -:,"",!···_,': • .··:! ~ Ao ... • _''• '-~· .. J.·. • ' ' ' ,. <f;

. ·. ~· ,· . l~ib=~~~;,t;:;~:~~~~'j~-=1 ::;~~~~·~if';·;:: .~~e:.C~t::: .· r, t~l$ ~· ~ .. Jfl .. a Jlll,lttet Qf ~lor. ~hit toJo '~~WlJPI,llf~ .th~t p!Waq.!tl9~!11 . . · . 1' . ~lpl!~-. l(l Welt ~Ad~ara.r tQ te•• .and. ~i=bt tllet arJ lUI ~ott c.. ~d. 114:. b. u · · F · k e H. ·

. t!Jt'IJ (p!lt.'aaf sl,l(llf !}II' J!Qfl~n~ m llle!.)UfQJ _,. IIVI1r1 ·. · · . . · • · '/ ~tt\.lt~ rQ!l, .-. agcm. 1.

. . ®1!2~~~~ wMte~ w~rc;~ ·~ t;!!Untl1 . . $t\i"a of ¢ar1Jir hJgJ& ·•~~er wn· · · ·• t9~el~ to ~·~~ (lth!ii'. ~~ 1•ct. tb'' t~tibO!ie•W'*·Jio:l~te!·.a~:.·f!ll. A• . . . . ... · . . ..

• JnC)~ oQt ·CIUlllf~;~rdlnal'1 th~t alfi#IJ!ce, tor ~lor, at"'w• b~Ye con, riQtoua. A. .f()t ~e J'reaul~t 'the ll!l!lrter. ~~~· ~snJta; accor~J to Jl.fac:k and n•v ~mea III'Jit nnerl!llf Wartime CaP~ !'hlltp Qrowne 9( tl:«!


• •·

the: m04ern WaJ ot tblnJdar~ · · · re!l~v~ wiU. whlt• -9\" Uaht ),Jlu&. '.l,"bett Quartermaster· ~rpa. ~atllln.nt llJ'!liJ, . lJiYtl:l til •. ~Jt ~~~~r,vat$VIt ~anpot tb~...,.. bJ'Il~ wlil~ll J11 the dernler. ~rl had , beeu a pea~etline , poll~e

but .aeqg~ ~ taiat•· tqr. Weso }lAW .~:t• · f!>r ~rlnz. ~mPJta.•J• Is alao placed on the fa~ at Waabfm:ton, D. Q. feet•. ~ f!l~l9~!.a~ .'ar' l!~UUIIJ 1111 .atrl-llf' .~lltta.llt. au.::li •• wbtte the course of hi• llrtllnary dUtl~ . th!lm tW. ~lr'OIJ, ltf• hW:reaUnf, ~r *•" 111ter:wC!VI!~ w1tl\ eetlo- C!tt~n WI! red at~ otnclal creetlng to t.l.le enlllPle to tee ftiii;IJWl!ltQ ~JtOU11$eUaa · phaae,. or II) trl-eolo.r elfei:t 111 black, clll~.f otllclal or tbe nation, Pr$1ldel;lt

· • · · ' · · · WC!odrow \VIIBQII, Tbe .twa wer~. JllU

" . • . '


made tiP with · hllck nlret, •the ftOUQt'fll OD th.!t ild~ Ull~emaUn& tJlli hi'O•INttrlala u ahowl\ tQ tbe rJabt In the a~omp&tlyfh& IIJUUmtlon. Thla c:'harmiQI enaiDr dresi ls cone otbu

ml~bt Bill• "bualn~ aCQualntaiu:ea. .. On June 7, 1018, an alr rnld wor~;~hill

ot the llJlproacb or' hostile airmen, sbunlled ·behind the Une• where Cap­tain Browne was stntlonllft From their plnces <it snrct)' tlie French In, bnbltqntaan\1 Ca11~1n Dr11wne WAtched the German llh;ht lD action. ShortiJ, Allied pluncs nscendcd to Klre tmtU" One of the (]ermnn ships, @ . Fc>kker trlplnne wns toreel) low. enough tor antl·nlrerntt bntte.rlcs to get tJie range and wns hlt b)' 11 shell fnll· 1 ment. , , .

'l'he Qernmn A\'lator fou~ht , to rt­taln control of bla pt11ne but nnall,r was forced down In a wbeut fteltJ. Imuglne his embarrnlln'lent to lind Cpptnln Browne,.,. who bad fOllowed ·In an anto~ohlle, cov~rln~ lt}m with hfa service revolver. rmagtne then, lmm.e­

. dlnt~JT after, ble complete anno.vllliee wbeiJ' the former pollcem11a lillled

. from Ills pocket• 1 pair, ot band~•

white and rtd. orsni(', brown 11cd palo beJ't. fll\'1• wbUe and cray, tlie lat• tu an UpeCisl t.avo.rtto with smart Parllllt1lbh at tbe prrscnt momiJlt.

and mapped them on bls wrlata. · Dnvlng fastened the "bracelets'' .b~

had brought from prtYate life, C4ptaJn . Browne proceeded to poliCJs hllllfl}t ot tlle surprlaed aviator'• cap and cme shoulder atrap. TheM. after ear~ wrnpplnr. were mailed rre.tderit \VII· lllln bJ bls "buslneu acqualntan~.... · tbe ex-policeman.

A "P--.1oatini.: ~U:1a" Ottic:er Jn·lo Cobb. the humU'i".t, Ia knon

moat wldel¥ toda7 tor bla wriUntf• of ftctlon for ·whleb he Jald tll•· rrollll4-work b7 ncW'tJDIIU reporting Ill tal• naU,·e ltaducah. Ky .. and In New l'ork eltt. When be btlcat~ to he tamoua. Cobb waa called U1e "Duke or l'adu· ~ah." am! In the earl¥ part or tbe war hie Kentuek7 orhtln won fill' bill$ the rank or colonel on the stair ot lbe (OTeroor of KentuckJ,

tbaa a Wortla cretti()Jl, • J'or lbe "tor,aal cltH~" ttlll!mble

llao •lion ~ Uae pfc:'Uttel, \'lonnat topt a whttt ._,.IRllae tt«l. wJlb a tittle

~ t1!%tao Jaatt •d• of lhter Ttlnt 111 a Atep J'td. t-.,

J'~ •• thrUIID£: are the aha~~U ot I be an eli•"·~. Crown• are dUfer­•t. btblt 'that ab.aUow tbe1 aet tb« htt WQ' bllcll: oa ·tbe llead. AA4 brims l Well. whlt'• <0111111 Ita Uae WQ' of tlat• temr U&\ Yti'AUie 'r11111 word~ taU to clHcrlbe.~ tl'hlte It cJhll •oda we bow, tllt. I&U wJUa a baiMIN• which wr. u.e brftra • 1a W11tte .. te11da lD u.e ta~ at Ike preHAt momeuL

Cobb'a commlulon wn1 recelJed ahortiJ ttttore he embarkt'd on a war corre.poadent'a a•lt:nment otemaL De a~Mtt~bled tat2otia and almott un­Jnltchllblo parta of a uniform aDd 4oDn,ed tlle"oiJUit on bit W'IIJ' aerq•. IJhorU1 an~ landlnc Cobb wu fat .... 'flewed b7 a aedou•mlnded toi'IISOfl JoarnaU.t who made the IDQultJ:

"'W0t012 1011 tell m~ llr. Cobb, j1Jt what btllfol'!ll It ll' JOU are wearln&f'

.. \Veil," rrs•lled tbe humorllt. "toll .ee. 1 am an omcer on the lbtr ot the .rottn~or or Kentuc:'kJ, ll11t tlio unl· torm-ab, JHI the lnllfonn Is tbat of a deh2 mar&ttal Jn tbe PalttUnlan

nta teen., tlaat two •terta&a .,. '*'e thaJa "' Ja Ia ao ·wlst cocftned to Ute t.rMal ett~tiJta mode, but tlte llf.QUMIIt prenlll thi'O'I&bOIIt all tub­JO!Wo&. owrbl• · tt.lw'l wJUt llie orqid~ cld1'04 t~t.~• tona .,!Mtp Jokes tOPt t)e attemoo11 crepe.~ .. aJid abe IIIU:I.l Wl)'i fll Wl!lclt deiltft· era are ttllhtlaJ dart zona wiU.Iaee ls a rertfattoD,. Vlllea. trw ~ a blade trtpe .two-pl«e ~ WIIb llttlt pltat'-"M,.w)&te onl1 ~t lbe ~~,,~~-~ ~ll()e. bllt


'l'Jie lltUI bat It tlte top ~ tf&h• r. a 'vauet.. Jt aur.i&; . •oqb to rtYeal a. · . . . b&D!SeA._

The c-od:" Jo Uae ldt · a baku ln ~tat ural rotor. A 'dlllter of creeu.t red aad ".. eon q'lllUa on tlte bucJtt• lahJUie pt,ace of lowers.

lD orderl to pt•ce the amnt 6ft Itt tacJaa-~r . ., •• -~ra nbbou. the btlnt or u~ bat ~tettd fo· the rl&bt


ruahlsl" . And ao. ctu1J d•rozdelet In tb~ fllea

or a J,.ondon paper. ls tK'IITded t."obb'a bl&h ran\: In behlllt H .old ,Palestine. •• ftltllfalJJ' report~ bT th• London jounta Uat. ··

• • •



' ' . . ' ' ., 'I!' ·- . '· •

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..... 1--·.·

• . l 'I'-

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. "

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Like Color • • • the best ·Gasoline . • . -

is Blended . •

"''' T&m IJ Straisht•run Ouolint,~ aivt JQnr and llllfl lflilt•l'· '1'hnt it Cl"krd 0-.ollnt within wcll·bo!'n 41fll•ht~4 qualicy. ·

Lilli tlie a rein wltl1 his colon, CONOCO nlincn ulu:. thftt d1rrt typn of pofiiiC In b'lanctd propor­dcw and bkni! them. 'tht mule it n plfuln& co the car owner u b a .1\.cmltrl.lllc to tAt art connoiu(\lt. Of tounr tht ~Ill of "bowill& how'" 5J 1ht ylul clcmtnt •ad It il here tluc CONOCO RliMn excel.

ConY !net you nell of tllt mttit of . CONOCO llcndrd Ga10llnr. Trt ic • today, You "'UI find thla triplt•rm motor lutl 'lfhert'trr you uell&t CONOCO 1\N Triu,lt.


poet just betoro ll•o tlmo khodtlled tor tho l~lnre.

.Aitt'r t'arefullr puttln$: the bank note~" In bla wnllet and fltorln~r tbem In an Jrulde podtet tho grent llr. Ar­nold, radiating twl't'tnellll and lls;bt. strolled out on tho platform bl'fore bla 1n1IUng and enthuBlafltfe acdleneo lttld bt~nn hi• lecture on "The Re­l:rt'Uobll' Teiu!ency Towrird lfalertli• lm In .Amt'rlc:a."-l'otbllnder liB'"• rlne

Dr. Pld'ce'• Pellett ._,. beat 101' Jtnr, bowet. and lfolllllclt. 011e litU. P.uet C~ w Ju:ath·-tJJre, m a t.alh&rtki.-AdT.



lflill)' 1t rnan !1 tlot tn the b:sek tard bemo:mln~ bl• luck wbm lor• !:::::=========== tntle lctli>Ckl at the front dOOr, S.-fW•I HQY)"

- ·~

lfrs. Qlt<'k llwtd. liOmetlllnt falL. t ~lltUe_.Dara. ~a me- t~t~ln~ ttntl hold"

tor hla heud. "Wf1at tell ~n JOUr h~d. Dllnt"

abe asked • ''l dld.'' he ~~c>bbect •

•• For


..u .... • , ,. ..... EtUT recreant who ptoTed hf•

trmfdUt Ill the lillllr. ot danrer wn atterwarcl bofdat hi wow aDd to»~t~e.-'tac:ltt:Nr,;

troubles. --- ..

•• \ •

• *

Sunshine ~-~·.J.,. -All 'W'U.Uf' I.A · · ·

.··· .. . At ·· ·· · · ·· · · . .

GS o-,-,........_~~~=---"~- '

tJ..1M1• . . .


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-- · Ccnlnty !(~~ Tr~ ~al~ Urowllll~ $~o11t.. ,.-,~,l'l~ti~J. t?ih~ · · '' '•'w¢qi£fr:l~~;,,. - '~elebi'~W~ . _ , · • . • ~ PqbJiahed·:'tvefr l'ritla)' · · . , • · ·. · · · ··. . · · · . · · · · · .·· . . · " · · · · · ·· · · · · . · .. . ' .·· .· ,..,. . · · ·· ' · · · · ' · : ~ · .. ·· i · .. · ·· .. ·. ·: .·. . •. · . lac,ru$l;!il. irJ 'CJievrt>h!t Mot.<~r s·c:oqttt;tn$ter CeeH Self . ~t4l'4~~ P' $~~u.;t.<o:;. · · A 1' Pfi~:~ustea . Dr.$:>tt h11.a ,~ . . . J•$t · ~-:::~= '""!!' i~·' ''~'t'''"-''i"*""' '··"!·~~"'!F p~rti.)' tn:~clt.acbt•4uf~. bv wbtch t.ltat TMop JQ is wllr.ldng haul . ' . . . . . :Piai tiff' ·.· · ·.· ' . : · · · "· · · ·' · · ·. S~nd;.ty· 1!-!ld ~ete!Jta:t!!«l tl:J'i Qe.C:,~· -~

1v!~~:-::.:~::;'~,;re:•:t ~~ ... ~~!'s:: . puf O! ftOitJ~ mod~il <liJa ~~~ dtl! ~nn.11<t! a·o~: . . ~ . .·: ~· :\>~,; .. ·. .IL .. •.; ·· .. ·~ ·.v• ~pplican t, . s1o~ W}tb : i\ ~lf tli~d~r· ~:t tb~




' ( .

' '

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. . ..


•lnlclcl, arulettll• A~tc<>Oof-.~·~-~·1m;. , I; dO,t,tbl('~ t!J #faiJe~tt~~~·rr· . . • wbicU will he ttehJ ht ·. . ·. . . . mNCU~~ '·I'm~! .. ' 'P.b,~ ~)(jQIU .tand ~·nd Cat• G Jlf Cl~l~ ll~~u.ia.,t 'i~,qd lb,Ql-'f Jwo · · ":---,- ·~· · -~~··~·'"':'''M' tt~mg- t~c.ei~ddl· J. · ··. . ;1748.. 'Eb~ scotWi · tnilet nfcad~tl '·wl}b th~'tolli>W• tfe Cotnp~Qyf A C!>rpora•. . .do~etl gM$ta g-.tltere4>·to •••ist 5vb4i:rl,t.loa. i• ad~~•,,- , .... Jer, vl¢( pre-.icfeu.t.. ·.artd · for tW•i d!l$~ of ~•mpinJI·al!d CQm" [\,d- .i. ~: :d 4, (~ ~'t1 · iil and pa.rt~&k~ .of .tb.e jQJ.$. c>f_' the

.u,.fi~~~t~r 11 .. ,. ·;;,;;;:,· .;-.-.-.. ··.· · manajfel"J.n(lQUrice-1. . · · iu I?C<i~tilrll·f~ . ·. . · ~ ·"" • ··.· · •· e .cui'i!t1

· · tiop, :tt AJ, ·· eveuing. • C!i~ds:fgiJ~weri tQ~ f~~4 . . . · .· , ... · •·T~cre bM _be~~- ···~t~ltlt .Jtfl•. A ttol>p ~~ 8Qy ;$cJuts fit()~ · atJ1§~ ~b~:::;s!~jJ~t~ · ' .. . Protestant~, and i}verytbintr wen~~· a#~rt;t ••: JHO, A.IIAUY .' • U,ltlf.-41"'•• tr11P~ .HI our trJJck b~lltl:li!U "m.ce f!ope. ~~w M~~{~Q win ll~tend. . tP beob,t~tiJll?d~l'eclroCh·~· ; -To Georg~ M.Neel, St.tte • a marriage l;leU. .. . · e."-'=·~-.:.:=~· I, .u ,;; ill'''' . ., •. ,.'*""' tb,ldirst of tlf~ 11.11U', Mr;, ,ftlh.l~P 1J pl.pueeq~):'OIJP· . 'f.beY Will com~ . Uliv.hlg. aild Jtdell«l l'Jtigin.~er, .: Soutl'i wef!tern .

F RJ DAy' A PRU., 3, l931•' . J~r.lleclar!.9- t~ltt we,t:k., . ll?t~ 1, . aJ;~d wUr .bilye tbe ?ld . . uultuoWtl·, beitil .;&ad New Me]tlco Water- Pro· • ' it is to be bop~d ~.&at lh~ •p· . . · , ..... ·. J'~bll.ar1 a~d Febru~r;r ;we · . ~bu~k.wagou.afou'g, Tbc- InllnHl . nktt .. ·1 1 · · .· tf .. j • ' No. tective Association~ a Cor•

~-······-, · ···~··"""""" __ .._._ compelled to increase produelioll TroopfrQ~ ?lolcaealero win. lt 1· 11 · pr'.,l! I} m~utts 0 · n :3908 pointment of Cbalrm.iut »'~*$ of Secretary ~as,.: WrJter beyonct~a,.t pliin~ca.. · ln ~.ncb •. 1:'-'P.alive~ ttJe ohl Indi~n tra~J: :~:~~0~"t~be ~;:t. ~alf o~· . :~:~i.o;, ~r~ k ~~:ce~;: the Re,publlcatJ ~atio111i'l 0Pm·

- · OlllPUt ,~w~s, flf9.\'t~ »P tw1~c:~. to ttotla ~Y' pi telling tbe old .}»ds~n Sc.:tion ~:~rt~~~t! er;od Jobn Nelsoa, Jqbanna mit!ee 'to be a.· ColoqellJJ., tb.e Ma· Waohingt·on. Maret{:- Refer• > ~are :qr mmar.fil, • Apttl ln .. tep-ec!.t •. 'J'to!lp ~9 Arte!Ua w!H ' bt• s 1 .•. ty n Neli!Oil. Administratrl:i, rine Corp$ Reserve ia ·qot ~I) in·

ring to a "'-'WS &torv writtcm bv 41catJobs are~ lor contiJIIJIHJC~ of d<:mOntJtr!llC •tbe latest WilY of !h· SPo"t~weat R!Jattet off ' 1:1 A M M t C dication \bat Republil;an politics , ~... . . t' 't . • .,_. . t· . "'h. 't. 'I . • ,~ . u qWII!! ~uarter o • . assey. ts. . •. t b . bw the ••me ~>rg· an

Mr. 1'h ... odc:re Joaliu, the _newly •~>J!l •c ~~~ 1•. • · . . . : . . r.amp ~g. l ey. llavc a mu,"' · Srction Thirty l\Yo i 11 Klaener, Jim Gon~~les, A· are 0 e run ,f .. .,. · "'· · •

. ~ ppol n t~·d Hecr_cta ry f(J tbc Pr~•· , ·~We .sntcrpre.t thl11 Jarg¢: ~od tbed to ttU!(!t the,u• owl to takt> TowJJ!Ship Efgll t SoptJJ of • T. Pfiagstea, • · ization and iuetllods 11sedJn C::o.n· tdent, to .wb1ch Corre!Jpon.derlt mc;reattiQK bP)'U1Jr ?f ,,frllc~IJi n tbe pl~e of tb~old chu~k wagon, R •ngc Si~teen :&~t!it, N. 1 ductin~r tq,e polit.lcsof Nicaragqai JorJiin of. tht' Bo!lton 'J'raneeript . _·· . nrgp~dc~ut •. ~ IJu~ OUu.>r trnop() wtll come equipped M P. M., g.ud the water And All Per11ondnterest· SaptoDilmingo .and Baytl. had prcrltcted l~cpublicl\ 11 c,Jr,fcat creue~ ~~ tr11ck ~cmat~J! p~~f!JL .• to dc~onstrate Vilridus form& oJ ridhts AJ.>Jil!rtenant there• ed Ip Tbe Grantitlg or -·.- ._...,....,.._ and hod declared that •·Mr. Uoov• betterpictu!r (')( tUJ,ntovlpK)brss• Caltlptllg aud scouting. 10, adverse to plaintiff, .·. Hefuaal of AppliE-ation I March. 1931, on Application No.

· er hnft fOot prestige," tbe 8alti· n~s• comHtl}llll'l tban do, .tu{llr,tnr · ·· · · Defendants. Number 1893, for T h c 1893 made by A. · '1' •. Ph'-'aten, mrm• Sun uyo: lncrta!lh ln 'tJ.IB!!engct c•t '4 It'$ Cry'ta·l' Tbe:.t:re ·. . . • . . Approprla~iOJ1 of Wa.ter Jor a permit to appro.P.riate water

"It would appear that the A.r· Chevrolet's tru~;lc ur14 nufllc ur• , J , U .l -......_ Nobce of Su1t P~ndina From Tbe Rio BotJito, frqm the Rlo Bopito in ••icl Lin· flii~·CYI.'IL!I~rrt-lll rial has a K a I ' lng activl.ties now arc 1:in.Htttrw de. - . ' '.I'll~ S'l'Nru-·()11 NF.W ·MRXlCO ,L,atelv Peadlqg Be f 0 re coin County, such permit befbtr htlt·d thL' CIt i e.l," Tbe Su'-' The motor and .:banilff MC ilt Frfday .. ni"bt, April3. ''Queen The State Engineer; gri.oted and allowed by the.· de•

1 • • 1 , t. 'ro Pt'dro Cbuves, if livitJfC', " dnubtij whl'l ht•r Mr. Hoover n•oul~ fn ·the c(}mpony's varlo~s. plp ts; Highu with Chns Ruggles, llTHltf 11 c i' cl , bill qnknown CotQe now The Titsworth Com· cis ion of t,be Stde Eaginl:et mado hnvt• uppu1nlt·d the writer had Tbis aJcthod, innugurntcd f s t Ginger Rogers; also Strange b~:irl:l and unkr.own clliimants pat~y,l11c,, a corporation, orgaq• .on said date, aucl fro~ wbicb an Mr. Jot~lto'fl tlt~~ry bt~cn · called to Fall, hu added tl1oU!I nd .Qf interest in the E~st Hall lzecl undtr the Lawa of•New MeJt• at•Peal i& hereby takel3 to lJ aid

I btu ntl('nllnn to Chevrolet's payrol!n and< ~liS as it Seems. t oftbe Southeast Quarter Qf and Tbe Bloom. Laud and District Court. "Uuw t•nu'rl tht> man who wrote p~>rmittcd th.: eompnny to cxpnncl Saturday, April 4. "T h' e , ~~~tti~:c~hQ~~;~;: :;d \ ~b! Cattle Company, a corporation DA'fnn,tbis2odday of ~pril, 1931~

\bat ocn ••nt.., I'Vt•r providr that its commercial car divioion to the Last of the Duanes" W i t h Southwest Quarter of Section orgaqized under lbe la.wa of Coli 'l'nri 'l'lTSWORTli COMPAlfY~ JNC., comfort !Jild llt'nRe or aelr•eatecm point where it now produca 19 George OtBrien. .A zane 'rbirty-two, Township Ei~ht orad~} and duly autbor1zed to con• By L. 0 F,\tllen, wh trb it '" 1 h,. duty of the per• rnodels·ol1 'three wheelbuu. Gray story nnd full of pep. . South· of R~ngeStxtee'n ~ast, duct and carr~ on its b.Ps_liless In w. A. Dunn, frd M.•rn:torv to proviclt'?'' The . .-~ ...,. N. M.P. M·. . the Stat~ of New. Mextco, and Rdswell, New Me:r;ico • Surl D'k!l . • • . rr~l!Jofr Joslto'a uwanted··· A Man" . Auspices of the I; 0; 0. F. • You nre bcrctzy notified tbat hereby f{l9C. optic~ of, Ill ap~eal Attorneys for said Proteataat. cquiJIIllllt' we htt Vt' no feau, aince ,.... also News and musical fan- lh(' above Ulllbf.'d plaintiff b •• totbe Distract C<>urt oHbe Tbir4 . '• b•• wu once 'clm•r to-M~ Cool• - . tacy. 0 :, d !IUil against you. in tbc I)la· Judicjal District within aud for TIJn III,QOM I.A'ND ANDCA:U.TX.ll co, ldg .. /' 4nd mnst have lt.'arned to The Womau:s Mlui.onarv So· Sunday Monday and tr ·~t co u r t of ,Lincoln countj, the County of Li•coln.: ·Slate (){ By L. 0 Fpllca, tak'-' 11 un thr. cbw. It le Mr.' clety of Comxot:o wall present R e turn en cment N w Mf'xico. and' that the objqct New Mexico, tr~l# tbe ~ecisioo of W. A Dunn, • " ll·wvrr'n ulllrJtt•rruJited peace ot ita play-"WnrHed-A Man-" ot ''BILLy THE gifr

0,, \Vith of untcl ouil ia to quiet tbc fee tbe St~te ~Pf{Jncer, beretofore Roswell, Nc~ Mextco,

mind that wnnrnn uu. Corona St~turda\' offlbt, April 11 • . ti!!D(llc title of 1,1aintitf agatas~ renderqd oo the lOth day of Attor11e)'11 Cor aatd Pr.otestant. "Of CIIUf!l", lht• OIIC thing that at tb(•ll•uh' School" Grmnnsium John Mack Brown and Wa1- l)IIJ' adverse cluiW of interetit in c=r,=;=================~==:::!====--

Mr flunV('f nt•t•dn more tban any I' tpOnllored by the Sundlly School nee tlerry; nlso musical fan· or lien against tbe -above d~s,nb• thlnll c.-lne." The Su11 contiuuu, of Corona. tncy. 1 ed propertv llntJ water rigblll; I h a rwcrt-tarv ca,uablc> of predict . Od Tundny, April 14. ··it will Wednesday and Thursday. "In· !iat tbc n:aml' of plaintiff'aattor• inK dt!lutcr for the Rcpubllclln I be presented at lbe llil:h School • • , • h G · . G t. .. nt·r is J B McGhee ud bits busi• p.arty and of !Ill Jill!! 'sowothtrJg I Ov~naalum at Capitan, 8ponsart-d spuabon \'ojlt reta ~ .aruv. IJt'!\9 nddrens Is eoawell,, 'N e" tut about Duch stupid perronu· • by the Womnn'a Miasionary So· also 2 reel comedy. ~fuico. •

au ceo ·~ lbl• lursng of ~u KIUl. dety of Ctpltan. c =o = .. ~ c~~ ~ ~cv• o== . o= = ='"' Uolena you cater your appear-ora toro to "id SoutberncattcJitl•tt•.! 'Tile play rnd 1fltb • great •ue- Stal,.llftw Mew l , He. 27t n <~<;(' nt~d plead bercln ori or be• It would he 'plendid If Mr Jot~ lui ceaa wbtn Carrh:bzo, c. .. r,.r U.C.a. f le .... rnktt c..t I• re tbc 19th doy of May, 1931,

• ·crctary. Dut tbc prosvect j. ·. - --· or Edward J. Pa~ . . \ Oli bv dQfnult. .

To get your Easter bat; il•o for Lin· gerie for aU sizes at lowest prices



Phipps Smart Sboppe ahould turd out to be tbat. kind ,,f QeUtug tbc Soden $85.0.0. In RE: Last Will } MoneE OF judgment will ba rendered •Raiaat

d•u1. I 1 epirc of tbc ptHcut••·' . loa. Deceued HEARING IN. WlTNE_,$ \VIIEREOF, I b't-llaing ronfNrtd u p o a. Mr ' When the Ruidoso woman pou' To Uetlr~ t,nyton

1 Franlc Pa)'IOtl, !Jt>rcunto uct my bud and t be ._ _________________ ..., ____ ..__.:

ll·•·•vl!r tq the lrJstteuUon of b•, 11 the last·lnttallwr>nt 00 bet b~thv 'Ire. H ! •. Nfulfl, 01.'tlrudc l'uytnn ~t>ttl of the District Court of Lin• :::::;;:;"::-;·:=::· =====~;:;.:::;;;:::;:;::;;::;:::::;:4· ~ other llccretaru.•n. we fear it willlcarrlal(c the (urnilurc wan Qll~"d 1Jn1t', !olyrlle Purron ,Pritt, l~ltner ·oht county, N~>w M~ldco, Otil ,.. __________ ..,...._

b• loot Aftrr about two speech 11 bcr ticJw. the b&by was S:"ttltJI! P~yton, (l L. Nlalt, Jea!llc Uolland. 35th da"' of Marcbt 1931, I 1 .o 1• i·' "0'· J'u t Alllll Nfnlo, nttd TO .ALL Wmm IT J In the manner of bio Trauaer1 1•• ~a ocg .•uc aa 11

' • · "' • ~lAY CONC.IUtN: (SI'al) S. E:Greiaea comn)'-'ntn. Mr. Jonlln, it Is a 11x ~fine. He •• rraduattntt f r 0 m "· "'7·4 .'Cp_un"- Ulerk au·•.· E ... · i 1 k •• Yon nre bucb:y noUOed that Su~tnu " " -.. '1 · u .. to·oua bat, will Jearn the exccl.'d ij b &~b aeboo ue~t wee ' , Alire P••Yiott, 1\:rt'cutrlx of 1be will Officio CJetk of t h t Ina witu1um of lltieklnJr creh.t•lvc·~ of F.dwnrd J, l'nylon, dt'4!ent~~ed. 1m a • Dunrict court1 Lta• ly to 'Clllef, tbat,o a grcalidea."

1 . 1 ti , b fired In U1ra C'(lurt lacr Final Report colu eounly, New

01111 tb nit tbe tO ' era 00''' nud that n hcnrJng on the audd Re MexiciJ. ! will do~lt will put a little wonr7 JlOrt hn11 bern flxed -for Noudny, Tbo Tarrlf C"Jmml'l!llon.tbdugbt• . in circulation~ Tbr pi>WUII thnl Uw 4th dny of ZV1ny, I!XJJ, nt Uael10ur .,.,, = • ~ =·- , • .,.,~,=·=

fully rcducca the tarrff on wool ba have doni! tltcir b<!!)\ latclv to or ll!llll o'clock A. 111,, at lbe Court r. ne Dialrict Ctt~rtat tM n. ~ b t jttot 1 k b ( t.. · f · 1 UoaU.II' nt CnrrbtlZO, New llfedco, ladlctal Dialrkt of tke .. Sf•t• •:-~~-• • ~ •· ow Wl!~ i :3 ore tpt take all tbe moacv ont o e~rcu 11• whlcJt u1118 the!'.C0urt wJU dctt>t· t.. · O!}L>!lUlf: of tbc -ttr•w !tat JICa'lil11 ttM llie)' could. Th<l murc money mlno llu•bl'il't!JIIp of tbt!.lmf(J d(:el'OII· IIHiico, , •• -..~ (ertH CRattal . Notbtn~ Jika bolnt:r ••ou tlfo job" iu circulation, the better lor tho t>d, the owuer~:~hil• cf tfJo eattltc nud Narttnni u.rtaaa. [ . an a erla18 ·•rdal'luy eitili!Q, thl' iutt-reot of t'acll etaltntmt, nmJ rla;.lilf lllt . . l"t.ill

~~~~~~rJi~ffi~iijlmij~~li~i~~i~~~i:~ uluo the corrcctneea of tba·aoid ne t.da 11!,~ ftatfi.u I no. 3394 w. pn~ I Tbnt J. r .. l.tiwtiDD of .Alolllogor· Del~ ... '


ONA ,,. ~

... _ ' . • '. .

• . . , -· -" ,_, _- ... .- . - - --.•. ' ·- ' . ' "·-- ... "_,' . -·· . - ---'--<·--·· -·- .

. "

• • ~-- - . - "·' " - .

CITY O.ARA(lE . . ' Ca·rrfzozo, N • .M.

• -~ . . . '

do, N c w 1'1clllco, fti the . At* NOTICX:: 0~ SUit tomt>y for Sueon Ali e t'! Payton, lb:eeutrb.

(St>nl) · 'fbi a IJtl' Ollt day

of 4\~, tOOl

s. 1~ Grd•eu · ('Jed~

,.__,;...-o"-,.......~.-:;._=~· . ~-=~-,..,...-... 'i·:J·· ....

f'_ E. r<t•;rA4I~\' • . .

t<·utwrrtf Dare(;tut autl I.•c •nq(';i t~mb:thtiPt

'Pll~tt¢ ~fl ·

Shoes PQr Easter­New line Just tec~ived

tOW ·PlUC:ES. toml!G'S ·

to the Dcfe11dant t.Qlu• Mlll'kliutf· . . .


whippinacream Per qt. $1.00

u pt. u J.~ pt .25

gill . V' , 12,.:e.

- .

Joe West, Proprietor

Price List

Table Cre~Un

Per ql .. 80 • •

,, pt.·

, }5 pt. .40


Pboee No. 136 Fa

/)Sweet Milk

Per Gill. .so " 2 qts. . .25 , qt. .15

·jJ pt. .08 . -

Carrizozo N.M.




Page 5: · 2020. 12. 22. · • • . ( •• • ..... ,........,...._..,.......,.,...... ........ ,.,.......,"''"""""""'.....,....-:"'~...,.,...,.,...,..,.,.......,.,.."""7


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, : . ··.·. :. ~r~ i#il . · · ·. ·. ·N··'W~ttlbt!tt" · : ·Tb~ ·Wpm,Wa·CJUb ·' Q4th~~ at .QAIU~~b~ttJ .. .·· .• I .. • • ·"": : •• .. .· < . Pl': W<it~·. b'~ffl . We~hte•d'¥y . ffQ~ . . . . . . . ·. . . . .• ........... . . ' . m . • . . . ·. '; - . . • • :

:. ·· · .Mf•· tJI•c~•bc:r~ 1v.ul (lapgb An<iJiQ, · . · ~tu~ ¢ ' .. · · W ·. , ;,1 .-I., • SQ.~etltlnl(.l:JJ,or.e tb(ll 40 ~~-•ra

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.. , '. ·. : ·, .. ui•· 1:1,., .... : ..... .,.,.,_.t.:..rr •... :U.fPA "'o'w" ,.~· . ..~· . <r .• ·. t c r' . .i '. ' a.rrJJQ~.Q .·· Qmill1 !J'. "'""' aao. W'ill ·r5.all""ll""'' ,.· .. r~ve~ on' ..m. ... ~ ....... n ~"'""f ., .... ~ ~ ... ~'"' ~~;pge-~a ~t11.qe f: . rauv 9 t"' · · · · · .·the f · ·r b • .. · · f ·M · · ·. ~· ,~ · ·. ,. ¥ "'" .,., · ,.~ ' .. !-! · •"" . c

. · 1ri>m. t.h~ir Re~ tak~; ral!<;lt ·ye$~ .~1:1 nh~ft:walt Q)l:\t~r~-d. to "BI S'fl~tJ~>e ill ~~~ t. 9reM:o P ra,. iff old plil.uet; U~c,<t· it, au a. b~~ . · . ..... .. ...... .~~.· "'· ' . ' ' . . .. . • ' rn • : I"· " r, .· ~ p ~~-... l;lll., 'l'JI. Ill~,! ....... "'"'r" ·"'V"t "l""e W"tlnea• )"'' "\ ' ~"·"' " ' . . . ' JQ· r~:matg Qver • .u .. f.t: . . """' "" .... ,. " .. ...... • ' . ..

... . · . . _··. . . :. . .. · ... · · · ·. . ·. · • · · · ~~.!lyer~ '{'I.'~!S IHP,f:· · ·: · ..,. . · .. ev~ninl(, 4.prit l; "~'I! a llle


· ~ . · Mac}( Sb~v~t •rtive~ . .· ... · .. 1\en~el~ ~.tll~ d•ught~:r l{~tb .Tbeme~n~~rwa·s op~ned witb . qiv~rl\uy of ~ill "niYa.l, a~tl · · frot~;~l\lb1JI}Uet411e f~:~r tbi .. ·. ,l:,y~i~': hmc:;glu ~11<l Mr$.· George .soug hy t~9 ciiJbr ~rd .bY Mrs •. · B:. r~~qgnitiu·u of. the ev¢pt

1 aboqt

· •• ·: Y•c•tiOR~ M•~:k•·tt.~Pd!l tbe 4. J.'~tawQrt~,--Qa~itan, were ~eJe lil: L!lUJOilt ~rB. A. ~tegler at tM '10 frlert'lla f!Atber~d ;1t the_ Q'llla~ . terl!ity•. Wedue!!Alt1• , . . • Ptllt!O, c:;ber lio~e at the helld of tlle ml\l

· t.tissel! R\\lb IJrlckf~.Y ~llil Gl¢u~ ,JuiJior Sw~f!t> wife ~~cl b~hiel:l 'l'b~ cqupty l'lchool A~r11e,_ .Mill!! P•hl. to,wi$}1 .B•Il anQtber c:yole qf • n~lti ~n~tli•b .t<l ho'!De ft>t 'ma!!tei'. were be!'ll 'the fi.rl!t . of tq~. week Egber.t~ g•ve t.IS 11. very hi~ !)appht~as ~lld pr()ilpcrity. Maby . · . T,qe!.are ~tudellt•· at tbe · St~tte froU.J.lill Pallo vitiitlgg mem~cnil of tereating- I!Pd ettlighteni!lg .lO<la i\Pd gifts were pre~; ·

1 .. tiniyetlllt)'. · ·. ~he Sweet family. ' • " Qt) her wotk' ad l}aait~fh . . by Utos.e nss~m~led. Oauctng

,l(Q~ S41,~-A.. · Maj~stiQ, Range · w. R Broaddus-Oi>tlcal Spe• . Mrs. f-4awson re~d· • s b o .r t -1Jd!ls J~:~rtlls.~ed .tbe menus. of iu fOOd conditiou. · lnqqire a c:ialis~. will !J<'!ln o~m~\lZ•l, Wed• article Qll tbe U. S tJ.,g, .. . l.l~terhnutnent, ~~ . a b11ut, tUIIl• ~!)iii llfti<:e, . nesdH April 15 at the ofii<:e of Cltb~rt!!bip waa, Mrs. 0. J. ntgp.t a mo~~ deh~wus ·1~ncb...,. . Get-yQm- tatter Hat at Ziegler Dr Sba ver. myeglass service of St~ow's co11trib~tiou. · ~t uu~bt ?"e more n.p,>ropnnte . ·to

· '.BrotbettJ, •wbo bave ju~t received b ~-i d ..::t . ;. . · · · · . <:<~II tt dtnner, bt:CiiUSe :it could tbe . etter .., ll • ··~rs. ~emQn g~tve an elltertaln• .1 b . d' • ., .d u 1 tb~ m st ~o¢plel~ IHoc:k of M•l· Born to Mr. and Mrs. R V. irtfi review or tbe pll!asant visit eal!l Y. e -.Hftl.h•~· .. as. ~. c t-:-wn!> liaery Goocls.. •. , . .... t th AI ... W , Cl b served, and. tl.!c &p,pch~tog Vlil.lHHJt

Crooks, S~:aUle, Y-'HS~in~ton, . 0 · e liiUngor"~ oman$ u • and attt"act.ivc manner of tltl! St·r· · ·

\ .. ; ,I '• > • '.

' . ··. ·s·· ... ' ~ ' . ' -~

. ·_' .. ' .. •'

•. .. ' . ' ~ ' . . . •'

Jatle Speacer and Margie Rol• •·tarch 7 a girl, w'"acb bears· tbe Tbe dit~trict UJt:etlng of the club!'l' . b . h. ·d ... th ht •. 1 " .• t.:o . · " • •• · · · . vace an111 e evdy nug cu .. h,ud bome yesterday from ·umc of Roberta .Jean • The Is 10 be htld 111 Cat.t:utlllo 4prJl oae, which was to falJ to a.rnl 'sat· 'l.'rlplex slaiarttf!I••JIN(If_ glnl:ISII!illtlsldeltl AII).U<Iuurque, .and were ac:cCim• mother will be J'cmembered bthe 24 25 Delegates, were voted on . f i t D . . - · pa_pied bj a sc~ool frieud of the u Mi1SI\ Cbriatlue Gokey. . to attend this conveQtiou, ·Mra~ 18 dl e~ery uQer rwao ' a

14 n,.c,tug h.UB HtiVIJtl IIJt.fliU lfve11 lit collisions

r1 i I M E 1 p .. , M ld t f h an games .were' en ewe 0 OW• ' ' ' • . . . . . ' uu verslt7, M " ary 1 en Tbe Coullty: Buard of Educa

1i\ .. b "a yMer, pRreaE tuL 0 l e i·ag tbe feed but, Ulce ail tllings,

Love, · . M . 1 . c u an" rs. . • emou •• . .. tion wall meet onclay n regular .

1 t 1·ct ., "t 111 tt ·d· tbcre must b~ au eud, ~tnd tbe

"tt d. M L 0 F 1 · . T · 1 s r .. ecr" ar,y w , . a en • ' . .1 ~. 1>rney all. rs. • • u quarterly sesston. he select o.n 0 1 1 M . 01

·· merry·miikcrs very r~ uctantly. I .. "t ber" •t rdav t r 0 m d b "t e e~a ea are r11. Oscar oust', . . . e .. w., e ,. ye .. e ., of teachers au ot cr Jl:lth erR \i C W y M X A took the1r departure, sontc 1n tbts

· Ro!lwell. rJ!r, Fullen lu.'l aome concerning the et~millg year, will .:! rl$, · ' ·d MoungE. ,1

rbs. ,: •G ·1• ueclt o' the woodu not te11chiog

· d t • d 1 1 t · · · . · · .... pcm.:er au rs • i 21a et 4 a • . recor s o enmiiJe au ega mt • be taken up. · , b·•me untll ab ,ut the hour Pl•trr '*ers to atte~Jd to, an!l Mrs. Ful· . '(,~ • Iacher; al~c.~~utes, Mrs Cardwell• heard that roo>~ler cmw, 011. a len came for the outi98'· I We h~vejwt reeoaved a moRt ~rs. N~lhe Branum, Mrs. G~ll. .ueful morntn~: ita Judea . Ma~

J 1 complete stock, ol 'l'~nta, Tar~ rusworlh and Mrtt. McCammon. t bd • Mr. b•ndb IMrsi. f Percv" Weblch I paulins and Wagon Sbcd~;.-Z~e· Tbe Cmrrizoz'> club will lllltcr• ~ou bav~ m•ll l' UJire nr• .tV !I,

-.:ro·u{JI t .t e r a ant au{JI ter ·· Btll, and may Wl' have tbe ph'·•"· ~ "f . . ...... _it 0· "' M ...... d . I glcr"Broa · • tain 'the buabaodlS of th~ memberl' 'U()Wd rom VY D e 4•11 o .. a.y ' • • • . urc of bel OJ: with YIIU and .vou'rn for medical tredment. Tbe lit• You nrc. cordiaiJy invited fo a som~lltme 11~ bA t'r1

11;b. ~be ~e:Jt during eocb ·•ecu• flo!{ oontvcr·

'ile·one improved and later in tbe .:om1•1imcut'uyeu"tertainmf'ut ••A mArcTautg w tl e wS t drs A col, .. ary llldtOnttels. · ·k · .- b . . ,. 1 b • awor 1 on· a ur ay pr1

~ ...,ee WillS ta.,.en owe. ·" Sprtngtlme • Fantasy l>f ven Y lSth. •--. -· tbe Stxtb 11ud Seveuth Grades of , • Alto ltem.5

George ~~I taker. wbo bas bce11 tb.e CarriZilZO School at the IIi~tb Mra. ptou~e b~d chzargc of tl1e · • _ •

t au;dllJr •• a.,. clerk and assistant School Auditorium. Friday eYeD• flrfll(ram. Lethe Cooper, one d( Wtndy wcathcrts l;u'-' nt la!lt. -Ptauager of tbe Adams Hot!l . A il 3rd at 8 o'ciock. Mrs. Kelley's talented .p u p i J tl1 We are very sorry 10 &ce It, too

· since. l111l Ptc!wber, m~ved bl$ tog, ,,r ~ played a pilno aolo, ••PJ•yf&d fa'mtly to Nogal Tuesda)', ntd Fer Salt- 0. ~· Franklin Black Uullerftii'S"-Wallace Johnson. Alto bacl a very gond tlnuw Jut


wlll take· up fara:tiag a ad Qtber L:og B u:turtn; 1tt1d Ulack Leaf 40. Alltiquea, witb histories, . .,,., wcc·k · 'fork, • .The 'l'uswnrtb Company, Inc. \Vu bopc E•tJt(!r wtll greet ua



.. tbe order or the da.y_- with quite • with a warm mouth. nua:tber of very iotcrcatinac o . .

- • ' no display, Miss Brickley, in bet Farmers don't have vcr! much inimitable way, gnc 1 reading• la~dbrokcn, but we bope It won't ••Antiques.'' rata too mucb for .corn P'tnHarJg /)


Raymo12.d Lacklillld was gener• t•m.c,.for It Is clone by, OIJI with tbreeaongs: Mrs. 1'. E. co.ntc Uumpbrcy baa bouubt the KeJJeyat tbe piano. Only a Rose. Smub place . furmerly koown ot>

When Your HUr tJaa Turotd to the Vandorn or Slack plttc•''~• Wt Sih•er; Your'e tbe Oae 1 Care Ji'cr. all bOpl! Couic cretn buuy now twd

. kea 11 luwer or cometluncr. On April 29th II t 3:80 childre~ The (JurekiPadu hove mavt>d tn

or tbe mtmbers of tbe club are r.o the o1d v v R•neh, to do 11111ne bne a party at tbll C.•mmunn; latmltlg Uall. Tba bonuses. Me:rubm• 11 II · p b 1 B ermto · oJtlt>t ag movu tu Allen, Bc:clc, ,rber. Branum and tb Sb k 11 d b

nJewall •ened deJieiouudreab• t c 0" ea q •attu une to

~ . •rm •

.. EvJmy new Fol'd ls e•Jtdpp.ed w.tlh a Tripl~. elumcr- · proof whulolde!d. This is made fj() tlwt •he sln~d wlllnol fly or SJllbHcl' umlcl' tbo lanrdcel tlniJ.lACt. Jt lm!l 8>4\'ed llUlny liveil nnd prevented injurle3 in many .. ntomobllc collleiono.

• Thlo tlboUer-proof slaas windablcl(l I~· juet ()UC of

many £cute~!! that mnkc the new Ford· A value .fnr W..ovc tbo prlcc~ ()alu.•ra arc the silent, tuJiy cnclof~d fom ...

· wltccl brakcn, oturl1y ntcd body conau~uction, four Uou· . ' . clnUic dorcf,lc·nC'I.lll!f bydraullc ebodt nJJ,orltcl.'at more alum swcuty hall nml roll"r beurings, C!xtclieivc ne0 of fino steel for!)in!jll, nhrminum. Jlistone, chrome eiliron alloy vnlvrJ, tiU'(JliO<tullc clrhc, thr~Juartcr tloutins rear. axle, Rtl!!t]Cil5 Sled, nod tmmllnl U(CUI'ill')' in

, mnuurncturh•!!· In ndcUt!on, you o:.we mMy dollura IJeenuec of low

firel cotl of tl1c llCW l~orcf, low co~t of OJIUntlon., and np-kccp, and low yearly dellrcciallon,

• J. o t~· I! r1 t c m s o F P o n • c A n s

84:3() TO $630 •

' .. .. .. .

' .

I I OlCOtt.

Mr ond Mrs V .ell ltllvt•llrgn moyecJ •o abt> Shot•k randJ to some farttlUJg

P. 0 C1 ·,~~~ c.!:ca t"'-'~1 c:;;:1 t!:1.'t•7f• r.c .. r.n• <:~>J ~- t:to •~:.tq t.J r.i:!!iJ c--:_ ~ ii :1 C::t."ll t:::u1 a 'ctcf /CJ- a·~ Jf;qr-:a p:JTJ:l:1F:Jt

c:a a c::- ll ~" I b -~ l::~ t-S;;:;t, 111'-111 t~ IMd cl~d4Y J:;:: ~::tc!itl •



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AT UD Wli1TE AND :SLOa ll~Jl$ ~ -·- ---.,.-

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1 1 •••

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• •

SUBCRIBE ~to tlil!

· · Santa~Fe 'New lv1exican "New Mexico'• Oldeat'Dan;J" c


Published in the oldest Capitol in · Am~r.i~ .


''IHtftlWS lQU WAKl· . WHfM YOU .. WAKT n'•

< • . '

' .


· Subtctiptioo,rates; one year. $6.00; S i x. · ntonthli $3.00: one; montli• -60<;. :

... ~PAYABLE IN ADVANCE • · l(ak~'lll thecb and m()ney otders payable

' . • to tne ·

St\Nf& ''."~~~i"'~~f£B,.;f"P, • • .·· ' ... . . - . ' . . -- '; .

~ __ ,_ • •• • ,.;.. ''•"'' ........ ' 0 ~- ~-' ' ' --~:: -· ,_ • >, - •, • ,, ~-·- •-· y;,

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'' ..... --.. . ...... . . . _, . --. . .. '., . --· ......... -· "•' -- '• ' . ,_ ......

.. .:,

Stops Headache •

· F. M. m 1ve mutes



* • ---· IIi! ----~---llilillliliililiiiiiliiiill .... iiollillliilititilii' -------. ... ,.... ...... ................... ....._ ............ =·· ·.:-· =· ~· ~- ' .: .•..

Mr. Tap1o~ and fermh Ia a f1 c moved to till' M C. Wcst rnnch . .

Mrs. Slltyl'f bas tE>turued from

• -, -..... ::SS-1:""2 !:L"""'==-------------

A•amogordo wberc she bas bet>u .. -----------------"""':"'_...._ __ . __ ""'""! i vi&itadg her aa!lter, Mrn. Audtr•. ~ · , "" c~

;sun. · Tbe Wnt and Peeb'cll f,unilit n GTEEL ECLIUD[;£1


Sta&-ts •

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···················~······ Live Stock Reminders

.. DO' ,

lefa ·.· ':1HI

in: your Bc:iwefsl · · .. ' ' .

:iteeJ) ;rotu.•. bowels OP«ln , cJnfinr • · ~o.lcl. .OnQ' a !locto~ ~OW!I t,be 1m· ' portance otl this. ~rus~ 1\ aoctor to ]mow J)est how 1~ (!311 b!' !Jon_~.

Tl!4t's wlJ;r S1rop l'ep~lQ Ia aucb 1!. mnnelqt»~ lielp ,cllll'lne ~WillS. lt ,18 tho pr~rlpthlD ot a :tam111 doc­tor wbo BPe«Ja~l1<e4 In JM)\Vel trou­bles. Tlle diBCOmtort ot cQlda Ja

. always leSi!enecl J't'hen St Js' used: yoqr S$lltem 1s · kept tfoo trom phlegm, mu~:us .and acld wnates. The cold liJ "broken•Up" ~oro eallll)'.

Whenever the bowels need help, nr. Ctlldwell's Syrup l'epsln 1a sure to 4<> tbl) work. Jt does uot gripe or alckeJH bu~ Jts acllpn Is thor- . oogll, It cnrrJell oft. all 'th~ sourtng waste and polson ; lleiJWI 1our boweLa to Jlelp tl1emselves. Tak~ a 1poonful ot tllla tamll1

doetor'• }.UaUve u ~JQon Ill a cold 1tartt, or the next tilDe coated tonpe, bad brettll, · m- a bJllom, headac:IIY. puy condition warn• ot coil$tiJnltlon. Oh'e It to the -chll· dreu clnrlng cblda or w.benever ther'ro teverllb, croN or upset.

· Nothtnr Jn It . to hurt an,.one: It contains onlr l&ntlye hert>B, poro

• · pepafn and oU1er mild lncredlents. !l'J1e wir Jt tittet ud the. wa1 It acta have JDade ft tlle tuteet ~til· br laxative tlle clruptore carr1•t

· .. Oa. w. a. C.ubwcu:•


i' '" '

• •

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Page 7: · 2020. 12. 22. · • • . ( •• • ..... ,........,...._..,.......,.,...... ........ ,.,.......,"''"""""""'.....,....-:"'~...,.,...,.,...,..,.,.......,.,.."""7


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0. ~, Dil~blt~J' J?ora.. ·co ... l"o.. • • •


. . . ~., .. ltl"!!~·~··t . :~~ ..,la.nk• ~~ 11111 "1\'QUncled.a.-m; ·~;era relued dir, Mlte. Wf'tbl Que le~1.ai1.1tll(lrtty ~1,.; ''Iu'tbe

ftf WU a l/'tankellilttln rea<11 tq klU'- a eq ot .II he rll.etlll U, but A""" A '· .. ··'" 1 1 " t · 1 d '·"' I d . II .. 1. b"'tora tbe ""'";d """". e·nd llh"' . .,..o- weHI:I\D cgn l! .. ~ll.D a e-. """'evp IJ:ll!nt !In . fUf1 C:O!lCI,la n: '~'"' ,. " w"' """" " " ~lllon by a· C<JUrt, m!ld~ -l)n • que~tiOil

Wltb bhJ J:n«ll•b wlte, cathel'· · JliU.tlJ, hit ataturo m!lde ·~tppalUllg b)' :t.'lk In a ~milled lleap upon· the . (lf law art11tpg ld • nata anll ·Jlecea· lne, e.n4 ~o11, .r••m•. lienl7 nu- hl4 e&rel'llell:ll · to teap at' ilolll.ethlnr .tlllor, ~VIlll ·then ber altuost un~llli• llal'Y to WI determlnn(IOJ~, Is nn· au·

. . . . ·, l&Jn. ~•no~ ntuer 111 <:&ll&d,. tq · wlUr t4e npralsell bat~het. . . •c:1o1.1s liP• were •whtliperlt!: their de- tb.Orlt"• C)r 4111,,11i .. pm<:etlent,. In tbe .. . . )f.WILJ,.IA. M A. RADFORD . ·, _tortabl<!; flel clutl~ .tltt.JPI:. room In .UU, c:UJtlva.tflll at~ a4J.,,!l~nL ·lt·th"' batnbet "·d .fnpu"'.-a·b""'i", •t .... n"'latl"n ~ " ..

· ,.. Willi · ... t to UJ• !l'ont•ur •t~tc:neuri•.'Atl tb,- " ~ ·~ ., . "" ou •· • .. ,. " u • • aame c()Urt or In otlier 4:0Qrtll of low· ··-ris · •':i .A~ ">•~ 4°~4 W!!1~~·w0. "r , ~miller, etory opel\s the ~ulall1• .J~.r• r•· would have b~eJl !l'oi.Jletto'a, She ·He' llnelt' ~tdo Jler -Pd IIUpported or ranlt, In •ub"""uent cases where

• 4Ut• .on• 1'!1 4•"' ~. v <:e ... ·· ... · • 'l'lle two bedroonUJ' are. towllrcJ, the turnln• tro- •· vl•t• t.o •'"• "'o. n· .t• ... :... blm as h"' .;awe, hoi"JPI. t.... J1ar head In IJI• unwo"nded arm ·~(I'" """"1 CQS.'l' on all •l!bJec~ pertatnlnrr to b .... ·-. · h;.,,, h. h th .. · • c ·r - 1 • • '" d ·,... ,..,...,.. .. ~ ., ''" "' · .. · · " • ~ • the Bnlli.e Qll~tlon Ill a .... ln In C<JPtro-ttre.cth;al Julm• buU41nc, tor th• read· . ae,. an., are re~~: "" t roug e ,.In• · teu~ ... her n•. I WAll er "~' ni!J~et 'Which lllle hl\4 tlrll4 tllrougll a• a women,t R la:y aratnst his br~t. • II 1 •·· h d 1

'· •!

"'r• o' ... ,. nanar On aAcoun• ot hi• '""' ""om On" bedroom t"\"ard th• . brotb!lr, litJIIIba!l, meotlll them u l h I t h Ill l'er ... , .... W"r• "los· ... her llpr -ere \'OJ'IIf, I 'J,' I. 18 cnled t e octr ne - · • - ·" ,..~.,~ • · ..... • · .... ·~ ""' · "' • y '' · ·" "'I til pr••·•ntlll tor *"' tP,mi!Yi To • t. n t . e wa I l\IJ J s. e· ~~~ poe· • ...,. """ .. " . "" " r c:e4 t " 1 d 1 1 t 'Wide ell:perlenc:• u edltor,,•utl!or and front ot the Jtou~, Is 10 by lll teet, J"m• he stvu a Pl•tol, bld11ln« ••ed faith In tt!l power to df,lfellcl l!tlll. And Jeewt, •Jck from ber blow1, 0 pre en ~~or· 8 III'Q Ill! 8

• e no!J ;:~~~~..,~~~:,~~~·· o:u:uu\g::,bti~t~ !hl'e the other, ~~the eorner. •• ll him ptrteot himself In m~tkaman- b~r.. Her• had In tbe.pi a. toqcll ot rewewbered blt rilil~ller'a God and qutet11 movere,•• whlcJl "means ''to Jtqt.l., "'-ddrua all lnqulrl~a to WIUI•m. •eet 6 hlehe'- .b:y ""' teet. The bath• lllllp, lftPIIlbnh teara tor th• ~aaness, 'Yet •he was so strftll(bt allt1 brenthed a pr!l)'er ot C~tltUd\l because stancl by tbe t,Je<:lslon lllld not dlsturb A. 'na4tord, NSto 407 South Dearborn l'QOm II! betw~. a "CODV®lent location. uftt:r ot the llullltmi 111 their t J•t .. t .. a" that 1 dlcl . ot her delh·eranct. · what Ia eettled.'' ~tr••f.. ~~~·r•co, till" a~d ontr Inch)•• 'l'ho lire qt tlle.llotuie, 22 by 150 fcqt, ~~:t~~u~0~~~h~; ;;::,~·of~~~! .n:·~:~ t!e bellrw'htu;'• P~llsef_!~ by •r11en 11~ bent. 1md\kl:~sed the mouth H _ __. ___ _

w.o-c:en • amp or rep y, . &lvea op~rtulllt:r tor a tl!.l'se base- • nett• To~teur. wbom tl!'f both teot. or' terror. Silmethlng uqconquor- that hatl cursed hlw. . o!Jbl" Benefit Chllcifen ne b\ml~low type of howe appeala iPent for the bcmtlnq plnnt• tuet atoJ:o ~::r.:-oJ::~~ 11";:J;, ":ri.f'!~~~~: •• :! · ablci "'"8 with her, the •oul or 'l'optl)l!r Rnc:ourote your child to develop a

to man:r. !lome buUder-. elfpeclally are Ud orhr-r atotan tqoDIII. tor Jlrawllnc: In tront ot ToJneu.. hiDIIIelf atru;-l:llris In her tragll~ llrea"t CHAPTER VI !Jol!b1· No mutter thnt UJ• Jtobb;r those woo bnlld In cities and IIUII!lfb., '1:4Jf l.a 11n ~c.ell~n.t bltncatow deo 'l'll• TOnteu~ co lo·.Qutl,lec, Four ~a'lllllke her unafraid ((I dla and I'IVIilg doea no-t. Interest you, Jt It will {!o-'.rW. Jl .. becau~~e Uto man wltll •wall, lli&'D; wbethor the exterior walls b~ !~:':J';:;.n!'~az!:!~;::m:r~!: to her an aspect or ddlanc:e. Tbls ll'olnette wc\i~al;q when alle awolco velop lniUntlvl', •rtlstlc nr c:onstrtlc-«pltat doet not have to Invest In • otla~eeo m: brick or of trame.-· Tht turnli from a hunt to flnd Ill• courage could not hide the marka or trqm the un~;onsclousness whlcb bad Uon ablllt)', aomethlnJ: Unit the child larctt lot to accommodate the building, roollll ar~> large nod convenlentlf home burne4 and hie t-.ther and ber torture, Deatb had mlraculouslt c:ollle to ease 1118 angulilb ot her mind . wUI grow along with, encournce 111m •nd lest! capital 11 lnnated In tbt plac4!<), wlllle tho appooranee pr tbe mother al•ln. Jr• aoe• to tho lett l•er fleah untouehed tn paalilnjl', .yet ,r,lll ttodr. it aoem~ to hllr she wa8 In It, Wholeaome hobWea •Ike ear-home. ln reallt:r· the averace bunra· l bouae Ia all that c:!'tli be deal red. ~:~~:;:~· .",."£ ~~::.utr .. ~·~~~ •he atood eruclllod In the mill room. comlnl out of aleep anll that the walla pentrt, photo~;raph:y, billiard .. c\ttll, lo" 11 notllln~ more ~or leu tba'u tbe · · ~trvant• dead. ~.~Pec:tlnc a a.1Vage, 11he reeognllell w"lc:IJ dlwl•. me.• ber. ~vea tlloae radio and mot.lellnr; ke~p tbo J'QUII¥• •-• 11 t rtm t bulldl li fin 0 " Old q " "" • ~ atera otr the atreet• and at 1tolne ...... !>Or 0 an apa en nr- neroo g ve~ . Jeema. The .WUBkct fell trow her or ber bedroolll. Jn tJJe manor. '.rllllt a tbtt roolll ar~rewellt u~aJIJII about ' sh· I n l M .,.,. I an ... · to til" "oor wltb a dult' n-sll t tb h .. ld I h lbl where the)' ltclon~:. • th •me .. '" an aparl~t~ent, lhero Ing es ~opu a.k;,..,&,'IOW 'CHAPTER rV-Continuod ~bd" she dr;w" back lUI It retr;t.lnr' N 'IV oae vV ence 111 10

orr 1

rarely Je Jlll1rl thaJt all: roowa and To wl10 relllh:e. that meeban.· __ . ._11_ trom one \\llloso present"o she dreaded alwut IJer could be reullt7 an<! not 1 . Earb• Ccrttki•l'

U1Uall7 f'e In such a home. Ice make the llnal de<:lt)on q to m":: than that ot 1 Alohnwk. 'UPtll ' dream bft)ke 00 her aenaea dully ~l.t 'l'he old·CIIahloncd uutaJde oven bad W"Jlt '"robabl7 male"" the bun-low· wh ..... e .. or' no• " .new ldei or con· Aralnat this cl(ludlnr or'Jlls l!enses ... v first and then with a awlft understlllld· • dom· .. chMnbnP built Clf "ric .. •nil.

.. '¥ .... .... ., .. , • • lie felt hlwself strurgllnc aa If ·JSwlm· her torm pressed a~:ulnst tJu.' phed·up lnr. Sl!e aat uP: e~peC:UIIJ: tD aeo " "" .... •· .. popular Ja tlie !trU•tJc et:rect.a that n117 ltruc:tJon Ia ~o be adopted It will be ~tar In an empty space. He plclce4 bap or ~m~ln, anclahli wat like one at Jeewa. Dut he was sone. She ,...,, heated bT meana o'r 11111t wood and bo raJoed In exterior appeaai'nce a.l,ld sood news to leam ,that the prln~lple up bla batcbet and bla bow and l'()le bay, The Ct1 tor v.en~:eance wlalch no lom;er where the b~~Jd fallen at ·Jler atlcltl were bunlell lnahJe. Wbtn tbe tbt c.onvenleilee to tbe housewife or ot rerootJor rJght ove~ the old abln&lea to bl• teet:. lie bad not lo•t sound ot wa• on ,geein•' llllll broke In " aobbln,c eriemy'a teet. Dut ,Jeema had mado a bricks were Woll ftented, the ael•es havlD8 all tbe roowt 01:1 on·a 11oor 10 baa been deftnltel7 accepted. , 1h., miU wheel even wbtn Tolnl!tle'a br.-,tb whco he a:nv her, He apoko resUnr place tor her ot etupt~ bal:l aDd ember• w«.>re raked out ~1111 tlltt. that the JJouaeworJc can be done more PracUcat exlll!rlenee bat ahowo 'lobbJnc had aeemed to ~e at hit aid<!. ana must haye carried bor to- 1~ She noor awt<pt and the Cood to be rooked ~aallr. ll'he Jntttlor ll•arranrcd 10 !)enters and rootel'tl that there Jt wa• c:eylnr a~ hlm now, but before 11hlverecl when she looked at tbe mu• Introduced b7 a Olit, wollden abtwel thaJ;.tbe Utln~ an.d atnlnr ro~ and ll'Ht man:r advanrages to be ha turned toward It lilt eyd restM ket aPd the ataln ot blood on the no·or, with • loiDit hnndlc and ll•c dqor waa tltcllen are In o:Je unit lod Ule bed· bJ puttln~; a hew roonnr over ~n Tonteur'• wooden peJ. It wu llalt She h11d trtell to Jclll him, And bo had then cloard.

· roo011 fD another, olll lhlnglea or other t7Pf!l, ot l'Wfa eut ott, a mark of (lim bumor:\ on tho ~:one nwny, lea\·lng h~r all vel ' ------·~ tbo exterior walla of tbd bunra· '!'bleb have served out their term• ot part of • buteber, 'l'llf mill wheel AI hall hll\fiCnCd to Jeoms, aomo- M,rtle Ia Hlat•I'J'

lo stucco It tuoat popular. Jt mat be uaetulnen. 'Perhaps mo11t lwportant wu torcJDR hla attention to that tact. thing was burncll out of her now, It !tctllclnal vlrtUill nro attributed ll lltd over ~meJal lath, expanded awonr theso adranlages Ia the utili· "Look-look-look"-lt Bnld, and tlllla .land gone In J.l•e 111.'3 ot dorllneu which to the wyrU~.>, and Ita oil hod If plnce rne al, wood latb or anJ ot tht atucco ~Uon ot lbe lnaulatlon '1\'blch the repllltted t\Je old· aon.S't callln; him an hnl1 •wept over her. ant.l abo rote with amon~r tho dru:;s or the apot11ccney bal8 that are on tbe market. lletal 'oliJ roonn~e provfd'ea. tmrllsb beast. · • an unewoUonnl calomeM '" It Ute In t11e dn)'l ot c:hh·alrr and Jncelll3nt lath 18 ftre-aafe and will not exp:uJd 'l'J1e house owner who hu lnltallecl Be faced It ln'a Cub ot resentment, toli'«!r room wltll Ita dnJt ~nd cob~·chs warfare. Now, howo\·cr, It Ia ea· or ~ntract with molstu~, 10 tbaC a ·new .toot of compoalUon lhlnglea DOt beca'uae'-of the wheel aJono but or! ana atoro or ripened -~:rnln l1aC: b«omo tecmc:cl chlenT tor tho l~t•nutJ, ami there Ia little dnna;er ot the wall4 , over old wOOden· ahlnrlet linda that account ot what la:r at bit fret ·and her dolater. l'nstlon had worn Itself IWC(!t fragrnttt'o ot Jla Mla~:c. and 111 cracklnc, providing, or cour~. It J• 1111 hou11o .. mueh cooler In aum!IKir. wbat he kn~w be wourd ftnd nearel' to &'IVJI7• · tr a thought could haTe tlalu, such 111 piJlniC'd tree11 nhltut the Jlal• applied b:y a 1kllltd tfOrkmln In th.. In the winter time he buys much lm tJle walla ot the manor. Ills miPIJ aile would atilt hU'Cl \vrcakt'd her ven· aces ot enatom potentQil'l. 111 hill 111aterlal. coat. Thla Ia heeaua.e wood Ia one ot wu hurling anathema at the wbeet. gnoco on JcC!ml, btJt abo would not been the rulo lrom remnto antiiJUIIy.

Tile &tucco bunplow ahow:l In tb' tbe ben or tile C<llltmoo lnlnlatln~: Uo wanted to tell It that It Jl~d. In !tare. touched the musket llllaln tltat --· Ulnatratlon It a cood uawple ot thla mrdlnnur. It prevents tbe puup or this hual1 of death be wanted to er1 Jny on Uao Uoor. · AL•n All. a. Tnael

l11.'at eltl1er troiU the .ln.alde out or out that he waa not ot the mul'dl!rout Sbe WC!Dt to tb9 -~~~4 ot tho stnlrs Be thnt Ia habltuatt>d to dcrcop·

' l

from tho outalde ln. breec2 wbo bad aent the killers. Proof aud tookC'd do'!Vl'l, Tbtt aon ot tho f!ng· tiona and nrtiOrlnlltlca In 1rlnea will From a mechanic's point or view, ,,.as over thert'. In tJ1e nlle7 whleb at !lab wownn hnd lett no 11b~n clt't'llt tl'1 In nln to bo true In msttel'll or

011 weiJ as from the hou10 owncr•a Milt wa• well · nllmed. Ilia wother. tbe drip or blootl thnt mndo a trnll tmvortnn('(!, tor truth Is a thlnu ot point ot Ylew, the fact thllt the old Dill tatlu~r. Ula Uncle fiepalb:tll. Not on tho 11tcpa and out ot the door. bnblt raU1er tlntn ot will. You cnn· ahln&l~ nre not n!mond Ill good be- one of them were dead b7 Ita hand. f:XUltnUon poascul'd bcr u aho not In an)' J:lnn cnA() b)' nnr 1111•ldon talliO lt rreAtl1 almpl\Oet tho opera• De ba~J been Jcft All\'8-b7 chance. lhou~tht Jlo..- n(!;lrly 111& had brougbt to and 11ln~:lo c•lfort \\'Ill to be true. It Uon, IJ eronomlcal nod preventa IDT was pJ'OOt. '1110 whe~l wn11 the Jlulnlna tho IU.Jmo stuulow ot dPntb the bnhlt tot Jnnt lifo hall ht'lln In· ·PQIJSI~IIU:r ot ct11mare to the houaa be- wron~o lt lied. wblc:h tbe7 and their kind barf brouJZbt slnccr11r.-F. W. Uoll(lrtaon. f'I\Uie ot • auddrn rainstorm d,urln:: Ile Jookt'd at Tonteur ·~In, to her, l'llo thrill was aone In " I "' . the ~~~ o.t the work. · etrencthenlng hlmselt to 'i<t u llttto woll:lont. T11o re1l drop• taaclnatcd FtalrJdcle

Wbrn the fdea ••• ftrst adranttd, tarther and tinct Tolnettc. Ito knew bor, painted brlglltlr b7 Ute sun. A trnternlly lnd who hnd bf!C'n au•· attl!r 111an1 HlJ('rlmenta. IUI!C'Jilnla all flow It would be, ToiPetto'a )'OUng · · Jecma nulnln-i~ut thero wltb her i plclous of .a hrothcr'a m~tncuvna 0\'tr the United Slat~ were fnterti~t• bodJ', eTen more pttltuJ than bl• moth• lht Ha:t 'l'rltd to Kill Him. And dcntf 1 Tl1e boy ber mother Juul tried • wu 10lllllmc tn hit ra;ulnr dlltt', The ..,, bot lnalated ·upon btllnxo 8hown. er'a. Ue to reed hllnaelt to tum toward Ht had Qone Away-LeavJng Her to mnko ber rl!sard wiU1 blttomcSII amqll lad ot the hou~rbnld, ,, ho wu Tll~ Wf'.J'e rnan7 111ore dlml'tllll~ to t.b~ amoldorlnr wal111. ~olnl!tt~ead I Atl'ilal . ·and dislike trow childhood- man entl!rtRinlnx him while bla 1Jater put be o1'etco)ne thltn l.M otcllnaey ho• · Hla tether might die, antl Tonteur. and . ber lllmt. and l'olnottc matte no· re- grown Into nn En~:U11h monster! She on the nntst-tn1 toucht>a to hl'r tnllet, holder would llf!e. ta It PI)I.Sble 1n all tilt< rut at •he world-but thtio aponl4t exefpt that. •he drew heraelt •trugglrd to brln~; back her power to uldl' "I tee rou flue a pin Juat rtrb<lt ClYC:r old ahlnalet With ~B· tiro, hla mother and Tolnettl!, lnsl'!p. more tlotclr to the aarka. Odd's toe- bnto anti her cle11lre to kill, but tbo llkl! the ltU1 wJ1r comes when 101rre ~t MOftn~ and make a rood·looklmc atablt! ltl hit IOUJ forever, the tltal nnll• c:Ucked on the wooden ooor as effort abo mlllle wu futllc. She tol· not bert'." Sob7 Oranled that tbl\ old ablngle JlparlaJ wblch had kept hla on hnrt he wellt to her. Thla did not take lo'IVI!d the trlmaon mint. -----~-r'(l(lf trU tn nrettJ batJ abape 119 -that bdtlnr-how C<JUid the, die While be tJer erN trow Jl!l.'wa. Ttaer were twin All about ber waa tile hau or amollt', It Jealct'd. with <!urllnr ablnr;JH. ablu• UYed? Ue advanced, vanalnr over one fires namlnr. at him tbrou~;h a twlllabt aort and llltll 1n tblr alt. In the dli·

. J:f~ J!J!llt• allfn~let loot@~ wu It pOt- of the 11lnea. a wiiman almoat ttn• glooJU. The doC touched her hand tailett, obaenrrd bt the tog wblcb rnn atbte to latr other ahln_sll'JI O\'t!l' them d01bed. lnk.J lllnck exettpt the top ot wm1 TIJa • warm tongne, and abe from tho awo1dt!rln: rutns, aile 111w a rocct'lisftJUYf flow 1DUC'b I!Xtra work ber beaU, ~blt:h was red wh@re her aootehed It aws1, • torm bent J:rotes~Juelt untter a bur­would be entailed In making A ni!At t<alp WllJI gont>. to th& trook of her She aecm.., to vow taller against cfl!tl< It wna a llbapeleSII thing, dl~~o Job ot thi' onrhlhl' nt the root at the lll'lll waa her acalpleu Infant. Wflltl', tho l:'l'a1 duak of the wall of ~train. torteil b7 t11e aun and tho amok1 e~vH ,and alon~t the barre board? fllack, women. babies-the lovellnesg "You-Eogllab-bMSt 1.. aplndrltra dancing beCorc her ere11, but

But thla wu te'l'eral rtar. a10 11ni! at r;lrlbood-lt rude no dllference. It w'u not the mill wheel thls Uwe, 11\'lnr b(!(.'alll!e It was IUIJTing •~•1 uow the rontellllll ,Junoot rooters and .l~ma acanned tbe e.rtb bprond her. from hl1!'· Be~lnl! It Wtlll a ttnoller mntractl)ra wile do tbla kind ot work aad wlH!re tbe ai):!Oltt la7 In a white but 'torllette'l •olett, Dlll!d with the oblut. and abe knew th6 two were lllll._.. that aU of tb'ee qnestiOPa llaTe •'rd•d be •• a tllll&JI, allm: ftKttre m•dn* abd ptWlon which blUed Jeems and his dot. ..__ _.., .. th t"· .. t W'"' " be kn- w ... oln•tt• A th- from her •:tetJ. · Sh• watched until ther wM'I! blott· .. ·~ M&Wj!·~ anu •t ...,. deela on ... c:.. ..~ u "' " "'' 00 "'' Wttb a auddeu movement she pick~ ~ ""' fa In tivor or c1Jrecll1 onr Jounc bod.Y mtaht hue taJn In the uv 'tlf& znusln!t and struck at him. It from her •lAfon, and mlnutet Pllll!d thf' old root wlthont remoYlnl lt. aawe way, •~ afenduneu crumpled It bad beea I03ded, she wnuld bate before- llho followed where thl7 hltd

nouse owner. hue fovntt tbat the.ll" lA the same manner. il naked arm reo killed btm. She continued to lltrlkt\, gone.

HN•II•••tl Caalf,. Uorehound r11nd1 I• Rltvorrd with

tn l!XII'IIct fl'tll'll tlriJ ll'lll'N ot llie plant known na horehound. Thht plant bl'!lon~t~~ to U1o tulnt farnll.r and wu t'lll!ed hol'llhouncl til' llonrbountt bec:aull& of the whllt'. down1 appeAl'• aliCe or tbe atem and leu~ IIUJr• gestlng boar frnst.-The Pathfinder.

JUaal•• It Up A WHlln~rlaou•" 11denllm aa711 one

nollte can be UJed to lltlenre anolhtt. The little bell on fbe t'Uh rtoJI•ter. tor lnstanrto. ltOJI• the sound of moantnr.-l.oa AnreJea Times. -------dwe.llfnJ2. to unewed, haYe been YO*led dlmlr under Ita wtndlnac Jetms maat hne lll!en ht'r, tor he re­

-.rortb fn the OJifn market a 11ew, In· of amoke. But be lmew thls wu trot Jeetaa was c:onsdoua onl1 of the appeared with the dor like a were-. · · · 1 f ~.. ~ I ett Tb' dl 1 ....... · --" wonla wbfeb ~me from bet brokenl7 -olt at hi• het!ls. Itt rutd found a· '\ FIOOf' Pfa!L ; creased Yll nat on, muo:n «reatl!t' tbars 0 n e. e u.r nr o.uu.e waveu:u u all• -.ont her atrength on him. Ue "

Ar• ef S.t1litt-s :r tbe ~ 0t the MW root. D!Precla· beto~ bf• e:tes lfpln, and .he put I'IUt ..... ~ 1 b tb .,._ 1 1 mat famewbere and dlil 110t fooJr 110

t:rpfl ~ homo desf~~to 1' 'l'he balldlur · tftlrl hail. nf ronrw, ~- --u7 J!lfo bla hand to It old It back. Tolnetu. bad coll)e " t e c.ui Ish tnd ana ,to •nee. thour;h hilt face' 'Was dlsflt• .ttaet(,la. onJt. ~ f~ ·~ Whtth . ~ ~nbf P4-t11.atls ~"''t';portant 0Dl7 a few atepa ttom }atm. destro)' her people! Ue and hll ured iuuJ bleedlnr 'Where- tlhe hid

Acrordlnr to lltaUtUflll'OtnPIIPd b7 the 'VeUitailll; burwm. out or 1100,000 United l!ltatea om~ ADd enlisted mm aenlnJ In the World war. tbe arernre axe Will 2.f.n!\ 7t'ara.

mai .. lt-JdeaJ fk the~ dt.t tot. nt an fi1 tJte tact thAt w'""'- -roo· ~.... like hli mother. mother llad plotted It, and tbe1 were :w:· · et hlm with tbe barrel ot the ..... 1 · ,. ...,n • ~ ""' alive while eveey one who betonred to ... Sb trt d •• b ue ftlJldaUon wal a foi'ftl a redUI•e wfth harm«<nrou ebndea ot plain Kf'l.,, Od4 w-ent ahead ot hlm battwa:r to b _, . k.... 11 e to spu,. when 11 an4 att .U.I&ht' with' -fttt one fi:eepo red OT' -"'ffl!,· the a--n..... - .... th.,.tllt l_oi'III lUid atopped. Ue JJeDSed her wu dead J Tbf arr ... or thii run atOSIIJed be tore ht'J'. At"Ctucatl6n lnd a

· "'- .... ..1..1 ...... 1s- •· ,.,...__ '" "' w atrudi: fllDI acrou the e)'ea. tt tell · ~--~ 1 ed f .. _ 1 •

latllati Catlk Uoll ot the JoK ·Aol' uoe btl.J' .. bJew a dwetlln& 110 treat~ •• rernartcahlt en• .OIIIetlilng .l'eeiDJJ eould not see or feel bJa wiltlllded atm. tt brnbed bit of fe"""ty rcma n • m:r aou , · tbe .ldt~ben.. '.rhl4 mates tor etcnloiiJ.J' Jta~ 1

• ,thtj)tJ&h.. -t!'!• -~moke mi1t wb.tclt Jlll· --~.' _""'P..-7. , -1-ili11 T • ..;,t. r"'".,..t• bate thtt were-Impotent -f~ tbe-'lflffice ..111 ~ctl~ .c:O.U. - - dlll"'t.-. fit/tort tMJe t1~' W•t1itJI• .bt vvy,. ""'11"'"~' .. ~.. .,.,.,.. bt'tween tbetn. ltts C!YI'JI ml!l!tlnlt llers

. ~ . ll' ~,. . ~ 1nr; tblt · •be wan led to kill hlld, and ,. t d li 1 1.. b d. 'l'ht! lhnpitcltJ' ot th4l lielbilt:nt •" Oleanina WiJI'""eep . lftiJ!tlldlnr danr;et c:onl'tont~ th• dOJr, cr!M li!ilt: .wUdtJ tor th• power wllh ate.d IT roiU un er '' e- nr" · tan

tile Mstde walli aucf the lttaflbt .,. J'- abd be trlecl to. pas.s It to ble Wllllt~t. h ~.. 1 h h of ber blow, seemt'd 1e1111 like a mur· 11oes of the root and porch make t~ls . F(trtU\Cf! WotJdng Well 111 that moment. a sh()t awe trom the " Jeb w accomp 18 t • llct n he deter'• and held more the gue ot .one

. I t 'I tt. • "'r ... ft li t --~ ed atoM bef.,re hei' like a man or ito!l&. ... .. A r--. l'ded hPr wltb • cold and ••r.

ft ii not known ·dennlte1r Just when cltlfd oHIInat~ ln rndla, tteeotdl lif'l{ tiot a\>ttllliible until the Vedft.> A11'n perroo. about 12110 n;. · C. ('astt!l' ·"'t!l'e Ut~n In .-:ch•tenee.

bu~traloW- attraC:(I'f. D' f!t er eli' appeal'- . ~ llilphrta.nt<e fit the chimney ,tO IDII o ·1\Du 11 A$ ·. 0 Pllln , ua3'f Aa·. Jo:Ugtlah be:Jat-her JteOPh!'• mUI"' """ ~ .. - ... auee. Th& ovl!rhant ot the hlp..(oot ell'lch!tlt t'itnlint bl,> ovel"' tl'lrou{b J~~ms> arm. He wu rtun~t der:er ... a llel1d wore utrlblf tbars Ute rlble pity. tie did not pot out a'be1p­ud tJte ·dormM' at Ule tront i!Np Jn Htlmated. Tlltr clttmne')' fi l~J the· bfiekward an4 aught hiiDIPlf to hear 1 ted . re .._ lnr II!Uld UJOUJh ahe-Ielt betaalt •way. this 'Jifmpt& , treheme ot . deaf~. At\• l)esUnt pi ant 1Vhat tlie' t•nr. are to etftoes of th.e expfOIIloll be•Un; a,#abilll P~ s':.~ .:~~ :nui tiJe, Welsbt of the lnr. Ue wu no lonter youth. Ue Clther tOOd feature 111 the wide f!I)Hh. the hi!Ult. bod· lt r the ·mea trt the . tohlllted hllli. and tb6 wheel at · •as Mt ~evt~n ~et.mli -Dulaln •. ~. fl'et·lon~. with th~ fllrh W1~U gh·· -air ID"P~ :· t/;;:-~ --~f"'ti- ~ .. IJ.\. t"11 ... tli.,fov of the mlllicfl!lilblill at b(m; nl•llliet ubauited her arid •liectr'opped nut hla volee wall tb« ••tue ••

jij, d f I •. ""-.. - ~, .... " ..... . . Jt. 'l'llt!A· Abe ltiittrlied wealdt at the I •1 .AJii lOrey. 'l'olilette," . Iii# It wt li vtllta(e o - •e;.(•htalitiJ. "c:rout>," " to ~1(. II t(ljlg!Jted lUid ·. ~e lll&l\'end Jbe i!iOt b)' tfrvppln; . hatchet Ia Jeema' ban&. lltd bft thi· . CTO BIJ CONtlmrl!lD,)

The a(iJleli'llnee bt tlie to<i'"" llltd t:lni#ed;- the ,nrtt does ilot i'fiCelye hi• bQw •nd dashliit tQwanf lhe'. iour. • tlu!h' *tze. aruh6wn b7 the lind' plan enno~rh air abd nl!lclent oxtten w ntaUi mta:lit. milT have-lltet hUu •t *""*lllf***" lt*IIUif*~••••n••*lllfll*llllfUfJt*lflfiiUIIIJUitlf~fHI

Sratuttc WU•Ir u ... Nlni!t)' . !Jtr t'ellt nt 'Ill! the pipe

th!mll, lltlltiltfmr · 'II'Mdlf, hr'ildll and jtl!yly·('(l1ol'td lltiiOn\lltfC JI!Jill'lll lire 'made of w flyl\tlieaft .~r tiirmaldehtde ildd ~rbolfc «rid'. • ·

that ·acc!on:ipaniH tl1o el:f~l'l(lr view.. l'lliJlPOtt cOO!bu.f~tJ . fli U.kti about Ulii tlltnb61d, l!ut ilotbh:IJ h2oY~d Ia · -·· ........ .,. ,, · ' ··- ,., .. ·-·" · · · ,, ... • ·•· "' .. · · · .. _ .... ... !l'Jie Udlllt room. whrch 14 txl'f'llUou- 200· cqhlc teet .J)t;•tt tC! avp-ptt .-um- . tb;t ~qltllke chlmbet be hll!leaterei.l, s·· .... ,. ..... s ki ' t . E. t' d" ' u· . •, f 0 ' I ,,

·alii JJatge-12 bt . 22 fCj1t-••-::teM• dent o~gen tOt- tbe:thol'01i~h c:otubl1t- tbd. tl;tt!te wu ao JOuatd .In ft. exc!ept peci~JI... et! ng 0 ~ ell .. ~~. 0 oohey . , acroilt tfle· wliofe front l)t .th~> hol18t\. tlon t~t' oJUt ttolibd at *t. Jt the Ulat <tt lila own b~tb abd Ills talllJ'JiJ · • · ·. · · · · · · At 0\)j MJd tli ll,b ~pen. 1fr.-pt~·~ Jo. . d!lfl'DIIf Ja.flttt, ~t flnprop@i' ciesl&n ·heart. .. ~d )lr~t' to 'lli,'e .• ~''·~ Of 114t~ · .Aneftllt llterliure, tellfnl'· C!t" tli'e odi ot l'J\aldnl Mnet ('abd1, anthoble eated JIQ wt. tt JttllJ t»tr IM!HI. {lirot~tlt 4n' In · J)O()r- PhJil~l ~ltrOtJ, an •r.. ·.t6+ ~ ,.lltch ted :to. tlie tow<!t i'ObJa. adn!iU~ ·et ll'Oiiet tC) ..Uit tbt tart• · 'mantttict\l.rei;ll ilfready b!lvt. •ect'!!'i thtr dOubt•~ •openfill thnt to~mn~ . fec:ftve drittt C.nMi ·tu~ !Rm!Jili)I!IL tt ·and told .feellili .t!i.tit. 'Wblfflhf!T 11(1\ltht fng Uletft tnd ttee.l• ot ~Jist tenturl"" , jlroc~ ff}l' tdli~llic thla <:onlecllon. th~ tt'ffnfl'Oom wrtt~ the 1lfnlnx tonll'L. your btiltfl)~ tiJanr doHD't te.etlt to wb Ulere. ;'J~ til~ u_p, fir• hatc)tet ptovrdf!l dd~ whlth ~~~nU•ts are · Afant_Jiou~ektePI!ri ~~~· 11111 .llyllet to l'otli' :trfi1d(ntl! Ol)t!Dilit:Obtb .the~ ''W""k tlchtr ·t111,_ pi'.ictleal •tfltt~t to tafml tO< •tr.lke. "• ·• , ' " · now Yollowl11g to revl.-e 6ld twS allll aweeten bevet~~reJ,.l:e!'~14 tnd c~'kes • 114 a d'ou'bte·11'hldri' at 'the 'imft lifaX!! d• •• to· 11u6 , UiP dttmnt-y alld the ll• l:lltljt4ill\'• wen a~ untotrettilbfe fi'l dettftltt tJII! prellt"nt lio~BlblllUea of lind lfllf!11lllt Ia. ~oklp.r. .lt t• l!f•o • this l lttbt, · dleert atu1 allil1 •en· lleatlar pt•nt cftli\il~ ·. : . ali•. tetrttJlRf -ob~ u. btr appYred tbll Ptoduct. .. · • .. . . ui!M •• •· •I~~~ on wa.trf.~ Abd Mt til at~!« ............ . · - " -: .· " · . . . . abo;i the .tloot la.tct tit• Utht which 'l'hl!,. feolflillflt ht .tb_ efr wtltld_. ,_ · tat'e.., l!!rnlqertt · .vbrtlcl!!lis Pt<ICfjlfnr

· ·--. ........ ..- "- .. n · tHntl f'IM ~"• t init! bH ~lid that Jr6n~J 'e!>nfJIIo• th• ~noit benell· ·Jllrectft ~ct of Ut~J lklla#:i'Oo.tu· ott ''el:...,; nt.,...,tt. .. w Sh!n. ·· fVA.._lti118'a7tJJf011t ... t·~• d~t t~a• · ., . en". · ... 0 . ""' 1 J . ' .. . .c:'•l ot·t·b .. 1.u.,.-.· . · , ....... .... thi ~r .... tOo I'" "' 14 DJ. wu "~14~~~a .. "'"~. · of'tlitet· ~ wta""' t;'l'et:ftli bl!id'. i\Oiie)'. . Al'®lll the Pt04tu:ta. tllt7 "" .. .. ... D

!!*!·-:.'!it:'tttc~-AHti~~fL.·. . . , . Aid b) .. -'*''"" Window 'iilm.· :. MUit1Wiff_ ."-.·~•.· ~·. • ilttlf ~Uo~W!4tr'eclmtfrare-w.•U!l'fi~1· ·"·· · · · .. ...,.. ..... -+••"·' ~v ...,. ..... .. .. t ...... tu.-· 111'"' n• lillt•waw ffi»>et watet n~e.ail, '* · · CW.itir·.tJ,.ttc~ fa. 1731 , . wbidoWjllpt&l!dYeliUiitetli•d:IAin1 ,ft' U ~t to -~•.a. ~t •• -lilt9Ph.- ~-.:' ~ · .. · ... ._ ... • .......... ~ ... · .·1· ._ I A»a"'"."' •L .... · .Ohl.ll• • .... 1 ......... ....,, ...,11 wJttle .Uw kY. 'pro}ed.IOII ~ th~> -.ttidW 'Wf•ut. •mf watet Jli'Mt .m• ._. · · ~li h~er, · •OfleJ' fl)ttO, •110\1 f!IVI'ti t "*" 111,. ~cm'iit aMn fJt _.... ~ bl•

. cttH & Wflt.JI&J.It..S ~. i"~ ·. taf.«'Wekla.J~HW ·~tfiw 'Jfi1PJ; ••l'f -.u«·lil,l ud "P~~ l1atll!d ttates· ~tt~t ot ,.tt-"'" tilat ot a Clib"". iOUI 4tlrlii4!Will,." ;1 · :..-r." =~ll*,ir:'~-:~r .. : · . AlrtCiilwr. ~· •• d,t:n~• dti'IDft'at .. ~ •t 111r to!ftt-: .t• • :w~n-~

t:M 1ld ·· · lf.W: ~~trW ._,rt.._ ·Nt tta•· · · .Pt~c>Jii•~*H.''*~•U~ .~~ .lltholl~~.~t• tU~~~-. T:O' ,...;: · ..................... · .;,.,, ., . .., ••. ,-.. ......... ~ . u . \JIKIQ' ~· tlil;lfft Mt tt tltit ·lW!t M ·~ luw, tile •'*! 1rU ....

. • -, "'...., •• - ·~ r; _...,, ~'1 :"" . : =· t ..... tilt ..... ·Nr ...... ~ pN!i· .• ~ ~" .u tk- ., a, ..... . . . ._; ~ _. ••w-·wJPit _, . . . . . .. IJidABIM fi ~/oM#~:...;. .-.ti-·· n:·,c.1· ··~ "· . i · • iikff • ;,·· ' . ••.••. •. . . ' . . . . ..-~ . . . .. •. . f

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Carrizo;Zo Home ·Ul.un~ri I• .. ' . ;' r. I ' ', • .' ' ' ' ~itJttl:t p~}'ty, i!J • · · · · p.l.-iu:re«H(I~ AptiLl~t~ ·t'IJ'

· .: •· Specif1.1ize$ in,"' . ·: .! . .: . .. . · .. • . . P''-~t,r~:·:Jil ~l1ot·•·v·:. . ...... . . Y W · ... · ....... ·. · · ·· . Fx~~.~ ""4~n~;.;.: · .... .-,, .FAWL ASHI~G . · ', . -: , : .. Pet .. eJ!t•m:~la•s. ~~~~.f!~.il_.·*'.·. p()· •

·• ito a-; i · · ' -. "t. ._ J' i.; i


· · • . , .. • • • . , . ·· · · · .. ··.· ·. • . . • Q.ll .u~~ uw.ptpe. J.qc; ""~ nJ . Laundry called /Qr and /hlirJfjtiic!, . · : · Ph'!n• ~(J · in•ta.I~~~>Ji~;ar l'f()(•l• . · ·.· ·. .. , .. ~ .

: • .· ·. ·.·· . · · . · ·Jell~l~~~•AJbert Pr~.tett ,pbnt~d . . ·!if· < . . . . ..... . . . •t.~d _pr~~~e~tc:d. to · b~• . ~~~'"!l ·· .ilt

. . . . . . · . -. · ll".•m~dck ehtuJi Jo-.LO(Al' AN" p'FR(OJlAL.' ChJfdhood aq. .... outh ' ' ........ rpe«l MPd tl;' ·.u~~ ·~·h'• .a.& .. I

· 1111 a, .> 11 . ·· · · · · · ·· " ~ · · ·· · .· ·. ~r. R. ~ •. B-.1~ Ju•cf pre~!() . · · · · · . : : · Week .A Suc~•s ~et o~t t: Cl1iae•e· li;hu .ip ·t.ratlt

··~ • ...,- · ·· · · • of ~be •¢ttoo1 · botJI~, · Jtifi ot .1:1 is . 1'be School lludget -·Auditor A large and- bll'ppy crO'wd qf. {h&uJbt~r. Gcacie~ to t)te pth:n"'Y .

will be here April 14·15. , Sunday Sc.bool ebilcJren were iu rooau. Mor(' tr4!et·wUJ be d:otll•ted Mr d Mrs Ucu Grei11en spent !lttendanc<.' a·t tbeelllldreh'ti p•tty b.Y otbilr publie•.i~ph·Ued ~itb:eus

th.e ~:e;•end 'at c:ptttm, with In Gummupit,Y .flail ·s.turd;:t.1 *'?~tile. Wom•1.1'• ~CJub 1!1 plan· h ,me folks . · ·. mgbt, ant1 ·uU repe>rt 4- joyoufJ ntng to have tbe .leb®l frrounds

. . tini~ We bopc to lta v'e m ·o r .·. le1:u::e.d i9 a ver1 abort ~I me. . A 'l'be Mr.:tbodi'lt CbUr(h .. ~ bcru~ tllll~h (l!lrtieQ In the fuhlrl'.:,· Tb dQ~ati9~'b,T, Mr. :s •. ..a .. v.aut~r·

rc·~oofed I b t ll wed: f'ihtrlc)' was a larg~ Increase in Sund11,1 vott waa.a h•uihlg Ju~p t~· be Pb ippt is doing I he work. School attendance Sltnday morn• plac<!d in tbc llall .a.t tbe· acbool

W. R. Lovc:lacr, well lwown itlff· W1~ arc rUJt sure aa to the bous~. Tliia wu a verY khul a,;:t all·ckman .,f the (.'oruua 1.:uu11try, numb~'r In the U<~.pdat S.;;bool. but Mr. Vag'$ p1rt. ' wu here Wedn~.•!lda'y. , w~ know tht·t~ wa!l a substan ,m •. ~. Harkey Js se,eoud t r i~k

., •

' ' • , • _<;

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" ' . ·~. ' "·· ' '


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" ,•

' l\. 5\e\san. · .·a\ ~ar Sas\it . . I ·. .

Tru!t Ttse Judgment of \\'~11 Dre.s.se4 Men·.,;:·~· ·-. ' . . -, .. •


• •

· 'A-ttorney H u. Hum.iltmJ waa i.ocr~·u; in alteo1litnce artd inte~· · operator 1t tbe local statio~: His berc Wednrt~day lri11n JCI Paao, Cl)t. 'I. bcre were ninety live In wlfe and children a,re at pri!BC!J!t allcndiog to t.wtne it'tfdl ot.ittutl. till' Mctbmhtl.t Sclw.ol. Five pit. vl,hing in 'fJoustou, Texa~t. .

, . . ptls rccc•tvcd gold flltl awards for Mr. and Mr.. J. M, Henderson

· YOU'LL find that most '!ell dressed ·mep wear Stetson Hate, tbere'a a reason for theiJ;' ..._choice, they l.ilow that the smart style which they admire when they choose a Stet~n _

- . . ~ . A full new ::ltock • . of Spung pcrfrct attendance for one ye,.r, and t~eir fiOn of Wa'Jider 'l'~xu

Couto und Urr~.,u. jtht unpadu:d; r~ort•nc Sttmmcl Leslie Bouob· · 1•1· ~ p ·n· 11' . •• • S

. . , .1 .... 1 . • • <> arc vas ~ ng &.~• • .. a . . ·~ra. re the uc: w Ill> ll 11 bt ore p.... • uc•r A liCl' n.fld At•nen D•wncr and u d l 1 i "*

Z D b , , • , "' . ·J.~oen cnao s a n ece e11 JQ. r 1 • cbuto~, ut ,rcl(lrr rot crts. . 1 Uc~l~f ll<lrmou, and a number re• llall'~t.

Attorney E M .· · JJar~cr . wrttC'O 1 c•'lllt'clrHJvcr pau!'l for nine montbo Mr. nud Mrl. Will Gilbert and from Gulfvnrt. Mlt~!liii'IIJll' 1 • tbilt ·, attNHinnec · -' children arc leaving aoon for Sao bt• w11l be home abulH Supd"Y· • , 'l'ht• Y• unf{ people lro1~ both Antonio, Tt:xas where they will

Mt•ada1nc11 1\l't·n. J'.,d,•(a a 11 d < ~clu~uls bod ch11rgc of make their (uturc home Crawford motorrd tu W P ·• 11,. o tbt• muruing worship At t be Miss Deane Mitcbell, Vaughn, S.alllrday and n•turnt·tl the d<~y • .\J, tbodl~t Lhurcb. D u. r i n g N. M.~ 'Mr. B. B Straley, Mel• lollowlol!· which thl'rc were several tole, N. M.; Mrs. Bob MacArthur,

nurntwra, of iustrumentnl a n d Archie Mac Arth~r an4 Joe RQs· Mrn Grorut·· io h" r c ·.·· WJI'<~I mu .. lc by the Baptist aud .n c:oc, El C"tr.o, Texas, were wc::~;~k

from s.wta Marti}. ( aht .. rraa, ''"' M IIWrll!ll Jlllfllltl. Minsu Louise • .. ' · 1 1 •1 eod guests ;at tbe Straley ruclt, n v'"'' w111 u·r tl.tul(hl• r. " r11, -;....,,.,., and Vru 11 Louise Snow

naude 1Jr11num ,.•ndcrt•d vinlm 110t.,8 And the Menn. J, 0 an,Y Bob KilgoJe · 1~ v. J. o. c,•,, .. dclt""rcd an fu!lpa'r• were berc Monday from Alamo

Thl' new on th•• lllClll brl\'o'J• n .. ... d

·will last. 1;he~ know that fine hats---like the othernne things, of llfe--s· ·s· .oo a~;e wlth the pru:~: The few extra dollars you pay for a Stetson return·. · A

0 rich dividends of added satisfaction. StetSOn$ are sold at • · '· • • , ·. . · · · U, .: . · Sa&\et 5\\o\»\T\tl 6\~ • • ' ,. '". .

• Dresses, Suits, CoatS,' Hats and Shoes. With an.' early East~r ... this seaiOn (AprilS) · early buying is in oxdet. Her~ is where stnatt women buy· their new ·Spring frocks,

assemb1ing'their wardrobes here where .they am always depend on 1inding the right fashion, the wide selections and 1\\00erat~ prices make it easy matter to be smart without being extravagant at ZIEGLER BROS. · .

• • •


herr and Vaughn hoa hrcn L•ul ,,11•111"l11nd Jn'ltrucllvc sermon to gqr 0

off Juot D fpw mure 10(11) witb t 1(' 'fiiUIJtf people. In tbe ceven• Dr. s. H.: Straley Ia bere frQm DletrJct Court to Meet Hunt & RungriJ. 1 l>ltJ oervi"e be pt~id high tribute Lubbock, Texu. viaitiur- b.h • -



1 o Nt•w M"'xico anct app~alcd for brotber. T·./· Straley. . Diatrict. Court Cor L J a f o 1 n fer Sale 0. M. Fronklin Olork J)'aUy to the b.-at intcrcata of Mesdames MeDt>nald aad Duu• county wall coaYene at the. court

Lefl B•rtrrw; and Dlark I,<>,.f 411 !IJc ototl", Mr. Raymond Lack· can were Carrfco1o Yllitort Tuea• bouae.Moada11

April t:l, with


CARRIZOZO The Third Wedneaday

of Each Month

; Homeatead. l!'Uiags aad Proof• . NOTI\1\Y PUBLIC

Th<' Trtoworlh Complutv.loe hnd uan" ''1'be Old R"r..g•~ d N » .. 1) .. u •1· • Judge "ren1er prealdin~. o

..:ronll>u, • t )f c1 f Mro. II. W. Mc\flllon n n ,1 • Mrs. Sill Re)'nolda ia bick at graud ]ur.1 bia ~en ca t . or dau~thf('r, MrR. nuru"tt· will I"' T!le tlluatr•tcc1 aatur~ lecture Luna after an extended vlait fa tbia teras, ·but a pellt jur1 hu, t•l Tularou tornorrow, to. ottE'nd by Supt. SmoiJ qf the .New Mex• El Puo, T ex 1 8 ud Cananu tlld &Ummoned to appear Wednea• t.he drotrict mu11ic mr(lf. "teo School for tbc Blind wbich Sonora, Mexico. · ' da7, April 15. Hat ia as Col•

. . • • w11u pootponed fro111 last week Iowa: Mtn Veblo I<•n•hrl'll, prtnrrf· ·I wtllllr deUvhrcd by Mr. Swollm Mesdames Warden and Jonea

of thr PH•acbo arhool, tvo!l hf>ta" the Jl•trh Sl!hool audilouriuw motored to Santa . Fe lnt wel!l( over the Wl'l'k·l.'lld. VIlli till~ hr ,. \1oodnv 7:30 p. w. April 6, and were guesta at n. m. P. ~· CarlE Freeasan parents, Mr. and Mrn. W. I~. l{cm• .: N

1 ld . hi

1 Warden ranch. 2, Martin Sedillo

brell. .:r o one o tou IIlii!! t s ~jehare. 3... A 1 r 1 f b A t c1 1 \f 4 J, ·w. rl2fstron~ . . ~ ""'' u!l earn wore o t e natural pu ., eompost o r. au 4• Walter Grumbles

Th"' JUry rottJnJtsqron, OJlpohJt·~ he11Ul.f nf our great atuc. Mrs. B. A. Gilliam. Mn. kicbard S Pedro N. Rodriuuca ed by JuriJ:t' J."rM(lE'r. will tnrct · - ... , Blogbam, Mr and Mts; Do n °' M nnd • y to oclcct n !•nl of utune11; · I~'oa S . .nn=-lc~ box, icc: ca pac• Foster, Dee Cutlebtrry. Walh•t 6 Wm. M Kelt to br placed 1n tbc Jnrv box, ftow ~ m• SMbn. PJHirtc No. 145 EIUs aml Claud Stanaland left • g·~~1 AM Gallacb~r wb lcb later jurirn wallbl' drn wn.! :=""''" ~~~ ~=--'~~=~~ .--= c= lnt week for Happy, Te:ru. Mrs. I ~no onl01I

, . , I GIJliam will go from there to 9 Johu Btr111!d Foono "'0 n mv I urn 11 ' at San I HATS. FOR EASTER Lubboclr, TcJ:aa, where abe will 10• E~ W. lhrtsa · ·

PETIT JURY Pet. 14 •u 3 •t "'10

" 1-l .. · l4 tt 8 •• 14 ., 9 ,. 13

" H



at tbe oflice of DR.S8AVER

e are

.. '

Blankets Comforts

Olfic:c a:t CitJ Sail Carri~Q • • • N. M.

. J'or Sale-Forcl S~au, 1930 Model; good rabber-read7•to-go. Cath ot term$. See- Jetae Ma1, Nogal, N. l,.f;


Patr~cio, a oadcllc. Ow~cr tn•y f Alllates· t •tylfs· ~or· La· dl'e" enter a hospital for a major oper• 11. P. a. Bucltan~u ~ave umcby pro(lt>rlv tdcnufr·j ., .&.' o lltion. 12. Fausthso Saltado U 2 I iiiiiiia Metts Underwtat

Men1s Work ciothlng! Men'• Gloves

101{ II payHt{C COiJill ot tutvcttlti• 'i At Popl'!ar pric.. . . •. . . 1,3. wa,be Van ScbO,~k lull. rh·. · ..• ~· DOERING•s Curt!•"Weuhe.rsbee made busl• u. Proapero Gon•ale!l

. tl 8 1t 10 11 :z Cban, I,, Fm~. l . bess tttp to CIOYls this week. 1$, Ra.muodo Sauchn

..... , .r ·, . . · ·-.".~ _,: ... , __ ,:. ==~···--,=-···=~::.:: The Woman•s C I u b meetinc 1,6, Viclt &rna • wbicb wu to hue been 'beld at 17. Harry 'to•a:u:r

< . " 9 •• 10

. -

I . •


Q ltr service lfoeto~ are ·tkUled ht · · · diugno!ing automobile ills .and in

p.rcsttibing the tight reMedy. thet · lmow the F()rd rngine i't(ll:'tl A to . z. They wiUJtelp ywr tat l~ve·(• long

. atrd \tteftlllife. We Ute· ~othi~ but · genuine Ford parts~ tow flat tate. for labor, a:~whote~lot <»f S.ttuactiott . ~Qt little tmt. We 11tUc:.a•~ty :C)f

and· . .

· .CARR{ZOZQ AUTO CO •. ·CARR~. NEWMtutoo · ~ ~ • .• . • • P1lomt eo ...

· · •u (l, ht1\nlt tJhWil'r'$.1. it -. l*'l!£(' Jir -- "Hl it"-r _. tllier)ar LdrUrt u-.z¥sJI. --ao ·; Joa>Ji11i i1 l~1' HD' l r. n IIi: vo . ' . . ' .

the bome of Mrs. A. W. ·Drake 18 R. S Berry Saturda7, March 28 wu post• 19. Felipe GO'nWales

lt~oned. until a. later date due to 20. P. H. Arnold hid toad•· li;. v. Abe:Jta

Mr. E T. Bnnd, or i;r Paso, . .. U!auel kometo . •eweral da:ta here transact• 23 Mague~ Sedillo .

Jtd bu•incss. 24. Jl;artla L. T:orrea " . TALli:SMgN ... ~.( .... ' -~ .... -- !-: ...... _;.,. -·- '"- -

Ji 14 " 1 1f 13 tt . 9 ,. 4 n ~ 0 2

t. · :F!cl Romero u ~. 1ilan P•ctiUa •t

.-.. 3. · Alfred() Balclcaado · ., ~itllJn¥e in Sundat ~hoallut 4~ . Al:llado .liroiil u

w•\111. Oae &Urtdtt!d·ind'tbJ .s. A. w. H"

at ctunch, and a tuge crowit ip · !(aafor Cbtwea u the ~•ettiot •e.r•ice. · ~l'a . · 1:'• N, Seel• .. n

.· . Mt\!lti,Braek 8Joa~ atul . . IJ.\ :'-· Speu~et .. ,. . ·· Sbd«:r,ttt<lM~d•uaea w. W 9. Toil'laalticl{atdlol:l u Walket ud.Jao L. f.iwaoa wer~ 10.1~a.u tamort 'J G"U•rtei tlected b1 Utt {)atartet11 ·<:ott~et•. 1~. VictJStC! ~~~ti~tttl ;• tau to attel2d tbe l)tatnet Cob• 12-. J~ Trujdfl1 . ,, fttlll:lC:t of tln: Ofuucb· a.t 11" . · ·., .. ·lo .. i ... • " .... ·• ·• · · • ...... .,. ....

April!ind '·.. · . . . liMCOLM AUtucr

~,:r;!;:~e:,:~.~:~~~- ~~UI"tr ·t·· ......... :.·.'co~·M· .f··•N.·.·. r.• ''-'' .we•~· . . .,......., . • . . ~d~~~::~~ ~~~r:n•u .iU!ltU. A•;e; a~•tl• .~.Pm,.m· .. itA ... .lfi·

fll1 ... ilY"'Il{tf" . . u-.. ·'""'aa• c•rdiiOft), N•'-· M•tiCl> .. ' liil . " . .. f* llllu . IJ • ttctd•ad .. m-.t.,· tit · tit)' ..._" .,.·, ~._ ....... ___ .........,...__.n f:.o.tb ht Ctt~ltu a~tll ·. · · · · · .$t. llttl· ~ .. Nts '1' .. 1 Ctllt)' 1rl. U pta, · . · · · ·· •

. . . . · J>o.t•t . 'Itt :i • . a.;,;~,-,·;· AI !.itt'JI~:,.~ ~ .. . · . ._ 41tt ~tkl' .r o·• tr~ l"lnl MU~tiJ. •·

· · ._. ia u •• ,~ ;t "" m· s.-.. ...... !:1~ ... •il . , itt$p ... ,. .. ~

' , ' I


Hen's and Ladies llomety lien'• sh()el \f Men's Sweaters , Men's sheepskin lined coats Men'aHats

• . Men's Caps Radiator Glycerine Pres tone

. GrocedesJ feed; paints, etc. ·Barbed Wire

.. ·Hog F.el)ce - ' ~en Netting lfetal Lath . . . Met.~ Roofing ·· Buildlng Paper . Portland Caneut tint··. .. , ' .

. Sheet ltock Soh Glis4 ~· Li.lUlbtt

. '

. . A~ .... ·n v ··· · ·· vur .-:nee. ·Are •

.. . . -- ' -.. -- .. -' '"' . . - .

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