The · 2019-06-26 · Nov. 27 62 54 116 0 Dec. 4 88 65 153 3 11 84 56 140 2 Average Sunday...


Transcript of The · 2019-06-26 · Nov. 27 62 54 116 0 Dec. 4 88 65 153 3 11 84 56 140 2 Average Sunday...

Page 1: The · 2019-06-26 · Nov. 27 62 54 116 0 Dec. 4 88 65 153 3 11 84 56 140 2 Average Sunday attendance through November 2016 – 128 Average Sunday attendance through November 2015




St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church January 2017

From the Pastor:

Dear Friends in Christ:

It is a new year. Really, we all know that

January 1st is just an arbitrary date. There

is nothing intrinsically significant about

this particular day – it is in reality the same

as any other day. Years, months and days

mark the passage of time. They are a way

we order our lives to the rhythms and

cycles of the world in which we live.

It is a New Year! Traditionally we look to

new opportunities. We make resolutions.

We want to make changes. We promise we

will change. We talk and act as if it all

depends upon us, our efforts and our good

intentions – the strength of our resolve. We

know, too well from experience, that

change does not happen on its own or

merely because of our good intentions.

There is more.

It is God’s Year; God’s Month; God’s

Week; God’s Day; God’s Hour; God’s

Minute; God’s Second. The time we have

and the time we mark are all gifts from

God. Whether in the ordinary activities and

tasks of our lives or in special moments we

remember forever, we are living the gift of

time which God gives to us and all people.

The use of that time is our gift to God.

What are the things you do in your

stewardship of time that gives God glory

and honor? How are you making a

difference in God’s world with the things

you do, the tasks you undertake, and the

time you use? It is God’s time.

As we move into the New Year, may God

give you blessings and guidance in your

life, in your faith and in your serving.

In God’s love,

Pastor Paul

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In January’s Link

Page 1 From the Pastor

Page 2 January at a glance

Page 3 Church Information

Page 4 Pastoral Acts Attendance

News from the Church Office

Page 6 Council Meeting Minutes First Communion Class

Page 7 St. Paul’s Annual Meeting

Volunteer Ministry of the Month

Page 8 Dorcas Rachel Circle Unhanging of the Greens

Page 9 GFL-LYO Games Night RAIHN Women of the ELCA

Page 10 Mission of the ELCA

150th Anniversary Weekend

Page 11 Senior High Winter Retreat

Thank you!

Page 12 Hands4Hope

Page 13 Planning Ahead

Page 14 December Calendar

Page 15 Lay Ministry Calendar

January at a Glance


Tuesday January 10th 7:00 p.m.

Church Council Meeting

Thursday January 12th 9:45 a.m.

Dorcas Rachel Circle

Friday, January 13th 4:00 p.m.

Worship & Music Meeting

Sunday January 22nd

(after 9:30 Service)

Annual Congregational Meeting

Thursday January 26th 7:00 p.m.

Property & Maintenance


January 1st.

First Sunday after Christmas

One Service of Lessons, Carols & Holy

Communion at 9:30 a.m.

January 8th. Baptism of Our Lord

January 15th.

Second Sunday after Epiphany

First Communion Parent Meeting,

Pick up Annual Report

January 22nd.

Third Sunday after Epiphany

One service at 9:30 a.m.

Annual Meeting after Service

January 29th. Fourth Sunday after


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Advent Wreath Lighting Thank you to all who lead the Advent

Wreath Lighting portion of our Sunday

Worship during the four Sundays in

Advent. We value the involvement of

members of the congregation in various

aspects of worship leadership.

New Members’ Class Planned

Pastor Shoop is planning a Pastor’s

Class for New Members. Classes will

be Sunday, February 5 and 12, during

the Sunday School hour (9:45 – 10:30

AM). This class is for persons who

desire to become members of St. Paul’s

and/or learn more about the teaching of

the Christian Church and its Lutheran


Pastor gives an overview of the witness

of the Bible to God’s love in Jesus and

the faith of God’s people. The teachings

and history of the Lutheran Church are

reviewed. The mission and ministry of

St. Paul’s is also discussed. At the

conclusion of the Class, those desiring

are received into membership at a

Sunday morning Worship Service.

If you would like to attend the Pastor’s

Class for New Members, please speak

with Pastor Shoop.


Your help is needed in providing for the ministry of your congregation in the coming year. St. Paul’s relies upon your offerings – financial, time and talent – in order to undertake the ministry we have laid before ourselves. If you have not yet rreturned a Commitment Card for 2017, please do so as soon as possible. Your indication of support helps the

congregational leaders know what resources upon which they can rely. And, it aids members of the congregation in approaching their stewardship through regular, disciplined giving. Additional copies of the Commitment Card are available in the church office or by contacting the church office (585-586-0580 or [email protected]). Your commitments enable our ministry to be strong and healthy as we proclaim God’s Good News in Jesus and let God’s light shine through our lives.


Sunday, January 8 – 8:30 & 11 AM On Sunday, January 8, we celebrate The First Sunday after the Epiphany, The Baptism of Our Lord. Our worship services on this day focus on the gift of baptism. A Re-Affirmation of Baptism is planned as part of our worship. Members and friends will want to be present to participate in this service as we mark the beginning of a new year, reminding ourselves and grounding ourselves in the gift of Baptism. In baptism, we become one of God’s people. God brings us into a very special relationship filled with God’s love and presence. The Re-Affirmation of Baptism brings us an opportunity to give thanks to God for the love God gives and recommit ourselves to a life dedicated to God’s ways. The Re-Affirmation of Baptism portions of the service include an affirmation of our

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faith in God, a renewal of the commitments made at Confirmation, and a lifting up in prayer of the mission and ministry to which God calls us. A special opportunity is offered for worshipers to remember their own baptisms. The baptismal font will stand in front of the chancel. As worshipers come forward for Holy Communion, enter or leave worship, they have an opportunity to place their hand in the water in the baptismal bowl and make the sign of the cross in remembrance of their baptisms. Remember – it is plain, ordinary water used with God’s Word and by God’s command which was used at your baptism. Martin Luther wrote in the Small Catechism – “What does baptism mean for daily living? It means that our sinful self, with all its evil deeds and desires, should be drowned through daily repentance; and that day after day a new self should arise to live with God in righteousness and purity forever.” The Re-Affirmation of Baptism Service on Sunday, January 8 will help us to heighten our awareness of living our Baptisms each day during this new year.

PASTORAL ACTS Baptisms: December 4th Annie & Bobby Dodge Funeral: November 22nd Wilma Goehle


Early Late Total Nursery

Nov. 27 62 54 116 0

Dec. 4 88 65 153 3

11 84 56 140 2

Average Sunday attendance through

November 2016 – 128

Average Sunday attendance through

November 2015 – 117

Average Sunday attendance through

November 2014 - 125

News From the Church Office

We would like to give a special thank you to all who helped to decorate and get the Church in order for the Christmas Season. What an amazing congregation we have here at St. Paul’s! The way that everyone pulls together and looks out for the needs of the Church is both heart-warming and inspiring. Special thanks to: All of the familes that took part in our Advent Wreath lighting during Sunday Services. Mara Bernt & Dick Poduska for heading up the Hanging of the Greens Team! Barb & Harlan Granger for assembling our beautiful living advent wreath Our LYO group for assembling luminaries for Christmas Eve services.

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Eileen Whitaker and all of our Lay Ministry volunteers throughout this extremely busy holiday season. Shari MacFarlane and her grandson for putting out poinsettia offering envelopes for us. All of the special hands and warm hearts that made this past season so beautiful! Thank you!

Thoughts for the New Year “Christ in Our Homes”

Devotionals for January, February & March are available for pick up from the Foyer

We are very eager to be

Environmentally Green and to recycle as much paper as possible. You are encouraged to take home your weekly bulletin insert as a reminder of all the events and news of the week. However, if you choose not to do so, please leave your copy at the back of the sanctuary after the service. This way they will get recycled.

If you were not able to attend worship and would like a copy of the bulletin please let me know within a week after Sunday’s Service and I will be happy to mail a copy to you. After this the leftovers are recycled.

A Few Reminders

End of Year Financial Information: The last day for making a cash or check donation is on Wednesday, December 28th. Anything arriving after this date will be deposited in January. If you would like

to make your 2017 pledge using “Simply Giving”, please fill out a form located by the name tags in the Foyer or from the Office. Please return form the Office when completed.

Items for the Sunday bulletin insert must be received by Wednesday morning at 9:00 am. Items for the Sunday bulletin must be received by Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m.

If you notice we are low on supplies for communion, flower delivery, office or cleaning, please let me know. Coffee hour and other kitchen needs should be written on the yellow order form in the kitchen.

Names on our thoughts and prayers list in the bulletin are kept on for one month. If longer is necessary please renew at the beginning of each month.

The altar flower and bulletin

sponsorship charts are in the hallway by the nursery. Altar flowers are $15 per vase and bulletins are $10. When you sign up please fill out a form.

Office Volunteers are needed on Thursday January 12th to collate the Annual Report and on Tuesday January 24th to assemble the February “Link”. Please sign up in the Volunteer Work area (outside of Pastor’s office) if you are able to help.

Articles for the February edition of the “Link” must be received by 9:00 a.m. Monday January 16th.

Michelle Josephson, Church Admin. Asst.

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Council Meeting

Church Council gathered for an extended meeting on December 19 with members of Mutual Ministry in attendance. Pastor Malfati and Vicar Nickoloff led a presentation regarding the results of the Congregational Vitality Assessment which indicate we are in good health as we continue the search process for a new pastor.

Property and Maintenance obtained a price quote from Messner's to replace the carpeting in the sanctuary with a selection of similar color and type. The motion was approved and passed.

Mutual Ministry has found an excellent candidate to fill our open nursery position. A job offer will be extended to her with a trial period beginning on January 8.

In Pastor Shoop's monthly report, he shares that he will be meeting with parents of youth ready to participate in Holy Communion on Sunday, January 29 during the Sunday School hour. He will also be holding a class for new members on February 5 and 12 during the Sunday School hour as well.

Council's next meeting will be on

January 10, 2017


St. Paul’s is a welcoming Christian

family. We are created by God, saved

by Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and

inspired by the Holy Spirit. Through

joyous worship and Mission

Commitment, St. Paul’s furthers the

word of God’s Saving Grace.

First Communion Classes

First Communion Classes for youth will

be held soon in the new year. A

Parents’ Meeting will take place on

Sunday, January 29 during the Sunday

School hour in the Dorcas Room to

discuss the class content and schedule.

(Parents: Please bring your calendars!)

The First Communion Class prepares

youth of the congregation to being able

to receive Holy Communion. The youth

look at passages in Scripture that help

build an understanding of what Holy

Communion is. There are activities

that help the youth grow in

appreciation for the gifts God gives in

Holy Communion. And, time is devoted

to the “how-to” of receiving Holy

Communion. The youth will bake the

bread used on First Communion

Sunday. Pastor Shoop leads these


Please see Pastor Shoop with any

questions and to confirm attendance.

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St Paul’s

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, January 22nd for one service starting at 9:30am. There will be a brief break after the Service for you to grab a cup of coffee, tea, or water with some goodies, so you can bring back into the

sanctuary for our Annual Meeting.

Please come, your input is important.

Folks who are interested in providing a plate of cookies or baked goods, please

bring the day of. If you have any questions, or would like to let us know that you’re providing an item, please

contact Mara Berndt at [email protected]

Nativity Scene in Main Foyer

(Help needed in repairs)

We are in need of a nurse to help take

care of our Joseph. He is in need of some

serious repairs and we were wondering if

anyone might know of someone that

might be able to help us restore our

beloved Joseph.

If you have anyone in mind please feel

free to call the church main office, 585-

586-0580 or Michelle at

[email protected] and or

Mara at [email protected]

Volunteer Ministry

of the Month

Each month we will take a little LINK

space to highlight a ministry in need of

help. This month’s ministry is


What is this ministry?

This volunteer locks all doors and turns

off all lights after the 11:00 service.

The sound system, which is located on

the choir loft, also needs to be turned


How long does it take?

This ministry requires a person to walk

throughout the church after the 11:00

service. It takes about 10 minutes to

shut everything down and lock

everything up.

Why do we need more volunteers?

Pastor Hedin used to close the church

every Sunday. Since his departure, the

Whitaker family has taken over this

ministry. When the Whitakers aren’t

there, we need other families to help

close the church.

Call or email Eileen Whitaker to

discuss how you can help!

381-4415 or

[email protected]

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Food for Thought:

A giving church is a living


Beliefs don’t make a good person

– behavior does.

Don’t give up. Moses was once a

basket case.


Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017

Time: 9:45 a.m. Fellowship

10:00 a.m. Meeting

Place: Dorcas Room

Program: “Family Recollection”

(Favorite recipe, story or photo to share)

Julie Huse

Devotions: Ellen Bluhm

Hostesses: Dorothy Borglum

Laura Patchen

Pittsford Food Cupboard paper goods will

be placed in Dorothy Borglum’s car

parked by the parking lot double red


Please note: If the January meeting is

cancelled due to weather, the February

meeting will convene. Otherwise:

February is a “Snow Day” - - no meeting

Un-Hanging of the Greens

Pick a day you can come in to help

un-decorate St. Paul's Church.

(Even if you only have an hour)

It's just that easy!

Sign-up Sheet is in the Main Foyer,

feel free to sign up for more than one

day :)

Days to pick from: (or just write down

time slot you can come during that day)

Wednesday, January 4th @ 9am-11am

and 2pm-6pm

Thursday, January 5th @ 2pm-6pm

Friday, January 6th @ 9am-1pm

Saturday, January 7th @ at 9am-11am

Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you have any questions, please feel

free to contact Mara Berndt at

[email protected]

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GFL-LYO Games Night “Minute to Win It”

Join us on Friday, January 6 at 7:30 pm

At Reformation Lutheran Church

111 N. Chestnut Street Rochester

For an evening of fun and games, fellowship and faith!

Open to all in grades 6-12 and their friends!

Contact Tiffany Laird ([email protected]) or Alisa Piccirilli

([email protected]) if you have to

attend or help out.

RAIHN Rochester Area Interfaith

Hospitality Network

Volunteer Training is being held on the following days in 2017:

Tuesday, January 24th at Artisan Church,1235 S. Avenue,Rochester 14620

and Wed, February 8th at St Louis Catholic,

64 S. Main St.,Pittsford 14534. We would be happy to have you join us.

If you have any questions contact: Jen Canning at

[email protected] or Roberta Fitzsimmons at

[email protected]

Our next rotation is February 26 to March 5, 2017

Women of St. Paul’s


Upcoming Events of 2017

WELCA Ingathering will begin in


The Ingathering box will be placed

in the Dorcas room. This year’s

Ingathering will be: FAMILY


In September, our 2017 collection

will be donated to Willow (battered


Genesee Finger Lakes Conference

Women of the ELCA Spring

Communion Brunch:

- Program and Communion

Service will be given by Pastor

Keith Campbell

- Potluck Luncheon will follow

the Communion Service

- No perishable food items will be

collected for Our Redeemer

Food Cupboard

- Date & Location TBA

Women of the ELCA

Triennial Convention

Date: July 11 – 15, 2017

Minneapolis, MN

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Mission of the E.L.C.A. Seafarer’s International House

“Harbor of Hospitality”

Knitters needed. Seafarers International

House is a “Harbor of Hospitality”. It

serves seafarers and immigrants with

pastoral care, hospitality, social assistance,

advocacy and prayer in the U.S. Ports:

Baltimore, Philadephia, New Jersey, New

York, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Chaplains from these ports visited over

22,400 seafarers last year. Often the

chaplains greet the seafarers with a useful

kit, a satchel containing clothes, candy,

canned meats and knitted hats to keep

them warm on the open seas.

Women of the ELCA are knitting hats for

Seafarers and sending them to the

Seafarer’s International House to be

distributed ALL YEAR LONG!

St. Paul’s sent 7 wool hats in November!

That is wonderful! Thank you so much.

The next collection of knitted hats will be

sent in April 2017. A box is available for

your donation in the Dorcas Room.


Thank you,

Shari MacFarlane



St. Paul’s Lutheran 150th

Anniversary Weekend July 29-30th, 2017

9:30 am - Holy Communion and Celebration of St. Paul’s 150th


11:45 am - Celebration Brunch/Lunch

(Location: Woodcliff Lodge - details/pricing to follow)

All are invited!

Anyone interested in working on this special day please join us for our monthly meetings at St Paul’s.

Questions or interested? Please

contact: Mara Berndt

[email protected] Or

Trish Blake-Jones [email protected]

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Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center 5013 Rt. 430

Bemus Point, NY 14712


[email protected]


January 6-8, 2017

You are invited to spend the weekend at

LCLC learning about your relationship with

God and having an awesome time with new

and old friends.

Grab a friend, bring your sleds and winter

gear and get ready for a great LCLC

experience. The retreat begins with

registration at 7:00pm. Friday night and ends

with closing worship at 10:30am. Sunday.

Your families are welcome and encouraged to

join us for worship.

$95/person (Includes a $25 non-refundable


Includes programming, great meals, delicious

snacks, and lodging in the Retreat Center.

Registration deadline is December 26th 2016

4th-8th Grade Winter Retreat

March 3-5, 2017

A taste of summer in the middle of winter.

Bible studies, sledding, campfires, games,

singing, great food and great friends. Don’t

miss out on this great time.

$95/person (Includes a $25 non-refundable


Includes programming, great meals, delicious

snacks, and lodging in the Retreat Center and

Redeemer Lodge. Registration deadline is

February 27, 2017.

Many boxes full of food were

donated to the Eastern Service

Workers Association for their

Thanksgiving baskets.

Hats, mittens and small stuffed

animals were donated to


Funds were raised by Friends of

Music through our Annual Wreath


Pie sales allowed us to donate

$1000 to Habitat for Humanity

Knitted caps were made for

Seafarers by Women of the ELCA

Many shoe boxes were filled and

delivered for Operation Christmas


Over two boxes of Halloween

candy bags were donated to

Pittsford Food Cupboard

Sales from the Rada Knife Sale

were donated to Willow for

battered women

Eleven volunteers assisted at St.

John’s Home

Volunteers donated their time and

talents to RAIHN

42 Thanksgiving turkeys were

purchased and donated to the

Pittsford Food Cupboard

LYO raised over $425 for ESWA

through their Pie Sale. Sixteen

youth volunteered.

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THANK YOU to all who contributed to the collection of gloves and small stuffed animals! You have no idea how some of these children will embrace these items with love and gratefulness.

Hands 4 Hope is a new social ministry at St Paul's that we thought would be nice to help out when we can. These are just small things we can do for this organization that goes out in any type of weather to help the needy. Here is a little more about them:

Hands 4 Hope - Orleans is a street ministry serving the community by offering food and the Hope of Jesus Christ on the streets of Orleans County.

Our mission is to serve as God's "Hands" in the streets, "Sharing" the love and grace of Jesus Christ to reflect His Glory. We provide nutritional food for the body as well as spiritual food for the soul, to let everyone know that they are loved.

We serve on Saturdays from 10:30am-11:30am in various towns throughout the county. The first Saturday we start in Medina - Star/Orient Street, second Saturday of the month we are in Holley - Holley Square/Holley Hotel area, third Saturday of the month we are in Albion (east) - Lydun Drive Neighborhood and on the last Saturday of the month we are in Albion (central) - Beaver/S Liberty Street Neighborhood.

If you have a facebook page please feel free to check them out. It's another well needed organization to help out when we can.

Again, thank you for helping them out! You have made a difference in a person’s life with your donation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to touch base with Mara Berndt at [email protected]

We will be holding a clothing

drive from January 15th through January 29th here

at St. Paul’s.

The clothing will go directly to Hands4Hope to provide for

those who are less fortunate during this cold winter season.

Please bring your clothing donations to the Dorcas Room

and place them in the box marked “Hands4Hope”

Thank you!

Please contact Mara Berndt or Michelle Josephson with questions.

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Planning Ahead


Dates to Save

January 1st One service at 9:30 a.m.

January 22nd Annual Meeting. One

service at 9:30 a.m. January 29th LYO Church Cleaning January 29th First Communion

Parent’s Meeting February 27th Italian Café March 1st Ash Wednesday March 12th DST begins April 8th Palm Cross Making April 9th Palm Sunday April 16th Easter Sunday May 14th Mother’s Day Brunch June 18th Fathers’ Day







































