2018 · nološkim rješenjima unapređivali uzgoj smilja u Hercegovini, na B2B sastancima...


Transcript of 2018 · nološkim rješenjima unapređivali uzgoj smilja u Hercegovini, na B2B sastancima...



Adla Velagić-Ćurić, koordinatorica za odnose s javnošću i komunikacije, UWC MostarDugogodišnja uspješna saradnja UWC-a Mostar i INTERA Tehnološkog Parka je od izuzetnog značaja za misiju koledža, naš rad i obrazovni program. Pristup najnovijim tehnologijama i inovacijama je cijenjen od strane naših učenika i osoblja, i uvijek se radujemo novim idejama i projektima na kojima možemo sarađivati sa stručnim i ljubaznim timom Intere.

Adla Velagić-Ćurić, Public Relations and Communications Coordinator, UWC MostarLong and successful cooperation between the UWC Mostar and INTERA Technology Park is of exceptional importance for the mission of our College, for our work and educational programme. Access to the latest technologies and innovation is appreciated by our students and staff and we always look forward to new ideas and projects during which we can cooperate with the professional and kind INTERA team.

Matt Joseph, Dayton City Commissioner

Ove godine Grad Dayton imao je zadovoljstvo

raditi s INTERA TP-om kako bi nastavio graditi

odnose između Daytona i Mostara. Radili smo

zajedno na pružanju mogućnosti za praksu

mladim ljudima i započeli smo novi zajednički

projekt sa US State Department-om koji će

omogućiti da još i više mladih ljudi iz BiH iskusi

život u SAD-u. Veselimo se još jednoj uspješnoj

godini našeg partnerstva.

Aleksandar Janičić, projekt menadžer IPC TehnopolisSaradnja sa INTERA Tehnološkim Parkom je počela

prije 2 godine i za vrlo kratko vrijeme rezultirala

strateškim partnerstvom na više nivoa, prije svega u

oblasti saradnje na projektima. Posebno smo zahvalni

na podršci koju je ova institucija pružila našem centru

u procesu njegovog uspostavljanja i početka rada.

Kvalitetan, mlad i profesionalan tim INTERA TP-a

je garancija svijetle budućnosti i daljeg razvoja ove

institucije i njenog profilisanja u vodeću instituciju za

podršku razvoju biznisa u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Matt Joseph, Dayton City Commissioner

This year, the City of Dayton was happy to work with

INTERA to continue to build the relationship between

Dayton and Mostar. We worked together to provide

internship opportunities to young people, and started a

new joint project with the US State Department that will

allow even more young people from BiH to experience life

in the US. We are looking forward to another successful

year of partnership.

Aleksandar Janičić, IPC Tehnopolis Project

ManagerOur cooperation with INTERA Technology Park started 2

years ago and in a very short time evolved to a strategic

partnership at several levels, primarily in cooperation on

projects. We are particularly thankful for the support

this institution gave to our Centre in the process of its

establishment and commencement of operations. High-

quality, young and professional team is a guarantee of

INTERA’S bright future and its further development and

profiling into the leading organisation for support to

business development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
















I N T E R A 2 0 1 8 — G O D I Š N J A K / Y E A R B O O K


U V O D N A R I J E Č – F O R E W O R D


Kao i svaku godinu do sada, i ovu 2018. godinu završavamo kratkim pogle-dom unatrag kako bismo napravili pre-sjek planiranog i ostvarenog. Ponosan sam što i ovu godinu s punim pravom možemo okarakterizirati kao iznimno uspješnu godinu za INTERA Tehnološki Park. Mnoštvo implementiranih aktiv-nosti, završeci uspješnih projekata i počeci nekih novih priča učinili su ovu godinu iznimno bogatom i užurbanom i već sada znamo da ćemo o njoj još dugo govoriti. Iza nas su rezultati, brojke i aktivnosti koje govore same za sebe, a na koje smo mi iznimno ponosni. Bila je ovo godina u kojoj smo došli još jedan korak bliže ostvarenju svoje vizije i misije. Uspješno smo završili imple-mentaciju šest projekata financiranih od strane različitih domaćih i stranih donatora. Kroz aktivnosti tih projekata pomogli smo mladim ljudima u razvoju njihovih poslovnih ideja, organizirajući konferencije podizali svijest o značaju poduzetništva, rješavali probleme s kojima se susreće šira društvena zajed-nica, kroz hackathon omogućili mladim

ljudima rad s IT stručnjacima kako bi razvili softverska rješenja za probleme lokalnih poduzeća iz različitih sektora, unapređivali vlastite kapacitete, ali i stvarali preduvjete za dodatno obra-zovanje mladih ljudi u području CNC tehnologija. Tijekom ove godine imple-mentirali smo i aktivnosti tekućih proje-kata kroz koje smo mladim djevojkama davali pristup znanjima potrebnim za usavršavanje vještina u IT sektoru, teh-nološkim rješenjima unapređivali uzgoj smilja u Hercegovini, na B2B sastancima povezivali domaće poduzetnike s kole-gama iz inozemstva te radili na rješava-nju ključnih pitanja obnovljivih izvora energije.Godinu je neosporno obilježilo otvara-nje prvog coworking prostora u središtu Mostara namijenjenog širokom spektru ljudi koje veže snažna želja za napret-kom i radom na vlastitim projektima i idejama. Osim infrastrukture, korisni-cima smo iz mjeseca u mjesec nudili pristup različitim sadržajima omogu-ćavajući im jačanje vlastitih kapaciteta i olakšavajući im prelaženje prepreka na koje nailaze. Uporedo s tim, svojim smo aktivnostima kroz različite posjete i seminare doprinosili jačanju lokalnih institucija koje pružaju podršku razvoju malih i srednjih poduzeća.Uhodanim stazama smo organizirali nove cikluse programa poput Startup Akademije, Moje prakse i International Exchange Program. Naše praktične

obuke ponovno su polaznicima omo-gućavale stjecanje znanja iz područja 3D modeliranja i CNC tehnologija, a prateći globalne trendove i nudeći nove obuke kontinuirano smo obrazovali pojedince omogućavajući im da postanu i/ili ostanu konkurentni na tržištu rada. Kroz naše prostorije prošlo je više od 5000 osoba. Ponovno smo organizirali meetupe i info dane, podržavali lokalne i međunarodne inicijative za promociju poduzetništva, surađivali s dugogodiš-njim partnerima i posjećivali najvažnije događaje u okolini i šire. A pritom, nismo zaboravili zabavljati se.Upravo o svemu ovome govori ovaj godišnjak koji držite u ruci. On pred-stavlja pregled svega urađenog u prote-kloj, ali i suptilnu najavu onoga što nas očekuje u 2019. godini. Ne želim pisati velike najave za sljedeću godinu. Mogu vam samo najaviti nastavak koračanja prema našim ciljevima i dati obećanje da ćemo vam pomoći da pronađete brži put do razvoja. Uvjeren sam da smo u prote-klim godinama zavrijedili vaše povjere-nje da i vi budete sigurni u ovo napisano!

Vedran ŠimunovićIzvršni direktor

Dear friends,

As every year before, we finish this one, the 2018, with a brief look back in order to present what we planned and what we achieved. I am proud to be able to call this year as well excep-tionally successful for the INTERA Technology Park. An abundance of implemented activities, completion of successful projects and commencement of new narratives made this year par-ticularly hectic and rich in activities, and we know already that it will be the subject of many talk in the time ahead. Results, numbers and activities speak for themselves, making us extremely proud.This was a year that brought us one step closer to realising our vision and mission. We successfully implemented six projects financed by various domes-tic and international donors. Through activities in those projects, we helped young people develop their business ideas, by organising conferences we worked on raising awareness on the importance of entrepreneurship, solved problems that the broader community faces, through hackathon we made it possible for young people to work with IT experts to develop software solu-tions to problems encountered by the local companies in various sectors, we enhanced our capacities, but also created prerequisites for additional

education of young people in CNC technologies. This year we also imple-mented activities in the current pro-jects through which we enabled young women have access to knowledge needed to improve skills in IT sector, with tech-nical solutions we improved growing of immortelle in Herzegovina, in B2B meetings we connected local entrepre-neurs with their peers from abroad, and we worked on addressing key issues in the renewable energy sources sector.The year was undeniably marked by the opening of the first co-working space downtown Mostar, intended for a broad range of people connected by a strong wish to improve and work on their pro-jects and ideas. In addition to the infra-structure, we offered the users access to various content month after month, allowing them to strengthen their capacities and helping them with over-coming the obstacles they come across. In parallel to that, with our activities, through various visits and seminars, we contributed to the strengthening of local institutions providing support to the development of small and medium enterprises.We went down the paved road and organised new cycles of the programmes such as the Startup Academy, Moja praksa traineeship, and International Exchange Programme. Our practical trainings once again allowed the par-ticipants to acquire knowledge in 3D

modelling and CNC technologies, and by following global trends and offer-ing new trainings, we continuously educated individuals, enabling them to become and/or remain competitive on the labour market. Over 5000 per-sons passed through our premises. We organised more meetups and info days, supported local and international ini-tiatives for promotion of entrepreneur-ship, cooperated with old partners and visited the most relevant events in the area and beyond. And we did not forget to have fun along the way.The yearbook you are holding tells you our story. It represents an overview of all the things done in the past year, and a subtle announcement of the things ahead of us in 2019. I do not want to write huge announcements for the next year. Let me simply say that we will con-tinue making steps towards our goals and I can promise that we will help you find a faster lane to development. I am confident that we earned your trust in the past years and that you are certain of what is written here!

Vedran ŠimunovićCEO


Općenito o INTERA Tehnološkom Parku

INTERA Tehnološki Park je neprofitna i nevladina organi-zacija osnovana 2011. godine s ciljem poticanja i podupira-nja razvojnih gospodarskih procesa u regiji Hercegovine. Skraćeni naziv nastao je iz službenog naziva Zaklada za INovacijski i TEhnološki RAzvitak koji jasno ukazuje na smisao postojanja INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. Inicijativa za osnivanje zaklade potekla je iz poduzetničke zajednice grada Mostara, a nastala je kao rezultat potrebe za razvojnim tehnološkim i inovativnim projektima te kvalitetnom i obra-zovanom radnom snagom koja će biti konkurentna na doma-ćem i inozemnom tržištu.Svojim aktivnostima INTERA Tehnološki Park želi unapri-jediti gospodarsku scenu regije te pomoći pojedincima da ostvare svoje poduzetničke potencijale kroz pružanje ade-kvatnih znanja, vještina i inicijalnih resursa koji uključuju prostor, opremu, infrastrukturu, partnerstva, pristup finan-cijama i investitorima. S druge strane, kontinuirano se edu-ciraju mladi, nezaposleni ljudi, ali i ljudi s dugogodišnjim poslovnim iskustvom kako bi, prateći trendove, opstali u suvremenom poslovnom svijetu.Implementiravši više od 25 različitih projekata domaćih i stranih donatora, INTERA Tehnološki Park je stekao isku-stvo kojim je postao pouzdan partner u stvaranju boljeg poslovnog okruženja za sve građane Bosne i Hercegovine.U svojoj ponudi INTERA TP ima širok spektar usluga kojima nudi odgovore na gotovo sve izazove suvremenog poslovnog svijeta. Pravo smo mjesto za Vas ukoliko Vam treba savjetovanje i pomoć pri pokretanju vlastitog podu-zeća. Suvremeni poslovni prostori i konferencijske dvorane idealno su okruženje za Vaše poslovanje i kontakte s par-tnerima. Ukoliko želite razvijati vlastite kapacitete, naše poslovne edukacije su izvrstan način za to. Programom edu-kacija iz CNC tehnologija stvorili smo kvalitetne kadrove koji s lakoćom pronalaze zaposlenje na turbulentnom tržištu rada. Provodimo nekoliko programa za mlade, visokoobra-zovane ljudi koji se svakodnevno suočavaju s negativnom statistikom nezaposlenosti u Bosni i Hercegovini.Naše brojke i aktivnosti govore same za sebe, a mi smo ponosni što smo svakim danom korak bliži ostvarenju naše vizije i misije.

About INTERA Technology Park

INTERA Technology Park is a non-profit and non-gov-ernmental organisation founded in 2011 with the aim of stimulating and supporting development of economy in the Herzegovina region. The short version of the name came from the official name, Zaklada za INovacijski i TEhnološki RAz-vitak (Foundation for INnovation and TEchnological Devel-opment), which clearly indicates the purpose of INTERA’s existence. Initiative to set up the Foundation originated from the City of Mostar’s business community, and is a result of the need for development projects in technology and innovation, and good and educated workforce that will be competitive on the domestic and international market. With its activities, INTERA Technology Park wishes to improve the economy scene in the region, and help individuals fulfil their entrepreneurial potential by offering adequate knowl-edge, skills and initial resources that include space, equipment, infrastructure, partnerships, access to funding and investors. On the other hand, young people, unemployed persons, but also persons with years of work experience are continuous-ly trained so that they could follow trends and survive in the modern business world.wBy implementing over 25 different projects supported by domestic and international donors, INTERA Technology Park gained experience that turned it into a reliable partner in cre-ating better business environment for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. INTERA TP’s portfolio has a wide range of services offering answers to all challenges of the modern business world. Modern offices and conference rooms are an ideal environment for your business and contacts with partners. If you wish to develop your own capacities, our business trainings are an ideal way to do so. Training programmes in CNC technologies resulted in quality specialists who easily find employment on the turbulent labour market. We have several programmes for young, highly educated people who face high unemployment rates in Bosnia and Herze-govina on daily basis. Our figures and activities speak for themselves, and we are proud to be one step closer to realisation of our vision and mis-sion every day.

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PROGRAMI/PROJEKTIImplementirajući niz programa i projekata, financiranih od strane domaćih i stranih donatora, INTERA Tehnološki Park i ove je godine za svoje korisnike proveo niz aktivnosti kojima se jača gospodarska scena Hercegovine. Natjecanja, konferencije, edukacije, poslovni sastanci, prakse, posjete, jačanje vlastitih kapaciteta, doprinos unapređenju poduzetničke i IT scene u Hercegovini – popis različitih projektnih rezultata je uistinu dug.

PROGRAMMES/PROJECTSWhile implementing a number of programmes and projects financed by domestic and international donors, INTERA Technology Park this year too carried out a number of activities strengthening the Herzegovina’s economic scene. Competitions, conferences, trainings, business meetings, practical classes, visits, strengthening own capacities, contribution to improvement of the entrepreneurial and IT scene in Herzegovina - the list of various project results is indeed long.



I N T E R A 2 0 1 8 — G O D I Š N J A K / Y E A R B O O K


P R O G R A M I / P R O J E K T I – P R O G R A M M E S / P R O J E C T S


2018. godina značila je i nastavak implemen-tacije projekta AgroTECH u okviru USAID/Sweden Projekta razvoja tržišne poljopri-vrede FARMA II. Cilj projekta je bio unapri-jediti proizvodnju presadnica i sirovina smilja u Hercegovini te doprinijeti rješenju brojnih problema s kojim se proizvođači susreću. Kroz projektne aktivnosti INTERA Tehnološki Park u suradnji s Agromediteranskim fakultetom Univerziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ organizirao je tri besplatne radionice namijenjene uzgajivačima smilja kroz koje su im vrhunski stručnjaci pre-nijeli praktična znanja vezana za uzgoj i zaštitu smilja, a u suradnji sa CityOS fondacijom razvio CityOS Gro uređaje koji su kroz javni poziv donirani hercegovačkim uzgajivačima smilja. Uređaje će smiljari dobiti na korištenje počet-kom 2019. godine nakon prilagodbe istih, a o njihovom korištenju su educirani tijekom besplatne radionice u listopadu.


Implementation of the AgroTECH project through the USAID/Sweden Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity, FARMA II project continued into 2018. The goal of the project was to improve the produc-tion of immortelle seedlings and raw material in Herzegovina and contribute to solving numerous problems the producers encounter. Through the project activities, in cooperation with the Agro-Mediterranean Faculty of the „Džemal Bijedić“ University, INTERA Technology Park organised three free workshops for immortelle producers. During the workshops, top experts shared with them practical knowledge on growing and protec-tion of immortelle, and in cooperation with the CityOS Foundation, it developed devices that were donated to the Herzegovina-based immortelle pro-ducers following a public call. Immortelle produc-ers will receive the devices in early 2019, after they had been adjusted, while they were trained on how to use them at a free workshop in October.

Startup Yourself!

After INTERA Technology Park, with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America, in the first part of the Startup Yourself! Project in 2017 started implementing the fourth cycle of the Startup Academy programme, demo day was organised in February 2018, when the programme participants presented their business ideas, and a commission composed of experts selected the best team. As part of the same project, INTERA TP in May organised a conference with the same title, aimed at raising awareness on the impor-tance of entrepreneurship. During the four-hour conference, participants had the opportunity to hear inspirational stories about startups, the world of entrepreneurship and success achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Europe.

Startup Yourself!

After INTERA Technology Park, with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America, in the first part of the Startup Yourself! Project in 2017 started implementing the fourth cycle of the Startup Akademija programme, demo day was organised in February 2018, when the programme participants presented their business ideas, and a commission composed of experts selected the best team. As part of the same project, INTERA TP in May organised a conference with the same title, aimed at raising awareness on the importance of entrepreneurship. During the four-hour conference, participants had the opportunity to hear inspira-tional stories about startups, the world of entre-preneurship and success achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Europe.

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Europska poduzetnička mreža

U 2018. godini INTERA Tehnološki Park nasta-vio je provoditi aktivnosti u okviru Europske poduzetničke mreže koja nudi standardizi-rane usluge internacionalizacije poslovanja, poslovnog savjetovanja i podrške, podrške inovacijama i transfera tehnologije te istraži-vanja i razvoja. U okviru ove mreže održani su prvog dana 21. Međunarodnog sajma gospo-darstva u Mostaru međunarodni B2B susreti, u suorganizaciji s Privrednom komorom Srbije, Hrvatskom gospodarskom komorom, Privrednom komorom Crne Gore, Privrednom komorom Makedonije, Vanjskotrgovinskom komorom BiH, Razvojnom agencijom Srbije, Privrednom komorom Republike Srpske, Zeničkom razvojnom agencijom i Biznis start-up centrom Bar te u partnerstvu s Gospodarskom komorom grada Mostara, Razvojnom agencijom Hercegovine (REDAH) i Mostarskim sajmom.

Enterprise Europe Network

In 2018, INTERA TP continued with the activi-ties within the Enterprise Europe Network, which offers standardised services for interna-tionalisation of business, business counselling and support, support to innovation and tech-nology transfer, and research and development. Within the Network, international B2B event was organised on the first day of the 21st Inter-national Economy Fair in Mostar, and in coop-eration with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce, Macedonian Cham-ber of Commerce, BiH Foreign Trade Chamber, Serbian Development Agency, Republika Srpska Chamber of Commerce, Zenica Development Agency, and the Bar Business Start-up Cen-tre, and in partnership with the City of Mostar Chamber of Commerce, Development Agency of Herzegovina (REDAH) and the Mostar Fair.

Zajedno postižemo više

Tijekom prve polovice 2018. godine INTERA Tehnološki Park, uz podršku Veleposlanstva Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, implementirao je drugi dio projekta Zajedno postižemo više. Nakon hackathona održanog u prosincu 2017. godine, svi zainteresirani timovi imali su pri-liku nastaviti raditi na razvoju svojih softverskih rješenja tijekom višemjesečnog mentorskog programa koji se sastojao od niza edukativnih radionica i mentorskih sesija. Finalni događaj projekta predstavljao je ujedno i finalne prezen-tacije rješenja timova, a najbolji tim nagrađen je vrijednom nagradom koju je za njih osiguralo poduzeće Telemach.

Zajedno postižemo više (Together We Achieve More)During the first six months of 2018, INTERA Tech-nology Park, with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America, implemented the sec-ond part of the Together We Achieve More Project. After the hackathon, held in December 2017, all interested teams had the opportunity to continue developing their software solutions during a men-toring programme of several months, which con-sisted of a number of educational workshops and mentoring sessions. Project’s final event was also an opportunity for final presentations of the solutions the teams developed, while the best team received a valuable prize provided by the Telemach company.

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Fab Lab

Kroz projekt INTERA Fab Lab Mostar, finan-ciran sredstvima Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine, INTERA Tehnološki Park nastojao je potaknuti inovativno poduzetništvo i kreativnu tehničku kulturu među mladima i građanima općenito, te osigurati elementarne preduvjete za razvoj inovativnih proizvoda i usluga. Misija FabLaba je podići razinu praktič-nih znanja o tehnologijama digitalne fabrikacije kod građana, posebno mladih ljudi, i potaknuti duh timskog rada na razvoju rješenja za pro-bleme lokalne zajednice i privrede koja imaju komercijalni potencijal.

Fab Lab

Through the INTERA Fab Lab Project, funded by the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, INTERA Tech-nology Park endeavoured to encourage innovative entrepreneurship and creative technical culture among young people and citizens in general, and to provide basic prerequisites for development of innovative products and services. The mission of FabLab is to increase the level of practical knowl-edge on digital fabrication technologies among citizens, particularly the young and to stimulate team work spirit in developing innovative solutions for local community and economy issues that have commercial potential.

Supporting Female Youth from BiH and MNE in entrepreneurship, employment and leadership in ICT

2018. godina prošla je u znaku dama u ICT sek-toru zahvaljujući projektu FY4ICT koji se imple-mentira kroz program Erasmus+ financiran sredstvima Europske unije. Nositelj projekta, koji ima cilj motivirati i obrazovati mlade žene iz BiH i Crne Gore da započnu vlastite karijere u ICT sektoru, je INTERA TP, a provodi ga u suradnji s Inovacionim centrom iz Banja Luke, Općinom Budva, Institutom savremenih tehnologija iz Podgorice, IPC Tehnopolisom iz Nikšića, Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology iz Sofije te VEDOMA Zavod za razvoj znanja in podjetnistva iz Ceršaka. U ovoj godini u okviru ovog projekta realizirana je radionica „Building entrepreneurial mindset“ u Mostaru, ljetna škola „How to become successful women entre-preneur in Europe“ u Mariboru te radionica „Developing specialized ICT skills, knowledge & capacity“ u Budvi.

Supporting Female Youth from BiH and MNE in entrepreneurship, employment and leadership in ICT

Year 2018 was the year of the ladies in ICT sec-tor thanks to the FY4ICT Project, implemented through the Erasmus+ programme, financed by the European Union funds. The Project aims to moti-vate and educate young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to kick off their own careers in the ICT sector. INTERA TP is the Lead Partner, implementing it in cooperation with the Innovation Centre Banja Luka, Budva Municipal-ity, Podgorica Institute of Modern technologies, IEC Tehnopolis from Nikšić, Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology from Sofia, and VEDO-MA Zavod za razvoj znanja in podjetnistva from Ceršak. Several events were organised this year as part of the Project: workshop titled “Building entrepreneurial mind set“, summer school “How to become successful woman entrepreneur in Europe“ in Maribor, and workshop titled “Developing spe-cialized ICT skills, knowledge & capacity” in Budva.

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Cooperation for Development of Cross Border Business Environment

Projekt CODE, financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, INTERA Tehnološki Park implementira u surad-nji s Agencijom za razvoj Zadarske županije ZADRA NOVA, BIT centrom iz Tuzle, IPC Tehnolopolisom iz Nikšića te Gradom Zadrom koji je ujedno i nositelj projekta. 2018. godinu je najviše obilježilo otvaranje prvog coworking prostora u središtu Mostara, Code Hub Mostar, ali i niz promotivnih događaja i edukativnih radionica kao i početak izgradnje mentorske mreže te rada na razvoju strategije za IT kla-ster Mostar Software City. Sve aktivnosti ovog projekta doprinose unapređenju poduzetnič-kog okruženja u prekograničnom području kroz razvoj poslovne infrastrukture i usluga podrške inovativnim poduzetničkim idejama.

Cooperation for Development of Cross Border Business Environment

INTERA TP has been implementing the CODE Project, funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Pro-gramme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, in coopera-tion with the Zadar County Development agency ZADRA NOVA, BIT centre from Tuzla, IPC Tehnopolis from Nikšić, and the City of Zadar, which is also the Lead Partner. Year 2018 was primarily marked by opening of the first cowork-ing space downtown Mostar, called the Code Hub Mostar, but also by a number of promotional events and educational workshops, as well as by the beginning of building a mentoring network and by activities on developing the strategy for the IT cluster Mostar Software City. All activities with-in this project contribute to improvement of the entrepreneurial environment in cross-border area through the development of business infrastructure and support services for innovative business ideas.

Sustainable cross-border Renewable Micro Power Plant initiative

Tijekom 2018. godine INTERA Tehnološki Park je radio na implementaciji projekta RMPPI, financiranog iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, čiji je opći cilj jačanje i mobiliziranje istraživačkih i inovacijskih kapa-citeta u programskom području u rješavanju ključnih pitanja obnovljivih izvora energije, čime se doprinosi korištenju obnovljivih izvora energije putem pametne, sigurne, konkurentne i održive prekogranične inicijative za mikroelek-trane. Na ovom projektu INTERA TP surađuje s Društvom za oblikovanje održivog razvoja iz Zagreba i Fakultetom elektrotehnike, strojar-stva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Splitu koji je ujedno i nositelj projekta.

Sustainable cross-border Renewable Micro Power Plant initiative

During 2018, INTERA Technology Park worked on implementation of the RMPPI Project, financed by the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, whose general goal is strengthening and mobilisation of research and innovation capacities in the programme area in addressing key issues of renewable energy sources, which contributes to using renewable energy sources through smart, safe, competitive, and sustainable cross-border initia-tive for micro-power plants. INTERA TP has been cooperating on this project with the Society for Sus-tainable Development Design from Zagreb, and with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechan-ical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the Split University, which is also the Lead Partner.

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Digital Cities

Kroz projekt Digital Cities, koji je implementi-rao British Council u suradnji s organizacijama Nova iskra i Creative England, u 2018. godini INTERA Tehnološki Park jačao je vlastite kapa-citete na nizu interaktivnih radionica diljem Europe. Projekt je okupio predstavnike gradskih vlasti, startupe, digitalne i kreativne hubove, mala i srednja poduzeća koja rade u području gradske uprave, digitalnih inovacija, kreativnih industrija i digitalnog obrazovanja te pružio izravne mogućnosti umrežavanja, jačanje kapa-citeta, razmjenu znanja te izravnu suradnju.

Digital Cities

Through the Digital Cities Project, implemented by the British Council in cooperation with the Nova iskra and Creative England organisations, in 2018 INTERA Technology Park worked on strengthen-ing its capacities in a number of interactive work-shops held across Europe. The Project gathered representatives of city authorities, start-ups, digital and creative hubs, small and medium-sized enter-prises operating in the field of city administration, digital innovation, creative industries, and digital education, and provided direct opportunities for networking, strengthening of capacities, exchange of know-how, and direct cooperation.

Poboljšanje u obradi metala u tehnološkom obrazovanju

Tijekom 2018. godine INTERA Tehnološki Park, uz financijsku podršku Švicarske razvojne agencije, implementirao je i projekt Poboljšanje u obradi metala u tehnološkom obrazovanju čiji je cilj bio poboljšati obrazovanje odraslih u sek-toru prerade metala, jednom od sektora s najve-ćim potencijalom za rast izvoza i zapošljavanja u Hercegovini. Poseban naglasak bio je stavljen na uspostavu procesa pred-pripravništva kroz uspostavu samoodržive proizvodnje niskog volumena (CNC obrada) koja je prenijela uče-nicima škole VET početne praktične vještine koje nedostaju u redovnom školskom obrazova-nju. Također, kroz projekt je kreiran relevantan i ažuriran izvor informacija o mogućnostima zapošljavanja i pripravništva u poduzećima.

Improvements in metal processing in technical education

During 2018, INTERA Technology Park also implemented the Improvements in Metal Process-ing in Technical Education Project, financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development. The Project aimed to improve adult education in the metal processing sector, one of the sectors with the biggest potential for export and employment growth in Herzegovina. Particular emphasis was placed on establishment of pre-internship process through setting up self-sustainable low volume production (CNC processing), which gave the stu-dents of a VET school initial practical skills miss-ing in the regular school education. Also, relevant and up-to-date source of information on options for employment and internship in companies was created through the project.

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Dijaspora za startupe

Kroz aktivnost D4STARTUPS, koja je imple-mentirana u okviru projekta Dijaspora za razvoj (D4D) koji je projekt Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH i Vlade Švicarske, u par-tnerstvu sa UNDP BiH i IOM BiH, INTERA Tehnološki Park je stvorio preduvjete za dugo-ročniju i intenzivniju suradnju dijaspore i domaćih start-up poduzeća, kao i postojećih privrednih subjekata. Aktivnost je započela organizacijom hackathona koji je iznjedrio pet softverskih rješenja za probleme s kojima se suočavaju lokalna poduzeća iz različitih sek-tora. Na svojim rješenjima pet startupa je tije-kom nekoliko mjeseci mentorskog programa radilo uz pomoć stručnjaka iz dijaspore, a svoje su vještine korisnici projekta D4STARTUPS mogli usavršavati i na nizu besplatnih obuka. Projekt je završio finalnom konferencijom i dodjelom bespovratnih novčanih sredstava startup poduzećima.

Diaspora for start-ups

Through the activity titled D4STARTUPS, imple-mented within the Diaspora for Development (D4D) Project, project of the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and the Government of Switzerland, in partnership with UNDP BiH and IOM BiH, INTERA Technology Park created prerequisites for a more long-term and intense cooperation between diaspora and the domestic start-up companies, as well as the existing business entities. The activity commenced with organisation of a hackathon that resulted in five software solu-tions for issues faced by local companies operating in various sectors. Five start-ups worked on their solutions over the course of several months of men-toring programme with the assistance of experts from diaspora. Beneficiaries of the D4STARTUPS Project were also able to improve their skills during several free trainings. The project was concluded by a final conference and allocation of grants to start-up companies. Unapređenje institucijske

poduzetničke infrastrukture

2018. godine INTERA Tehnološki Park dobio je sredstva Federalnog ministarstva razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta kojima sufinancira aktiv-nosti projekta CODE. Zahvaljujući ovim sred-stvima, INTERA TP doprinosi jačanju poslovne infrastrukture i usluga za potporu inovacijama i aktivnostima klastera te poboljšanju startup okruženja i proširenju aktivnosti poslovnog inkubatora u području Hercegovine, stvaranju preduvjeta ICT tvrtkama za izvoz putem spe-cijaliziranih edukacija, stvaranju preduvjeta za dodatno poboljšanje aktivnosti klastera izra-dom strategije razvoja za ICT klaster te unapre-đenju kapaciteta mladih stručnjaka u IT sektoru putem mentorskog programa i coworking prostora.

Improvement of institutional entrepreneurial infrastructure

In 2018, the FBiH Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts allocated funds to INTERA Technology Park for co-financing of the CODE Project. Thanks to these funds, INTERA TP has been contributing to the strengthening of busi-ness infrastructure and services supporting innova-tion and cluster activities and to the improvement of the start-up environment and expansion of activities of the business incubator in Herzegovi-na, to creating prerequisites for ICT companies to export by organising specialised trainings, to cre-ating prerequisites for additional cluster activity enhancement by drafting the development strat-egy for the ICT cluster, and to the improvement of young IT experts’ capacities through mentoring programme and coworking space.

skeniraj i pogledajvideo prilog

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Moja praksa

Ponovno je proljeće prošlo u znaku stjeca-nja prvog radnog iskustva kroz deveti ciklus programa Moja praksa, jednog od najdugo-vječnijih programa INTERA TP-a. Gotovo 50 mladih ljudi kroz tri mjeseca pripremalo se za tržište rada što je ujedno i jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog programa. Polaznici su prisustvo-vali jednodnevnim treninzima, razgovarali s potencijalnim poslodavcima te, podijeljeni u dvanaest timova, radili na rješavanju projektnih zadataka koje je prema vlastitim potrebama kreiralo jedanaest poduzeća uključenih u pro-jekt. Poduzeća Adepto Company, Alfa Therm, Aluminij, Alviral, Degordian, EkoDizajn, HT Eronet, Markeza, NC Software, UniCredit Bank i Zendev kreirali su zadatke na kojima su uz pomoć mentora radili studenti i diplomanti mostarskih fakulteta.

Moja praksa

Spring was once more marked by gaining initial work experience in the ninth cycle of the Moja praksa traineeship programme, one of the long-est programmes INTERA TP has had. Nearly 50 young persons prepared for the labour market over the course of three months, which is one of the programme’s main goals. Participant in the programme attended one-day trainings, talked to potential employers, and, having been divided in twelve teams, worked on solving project tasks designed by eleven companies involved in the project based on the companies’ needs. Compa-nies Adepto Company, Alfa Therm, Aluminij, Alviral, Degordian, EkoDizajn, HT Eronet, Markeza, NC Software, UniCredit Bank, and Zendev designed tasks that the students and recent graduates from Mostar faculties worked on with the help of their mentors.

International Exchange Program

Sredinom 2018. godine u suradnji s insti-tucijama Grad Dayton i Dayton Sister City Committee, a uz financijsku podršku poduzeća Telemach, INTERA Tehnološki Park imple-mentirao je drugi ciklus programa razmjene studenata International Exchange Program. I ove godine za američke učenike je bio organi-ziran bogat edukativno-praktični, ali i zabavni sadržaj te su oni imali priliku prisustvovati nizu obuka, raditi u lokalnim poduzećima, ali i upo-znati se s bogatom kulturom i poviješću Bosne i Hercegovine. U rujnu su izabrani studenti iz Mostara, Sarajeva i Banja Luke koji će sljedeće godine obavljati stručnu praksu u Daytonu u američkoj saveznoj državi Ohio.

International Exchange Program

Half way through 2018, in cooperation with the institutions of the City of Dayton and the Dayton Sister City Committee, and with the financial sup-port from the Telemach company, INTERA Tech-nology Park implemented the second cycle of the student exchange programme called International Exchange Program. This year too, busy education-al, practical, but also entertaining programme was organised for American students. They had the opportunity to participate at a number of train-ings, work in local companies, and learn about the rich culture and history of Bosnia and Herze-govina. In September, students from Mostar, Sara-jevo and Banja Luka who will next year have their practical classes in Dayton, Ohio, were selected.

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British Council, Europska unija, Federalno ministarstvo razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta, IOM BiH, Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH,

Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, Švicarska razvojna agencija (PrilikaPlus), Swiss Entrepreneurship Programme, UNDP,

USAID, Veleposlanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u BiH,Vlada Kraljevine Švedske, Vlada Švicarske

Donatori PartneriAdepto Company, Agencija za razvoj Zadarske županije ZADRA NOVA, Agromediteranski fakultet Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru, Alfa Therm, Aluminij, Alviral, Američka trgovinska komora, Američki kutak, BIT Alijansa, BIT centar Tuzla, Biznis start-up centar Bar, Bulgarian Centrе of Women in Technology, Business Academy, Catalysts, Centar ADA Mostar, Centar za inovacije i poduzetništvo Univerziteta u Zenici, Centar za tehničku kulturu, City of Dayton, CityOS Foundation, Cooltura Craft Pivovara, Dayton inspires, Dayton Sister City Committee, Degordian, Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja DOOR Zagreb, Drvni klaster Hercegovina, EkoDizajn, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Splitu, Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija Univerziteta “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru, Fakultet strojarstva i računarstva Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Feal, Grad Zadar, Hercegovačka pivovara, Hrvatska gospodarska komora, HT Eronet, Inovacioni centar Banja Luka, Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis, Institut savremenih tehnologija Podgorica, IT Academy, Klaster metala i plastike, Lasta Travel, LDA Mostar, Markeza, Meta5, Ministarstvo privrede HNŽ/K, Minores, Mljekara Pađeni, Mostar Software City, Mostar Summer Youth Programme, Mostarski sajam, Networks, Nobel Corporation, North Cape Software, Općina Budva, Pekarna Suncokret, Pizzeria Patak, Privredna komora Crne Gore, Privredna komora Makedonije, Privredna komora Srbije, Razvojna agencija Unsko-sanskog kantona, REDAH, Restoran Radobolja, Restoran Škica, Sarajevski kiseljak, SPARK, Sveučilište u Mostaru, Telemach, Turistički klaster Hercegovina, UniCredit Bank, United World College, Univerzitet “Džemal Bijedić”, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH, Vedoma – Zavod za razvoj znanja in podjetništva, Zalmo, Zendev, Zenička agencija za lokalni ekonomski razvoj ZEDA, ZK – Office

EDUKACIJEOd samih početaka INTERA Tehnološki Park svojim aktivnostima želi omogućiti korisnicima pristup znanjima kako bi oni, prateći trendove, opstali u suvremenom poslovnom svijetu. Upravo je s tim ciljem i ove godine organizirala niz edukacija na kojima su vrhunski predavači polaznicima prenosili svoja znanja i iskustva.

EDUCATIONAL EVENTSFrom its beginning, INTERA Technology Park wanted to provide its beneficiaries with access to know-how, so they could survive in the modern business world while remaining in trend. With this in mind, this year it once again organised a string of trainings during which top lecturers shared their knowledge and experience with the participants.


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CNC edukacije

Jedna od najdugovječnijih obuka INTERA Tehnološkog Parka obilježila je i ovu godinu. Kroz tri ciklusa obuke za CNC operatere i tri ciklusa obuke za CNC programere u HTEC centru INTERA TP-a polaznici su stjecali vje-štine potrebne za obavljanje jednog od najtraže-nijih poslova u BiH, ali i šire.

CNC training

One of the longest-lived trainings in INTERA Tech-nology Park marked this year too. Through three training cycles for CNC operators and CNC pro-grammers in the HTEC centre of the INTERA TP, participants acquired skills for one of the jobs in highest demand in BiH and beyond.


Kroz tri ciklusa obuke „SolidWorks“ i ove godine polaznici su ušli u svijet 3D modeliranja i dizajna. Interaktivna i praktična obuka omo-gućila im je stjecanje vještina koje pokrivaju kompletan proces dizajna – od konstrukcije i validacije do tehničke komunikacije i upravlja-nja podacima.


During three cycles of training called „SolidWorks“, participants entered the world of 3D modelling and design this year too. Interactive and practical training allowed for learning of skills that cover the entire design process - from construction and validation to technical communication and data management.


Steći vješine izrade potpunih 3D arhitekton-skih projektnih modela i njihovog pretvaranja u detaljne crteže polaznici su mogli tijekom dva ciklusa obuke „Autodesk REVIT 2017“. Polaznici su se upoznali s korisničkim sučeljem i osnovnim funkcionalnostima za crtanje, ure-đivanje i pregledavanje, a potom su naučili vla-dati razvojim alatima.


During two cycles of training in Autodesk REVIT 2017, participants acquired skills needed to make complete 3D architectural design models and con-vert them into detailed drawings. Participants first got acquainted with the user interface and basic functionalities for drawing, editing and reviewing, and then learned to master the development tools.

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Copywriting i digitalni marketing

Digitalni marketing i SEO copywriting su u temelju poslovanja razvijenih društava, ali i u budućnosti poslovanja naših krajeva. Kako bi svojim klijentima omogućio pristup pra-vim znanjima iz ovog područja, krajem veljače INTERA TP je organizirao početnu razinu obuke na ovu temu.

Copywriting and digital marketing

Digital marketing and SEO copywriting are at the root of business in developed societies, but also represent the future of business in our region. In order to enable access to proper knowledge in this industry to its clients, INTERA TP organised basic training dealing with this topic in late February.

Projekt menadžment

Kako povećati efikasnost poslovanja kao jedi-nog održivog načina poslovanja, polaznici su imali priliku učiti na treningu „Projekt menad-žment“ koji se održao krajem ožujka u prostori-jama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka.

Project management

Participants at the training titled „Project manage-ment“, held in late March in INTERA Technology Park, had the opportunity to learn about ways to increase efficiency of business operations as the only sustainable way of conducting business.

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Digitalni marketing Intermediate & Advanced

Pozitivni dojmovi polaznika prve razine bili su dovoljan razlog za organizaciju naprednijih razina treninga „Digitalni marketing“. U lipnju i listopadu polaznici su na dvodnevnim trenin-zima naučili trikove kojima njihov proizvod osvaja željeno tržište koristeći alate i tehnike za ciljanje publike i ostvarivanje prodaje s mnimal-nim uloženim sredstvima.

Digital marketing Intermediate & Advanced

Positive impressions of the participants at the first level were reason enough to organise more advanced levels of training on Digital marketing. In June and October, during two-day trainings, participants learned the tricks that make their product take the desired market by storm using tools and techniques to target audiences and make sales with minimum investment.

Copywriting Intermediate & Advanced

Nakon uspješno završene prve razine, INTERA Tehnološki Park za svoje je polaznike u svibnju i listopadu organizirao još dvije naprednije razine obuke „Copywriting“. Na dva dvodnevna treninga polaznici su usavršavali vještine pisanja tekstova koji prodaju, a naglasak je bio upravo na tajnama djelovanja ključnih riječi u tekstu.

Copywriting Intermediate & Advanced

Following the successfully completed first level of training, in May and October, INTERA Technol-ogy Park organised two more levels of training on Copywriting for its participants. During the two two-day trainings, participants worked on perfect-ing the skill of writing texts that sell, focusing on the secret of how key words in a text function.

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Europska Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka stu-pila je na snagu u svim zemljama Europske unije krajem svibnja, a INTERA Tehnološki Park među prvima je prepoznao važnost ovog novog detalja u poslovanju BiH subjekata koji posluju s europskim tržištem te organizirao predavanje na temu “Praktični vodič kroz pri-mjenu i prilagodbu poslovnih subjekata iz BiH za poslovanje s tvrtkama iz EU”.


EU General Data Protection Regulation entered into force in all European Union members in late May, and INTERA Technology Park was among the first to recognise this new detail in the opera-tions of BiH business entities conducting business with the European market, and organise a lecture titled „Practical guide to application and adapting of BiH business entities to conducting business with EU-based companies“.

Kako rastu veliki ljudi

Početkom prosinca u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u sklopu projekta Misija: biti bolji roditelj održano je obiteljsko edukativno i interaktivno druženje „Kako rastu VELIKI LJUDI“. Kroz pre-davanja dr. Ranka Rajovića i radionice za djecu prisutni su naučili kako potaknuti dječju inteli-genciju, kako zavoljeti učenje te kako dijete pota-knuti na razmišljanje. Ovaj događaj organiziran je u partnerstvu sa Centrom za tehničku kulturu, vrtićem Čudesna šuma i NTC Centrom Mostar.

How do big people grow

As part of the project titled Mission: Be a better parent, a family education and interactive get together called “How do BIG PEOPLE grow” was organised in INTERA Technology Park in early December. During the lecture given by dr. Ranko Rajović and a workshop for children, participant learned how to stimulate children’s intelligence, how to love learning, and how to encourage chil-dren to think. This event was organised in part-nership with the Centre for Technical Culture, Čudesna šuma kindergarten, and the NTC Cen-tre in Mostar.

MEETUPII ove godine svoje znanje i iskustvo korisnicima INTERA Tehnološkog Parka prenosili su vrhunski stručnjaci iz cijele Europe. Kroz različite radionice i pojedinačne susrete oni su prisutnima davali savjete korisne za unapređenje njihovih poslovnih ideja.

MEETUPSThis year too, top experts from across Europe shared their knowledge and experience with the beneficiaries of the INTERA Technology Park. During various workshops and individual meetups, they gave useful advice for improvement of the participant’ business ideas.


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Početkom veljače u prostorijama INTERA TP-a pričalo se o crowdfundingu zahvaljujući Švicarskom poduzetničkom programu koji je omogućio organizaciju meetupa s Jessicom Bailey koja je posljednjih godina pomagala organizacijama i startupima iz svih dijelova svi-jeta prikupiti potrebna sredstva ovim alternativ-nim načinom financiranja.


Thanks to the Swiss Entrepreneurship Programme, which enabled organisation of a meetup with Jessi-ca Bailey, in early February INTERA TP hosted a discussion on crowdfunding. In recent years, Jessica Bailey helped organisations and start-ups around the world collect funds they needed through this alterative way of funding.

Mentorica Evelin Lazauskaite

U suradnji sa Švicarskim poduzetničkim progra-mom INTERA Tehnološki Park početkom veljače omogućio je svojim startupima susret s Evelinom Lazauskaite, stručnjakinjom za prodaju i marke-ting koja je svoje iskustvo stjecala u Južnoj Koreji.

Mentor Evelin Lazauskaite

In early February, in cooperation with the Swiss Entrepreneurship Programme, INTERA Technol-ogy Park made it possible for its start-ups to meet with Evelin Lazauskaite, sales and marketing expert who gained experience in South Korea.

M E E T U P I – M E E T U P S

Mentorica Nikolina Babičić

Da svojim startupima omogućava pri-stup neprocjenjivim mentorskim savjetima, INTERA Tehnološki Park je dokazao i sre-dinom studenog kada je, kroz suradnju sa Švicarskim poduzetničkim programom, ugostio Nikolinu Babičić, voditeljicu prodajnog odjela uspješnog mađarskog startupa Intellyo.

Mentor Nikolina Babičić

In mid-November, INTERA Technology Park proved once again that it gives its start-ups oppor-tunity to access invaluable mentor advice, when, in cooperation with the Swiss Entrepreneurship Pro-gramme, it was a host to Nikolina Babičić, head of sales department in the successful Hungarian start-up company Intellyo.

INFO DANIImati pravovremeni pristup potrebnim informacijama često je pokretač uspjeha novonastalih poduzeća. Upravo su se zato i ove godine u INTERA Tehnološkom Parku održali info dani na kojima su se predstavili pozivi različitih donatora namijenjeni poduzećima i organizacijama.

INFO DAYSTimely access to necessary information is often a driver of success of new companies. That is why info days were organised in INTERA Technology Park this year as well, during which calls to companies and organisations by various donors were presented.


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Challenge Fond

I ove godine se u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka na info danu predstavio drugi poziv za dodjelu bespovratnih sred-stava Challenge fonda za inovativne poslovne ideje. Fond je uspostavljen u okviru projekta Challenge to change - C2C koji financijski podržava Švedska agencija za međunarodni razvoj i suradnju – Sida/Ambasade Švedske u BiH, a kroz četiri godine ga provode Sarajevska regionalna razvojna agencija SERDA i Republička agencija za razvoj malih i sred-njih preduzeća. Partner u projektu je i Region Ostergotland, Istočna Švedska.

Challenge Fund

Info day organised this year as well in the INTERA Technology Park saw presentation of the second call for allocation of grants for innovative business ideas from the Challenge Fund. This Fund was set up within the Challenge to change - C2C Project, financially supported by the Swedish Interna-tional Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA/Embassy of Sweden in BiH, and implemented over the course of four years by the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA and the RS Agency for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Ostergotland region in eastern Sweden is also partner on the project.

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WHAM projekt

Krajem osmog mjeseca INTERA Tehnološki Park organizirao je info dan na temu javnog poziva za dostavu projektnih prijedloga u okviru Projekta razvoja radne snage i većeg pri-stupa tržištima (WHAM projekt) financiranog od strane Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID). WHAM projekt trogodišnji je program koji ima za cilj povećanje broja radnih mjesta i razina prihoda kroz unaprjeđenje trgo-vinske ekspanzije Bosne i Hercegovine u EU i na regionalna tržišta.

WHAM Project

In late August, INTERA Technology Park organ-ised info day regarding public call for submission of project proposals within the Workforce and Higher Access to Markets Activity (WHAM Pro-ject), financed by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). WHAM Project is a three-year project aimed at increasing the number of jobs and income levels through improvement of trade expansion of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU and regional markets.

UGOSTILI SMOBilo da je riječ o treninzima, seminarima, natjecanjima, konferencijama ili raznim drugim događajima, INTERA Tehnološki Park u svojoj ponudi ima infrastrukturu i kapacitete za organizaciju svih tipova događaja. I ove godine su suradnici, partneri i klijenti INTERA TP-a organizirali niz događaja, a samo nekolicina ih je prikazana u nastavku.

WE HOSTEDBe it trainings, seminars, competitions, conferences, or various other events, INTERA Technology Park offers infrastructure and capacities for organisation of all types of events. This year too, INTERA TP’s associates, partners and client organised a number of events, with only few of them being listed here.


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Europrofil prezentacija

Već početkom godine INTERA Tehnološki Park se pokazao sjajnim domaćinom poslovnih susreta kada je krajem siječnja ugostio poduzeće Europrofil koje je organiziralo prezentaciju svojih proizvoda i usluga partnerima i klijentima.

Europrofil presentation

At the start of the year, INTERA Technology Park proved to be a great host at business meetups, when in late January it hosted a presentation of Europrofil company’s products and services the company organised for its partners and clients.

YEP inkubator poslovnih ideja

U drugoj polovici veljače u prostorijama INTERA TP-a su se održale obuke u okviru YEP inkubatora poslovnih ideja koje su organizirali Grad Mostar i Projekat zapošljavanja mla-dih (YEP) koji se realizira uz podršku Vlade Švicarske. Kroz obuke, sudionici su razvijali svoje poslovne ideje i jačali vla-stite poduzetničke kapacitete.

YEP business ideas incubator

In late February, trainings within the YEP business ideas incu-bator were held in the INTERA Technology Park. The incubator was organised by the City of Mostar and the Youth Employment Project (YEP), implemented with the support of the Government of Switzerland. Through trainings, participants developed their business ideas and strengthened own entrepreneurial capacities.

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EBEC Challenge

I ove godine je INTERA Tehnološki Park rado u ožujku ugostio lokalno inženjersko natjecanje „EBEC Challenge Mostar“ koje već godinama uspješno organizira udruga studenata BEST Mostar.

EBEC Challenge

INTERA Technology Park yet again had the pleas-ure of hosting the local engineering competition called „EBEC Challenge Mostar“, which has been successfully organised by the BEST Mostar Asso-ciation of Students for years.


Već nekoliko godina zaredom znanstveno-stručna konferencija SFERA se održava u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. Više od 600 zainte-resiranih prisustvovalo je dvjema konferencijama u ožujku i rujnu pod nazivom „Klimatizacija, ven-tilacija, grijanje i hlađenje“ i „Tehnologija, materi-jalizacija i sustavi za krovove“.


For several years in a row, scientific and expert conference SFERA has been held in the INTERA Technology Park. Over 600 interested persons attended two conferences in March and September, one called „Air-conditioning, ventilation, heating, and cooling“, and the other one called „Technology, materialisation and roof systems“.

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U INTERA Tehnološkom Parku u svibnju se održala konferencija „LEAPIn Mostar“ koja je ove godine okupila stručnjake koji su govorili o znanjama i vještinama relevantnim za tržište rada, neformalnom obrazovanju i aktivizmu mladih u nevladinom sektoru.


INTERA Tchnology Park in May hosted the „LEAPIn Mostar“ conference, which this year gath-ered experts who spoke about the knowledge and skills relevant for the labour market, informal edu-cation, and youth activism in the non-governmen-tal sector.


Jubilarno 10. izdanje međunarodne konferen-cije „MOSTIMUN“ svoje je svečano otvorenje imalo u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka okupivši studente iz svih dijelova svijeta s ciljem promoviranja jedinstva, dijaloga, među-narodne komunikacije i razvoja.


The 10th-anniversary issue of the „MOSTIMUN“ international conference had its ceremonial open-ing in the INTERA Technology Park. It gathered students from all over the world with the view of promoting unity, dialogue, international commu-nication, and development.

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Klauzura Sveučilišta u Mostaru

Krajem svibnja INTERA Tehnološki Park bio je domaćin klauzure Sveučilišta u Mostaru o IT tehnologijama na kojoj su INTERA TP i Udruga Mostar softver grad, kao partneri SUM-a, iznijeli mogućnosti suradnje te razvoja poslo-vanja i obrazovanja.

University of Mostar Meetup

In late May, INTERA Technology Park hosted the meetup of the University of Mostar on IT technolo-gies, during which INTERA TP and the Mostar Software City, as partners of the University of Mostar, presented opportunities for cooperation and business and education development.

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Konferencija o klasterima

Sredinom lipnja u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka održana je konferencija „Klasterizacija kao ključ konkurentnosti“ koju su, osim domaćina, organizirali i Drvni kla-ster Hercegovina, Klaster metala i plastike, IT klaster Mostar Software City, Sveučilište u Mostaru i Turistički klaster Hercegovina uz podršku Ministarstva privrede HNŽ/K kroz projekt BACAR te uz pokroviteljstvo Privredne/Gospodarske komore FBiH i Vlade HNŽ/K. Za ovu tematiku, koja je sve važnija za globalno, ali i domaće gospodarstvo, zainteresiralo se gotovo 200 sudionika koji su tijekom petosatne konferencije imali priliku poslušati korisna pre-davanja, a tijekom interaktivnih panel diskusija postavljati pitanja vrhunskim domaćim i stra-nim stručnjacima.

Conference on clusters

Conference titled „Clusterisation as the key to com-petitiveness“ was held in INTERA Technology Park in mid-June. In addition to the host, the conference was also organised by the Herzegovina Wood Clus-ter, Metal and plastic cluster, IT cluster Mostar Software City, University of Mostar, and the Her-zegovina Tourism Cluster, with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton through the BACAR project, and under the auspices of the FBiH Chamber of Commerce and the Government of the Herzegovina-Neretva Can-ton. Nearly 200 participants showed interest in this topic, which is gaining global importance. During the five-hour conference, they listened to useful lectures, and during interactive panel discussions they had the opportunity to pose questions to top domestic and international experts.


Peti „Biznis forum bosanskohercegovačke dijas-pore“, koji se održao u prostorijama INTERA TP-a krajem srpnja, okupio je oko 150 sudio-nika iz zemlje i dijaspore. Forum je organiziran pod pokroviteljstvom USAID projekta Diaspora Invest te su u okviru konferencije priliku da svoj rad i iskustvo predstave i poslovno se povežu imali brojni poduzetnici iz hercegovačke regije i dijaspore.


Fifth “Herzegovinian Diaspora Business Forum”, held in INTERA TP in late July, gathered around 150 participants from the country and from abroad. The Forum was organised under the aus-pices of the USAID project Diaspora Invest, and offered numerous entrepreneurs from Herzegovina and abroad an opportunity to present their work and experience and connect.

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EDIT 2018

Tijekom druge polovice srpnja dva tjedna u prostorijama INTERA Tehnološkog Parka mostarski su studenti unapređivali svoje znanje iz područja programiranja razvijajući rješenje za dijeljenje prijevoza u sklopu besplatne ljetne IT škole „EDIT 2018“ koju organizira poduzeće Comtrade, inače stanar INTERA TP-a.

EDIT 2018

Students from Mostar spent the last two weeks of July in INTERA Technology Park, enhancing their knowledge of programming by developing solu-tions for car-pooling as part of the free IT summer school „EDIT 2018“, organised by the Comtrade company, a tenant in the INTERA TP.

Konferencija o EU projektima

Sredinom rujna u prostorijama INTERA TP-a održala se konferencija „Korištenje EU fon-dova u kontekstu nove strategije EU za Zapadni Balkan“ u organizaciji Agencije za profesionalno usavršavanje Apriori BH i Ureda Vlade Županije Zapadnohercegovačke za europske integracije. Konferencija je na jednom mjestu okupila struč-njake za pripremu i provedbu EU projekata i potencijalne aplikante kako bi se informirali o novoj strategiji EU za Zapadni Balkan.

Conference on EU projects

In mid-September, conference titled „Using EU Funds in the Context of New EU Strategy for Western Balkans“ was organised by the Apriori BH Agency for professional development and the Office for European Integration of the Govern-ment of the West Herzegovina Canton. The confer-ence gathered in one place experts in preparation and implementation of EU projects and potential applicants so they would learn about the new EU Strategy for the Western Balkans.

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PH International

Kalendarski kraj ljeta bio je rezerviran za dvod-nevni ljetni kamp za učenike i učenice sred-njih škola te prosvjetno i policijsko osoblje u Hercegovačko-neretvanskoj županiji koji već tradicionalno organizira američka nevladina organizacija PH International. Tijekom kampa učenici su razvijali vještine liderstva za pozi-tivne promjene u lokalnoj zajednici.

PH International

Last day of the summer was reserved for a two-day summer camp for high-school students and educa-tional professionals and police in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, traditionally organised by the USA non-governmental organisation PH International. During the camp, students developed their leadership skills for the positive change in the local community.

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Mladi u digitalnom dobu

Sredinom studenog više od 300 srednjoškolaca i studenata okupilo se u prostorijama INTERA TP-a na konferenciji „Mladi u digitalnom dobu“ koju su organizirali EU info centar i BIT Alijansa. Konferencija je mladima omogućila uvid u IT sektor, a imali su priliku i čuti inspira-tivne priče predstavnika nekih od najpoznatijih IT poduzeća u BiH.

Young people in the digital age

In mid-November, more than 300 high-school and university students gathered in INTERA TP at the conference titled “Young people in the digital age”, organised by the EU Info Centre and BIT Alliance. The conference provided the young people with an insight into the IT sector, and they also had the oppor-tunity to hear inspirational stories told by representa-tives of some of the best-known IT companies in BiH.

PODRŽALI SMOU skladu sa svojim ciljevima i misijom, INTERA Tehnološki Park uvijek rado podrži različite događaje i aktivnosti partnera koji u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i šire promoviraju poduzetništvo i tehnologije. Upravo zato je i ove godine INTERA TP dao svoj doprinos konferencijama i natjecanjima koji su u regiji privukli mnogo pažnje, a pritom uključili širu društvenu zajednicu u razvoj gospodarske scene.

WE SUPPORTEDIn line with its goals and mission, INTERA Technology Park is happy to support various events and activities of its partners who promote entrepreneurship and technologies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. This is why INTERA TP again contributed to conferences and competitions that attracted a lot of attention in the region, and at the same time included the broader community in the development of economic scene.


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Youth Speak Forum

Treći „Youth Speak Forum“ u organizaciji AIESEC-a okupio je mnoštvo različitih mla-dih ljudi u prostorijama Ekonomskog fakul-teta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, a INTERA TP je podržao organizaciju ovog događaja dajući svoj doprinos dnevnom redu foruma. Direktor INTERA TP-a Vedran Šimunović održao je jed-nosatnu radionicu tijekom koje je prisutnima pružio uvid u stanje startup ekosustava u Bosni i Hercegovini dijeleći s njima savjete o stvar-nom poslovnom svijetu.

Youth Speak Forum

The third „Youth Speak Forum“, organised by AIESEC, gathered a crowd of young people at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Mostar. INTERA TP supported the organisation of the event by making a contribution to the forum agen-da. INTERA TP CEO, Vedran Šimunović, held a one-hour workshop during which he presented to the audience and overview of the start-up eco-sys-tems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and shared with them advice on the real business world.

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Noć istraživača

I ove godine INTERA Tehnološki Park i Code Hub Mostar su se upisali na listu partnera „Europske noći istraživača“. Ispred Gimnazije Mostar zainteresirani su imali priliku posjetiti štand INTERA TP-a, a u Code Hub-u Mostar pri-sustvovati prezentacijama na temu 3D printinga.

Researchers’ night

This year too, INTERA Technology Park and the Code Hub Mostar found themselves on the list of partners of the „European Researchers’ Night“. Those interested had the opportunity to visit INTERA TP’s stand in front of the Mostar Gram-mar School, and attend presentations on 3D print-ing in the Code Hub Mostar.

Sarajevo Unlimited

Već tri godine zaredom glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine postaje regionalno središte ino-vacija, poduzetništva i tehnologija zahvaljujući forumu „Sarajevo Unlimited“. Jedinstveno je mjesto na kojem se prezentiraju uspješne priče iz Bosne i Hercegovine, a ponosni partner ovo-godišnjeg izdanja, koje se održalo početkom studenog na pet različitih lokacija u Sarajevu, bio je i INTERA Tehnološki Park.

Sarajevo Unlimited

For the third year in a row, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina has turned into the regional centre of innovation, entrepreneurship and tech-nologies thanks to the „Sarajevo Unlimited Forum“. Place where successful stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina are presented is unique, and INTERA Technology Park was the proud partner of this year’s edition, held in early November at five differ-ent locations in Sarajevo.

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SEE IT Summit

Početkom studenog međunarodna IT scena se okupila u Novom Sadu na prvom „SEE IT SUMMIT-u“ na novosadskom sajmu u organi-zaciji ResEnva Consulting-a. Više od 150 među-narodnih izlagača i 2000 posjetitelja sudjelovalo je u izlagačkom programu koji je upotpunjen s 15 konferencija, a INTERA Tehnološki Park je bio ponosni partner ovog događaja.

Betapitch Mostar

Kada je Mostar prošle godine postao sredi-šte globalnog startup natjecanja i konferencije „BETAPITCH“, koji su okupili lokalne i regi-onalne IT startupe, poduzetnike i predstav-nike investitora iz regije, bilo je jasno da je to nešto što treba imati svoju tradiciju. INTERA Tehnološki Park se i ove godine vrlo rado odazvao partnerskoj suradnji sa SPARK-om na organizaciji ovog besplatnog događaja koji se održao početkom studenog na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Mostaru.

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Entrepregirl v 5.0.

Peto po redu natjecanje “Entrepregirl” u organizaciji Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology iz Bugarske ove godine poprimilo je međunarodni karakter i bilo je otvoreno za sve djevojke od 16 do 25 godina starosti koje imaju ideju, žele ju razviti, podijeliti i u konač-nici, možda, osvojiti vrijedne nagrade. Ponosni partner natjecanja ove godine je bio i INTERA Tehnološki Park.

Entrepregirl v 5.0.

Fifth competition „Entrepregirl“, organised by the Bulgarian Centre of Women in Technology from Bulgaria turned international this year, and was open to all girls between 16 and 25 with an idea they want to develop, share, and ultimately, poten-tially get an award for. INTERA Technology Park was one of the proud partners of the competition this year.

SEE IT Summit

In early November, international IT scene gathered in Novi Sad at the first „SEE IT SUMMIT“ at the Novi Sad Fair, organised by ResEnva Consulting. Over 150 international exhibitors and 2000 visi-tors participated in the exhibition programme that encompassed 15 conferences, while INTERA Tech-nology Park was the proud partner of the event.

Betapitch Mostar

When last year Mostar became the cen-tre of the global start-up competition and the „BETAPITCH“ conference, which both gathered local and regional IT start-ups, entrepreneurs, and representatives of regional investors, it was clear that it needed to become a tradition. This year too, INTERA Technology Park gladly responded to invitation to partner up and cooperate with SPARK on organising this free event that took place in early November at the Faculty of Econom-ics of the University of Mostar.

POSJETILI SMODa svako putovanje može donijeti kvalitetne poslovne kontakte i novo iskustvo, i ove su se godine uvjerili članovi INTERA TP tima. Sudjelujući na različitim konferencijama i posjećujući dugogodišnje partnere, INTERA TP tim je jačao vlastite kapacitete primjenjujući stečena iskustva na vlastite aktivnosti.

WE VISITEDMembers of the INTERA TP team once again reaffirmed that any trip can result in good business contacts and new experience. By participating in various conferences and visiting old partners, INTERA TP team strengthened its capacities by applying the experience gained to its own activities.


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Coworking prostori u Beogradu

U okviru projekta CODE, financiranog iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, INTERA TP, projektni partneri i ključni akteri u travnju su posjetili beogradske cowor-king prostore Impact Hub, Smart Office, ICT Hub Playground i Startit te Naučno-tehnološki park Beograd u kojem su se sastali i s predstavni-cima IT klastera ICT mreža i Vojvodina.

Coworking spaces in Belgrade

Within the CODE Project, funded from the Inter-reg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, INTERA TP, project partners and the key stake-holder in April visited the Belgrade-based coworking spaces, Impact Hub, Smart Office, ICT Hub Play-ground, and Startit, and the Scientific-Technology Park Belgrade, where they also met the representa-tives of IT clusters ICT mreža and Vojvodina.

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Code Hub Nikšić

U svibnju članovi INTERA TP tima prisustvo-vali su svečanom otvorenju Code Hub-a Nikšić, jednog od četiri coworking prostora koji su rezultat projekta CODE financiranog iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Prvi coworking prostor u Nikšiću otvorili su partneri INTERA TP-a, Inovaciono preduzet-nički centar Tehnopolis.

Code Hub Nikšić

In May, members of the INTERA TP team attend-ed the ceremonial opening of the Code Hub Nikšić, one of the four coworking spaces resulting from the CODE Project, funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. The first cow-orking space in Nikšić was opened by INTERA TP’s partner, IEC Tehnopolis.

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B2B Meeting Event u Bursi

U drugoj polovici rujna Vedran Šimunović, direktor INTERA TP-a sudjelovao na B2B sastancima u Bursi u Turskoj koje je organizi-rao Tehnološki Park Ulutek. Radna posjeta bila je izvrstan povod i za razmjenu znanja i isku-stava poglavito u pogledu poslovanja poslovnih inkubatora.

Peer Exchange Meetup

Početkom lipnja, voditeljica poslovnog inkuba-tora INTERA Tehnološkog Parka Meliha Gekić Lerić, na poziv Švicarskog poduzetničkog pro-grama, nekoliko je dana provela u Švicarskoj gdje je bila dijelom „Peer Exchange Meetup-a“. Meetup je okupio više od dvadeset voditelja poslovnih inkubatora iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije, Perua, Srbije, Švicarske i Vijetnama.

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Početkom listopada članovi INTERA TP tima, u okviru projekta FY4ICT koji se provodi u sklopu programa Erasmus+ i financiran je sred-stvima EU, posjetili su „INFOFEST“, jednu od najvećih regionalnih konferencija u području IT-a. Ovaj 25. po redu Festival informatičkih dostignuća okupio je impresivan broj pred-stavnika ICT sektora, redom svjetskih tehno-loških poduzeća kao što su Oracle, Microsoft, Symantec i mnogi drugi.


Within the FY4ICT Project, implemented as part of the Erasmus + programme and funded by the EU, members of the INTERA TP team visited „INFOFEST“, one of the largest regional IT con-ferences, in early October. This 25th Festival of IT achievements gathered an impressive number of ICT sector representatives from globally renown technological companies such as Oracle, Micro-soft, Symantec, and many others

My Smart City hackathon i konferencija

U listopadu članovi tima INTERA TP-a i pet korisnika Code Hub-a Mostar sudjelovali su na prvom međunarodnom „My Smart City“ hackathonu i konferenciji koji su organizirali Agencija za razvoj Zadarske županije i Grad Zadar kroz projekt CODE financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Sighter, inače startup INTERA TP-a, oduševio je žiri svojom aplikacijom te osvojio prvo mje-sto napredne razine hackathona.

My Smart City hackathon and conference

In October, members of the INTERA TP team and five beneficiaries of the Code Hub Mostar partici-pated at the first international „My Smart City“ hackathon and conference, organised by the Zadar County Development Agency and the City of Zadar within the CODE Project, funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Sighter, an INTERA TP start-up, thrilled the jury with its application and won the first place at the hackathon’s advanced level.

B2B Meeting Event in Bursa

In the second half of September, Vedran Šimunović, INTERA TP CEO, participated at B2B meetings in Bursa, Turkey, organised by the Ulutek Technology Park. The working visit was an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience, particularly with respect to the opera-tions of business incubators.

Peer Exchange Meetup

In early June, manager of the business incuba-tor in the INTERA Technology Park, Meliha Gekić Lerić, spent several days in Switzerland upon the invitation by the Swiss Entrepreneur-ship Programme, where she took part in the „Peer Exchange Meetup“. The Meetup gathered over twenty heads of business incubators from Alba-nia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Peru, Serbia, Switzerland, and Vietnam.

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Western Balkan Startup Forum

U drugoj polovici prosinca članovi INTERA TP tima prisustvovali su međunarodnoj konferenciji „Western Balkan Startup Forum“ koju je organi-zirao Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis u Nikšiću. Konferencija je okupila regionalne i međunarodne organizacije koje imaju ključne uloge u kreiranju startup ekosustava te bila ide-alno mjesto za razmjenu znanja i iskustava.

Western Balkan Startup Forum

In late December, members of the INTERA TP team attended the international conference “Western Balkan Startup Forum”, organised by the IEC Tehnopolis in Nikšić. The conference gathered regional and international organi-sations with key role in creating start-up eco-systems, and proved to be an ideal place for exchange of knowledge and experience.

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Radionica planiranja, izgradnje i upravljanja znanstvenim i tehnološkim parkovima i poslovnim inkubatorima

S ciljem širenja mreže kontakata i partnera, direktor INTERA TP-a Vedran Šimunović dva tjedna tijekom prosinca boravio je u Šangaju sudjelujući na radionici planiranja, izgradnje i upravljanja znanstvenim i tehnološkim par-kovima i poslovnim inkubatorima na poziv Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Narodne Republike Kine.

Workshop on Science Park, Business Incubator Planning, Construction and Administration

With the aim of expanding the network of con-tacts and partners, director of INTERA TP, Vedran Šimunović, spent two weeks in Decem-ber in Shanghai, participating in a workshop on Science Park, Business Incubator Planning, Con-struction and Administration at the invitation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.

POSJETILI SU NASSvakim danom i svakom aktivnošću INTERA Tehnološki Park dolazi korak bliže svojoj viziji – postajanju mjestom sastajanja domaćih i inozemnih poduzeća, mjestom koncentracije znanja i ideja, razmjene informacija i poticanja domaćih potencijala. U to su se i ove godine uvjerili studenti, partneri, predstavnici različitih institucija te visokopozicionirani strani i domaći zvaničnici koji su posjetili prostorije INTERA TP-a.

WE WERE VISITEDWith every day and every activity, INTERA Technology Park is one step closer to its vision - becoming a place where domestic and foreign companies meet, place of concentration of knowledge and ideas, exchange of information and encouragement of domestic potential. This year too, this vision was witnessed by students, partners, representatives of various institutions and highly positioned foreign and domestic officials who visited INTERA TP.


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Norveško veleposlanstvo

Početkom godine INTERA Tehnološki Park ugostio je gospođu Guri Rusten, veleposlanicu Kraljevine Norveške u BiH kojoj su članovi tima ovom prilikom prezentirali rad INTERA TP-a, kao i rezultate uspješno završenog trogodišnjeg projekta financiranog od strane Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Norveške.

Norwegian Embassy

At the start of the year, INTERA Technology Park was a host to Ms. Guri Rusten, Madam Ambas-sador of the Kingdom of Norway. During her visit, members of the team presented the work of INTERA TP, and the results of the successfully completed three-year project funded by the Minis-try of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.

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Turska delegacija

Delegacija Tehnološkog parka Ulutek Bursa posjetila je u svibnju prostorije INTERA Tehnološkog Parka. Kolegama iz Turske članovi INTERA TP tima tom su prilikom prezentirali projekte i postignute rezultate, ali i upoznali ih s predstavnicima uspješnih poduzeća, inače sta-nara INTERA Tehnološkog Parka.

Turkish Delegation

Delegation of the Ulutek Technology Park in Bursa visited the INTERA Technology Park in May. Mem-bers of the INTERA TP team presented to their Turkish colleagues projects and results, and intro-duced them to the representatives of successful com-panies, tenants of the INTERA Technology Park

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Predstavnici Veleposlanstva Narodne Republike Kine

U studenom INTERA Tehnološki Park posjetili su predstavnici Veleposlanstva Narodne Republike Kine zajedno s gospodinom Zhang Jianguo, zamjenikom ministra znanosti i tehnologije. Tijekom posjete dogovorena je razmjena znanja, iskustava i ostvarenje potencijalne suradnje.

Representatives of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China

In November, INTERA Technology Park was vis-ited by the representatives of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and Mr. Zhang Jianguo, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. Dur-ing the visit, and exchange of know-how and expe-rience and potential cooperation were agreed.

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Fondacija SHL

U prosincu su naše prostorije posjetili mladi ljudi iz svih dijelova Bosne i Hercegovine u sklopu programa „Akademija za mlade lidere u civilnom društvu“ koji organizira Fondacija SHL. Njima su članovi INTERA TP tima pre-zentirali rad organizacije i mogućnosti koje njima pružaju projekti koje INTERA TP implementira.

SHL Foundation

As part of the programme of the “Academy for young leaders in civil society”, organised by the SHL Foundation, we were in December visited by young people from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the INTERA TP presented its opera-tions and opportunities offered to young people by projects implemented by INTERA TP.

PARTNERSTVAPutem jačanja gospodarske scene u Hercegovini INTERA Tehnološki Park lakše korača uz kvalitetne partnere s kojima zajednički implementira aktivnosti i ostvaruje ciljeve. I ovu godinu je obilježilo potpisivanje ključnih dokumenata, ali i nastavak dugogodišnjih uspješnih suradnji.

PARTNERSHIPSBy strengthening the economic scene in Herzegovina, INTERA Technology Park facilitates its own work with quality partners in joint implementation of activities and goals. This year too was marked by the signing of key documents, but also continuation of long successful cooperation.


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Komora Grada Mostara

Početkom veljače Gospodarska/Privredna komora Grada Mostara i INTERA Tehnološki Park potpisali su Memorandum o razumi-jevanju vezan za suradnju u okviru pro-jekta Europske poduzetničke mreže (EEN). Sporazumom se želi doprinijeti unapređe-nju internacionalizacije i promociji poslovnih mogućnosti domaćih malih i srednjih poduzeća te podići inovativni kapacitet malih i srednjih poduzeća na području Hercegovine u svrhu unapređenja njihove konkurentnosti.

City of Mostar Chamber

In early February, the City of Mostar Chamber of Economy and INTERA Technology Park signed the Memorandum of Understanding in relation to the cooperation within the Enterprise Europe Net-work (EEN) project. The goal of the Agreement is to contribute to internationalisation and promotion of business opportunities for small and medium enterprises, and to increase the innovative capacity of small and medium enterprises in Herzegovina in order to enhance their competitiveness.

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Univerzitet „Džemal Bijedić“

Na proslavi 41. godišnjice Univerziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru, INTERA Tehnološkom Parku uručena je zahvalnica za izuzetan dopri-nos u razvoju ove prestižne ustanove. Od svog osnivanja INTERA TP rado surađuje sa svojim partnerima s Univerziteta, a tako će nastaviti i u budućnosti.

„Džemal Bijedić“ University

At the celebration of the 41st anniversary of the „Džemal Bijedić“ University in Mostar, INTERA Technology Park received a certificate of appre-ciation for exceptional contribution to the develop-ment of this prestigious institution. Ever since its founding, INTERA TP has been cooperating with its partners from the University, and will continue to do so in the future.

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Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta „Džemal Bijedić“

U rujnu Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ INTERA Tehnološkom Parku je uručio zahvalnicu za partnerstvo u realizaciji studentske stručne prakse. Kroz deveti ciklus programa Moja praksa, INTERA TP je omogu-ćio stručne prakse u lokalnim poduzećima za deset studenata ovog fakulteta.

Faculty of Economics at the „Džemal Bijedić“ University

In September, Faculty of Economics of the „Džemal Bijedić“ University awarded INTERA Technology Park a certificate of appreciation for the partner-ship in implementation of professional practical classes for students. Through the ninth cycle of the Moja praksa traineeship programme, INTERA TP enabled practical classes in local companies for ten students from this Faculty.

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Sveučilište u Mostaru

41 godinu postojanja Sveučilište u Mostaru je obilježilo prigodnom svečanošću početkom prosinca na kojoj je INTERA Tehnološkom Parku uručena povelja za izniman doprinos razvoju institucije.

University of Mostar

Forty first anniversary of the University of Mostar was celebrated in early December at an event dur-ing which INTERA Technology Park was awarded a charter for exceptional contribution to the devel-opment of the institution.

ZABAVLJALI SMO SEKlijenti, korisnici usluga, suradnici, partneri, gotovo svi oni koji ikada kroče u INTERA Tehnološki Park postaju dio velike obitelji koja zajednički stvara bolje poslovno okruženje u okolini. U pauzama od rada i implementacije različitih aktivnosti, i ove godine su se članovi INTERA TP tima družili sa stanarima i partnerima slaveći i obilježavajući najvažnije datume u godini.

WE HAD FUNClients, service users, collaborators, partners, almost anyone who ever sets foot in the INTERA Technology Park becomes part of a large family that jointly creates a better business environment in the region. During breaks between work and implementation of various activities, members of the INTERA TP spent this year as well hanging out with the tenants and partners, celebrating and marking the most important dates throughout the year.


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NCS rođendan

Početkom ožujka North Cape Software, INTERA TP startup koji nudi usluge razvoja software-a za klijente koji žele smanjiti troškove svog poslovanja bez utjecaja na kvalitetu rješenja, proslavio je svoj prvi rođendan i tom je prilikom prigodno počastio osoblje INTERA Tehnološkog Parka i kolege iz poslovnog inkubatora.

Druženje stanara poslovnog inkubatora i korisnika Code Hub-a

Početkom svibnja INTERA TP je u Code Hub-u Mostar organizirao prigodno druženje za sta-nare poslovnog inkubatora i korisnike cowor-king prostora. Ovo je ujedno bila i izvrsna prilika za proslavu izlaska iz inkubacije za tri startup-a INTERA TP-a – svoje prve tri godine uspješno su napunili Airrec, Four Game Studio i Meta Software Solutions

Alviral rođendan

Svoju prvu svjećicu na torti u čast svog prvog rođendan sredinom svibnja puhala je i vesela ekipa iz startupa Alviral. Uz hranu, slastice i osvježenje, osoblje INTERA TP-a i stanari poslovnog inkuabatora ekipi su poželjeli još mnogo uspješnih godina.

Alviral birthday

Happy crew from the Alviral start-up blew the first candle on the cake marking the start-up’s first birthday in mid-May. Staff of the INTERA TP and the tenants of the business incubator wished them many happy returns over food, sweets and drinks.

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NCS birthday

In early March, North Cape Software, INTERA TP’s start-up offering software development ser-vices for clients wishing to reduce their operational costs without making impact on the quality of solu-tion, celebrated its first birthday and organised a small get together for the staff of INTERA Technolo-gy Park and colleagues from the business incubator.

Get together of the business incubator tenants and Code Hub users

In early May, INTERA TP organised in Code Hub Mostar a get together for the tenants of the business incubator and the users of the coworking space. This was at the same time an excellent opportunity to celebrate the fact that three INTERA TP’s start-ups left the incubation - Airrec, Four Game Studio and Meta Software Solutions successfully celebrat-ed three years since they were founded.


CODE HUB MOSTARPrvi coworking prostor u središtu Mostara INTERA Tehnološki Park je otvorio kroz projekt CODE financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Namijenjen je timovima s poslovnim idejama, startupima, IT poduzećima i stručnjacima, ali i pojedincima, studentima, freelancerima, digitalnim nomadima i turistima. Svi korisnici ovog prostora, koji se prostire na više od 130 kvadratnih metara, na raspolaganju imaju radno mjesto, dodatnu opremu, prostorije za razgovore i pozive, salu za sastanke, kuhinju i kutak za opuštanje.

CODE HUB MOSTARThe first coworking space downtown Mostar was opened by INTERA Technology Park within the CODE Project funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Code Hub Mostar is intended for teams with business ideas, IT companies and experts, but also for individuals, students, freelancers, digital nomads, and tourists. All users of this space, which covers over 130 square metres, have at their disposal their work spot, additional equipment, rooms for discussions and calls, a meeting room, a kitchen, and a relaxation corner.

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Code On Meetup Vol. 1: Svečano otvorenje i dan otvorenih vrata

Kraj ožujka bio je rezerviran za „Code On Meetup Vol. 1“, dvodnevni događaj na kojem su se svi ključni akteri i zainteresirani korisnici upo-znali s radom Code Hub-a Mostar otvorenog kroz projekt CODE financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. Prvi dan je okupio ključne aktere koji su se imali pri-liku upoznati sa značajem pokretanja coworking prostora u Mostaru. Drugog dana svi su zainte-resirani imali priliku od tima Code Hub-a čuti odgovore na sva pitanja vezana za prostor.

Code On Meetup Vol. 1: Ceremonial opening and the Open Door Day

Late March was reserved for the „Code On Meetup Vol. 1“, a two-day event during which all the key stakeholders and interested users learned about the work of the Code Hub Mostar, opened through the CODE Project funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020. The first day saw gathering of key stakeholders who had the opportunity to learn about the importance of a cow-orking space in Mostar. On the second day, all those who were interested could get answers from the Code Hub team to the questions related to the space.

skeniraj i pogledajvideo prilog

UCB CCE u Code Hub-u

Sredinom travnja Code Hub Mostar postao je središte natjecanja „UniCredit Case Competition Event“ koje je okupilo 70 stu-denata iz Mostara, Sarajeva i Zenice. Oni su tijekom pet sati u timovima radili na vlastitim idejama unapređenja komunikacije banke s mladim ljudima kao potencijalnim klijentima, a najbolji su bili nagrađeni vrijednim nagradama.

UCB CCE in Code Hub

In mid-April, Code Hub hosted the competi-tion „UniCredit Case Competition Event“, which gathered 70 students from Mostar, Sarajevo and Zenica. During five hours, they worked in teams on their ideas on how the bank can improve its com-munication with the young people as potential cli-ents, and the best ones received valuable prizes.

Predavanje za studente Ekonomskog fakulteta

Suradnju s Ekonomskim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Mostaru INTERA TP je nastavio razvijati i kroz Code Hub te je za njihove studente sredi-nom travnja organizirano dvosatno predavanje. U prvom dijelu studenti su imali priliku čuti kako se teorijsko znanje o projektnom menad-žmentu stečeno na fakultetu može primijeniti u pisanju i provedbi projekata međunarodnih donatora, a u drugom dijelu su slušali važne savjete o razvoju poslovnog modela.

Lecture for students of the Faculty of Economics

INTERA TP continued developing cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Mostar through the Code Hub, and organised a two-hour lecture for its students in mid-April. During the first part, students could hear how theoretical knowledge on project management acquired at the university can be applied in writ-ing and implementing projects funded by interna-tional donors. During the second part, they heard important advice on developing a business model.

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Code On Meetup Vol. 2: Predstavljanje javnog natječaja za grant sredstva FMRPO-a

Drugi „Code On Meetup“ poslužio je kao dokaz da je Code Hub Mostar idealno mjesto za rad i razmjenu informacija. Ovim meetupom svojim korisnicima i svim zainteresiranima INTERA TP je, ugostivši predstavnike Federalnog mini-starstva razvoja, poduzetništva i obrta, omogu-ćio pristup informacijama o javnom natječaju za odabir korisnika grant sredstava u 2018. godini.

Code On Meetup Vol. 2: Presentation of the public competition for grants by the FBiH Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts

The second „Code On Meetup“ proved that the Code Hub Mostar is an ideal place for work and exchange of information. During this meetup, INTERA TP, as a host to the representatives of the FBiH Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, allowed its users and all the interested parties access to information on the public compe-tition for selection of grant beneficiaries in 2018.

Code On Meetup Vol. 3: Why Dayton Inspires

Na trećem „Code On Meetup-u: Why Dayton Inspires“, INTERA TP je ugostio člana američke organizacije Dayton Inspires koji je prisutnima predstavio rad svoje organizacije, aktivnosti na koje stavljaju naglasak, ali i mogućnosti za suradnju sa sličnim organizacijama u Mostaru.

Code On Meetup Vol. 3: Why Dayton Inspires

At the third „Code On Meetup: Why Dayton Inspires“, INTERA TP was a host to a member of the USA-based organisation Dayton Inspires, who presented the organisation’s work, activities they focus on, and opportunities for cooperation with similar organisation in Mostar.

Code On Meetup Vol. 4: Conflict Training

Kako pravilno reagirati u konfliktnim situaci-jama, svi zainteresirani su imali priliku nau-čiti u lipnju na četvrtom izdanju „Code On Meetup-a“. Trening je održao Arch Grieve, stručnjak iz Dayton Mediation Center koji se već godinama bave ovom problematikom u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.

Code On Meetup Vol. 4: Conflict Training

All the interested participants had the oppor-tunity to learn how to properly react in conflict situations at the fourth „Code On Meetup“ held in June. This training was held by Arch Grieve, expert from the Dayton Mediation Center, which has been working on this issue in the United States of America for years.

Code Movie Nights

Početak ljeta u Code Hub-u Mostar obilježila je prva filmska večer koju je INTERA Tehnološki Park organizirao u suradnji s Mostar Summer Youth Programme Book Club-om. Svi prisutni su na „Code Movie Night Vol. 1“ gledali dirljivu priču „Phoebe in Wonderland“, a večer je upot-punilo i neformalno druženje svih prisutnih. Kraj godine u Code Hub-u Mostar obilježeno je i drugom besplatnom projekcijom filma kada su svi prisutni imali priliku pogledati film Love the Coopers, toplu priču koja govori o važnosti obi-telji i značaju blagdana.

Code Movie Nights

Beginning of the summer in Code Hub Mostar was marked by the first movie night organised by INTERA Technology Park in cooperation with the Mostar Summer Youth Programme Book Club. Dur-ing the „Code Movie Night Vol. 1“, a touching film Phoebe in Wonderland was screened, while the infor-mal socialising of those present made everyone’s even-ing. End of the year in Code Hub Mostar was marked by the second free film screening, during which the viewers saw the film Love the Coopers, a warm story about the importance of family and holidays.

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Code On Meetup Vol. 5: Freelanceri – prava i obvezeIzrazito aktualna tema o pozivu Porezne uprave Federacije BiH poreznim obveznicima koji ostvaruju prihode iz inozemstva u srpnju je okupila veliki broj zainteresiranih na petom „Code On Meetup-u“. Na meetupu, organizira-nom kroz projekt CODE financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, su prisutni od dr. sc. Dragana Gabrića imali priliku poslušati o pravima i obvezama freelan-cera u Bosni i Hercegovini, pravilnoj primjeni zakona, ali i olakšicama na koje porezni obve-znici imaju pravo.

Code On Meetup Vol. 5: Freelancers - rights and duties

Particularly hot topic, invitation to the tax payers whose income originates from abroad by the Tax Administration of the Federation of BiH gathered a large number of those interested in the matter in July, at the fifth „Code On Meetup“. At the meetup, organised through the CODE Project, funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, Dragan Gabrić, Ph.D., spoke about the rights and duties of freelancers in Bosnia and Her-zegovina, proper application of the law, and tax reliefs that the tax payers are entitled to.

Coworking Cafe

Kraj rujna obilježio je i „Coworking Cafe“, događaj koji je u opuštenoj atmosferi okupio sve one koji su već postali ili će tek postati dijelom coworking priče u Mostaru. U organizaciji LDA Mostar i centra ADA, a u suradnji s INTERA Tehnološkim Parkom, u Code Hub-u Mostar na ovom su doga-đaju svi zainteresirani imali priliku čuti više o samom coworking konceptu u svijetu, ali i upo-znati se s prilikama koje se nude u Mostaru.

Coworking Cafe

„Coworking Cafe“ was organised in late Septem-ber. This relaxed event gathered all those who are already part of the coworking story in Mostar, or will become in the future. Organised by LDA Mostar and ADA Centre in cooperation with INTERA Technology Park, this event in Code Hub Mostar gathered all those who wanted to hear more about the concept of coworking in the world, and learn about the opportunities offered in Mostar.

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Fuckup Nights Mostar Vol. 1

Krajem rujna Mostar je prvi put bio doma-ćin globalnog pokreta Fuckup Nights. U Code Hub-u Mostar u opuštenoj atmosferi, uz piće i zakusku, Mohamed El-Zayat, Bruno Omerović i Aida Redžepagić u sedam minuta su ispričali svoju poslovnu priču ističući probleme i pre-preke s kojima su se susreli nasmijavajući pri-sutne. Mostarsko izdanje se održalo u okviru projekta CODE, financiranog iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, u organizaciji INTERA Tehnološkog Parka u suradnji s agencijom Promotion i SPARK-om. Za osvježenje tijekom neformalnog druže-nja pobrinuli su se Cooltura craft pivovara i Sarajevski kiseljak.

Fuckup Nights Mostar Vol. 1

In late September, Mostar hosted the global move-ment Fuckup Nights for the first time. In a relaxed atmosphere over food and drinks in the Code Hub Mostar, Mohamed El-Zayat, Bruno Omerović, and Aida Redžepagić had seven minutes to present their business story, and entertained the audience while highlighting the problems and obstacles they encountered. Mostar issue of the event took place within the CODE Project, funded from the Inter-reg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, and was organised by INTERA Technology Park in cooperation with Promotion Agency and SPARK. Cooltura craft brewery and Sarajevski kiseljak, mineral water producer, provided refreshments for this informal event.

Code On Meetup Vol. 6: How to be creative onlineU okviru projekta CODE, financiranog iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, sredinom studenog održan je i šesti „Code On Meetup“ na kojem se ponovno tražila stolica više. Četiri dame, Jelena Rozić, Jasmina Ćušić, Lucija Kontić i Nikolina Babičić, su kroz razgovor s moderatoricom Belmom Baralijom s prisutnima podijelile svoja iskustva s početka karijera, ali i prepreke na koje su nailazili osvr-ćući se na specifičnosti njihovih sektora.

Code On Meetup Vol. 6: How to be creative onlineWithin the CODE Project, funded from the Inter-reg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020, sixth „Code On Meetup“ was organised in mid-November, again attracting large audience. In a discussion with the facilitator Belma Baralija, four ladies, Jelena Rozić, Jasmina Ćušić, Lucija Kontić, and Nikolina Babičić shared with the audience their experience from the beginning of their careers, as well as the obstacles they came across, and com-mented on the specific features of their sectors.

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Coding Contest

Sredinom studenog Mostar je, zahvaljujući INTERA TP-u i Code Hub-u Mostar, prvi put u povijesti bio dijelom „Coding Contest-a“, glo-balnog natjecanja u kodiranju. Tijekom četiri sata mostarski natjecatelji imali su priliku odmjeriti snage s kolegama iz cijeog svijeta, a lokalni pobjednici su nagrađeni nagradama koje su osigurali ITAcademy i ZK-Office.

Coding Contest

In mid-November, thanks to INTERA TP and the Code Hub Mostar, Mostar was for the first time ever part of the „Coding Contest“, global coding competition. Over the course of four hours, com-petitors from Mostar had the opportunity to com-pete with their colleagues from around the world, and the local winners were awarded prizes provid-ed by ITAcademy and ZK-Office company.

Code On Meetup Vol. 7: Holiday Edition

Kako bi se na prigodan način obilježili svi rezul-tati postignuti u protekloj godini, u Code Hub-u Mostar krajem prosinca održao se „Code On Meetup Vol. 7: Holiday Edition“. Meetup je oku-pio predstavnike INTERA Tehnološkog Parka, stanare poslovnog inkubatora te korisnike Code Hub-a Mostar koji su u opuštenoj atmosferi razmijenili iskustva o svom poduzetničkom putu, ali i razgovarali o startup ekosustavu i značaju coworking prostora. Ovo izdanje Code On Meetup-a ujedno je i posljednje koje je organizirano kroz projekt CODE financiran iz Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020.

Code On Meetup Vol. 7: Holiday Edition

In order to appropriately mark all the results achieved in the past year, “Code On Meetup Vol. 7: Holiday Edition” was held in Code Hub Mostar in late December. This Meetup gathered the rep-resentatives of INTERA Technology Park, ten-ants of the business incubator, and users of the Code Hub Mostar. In a relaxed atmosphere, they exchanged experience on their business develop-ment, and discussed the start-u eco-system and the relevance of the coworking space. This “Code On Meetup” was the last one organised within the CODE Project, funded from the Interreg IPA CBC Programme HR-BA-ME 2014-2020.

skeniraj i pogledajvideo prilog

C O D E H U B M O S T A R – C O D E H U B M O S T A R



Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:00 (pon – pet)

ProKonsIng d.o.o.D r u š t v o z a p r o j e k t o v a n j e , k o n s a l t i n g i i n ž e n j e r i n g u g r a đ e v i n a r s t v u

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:30 (pon – pet)Pauza: 11:00 - 11:30

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:30 (pon – pet)

Radno vrijeme: 8:00 -16:30 (pon – pet)


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Sanjin Omerović, beneficiary of

the D4STARTUPS project

Participation in the D4STARTUPS programme

gave me a lot of good experience and knowledge.

At competitions and trainings organised by

INTERA TP within the D4STARTUPS I met a lot

of young people from various industries, and

we collaborate now. I would recommend to all

young people with ideas to come to INTERA

TP in order to realise their ideas, improve their

knowledge during numerous workshops, and

eventually perhaps become entrepreneurs.

Ajdin Heldovac, korisnik Code Hub-a MostarCode Hub kroz moderno opremljen prostor i ugodnu atmosferu pomaže startupima u početnim koracima kada oni još uvijek nemaju sredstva za finansiranje vlastitog poslovnog prostora. Korištenje Code Hub-a nam je omogućilo da poslovne sastanke obavljamo u profesionalnom okruženju, a ljubazno, i uvijek na usluzi, osoblje je samo razlog više da se osjećamo ugodno i “kao kod kuće”. Zahvaljujući Code Hub-u bili smo u mogućnosti sve resurse usmjeriti na razvoj rješenja i to je znatno olakšalo ostvarivanje cilja. Nadamo se da će Code Hub biti mjesto gdje će započeti još mnoge, uspješne, poslovne priče.

Ana Volarić, participant at training on Digital marketing Through the training on digital marketing, INTERA TP offered an innovative training designed to help establish cooperation with new buyers and keep the current ones, with minimum cost. Thinking in advance, making new opportunities, spreading to new markets, and staying recognised are but few of the goals defined upon the completion of training. Through such trainings, INTERA continues the positive trend of training in various fields in a positive and working atmosphere.

Ana Volarić, sudionica obuke Digitalni marketingKroz obuku digitalnog marketinga, INTERA TP je ponudila jednu inovativnu obuku koja je koncipirana tako da pomogne uspostaviti suradnju s novim kupcima i zadržati postojeće uz minimalne troškove. Razmišljati unaprijed, stvarati nove prilike, osvajati nova tržišta i ostati zapažen samo su neki od ciljeva proizašli nakon završene obuke. Kroz ovakve obuke INTERA TP nastavlja pozitivan trend educiranja u različitim područjima uz uvijek dobru i radnu atmosferu.

Sanjin Omerović, korisnik projekta

D4STARTUPSUčestvovanje u programu D4STARTUPS mi je

donijelo mnogo dobrog iskustva i puno znanja.

Kroz takmičenje i obuke, koje je organizovala

INTERA TP, u sklopu D4STARTUPS upoznao sam

dosta mladih ljudi iz raznih industrija s kojima

danas sarađujem. Preporučujem svim mladim

ljudima sa idejama da dođu u INTERA TP kako

bi realizovali svoje ideje, poboljšali svoje znanje

uz mnoštvo radionica i na kraju možda postanu


Ajdin Heldovac, user of the Code Hub MostarWith its modern space and relaxed atmosphere, Code Hub helps start-ups while making baby steps, when they still don’t have sufficient funds to pay for their own offices. Using Code Hub allowed us to hold our business meetings in a professional environment, and the kind and always available staff is an additional reason for us to feel relaxed and “like home”. Thanks to Code Hub, we were able to focus our resources on the development of solutions and that made realisation of our goal much easier. We hope that Code Hub will be the place where many other successful business stories will begin.